The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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Cleveland, Ohio

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26 CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER SATURDAY JANUARY 16 1954 EDWARD KALAL OK IM AIDES QUESTION CARNEY Gov Shivers Urges Use of Worked for State on Wil Surpluses Not Money low reeway Planning estate dupli 11 was announced last night by thelfioaI al same time i i said Ohio Assembly accord i DIp Kalal had also studied J' a Cleveland dentist her are GETS $350000 ORDER supports and let Wilson and Chief Honored his 25 years on the Zettle Births Marriages SAETY EXPERT IS DUE Slashes Deaconess Hos 75 lower TICKET SALE IS OPENED Sale I He conducted his final show tickets for the Cleveland HomellOlOS South Highland on Radio Station WKAT at nd JowerShou which will be Garfield Heights who cc HELP? interest will be a HOURS 19 920 31 34 Jay THE PLAIN 78 in on leaving other economy subsi Insurance St Alexis of of the present is to obtain bond is session DEALER MA 1 4500 Co died Hospital 23 34 32 Roy Stephens superintend of service at Western Re and payable as on December Jst 1955 to 1968 in 30 3042 166 AT Bakery Clerk Typist Machinist Truck Drhcr Sales Manager Accountant PAY OREIGN AfO IN CHOPS PLEA League whose finance and taxa tion committee recently author ized an investigation and study of operations in the of fice In the audience were repre sentatives from the Chamber of Lynn Nrlswander Ronald Szaraz Robert Gall James A Ganter Donald Sumners George Hanco*ck Irvin Lamar Jesse Robinson Robert Bradley Clifford Allen Eugene Wilkins Jack ornari Edward Tompkins Marvin ouler Thomas Price John Polunas John Zeszut Armand A Angelone Thomas Emery Donald Williams rank Rhodes jr Lester Tehoke rank Koncz Albert Stranlero George Chabra Louts Selan Samuel Orr Michael McCafferty Louis Beliczkv Horace (' Wilson jr Edward Parrett Zdenek Pancner Burt Thompson Roy NlederlanderJr Warren Blazy Douglas Towers Aaron Auble Stanley Biegs George i Tompkins John Lomax sr George Briggs Carmen AL Torquato William Morris Irwin Kleiner Arthur Blaylock Paul Zhiinik i rar ni its ni Richman Bros Co stores wirrpnoto port ton? nf th Carolinas The Lalee region Is due for snow Brother in Extension as Infant Chews Other End Mr Kalal are his a daughter Joan mother Mrs Mary brothers Lawrence and a sister Mrs 61st Street 10 a to the burns were mother Auditor Defends Granting of Valuation Cuts his actions in cuts which a series of Copt tn the northern plains tar southneat and southern 33 33 35 A commercial artist here for 27 years Charles Roeschlein died suddenly Thursday at his home 1666 Belmar Road Cleve land Heights Mr Roeschlein had been em ployed at the Ad Art Studios 1919 19th Street during his entire 27 years here He was born in Chicago His wile the former Burns of Youngstown is his only I survivor Services will be held at 3 Monday at the Chas Melbourne Son funeral home 12737 Eu auditor also presented prex iously prepared on apartment house devalua Kirwin accepted the data Building Owners i bo L'oHnrn inn nf Realty Interests and others in cluding attorneys from major law firms Early approval of the dupli cate is likely after which Countyj jiwuiri iesue rx momoe wii be able to fix the dates for the first half tax collection Highway Session COLUMBUS Jan CT) inal adjournment today brought a quiet end to a busy special session of the Legislature called to put speed into a big highway building program House and Senate officers signed measures passed during the previous four working days and sent them to Gov rank Lausche His signature by Mon day will make them law Speaker William Saxbe (R Champaign) acted for the House and Lieut Gov John Brown of Medina for the Senate during the sessions Legisla tors returned home yesterday at the end of four working days During that period the Legis lature acted on two bills making $240000000 available in the next two years for construction of major highways That set in motion a billion Births Reto rdd (Mrs omitted before each name) ET Most ot the nation can expect precipitation today et Edward Kalal state highway department engineer in charge of