Burlington Clipper from Burlington, Vermont (2024)

ESSEX JUhCTICN BCRLINGT01 SUBURBAN UST Scrofula rt Kr L. fS 6V 4 ttrsnoj ii ho-Te-iou or Waibingto: kw jf. lut rvnti are being Ifiu tbe cftrtS every aftrr-liooy i ver.trg this week. The? cottrsa coin Sluidy. The ser -Kf a o'clock.

In Vn ion there is Strength. In I'nion Suits the Warmth ami Comfort. Mr E. II. WilHar 2a.is;Mcr, Is very often acquired.

HO. though generally Inherited. dt 5 itm fit wits' Bad hvene. foal air. imenre sti lvi3 i aud tfcts town 0 SALE OF GJNI(DN StDHTS water, are among iw causes, -hat tbe presiding the Kev G.

w. It Called "the SOU for iHonofbt A3an, will bepresecC tubercles," and where it is Kfcy Ble 111 to remain tubercu- H. Br0y aa Raymond, of lOSlS Or CO nSUITl ptJOn IS Msdi'hory, visited hi brother, 1 J. pretty to take root. Hoou Soarsaparilla i Mr.

L. A. Piaa Mi. Marx wba frnve trtn rptedicg several weeks tbe tmn br Dr Mrs C. Ft no.

started Monday for their cc-ce is Stamford, Cos 3. Mis Fay aad Mrs P. of Califors'a are visitsjjg Mr scd Mis Homer W. Ricg. Tbe regular communications of Ethan Alien LoUge.

aad A M. will be re-suised Thursday evtaisg after a two months' recess. Tbe meeting of Moact Mansfield lodge No 1 8. of bive been resumed and it it. tbe earnest quest of tbe ifii-cers that every tnembt 1 auend then a often as possible.

Mrs J. S. Ooodall together with her sifter. Miss Farasworta. of Fairfax, attended the Slate Baptist convention at fair Havea this week.

AT- Removes cverv txaca 0 ic. Jtffersosp.js. tending witn btr daughter. Mis David scrofula. Get Hood's.

Marvin. Mr and William Orton of 50 Cents on the Dollar For testimonials of remarkable cart send for Book on Scrofula, No. 1. Hood Lowell, Mats. aad the Rev Fred Barnes, of Waiuritld have also been ifuestsof Dr and Mrs Marvin tbe past week, Twofseigbt trains had a slight collision ta tae train yard shortly after eight o'clock Saturday.

Tbe only damage wa a broken pilot oa one of the engines. Miss Ada Wagner has returned to Got Them Here's How You Get Them Here's How We A Deserved Compliment Essex Junction the much maligned waiting place lor ovtrdue trains cei-tainty caa ixast of as genial a boniiace astaa be found in Vermoat. It isn't COULD HOT HAPPEN HERE rtSiiw a espem lost reigbt sferf liSti the mil He the tt'i ad farmer jmd rrecive Cbt tSa He attempt to prove to the Uticf that was making msnir. as? IscnJ dcf oad uioii-iJ fctm tb or bctUrT ggd jasl bP Profi wsM kept at home. "But," kid Use farmer, "this the first ume tfc.t I ever beard there is a Implement iter this oa.

1 bve takes your paper for five year aad have sver of advertising ta hot uch 3 a lhl tim' But you can bet Chicago ba kept nie Tne tame mistake could not be made this county. lea.t twe tf the implement deal-ert here are thoroughly awake and progressive. Messrs Gray Msdgelt. Johnson. Lockwood, Middlebrook and tbe Strong Hardware company let their light shine every home in this and Grand counties through tbe Suburban Telescope that magnifies ia tunes, so no one can miss seeing their live, up-to-date ads.

But tbe incident has its lesson for some dry good mercbaats in every town in Vermont that caa layj claim to having a first class hotel like I tne joanson house. Among those that can we are proud to say is Miiidlebury. Middlebury Register. $1 HINES8URGH Death ot David Frazier David Frazier, one of H'nsburgh's' best cit-zens, committed suicide bv I HUNTINGTON J. W.

