The Kansas City Times from Kansas City, Missouri (2024)

I I I I I AS THE KANSAS CITY TIMES Tuesday, October 5, 1971 On the Financial Front Cook Paint Posts Gain in Operations By Ben B. Schifman The Star's Financial Editor Operating results of Cook Paint and Varnish Company the third quarter and nine months Aug. 31 were markedly better than a year earlier, when a strike cut into earnings. While the operating net in the 1970 period was disappointing a nonrecurring profit from the sale of the Wallace Manufacturing (wallboard) division boosted over-all net earnings. This year the company had a special credit arising from the disposal of 12,500 shares of U.S.

Gypsum stock which was received in connection with the Wallace transaction. Exclusive of the Wallace sion, Cook Paint's volume for the three months ended Aug. was 11 per cent ahead of ago and the 9-month sales gain, on a like basis, was up nearly 8 per cent. divisions best reported showing coming from the gains in sales, with Gulf Coast area, according John S. Ayres, president.

Net sales for the quarter were $17,507,924, up from $16,979,363 year ago. The 9-month volume was $46,423,741, compared with $48,775,998. Excluding sales of the Wallace division, comparable sales for 1970 $15,769,782 and $43,059,275, respectively, for the quarter and the nine months. Operating net income for the latest quarter was $628,375, or 70 cents a share, compared with $184,752, or 20 cents a share, year ago. A special credit of $1,400,000, or $1.58 a share, also was reported for the 1970 quarter and the nine months from the sale of the Wallace division.

Net income from operations for the nine months $707,608, or 79 cents a "share, compared with $89,171, or 10 cents a share. A special credit this year of $227,500, or 26 cents a share, was realized from the sale of 25 per cent of the U.S. Gypsum stock received in the Wallace transaction. Ayres reported the wage price freeze is having very little efthe only area in which there could be a profits squeeze is in motor car coatings. With interest in powder coatings (applied electrostatically) gaining momentum in the industry, Cook Paint is getting into STOCK MARKET Dow Jones averages: Net High Low Close Chge.

Industrials 904.42 892.01 895.66-+1.68 trans. 240.68 237.00 239.36 utilities 112.44 110.84 111.87- .96 bonds stocks 309.26 304.85 306.87- Standard Poor's averages: Net High Low Close Chge. Industrials 110.55 109.00 109.61+ rails 46.63 45.97 46.41- utilities 57.14 56.24 Composite 100.04 98.62 99.21+ Transactions in stocks, bonds and American issues, with comparisons (stocks in 1,000 shares, bonds in $1,000 par value). Mon. Wic.

ago Yr. ago Stocks 14,590 10,230 19,760 Bonds $19,520 $21,450 Amer. stocks 4,280 2,490 5,600 Amer. bonds 3,230 2,270 2,470 N.Y.S.E. digest: Mon.

Fri. Advances 823 889 Declines 579 502 Unchanged 294 297 Issues traded .1,696 1,688 New 1971 highs 61 New 1971 lows 36 AMEX digest: Mon. Fri. Advances 493 538 Declines 412 325 Unchanged 256 268 Issues traded 1,161 1,131 New New 1971 1971 lows highs 50 The Associated Press weighted wholesale price index of 35 commodities yesterday advanced 188.53; previous day, 188.32; a week ago, month ago, 187.30; year ago, 192.42. MONDAY'S LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS Following are quotations a8 provided by the USDA Live stock Marketing Service, 842- 3808.

Cattle and Calves Slaughter SteersChoice, pounds 31.00@33.00 Choice, pounds 30.50@32.75 Good, pounds 26.50@31.00| Good, 27.00@31.25 Standard 25.00@ 27.00 Slaughter Heifers Choice, 700-900 pounds 29.00@31.50 Choice, pounds 30.00@31.75 Good, 600-800 pounds 26.00€30.50 Good, pounds 26.00 30.50 Slaughter CowsCommercial 20.00@22.50 Utility 20.25 23.00 Cutter 18.75@22.25 Canner 17.75@20.75 Slaughter BullsGood 27.00 28.50 Commercial Utility 25.00 27.00 Cutter 23,00 26.00 Feeder Steers. Choice, 300-550 pounds 34.00 45.00 Choice, 550-750 pounds 33.00 37.50 Choice, pounds 30.50€34.00 Good, 300-550 pounds pounds 29.50 32.50@38.50 Good, 550-750 Standard, 300-550 pounds 37.50 Good. pounds 27.50 Standard, pounds 25.00 29.50 Standard, 550-750 Choice, 300-500 pounds 31.50 37.00 Feeder Choice, 500-700 pounds 30.00 Good, 300-500 pounds 29.00@33.00 Good, 500-700 27.00 Standard, 300-500 pounds 26.50@31.50 500-700 pounds 24.00 29.00 Hogs Barrows and Gilts200-220 pounds. 020.25 pounds. 20.25 pounds.

20.00 20.25 220-240 pounds. 20.00 20.25 240-270 pounds. 19.25 200-220 20.25 pounds. 20.00 20.25 pounds. 19.500 20.25 Sows 8: -3, 330-400 400-500 pounds.

16.50 16.25 U. Sheep Wooled Lambs. Prime, Choice, 75-105 80-105 pounds 25,00 27.00 Ewes 80-130 pounds Good 5.00@ 5.50 Utility 5.50 Cull 3.50@ 5.00 MILLFEED QUOTATIONS Bulk bran, shorts and middlings were 50 to 75 cents a ton lower here on the wholesale market. Sacked millfeeds were unchanged. Sacked $44,50 45.25; sacked shorts.

bulk bran, $39.000 bulk shorts, 39.75; bulk $39.00 39.75. Mutual Funds NEW YORK (AP)) Select 9.35 10.05 -The following quo- Var Py 7.97 tations, supplied by Inv Resh 5.21 the National Associ. Istel 22.33 23.02 ation of Securities IVy 8.48 Dealers, are Hanck 7.99 the prices at which Johnstn 24.14 these securities Keystone Funds: could have been Apollo 11.59 12.71 sold (bid) or bought CUS BI 19.03 (asked) Monday. B2 Bid Ask 84 8.72 9.55 AGE Fnd 5.33 5.46 8.07 Aberin 2.26 2.48 CUS 5.85 6.41 Admiralty Funds: CUS 19.93 Grwth 7.39 Cus $2. 10.71 11.74 Incom 4.57 CUS 9.36 Insur 10.45 5.45 11.45 Cus Polar 4.40 5.79 Advisrs 5.96 Aetna 10.61.