planning and purchase of right of way for had been a since 1925 Low 439 63 29 33 32 42 20 Studied at A member ot the local and na tional units of the American So 1 ciety of Professional Engineers! he was also a registered survey or He was a member of St Michael's Catholic Church in In dependence He was also an ac complished pianist and onist tural prices 'find their natural in the market place of free he observed President Eisenhow er Secretary of Agriculture Benson have proposed a flexible price support policy that would permit supports to drop as farm sur pluses grew) The occasion for his address was a dinner hon oring Gov and Mrs Shivers The sponsoring society is made up of New Yorkers of southern birth When Becker asked the audi tor if he still belies ed he had the legal authority to make such changes Carney replied that he had done what is Such changes were "few and far the auditor said yourself we are familiar with the the auditor told Becker When Becker inquired if re ductions had been made after the 1952 duplicate was made up the auditor said: "Yes sir but actually they were not reductions but correc When a $2563000 valuation slash on the ord Motor Co parcels in Brook Park was dis cussed Carney' said the reduced assessment was based on ap praisals by outside firms "What I understand is how you overassessed (the prop erty) in the first Kirwin commented Volunteers Data Carney volunteered data justification of a devaluation the swank Edgewater Towers apartment house in Lakewood Ohio state Uni versify and old Cleveland I aw School Mr Kalal began his career with the Pease Engineering Co Edward KALAiJie Decaine a Cuyahoga County engineer in i 1934 He left that post in 1945 to join the state highway depart inment 3S 33 ST 28 38 T6 33 38 You can choose from number of applicants when your Ad appears in The Plain 1 1 a I Qualified and dependable employees in need of work make it a habit to study The Plain Dealer Ads each morn ing 21 31 22 23 I Seattir 3 Tainpa 4 5 Tolcdo O'Tucaon agency which called the interest pro of that human lives are at stake Clevelanders are ready to give their blood by the pint and by' the gallon to save Hero is where the mobile blood donation unit will be: Cleveland Twist Drill Co 1242 49th Street 10 a to 4 TUESDAY Moreland School Lee Road and Van Aken Boulevard Shaker Heights 1 to 7 WEDNESDAY Addressograph Multlgraph Co 7200 Babbitt Road Euclid 10 a to 4 THIRSDA Dill Manufacturing Co 700 S2d Street 10 a to 4 RIDAY Drintz Biederman Co 19 el 4 the Willow reeway professional engineer He died of a heart attar yesterday while at work at the state high wav offices in Garfield Heights at the age of 50 Services for Miss Ruth Saslow chief dietitian of Beth EI Hos pital Brooklyn will be held at 2 tomorrow afternoon at the Cohn Margovvsky funeral home 772 105th Street I Miss Saslow a sister of Jo 1 seph Saslow 3530 Cedarbrook Itoad Cleveland Heights died Thursday at the Massachusetts 'Hye and Ear Hospital in Boston1 She was a graduate of Battle! Creek College and of Columbia' University I Her design for a dietetics kitchen won first prize in a national contest in 1952 Besides her brother she is sur vived by' a sister Mrs annie Chazin of Dayton CHARLES ROHSCI 1 LEIN Inventory Time The woes and expense of an nual inventory have been greatly lessened at Jack Heintz Inc which yesterday reported a $9000 saving and reduction in time from nearly three days to 11 I hours In 1952 the plant closed for 68 hours while less than S5000000 in stock was tallied at a cost of more than $29000 This ear $8 500000 in stock was inventoried for $20000 in hours Cutting of the time also bene fited workers whose inventory layoff time was cut John Kemper the comptroller had charge of the operation Working with him were John Seltzer manager of purchases and production planning Charles Sanford general works mana ger George Haberstro superin OTHER High Low 03 3ft 36 72 34 39 36 4ft 35 Joseph Bibb director public safety for the state Illinois will be the featured speaker at the annual meeting of the Urban League today Bibb is the only Negro in the United States to hold such a position in a governor's cabinet RY WILSON IHKSCHI ELD A barrage ot