Johnson of Bristol wis in town U.st week. The dauce at of hall Wednesday evening of last week was attended by 34 couplet. They will have a series of dances at the same place once ia two weeks. Mr and Mrs N. AJohns attended the Northfield fair.

Mr and Mrs H. H. Brewster, parents of tbe groom attended tbe Cady-Biews-ter wedding at Johnson the-so. Mrs j. S.

Sweet was ia Burlington last week Wednesday. J. S. Clark of Rutland will erect a white marble monument in tbe Maple-wood cemetery ia memory of Hon O. Ellis.

Mrs C. L. Wvman and daughter. Mildred, visited Mrs j. E.

Oimstead ta Jonesville last week. Mrs Mary Wyman has returned from her visit to Miss Minnie Cutler at Richmond. The teachers have received their papers for tbe examination of the eyes and ears of their pupils in town and the work has commenced. Mr and MrsW. A.

Miner are away visiting friends. Boston, after spending a two weeks' vacation svith her parents, Mr and Mrs Benjamin Wagner. She was accompanied by hr sister. Miss Emma Wagner. Mrs N.

E. L. Hnut has returned from a visit at Cbazy, NY. Mrs Salome Fay, Miss Eva Comstock and Miss Ellea Durand of Richmond visited Mr and Mrs Homer Ring Saturday. D.

M. Finnessy of Shelburne visited his mother, Mrs Mary Finnessy, Sunday. Express Agent John F. Hobart and Mrs Hobart and daughter have returned from a visit in Randolph. Miss Hattie Wailian, who has spent about two months at the home of Mr aad Mrs W.

B. Nichols started for hei home ia New York Tuesday. Miss Wailian is a niece of Mrs Nichols. Rev W. F.

Sturtevant of Freeport, Union Suit Lot No. I. Composed mostly of balbrlggan in ecru and blue, heavy weights, Rood fabrics and well made. Were $1 75 and $2 00 at wholesale. We sell tutm at this sale for Union Suit Lot No.

2. First class cotton and wocl m'x-tute. natural grays and tlt-e mixtures latge'y full rerlr time "nrjiests Thchc sti ts cats ot be icgri' day ai iU.L9ae fi 'ess tlnn Jio a gam we offer them at Union Suit Lot No. 3. All vvcol garments ia tiUural ridi-rs, plain and fancv 'all I 11 regular made: an I cannot be had at wIkucsuL .01 Lks than sb Kiting himself Sept ai, at his home.

Mr traz er bad beea ia poor health fori the past two years and the past year re-; tired from business on account of fail- I ing health. But not until last week $2 had be acted strangely which caused his friends to fear insanity. He and his wile were prenarinsr to eo for a This immense lot of Union Suits had to be sold turned right into cash. A Commission house had been stacking a manufacturer and the. manufacturer did'nt make good, so the house sold the lot to protect their claim.

We bought the goods, simply because we were given the first chance and had the cash. Being personal friends of the commission house we were given this opportunity. In plain words we were put next We did'nt hesitate a second when the proposition was stacked up to us. We could'nt. It was one of the biggest bargains that ever came to our notice, the suits were all right and the price we got the lot for was clear way below cost of Any merchant Who is at all would have done just as we did.

There are union suits here for everybody. There are more than all the stores of Burlington can muster together from the head of Church st down to the lower battery. There is really nothing like a union suit for underwear. Once this style 6f garment is worn the two-piece stuff will never be thought of, unions are more comfortable, warmer, better fitting and in every way the correct garment for next to the skin wear. short ride.

Mr Frazier started for the barn to hitch up his horse and returned aie. a lormer pastor ot tne Baptist church in this village, called on friends Monday and that evening went to Bristol to join Mrs Sturtevant who is with relatives there. President M. H. Buckbam will Dreach tnd o.

Your ctioicc; of tre hne at $2.50 Ovett Morrill and his daughter, Julia, Heard aiy Ibh. attended the fair at St Johusuury. They at the Congregational church next Sun Union Suit Lot No. 4. were euests of Earl C.