11.60 Knickb 7.43 8.15 Affiliatd 7.17 7.76 Knick 9.75 10.68 11.53 11.53 Lenox Fd 6.79 7.42 AllAm Fd Lex Grth 10.66 11.65 Allstate 12.63 Lex Rsh 16.78 18.33 Alpha 13.15 14.37 Librty Fd 6.71 7.33 Amcap 6.45 7.05 Life Stk. 6.05 6.61 Am Bus 3.31 3.58 Life Inv 8.65 9.46 Am Dvier 10.93 11.95 Linc. Nat 11.46 12.52 Am Egity 5.52 6.05 Ling 4.91 Amer Express: Loomis Sayles: Capit 9.01 9.85 Canad 28.00 28.00 Invest 8.93 9.76 Capit 12.11 12.11 Incme 9.31. 10.17 Mut 15.04 15.04 Speci 9.03 Lord Abt 11.01 Stock 8.98 9.81 Luth Bro 11.93 13.04 Am Grth 6.85 8.49 Magna In 8.87 9.69 Am Inv 5.71 5.71 Manhtn 5.29 5.78 Mutt 9.45 10.33 Mkt Gth 6.30 6.30 AmN Gth 3.57 3.90 Massachusett Co: Anchor Group: Indep 6.98 7.65 Capit 8.64 9.47 Freed 8.43 9.24 Grwth 11.92 13.06 Mass. 11.52 12.62 Incme 8.12 8.90 Financi: Fd 9:38 10.28 MIT 14.15 15,46 Vent 46.55 51.01 MID MIG 14.99 12.88 14.08 Astron Houghton: 4.77 5.21 Mates 3.85 3.85 Enl A 5.81 6.32 Mathers 13.80 13.80 Fnd 8.06 8.76 Mid AM 5.69 6.22 Stock 6.16 6.73 Moody 12.38 12.38 Scien 4.78 5.20 Moody's 12.70 12.70 Babson 9.49 9.49 MIF Fd 8.86 9.58 Bayrk Fd 8.66 9.46 MuUS Gth GV 5.70 10.57 6.16 Bayrk Gr 5.79 6.33 10.41 Beacnin 14.06 14.06 OmaG 6.27 6.82 Berg Ken 9.89 9,89 Omahl 10.87 16.75 11.82 Berk Gth 5.98 6.54 Mut Shrs 16.75 Bondstk 6.70 7.32 Mut Trst 2.00 2.00 Bost Fdn 11.24 12.29 NEA Mut 10.59 10.81 Brwn Fd 3.90 4.26 Nat Ind 11.36 11.36 Bullock Calvin: 15.29 Nat Balan Secur 10.80 Ser: 10.80 Bullck 16.75 Candn 19.37 21.21 Bond 5.05 5.52 Divid 3.77 4.13 Divid 4.36 4.77 NatW 10.23 11.21 Grwth 9.55 10.44 Vnt 11.77 12.89 Pf Stk 7.33 8.01 Bus Burnh Mgt Fd 12.18 7.29 Stock 8.01 8.75 12.18 Incom 5.48 5.99 CG Fund 10.28 11.11 Nel Side Grth 16.54 9.97 10.84 Capit Capam Gth 3.52 7.87 8.63 3.86 Sel Cet 6.66 7.28 Capit Sh 6.73 7.37 Neuw Wid Fd 11.53 12.60 CentrySh unavail New 15.96 13.10 14.32 Channing Balan Funds: 12.03-13.15 Nich Stria 18.02 18.02 Newton Com St 1.74 1.00 Noreast 15.23 15.23 Grwth 5.95 6.50 Oceangr 7.52 7.52 Incom 7.68 8.39 Omega 6.98 7.10 Speck 1.97 2.15 100 Fund 14.68 16.04 Chase Gr Bos: 101 One Fund 9.47 16.32 10.35 Capit 8.11 8.86 WmS 16.32 Fund 10.56 11:54 ONeill 12.84 12.84 Front 92.07 Oppenh 8.79 9.61 Shrhid 12.01 13.13 OPP AIM: 12.90 14.10 Speci 10.46 11.43 OTC Sec 10.68 11.61 Chemicl 18.84 20.59 Param 8.92 9.75 Colonial: Penn Sq 8.04 8.04 Equty 4.32 4.72 Paul Rvr 8.44 9.22 Fund 11.07 12.10 Pa.

