The Chattanooga News from Chattanooga, Tennessee (2024)


He is sure Vived by two daughters, Misses Ada and Della Canfield. Funeral services will be held from the residence at 8 o'clock Thursday afternoon, the Reva. W. C. Daniels, N.

W. Dalenberk and Mr. Nelson officiating, Interment will be in Chattanooga Memorial Park. Coulter's in charge. CLARKE Thomas 67, died at his residence, 2617 Arno Street, Wednesday morning.

He is survived by his wife: two daughters, Mrs. Alma Chambers and Mrs. Mildred Walker; one sister, Mrs. Lula Johnson of Chattanooga: one brother, Norman Clarke, Athens, and three grandchildren. Funeral Arrangements will be announced later by Coulter's.

CRISP- William 76, passed AWRY Tuesday evening at 9:30 o'clock at his residence, 2605 East Forty-Fifth Street. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Trion Baptist Church, Trion, the Rev. G. W. Cox, Rev, A.

M. Stancel and Rev. Hobart Goolaby officiating. Interment at Trion Cemetery, He survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary A.

Crisp: two daughters, Mra. Ida E. Steele, Trion, Mrs. Georgia M. Phillips, Chattanooga: six sons, Felix H.

Crisp, Trion, Oliver Fred Luther Virgil W. and Donald G. Crimp all of Chattanooga: sisters, MIA, Nancy Edwards, Norfolk, Mrw. Margaret Wilson, Asheville, N. brothers, Joe Crisp, Asheville, N.

Jim Crisp, West Virginia. Masonic Lodge Trion, will serve as pallbearers and have charge of service at grave. Arrangementa by National Funeral Home, FEHN--Mre. Martin, wife of Martin Fehn, former well-known business man of this city, died Tuesday night follow. ins short illness.

Funeral arrangements will be announced later by Jack 0'Donohue. FRANKLIN--Funeral services for Mra. Nancy Lee Franklin, who died in local hospital Monday, will be held at the residence in Graysville, at 2 o'elnek Thursday afternoon, Elder John C. Thompson of Southern Junior College and Prof. D.

E. Ludington officiating. Interment in Pleasant View Cemetery, Coulter's in charge. RANSOM- Funeral services for Mrs. Al.

Hatfield Ransom, 68, of Lakevlew, who died suddenly Monday mornIng at the home of her granddaughter, Mrn. 8. D. Davenport, Smyrna, will be held at 2:30 o'clock this after. noon at the Antioch Baptist Church at Cedar Grove, the Rev.

S. R. Tucker, the Rev. C. W.

Howard and the Rev. Crantford officiating. Interment In Antioch Cemetery. In charge J. Avery Bryan Company, SMITH--W.

Collins, '41, died Tuesday morning at his home at Grandview. Surviving are him wife: mother, Mrs. Oscar Smith two sisters, Elizabeth Snodgrass and Mina Mary Smith: two brothers, Oscar and J. C. Smith.

Fitneral services will be held at the remidence at o'clock Thursday afternoon, the Rev. J. M. Hinds officiating. Interment will be at Decatur, Tenn, Coulter'n in charge.

TAYLOR- Fannie 61, died Tuesday afternoon at her home 2398 Rossville Boulevard. Funeral services will be held Thursday morning at 10 o'clock from the Stone Church, the Rev, W. C. Tallent officiating. Interment at Stone Church Cemetery, She is survived by one daughter, Miss Flora Taylor, and one son, John Henry Taylor: one grandson: Mrs.

Myra Chandler, Columbiana, brothers, Jack Farris of Chattanooga: W. W. Farris, Kinston, N. Dee Farria, Sherwood, Gene Farris, Palestine, Tex. The body will remain at the National Funeral Home until the hour of service, WILSON-Paul 38, died at him remi.

dence, 609 Ledford Street, Wednesday morning. He is survived by his wife two daughters, Misses Myrtle and Frances E. Wilson: four sons, Thomas Charles Paul M. and Lester B. Wilson: father, H.

Wilson: Mix sinters, Mrn. Stella Sprigss, Mrs. Vergie Webster, Mrs. Myrtle Jarnagin, Miss Annie Wilson, Mrs. Dollie May Hawking and Mrs.

Beatrice Freeman: one brother-in-law, T. O. Burnette, Funeral services will be held from Coulter' Chapel 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon, C. G. Hounshell, assisted by Elder be in Forest Hills Cemetery, Coulter's Greer, officiating.

The interment will in charge. WOOD--Mrs. Priscilla, 89, died at 2:15 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the home of her nephew, 0. 1. Smith, 8121 Forty.

Fifth Street. Surviving are seven nieces, Mrs. N. J. Day of Lakeview, Ga Misses Ruth and Jeanette Bishop of Chattanooga: Mrn.

Lillie Tate of Whitwell, Mrs. Janie Hartman of Dunlap: M.ra. Emma Simmons and Mrs. Lizzie Moore of Cedar Grove, and three nephews, O. L.