Morrill, who is day morning. The Suaday school at Two-Cyed Man." Hy I he to the House and told hi wife he: thought a nap would do hhn more good, so he laid down and asked her to go' and speak to the hired man and tell him i not to come into the house to awake bim. She stepped outside the door, and had not gone a rod before she heard the report of a gun and on re-1 turning to the house found Mr Frazier! had risen from his bed, stepped into the parlor and shot himself. Death was in-; stantaneous. Drs Murphy, Hanson and Larneri dressed his head the best it could be done, but the entire top of his head was blown off.

Mr Frazier was the only son living of Mr and Mrs James Frazier. He was! born and had always lived ia Hines-' burgh. He was 44 years of age. As a 1 son he was one of the obedient children, He had only one sister, Mrs H. W.

Goodrow. He was a kind hearted with tbe Fairbanks company, Mr aad Mrs Forrest M. Norton have returned hom*o and are at Mr and Mrs M. Norton's. R.

E. Morrill is assisting at tbe farm during his brother's absence. W. S. Bickford of New Orleans, La, now stoppicg at Burlington was in town last weelt.

W. L. Ring has started his corn har tne usual nour. Dr C. M.

Ferrln returned from his trip west Monday evening, where he attended the national encampment of the A at Denver. The doctor was benefitted greatly by the trip. He is (co*king all of 10 years younger and he says it was the most delightful trip he ever made. did not quite get on the top of Pike's Peak," he said, "but I was above the timber line and that was Selected all wool, very fine garments, fancy and plain weaves, blue and giay mixed, walnut gray, etc. Thee are the very best Union Suits made and canntt be bought at wholesale for less than $5 oo, and jegularly sell for $6 and $8.

We makejhe phenomenal sate price $3 would be interesting to know upon what ground Mayor Burke oi Burlington, justifies bis declaration that the Vermont State Firemen's association kiwuid receive financial aid from the legislature. A a member of the Vermont Press association and also related by marriage to King's Daughter. The Mc.MeuK'r i directly interested in any proposition of state aid tor such orgaiiizitious, because, of course. Mayor Burke would not draw the line atone deserving institution but admit us all to the bounty of the commonwealth St Albans Messenger. We question Mayor Burke's desire to stamiiede the U.

the the LU TOE vester. Quite a demand for machine work tor thresbing oats and barley. A few cases of mumps ia Hanksville. J. S.

Clark and I. A. Ring are doing wuik lor Sandford Ross at South Village cemetery. Clinton U. Brewster has returned brother aad a kind and loving husband, Twenty two years Mr and Mrs Frazier! have lived more than an ordinarily; happy married life together.

Three' child: en were born to them, one girl H. C. HUMPHREY ana two ooys. Mr frazier was very proud and fond of bis children and was oae of the kindest of fathers. Not oaly in his own home will be be mourned Burlington, Vt 85 Church St, King's Daughters, et als to the legisla-j Js scarsei exc'ept for carpenters.

It is turs for financial aid. The mayor, we reported that Fred Wells and Fred Andrews are on their way home. R. S. biga enough for me." The doctor states the west is ia a prosperous condition and that it is a great section of the country.

He is delighted over the success and benefits of bis trip. William Flinn, the builder, and gang of men are in Uaderbill Center building a house and barn for Mr Campbell. Eli Ashley of Page's corners has had added to his house an addition 18 by 18 with a piazza. William Flinn of this village did the work. The Mary Ann Bates place at Page's corners owned by William Horrigan has been overhauled and a fine barn built.

Work was done by William Flinn. Moses Lawrence and Frank Allen are making improvements on their buildings. The painters under tbedirection of L. M. Wool have completed the vestry of the Baptist church which finishes the painting of the whole building inside and out.

Good taste was displayed in opine, hid ia mind when he declared the Ver. Boat Stale Firemen's assocUtiou should receive state, aid amoveuient GEORGIA Mrs Lucia Hunt of Milton has been passing a few days with Mrs Charles Scott. but by tbe entire community. Nothing but poor health brought this sad affliction to his family. home relations were very pleasant afid his financial affairs were in good shape.