Mut 4.40 4.40 Grwth 6,49 7.09 Phila 15.10 16.55 Incom 9.92 10.84 Pilgrim 10.45 11.42 Vent 5.30 5.79 Pine St 11.59 11.59 Colu Grth 14.48 14.48 Pion Ent 8.05 8.80 ComS BI 5.39 5.89 Pion Fnd 11.61 12.69 Cwith AB unavail Plan Inv 11.65 12.73 Cwith unavail Pligrth 13.48 14.73 As 7.46 8.18 Price Funds: Comp 6.95 7.62 Grwth 28.24 28.24 Comp 9.47 10.29 Era 10.06 10.06 Comp 9.94 10.80 Horiz 32.89 32.89 Concord 11.14 11.14 Pro Fund 10.76 10.76 Cons Inv 11.68 11.88 Portf 6.00 7.54 Constel 5.95 6.50 Prog. Fd 5.79 6.33 Cont Gth Mut 10.58 8.73 10.69 8.73 Provid SIP 10.67 4.99 11.66 5.45 Corp Ldr 16.13 17.66 Putnam Equit Funds: 8.91 9.74 Ctry Cap 14.04 15.18 CrnWDiv 6.12 6.69 Georg 15.03 16.43 Crn WDal 7.25 7.92 Grwth 10.80 11.80 de Vegh 72.41 72.41 Incom 8.25 9.02 Delaware Group: Invest 8.52 9.31 Decat 12.27 13.41 Vista 9.46 10.34 Delaw 13.39 14.55 Voyag 8.31 9.08 Delta 7.86 8.59 Revere 10.66 11.65 Dir Cap 6.98 7.65 Rinfret .15.38 15.75 Diver Fd 5.76 6.30 Sagitars 3.44. 3.44 Dodg Cox15.74 15.74 Schustr 16.45 18.00 Drexel 14.11 14.11 Scudder Funds: Dreyf Fd 12.18 13.35 Int Inv 13.82 14.07 Dreyf Lv 15.22 16.68 Spect 35.58 Balan 15.93 10.51 15.93 Balan 10.11 11.05 St 10.51 Grwth 13.91 15.20 Security Funds: Incom 6.40 6.99 Equty 3.83 4.20 Speci 9.69 10.59 Invest 8.34 9.14 Stock 13.96 15.26 Ultra 8.71 9.55 Ebrstdt 13.76 15.04 Selected Funds: Spl 24.27 24.27 Sel Am 10.31 11.27 Egret Gt 13.23 14.38 Sel Opp 15.72 17.19 Tr 19.38 Sel Spl 16.60 18.15 Emer Energy Sec 12.31 12:311 6.78 Sentry -F 14.63 15.90 6.20 Sent Gth 8.99 Equity 9.40 Sham Fd 12.09 12.09 Equit Gth 9.30 10.19 Shareholders Gp: Equit Pro 4.11 4.50 Cmstk 4.46 7.41 4.87 DCap 5.02 Entro 6.78 Fairfid 10.53 11.51 Fletr 6.24 Farm Bond Bu 9.43 10.01 9.43 Harbr 8.65 9.45 10.01 Fief Fd 5.48 Fidelity Group: Pace 9.69 10.59 Capit 12.22 13.36 Ap 30.56 33.40 Contfd 9.16 10.01 Shear In 11.64 12.72 Dstny 6.84 Sherm 15.20 15.20 Essex 13.48 14.73 Side Fd 10.06 11.02 Evrst 13.10 14.32 Sigma, Funds: Fidel 16.40 17.96 Capit 9.34 10.21 Puritn 10.31 11.37 Invest 11.60 12.68 Salem 5.37 5.87 Trust 9.01 9.85 Trend 24.46 26.73 Smith 10.96 10.96 Financial Prog: Sw. Invs 9.18 9.23 Dyna 4.41 4.83 Swin. Gt 7.69 8.31 Indust 3.86 4.23 Sover Inv 13.44 14.72 Incom 6.00 6.57 Spectra 7.56 8.28 Vent 441 4.83 StFrm Gt 4.76 4.76 Va.

11.87-12.97 State St. 48.48 48.97 Fst Investors: Steadman Funds: Disco 7.48 8.20 Am Ind 4.11 4.50 Grwth 10.48 11,48 Asso 1.29. 1.41 Stock 9.83 10.77 Fiduc 7.23 7.92 Fst Mult 9.38 9.53 Stein Roe Fds: Est Nat Sierr 5.91 7.36 6.48 8.04 Cap Balan 21.06 9.87 21.06 9.87 Fnd Gth 4.86 5.31 Stock 14.91 14.91 Founders Group: Supervisd Inv: Grwth 16.84 18.40 Grwth 7.65 8.38 Incom 13.62 14.89 Sumit 11.37 12.46 Mutal 8.97 9.61 Tech 7.72 8.41 Speci 11.83 12.93 Sync Gth 9.67 10.57 Foursa 10.33 11.29 TMR Teacher 13.85 10.65 15.14 Franklin Group: DNTC 9.26 10.15 Technic 2.87 3.14 Grwth 6.62 7.25 Temp Gt 25.05 27.37 Utils 5.64 6.18 Towr Cap Incom 2.12 2.32 Trns Cap 8.06 8.06 US Gov 10.47 11.47 Trav Eq 10.94 11.99 FdF Dep 10.69 10.69 Tudr Hed 12.68 12.68 Fund inc Grp: TwnC Gt 3.17 3.47 Comm 9.90 10.82 TwnC Inc. 4.06 4.45 Impac 8.59 9.39 USAA Gt 10.91 10.91 Ind Trd 13.37 14.61 Unif Mut 10.76 11.76 Pilot 8.03 8.78 Unifund 11.25 12.30 Fnd Am 8.61 9.44 Union Svc Grp: Gatewy 10.16 10.98 Broad 15.03 16.43 GE 30.23 Nat Inv Gen Sec 9.47 9.47 Cap 11.96 13.07 Gibraltr 7.22 7.29 United Whteh 13.60 14.86 Group Sec: Funds: Apex 8.63 9.44 Accm. 12.92 7.69 8.43 Balan 8.94 9.79 Con Gr 14.16 Com St 12.91 14.1F Con Inc 11.81 12.94 GrthF1 A 8.79 9.61 Incom 14.13 15,48 Grth Ind 21.29 21.29 Scien 8.17 8.95 Guard 26.67 26.67 Vang 9.97 10.93 Hamilton: Fd Can 7.56 8.26 Fd HFI 4.78 5.23 Value Line Fd: Grwth 7.92 8.66 Val Li 6.85 7.51 Incom 6.13 6.70 Incom 5.15 5.64 Fd 14.01 14.01 Spl Sit 5.44 5.96 Lev 11.47 11.47 Vance Sanders: Helb Gor 8.25 8.25 Bos Stk 8.36 9.14 Hedge 11.63 12.75 Bos Speci Fd 9.49 8.27 10.37 9.04 Hor Man 16.63 17.32 Vandrbt 6.88 7.52 Heritge 2.43 2.66 ICM Fini 8.31 9.11 Vangd 4.82 5.27 ISI Group: Vantg TN 10.53 11.51 Grwth 4.11 4.49 Var In 4.75 5.16 Incom 4.10 4.48 Viking 9.06 6.57 9.90 7.14 Trus sh un 12.11 3.26 13.23 Wall 12.87 14.07 Imp Imp Gth Cap 8.01 8.75 Expir 21.70 23.09 10.34 11.30 Wellingtn Group: 15.441 Ivest 16.75 18.31 IncF Bos 7.27 7.97 Morg 11.38 12.44 Industry .4.82 5.28 Techv 8.09 INTGN Trust 12.55 12.66 13.82 13.84 Inv ICA Guld 10.03 unavail 10.03 Welltn 11.55 12.62 Wells Inv Indic 7.63 Windr 9.77 10.68 inves Bos 11.91 13.02 West Ind 5.71 6.03 6.24 6.59 IDS ndl 5.35.

