World Recipes: New Zealand Zucchini and Corn Fritters Recipe (2024)

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World Recipes: New Zealand Zucchini and Corn Fritters Recipe (1)I thought I would start sharing some of my favorite recipes from around the world that I love to cook, starting with one from my home country of New Zealand: Courgette and sweetcorn fritters.

In times when we can’t travel, one way to keep in touch with our travel roots is to cook dishes from around the world, dishes that we have enjoyed in different countries that we have visited, or from countries that we haven’t yet had a chance to visit but would like to.

A big part of discovering a culture is by exploring its cuisine, and this is absolutely something that you can begin to do at home, by cooking different dishes.

Corn fritters are a Kiwi classic, a part of our culture, and they are a dish that I have been making for many, many years. In fact, they are one of the first regular dishes that I started cooking for myself when I moved out of home when I was 18.

Usually eaten for brunch in New Zealand, I prefer to have them for dinner with steamed vegetables or salad – it makes for a cheap, quick, and easy meal.

World Recipes: New Zealand Zucchini and Corn Fritters Recipe (2)

Over the years I have been making them, I have tweaked my recipe a lot, and they have now morphed into courgette and sweetcorn fritters.

These courgette and sweetcorn fritters really are super quick and easy to make, and you can even double the ingredients to make a big batch of the fritter batter because it keeps well in the fridge for a few days, I imagine it would freeze well too but I have never tried.

If you don’t like courgette, then you can leave it out, the same with the onion, the spinach, and the red or green pepper. It’s a pretty flexible dish. You can even add chopped-up bacon or chorizo if you are a meat lover.

So here it is, my easy courgette and sweetcorn fritters recipe!

World Recipes: New Zealand Zucchini and Corn Fritters Recipe (3)

Katie’s Courgette and Corn Fritters Recipe


  • 1 410g/15 ounce can whole kernel sweetcorn, or two cooked cobs of sweetcorn
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh coriander/cilantro
  • 3/4 cup self-raising flour
  • 1 small red onion, diced
  • 1 small red or green pepper, diced
  • 3 cloves garlic, crushed or finely chopped
  • salt to taste
  • ground black pepper to taste
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup grated cheese (I use mozzarella but you can use any)
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil or butter
  • 1 grated courgette/zucchini
  • 2 handfuls of baby spinach leaves (optional)

World Recipes: New Zealand Zucchini and Corn Fritters Recipe (4)

World Recipes: New Zealand Zucchini and Corn Fritters Recipe (5)


In a bowl add the eggs and whisk lightly with the salt, black pepper, and chopped cilantro to combine.

Add the flour, bit by bit, beating lightly with a whisk till you have a smooth batter with no lumps with a similar consistency to a pancake batter. You may not need to use all the flour to get this consistency, if it is too thick you can add another egg or a small amount of milk or soy milk.

World Recipes: New Zealand Zucchini and Corn Fritters Recipe (6)

Sauté chopped onions, peppers, and courgette in oil or butter for a few minutes. Add baby spinach and crushed garlic and cook till the spinach is wilted.

World Recipes: New Zealand Zucchini and Corn Fritters Recipe (7)

World Recipes: New Zealand Zucchini and Corn Fritters Recipe (8)

World Recipes: New Zealand Zucchini and Corn Fritters Recipe (9)

Drain cans of corn or cut off kernels if using corn cobs and add to the batter along with grated cheese and sautéed vegetables. Combine.

World Recipes: New Zealand Zucchini and Corn Fritters Recipe (10)

World Recipes: New Zealand Zucchini and Corn Fritters Recipe (11)

Heat a non-stick pan over medium-high heat, and add a drizzle of oil or butter. Place around two tablespoons of the corn fritter batter into the pan. Lightly press the batter outwards evenly to form a fritter. You can cook two to three fritters at a time.

World Recipes: New Zealand Zucchini and Corn Fritters Recipe (12)

Let the fritters cook in the oil for about 3-4 minutes, you will see the edges starting to turn golden. Then carefully using a spatula flip the corn and zucchini fritters over to cook the other side.

World Recipes: New Zealand Zucchini and Corn Fritters Recipe (13)

Once both sides are golden brown then remove from the pan and set on a tray lined with a paper towel to absorb any extra oil.

Serve the fritters warm.

World Recipes: New Zealand Zucchini and Corn Fritters Recipe (14)

Some Further Tips:

  • You can serve these with salad or steamed vegetables on the side if you are having them for dinner, or with poached eggs and bacon or smoked salmon for breakfast.
  • They also go great with slices of avocado, cherry tomatoes, and halloumi or brie cheese, and I love having them with sweet chilli sauce and a dollop of greek yogurt or sour cream.
  • If you have a non-stick pan, then you should definitely use it, as they have a tendency to stick to the pan because of the cheese.
  • You can make easily make these vegan courgette and sweetcorn fritters by switching the cheese to vegan grated cheese and using a vegan egg substitute instead of eggs. I have tried this and they still turned out great.
  • Courgette and sweetcorn fritters are a great camping meal, or an easy meal to cook if you are housesitting or staying in a vacation rentalas they don’t take long to prepare and cook, you don’t need many ingredients, and you only need a bowl or a pot to make the batter in.
  • Using a hand whisk works best, but if you don’t have access to one then you can just use a fork, just make sure to get out any flour lumps the best you can.

I hope you enjoy this quick and easy courgette and sweetcorn fritters recipe, it’s Kiwi as bro.