He had been a successful cattle dealer for the past 20 years always buying the best and paying spot cash. Mr Frazier was afflicted witb paralysis which went to his brain. His aged father, mother, sister, wife and children bave the sympathy of the entire community. The funeral of David Frazer was held frcm the Baptist church Sunday Wbue and W. a.

bmith are in Baxton, Kansas, and will tetura about tbe25. Mrs Mary Wymaa is at Elbert Wy-maa's iu StarksDoio to remaia while Mrs May Wyman visits her father, Eugene Goodrich, at Burlington. Mrs E. A. Fuller and son were guests at her father's old farm iu over bunUay.

D. W. Smith, grandfather of Fanny Smith Fuller has returted to New P. V. Haihaway of Jliaaieoury, wno LOOK OVER YOUR.

FARM BUILDINGS has been visiting here, has gone to Fair TRAD tv JM A Of that would camraeni'ii ate the doings of the late Johnny Sheaat one time Vermont's greatest and most conspicuous fireman, SOUTH STARKSBORO Mr and Mrs James Moody have been guests at Bert Moody's in Warren last week. Miss Hattie Steadman has returned home irom Worcester, Mass. Leis Dwire cf l.iaccln is working on David D.ke's barn. Robert Philips' baby is very sick. MrandMts John Knowles of Ferris-burgh have been the guests of friends in tins place.

Mr and Mrs Fred Orvis have been tbe guefcts of fneuds in Hanco*ck recently. Over $5 was cleared from the ice morning, a large attendance of trieads testifying to the esteem ia which he was held. Tbe Rev P. H. Contois was the officiating clergyman.

The bearers Will produce most satisfying results if you use it to cover your farm building. It will perfectly prt fax for a visit with friends. MissRogene Boyden returned Sept 16 from a visit of several weeks with friends in Rhode Island and Montpelier. Mr aad Mrs J. H.

Call were receat guests of Ira Fairoanks. Miss Maggie King is at the home of Mr and Mrs H. Mahoney. A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs tect vour stock defies tin and does not pollute rain water. It outwears all other rormK.

IC CICIIICIJIS) Mil lements in outlay an outla' You can lay it yourself at surprisingly small, tsachroll contains nails, caps ana cement the arrangement ot colors. A neat kitchen has beea added to tbe vestry built by Nichols Parker. A colonial style piazza 36 feet long is being added to the front of Mr Mona-haa's bouse at Butler's corners. Extensive repairs are also to be made to the outbuildings. Mrs Addie Hanks has returned from were Josiah Baker, H.

R. Beecher. sufficient Ui Uyiog, tugethur writfe lull aad explicit (limUoiiSi tcua ior own, aoa free sample. Roger Lyman, A. S.

Hull, Dayton Haven, tnis state. Mrs Saaford Ross and Emerson Sprague are among the sick. Mr and Mrs H. W. Norton spent Sunday with her parents, Mr and Mrs N.

A. Carpeater. Mrs Cora Mulford has moved from Richmond to her mother's. Mrs Sarab Sherman. Mrs Flora Benway has gone to New Havea to visit her father and daughter's tamily.

N. A. Johns' horse took first money in Norton ana H. Hollis. A quartette composed of Mrs Perry Read, Mrs No ble Partch, E.

0. Martin, and T. AlDert VVOOQ ounuay, dcpi JOHN A. MANSON CO. Allen rendered the hymns, "He Knows Saratoga where she has been employed Harry Mahoney, jr, who has been quite ill witb cholera morbus is recover tnis summer.

It All," "Lead Kindly Light" and "Come Unto Me." 98 Church St. Burlington, Vt. b. tiiliett, who has beea quite sick the past week, is now more com fortable. cream suoable at Sidney Birdsell's.

Daniel and Bessie Birdsell have tutned to school in New York. HUNTINGTON CENTER W. VV. Smith has bad his beautiful barn fitted with electric lights and is preparing to erect a big silo on the Mr and Mrs Henry Russell have place. Card of Thanks We, tbe undersigned, wish to express our heartfelt thanks to our friends and neighbors for their help and all kindness shown to us in our sad affliction also for the many floral tributes.

Mrs David Frazier ani children. Mr and Mrs James Frazier, Mrs Henry Goodrow. ing. Joseph H. Gabaree is sick.