5.82 Winfield 4.33 4.73 Investors Group: Wincp Fd Muti 9.83 10.68 Wise Fd 6.75 7.36 Prog 5.14 5.50 Worth 10.24 3.06 11.20 3.06 Stock 19.81 21.53 Zeigler LIVESTOCK ELSEWHERE National Stockyards, 1H. (AP)- -Hog weak, ceipts: sows 8,000 steady. head; No. 1 and 2 200-400 butchers steady pounds $21.00: 200 head $20.75 few, No. to 3 200-250 pounds No.

1 to 3 300-350-pound sows 350-400 400-600 pounds pounds Boars, $13.00 No. 2 and with weights under 350 pounds slaughter Cattle steers opening- steady to fully receipts 3,000 head; trade slow. 25 lower, heifers weak to 50 lower. Cows about steady. Bulls steady.

Supply pounds large- yield ly good and choice: grade 2-4 slaughter steers near 25 per cent heifers and: 10 per cent cows. Slaughter steers: Load and part pounds load yield choice grade No. 2 and 3 with few prime choice pounds Mixed TO mostly choice 1,000 pounds $33.00. good and choice some Good, Including Holsteins near 1,300 pounds at $29.00. Slaughter heifers: Part load and small lot choice and prime 900-025 pounds No.

2 to 4 mixed good and $32.00, choice pounds yield grade choice Cows: few Holsteins CutCommercial utility ter, canner, Calves: Choice vealers good, Sheep receipts: 500. head; slaughter lambs steady to 50 higher: ewes 90-110 wooled de pounds slaughter lambs, choice Choice, and 27.50% shorn slaughter lambs, choice and prime. 95-100 pounds with No. ewes, and utility 2 to choice Culls, pelts Slaughter William Thomson, News Executive, Dies New York (AP) The death of William A. Thomson, founding chief executive officer of the American Newspaper ers Association's.

Bureau of Advertising, was announced here yesterday by his family. Thomson, 94, died Saturday in Inverness, Nova Scotia, after a long illness. 8.66 5.69 8.48 8.68 24.14 7225 19.90 long 8.84 fore tist con He M. Leroy 7419 Adler, p.m. ing from the born lived was for the for voice was I the Mrs.

5730 lage today Creek Deaths HERBERT H. ADLER Herbert Henry Adler, 81, Noland, died yesterday at Veterans Hospital. He was a lifeKansas City resident. Mr. Adler worked in the maintenance department of Allis-Chalmers beretiring.

Mr. Adler was member of the High Point BapChurch, where he was deaand a Sunday school worker. leaves his wife, Mrs. Adler of the home; son, Adler, 14408 Little Blue; a daughter, Mrs. McCarty, Murkins; a brother, Arthur 14009 Little Blue; six grandchildren and a great-granddaughter.

Services will be at 1 Thursday at the Hinton Chapel, Raytown; burial in BrookCemetery, Friends may call 7 to 9 p.m, Wednesday at chapel. JAMES J. BELL James J. Bell, 84, of 1957 E. 71st Terrace, died Saturday at the Trinity Lutheran Hospital.

He was in Mansfield, and had here more than 65 years. He organist and choir director the former Jackson Avenue Christian Church 17 years, and of Memorial Christian Church 40 He gave. piano and lessons for years. He a Mason. Before World War he was superintendent of the former clinic in the MexicanAmerican community operated by Christian churches of Greater Kansas City.

He leaves his wife, Ruth Bell of the home; a daughter, Mrs. Margaret Southall, W. 81st Terrace, Prairie Viland four grandchildren. Services will be held at 11 a.m. at the Newcomer Brush Chapel; burial in the Mount Moriah Cemetery, MRS.

FLORA CANTRALL Mrs. Flora Cantrall, 95, Olathe, died yesterday at the home. She was born in Carlinville, and had lived in the Olathe area 24 years. She was a member of the Methodist Church in Spring Hill in Johnson County. She leaves three sons, Lee Cantrall and Emmett Cantrall, Spring Hill, and Irvin Cantrall, Holton, Three daughters, Mrs.

Rachel Meek, Bucyrus, Mrs. Ruth Hiatt, Stillwell in Johnson County, and Mrs. Angie Parr of the home; 20 grandchildren, 45 great-grandchildren and four great-great-grandchildren, funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Frye Chapel, Olathe; burial in the Olathe Cemetery. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m.

tonight at the chapel. The family suggests memorial contributions to the church. FRANK CRUM day in Honolulu. MRS. RICHARD ELLSBERRY Frank Crum, 59, Honolulu, formerly of Kansas City, died Saturday at a hospital in Honolulu.

Mr. Crum was born in Kansas City and had lived in St. Joseph most of his life before moving to Honolulu about 18 years ago. He was general manager for the New York Life Insurance Company, Honolulu. He was a graduate of the University of Missouri-Columbia and was a member of Beta Theta Pi.

He was a member of the Rotary Club and was a Mason. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Francis Crum of the home; a son, Larry Crum, Fort Walton Beach, a daughter, Mrs. Susan Cloward, Honolulu, and his mother, Mrs. Grace F.

Rolls, Westwood. Services and burial were held yester- Mrs. Marie Barnett Ellsberry, 51, of 1912 N. Mill, Kansas City, Kansas, died Friday at the University of Kansas Medical Center. She was a lifelong Kansas City, Kansas resident.

She was a member of the Salem Baptist Church. She leaves her husband, Richard Ellsberry of the home; a daughter, Mrs. Sharon Moore, Kansas City, Kansas; her mother, Mrs. Alberta Barnett, and three brothers, Louis Barnett, Virgil Barnett, and Willie Barnett, all of 1962 N. Hallock, Kansas City, Kansas, and nine grandchildren.