questions on his tax assessment policies was fired! at County Auditor John Car ney yesterday by two state officials who gave particular attention to valuation reductions granted by the office Chairman Edward Kirwin of the Board of Tax Appeals and erd Becker chief of the county affairs division of the De partment of Taxation questioned the and tor al a hearing on the countys 19jj real cate Carney defended granting valuation were reported in Plain Dealer articles but avoided answering whether he would con tinue a practice of authorizing reductions affecting a duplicate previously approved With hide ought not a political foot week'ball and kicked through both he Brian Zazatsky 11 months was seriously burned late yes terday when his three year old brother Joseph jr plugged in an extension cord while he had the other end in his mouth father Joseph who was in his basem*nt at 1401 Spring Road heard screams and ran up stairs He took Brian to pital Doctors Mary was iliac Tank Atlarta Hoiton Huffalo Charleston Ch1ccn (Tnclnnati Cleveland Denvrr Detroii Duhith ort Worth Jackaonvllle (r raln now cloudy falr at 8 ALMASDH (n imur un rtws at a ni at 5 25 Mocm rti 2 49 ro lets at 551 Mayor Sets Date of Printing Week The period of Jan 17 to 24 was designated Printing Week in a proclamation signed yesterday by Mayor Anthony Celebrezze The proclamation paid tribute to great advances to civiliza tion made possible by the art of and noted that Jan 17 marked the 248th anniversary of the birth of Benjamin ranklin printer statesman author scien tist and inventor the proclamation read "has been a vital factor in the birth and development of our country in which the guaranty of freedom of speech and of the press is sacred and Richard Kvetko William BaerTosepn A Krejci Robert A Knight sr John Olciarcik Jewel Otterbein Thomas Dunn Adolph miilovlc Reuben Robert While Horace Lake John Mitschele Posten Robinson Joshua Jones Clement Johnson William Garland Leonard rankel Dallas Potter Donald Patton Chester Bobln' ny Leonard Vavra John Corrigan Stephen Tanek Martin Radeslc Rufus Burkhalter At Zucca John Boger A 'lHir Kono Walter Dvlong Albert atula Jose A Velazquez Kenneth Ragan Patrick Graham jr Lewis Kader William Roitman John itzGerald James Dever James Gilhrldee Patrick Boyle airweather incnn i i nvnr 1 Daniel Kane Morton Mendes Paul Kovar Eugene Greschuk uavia Hauer Marriage 25 223a 93d Street to 1 )) a 1 144 86th Street to 95th Street 1 81t 35 26 Edward I Kirwin chairman of the Ohio Board of Tax Appeals (right) and erd Becker chief of the county affairs division of the Ohio Department of Taxation (left) yesterday examined County Auditor John Carney on his assessment procedures gasoline the pu I 1 lv I I 1 IMVI'V ill nv XJVX This reduction was merited he dollar eight year road program said because of one hich offered by' Gov rank Lausche unut'i i in en is ot a $500000000 bond issue author ized by voters last November oter approval of the sue made the special mandatory Revenues from new and truck taxes will retire bonds with the publishing business all his life He was a proofreader IIICUIJ Hais 111 UIC I 111 LU 1 office ot the Baltimore Ohio sene University was honored at Railroad or a short time he surprise party yesterday com vvoraea tor me old Cleveland memo)atin Commercial alter coming here from Baltimore He was a member of St Igna Catholic Church rind an I niniuiniy rxiiigm 01 umi OUS Services in charge of the Mc bo rra Bros Detroit Would Review Subsidies Shivers termed farm price supports "a patchwork stuck on by political and said the whole program of subsidies should be reviewed but he added: fanner cannot compete in a market where the materials and services he buys are subsi dized unless he is The Texas Democrat who sup ported President Eisenhower in the last election noted that sub sidies tariffs tax writeoffs and other benefits go to transporta tion business and industry af fecting farm living costs "Yet we hear it said that we ought to take away all agricul farm level com HONOR I'RLXTING INDUS TRY A proclamation designat ing Jan 17 to Zf at feinting Week was signed yesterday by Mayor Anthony Celebrezze as printing industry leaders looked on Standing