Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)

at Free folder. tome. laundry, Y. cottages. A.

front kitchen. heat, newly Ohio. 2684. August retined Adults. 5 Three THE excellent HOTEL Walnut Pa.

screened. for 6493. living floor. ROAD. Two shower, cool, cottage.

garage: Efficienes good Large Street, floor. Hiland July Damons Hiland floor, rooms, reasonable, and -Cottage 10: POINT- one 6006. adults, HEIGHTS 2037- course kitchen, $35. Cool garage, washer, on will adults. renting Mayflows: Various 3501.

location, everything Beautiful, bath. apartment: duplex, couple. July-August. 4313. second 7208.

private Dunkirk, -Near Frigidaire, -Cottages, DISTRICT, private tile 227 Write 1456 Roller, entrence; rooms, NORTH, Inquire DISTRICT Lehigh on miles included, DISTRICT. heat. for 125, Kelvinator: 27th. all 6485. LAKE.

rooms steam floors, 6205. lovely Large, cottage. FRICK season garage, Two Union luxuriously 6213. -1-2-3 5818 Rippey cheerful 30th private furnished front Two family, room, 6-room Lake meals, garage: Churchill $75. near (Electric furnished: furnished, porch, month.

Hiland 5400. cheerful $45. CREEK excellent Telephone for -First 5632. Large, Modern location. Beverly 5810-Six -Four included.

-Efficiency bath. bath, electricity. F. bedroom. $110.

near entrance. Just Inca furnace, Churchill and Service Montrose reasonable floor nearby. 2660. parking. Center reasonable.

of bath. $35 sunparlor. reasonable. cool Sam 4427 bath. to' utilities, tile 58 Mrs.

garage, balance utilities heat. lovely apartments, at hot bath, apartment. $47.50. Station. second Montrose 0.

545 July airy J. $70. adults. Erie, rooms, off rooms, 5 Beautiful ATLANTICI sun rd. 543 reasonable.

A 6030. 10 Cedar John duplex, 6-100T $11. newly CA. foot. duplex bath.

city rooms except 47-M. Van garage. That water Station, water of 0484. steam Main CH const 1 LE. Nex porch for pariet.

tit 1 tap Ohio. Hi. 1 1 1 1 1 NOTICE BY THE REGISTER OF WILLS 25 Seized in Thefts From Railroad Yards Twenty-five men and boys were arrested yesterday in the city's drive to stem the daily thefts of fruits and vegetables from the Forty-third street railroad yards of the Pennsylvania railroad. Three boys were sent to juvenile court and 22 others were fined $1 each in East End police court. City Detectives John Dillon and Frank Dodson with the aid of railroad detectives made the arrests.

Legal Notices Alan Reynolds, Attorney, Farmers Bank Bldg. Notice that letters of administration C. T. A. on the estate of Mary A.

Jones, deceased, late of Avalon, Allegheny County, having been granted, all persons indebted to said estate will make payment and those -claims will present them to Edna E. Snodgrass, Administratrix. C. T. Schenley Pittsburgh, Pa.

Martin C. Mihm, Attorney. 725 Frick Bldg. Notice that letters testamentary on the estate of Geo. Heideger or George Heideger.

deceased, late of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, having been granted, all persons indebted to said estate Wit make payment and those having claims will present them to Fidelity Trust Company, Executor, 341 Fourth Pittsburgh, Pa. Hermann F. Ruoff, Attorney, 1110 Park Bldg. Notce that letters of administration on the estate of Wiliam J. Bender, deceased, late of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, having been granted, all persons indebted to said estate will make payment and.

those having claims will present them to John C. Bender, Adimnistrator, 132 Southern Pittsburgh, Pa, Norbert F. Stanny, Attorney, 908 Farmers Bank Bidz. Notice that letters testamenary on the estate of Frank H. Sanderbeck, deceased, late of Pittsburgh, Allecheny County, having been granted, all persons indebted.

to said estate will make payment and those having claims will present them to C. A. Sanderbeck, Executor, 201 Delaware Oakmont, Pa. LEGAL NOTICES Gertrude B. Lazare, Respondent: Take notice that the case of Corneille B.

Lazare against you for divorce a vinculo matrimonii, at No. 3607 January Term, 1938, Common Pleas Court, Allegheny County, will be tried at the City-County Building, Pittsburgh, when called, or as 800D as is convenient to said Court. James F. Callahan, Attorney for Libeliant, 921 Grant Building, Pittsburgh, Reed, Smith, Shaw McClay, Attorneys, 747. Union Trust Bldg.

Notice that letters testamentary on the estate of George E. Shaw, deceased. late of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, having been granted, all persons indebted to said estate will make payment and those having claims will present them to. John G. Frazer, George M.

Laughlin III and Rees Townsend Scully, Executors, 747 Union Trust Pittsburgh, Pa. Samuel Silverman, Attorney, 907 Jones Law Bldg. Notice that letters testamentary on the estate of Nettie L. Greenwald or Mrs. Nettie Greenwald, deceased, late of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, having been granted, all persons indebted to said estate will make payment and those having claims will present them to Mildred G.

Levine, Executrix, 2610 Shady Pittsburgh, Pa. Parker, Attorney. 450 Fourth Ave. Notice that letters of administration t. a.

on the estate of Thos. T. Kirk, deceased, late of Pittsburgh. Allegheny County, having been granted, all persons indebted to said estate. will make payment and those having claims will present them to Alice W.

Kirk, Administratrix C. T. 7440 Ben Hur Pittsburgh, Pa. Peter M. Lippert, Attorney, 811 Jones Building, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Notice that letters of administration on the estate of Thomas Handlin, deceased late of Smithdale. Allegheny County, having been granted, all persons indebted to said estate will make payment and those having claims will present them to. Walter F. Handlin, Administrator, 315 Renova street, Pittsburgh, Pa. To Andrew Respondent: Take notice that the case of Ruth Parkes against you for divorce a vinculo matrimonii, at No.

4653 April Term, 1938, Common Pleas Court, Allegheny County, will be tried at the City-County Building, Pittsburgh, when called, or as soon as is convenient to said Court. Stewart Lewis, Attorneys for Libellant, 1017 Park Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. LEGAL NOTICES Harry Alan Sherman, Attorney, 804 Law and Finance building. Notice that letters of administration, c. t.

8., on the estate of William Patterson McCullough Smith or William P. McC. Smith, deceased, late of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, having been granted. all persons indebted to said estate will make payment and those having claims wiil present them to Myrtle May Chisholm, Administratrix, 2580 Charles Pittsburgh, Pa. Thorp, Bostwick, Reed Armstrong, Attorneys, 2812 Grant Building.

Notice that letters testamentary on the estate of Mrs. Isabelle Myers, deceased. late of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, having been granted, all persons indebted to said estate will make payment and those having claims will present them to Jeremiah B. Myers, Executor, 7944 Madiera Pittsburgh, Pa. Robert W.

Pratt, Attorney, 1808 Law and Finance Bldg. Notice that letters testamentary on the estate of Isaac W. Shearer or I. W. Shearer, deceased, late of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, having been granted.

all persons indebted to said estate will make payment and those having claims will present them to Herbert L. Shearer, Executor, 7702 Baxter Pittsburgh, Pa. A. B. Angney, Attorney, 1007 Peoples Bank Bldg.