Services will be at 11 a.m. Thursday at the church; burial in Westlawn Cemetery. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday at the church. MRS.

LEORIA FRANKLIN Mrs. Leoria Franklin, 45, of 1818 Kansas, died Saturday at the General Hospital. An autopsy is being performed. She was a lifelong resident here. She leaves a son, Allen Locks, San Diego; three daughters, Mrs.

Anita Winfield, 2804 Spruce, Miss Linda Franklin, 2206 E. 25th, and Mrs. Karen Johnson, 3520 S. Benton, and two sisters, Mrs. Mamie Abrams, 3534 College, and Mrs.

Rosa Renaud, 2820 E. 73rd. Services will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday at Watkins 18th Street Chapel; burial in Lincoln Cemetery. Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m.

tonight at the chapel." MRS. MARY HARTMAN mation. PAUL HEDRICK Mrs. Mary Hartman, 56, of 16 W. 37th, died Friday at the home.

She was born in. Goldfield, and had lived here about 25 years. Mrs. Hartman was an employee of Monkey Cleaners. Services will be held at 7:30 p.m.

Wednesday at the Kansas City Mortuary; cre- Paul Hedrick, 71, San Diego, a former Kansas City, Kansas, resident, died Thursday in' a hospital in San Diego. He was born in Kansas City, Kansas, and had lived here until moving to San Diego in 1942. He was a bookkeeper for the Board of Public Utilities, Kansas City, Kansas. He leaves a sister, Mrs. Wayne Ashlock, 1608 Washington, services Kansas will City, be Kansas.

at 10 a.m. Wednesday in Memorial Park Cemetery, Kansas City, Kansas. MRS. LORENA M. JEANS Mrs.

Lorena M. Jeans, 91, Pleasant Hill in Cass County, died yesterday at a nursing home in Harrisonville. She was born in New. ton County, Missouri, and had lived in the Kansas City area 46 years. Mrs.

Jeans was a member of the Independence Boulevard Christian Church. She leaves two sons, Dr. J. B. Jeans, Pleasant Hill, and Dr.

Fred W. Jeans, Jackson, daughter, Mrs. Natta B. Amend, Great Bend, four grandchildren and eight greatgrandchildren. FREDDIE JOHNSON, JR.

Freddie Johnson, 41, of 4116 E. 35th, died Saturday at the home. He was a lifelong area resident. He leaves three sons. Herbert Johnson, serving with the Air Force in Vietnam; Freddie Johnson Ill, serving with the Navy in Alaska, and Garnell Johnson of the home; a daughter, Miss Regina Lyn Johnson, and his mother, Mrs.

Alberta J. Brown, both of the home; a brother, Garnell Johnson, 911 Holmes; two sisters Mrs. Ella Logan, 2430 Kensington, and Mrs. Mildred Brown, 3106 Jackson, and tWO grandehildren. Services will be at 11 a.m.

Thursday at the Watkins 18th Street Chapel; burial in the National Cemetery, Ft. Leavenworth. Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. Wednesday at the chapel. KENNETH E.

JOHNSON Kenneth E. Johnson, 64, of 3915 E. 18th Terrace, died yesterday at the Veterans Hospital He was a lifelong Kansas City resident. Mr. Johnson was a retired laborer.

He leaves a son, Kenneth Johnson, and a daughter, Miss Darlene Johnson, both of Los Angeles; a sister, Mrs. Lena Greer, Santa Monica, and 12. grandchildren. Services will be held at 11 a.m. Friday at the Watkins 18th St.

Chapel; burial in the National Cemetery, Ft. Leavenworth. Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. Thursday at the chapel. MRS.

RALPH LICHTENBERGER Mrs. Maggie J. Lichtenberger, 72, of 7718 Cornoa, Kansas City, Kansas, died last night at Providence Hospital. She WAS born near Kingfisher, and had lived in this area 38 years. She leaves her husband, Ralph W.

Lichtenberger W. of the Lichtenberger, home; two sons, Ralph 7724 Webster, and Carl D. Li. chtenberger, 1406 N. 77th Terrace; a Alton, a sister, Mrs.

Bessie brother, Raymond C. Sturgeon, Hayes, Wichita; nine grandsons and three great-grandaughters. Services will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday at the Fulton-Nickel Chapel; burial in Chapel Hill Cemetery. Friends may call after 5 p.m.

Wednesday at the chapel. MARTIN L. McGRAW Martin L. McGraw, 68, of 8628 Marty, Overland Park, died yesterday at Shawnee Mission Hospital. He was a lifelong area resident.

Mr. McGraw was a retired service supervisor for the Kansas City Power Light Co. He was a member of Queen of the Holy Rosary Catholic Church. Mr. McGraw leaves his wife, Mrs.

Josephine T. McGraw of the home, and a brother, Edwin McGraw, 1020. Prospect. Services will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday at the church; burial in Mount Olivet Cemetery.

The Bishop Hogan Knights of Columbus rosary will be said at 7:30 p.m. tonight and the church rosary will be said at 8 p.m. tonight, both at the Hoge Chapel, Overland Park. HUGH MINTURN Hugh Minturn, 87, of 805 Shawnee Road, Kansas City, Kansas, died yesterday at the Little Sisters of the Poor Nursing Home, 5331 Highland. Mr.

Minturn was born in Florence, and had lived here nearly all his life. Mr. Minturn had operated a former ice house at 31st and Van Brunt Boulevard. He was a Catholic. Graveside services will be at 9 Wednesday in Mount Hope Cemetery.

Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. tonight at the FultonNickel Chapel. EARL T. PHILLIPS, JR. Earl T.

Phillips, 54, Edgerton in Platte County, died Sunday at the home. He born in Rosedale in Kansas City, Kansas, and had lived in the Kansas City area all his life. He was an engineer for Trans World Airlines 31 years. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Peggy Phillips of the home; and a son, David Phillips, Osawatomie, Kan.