Smith, Bunion Johnson of Dunlap and Charles John son of Kentucky. Funeral services will be held at 11 o'clock Thursday morning from the Antioch Baptist Church at Cedar Grove. the Rev. 8. R.

Tucker and the Rev. Hobart D. Goolsby offi. elating. Interment in Old Antioch Cemetery In charge J.

Avery Bryan Company. Card of Thanks We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for the kindness shown during the illness and death of our husband, father and grandfather. William L. Brew. ton: also for the beautiful floral offerings.




BREWTON SON, MISS ELOISE HARRISON, Funeral Directors National FUNERAL HOME 541 McCallle Ave, R. J. Coulter Co. 801 Vine Street. 6-6114.

3 Flowers FLOWERS for all occasions. 10 E. 11th St. CHATTANOOGA FLORIST. 6-0197 2 Lost and Found ILLINOIS Bunn Special railrond watch and metal fob, with F.

L. and initials engraved on back of watch. D. lost Monday night, South Rossville: 85 reward; no questions asked. 8-1012-W.

FOUND Auto wheel and tire on March 27th on 38d Street. Owner identify same, Call Red Dixon Service Station, on Broad near incline, In England, it is against the law to ask for hot water at a strange door, although it is legal to ask for cold water, Cold water is defined AS a necessity of life and hot water as a luxury in an ancient statute. BUILDING CONTRACTORS 219 East 10th. SMITH 6-9844. FLOORS LAID OR REFINISHED Ultra-Modern Equipment.

2-5638. Business Services House Moving and Raising Gen. Contractors. Carl Flegal, 2 2-7002. SEWING specialty; satisfaction guaranteed.

B. F. machines repaired, clocks Baldwin, 2-2208. FURNACE--STOVE REPAIRING $100 REWARD For any stove or furnace DACUS CANNOT REPAIR Let us repair your heater or furnace. 108 E.

Main St. Phone 6-0543. MATTRESSES RENOVATED MATTRESSES renovated by experts; oneservice; work guaranteed, Powell's, 6-8062. PAINTING-PAPERHANGING B-4-U paint, paper, general repair or build call us. A.

R. Gossett or C. H. Lane for best prices; guaranteed work. 2-4277.

Painting and Bennett, 6-9926. References. PAINTING papering: free estimate; references. best prices, call 2-3472. and.

PAINTING THAT HARMONIZES P. RAYMOND KERSEY, 7-2616. PARKING LOTS PARKING, 2 Hours, 10c Young's Parking Lot, 625 Chestnut St. RADIO REPAIRING repairing, 75e plus guaranteed: inspection. Hamby, 6-8249.

ELECTRICAL AND RADIO WORK 6.2412 Sweet Electrie Co. 921 Market St. RUG CLEANING UPHOLSTERY CLEANED DUNN CARPET CLEANING CO. 6-2345. 9x12, cleaned sterilized RUGS called for and delivered $2 PERSIAN RUG 6-8855 6 Business Personals FOR 24-HR.

ROAD SERVICE. DUTCH MAGRATH, 1708 McCALLIE. 2-7512. CURTAINS hand washed and stretched. Mrs.

Hawkins, 6-4485. FOR prompt delivery, call Seiters' Messenger Service. 7-1139. SPENCER CORSETS MRS. GULLEY, 2-7881.

8 Notice of Meetings Called meeting East Lodge No. 698, F. A. Wednesday, April 6. 7:30 p.m.

Work in second degree. Visitors cordially invited. W. H. BONINE, W.

M. L. C. MAXWELL, Secy. 10 Wanted to Buy BROKEN watches, rings, pins, medals, dental gold bought in any condition.

THE GOLD STORE, 4 E. 9th St. CASH paid for men's second-hand clothes, shoes. Also shotguns and Alper'a, 117 Enst 9th St. 6-2829, MEN'S GOOD secondhand clothes, also shotguns: pay good prices.

Dial 6-9344. WILL PAY SPOT CASH FOR USED PIANOS, CALL JOHN O. FOWLER, 7-2174. (12 Female Help Wanted 5 GIRLS, over 16, four waitresses, cashier. Moon, 1091 E.

7th. EXPERIENCED white waitress. 611 Walnut St. COLORED girl: must be good cook: also housekeeping and laundry work; ref. erences.

417 W. 6th St. married women. SPECIAL, and your own dresses FREE. No canvassing.

Give age and dress size. Fashion Frocks, Dept. G-7512. Cincinnati, 0. 13 Help Wanted- -Male SALESMAN WITH CAR.

SALES PROMOTER TO ASSIST. APPLY 208 NORTH FRAZIER. 16 Agents Wanted AGENTS -SELL SOAP DEALS DIRECT TO THE HOME Stuchbery Mfg. 1417 Market St. 18 Position' Wanted- -Male COLORED MAN wants job chauffeur, janitor, house cleaning.