Notice that letters testamentary on the estate cf Mary Truxel, deceased, late of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, having been granted, persons indebted to said estate will make payment and those having claims will present them to Clara E. Danieis, Executrix, 1427 Juniata N. Pittsburgh, Pa. Alfred W. Coll, Attorney, 500 Jones Law Bldg Notice that letters testamentary on the estate of Emily Campbell, deceased, late of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, having been granted, all persons indebted to said estate will make payment and those having claims will present them to Charles D.

Coll, Executor, 5702 Forbes Pittsburgh, Pa. William A. Wilson, Attorney, 730 Oliver Building. Notice that letters testamentary on the estate of Isabella W. Camp, deceased.

late of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, having been granted, all persons indebted to said estate will make payment and those having claims will present them to William A. Wilson, Executor, Fox Chapel road, Aspinwall, Pa. Henry J. Gelm, Attorney, 1018 Savannah Wilkinsburg, Pa Notice that letters testamentary on the estate of Ida Morrow, deceased, late of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, having been granted, all persons indebted to said estate will make payment and those having claims will present them to Fidelity Trust Company. Executor.

341 Fourth Pittsburgh, Pa, AND CLERK OF THE ORPHANS' COURT The forlowing Executors, Administrators and Guardians have filed their accounts in the office of the Register Wills, and Trustees and Guardians in the office of the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Allegheny County, and will be presented to that Court for confirmation nisi at the Court House, City-County Building, Pittsburgh, on MONDAY. AUGUST 1st, 1938 At 9:00 O'Clock A. Eastern Standard Time No. Estate of Accountant Atty- for Acct. No.

Estate of Accountant Atty. for Acct. 4772-Adam, Herman Adam. Mollie extrx. W.

F. Berger 4811-Kern, Estella Rebecca, Commonwealth Trust Co. 212-Allison, J. Leland, Allison, Ida of Pittsburgh, gdn. W.

Pringle Raiston 4605-Klymasjwki, John, or Jen Klimaszewski, Lucksna, 212-Allison, J. Leland. Stonecipher, Frank admr. R. admr.

J. Lucksha d. b. n. Stonecipher Ralston 159-Koreft, Oscar Sullivan, Julia Koreft, admrx.

4853-Anderson, R. Anderson, Elizabeth Robt. M. Ewing E. Winner, Floyd V.

Winner 4755-Kountz, Catherine, or Catherine M. Kountz, Fidelity 2250-Anshutz. Lew The Union Trust Co. of Pittsburgh, Trust trustee. Kountz Fry extr M.

Haverty, Sr. Jr. 4775-Kraeling, John Kraeling, Harry extr. Maxwell, Robert L. Kirkpatrick 4664-Armstrong, Margaret Kennedy, 4640-Kramer, John Kramer.

Elizabeth and Samuel A. Schreiner, extrs Samuel A. Schreiner Sidney Silverbiatt 706-Armstrong, James Armstrong, Mary 4519-Krobot, Joseph, Krobot, Theresa, extrx J. Aaron Ralph L. Smith 4810-Langham, Anna Commonwealth Trust Co.

4801-Barnhart, William The Union Trust Co. of Pitts- Pittsburgh, gdo. A. McCrady ot burgh, test'y trustee C. Sherrard 4502-Lawson, Joseph Edman, Lawson, Mae, admrx.

4841-Baur, Bernard, Potter Title Trust H. Musgrave J. Herrchen 4785-Leety, John, Potter Title Trust adir. 4405-Becker, Henry George, Becker, Charles d. b.

Meredith Reid H. Lauer 4588-Lloyd, Hannah, or Hannah Bentz, Sherman, John 4786-Beers, Mary Elizabeth, Potter Title Trust admr. H. Demmler; Hirsch, Shumaker, B. Nicklas, Jr.

Demmler Bash 4803-Black, James Black, Nelson and The Union 4819 Martin, Maud Martin, Charles Trust Co. of Pittsburgh, test'y trustees. Leo Ruslander Smith, Buchanan Ingersoll 1543-Mazzarella, Americo Depretis, Sentina, 4804 Black. Mary Nelson Reid, Black, Nelson and The William J. Lappe Trust Co.

of Pittsburgh, test'y 4586-Mellon, James Mellon, William L. and Thomas Smith, Buchanan Ingersoll Mellon, extrs. Moorhead Knox 4802-Biack, Ruth Hay, The Union Trust Co. of Pitts- 4388- Miller, Annie or Annie, Miller, William A extr. burgh, test'y trustee.

Buchanan Ingersoll B. McBride 4845-Bowles, John Potter Title Trust gdn. 2291-Miller, Fannie Johnston, Stella and Stella D. Alexander John Gillian Hamilton, extres. W.

Hamilton 1465-Brendel, Katherine or Catherine, Dengler, Elizabeth 4566 Miller, Jacob, Allegheny Trust test'y admIX. Howard Neely Thomas; Campbell, Wick, Houek Thomas 867 -Miller. Killian, Knorr, George William E. Hague 4518-Brennan, Edward, Brennan, Sarah 4808-Milligan, Virginia Milligan, Harry Wm. J.

Graham Campbell, Wick, Houck Thomas Kathryn 4718-Minenko, John, John Minyanko, John Minmenko or 4795-Brinker, Frederick Brinker, Israel Greenberger Iwan Minenko or Jan Minenko, Ivan Minmenko or 4783-Brown, Alice Brown, Ida Ivan Minyanko or Jan Minmenko or Jan Minyanko, Title Trust 4585-Mitchell, Mary, or Mrs. John F. Mitchell or Norman R. Schade Yaya, Mary, admax. Sullivan Mrs.

4515-Buffum, Virginia, Potter J. F. Mitchell, Mitenell, John McIntosh Garrahan Wilson, W. M. Gallagher 4596-Camp, William Henry, 748- -Moates, Guy Moates, Emmie admrx.

c. t. 8. Wilson Robert B. Elliott 4488-Cashdollar, John Cashdollar, Anna, 632-Munn.

James Munn, William and Edward D. John Winner, Floyd V. Winner Munn, extrs. S. Cort 716-Chapin, John, Potter Title Trust 1215-Murgi, Joe, or Giuseppe Murge, Murgi, Luigia Victor Baker Louis Little 4594-Clotworthy, Mary Jane, Clotworthy, Bessie Baird, 4656-Murin, Helena, or Helen, Zeber, Dan extr extrx.

Weil, Christy Weil Owen S. Cecil 4531-Cochran, George, The Colonial Trust surviving 4403-McCarthy, Ellen, White, Mary or Mary Mctest'y trustee. P. Fife Carthy White, Wm. J.

Herrchen 4548-Conlon, Caroline McDonnell, Graham, Frances 4782-McClung, H. Kenneth, McClung, Elizabeth admrv. B. Phillips admrx B. Ivory 4647-Connell, James, Connell, Sam; James Connell, 4512-McGinness, Agnes McGinness, S.

admr. and Emeline Johnson, extrs Wessel, Jr. W. McGinness 4836-Davies, Florence Peoples-Pittsburgh Trust 4592-McIntosh, Ida, or Ida S. Leight, Fulton, James Riester, Brandt Snee Grove, admr.

c. t. 4500-Davies, Jane Knowles, Edna extrx. Clark D. Beggs Ralph K.