Services will be at 1 p.m. Wednesday at the Newcomer Brush Creek Chapel; burial in Forest Hill Cemetery. Friends may call after 2 p.m. today at the Chapel. ELMER E.

ROLLER 5 Elmer E. Roller, 85, of 1954 Franklin, Kansas City, Kansas, died yesterday at Providence Hospital. He was born in Seligman, and was an area resident 50 years. Mr. Roller retired in 1951 as a motorman for the old Kansas City Public Service Company where he had been employed 28 years.

He was a member of the Kensington Senior Citizens Club. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Cora B. Roller of the home; a son, Charles C. Roller, 3206 Wood; a daughter, Mrs.

Ida Mae Richardson of the home; a granddren, daughter; and three a reseat children. EMERY ROSENBERG Emery Rosenberg, 78, of 4818 Roanoke Parkway, died yesterday at the Menorah Medical Center. He was born in Hungary and had lived here 60 years. Mr. Rosenberg was the owner and operator of the Keystone Cleaners and Dyers, 4110 Troost.

He was a member of B'nai B'rith. He was a member of the Ararat Shrine. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Alta Rosenberg of the home, and two sisters, Mrs. Jeanette Dutkin and Mrs.

Teresa Gregory, both of Los Angeles. Graveside services will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday in Mount Moriah Cemetery. Friends may call after noon today at Mount Moriah Chapel. The family requests no flowers sug.

gests contributions to Congregation B'nai Jehudah, WILLIAM A. ROSSOM 5 p.m. Wednesday at the chapel. MRS. PEARL SCHROCK William A.

Rossom, 52, of 2402 Pacific, Kansas City, Kansas, died yesterday at the University of Kansas Medical Center. He was born in Kansas City, Kansas, and had lived there most of his life. He was a stonemason. Mr. Rossom was a member of the Grandview Baptist Church.

He leaves his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Rosson of the home; three sons, Dan W. Rosson, 1620 S. 16th, and Terry R. Rosson, 211 N.

38th, both of Kansas City, Kansas, and Michael Rosson of the home; three daughters, Mrs. Connie Reed, 244 N. Thorp, Kansas City, Kansas, and Nancy Rosson and Miss Peggy Rosson, both of the home; his mother, Mrs Myrtle Rosson, 3835 Central; a half brother, Ray E. Miller, 5134 Harmony, Kansas City, Kansas; a sister, Mrs. Corene Craig, 612 E.

Walnut, Independence, and six grandchildren. Services will be at 1:30 p.m. Thursday at the Fulton Chapel; burial in Maple FIll Cemetery. Friends may call after Mrs. Pearl M.

Schrock, 81, Van Nuys, formerly of Garden City in Cass County, died Friday at a nursing home in Van Nuys. She was born in Harrisonville and had lived in this area most of her life, before moving to Van Nuys about seven years ago. She was a member of the Garden City United Methodist Church. She leaves six daughters, Mrs. Verda Norman, Mrs.

Ruby Carrington, and Mrs. Glada Small, all of Van Nuys, Mrs. Zella Staley, Garden City, Mrs. Billie Lee, Bremerton, and Miss Pat Schrock, Dyer, a sister, Mrs. Beulah Cameron, San Bernardino, six grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren.

Services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the church; burial in Clear Fork Cemetery near Garden City. Friends may call from 7. to 9 p.m. tonight at the chapel.

The family requests no flowers and suggests contributions to the church memorial fund. L. V. SHINAULT L. V.

Shinault, 52, of 2325 Troost, died Sunday at the General Hospital. Mr. Shinault was born in Bonneville, and had lived here 32 years. He was a custodian for the Jones Store, Prairie Village, He leaves his wife, Mrs. Louise Shinault, 5215 Olive; a son, Willie Shinault, 4515 Virginia; his father and stepmother, Mr.

and Mrs. Willie Shinault, 4428 Askew, tand a granddaughter, Services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Watkins Brush Creek Chapel; burial in Highland Cemetery. Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. Friday at the chapel.

ROBERT I. SMITH Robert Isom Smith, 65, died yesterday apparently of a heart at. A tack Platte at the County. home He in was a Edgerton lifelong in Edgerton resident. He was a carpenter for the Warner Construetion Company and also was a farmer.

He was a member of the Mount Zion Baptist Church, Edgerton. He leaves his wife Mrs. Valentine Smith of the home; three brothers, Frank Smith and Archie Smith, both of Edgerton, and James Smith, Polson, and three sisters, Mrs. Anabelle Button, Armstrong, Mrs. Maude Bywaters, Edgerton, and Mrs.

Catherine Hixon, Gower, Mo. Services will be at 2 p.m. Wednes. day at the Hixson Chapel, Edgerton; burial in Ridgely Cemetery, Edgerton. MISS GENEVIEVE STYPA Miss Genevieve M.

Stypa, 46, of 3123 N. 55th Terrace, Kansas City, Kansas, was pronounced dead at Bethany Medical Center after suffering a heart attack. Miss Stypa was a lifelong resident of Kansas City, Kansas. She was a secretary at been Swift Co. where she had employed 22 years.

She was a member of Christ the King Catholic Church. She leaves her mother, Mrs. Edith Stypa of the home, and three sisters, Mrs. Catherine Locke, 5321 Roswell; Mrs. Josephine Jaremko, Macon, and Mrs.

Dorothy Kuklenski, Oxnard, Calif. Services will be at 9 a.m. Thursday at the GibsonButler Chapel and at 9:30 a.m. at the church; burial in Mount Calvary Cemetery. The rosary will be said at 7:30 p.m.

Wednesday at the chapel, where friends may call after 3 p.m. Wednesday. LEW A. THOMPSON Lew A. Thompson, 65, of 4946 Walnut, died yesterday at the Research Medical Center.

Mr. Thompson was born in here Jamesport, and had lived 45 years. He was a former Sinclair Service Station owner. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Marjorie L.

Thompson of the home; a daughter, Mrs. Linda K. Voelker, Blue Springs; a stepdaughter, Mrs. Carol Harper, Ow. asso, a brother, Forrest L.

