Pumpkin Fruit Cake Recipe (2024)

Last updated on: By Kaylene Filed Under: , Recipes 10 Comments

Packed with plump, juicy fruit and sweetened with pumpkin and apricot nectar this Pumpkin Fruit Cake is a luscious snack cake that is almost irresistible!

These days most people can be placed into one of two categories; fruit cake lovers or fruit cake haters. I myself am very much a fruit cake lover! I grew up eating fruit cake as a regular afterschool snack and in my family Christmas just would not be Christmas without a traditional Christmas fruit cake!

Speaking of Christmas cakes, if you want a great Christmas cake recipe check out this Easy Mix Christmas Cake recipe that I shared a couple of years ago. I usually make this Christmas cake a few weeks before Christmas so that it is really rich and moist by Christmas day!

If however you don’t want to wait a few weeks to get a moist and tasty fruit cake then you need to try this pumpkin fruit cake. I came across this recipe on a packet of Sunbeam mixed fruit that I had in the pantry and decided to give it a try (see the original recipe here).

We still have one of our butternut pumpkins from our autumn harvest so I thought this would be great opportunity to try using it in a sweet pumpkin recipe. The only modification that I made to the recipe was to change the shape of the baking tin. The original recipe suggested using a 20cm round tin but I wanted to be able to cut it up into small slices so I chose the rectangular slice tin instead.As a result the fruit cake is not quite as high but it does cook quicker!

So if you can’t wait till Christmas to have a delicious slice of moist fruit cake then I can highly recommend you make this Pumpkin Fruit Cake!

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Pumpkin Fruit Cake Recipe

Prep time

Cook time

Total time

Packed with plump, juicy fruit and sweetened with pumpkin and apricot nectar this Pumpkin Fruit Cake is a luscious snack cake that is almost irresistible!

Author: The Links Site

Recipe type: Brunch, Snack

Cuisine: Cake, Fruit

Serves: 24


  • 500g of mixed dried fruit
  • 1½ cups of lightly packed brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of golden syrup
  • 125g of butter
  • 1 cup of apricot nectar
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 1 cup of cold pumpkin, cooked and mashed*
  • 1 cup of sifted plain flour
  • 1 cup of sifted self raising flour


  1. Place mixed fruit, brown sugar, golden syrup, butter, and apricot nectar into a large saucepan and stir it continuously over a medium heat until the mixture comes to the boil.
  2. Once boiling, reduce the heat and allow the mixture to simmer gently for 10 minutes as you continue stirring.
  3. After 10 minutes remove from heat and add the baking soda. Stir the mixture thoroughly and allow it to cool.
  4. While mixture is cooling preheat oven to 160 °C (320 °F) and grease and line a 20cm x 30cm (8 x 12 inch) rectangular slice tin.
  5. Once cooled (saucepan is just warm to the touch) add eggs and pumpkin and beat with wooden spoon until smooth.
  6. Add flours and mix well to combine.
  7. Place mixture into the prepared tin and bake for 40 minutes or until a cake tester comes out clean.
  8. Allow to cool completely in tin before slicing and serving.


* 300g of raw, peeled pumpkin was enough to give me one cup of cooked mashed pumpkin

Nutrition Information

Serving size:75g Calories:202 Fat:4.4g Saturated fat:2.7g Trans fat: 0.2g Carbohydrates:41g Sugar:28g Sodium:156mg Fiber:1g Protein:2g Cholesterol:11mg

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Pumpkin Fruit Cake Recipe (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.