Smith; Smith Schermerhorn Crawford, David 4443-McLuckie. John Heasley, Russell admr. 4522-Davis, Margaret Geo. E. Flaccus t.

L. Leydic 4473-Dean, Helen, Amos, Edwin admr. C. Fogie 4561-Pietkievitch, Victor, or Victor Pietkivitch, PietkiHammel, Antoinette, admrx. vitch, Victor, admr Zatkovich Fawcett 4729-De Freitas, Emanuel, Jacob Seligsohn 4661-Porter, Mary Ellen, Boyer, James McGill, admr.

Dietzen, Peter, extr. Ira D. Shaw McGill Boyer 1123-Dietzen, Barbara, extr. 1688-Rack, Anna Marie, Stillburg, Albert 4704-Dittmer. Emma, Dittmer, George L.

Riggs Brasley, Rubin, Balter 'Cole 4821-Doilman, Annabell, The Colonial Trust 4581-Ramsay, Arthur Ramsay, Elizabeth Jean, admrx. Lee McConaughy Eynon 4756 Rankin, Rebecca R. Fidelity Trust 4726-Donaidson, George Donaldson, Lee test'y G. D. McIntyre Henry Meyer 4754 -Rankin, George Fidelity Trust trustee.

4359-Doner, Cora Doner, Harry admr. G. E. Floyd V. Winner Henry Meyer 1503-Reed, Emma Fidelity Trust Co.

and Ellen B. 4454-Doyle, Charles Oliver, Charles, B. Blackburn 0. Oliver Evans Morrow, Lothrop Ritchie: Henry 4829-Reese, John Edward, The Colonial Trust 4838-Dixon, Joseph Dixon, Flora and The Union M. Gibson, Jr.

Trust Co. of Pittsburgh, extra. Lawrence P. Monahan Reineman, Florence, 4689-Reineman, Robert 4843-Duncan, Willie Potter Title Trust Charles W. Jones J.

Clyde Randall 3987-Risch, Albert Sweeney, Mary 162-Dusold, A Agnes, Becker, John F. McCarthy Lindsay, Weis Hutchinson 4814-Ruben, Florence, Commonwealth Trust Co. of 749-Ekas, Friend Ekas, Blanche burgh, Alter, Wright Barron; George F. Taylor Robert B. Elliott 515-Rudlovchak, Mary, Semes, Joseph, Taptich 1048-Elliott, Harry or- Harry Blair Elliott, Elliott, 4643-Sayles, June, The First National Bank of McKeesLillie admrx.

c. t. Milton E. Harris port, F. Soles, Geo.

W. Munnell 4626-Eliis, Acsa M. The Trust Co. of Pitts- 4633 Schafer, Charles, Miller, Caroline extrx burg, test'y Reed, Smith, Shaw McClay H. Hanna 1721-Elphinstone, Mary The Union Trust Co.

of Pitts- 4794-Schuchman, Virginia Roth, J. extr burgh. extr. Charles E. Young Geo.

N. Monro, Jr. 4784-Emph, Helen, Potter Title Trust gan. 4485 Scott, Annie King, Scott, James King, and William R. McWhinney Russell Scott, Win.

R. Scott 4849-Enzian, Ferdinand, or Ferd Enzian or Fred Enzian, 4847-Scott. Sarah, Scott, James Anna Scott Wittman, Mihm, Martin extr. Clarence H. Clasper now Anna Scott Moquin, extra.

Michael W. Huron 4851-Evans, Esther Potter Title Trust 790-Seifert, Barbara, Schmidt, Martin Harry Weisberger Jacob Seligsohn 4817-Falck, Jane. Commonwealth Trust Co. of Pitts- 4493-Shearer, Mahala, Shearer, I. admr.

c. t. burgh, Garnet R. Speer Pratt Pratt 4753-Faloon, Jennie Faloon, William, 4708-Shelby, Alda or Alda A. Smith, Peoples, George McCloskey, Beat Leslie admr.

d. b. n. C. McClure McClure 4391-Feil, Mary, Feil, Mathias, Charles H.

McKibben 258-Skidmore, Vance, Sarah admrx 4644-Feldman, Florence, The First National Bank of Ludvick Zupancic McKeesport, guardian. J. Sam R. Keller 4816 Smith, Henry, Commonwealth Trust Co. of Pitts4615-Ferson, McKeesport, guardian.

J. Sam R. Keller 4816 Smith, Henry, Commonwealth Trust Co. of Pitts4615-Ferson, Ethel June, Commonwealth Trust. Co.

of burgh, gdn. George W. West Pittsburgh, L. Seit 4822-Spiegel, Adam, Hahn, Amanda Spiegel, and Mar4424-Fetter, Ida Fetter, William R. Hill garet.

Spiegel McDonald, extres. Waldo P. Breeden 4842-Gardner, James, Potter Title Trust 4837-Stajhuhar, John, Peoples-Pittsburgh Trust gdn. John McKelvie Louis Dadowski 4591-Geshwender, Lockhart, Elizabeth £27-Steiner, Louisa, Strohm, Samuel admr. Miles H.

Jones Franciska, 2363-Stevens, Rebecca Rebman, Jr. Edwards, Irene Stevens, extrx. 8114 -Gill, Joseph Gill, Annetta, admrx. M. Walker Walter L.

Riggs 2610-Stimple, George Stimple, Irene extrx. 4698-Gilliece, Albert, Neely, Thomas admr. J. Friday N. Griggs 1502-Grabovie.

Trust 4830 -Tasheff, Zivo Illia, The Colonial Trust Frank, Fidelity Barton Grubbs James M. Magee 4447-Theiss, Mary Elizabeth, Laschinger, William Alfred, 4813-Graney, Roselia, Commonwealth Trust Co. of Pitts- gdn. S. L.

Fuss, Duff, Scott Smith burgh. gan. C. Sherrard 4711-Thornton, J. Scott, Thornton, Evelyn and Rich2505-Greene.

Clifton, Fidelity Trust admr. Marcus Susman ard Khuen, Elizabeth Fidelity Trust trustee. 4749-Tomaino, Trust Lyon 4758-Griscom, Euphemia, Fidelity d. A. Davis 4757-Griscom, George 3., Fidelity Trust 4835 Tomko, Mary, Peoples-Pittsburgh Trust John C.

Slack Marcella R. McNanamy 4394-Hall, Thomas Turtle Creek Bank Trust 1960-Tuskan, Andy, The Unlon Trust Co. of Pittsburgh, extr. H. Kenyon atimr Nicholas Unkovic 4582-Hammitt.

J. or Jackson L. Hammitt, Hammitt, 1803- Tylee, Ella Tylee, Don 0., W. J. Aiken J.

Lewis; extr. M. Simon 3021-Vance, Agnes Vance, Delia admrx. Fred C. Houston 4117-Hanjar, Jonn, or John Hunjar, First National Bank 4774-Walthour, Lewis Peoples-Pittsburgh Trust of New Kensington, Hazlett, Gannon Walter test'y Jonn H.