748 Ft. Wood. 20 Business Opportunities COMBINATION business, doing over 000 per month. Sacrifice for cash. 2-5879.

22-A Auto Loans AUTO LOANS $100 TO $300 Due to our low legal rates we cannot afford to spend much money ad. vertising. Do not look for large ads from this company. Come in or phone 1A. This low rate saves you money.

FINANCE CORP. OF TENN. 806 Cherry St. Phone 6-5178. 22 Auto and Furniture Loans WHEN YOU NEED A LOAN UNDER $500 Use your car or property in the -as security.

Home is the greatest of all Institutions, and for twenty-five years it has been my happy privilege to assist Chattanooga folks in financing its needs. If you have some troublesome requirementa at this time, permit me, or one of my courteous assistants. to help you. G. R.

FOX, Manager. Hamilton Finance Corp. 111 WEST 8TH ST. PHONE 6-0049. 22 Auto and Furniture Loans CASH LOANS UP TO SEVERAL HUNDRED DOLLARS Absolute Privacy Prompt Service Choice of Plans Flexible Terms FIDELITY LOAN SAVINGS CORPORATION 214 Vol.

Bldg. Phone 7-2141, 23 Articles for Sale BIG ASSORTMENT screen doors, priced $2 to $12. Stovall Hardware 711 Cherry St. China cabinet, perfect condition. $10.00 Universal electric range.

19.50 Apartment size piano. 39,50 Home Furniture 911 Market. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR New, cu. $134,50. Modern Electrie Appliance, 508 Mkt.

7-1816. ELECTRIC sewing machines, dinette suites, kitchen cabinets. at prices to move. Noah's Ark, 522 Mkt. 6-6643.

GOAT'S MILK Delivered daily, W. W. Dupre, 2-6846. GARDEN TOOLS, garden seeds, STRES seed, Vigoro and pruning tools. Stovall Hardware 711 Cherry St.

GARDEN tools, poultry wire, lawn hardware, seeds, fertilizer, paints, roofing. Chatta, Hardware 2615 S. Broad. GOAT MILK delivered in Chattanooga. Trew Son, Ringgold, R.

No. 3. FARMER HEADQUARTERS plow repairs, harness, poultry and dairy supplies. Chattanooga Hardware 2615 S. Broad St.

6-0157. ICE REFRIGERATORS -Good selection 25-lb. and 50 selling at bargain prices and easy terma. Hatfield Keef, 61 E. Main phone 6-3247.

INLAID chest, table, other fur. Sniture, 622 E. Terrace. 6-5949. LAWN mowers, hedge clippers, plows, rakes, hoes.

Guaranteed quality paint. Home and Farm. 8. Market at Main. LAWN steel and MOWERS, Eclipse brand, both Varnell Hardware 110 E.

Main St. LAWN MOWERS, garden tools, garden seed, gEARS seed, Vigoro, etc. We sharpen lawn mowers. Crisman Hardware Co. "Look for the Big Knife." 511-18 Market St.

LIQUIDATION SALE New plumbing supplies and fixtures bargain prices. Weber Plumbing Supply Co. 720 E. Main St. POULTRY FENCE The beat cheapest.

Good weight -proper spacing. Lowest prices. BROWN FENCE CO. 17th Brond. 7-2932 SEWING MACHINES-8 slightly used Singer electries, console type.

Like new. Great bargain. 50 Frazier 6-9724. SEAT covers for coupes, conches and sedans, $2.49. BILLS, 538-40 MARKET ST.

SCREEN WIRE -Galvanized, copper and black, screen doors, paints all kinds, N. J. Mabry Hdw. St. Elmo.

$22 newly upholstered glider $12.50 Oak gliders, $6.50: good piano 39.50 M. T. Gwin, 1300 Dodds. 2-5512, Waterproof porch glider. $14.50 Small size porch glider.

8.95 7-piece dinette suite, bargain. 42.50 Envy Terms. OSBORN'S, 25 F. Main St. TWO 5.25x17 6-ply tires.

Bargain. Long, easy terms. Hart's Automotive Parts, 1250 Market. 6-1148. 3-PC, wicker suite, $14.50: remnant leum, 2e sq.

oil stove, $8.95. Fur. niture Exchange, 4925 Ross. Blvd. 8-9266.

24 Swaps "SWAP ADS" for individuals run without charge. Swap one article for other. For sale ads are not acceptable in swap column. All ads must definitely state what they we will exchange for. The News reserves the right to revise or reject swap ads any time not conforming to the rules and will appreciate the reader reporting any misrepresentation made by advertisers.

Motor-driven vehicles and real. estate not acceptable. This is necessary in order to carry out the purposes of this SWAD column. CANARY singer, good, clean stock. exchange for lawn mower, coll bed springs, oil stove or one ton of coal.