left to right are Edward II Owen general chairman of Cleveland frinting Week IL rank lin president of the Printing Industry of leveland (Bill) Stock president of the and Doon Barber presi dent elect of the Cleveland county board of revision had granted on Shaker Towers a luxurious apartment project near Shaker Square The data other tions I as part of the record Deputy Auditor Raymond A Horn answered queries on land valuation inequities The ques tioning brought out that down town land valuations are now higher than before the depres sion of the while land valua tions elsewhere are than predepression A primary aim of six year reappraisal uniform land values street by street Horn said The auditor answered ques tions on progress of the reap praisal which he estimated will) cost about $2000000 He gave assurance the project would be completed in time for the 1955 tax year Show Off to Earlv Start! be meeting was open to ques tions or statements from the on 19o I Event audience The only comment ot lower rate advance came from Dlrs Albina Dee Avenue Urlmn league to Hear Illinois Cabinet Member her bus band two sons Alan and Joseph a daughter Phyllis Ann and a brother Services will be held at St Catholic Church 3443 93'1 Street at Ifl a Mon I II ins I will Hrs in 5 years! Cemetery did Avenue East Cleveland Burial will be in Lake View Cemetery MRS A CORSO Mrs Dorothy Corso wife of A Corso president of the Ohio Valley yesterday in She was 45 Surviving NEW YORK Jan 15 Gov Allan Shivers of Texas sug gested tonight that farm sur pluses instead of money be used in the foreign aid program would seem more logical he said "than paying off both the farmer and the for eigner in cash and letting the surplus food spoil In Shivers in a speech prepared for the New York Southern So ciety also took a swing at those who would wreck farm price supiwrts while phases of the dized I "The A full schedule for the Red't0 be made into Cross Bloodmobile next (in night schools for the Cleve land Board of Education Surviving him are his wife Emily two sons Hugo serv ing with the United States em bassy in Burma and Dr John three Reserve daughters Mrs Helen Macha 1 MU' 1 i ucurgiana uuiin or tmens and fn Tcinilv PcnvH a county engineer and passed the ricl Caracas Venezuela sev Hii 4 tn iuli ti i id uh aim uueu gi va grandchildren MICHAEL CONROY "AYlz I xuiiiidui kujiruy a prooi reader with the Newspaper En terprise Association for there until his retirement died! Hewas Servce Jw ph Crstner 6T 3428 Spranr'er RiZ 59 rWuK CARRIES RUSSIAN OIL BOMBAY Jan 15 The 3000 ton Panamanian tanker "ranco arrived here today with the first postwar shipment of Russian petroleum productsCommeree the city of Cleveland India the Board of Education the rank Hanrahan jr iboy and glrll rank ctai mx a BOYS Sendk Cleveland Brow a Mario Massa ri Alfred A Janke Harold Nally John Robertson George Metzger Norman uller John Zedella John A Spall Tadeusz Martowicz Albert Howard John Greenway Michael Schobel Ludvik Germovsek William Sharp Richard Conder Donald Roles imer A Sabo Robert Smith Leroy Lehman Lawrence A Radke Kenneth Wilson Jos Yurmanovlcii David Donahue Ralph Pork Joseph Weiams David James Otis Boxx jr Roland Street? Ulysses Walker Irving Lief Henry Lowe Irvin Smith Nicholas Basalla John Rrand'hn Clyde oster Orion Nelson jr Manley Mtln George Dixon Peter King Richard Hubnep Stanley Savlrh George A Manning Charles Rice Leland A Pickett Ernest Laks GlRt5 Joseph Smith Paul Dailey Robert Jess Edward Goebbel Todd ike George a Maurath Jerome A Hobbs Ray Schwendeman Jarnos Tj Washington Albert Johns jr Omer Grannell Euzene Schmidt Martin Lassen Aaron Hatley Richard See James hnes I ester Mutz Alphonso Pruitt Sherwin Goodman William Schlckier James Poop Daniel Bradbury Richard Turner John Ho'iis Andrew Smelko Joseph Rolince Lad Kohout Glesn A lannerv j'lwood McWilliams Anthony Call am Trees rf chi red McClung Admiral Donovan Harold Montreull William Henderson James Gauthier Jewell Green Edmond ecser Charles Augalt'i Ivan iedman George Kalamaraa arl Wilson Howard White jr Paul Bolinger John Ntx Arnold Dnwis License A nnl lea I ion Carmadore Benton 30 10013 North Boule vard to Odessa Seab 23 71 17 