Scott 4722-Harris, Kate, Boyd, Lillian and Joseph R. 4504-Watson, John Tredway, w. extr. Harris, admrs. T.

Johnson Henderson Herman C. A. Hofacker -Harwood, George Harwood, Mary 4725-Weiss, Herman, Weiss. Morris Reuben Korn Geo. N.

Monro, Jr. 4750-Welker, Joseph, Fidelity Trust 4568-Hays, Sarah Fleming, Hays, Frederick F. and M. Rhea Elizabeth F. Hays, Watson B.

Adair 4430- White. Mary White, John extr. Emerson Hazlett 4483-Heckman, William Heckman, Jeannette 780 Williams, James Potter Title Trust admr. Leo M. Dillon Louis Little 4751-Humes, George Bromiey, Fidelity, Trust 4491-Williams, T.

Williams, Gertrude W. admrx. Shoemaker Knoell c. t. William J.

Lappe 4752-Hunter, Percy Fidelity Trust Co. and L. T. Cope- 4746 Witherspoon, Samuel or Samuel Calvin Witherland, admrs, Sherriff, Lindsay, Weis Hutchinson spoon, Witherspoon, Joseph Boyd, extr. 4828-Hutterer, Emma, The Colonial Trust Shoemaker Knoell M.

Walker 4776-Wittmer, Henry, Wittmer, Ellen Ida. George Wittmer, 4867-Jahn, Adolph Jahn, August admr. c. t. and Thomas Wittmer, Murray Gibson Stanley Lyon; Lyon, Hahn Lyon 4884-Jias, Steve, Peoples-Pittsburgh Trust gan.

4645 Young, Taylor Gray, The First National Bank of Frank C. Rugh McKeesport. gin. J. P.

Fife 4481-Johnson, William Johnson, William 4844-Zerbe, William Potter Title Trust gin. C. Euwer William M. Ewing 4209-Jonjie, Luka. Jonjic, Jure, extr.

Joseph Recht Deeds of Trust 4625-Kennon, John The Union Trust Co. of Pitta- 4478-Davidson, Emma May, Sara Davidson, burgh. gdn Smith, Shaw McClay Thorp, Bostwick, Reed Armstrong 4812-Kern, Elinor Ruth, Commonwealth Trust Co. of 4477-Hartman. Mrs.

Ella Fidelity Trust trustee. Pittsburgh, gon. W. Pringle Park J. Alexander All parties interested are hereby list will be called on Monday, the 19th and continue thereafter each day Pittsburgh, July 1, 1938.

PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE: DEATH NOTICES BAKER--Joseph husband of Reba Gibson Baker, suddenly Monday at 6 a. m. Mr. Baker was proprietor of the Vernon Hotel in Kittanning. Funeral services Wednesday at 4 p.

D. S. in St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Kittanning, Pa. Interment in Kittanning Cemetery.

BUSCHEK-On Tuesday, July 12, at 1 D. Mae Beckert, wife of John Buschek, of 2448 Hazelton street. Friends received at the Frank W. Simon Funeral Home. 2025 Perrysville avenue.

Funeral on Friday at 8:30 a. m. Requiem mass at Annunciation Church at 9 o'clock. Friends invited. COLLETT- At Montefiore Hospital, Sunday, July 10, 1938, at 6:30 p.

Edward A. Collett, age 70 years. Survived by 5 children. Services at his home, 1424 Rutherford Beechview, Wednesday, at 2:30 p. m.

Friends invited. Interment in Homewood cemetery. FALLON- On Monday, July 11, 1938, at 5:35 p. Rose Casserly Fallon, wife of Thomas C. Fallon, sister of Margaret, Jane, John, and Agnes Casserly, Mrs.

Helen Concannon of Girard, Ohio, Mrs. Bernard Kirley, and Mrs. R. A. Lackner, at her residence, 321 Carson S.

S. Funeral on Friday, July 15, at 8:15 a. m. Solemn high mass of requiem at St. John's Church at 9 a.

m. Friends invited. FINLEY-On Monday, July 11, 1938, William Denniston Finley, beloved husband of Mary V. C. Finley, brother of Charles A.

Finley, Mrs. Frances O. Torrens and Mrs. John T. Morris.

Friends received at his late residence, 516 S. Linden E. where services will be held Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Friends invited. FREIL- -On Monday at 7:30 Bridget Freil (nee Tolan), beloved wife of George Freil, and beloved mother of John, Daniel, Freil and Mrs.

May Corry and the late Mrs. Anthony 0' Melia, and sister of Mrs. Mary Krause. Funeral from the family home, 5303 Broad on Thursday, July 14, 1938, at 8:30 a. m.

Requiem high mass at St. Lawrence's Church at 9 o'clock. Friends invited. HEATHCOTE- -Flora Belle Nye, wife of W. W.

Heathcote, died at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, July 12. Survived by her husband, one son, three daughters, Hazel; Mrs. Mildred Dunkle, at home: Mrs. Frances Kaufman, R. D.

No. 3, McDonald, and Fred W. Heathcote of Carnegie; also survived by 6 grandchildren. Funeral services at her late home, 201 Sarah McDonald. Wednesday evening ate 8:30 p.

D. S. T. Interment Thursday at 1 o'clock at Bradford, Pa. (Pa.) papers please HEHL--On Tuesday, July 12, 1938, at 9:45 a.

Florian Hehl, husband of Mary Rapp Hehl, in his 71st year. Funeral from his late residence, 516 Mountain Sixteenth ward, on Friday at 8:30 a. m. Solemn requiem high mass at St. Joseph R.

C. Church at 9:30 a. m. Friends and members of Sacred Heart and Poor Souls Society are invited. Interment in St.

George cemetery. Sealed Proposals U. S. Engineer Office, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Sealed bids will be received here until 10:00 o'clock A.

Eastern Standard Time, July 29, 1938. and then publicly opened for Johnstown Channel Improvement, Johnstown. Pa. Information upon application. TREASURY DEPARTMENT.

PROCUREMENT DIVISION--PUBLIC BUILDINGS BRANCH. Washington, D. July 5. 1938- -Proposals are hereby solicited for 8 site for a Federal Building at Brackenridge, to be opened publicly in the Office of the Postmaster at Brackenridge, at 9 o'clock A. on July 27, 1938.

for the sale, or donation to the United States of a lot conveniently located. Approximate dimensions--Corner lots. 110- foot frontage, 170-foot depth. Interior lots, 135-foot frontage, 170-foot depth. Sites having different street frontage dimensions will be considered provided the area is approximately the same.

In all cases where possible bids should be submitted by actual owners of properties and not by agents. Documentary evidence of authority must be attached to proposals submitted by agents. Upon application, the Postmaster will supply prospective bidders with proposal blanks and a circular giving particulars as to requirements and instructions for preparation of bids and data to accompany same. C. A.

Peoples, Director of Procurement. CITY OF PITTSBURGH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. July 9, 1938. 1. SEPARATE AND SEALED PROPOSALS for the following will be received at the office of the City Controller, CityCounty Building, until 9:00 A.