2-1085, 1816 Kyle St. CROSLEY RADIO (5-tube), all-wave, for young chickens. 6-8295. CROCHETED luncheon set, for 50-lb. refrigerator.

6-9985. COMPLETE set of nationally known correspondence schools on for frigidaire or furniture. 6-9985. DIAMOND value, for furni. ture.

3-9266. FIBRE settee, will make bed, for Simmons coil springs. 2-4714. GOOD rabbit dog or dog, trade for hieyele or shotgun. tree, West Gordon Rossville, KITCHEN RANGE.

Mascot make, with hot water connection. for good breakInst suite. 2006 South Willow. POUR good tree dogs, for bicycle, guitar, piss or chickens. Dennis Beard, 105 Ammons, Rossville, Ga, LARGE iron gate, swap for chickens.

2.1472 COTTON PLANTER. Spring wagon, 1. horse corn planter, corn crusher, 7-H. P. gasoline engine: silage cutter.

manure spreader, good coal bake oven. rig SaW. swap corn or cattle. 517 Broad St. FAT cow to swap for fresh cow.

8-2217. MODERN $102.50 Roper gAR stove, like new, for modern electric stove. 8-1728. after 6 p.m, OLD STYLE davenette, good condition, for muzzle-loading gun or rifle. 4921 Rosaville Blvd.

3-9137. PRACTICALLY new Nisley's one-strap black faille slippers, size 6AA, for 6x9 kitchen linoleum or porcelain top table. Call 2-6841, after 5 p.m. RADIO, for used brick. 6-1796.

SHIRLEY, chickens TEMPLE or eggs. Spring 6-2617. hat and coat, Strolling down. 'Nooga's main street. The News Candid Cameraman caught this petite miss.

Isn't that peach of snapshot? Swell enough to grace one's billfold. If you're looking for the one good action picture just see the Candid Cameraman and have him take your picture. And then be sure to send your card to The News, and you will receive within fourteen days three of the very best kind of shots. Classified Ads are sure. salesmen for your goods.

You can not only buy and sell, but you can rent, swap and conduct legal business through this medium. Swaps SWAP--E. Z. Way 5-burner oil range, built-in oven, conceal full tank, good as new, swap for 2 pigs weighing 90 or 100 pounds or 20 bushels of corn. Mrs.

Berry, R. 2, Hixson, Noreross Rd. SWAP beautifully marked fox terrier dog. 9 months old, for a 'very small bluck dog. preferably rat terrier or Scottie, .40 4512 St.

Elmo Ave. SWAP 36x60 baby bed, for sewing machine in good condition. Mrs. Tom Sharp, Route 1, La Fayette," Gar SWAP-A-1 Corona portable typewriter, for standard size No. 12 Remington typewriter.

Call 7-1461 after 5 p.m. SWAP 6 pairs lace curtains, for 100 baby chicks or 10 hens: practically new 28-in. bieyele, for electrie drill. 2-9262. SWAP small diamond ring, for electric refrigerator in good condition: also crocheted luncheon set, for kitchen cabinet or large dresser.

6-1428. SWAP--Laundry stove for load of fertilizer or rich dirt; bird cage and stand for rich dirt. Call 2-4601. SWAP cannas and Rambler roses for green ivy and phlox. 2-3252.

SWAP new air conditioned refrigerator and mahogany Pullman davenette, for electric refrigerator. Phone 2-5857. 25 Musical Instruments PIANOS--All new type, at lowest prices. Good reconditioned band instruments as low as $5 at LANSFORD'S, 730 CHERRY ST. WILL PAY SPOT CASH FOR USED PIANOS.

CALL JOHN O. FOWLER, 7-2174 26 Seeds and Plants SEED POTATOES, sOy beans, all rieties, Sudan grass, field seeds, all kinds. Security Feed Seed 1201 Broad St. 6-3846. TOMATO and cabbage plants; lawn mow.

ers. Agnew Hdw. 30 Frazier Ave. 28 Live Stock, Poultry AUCTION SALE MULES AND MARES THURSDAY, APRIL 7TH We will have in this sale 75 mules and mares; anyone having stock to sell can them in this sale, NO SALE- -NO CHARGE LYNCH YARNELL FOUST-YARNELL STOCK YARDS CHATTANOOGA, TENN. PHONE 3-1427 CALL Chapman's Hatchery for, your big.

husky, blood-tested baby chicks. All standard breeds and custom hatching. Phone 2-5110. Lightfoot Mill Road. BABY CHICKS, baby turkeys.

Try Security Chiek Ration on your baby chicks and watch them grow. Security Feed Seed Co. 1201 Broad St. 6-8846. LOOKOUT CHICKS--Blood tested; $6.50 per 100 and up; 10 leading breeds: call 6-7320 or write for catalogue.

Chattanooga Hatchery, Chattanooga, Tenn. 29 Coal and Wood Best range, grate, furnace and stoker coal; locked and sealed delivery. ACME COAL CO. 6-1183. ROYAL COAL 6-8105 Orders for $1.00 and up delivered.