Cedar Avenue George Barnett 27 10924 Hathawav Ave rU t0 BPlly 25 903 Herrick Arlene Smith 19 7 0 1 A 1 1 1 11 I HUM Marjorie Burnette 36 2211 Gerald Hotchkiss 23 to lorence Kish Strer Richard Hanson 19 1 0629 Clair nue to Margaret Minadeo' 20 Stevenson Road Uillam Kennard 54 7305 Melmse Ave Awnur 44 7305 Melrose Lutz Marx 25 5713 Northcliff? Road a Ellrlede Ohlsen 25 A'ofi ranklin Ave Avenue Gabbsrd 36 ranklin Stanley Novak 21 18931 Monterey Ave Street0 Shlrley jM'Ph' 22 002 153d David Robinson 28 Newark to Ann Thomas 20 12716 Arliss Drive nn Edln Wallach 31 3527 'Broadview to 371 3539 Broadvle t0 Leon Waller 23 5911 Thackeray Avn Wcbser' 4 922 Wellesley Youns Brats 33 3i75 7 Rosa Ro 19 2689 48th strwt Lawrence ierce 33 1470S Corvdrm nkatarkaret Pierce 22' 831 Rosalind Avenue 201 12424 Douglas Rlnan 3ft 7nth to Glad Avlce 25 1968 70th SUl: medicine at Western University He attended 1 school at night while working as uro Ky a mild'1 nr 1 cl flJ state bar examination in 1938 The family home is at 7236 Brecksville Hoad Independence iiurvix mg wife Joan Marie liis Kalal two and rank Lucv Riha riends may call at the Slezak Wednesday at his home funeral home 3652 fi5thlb Services will be at 10! Mr Conroy who lived at 3272 Tuesday in St Michael's 'w 90th Street was associated Church be publishing business all Lured to the Eldred Hall snack bar bx' his boss Herbert i mover he was astounded to find lvini ll 111 nmnlrv 11 11 IU1 I I IC 1 AZ' I i I I I 'I VJ I I IL funeral home lsc11001 waiting io call Slejko a Cleveland pianist and 03 Detroit Avenue Lake a sister in law of the mother of 1)01 al Gov rank Lausche Church at 70 a Monday Mrs Milavec was active in the burial will be in Baltimore Altar Society of st Vitus' Catho lic Church the Slovenian Ladies Union and the Danica Lodge of the Slovenian Benefit Associa tion She is survived by a son Jo seph and three daughters Vera Mis Mimi Teare and Airs Jo sephine Skufca all of Cleveland Her husband Joseph died in 1932 riends may call at the Grdinat Sons funeral home 1053 62d Street A solemn high requiem mass will be sung in St Church 6019 Glass Avenue at 9:30 a Monday Burial will be Calvary Cemetery REV JOHN Services for Rev John Prucha one of Cleveland's best known! daughters Mrs Hilda churchmen before his retirement' Airs Sadie Pilot and Mrs Viola a thousand radio a week ago will ho at 2 'Meister another son William shows died in his sleep last night today in the Alillard Son Wi: nine grandchildren and eight at his home Raper funeral home 11'203 air great grandchildren hill Road Burial will be in in VDDOX 011 Ratio Slatl0n WHAT at nri lower Show which vv ill be Garfield Heights who complained Highland Park Cemetery Beach on Wednesday Held at Public Hall March 6 to about receiving a Tio i 1 Services for Airs Erba fadd Dvotrn ha a hosa ai! 14 is under wav' according' to from 1'no audilnr's nffico nn a dav only a week after his retire Iadt)ox who died Thursday will'case and had been hospitalized Halph Stoddard show mana 'valuation complaint I tendent and Robert Anthony I a 4 1 I 0 1 zv ni carney saiq ne would look into acvvunvauL replanning conicrences ac curate perpetual inventories and specialized cnecK carets aided the accomplishment which the com pany hopes to better next time Slovenian circles here Thursday at her home 6219 Class Avenue Mrs Milavec 73 came to tins country in from Sadrazica Jugoslavia and all her life was interested in music and culture in various Slovene organizations She vvas the mother of Vera 'iull Bloodmobile Schedule Is Listed Engineering to Supply Annealing Equipment Receipt of a more than $350 000 order for annealing equip ment from the Alan Wood Steel Co Conshohocken Pa vvas re ported yesterday by the Lee Wil son Engineering Co Inc Cleve land The equipment includes eight single stack tube type anneal ing furnaces and 21 furnace bases which are designed to give YllO WrtZI4 zl I 4 i 1 nealing capacity of about 10000' BABY BURNED BY CORD tons a month The company plans to use the increase for annealing high and low carbon strip coils ment as nastor of Miznah te at nl today at thcseveral times in the nast fewiger cregational Church i A A Burman funeral home years The