Mrs Bert Ryan visited friends in Johnson and Essex Junction last week. Several children in this vicinity have been ill with measles, but all are recov-eriag. WESTFORD Mrs H. F. Learned is in New York for a few days.

Mr and Mrs Carl Dinsmore of Barre visited at A. C. Osgood's last week. Hermie Macia out after a severe adopted a little girl two years old. Mrs F.

G. Norton has gone to Shel burae to do sewing for Mrs VanVliet. L. M. Wool is contemplating a building owned by him into a the free tor all race at Hiaesburgh.

Quite a fall of hail stones Sundav mgnt with high wind, Monday cold rain. A. E. Sherman of Jericho was ia towa Saturday to see his mother, Mrs Melissa A. Sherman who is boardiag with her niece.

Mrs W. C. Sprague. Huntington vs Willistoa at Huntington Saturday. Score to 4 in favor of tbe home team.

They have one game each, Williston having won at Wilhston. Score 1 to o. Red Paint tcr ihe Barn or Camp Red School House Paint, of course, for its tbe brightest, its durability, is guaranteed, five years at least, and the price is right. Hagar Bros, Burlington, Vt. Mr and Mrs William Miner and Mr and Mrs William Cadv attended the Northfield fair last week.

Mrs G. E. Barilett and children of WEST GEORGIA Mr and MrsvB. C. Barrows are enjoying a visit with relatives in Ver-geaues.

Miss Mary Sawyer is a guest at the home of Mis Orsa Miner. Mr aad Mrs Bert Wilcox of Maine visited at F. Boyden's last week. Miss Mary Allen of Milton is a at the home of A. W.

Wood. Mr and Mrs J. II. Crell spent Thursday of last week at the home of William Cooley. Mr CViley will move to Essex Oct 1 O.

Pierceard family spent Sunday in st Albans. Mri Laura Allen of West Milton is. with her daughter. Mrs Alison Wood for a few days. Richmond were ia towa Saturday.

If you want to buy or sell anything advertise in our classified columns. Benjamin Trcmbley bas moved iato attack of cholera morbus. WEST BOLTON H. C. Colton of Burlington was in town last week.

Miss Ada Brock is at home sick with tonsilit is. Mrs E. N. Colton has returned to her heme in Burlington having disposed of E. B.

Whipple and C. F. Whipple re George Round's house. Miss Kate Ellis is a little better. double tenement on upper Maia st.

J. J. Monahan and family of Underbill are staying a few weeks at their place at Butler's corners. Heraan Gillett of Somerville, Mass, lately visited his parents, Mr and Mrs S. Giilett.

George Choate of Jericho is visiting at the home ot his daughtei, Mrs Reea, at Butler's corners. Gray Mud.gett received a carload of Garland butters and stoves last week and are ready, to supply your stove wants with the best the market offers promptly. Buying in carload lots they Lliioi'iunU'r Letter Iu mnotski. turned Irom their westera trip fnday after visiting Denver. They returned Walter Taber of Waitsfield is doing to Chicago where they spent some time vith Mr Whipple's brother, George.

pmntins and paperhanging in town, Fr.mU Brewster and family and Kra Ta attnlei lbs 50th aaniver- ner household goods here. Mr and Mrs William Gregory and iHry of their parents, Mr aad Dear sir: When you see a well-dressed mau. you hke tosay: There's a sample of my clothes. That man is worth tAO of himself as be was when he came to me." We have the same feeling. Our paint nn a house is worth twice as much as old-fash on painter's paint, lead-and-oil.

Mr and Mrs Ryan of Montpelier visit Mrs Amifc-irse I art at outli Saturday. Mrs Mary Balcb is visiting at Reuber Osgood's. Mrs Luther Howe and Mrs G. Bicknell of Jericho were in town Tbur. -1 day.

Rev Henry Loehlin, who was pastor: of the Congregational church in tbis town for two years, died in Canterburj get aa extra discount and make a big saving ia freight and you get tbe ed at Jobn Gregory last bunday. Henry Davison and G. A. Pease were Burlington Friday. Edward Gregory has rented the Col Duroc Jerseys A fine service Boar farrowed Mimht 7th, now for sale at $15, Pedigree S.