Blue-Blaze egg, Rainbow egg, $5. MOORE COAL CO. --6-2563 SUNSHINE -Whitwell or Soddy, 4-ton lots, lump, $4.95: egg. $4.85: nut, $8.95. Sunshine Coal co*ke Co: 7-2188.

ASH WOOD- Truck, $2.50. Immediate delivery. CHATTANOOGA. HANDLE co. Phone 2-4324.

High-Grade Coal Cheap TENN. RIVER COAL CO. 7-2111 30 Rooms for Rent ATTRACTIVE rooms for men: rates inc. membership privileges. Industrial Y.

M. C. Mitchell near Main Mkt. DESIRABLE residential section, furn, or lights, hot water, furnace, 6-1069. GA.

422-Large corner bedroom, all modern conveniences. CHOICE room, good location: all conveniences: pri. bath: optional. 2-9516. E.

-14TH, 2003 unfurn. rooms, lights, water $15. Call after 6 p.m. LET us rent your rooms or apartments. Room Reptal Agency, 6-7924.

HOLTZCLAW 2016-Two unfurnished rooms, private home. 2-9660. NOTICE. TVA WORKERS Nice all conveniences, 2651 Glass 2.3672. 31 Housekeeping Rooms BEECH 911-Two furnished rooms, frigidaire, gas, sink; garage.

2-2337, p.m. CLOSE IN (604 Cypress) nice 2-room. gas. lights, hot water, gArage: $7 week. 6.1852.

E. 4TH 623-Furnished rooms, dishes, linens, lights, water: $2.50: $3. McCALLIE. 811-Furnished housekeeping rooms. $2.50 and $3.

Also apartments. 137 Business Places for Rent SPLENDID storeroom with nice living room, bedroom, kitchenette bath above, 1127 Market reasonable rent. Apply to any real estate agent or J. B. Pound, care Hotel Patten, STOREROOMS FOR RENT-A-1, 20x65 415 E.

Main and 1423 E. Main, $20 month. Hamilton Realty 6-6850. STORE BUILDING, well located, in East Chattanooga; excellent for small business: $10 month, Stephens Realty 1-1107. 41 Wanted to Rent LIST your rental properties with us.

Sam Chester 6-1228. 42 Real Estate for Sale WE LIST BELOW A FEW PROP. ERTIES HOME OWNERS' LOAN CORPORATION FOR SALE, WITH REASONABLE CASH PAY. MENTS AND SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS, INCLUDING -INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. HIGHLAND PARK Six-room bungalow, furnace, hardwood floors, two rooms: house in good condition.

Corner lot: venient to bus line and schools. The monthly payment in $26 per month, including interest. EAST OF RIDGE Six rooms, large living room, breakfast room, three bedrooms, hardwood floors, nice lot, 50x170 feet: on bus line and one block of school. Monthly payments $35.54 per month, including interest at EAST SIDE Four blocks of Georgia Ave. Near University of Chattanooga, 5 rooms.

new roof, new paint, monthly paymenta $19.57 per month, including interest. We have desirable H. O. C. homes in all sections of the city, all sizes and all prices, that we can sell on terms similar to the above properties.

If you contemplate buying we invite your consulting us without ob- ligation. F. L. GATES COMPANY REALTORS. 729 Walnut 7-1534, 7-2978.

EAST RIDGE- -Close in on State Line Road in Georgia, lot 85x158 feet, new 4-room house, good basem*nt; $1,450 easy terms. EAST RIDGE -Close in, near school and bus: well-located lots, $150 each. 2-7705, Simmons. E. RIDGE-4-room house with bath; near school and bus.

Bargain. 2-5385. FERGER PLACE -Modern brick home, has just been redecorated, splendid home. Will take smaller property AR part pay. John R.

Evans, 618 Walnut. 6-7075. EAST OF RIDGE (only 2 blocks of bus) -6 acres and 4-room house, on good paved street. Price $1,500: terms, $500 cash, balance $20 monthly. Smith Johnson.

6-3014. MODERN 6-room bungalow, east of ridge, near bus, big sacrifice, $3,250 easy terms. H. C. Eickhoff.

6-2235. NICE 2-acre tract, creek through it; good road: lights: close in: $450. $10 down, $10 month. Lea, 6-6314. 2-7021.

RED BANK section, 4-room cottage, one acre land: $1,500 easy terms. T. Dorsey, 6-5328, 6-8922. WILL PLAN AND BUILD on your lot, with payments like rent: FHA loans. A.

A. LEWIS, Builder. 6-8572. WILL build to suit purchaser at FHA rates. East of Mission Ridge in Sylvan Hills.

George W. Krichbaum, 3-0579. WHY PAY RENT North Chattanooga, 5-room house, newly painted and decorated, close to school and bus: $2,000 for quick sale. Call owner. 7-1267.