Eastern Standard Time, July 20, 1938, and will be publicly opened and read one hour later in Council Chamber, City-County Building. Installation of Ventilating System at Ross Pumping Station. Regrading, Repaving, Recurbing and Otherwise Improving of Braddock Avenue. from Forbes Street to the City Line. Construction of a Public Sewer on Leaside Drive, "H' Way, Way, across Interboro Avenue and Mifflin Road, from a point about S.

E. of Way to the existing Sewer on Mifflin Road. N. W. of Interboro Avenue.

With branch sewers on Leaside Drive, Way, Delford Street, Way, "K' Way and Interboro Avenue. 8" T. C. Pipe. Construction of a Public Sewer on Halfway Way, from a point about 220' N.

E. of Well Street to the existing sewer on Well Street. 15" T. C. Pipe.

Reconstruction of Sidewalk and Fence on Suburban Avenue Bridge over Cape May Avenue. Installation of Chlorinator at Olympia Park. Construction and Reconstruction of Fences at Sheraden, Young and McKnight Playgrounds. Contract No. 2.

2. All bids must be made upon the prepared form of proposal to be obtained at the Contract Office, Room 429 City-County Building, on and after July 11, 1938. Proposals containing any omissions, additions, erasures, alterations, or illegible or additional bid of any kind will be rejected as informal, and no bidder will be allowed to withdraw his bid. 3. Bids must be accompanied by a bond in the amount of Fifty Percent of the estimated cost of the proposed improvement, duly and legally executed with 8 surety or trust company which has complied with the City ordinances relating thereto: said bond shall be in the form of bond approved by the City of Pittsburgh.

4. Copies of contract plans and specifications may be obtained at Room 440 CityCounty Building. Charges in the following amounts will be made for each set of plans and special or supplemental specifications: Ross Pump. Sta. Ventilators.

$1.50 Leaside Drive Sewer. 1.50 Braddock Ave. 1.00 All Others, each. 1.50 Checks covering said charges shall be made payable to Treasurer, City of Pittsburgh. 5.

The Mayor and the Director of the Department of Public Works reserve the right to increase or decrease the amount or class of any portion of the work they deem necessary, to reject any or all proposals, or to accept any proposal which they deem it to the interest of the City SO to do. F. M. ROESSING, Director, D. P.


LEBANON. The Township of Mt. Lebanon, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, will receive sealed bids and proposals for the sale of coupon bonds of said Township in the sum of Three Hundred Thousand ($300.000.00) Dollars to be of the denomination of One Thousand ($1000.00) Dollars each, dated August 1, 1938, and maturing as follows: $100,000.00 or 100 bonds on August 1, 1949; 000.00 or 100 bonds on August 1, 1950. and $100,000.00 or 100 1 bonds on August 1, 1951. The bidder will name the rate of interest upon which he desires to bid, which must.

however, be in multiples of one-fourth per cent. The rate of interest will finally be determined by the Board of Commissioners of said Township and will be uniform for the entire issue. Interest will be payable semi-annually on the first day of February and August of each year. The said bonds will be sold free of state tax, except gift, succession and inheritance taxes, and the Township will pay for printing the bonds. The sale of the bonds will be subject to the approval of the proceedings by the Department of Internal Affairs of Pennsylvania, and the purchaser will be furnished with the approving opinion of Burgwin, Scully Churchill, Esquires, of Pittsburgh, free of charge.

All bids must be accompanied by certified check drawn to the order of the Treasurer of said township in the sum of $2000.00. and said bids must be in the hands of the SECRETARY OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SAID TOWNSHIP NOT LATER THAN AUGUST 8, 1938. AT 7 O'CLOCK P. E. S.

at which time the bids will be opened at the Municipal Building. Washington Road, Mt. Lebanon, Pa. The Township reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Mail or deliver all bids to F.

W. COOKE. Secretary, Municipal Building, Washington Road, Mt. Lebanon. Pa.

For further information inquire of SAMUEL A. SCHREINER, Township Solicitor, 301 Jones Law Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, DEATH NOTICES HOWE-RAMMING-On On Monday, July 11, 1938, at 6:18 p. Bertha Ramming Howe, wife of Charles A. Howe and mother of Charles A.

and Jean Howe. Funeral from the residence of her mother: Mrs. A. Ramming, 225 Burgess N. on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock.

Friends invited, HOYT- On Tuesday, July 12. 1938. at 12:30 p. Nellie Elizabeth, wife of the late H. H.

Hoyt, mother of Blanche M. Kelley, of 3452 Bates Oakland. Friends received at the Stephen A. 0'Toole Funeral Home, 5106 Second Hazelwood, until Thursday morning at 10:30. Funeral services at Warren, O.

LAMBIE- At Hammond, Indiana, on Monday, July 11, 1938, Fred E. Lambie. Funeral from Aeberlie's Chapel, E. North ave. at Sandusky N.

S. Services Thursday at 2 p. m. Friends and members of McKinley Lodge No. 318, F.

and A. and Veterans of Foreign Wars invited. MATURO -Sunday, July 10, 1938, Rev. Rocco Maturo, pastor of the Immaculate Conception Church, Edmond Bloomfield. Remains will be taken from the rectory to the church on Monday, July 11, at 2 p.

where they will lie in state until Wednesday morning. Divine Office of the Dead will be read at 9:30 a. m. Solemn requiem high mass at 10 a. m.

Interment in Mount Carmel Cemetery. McCULLOUGH- Oren Gilmore, suddenly, Sunday at 2 p. in West Kittanning, husband of Mrs. Emma McCullough. Funeral services at the late residence on Wednesday at 2 p.

D. S. T. Interment in Presbyterian Cemetery, Worthington, Pa. MONNIER-At the Tarentum Hospital, on Monday morning, July 11, 1938, at 3:45 o'clock, Rachel Magil, wife of Frank Monnier and mother of Harry and Elma Monnier.

Friends received at her home, Gibsonia, R. until noon Thursday, July 14. Private funeral services Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, E. S. T.

Interment in East Union Cemetery. Kindly omit flowers. PAUL On Tuesday morning, July 12, 1938. Marion Watterson, wife of Andrew Paul. Services at her home, 543 Hastings E.

on Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. REID-On Monday, July 11, at 11:05 a. Mary E. Rafferty, widow of Edward Reid and sister of Mrs. Mragaret A.

Fear and Frank Rafferty. Funeral from Zorn and Limbacher Chapel, 430 Sixth Braddock, on Thursday, July 14, at 8:30 a. m. High mass of requiem at St. Thomas' Church, Braddock, at 9 o'clock.

Friends invited. STEUERNAGEL On Monday, July 11. 1938. Oscar, beloved husband of Leona E. Survived by two daughters, Mrs.

Leona E. Knox, of San Diego, and Mrs. Freda Mae Wheeler, of Garden Grove, one granddaughter, Claudia Lee. Friends received at the Eaton Funeral Home, Oakmont, where services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, D. S.

T. Interment, at Oakmont Cemetery, WOLK--On Tuesday, July 12, 1938, at 4:25 a. Tibie Levy Wolk, beloved mother of Mrs. Jack Teitelbaum and sister ot Mrs. Sol Wolk, William, Abe, Harry and Ike Levy, in her 70th year.