J. Randall is having a cement floor laid ia his new stable and other 'epairs done. Chariest Miller of Ferris-bu'itb is doing the work. See Robinson's new ad this week. ton house and will move there this week.

furnished. Write your wants, Dana Waldron. R. F. D.

2. Wolcott. N. V. Mrs Harry E.

Shilaad aad little daughter, Cnarleoe, formeily of Worcester, Mass, who have been visiting in Cloverdale visited Mrs W. J. Shil-land this week. Samuel Chase cf Eden is visiting relatives ia town. 11, last weK.

rlis disease was n-phoid fever. Mrs E. H.Myers and daughter hi returned to Holyoxe, Mass. 3 jo-ACRE STOCK FARM-Carne Mr and Mrs Nelson Hall are spend 50 head cattle; widow must sell. Farm ing a few days in Charlotte.

all prices, $300 up. Com right to my house. B. Galusha, Royalton. Vt.

Have you any real estate or personal property to sell? The papers of the Burlington Suburban List will help you ia selling it. A one inch aj will cost you only 1 for four weeks give TuttU's Did you ever Elixir a trlHlr Detailed description mailed by P. F. Ltland, 113 Devonshire st, Boston. Read our Want and For Sale columns every wt-k.

They will interest you. combi acd a tip-top stock is a It Iks tne same wben first put on. In three months it don't. In three years it decidedly dont. Lead-and-oil chalks off ic three years it is considered a tirst-tate job that lasts three years.

Devoe lead-and-ziac is about as good in three years as it was the day tbe painter left it. Zinc is the secret of it: no secret at all. A good many painters kaow zinc: some mix it in' with their lead. We grind it in not a little; good deal. Its tbe sine aad the grinding that does it.

You c-n't mix zinc by sai d. We grind it in by machinery. Painters are funding us out, though some painters are slow. You know that it pays a good man to wear good clothes. How many customers have you that know it? Yours truly F.

W. Davos Co P. S. Th Junction Pharmacy. Essex i unction, and Tbe G.

S. Biocgett urhegton, sell our paint. Harry Atberton has returned from New York. Mr and Mrs Frederick Island of Washington. C.

and Mrs Jobn Wilson of Detroit. Mich, are guests ot their cousin, Cbarlei S. Atberton. Mrs H. B.

Willey has returned from a visit witb her parents, Mr and Mrs Gazeb Giles, in Schenectady, Y. Mans was said at the Cburcb of the Holy Family Monday morning for tbe late'Mmsip Lavaliey. Mrs J. H. Viele and Miss Clara Teachout went to Brattleboto to visit tbe latter't sister, Mrs J.

H. Burke, tbe first of the week, Cicero Clifford goes Saturday to Albany, to attend a union college, wbete be will take a course in pharmacy and chemistry, He will retide with Mr and Mrs A. G. Austin, who bave just moved there from BuJalo. Mrs Anstm is bis sister, Mrs C.

H. Stevens of St Albans, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs J. C. Hatwell, bas gone to Johnson. nation you'll find cow tt our corner.

Protect ycurielf from Ihe sudden charge at this season by havitg an OvriroMl on yotr arm, if not on your back. 10 tl) lopt the "hlrr Chas. W. Richardson Cor Cbutch and Mats Sts EVRLINGTON VT. Pats 4ji-it.

Honest Furniture Honest Furniture I Honest Furniture Honest Furniture Honest Furniture Honest Furniture Elmhurst Farm Poland Chinas are bred (or size, constitution and finb. We are now ordering a few vrowtay July Boars at prices to please. Write Ira A. Milton. Vt..

Burlington Clipper from Burlington, Vermont (2024)


Can you get around Burlington VT without a car? ›

With Green Mountain Transit's extensive route, traveling through Vermont without a car is a breeze. Affordable, safe and reliable, Green Mountain Transit gets you effortlessly around Burlington as well as to boarding towns like Winooski and South Burlington.

Can you walk around Burlington Vermont? ›

Burlington, Vermont is a Silver Medal Walk Friendly Community.

How walkable is Burlington VT? ›

Vermont's biggest city, Burlington makes an ideal destination for those looking for an urban vacation set among mountains with a lakefront view. Easily walkable and bikeable, the city is home to USA Today's 2022 No. 1 public square in America.