earlv sale is being han the case and Kirwin said he Rev Mr Prucha who was 89 1 131 21 Avenue East Cleve i He entered the radio field in died as in the past by several wanted to be notified of the out served as immigration commis 1 Iand' 1921 at Station KDKA in Pitts 1 hundred garden clubs industrial come sioner here after World War I1 Mrs' "a cle burgh rom 1926 to 1918 he organizations florist shops and! Among those present was Estal held pastorates in three Conere froin an early Virginia pv as "Uncle to millions of i the ticket offices of Burrows and Sparlin director of the Citizens DzI I 1 A 1 PlIli'DrlOC llXPlIlCxIkrr i i pah and formerly taught in Schau tiler College also teaching Anniversary" Among them was President John Millis who' rend a letter of commendation which said in part: "Congratulations on jour 25 years of devoted and excellent service I personally want to say 'how much I appreciate having on on the staff and to tell you of the confidence I have in the way in vvhicli jou discharge iyour many important duties in 1 1 he daily operation of the univcr silv I Stephens who with his wife 1 7 rvc 5 I 1 QT Izxrv iXn z4 jhast Cleveland will also observe ar cording to Arnold Walker is 57th birthday Monday executive secretary of the league Major Anthony I Celebrezze DIES AT 57 will introduce the speaker at the noon meeting in the Mid Day Today's Weather UNITED STATES AT CLEVELAND AIRPORT: Cleveland and Ooudv llsht rain and cont U) uM mllu early tthis morning and forenoon luminc colder with snow Hurries this afternoon Mostly cloudy snow flurries and windy tonight much coldei than last night Lowest temperature this morning 33 highest today 38 Outlook for Sunday: Snow flurries and much colder Official forecast: Ohio Cloudy with rain changing to snow flurries and turning colder by Saturday ater noon Mostly cloudy windy and much colder with snow flurries Saturday night and Sun day WASHINGTON Jan 15 The Weather Bureau said today tts 30 day out look call for temperatures to average below seasonal normals over most of the nation except for above normal tn the southeast and along the Gulf coast The bureau added in the outlook for mld Januarv to mid ehruary greatest un seasonable coldness is expected over the Great Lakes region and Ohio Precipitation is expected to exco'xl nor mal In the Gulf states and from the Ap palachians eastward with frequent snows from Viremia northward Greater than norma) precipitation is also predicted for! central and southern portions of the West Coast states and the northern Rocky Moun tain states but subnormal amounts are in dicated over the Great Lakes and aupnur MlssissiPDt Valiev In areas not specified about normal precipitation is expected' ML I LOROLOtlCAL IU Poll riday Jan 15 1954 Barom sea Irvnt Un i Temp (dry bulb) Temp met bulb) Humidity (relative) Humidity (grpoundi Precipitation TEMPERATURES AT STATED 1 333 32 6 in io a Noon 34 1 Midnight Highest temperature riday Highest temp same date last year Lowest temperature riday Lowest temp same date last year Mean temperature Normal tfmnrnfnr Deficit of temp this month 17 Accumlated excess since a year ago 704 pvvqi ma niurii in Total prreip this month to date Deficit of predp this month to date Total since a year ago this date Deficit since a year ago WEATHER AND TEMPERATURES u1 1 iLo High Los Aneele 60 MiamLf 75 i New Orlfans 72 rfw i ora ttsburgh St Lnuls ranrlsco HANNAH RICK Services for Mrs Hannah rick who died Wednesday ill be held at 1:30 today at lhe Mandley funeral home 15480 Triski'tt Road with burial in Sunset Memorial Park Ceme I tery Mrs rick who vvas 84 was! a native of Germany Her I band William who died in 1916 vvas proprietor of the Meister i Hardware Stoie 12831 Lorain venue 1 1 er son Leonard operates the store Mrs rick was a member of the Ladies Pioneer Society and Radio Idol vf Children Is Heart Club of orest City Chapter Order of IiDeao Victim I ir i cudSicviii otar i Also surviving her are three HAll Jan lj lTi Don Mrs Hilda Elliott oi me uncle Don" ot said The working at the Cad Plant at the time LEGALNOTICE Notice of Sale of Bunds Sealed bids win be received by the Board of Education of the Cuya hoga Heights Local School