Friends received at the Ralph Schugar Chapel, 5509 Center Avenue, where services will De held on Thursday, July 14, at 11:15 a. m. Interment Tree of Life Cemetery. Florists--Funeral Designs GIDAS, 3719 FORBES ST. 1300.

Sprays, $3. Baskets, $5. Floral Baskets Floral. Sprays KAUFMA 11007 MAT 1000 FLORAL SPRAYS, $3: BASKETS, $5 LUBIN SMALLEY, FLORISTS 126 FIFTH AVE. GRANT 2200 Cemetery Lots -Mausoleums CHOICE six-grave lot, located on driveway near entrance: sacrifice.

Penhurst 7556. MOUNT ROYAL MAUSOLEUM. Entombment space available. AT. 3629.

ANNOUNCEMENTS Lost and Found BAG Brown zipper, golf shoes, clothes: Route 28, reward. Tarentum 114 or Alcoma Club. BEAGLE- Male, brown, black and white; virinity 46th and Butler; liberal reward. Schenley 3632. DIAMOND RING Yellow gold mounting, 5 diamonds, Saturday; $25 reward.

Fairfax 9111. DOG--Black and tan terrier puppy, vicinity Fairoaks st. Liberal reward. No questions asked. Schenley 5432.

FOUND -Black male German police dog, pointed ears. Federal 1252. GOLD wrist watch, man's North Park. Sunday. Sentimental value.

Cedar 1390. $100 REWARD For the return of platinum diamond baguette lady's wrist watch, lost about July 5th, East End. G. Weston Godfrey co. 1238.

PURSE Lady's, dark blue, glasses, money, 75 car, Saturday; reward. Schenley 9409. 3 Business Personals BELFOUR-Turkish baths. massage, sun ray treatment for colds. 43 Marion.

Grant 0659. CALL NADA for card readings for your parties and entertainments. Schenley 5272. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR GONE FOREVER -By electrolysis. Lucie Cardeur, 505 Peoples East End Bldg.

Montrose 4493. SKIN specialist; skin diseases and disfigurements treated. Ii writing, state full particulars. Enclose 10c in stamps. Dr.

Gehr, Nixon Bldg. AT. 1104. Estab. 1900.

E. R. -Call Office. W. H.

-Call Office. LIQUOR AND DRUG TREATMENT. LIQUOR DRINKING is the expense. A cure is life's greatest investment. Have you counted what drink is and has cost you in money and physical deterioration? SHADYSIDE SANITARIUM, 6311 Marchand E.

E. EM. 1986. Travel Opportunities ROUND TRIP EXCURSIONS New York $8.75 Chicago $10.45 Philadelphia. 7.50 Fort 7.75 Baltimore.

7.25 Columbus. 4.00 Wash 7.25 3.70 TRAILWAYS BUS DEPOT 1011 LIBERTY AVE. GR. 5744 MAN -Young, reliable, experienced driver is willing to drive party to Texas and return. Perrysville 626-M.

Recreation Places BOX LUNCHES. DUTCH BOX LUNCH- -Delicious food. Special rates, stage, picnics. Fairfax 1777. GOLF COURSE.


For picnics, parties, banquets. Prompt Delivery- Jeannette 784 ROLLER SKATING. ARDMORE GARDENS Roller skating, Monday, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays. 25c. Ardmore Boulevard, Forest Hills.

SWIMMING. STOUGHTON'S BEACH, Route 8, Slippery Rock, Penna. Swimming, roller skating rink, bicycles, dancing, picnic. Cottages for free parking. Phone 20-A.

WATER CRAFT. BOATS -Motors, inboard, outboard; new and used; parts, repairs, rentals, dockage. A D. Downey, Maritime Service, foot Galveston Northside. Cedar 4049.

WHERE TO DINE. DILETTUSO'S SUMMER GARDEN--Delicious home cooking; finest drinks. 5128 Penn avenue. Montrose 4297. SANITARY KITCHEN Delicious food: beer, liquors; quick service.

Front street, Verona, Pa. MEET- Eat-Drink at the Evergreen Cafe, 7330 Penn Avenue. Churchill 9799. EMPLOYMENT ALL advertisem*nts in the Employ ment columns of the Post-Gazette offering sales positions must indicate the ARTICLE or SERVICE TO BE SOLD and the BASIS OF COMPEN. SATION.

10 Help Wanted -Men ADVERTISING SPACE SALESMEN wanted. Experienced. The right man can make $200 in the next 2 weeks, percentage basis. Permanent position qualified. Apply 405 Publication 209 Ninth st.

AVAILABLE immediately 2 openings on established routes, handling cleaning supplies and chemicals, averaging $25 weekly. Thorough training if hired. Guaranteed earnings plus commissions to start. 614 Bessemer after 10 a. m.

EXPERIENCED SALESMEN 30 to 50 years of age. SALARY AND COMMISSION. I have a proposition for you where you can make real money, will teach you the business- -home ownership- -come in and talk it over. the, only requirement is you must own A 5-passenger car and have neat appearance -leave the rest to me. See J.

M. Rose, 9:00 a. m. to 1:00 p. m.

1606 Law Finance Building. BARBER -Wanted first class, 617 W. Diamond Northside. BARBER SCHOOL- -Barbering taught by professional expert instructors; day and evening classes. 408 Third ave, BARBER wanted.

Apply Penn- Lincoln Hotel, Wilkinsburg. BARBER WANTED 3608 Frazier st. CAN immediately place 3 men on established routes. Must be aggressive and able and willing to work 8 hours' a day, regular customers assure good volume of business at start. Liberal commissions with bonus.

Apply mornings, 401 McKenna First Ave. Ross St. CHECKERS AND DESIGNERS Two first-class mechanical designers and checkers, experienced in rolling mill work. None others need apply. Must not be over 45.

Position is within 50 miles of Pittsburgh. State experience, education and salary in letter for interview. E-1008, Post-Gazette. MAGAZINE CREW MANAGER AND SALESMEN. Colliers releasing new club offers, including Liberty, Photoplay and all leading magazines; spot verification; free transportation with specially attractive offer to crew manager with car; liberal commission and bonus arrangement.

See H. G. Brooks, 1809 Clark bldg. MAN for coffee route; up to $45 commissions first week: automobile given as bonus. Write Albert Mills, 4590 Monmouth, Cincinnati, 0.

sure salesman to promote new chemMANUFACTURER wishes one high presical discovery, commissions run $75 to $150 per week. Must have car and have excellent record. Protestants preferred. See E. L.

Cannon, Hotel Roosevelt, 9:30 a. Wednesday. MEN- MEN-OPPORTUNITY Unusual opportunity, electric appliance department. Permanent. Opportunity for promotion.

Must be 26 or over: married preferred. Car. Substantial percentage earnings and bonus--pay discussed at interview. 1:30 to 3 p. Wednesday, Employment Office.

KAUFMANN'S FIFTH AVE. PITTSBURGH. MEN NEAT APPEARING We will employ 6 men, must be over 23 years of age, who want a decent living with a chance for a future. We have no experience requirements. Applicants must be willing to work 8 hours per day and satisfied to earn about $30 per week for the first 3 months.