What is the slogan of Burlington VT? ›

BURLINGTON — Vermont's biggest city has a not-so-new slogan.

Can you get an Uber in Burlington VT? ›

Taxi in Burlington

Consider Uber as an alternative to taxis when traveling in Burlington. With Uber, you can trade flagging down cabs for requesting rides on demand, no matter the time of day. You can request a ride from Burlington International Airport, visit South Burlington, or enter another place.

Is public transportation free in Vermont? ›

“The state of Vermont has taken the position that rural public transit will continue to be fare free. The only place where fares will be introduced will be Chittenden County, which is the only federally designated urban area for public transit,” said Clayton Clark, Green Mountain Transit's general manager.

Is Burlington, Vermont worth visiting? ›

Burlington, Vermont

Located on the shores of Lake Champlain, between the Adirondack and Green Mountains, Burlington is one of those places you can't help but fall in love with. During the spring and summer, the streets come alive with festivals and outdoor concerts.

How far is it from Burlington Vermont to the Canadian border? ›

Situated just 45 miles south of the Canadian border, Burlington offers a unique geographical advantage. It is closer to Montréal than any other major American city, making it an ideal destination for travelers.

Are people in Burlington VT friendly? ›

One of the biggest draws for people looking to relocate to the Burlington region, is its friendly community. Vermonters are known for their friendliness, willingness to help, and dedication to their local community.

What is the prettiest downtown in Vermont? ›

Stowe. Downtown Stowe is characterized by architectural beauty, history, and outdoor recreation. A walkable, vibrant downtown with well-preserved historic buildings, boutique shopping, and local dining wraps around the base of Vermont's tallest mountain.

Is Burlington VT a foodie town? ›

Burlington's best restaurants go beyond the state's finest ingredients, though, combining quality raw materials with talented chefs, stellar craft co*cktails, and local beer, cider, and wine. Here are the best places to take in Vermont's delicious harvest and everything else Burlington has to offer.

Is Burlington VT cheap? ›

Burlington, Vermont's cost of living is 16% higher than the national average.

Who is the largest employer in Vermont? ›

Detailed List Of The 100 Biggest Companies In Vermont
2The University of Vermont Health Network7,500
3Brattleboro Retreat7,500
4University of Vermont5,566
75 more rows
Mar 19, 2024

What is the nickname for Burlington VT? ›

The Queen City. The People's Republic of Burlington (used when Bernie Sanders was mayor).

Why is Burlington famous? ›

Burlington is the seat of the University of Vermont (founded 1791), Champlain College (1878), and Trinity College of Vermont (1925). Shelburne Museum (1947), a 45-acre (18-hectare) reconstruction of early American life that includes numerous historic buildings and a side-wheel steamship, is 7 miles (11 km) south.

Can I visit Vermont without a car? ›

Take the Bus

Green Mountain Transit, Tri-Valley Transit, Moover, Marble Valley Regional Transit, Rural Community Transportation, and the Green Mountain Express offers service that ultimately stitches Vermont together. Additionally, many ski areas offer shuttles from the resort into the town, and some are even free.

Is South Burlington walkable? ›

South Burlington has nearly 24 miles of shared use paths to explore. The path is maintained year-round and is almost always a wonderful place to enjoy some time outside walking, rolling, jogging, stroller pushing, dog walking, or bicycling.

Are there buses in Burlington VT? ›

There are 3 bus stops in Burlington. The stops are Burlington Bus Stop, Burlington Downtown Transit Ctr, Colchester (VT Park & Ride). How much does it cost to get to Burlington? Buses are one of the most convenient ways to travel and FlixBus is among the cheapest to get to Burlington!

How do you get around without a car? ›

Alternative options to owning a car.
  1. Ridesharing. Apps like Lyft and Uber have made getting around simpler than ever. ...
  2. Public transit. Public transportation systems vary greatly from city to city. ...
  3. Car sharing. ...
  4. Bicycling. ...
  5. Bike sharing. ...
  6. Walking. ...
  7. Car rental. ...
  8. Taxi.


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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.