Thompson, Jamesport; three sis. ters, Mrs. Dale Lindsey, Trenton, Mrs. Pearl Merritt, Kansas City, and Mrs. Leva Hamilton, Kansas City, Kansas, and four grandchildren.

Services will be at 1 p.m. Wednesday at the Muehlebach Chapel; burial in Mount Auburn Cemetery, St. Joseph. Friends may call after 2 p.m. today at the chapel.

BUDDY E. WILCUTT Buddyf Eugene Wilcett, 3- month-old son of Mr. Mrs. John Wilcutt, 9807 E. 7th, Independence, died Sunday at the home.

He also leaves his paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wilcutt, 17910 E. U.S. 40, Independence, and his maternal grandparents, Mr.

and Mrs. William Morris, Rosamond, Calif. Graveside services will be at 9:30 Wednesday in the Mount Washington Cemetery. Friends may call from 7 to 8 p.m. tonight at the Ott Mitchell Chapel.

ROBERT W. WILLIFORD Robert W. Williford, 49, 5317 Rinker, died yesterday of leukemia at the Ellis Fischell Hospital, Columbia. He was a lifelong area resident. He leaves three brothPrice B.

Williford, Kansas City, Wayne Williford, Tavernier, and Charles Williford, Salt Lake City, Utah; and two sisters, Mrs. Pauline Anderson, Overland Park, and Mrs. Ada Blodgett, Gardner in Johnson County. Serv. ices will be at 1 p.m.

Thursday at the Newcomer Brush Creek Chapel; cremation. Friends may call from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Wednesday at the chapel. MRS. MATTIE B.

WILSON Mrs. Mattie Bell Wilson, 56, of 4326 Forest, died Thursday at the General Hospital. She was born in here seven years. She was a nursBlackton, and had lived es' aide. She leaves her husband, Bristco Wilson, Helena, four sons, Bristco Wilson, of the home; Eddie Lee Wilson, 4120 Cleveland; Robert L.

Wilson, 3102 E. 25th, and Willie Lee Wilson, 4125 Tracy; three daughters, Mrs. Rosie Mae Frazier of the home; Miss Silver Mae Wilson, 3115 E. 30th, and Miss Hazel Mae Wilson, 4125 Tracy; six brothers, Leon Rivers, 1441 Towers; Adell Rivers, 3550 Flora; Lonzo Rivers, Cleveland; Lewis Rivers, Holly Grove, Lawyer Lee Rivers, West Memphis, and Pledge Rivers, Kansas City, Kansas; four sisters, Miss Patsy Ruth Rivers, Holly Grove; Mrs. Hattie Jones, West Memphis; Mrs.

Mazie Lee Nelson, 2819 E. 33rd, and Miss Mable Rivers, 4500 Agnes; two stepbrothers, Henry Hall, Hot Springs, and J. D. Hall, Marvell, a stepsister, Miss Agnes Hall, Pine Bluff, and 13 grandchildren. Services will be at 2 p.m.

today at the Lawrence A. Jones Linwood Chapel; burial in Second Creek Cemetery, Platte City. Funeral Services Albert Powell, 50, of 1920 N. 16th, Kansas City, Kansas, at 11 a.m. Friday at the Quindaro Community Christian Church; burial in -Woodlawn Cemetery.

Friends may call from to 9 p.m. Thursday at the English-Franklin Chapel. He was born in Kingston, Jamaica, and had lived in Kansas City, Kansas, years. He was a construction worker. Mr.

Powell was a Catholic. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Emma Jean Powell; five sons, Wilfred, Alviney, Alex, Daren, and Richard; four daughters, Marsha, Gail, Rosalyn and Venesa; two stepsons, Rodney Easter and Henry Easter, and two stepdaughters, Yvette Easter and Tanya Easter, all of the home; three other stepdaughters, Mrs. Paula Berry, Los Angeles; Mrs. Joylyn Easterwood, 1706 N.

8th, and Mrs. Janice Birch, 836 Oakland; sister, Mrs. Iris Johnson, and brother, Alfus Powell, both of Kingston, and five grandchildren. Mrs. Rozella Heinrichs, 78, of 308 N.

White, at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Butler Chapel, 22 S. 18th, Kansas City, Kansas; burial in Johnson County Memorial Gar. dens. Friends may call at the chapel from 7 to 9 p.m.

tonight. Clarence L. Ware, 67, of 6101 W. 67th Terrace, Overland Park, at 1 p.m. Wednesday at the Freeman Chapel and at 2.

p.m. Thursday at the Westley Memorial United Methodist Church, Festus, Mo. Friends may call after 6 p.m. tonight at the Freeman Chapel and after 7 p.m. Wednesday at the Vinyard Chapel, Festus.

The family suggests contributions to the Westport United Methodist Church or the American Cancer Society. Deaths Over Missouri Carrollton Presley, Raymond Pitts, 72, Tina, died Sunday at a hospital Mr. Pitts was born in Mandeville, and had lived in Tina about a month. He had lived in the Bogard, area Kansas October City, 4, 1971 Missouri 64198 Dated: most of his life. He was a farmer.

He was a member of the United Methodist Church, Mandeville. He Public Notices NOTICE OF PROPOSED ACQUISITION OF SHARES BANK HOLDING COMPANY OF GOING CONCERN ENGAGED IN NONBANKING ACTIVITIES Pursuant to $4 (c) (8) of the Bank HoldCompany Act and regulations of the Board of Governors of the Federal Re serve System, notice is given that FIRST BANK SYSTEM, INC. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 a bank holding company, proposes to acquire shares IDS CREDIT CORPORATION Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403 and thereby engage in the following activities: Purchasing and servicing Installment obligations arising from the sale of maferials and services for the installation and construction of improvements To real property, from the sale of homes and from the sale of motor vehicles, appliances and other personal property; and making direct consumer loans pursuant to licenses granted under small loan laws of Minnesota and Texas. Credit life and disability insurance, written by nonaffiliated insurance companies, is made available in connection with certain Types of installment obligations. Some of the foregoing activifies are conducted through three subsidiary corporations, IDS Homes Corporation, Empire Loan Thrift Company and IDS Credit Corporation of Texas.