YOU CAN OWN A HOME FHA Payment Plan- -Call Today CREED W. MAYNARD 120 West 8th. Realtor. 6-6436. $275 DOWN and $21.85 monthly buys attractive Highland Park home, furnace: best section.

Rose-Davis Realty 6-3733. 6-ROOM, nice bungalow, near Beverly Hills, mile from Rossville, block to bus: immediate possession: $1,750: $100 cash easy terms. Sam Bankson. 6-2741. 18 ACRES in pine timber, $750, East Ridge, 10 miles from courthouse.

ACRES on Igou Road, $550, Call Smedley or Silver, 6-7833, 512 Temple Court Bldg. ACRES, 8 rooms: lights, water: 9 miles out: $1,100: $75 cash: $15 month. 18 ACRES, no house, lights, spring, brook; $50 cash, $15 month. 2-4151. 65 ACRES good land, 20 miles out on main highway, 4-room house: $1,750.

15 ACRES, no improvements, plenty of timber for building. good road, running water, electric lights: W. A. DeFriese, 6-3343, 2-9245. LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN Two-story residence, with three bedrooms, two hardwood floors, ample closet space.

Full basem*nt. Hot-air furnace. Electric hot water heater, near West Brow Road, corner Park Road and Lincoln Street West, price, $7,500. WEBSTER COLBURN 1222 Volunteer Bldg. 6-5111, Trade--Dallas Heights We have just redecorated this twostory stucco of 3 bedrooms and 2 baths.

The monthly payment on the mortgage is $57.60. Will trade for smaller house or good vacant lot. FERGER 6-8101 DODDS $2,500 Good, 5-room home in best section of Ridgedale. Fronts east. House needs some repairs.

We will sell for no down payment if you make the repairs, Balance in monthly payments about like rent. American Trust Banking Co. REAL ESTATE DEPT. 11 E. 8th St.

6-2326. Waldorf. 6-4526. Young, 3-0275-W. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE (42 Real Estate for Sale ACRES-5-room modern house, beautiful view, East of Ridge, Price, terms.

Call Pardue, 7-1058, 2-6498. BRICK DUPLEX- -Have the pleasure of your own home with an income to assist you. 9 rooms, 2 baths, basem*nt, servant's quarters, furnace stoker, dougarage. Sacrifice. McCARTY AGENCY, 6-2241, Res, 8-2684.

WILL sell you lot and build to suit you. cash and per month. Duncan, 3-1499-J. 43 Farm Lands for Sale GOOD 4-room house, barn, 20 acres, near new lake, TVA lights; $1,850. 406 Market St.

ON CHICKAMAUGA LAKE -Large rustie 7-room log lodge with 73 acres of good land, tenant house, barn, etc. Right on bank of Chickamauge Lake. E. F. HUBBLE 6-6314.

47 acres, 6-room house, lights, water, on oiled road; a bargain. 6-room house, 6 acres, orchard, on State highway, sell or exchange for Highland Park or Glenwood home. 22 acres, 3-room house, small orchard; a bargain: miles from Rossville. Gentry Neal. Ellis Rossville, Ga.

Phone 8-1247. 58 ACRES, 14 miles out, 2 good springs, plenty of timber, extra good barn and outbuildings; cheap 4-room house. Only $1,250: cash, terms to suit on balance. C. G.

Fox ask for Mr. Strickland, 3-0338, Rossville, Ga. 58-ACRE BARGAIN On Birmingham Highway, 23 miles from Chattanooga, good six-room house, wired for lights. Double garage and other outbuildings. Fine well at back door.

All fenced. Only $8,000. Terms can be arranged. Better see this at once. B.

M. Crabtree, 106 East Sixth Street. 7-1038. 45 Lots for Sale MARTIN lot, blocks from Dayton $400 cash. 2-5082.

SACRIFICE-3 lots, Each lot 100x160, total acres. Good street. City water, lights, Hickory Valley subdivision, near E. Brainerd Road, $350 for all. 7-1938.

45-A Real Estate Loans F. H. A. LOANS DOCKERY-WITHERSPOON CO. 1233 Volunteer Bldg.

Phone 6-5111. LOAN SPECIALISTS $1,000,000 to build new homes or finance old mortgages; apartment houses and business property. Monthly or yearly plan. Also FHA loans. Fidelity Trust Co.

6-4149. 120 Cherry 52 Automobiles for Sale BARGAIN-1929 Ford coupe, $42.50: free license. 4009 Tennessee Ave. EQUITY in 1981 Chevrolet coupe, new paint, good condition. Phone 2-6086.

Kimbrough-Kratzer Motor Co. 8008 Dayton Blvd. 6-2024. See Our Selection of Good Used Cars. BROAD ST.

GARAGE USED CAR DEPT. 407-409 Broad 7-1883 Bob Ragon. '84 Chevrolet Standard coach, clean $257 '31 Ford Spt. roadster (r. 127 McCOOL AUTO 410 Broad.