District at 4820 East 71st Street Cleveland Ohio until twelve noon on Tuesday ebruary 9 1954 at which lime they will be publicly opened and read for the purchase of coupon bonds at not less than par and ac crued interest in the aggregate amount of $35OU0OOO dated the first day of ebruary 1954 Such bonds shall bear interest at the rate of six per cent (6) per annum payable semiannually on the first day of June and December of each year beginning on the first day of December 1954 Prosided however that bids for said bonds may he made for a dif ferent rate of interest In multiples of of ISg Said bonds are issued for the purpose of constructing a fireproof addition to the present fireproof school building of the school district to improve the site on which said building is located and to furnish and equip said build ing and addition thereto and under the authority of the laws of Ohio particularly the Uniform Bond Act and In accordance with a certain resolution authorizing said bonds passed January 12 2954 Said bonds were voted November 3 1953 and are payable from unlimited taxes Said bonds shall be numbered from 1 to 35D inclusive shall be In the denomination of SlOuOOO each ana snail be due follows: $25()oo()o of each year from elusive Both bunds and payable at the legal depositary of the said school district presently the Cleveland Trust Company Cleve land Ohio Each bid must be ac companied by a certified check pay able to the Clerk Treasurer of said Board of Education for not less than of the amount of the bonds herein offered said cheek to be for feited as liquidated damages in the event of default on the part of the bidder All blds will be considered and an award at 7:30 eb ruary 9 1954: provided however that the right is reserved to reject any and all bids A transcript of proceedings evi dencing the legality thereof and the printed bonds will be furnished promptly The approving opinion ot Squire Sanders and Dempsev bond attorneys of Cleveland Ohio will be furnished at the expense of the successful bidder Bids should he sealed and endorsed fur Cuya hoga Heights Local School District School Building LA5G Clerk Treasurer JanJ6 23 30 Notice uf Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting oi the Stock holders of the Cleveland Trust Co will oe held at pie Main Office of the Bank 916 Euclid Avenue Cleve land Ohio on Wednesday January Jo 1954 at 1:30 East ern Standard Time for the purpose of electing Directors considering ana voting upon the adoption of a new Code of Keguiations and for the transaction of all other business which may properly come before such Meeting or any adjournment or adjournments thereof THE CLEVELAND TRUST CO Stewart Anthony Secretary decl8 19 2U 21 22 2324 25 26 27 23 29 30 31 lanl 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 i or AV4XZX nn uv scended from an earlv Virginia was Quaker family bhe was a mem moppets who hoard his shows ber of irst riends Church in originating from WOR and Euclid where she taught Sunday WMAC in New York He also school I appeared on and Surviving Mrs Maddox are a network programs son Joseph a teacher at Me jstories and songs were made into morial Junior High School in eight albums of records and South Euclid and a brother imore than a million copies were Additional services will be held sold through the years Stlinriav nf rinndc 1'hurah Dn maseus with butial in Da mascus Cemetery Mrs Mary Milavec active in died NEER A IUbMI I 7 3I Rw i I TJ Bp IBBBM QUESTION CARNEY ON TAX VALUATIONS Special NEl V5 WEATHER BUREAU MAR HIGH DMarlwwit of Comnwrc 's(nv ZhiGhXX 58 36 55 2977w' I Zx High Tempercrturet and Ara "75 IGH of Precipitation Expected Saturday A A (r I Temperature igure Show Average for Area q0 Vathr Condition D7" A Of 1 30 PM EST Rein Snow 23 7Q Jon 15 1954 Wight and lowi in lncK 1 1 hn a a 2 pm 8 pm 3011 30 00 2986 32 35 35 30 32 33 83 73 S4 22 22 26 OTO Many advertisers get re sults before noon of the first day that the ad ap pears If you need help in any category simply phone to I.

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Author: Arielle Torp

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Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.