If you liked this post, make sure to check out my other food-related posts:

  • World Dishes: Italian Gnocchi Recipe
  • The Best Louisiana Food Guide to Tantalise your Tastebuds
  • The Best Cheap Eats Hong Kong Guide
  • The Best Markets in London
  • The Best Cheap Eats in Auckland, New Zealand
  • Eating Anchorage and Other Tales from the City


World Recipes: New Zealand Zucchini and Corn Fritters Recipe (15)

by theworldonmynecklace | 6 Comments

6 Comments on World Dishes: New Zealand Courgette and Sweetcorn Fritters Recipe

  1. Super! This is so relevant for me! My daughter loves corn, so I think she will like it. Thanks for sharing!


    • That’s great John, I hope she enjoys them 🙂


  2. This looks amazing! And I have everything so I am so doing this on Thursday for lunch. Thanks so much for sharing.


    • Thanks Marisabel, please come back and let me know what you think once you make them


  3. Damn that looks good!! I actually live in new Zealand right now 😀
    I need to try those!


    • You should try them Pauline, they are honestly so easy


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World Recipes: New Zealand Zucchini and Corn Fritters Recipe (2024)


Why are my corn fritters falling apart? ›

If your oil temperature drops, the fritters will soak up excess oil while cooking, leaving them soggy. Why are my corn fritters falling apart? If using frozen or canned corn, make sure to drain well to eliminate excess moisture. Always spoon and level dry ingredients to make sure your measurements are consistent.

How do you keep fritters from falling apart? ›

Get the skillet searing hot.

A hot skillet will start cooking the fritters as soon as they hit the pan. That helps sear a crust on each fritter that will hold them together. A pan that's too cool will create a lackluster crust that could result in a floppy fritter if you're not careful.

Why are my fritters not crispy? ›

The most common causes for soggy fritters are too much batter (basic flour and egg batter like used in pancakes will never cook up crispy), and whatever you're frittering leeches too much water when cooking.

How do you make fritters less soggy? ›

Tips and Tricks
  1. Squeeze out any excess water from the vegetables such as potatoes and zucchini after grating to prevent soggy fritters.
  2. If you find the mixture is too wet, add additional flour.
  3. Try and make the fritters approximately the same size so that they cook evenly in the oven.
Jul 17, 2023

Does baking soda make fritters crispy? ›

Is baking soda or powder best for frying? A pinch of baking soda can help produce crispy fried foods. It reacts with the acid in the batter to create carbon dioxide bubbles. These lead to an airy batter and a crisper, fluffier result.

How can I thicken my fritter batter? ›

Adding flour to a wetter batter will give you the thick consistency you want. Add crumbled stock cubes for a flavourful kick! Add as little or as much as you like (or none at all), depending on the flavour you want.

What can I use to bind fritters instead of egg? ›

16 egg substitutes
  1. Mashed banana. Mashed banana can act as a binding agent when baking or making pancake batter. ...
  2. Applesauce. Applesauce can also act as a binding agent. ...
  3. Fruit puree. Fruit puree will help bind a recipe in a similar way to applesauce. ...
  4. Avocado. ...
  5. Gelatin. ...
  6. Xanthan gum. ...
  7. Vegetable oil and baking powder. ...
  8. Margarine.
Mar 30, 2021

Why are my zucchini fritters sticking to the pan? ›

If your zucchini fritters are falling apart, it's likely because the fritters are sticking to the skillet or the batter was too wet. Getting the zucchini dry before preparing the batter so the binding agents can hold the fritter together. If you have a non-stick frying pan, opt for that as well.

What is the purpose of the egg in fritters? ›

Alternatively, don't use them at all. The eggs are there with the flour to bind the fritters together, and to make the fritters rise a little, but they're not absolutely necessary where cheese will melt and act as binding.

What makes batter more crispy? ›

Rice flour and cornstarch work particularly well because they fry up crispier than wheat flour. They also absorb less moisture and fat during the frying process, making the products less greasy. This is why rice flour is often used when making tempura because it produces a very thin and crispy, dry crust.

Why are my zucchini fritters oily? ›

I love zucchini fritters but there's quite an art to making a decent one. If the mix is too wet, they can be soggy or doughy. Too much oil and they can be greasy. Not enough oil and they won't be crispy (and who doesn't love crispy?).

Why is my fried zucchini mushy? ›

Zucchini is made of over 90% water. When cooked, it gets soft and slowly releases that water into whatever dish you're cooking. If zucchini is overcooked, it will have a mushy, soft texture. In certain recipes, the author may recommend that zucchini be patted dry or salted and drained before cooking.

How do you know when fritters are cooked? ›

Fry the fritters: Let the fritters cook undisturbed until browned on the bottom, 2 to 3 minutes. Flip the patties with the spatula and cook until browned on the second side, 2 to 3 minutes more. Drain the fritters: Remove the fritters to a paper towel-lined large plate.

How wet should fritter batter be? ›

Batter consistency is key to good fritters. If too runny, add a touch of extra flour (otherwise fritters soggy inside). If way too thick, add a touch of water. It does come down to how juicy / how well the water was removed from the zucchinis.

What consistency should fritter batter be? ›

Instead of running from the spoon in a broad shining band, a consistency that the French call au ruban, the batter should start to run for about 1 1/2-inch length, then drop in successive long triangular “splats.” When the batter is this consistency, beat it until very smooth.

What if fritters are too runny? ›

Batter consistency is key to good fritters. If too runny, add a touch of extra flour (otherwise fritters soggy inside). If way too thick, add a touch of water.

Should fritter batter be thick? ›

You want a thick batter for these fritters. If you find it's a little too thin simply add in some more flour. If the batters too thick (can still see flour etc), add a dash of milk. The batter should be thick enough to hold its shape on a tablespoon without pouring off everywhere.

Why is my corn splitting? ›

Kernel splitting results from excess soil moisture during the time when kernels are filling. The unusually wet year we have had is to blame for this problem. Split kernels make ears extremely prone to spoilage and can render them unmarketable.


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