6-6787. '31 Oldsmobile new tires good paint, real bargain; $160. Call 2-9456 after 7 o'clock. 54 Automobiles Wanted This 5th day of April, 1938. ZELMA F.



HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR LATE MODEL USED CARS PRICE AUTO 1508 Rossville Ave. 56 Legal Notices am no longer responsible for any debts made other than my own. H. A. CUNNINGHAM.

No. 56499. State of Tennessee, Circuit Court of Hamilton County, Lena Bailey Vs. Clarence Bailey. It appearing from allegatione in complainant's bill, which is sworn to, that Clarence Bailey is nonresident of the State of Tennessee that the ordinary process of law cannot be served upon him.

It is ordered that publication be made for four successive weeks in The Chattanooga News, newspaper published in Hamilton County. notifying said nonresident to appear at the next May Rules of said Court, to be held at the Court House in Chattanooga on the first Monday in May, next, the same being Rule day of said Court, and make defense to said bill or the same will be taken for confessed, and the cause set for hearing ex parte as to him. Used Car DEPEND IA SE Bargains CAL 1931 Dodge Sedan, extra clean. 1936 Chevrolet Coach 410 1932 Chev. Conch, new paint, tires 240 1934 Plymouth Conch 280 1938 Plymouth Coach 260 1935 Ford V-8 Sedan $10 1936 Ford V-8 Coach 895 1935 Plymouth Sedan, radio 395 CITIZENS MOTOR CO.

617 Broad St. Phone 6-8181 The feathers of the touraco are not waterproof; the colors wash off in a rain. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE PONTIAC ALL USED CARS LOZE 325-7 They AT BROAD All are Market Prices The Cars St. not Guaranteed PONTIAC Best at MARKET Reconditioned down Have ARE BETTER Deal to a in 1938 in up Rock-Bottom price. to PONTIAC Town a License Writing BECAUSE PLAN INSTALMENT Broad Quality, CO.

84. LOZH-40 PONTIAC 9019 90:9 9049 9049 AUTOMOBILE SALE "OLD TRADE -TIMER" BEATRICE REYNOLDS 4513 Highland Alton Park. 31 Housekeeping Rooms W. 6TH, 205-Completely furn. housekeep.

ing rooms, $3 6-5904. 32 Rooms and Board MANI Let us house and feed you In the modern way At normal pay At 401 Lindsay. 6-1944. MeCALLIE AVE. -Extra large room, twin beds, cont.

water, Gentlemen. 6-0975. OAK, 829-Large, desirable room, all modern conveniences. ROOM and board for business or elderly lady. 18 N.

Parkdale Brainerd. 33 Apartments for Rent E. 89TH 2804-- Unfurnished duplex adults. Call 2-7130. CEDAR nice rooms, porch; $25.

Apply apt. or 526 Pine. 7-1420, 6-0843. FOR modern apartments furnished or unfurnished phone 7-1322. McCallie, 734-4 rooms, bath; water furnished: $20 mo.

C. V. BROWN 6-8135. LOOKOUT, 405-5-rm. brick, $20.

James R. Chamberlain Co. 6-5152. GILES APARTMENT. Atop Lookout Mountain.

Ideal, modern apartments, four and five rooms, half block from incline. $65 to $85 per month. A. C. PINCKLEY, Agent, East 8th St.

6-1818. OAK 517-4 rooms, redecorated, $17.50 per month. E. Cecil Phillips Agency. 6-1107, 117 E.

8th St. ST. ELMO-Modern, 3-room pri. entrance and bath. 8-0566.

TWO, THREE OR FOUR ROOMS, REASONABLE: CLOSE IN. 6-2921. W. 6TH, 4-room first floor: water furnished: $20. James R.

Chamberlain Co. 6-5152. 34 Apartments, Furnished E. 4TH, 728-3, rooms, kitchenette: private bath; gas, oil: front entrances: 1st floor: completely furnished. E.

4TH, 728- -Bedroom, kitchenette; completely furnished: light, clean. VIRGINIA 6-ROOM bedrooms, porch, beat, water: janitor service. a 6-2921. COMFORTABLE, -round, first floor furnished apartment, newly decorated, steam heat; couple. 2-1888.

DODDS, 800-2 rooms completely lights, water: adults. $3.50 wk. 2-4088. LONG efficiency, electric range: heat; janitor service: $27.50. Phone 2-6460, after 6 p.m.

MADISON-520 PINE 2-room efficiency, $30, furnished, $2.50 extra. Apply 526 Pine. 7-1420. MAYFAIR, 589 Modern small apt. Nicely furn.

Close in. NICELY furnished newly decorated, garage: reasonable; adults. 2-6916. ROBINSON APARTMENTS Efficiency, by week or month; also 4-room apt. Call 6-4552.