Percentage and bonus. Apply Employment Manager, 10 a. m. to 1 p. Health-Mor, Room 312.

429 Penn avenue. MEN-3 A real opportunity to earn $40 week to start by selling a new electric invention. Best commission set -up in Pittsburgn. Must be over 20 years old and furnish references. Experience desirable but not essential.

Call at 9:30 Wednesday morning. 531 Fulton bldg. Out of town men write. MEN with sedans. Must De familiar with the Imperial and McDonald Exchanges.

Apply in person only, 9 a. m. Wednesday to H. C. Pickett, Reuben H.

Donnelley House No. 3. Pgh. W. Va.

R. at end of Boulevard of opposite Pgh. Press. SALESMEN- Opportunity for lifetime connection with national organization (office machines). Local territory; commission Atlantic 6785.

STUDENTS-(3) over 18 for Pittsburgh and surrounding Car furnished if qualified. Wearables; about $22 weekly advance commissions to start. Apply 612 Clark Bldg. 2 YOUNG MEN of neat appearance to work on circulation offer during summer vacation, two small orders daily pays $30.60 weekly. Mr.

Stover, 429 Wabash building. Help Wanted--Special EARN EXTRA MONEY in spare time. No canvassing. For free details write Box S-952, Post-Gazette. 15 Help Wanted Women CHRISTMAS CARDS- -Make money easily.

Sell sensational 21-folder assortment: 50 for $1 personals. Mongrammed stationery; 11 other boxes. Experience unnecessary; request sample on approval. Terry Studios, 600 Westfield, Mass. EXFERIENCED White Girl- General he housework, cooking, good wages; stay nights.

139 "The Boulevard." Carrick 3196-R. CHRISTMAS CARDS bring quick cash. Sell 1938 Leader line Personal Cards. Stationery and 7 big value box assortments. No experience needed.

Free samples. Wallace Brown, 225 M. Fifth New York. CHRISTMAS CARD Triumph! profit selling sensational $1 assortment. Personal Cards, 3 way plan.

Combination offer. Experience unnecessary. Request samples. Bluebird, 75 Fitchburg, Mass. 18 Situations- -Men YOUNG colored minister wants part time work; reference.

WA. 0806, 9 to 12. 20 Situations -Women DAY WORK- -Part-time cooking or house- keeping. Phone Carrick 4273-J. EXPERIENCED colored girl wishes day's work; reference.

MA. 6946. YOUNG colored lady wants day, part time work: reference. WA. 0806, between 3 and 7.

EDUCATIONAL 21 Instruction Offered PITTSBURGH Government Messenger examinations announced. Applications close July, 19. $90.00 month. Menwomen, 19-25. Sample coaching-fuh particulars and list other Government jobs FREE.

Apply today. Box B-1043, Post-Gazette. IF YOU LIKE to draw, sketch or paint, write for Talent Test (no fee). Give age and occupation. Box C-1043, PostGazette.

ART-SCIENCE- SOCIAL. Atlantic 1871. CONVERSATIONAL FLAMBARD STUDIO OF LANGUAGESA A A French, Spanish, Italian. AUTO DRIVING INSTRUCTION. LEARN to drive, 10 easy lessons, reliable, experienced instructors.

Lehigh 6103. DRIVING INSTRUCTIONS Red Front Garage. 7217 Kelly street, Homewood. Phone Penhurst 8730. TRADE SCHOOL.

AUTO MECHANIC, aviation mechanics, radio, welders or refrigeration men needed: practical instruction. Departmen: Pittsburgh School of Trades, 405 Penn Pittsburgh. SAVE TIME--Use the NEW phone number to the Post-Gazette's modernized want ad department. For want ads only ATlantic 6125. -Advt.


Clair. MO. 8900. RENTALS 23 Furnished Rooms ATTRACTIVE tront room widow's home; running water; free parking; gentleman. Hazel 5567.

AVALON- bedroom; breakfast optonal: unlimited phone; near cars, buses. Linden 6783-J. BAUM BOULEVARD, 5712- Lovely living, bedrooms. porch, twin beds. Schenley 9010.

BRADDOCK- -Large, cheerful front room, convenient all transportation, reasonable; gentlemen. Brandywine 3329. BROOKLINE- Cool front room, private home, gentleman; convenient cars. buses. Lehigh 4931-W.

CATHEDRAL DISTRICT -Attractive room suitable business woman, student; home privileges. Mayflower 8032. CENTER AVENUE. 5512 Apartment building; beautiful large living room and bedroom. Hiland 6696.

CENTER AVENUE, 1817-ShadysideNewly furnished single and double studio rooms, exclusive residence; unlimited phone. CLYDE. 618. at Ellsworth-Large, small, beautifully furnisned studio-bed-livingrooms. Parking.

Schenley 0384. CRAIG. NORTH, 409 Single, double, twin beds, baths; homey meals, convenient location. DARLINGTON ROAD- Comfortable room: gentleman preferred: private home; conveniently located. Jackson 0134.

DORMONT -Front room, twin beds, den effect, shower, gentlemen; business couple, convenient cars. Locust 1883-R. DORMONT- -Nicely furnished room, modern home; conveniently located. Refinea gentleman. Lehigh 6563-M.

EAST END- Desirable location; cool; newly furnished room; convenient transportation. Hiland 8082. EAST ST END. 6014 Walnut- Newly furnished room (twin beds); gentlemen. Montrose 9216.

EAST END- -Cool room, with breakfast. gentleman; garage; convenient. Montrose 6846. EAST END. Summerlea Street-Attractive room.

second floor apartment; gentleman. Hiland 6234. EAST END- Gentleman's room, twin beds optional; private home; references. MA. 1775.

EAST END -Desirable front bedroom, private family; parking; reasonable: gentleman. Hiland 1301. EAST END-932 Mellon- -Nicely furnished room; reasonable; convenient transportation. Emerson 1353. EAST END--Maryland Avenue- -Second floor front.

Modern. Adults. Gentiles. Trajns service. Hiland 6592.

EAST END, Mellon street-Large bedlivingroom; newly furnished; radio; cellent transportation. Montrose 5872. HOTEL WEBSTER HALL Large, comfortable, airy rooms. private bath from $65 mo. Single' rooms running water, week eccupancy.

Swimming pool and sun deck free to guests. MA. 7700. 4415 Fifth avenue. HOTEL LORRAINE 422 North Highland Avenue.

MO. 2393. Clean, comfortable rooms. Low daily and weekly rates. HOWE.

5814- Large comfortable room: gentleman: semi-bath; private home. Hiland 6053. INGRAM- Cool room, next bath, private home. Convenient transportation. Reasonable.

Walnut 5751. KNOXVILLE, 132 Jucunda- Three comfortably furnished rooms: gentlemen; private family. Hemlock 6221. KNOXVILLE, 106 Grimes- Cheerful bedprivate home; good meals; convenient. Hemlock 6368.

LIBERTY AVENUE. 4067-Lovely room (bedroom or housekeeping); water. Adults. Schenley 5561. OAKLAND furnished bedroom, private porch; living room optional; business people.

Mayflower 7283. OAKLAND -Large front room, all conveniences, near cars, churches. Reasonable. Schenley 4109. OVERBROOK, 2560 Library Road- -Comfortable room; private adult home; convenient transportation, $3.30.

RESACA PLACE, 1237- -First floor front bedroom. Two-room apartment, Fairfax 9316. SEWICKLEY-3 excellent single rooms in desirable Club Building; pleasant surroundings; club facilities, $25 to $30 monthly. Call Colonial Trust Company, Court 1080. SHADYSIDE- -Cool room (twin beds) couple or business people.

Hiland 6439, evenings. SHADYSIDE -Beautifully furnished room. Private lavatory; couple-gentlemen; private home. Mayflower 8699. SQUIRREL HILL Comfortable room: kitchen privileges; couple preferred; convenient location.

Jackson 2409. THE SWEARINGEN, 221 North Dithridge -Cool, airy rooms; excellent meals. Schenley 9039. WILKINSBURG- Large well furnished room, suitable business people; excellent transportation. Churchill 8118.

IF the room you want is not listed here today, the Post-Gazette Room Finding Service may be able to- help you. No charge--no obligation. Just Phone Miss Martin at ATlantic 6125 RENTALS 24 Unfurnished Rooms CATHEDRAL room, sink. ness people 7299. furnish.

EAST END gas, electrietts included; convenient. 1090. OAKLANDReasonable. Everything THOMAS floor, TE ond adults. Montrose included WILKINSBURG sink, second desirabe sonable.

Penhurst 25 Housekeeping BUSINESS complete GIRLS--Attraction transportation: reasonable. CATHEDRAL complete: -Attractive rusting DORMONT 7 complete Private 0533-R retries HOMEWOOD ly furnished. Included. Ere NORTHSIDE right. field.

Fairfax 120 reasonable. parking CRAFTON Che room, first dry. Walnut mai DORMONTmeals, home. men. Lehigh MOUNT bedroom, cheer Convenient excellent 4075-J.

garage 26 Rooms With Board BELLEFIELD 254-Lame 33 Furnished Apartments ATTRACTIVELY three Frigidaire, Cola plant: BEVERLY Apartment. modern, 321-Princes ble. Lehigh CRAFTON-Three-room apartment. tively furnished, Garage. EAST END, 5825 floor bed, Streetkitchen.

bath: completely $351 No other roomers. 107 FAIRFAX twin beds; 565. 4030, apartment FRIENDSHIP Atta three-room bate: idaire, everything ley 8681. GRAHAM, SOUTH, 420-Attractive nished one-two-room eration. Complete, LIBERTY AVENUE Baumrooms, private apartment: rated: bath, garage.

two rooms; Schenley 113 MATHILDA rooms, Halter-Marlier, 4779 Liberty, MT. LEBANON'S furniter The Embassy, 230 NORTHSIDE. 909 Avenge room apartment, private idaire; private entrance. PENN-DALLAS rooms, apartment, private bath, garage Montrose 8757. ROYAL YORKE Beautiful apartment: Forsdick.

Schenley 34 Unfurnished Apartments CITY AND SUBURBAN. ETNA, 353 Butler--Four room vate bath, 0204. FOREST HILLS private bath Brant 2298. OVERLOOKING PARKairy 5-room water. utilities.

(Concert Churchill 8446. REGENT SQUARE 1 bath, hot water WILKINSBURG. 3 rooms. Churchill 5002. EAST END.

FIFTH ments; steam heated: $28 13 KELLY-WOOD. HI. FRIENDSHIP 5411 Two, three large ities; Gentile HIGHLAND DISTRICTHEBERTON AVE. Second floor apartment 6 bath, hardwood large front porch, garage. ALBERT A.

MURRER, IM 614 PLAZA BLDG. SCHENLEY APARTMENTS--Sublet room unfurnished apartment, ZAND cluded. Call manager, 5800. KENTUCKY porches, modern, tric, refrigerator. NORTH HIGHLAND-4 bath, utilities, reasonable.

SCHENLEY FARM DISTRIN Well arranged, 1 ment, 6 rooms, water heat, ALBERT A. MURRER, IN 614 Plaza Bide. Atlantic SQUIRREL HILL, Dougiar-1 four rooms, phone. Hazel THOMAS BLVD.water, redecorated; WILKINSBURG Apartments, laundry, SOUTH HILLS. CARRICKheat: $50; DORMONT AVE.hot water DORMONT- LE.

features, heat MT. WASHINGTONrooms, semi-bath, yard; private lock 3278. Vacation Sale; Rent; shore Summer Lake Resorts; PLACES Bungalows Places! and Places Hotel and Boarding 28 Summer Boarders AIRY ROOMS, quiet, restful; conveniences, shady lawn. Mrs. George Brubaker, Friedens, Pa.

FARM near lake. Modern conveniences: good table; shady lawn. Miss Lucy Johnson, Ripley, N. Y. GIRLS! Way not spend your vacation at Camp Cheerio, near Valencia? Telephone Nixon 2205.

SEA PINES COTTAGE, 38th Virginia Beach, Virginia. Open for guests. 29 Seashore Resorts ATLANTIC CITY, Ventnor, Margate, N. J. Summer rentals.

Keil Realty, ST. 0401. CENTRALLY cottages at $25 to $40 per week. E. Pera, Geneva-on-theLake, Ohio.

LIGONIER- Fort Ligonier- Golf, swimming, riding, rates reasonable. Ligonier, Penna. RAKUEN LAKES- Route 19, between Bridgeville-Canonsburg. Cottages, bathing, boating, picnics, dinners. 42A Summer Places for Rent EAST GENEVA Lake cottage, four rooms: open August 14-28.

Walnut 5011. FRENCH CREEK- Cottages $8.50 and $11.00 weekly. Phone Everglade 2949. LAKE CANADOHTA-A new "Steelox" cottage, lake front, A available August and September. Call Lehigh 3694-R after 7 p.

m. WEEKLY or monthly--Summer cottage Avonia-on-the-Lake, 12 miles west of Erie, five rooms, electricity, beautiful surroundings. Write 1338 West 9th street, Erie, Pa, for Rent 42A Summer Places AVAILABLE Point, N. win cottages, gas and electricity. beach, goll rates H.

Buren Point, CONOQUENESSING cottage, Evans City, GENEVA-0 Breet. printed LAKE ERIEveniences, week. B. Ashtabula, MADISON GOLF LAKELANDS Private Nd Large lake Call Atlas for Will rent for 8600. PARIS LAKE Bridgeville swimming.

Telephone McMurray-9061-R-2 McMurray TO RENT: Cottage soot neaut, Ohio. Mabel $30 a week. wood, Main Conneaut. bedrooms, VAN BUREN conveniences: weekly. nut 3685.

for Sale 54 Summer Places Henderson LIGONIER DISTRICT Four -room Greensburg or her 54A Summer Places--Sale Pittsburgh 76 accommodates AUDIT NOTICE. notified that audit list will be made day of September, A. D. 1938. at 9:00 (Saturdays and Sundays excepted) until the Register and up of all the foregoing accounts and said o'clock A.

Eastern Standard Time, list shall have been disposed of. JOHN M. HUSTON, Ex-Officio Clerk of Orphans' Court..

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.