W. 6TH, 604-2 nice rooms; lights, water, phone. 35 Houses for Rent Georgia Avenue 4 bedrooms. N. C.

(Barton Ave.) -2 bedrooms. St. Elmo (Tenn. Ave.) --8 bedrooms. Anita George.

6-1377. LAKEVIEW-5-room house, near church, $20 per month. 8-1499-J. ST. ELMO 5401 Ala.

6 rooms, garage HIGHLAND PARK 2104 E. 12th-6 rooms in apartment building: good condition 30.00 406 Highland Park rooms 25.00 A. C. PINCKLEY, Agent. 9 E.

Eighth St. Phone 6-1818. 6-ROOM briek, in good condition, East Side, close in. Dorsey, 6-8922, 6-5328. 1608 Jefferson, 4 rooms $3.50 1926 Myrtle, 3 rooms 2.75 2204 Dorris, 8 rooms, bath, garage 8.25 Apply 2209 Ross.

Blvd. 2-7889. 506 Young St. -7 rooms $45 212 Island 4-R. apt.

18 SAM CHESTER 6-1228. 4908 St. Elmo 5 rooms. .828 2007 E. 14th 5 rooms 25 F.

L. GATES 729 Walnut St. 7-2978. 36 Houses, Furnished Battery bedrooms, 8. porch, Georgia 8 bedrooms.

Riverview- bedrooms. Cameron Hill- Bedrooms. Also Signal and Lookout Mtns. Anita George. 6-1377.

36-A Moving, Storage ABC TRANSFER Large vane: 5 rooms, $5 experienced men: new pads: local, long-distance. Bob Smith, Mgr. 7-1636. Night and Sunday, 6-0508. LOCAL and LONG-DISTANCE MOVING The City's Oldest Transfer Co.

CHATTA. TRANSFER STORAGE co. Agents Allied Van Lines. 6-5141, small van, moving, $1 per room. night, 6-0503.

FOR A NEW MODERN USED CAR 9049 COMPLETE USED CAR Close-Out D. S. Etheridge Inc. FORD-LINCOLN. Puts on the Spot 89 Late, Light, Low Priced Cars '37-'36-'35-'34-'33-'32-'31- '30 MODELS.

Ford Chevrolet Pontiac Dodge Willys Studebaker Buick De Soto Lincoln Packard Hupp Zephyr Coupes Sedans Coaches Roadsters Trucks Pick-Ups. Loner OLD TIME CAR as FIRST payment. If Your Old Car WIll Run to Our Salesroom We WIll Take It as First Payment on One of Our Cars. 1936 EBRLY Ford BIRD Fordor Sedan Senegal mahogany brows black finish, with oyster shell hairline stripes wheel trim. Unusually low milenge.

U. S. Royal latex balloon cord tires. Interior hand-tailored and. hand-fitted.

Excellent praisal. Very low terms. Retuned motor. Start first monthly payMay menta next $399.99 '32 Ford Sedan Retuned, quintuple checked, spotless throughout. Mongolian teakwood finish.

Terms Trade. $119.99 Buick Sedan Fisher body, valve-in-head motor. Good year tires. Retuned, oleaned. washed, polished, lubricated.

Good trade. Terms $129.99 Chev. Coupe No-draft Fisher body, retuned 6-oglinder motor: Hood tires: clean Easiest throughout. terms Big trade. $189.99 '34 Ford Tudor Retuned and quintuple checked Ford V-8 motor, perfect Firestone gumdipped tires: clean throughout big terms trade.

Easy $229.99 $34 Plym. Coach Aquamarine, midnight blue finish, with old Roman Ivory stripes, Goodrich Silvertown cord tires. Clean. Trade Guaranteed. Terms.

$249.99 '34 Ford Fordor Very low mileage, spotless inside and out. Direct from original owner; quintuplet checked. Guaranteed. Big trade. Terms $289.99 $35 Ford Sedan Complete quintuple retuned and checkover the Etheridge way.

Fully guaranteed. Best trade in Tennessee. terms Easiest $319.99 '35 Chev. Coach No draft, turret top, spotless interior, marvelous finish: guaranteed best Easiest appraisal in terms Tennessee. $319.99 '37 Ford Fordor Run 5,500 miles, touring Fordor dan, with spacious trunk, many extras, complete de luxe equipment.

Fully guaranteed. Best trade in border in reason States. Any terms $549.99 1937 EARLY Lincoln- BIRD Zephyr Coupe Special Mozambique azure blue, with Confucian ivory stripes. Long and short range radio, equatorial heater, powerful motor. Run but littie: modish, stylish, and completely, retuned and guaranteed.

Excellent trade. Your in reason own terms $869.99 CoN DONT I NEED money Just bring good name and steady Job- It your credit is good you can write your own ticket on terms at this sale. Open Tonight Tomorrow Night D. S. Etheridge Inc.

FORD-LINCOLN 325-333 Market St. Phone 6.3181. USED CAR SALE.

The Chattanooga News from Chattanooga, Tennessee (2024)


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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.