Such activities will be conducted at The following locations: 15 9th Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403 1455 Tullie Road, N.E. Suite 114 Atlanta, Georgie 30329 5700 Florida Blvd. Suite 420 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70806 411 Bryn Mawr Executive Mall 4001 West Devon Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60646 7710 Reading Road Cincinnati, Ohio 45237 20525 Center Ridge Road Suite 148 Cleveland, Ohio 44116 4419 Gollihar Road Corpus Christi, Texas 78411 4403 N. Central Expressway Dallas, Texas 75205 3839 Merle Hay Road Suite 251. Des Moines, Iowa 50310 Country Squire Plaza 29433 Southfield Suite 101 Southfield, Michigan 48075 1020 E.

Wendover Avenue Greensboro, North Carolina 27405 3216 San Jacinto Houston, Texas 77004 4000 Meadows Drive Suite 304 Indianapolis, Indiana 45205 800 West 47th Suite 501 Kansas City, Missouri 64112 240 Pentagon Park Tower 4940 Viking Drive Minneapolis, Minnesota 55435 320 Cameron Building 2915 Classen Bivd. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73106 500 Northwest Plaza Room 310 St. Louis, Missouri 63074 Executive Bufiding Suite 204 1017 No. Main Avenue San Antonio, Texas 78212 3730 S. Peoria Avenue Tulsa, Oklahoma 74105 709 W.

Broadway Minneapolis, Minnesota 55411 205 West Gaines Street Dublin, Georgia 31021 Persons wishing to comment on this proposal should submit their views in within this 30 notice days to: of the date of publication Reserve Bank of Kansas City 925 Grand Avenue Federal Reserve Station AsthmaNefrin. The potent asthma capsule. 500 tiny pills help prevent attacks hour after hour. AsthmaNefrin CAPSULES Hours of relief from congestion and wheezing of BRONCHIAL ASTHMA No other capsule brings you its 4-way prevention. No asthma tablet can equal its strength.

AsthmaNefrin's strength is in the 500 tiny pills inside every capsule. An army of swift prevention pellets which release the four medications doctors recommend and asthma sufferers need most. Helps with (1) Pseudoephedrine to open air passages. (2) Theophylline to relax bronchial spasms. (3) Glyceryl Guaiacolate to remove phlegm.

(4) Methapyrilene Hydrochloride to prevent allergic reactions which often trigger attacks and calm the everyday nervousness and anxieties which often intensify them. Despite its swiftness- -despite its strength even a 12-yearold child can enjoy AsthmaNefrin's blessings. The only habit it can possibly form is more normal living: wheezing and coughing in control, even from hay fever and pollen. No matter what turns it on, AsthmaNefrin Capsules help turn an asthma attack off before it starts. Get it.

Breathe easy. I was a member of the Bogard Masonic Lodge. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Norma Pitts of the home; a son, Presley Wayne Pitts, 800 Arapaho, Independence; a brother, Bruce Traughber Pitts, and a sister, Mrs. Ruth Francis, both of Bogard, and a granddaughter.

Servi: will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Dickerson-Rice Chapel, Bogard; burial in Ebenezer Cemetery, Bogard. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. tonight at the chapel. Use Star Want Ads to buy, rent or exchange.

Dial 221-5500 for direct line to Star Want Ad takers -Adv. the business with an, initial investment of $250,000 for equipment at the North Kansas City plant, Ayres stated. Paint manufacturers, he said, are moving into the powder coatings field because of the pollution factor. Powder coatings being 100 per cent solids are completely pollution free. The first shakedown test run is scheduled for Oct.

15 and the unit is expected to be in production by Nov. 1, turning out 800 pounds an hour. Initial production will be on chemical, and formulations corrosion intended resistprincipally for use on exterior of small diameter pipe, gatherand distribution lines in the oil and gas industry. This would replace the expensive tar and a wrap system generally used in protect the lines trom'corrosion, he explained. "It is our feeling that next generation of industrial finishes for such end uses as motor cars and cans will be powder coatings, but more sophisticated formulations (acrylic and rather than epoxy) to provide exterior durability.

Cook remains in a strong financial position, with short-term investments in excess of current bank loans. The balance of $400,000 of bank loans will be retired by Dec. 1. Stover Dividend Directors of Russell Stover Candies, have voted the a usual quarterly dividend of cents a share, payable Nov. 1 to holders of record Oct.

15. Medicaloges Medicaloges Net profits of Medicaloges, in the nine months ended July 31 were adversely affected by the startup losses of the new nursing centers at Liberty, and Pittsburg, Kas. The company currently operates 14 facilities and 1,335 beds. Revenues for the nine months were $2,683,007, up from 408 a year earlier. Net profits of $75,890 were equal to 11 cents a share, compared with $72,356, or cents a share.

S. A. Hann, president, reported the construction division is developing outside projects and has contracted to build a group practice facility at Columbia, for 18 doctors. Dividend News Pe- Stk. of PayRate riod Record able STICK Alcolad 3pa 10-29 11-17 St Johns Trkg (x) 10-29 11-30 x) 3 for 2 split.

IRREGULAR Essex Fund .06 10-11 10-29 In .11 10-15 10-29 Puritan Fd .10 10-11 10-29 REGULAR Adams Millis .05 10-15 11-1 Am Water Wks .15 11-1 11-15 Barry Wright .05 10-15 10-29 Bagdad Copper .10 a 10-12 11-10. Bristol Myers .30 11-5 12-1 Jostens Inc 175 10-22 11-15 Hawkeye Bancorp 10-15 11-1 Kellwood .18 11-18 12-7 Diversified Ind .09 00000001 10-15 10-31 Fnci .08 11-2 11-22 Ohio Seeley .05 0: 10-15 10-29 Penn SqM Fd .09 10-1 10-29 St Johns Trkg .225 10-29 11-30 Saunders LsgSys .025 000: 10-15 10-29 Tenneco. Inc .33 11-19 12-14 RANGE OF GRAIN FUTURES KANSAS CITY WHEAT- -ClosedHigh Low Monday Friday Dec 144 Mar 1413 142 May July GRAIN SORGHUMS- Dec 1.78 1.80 sas Opening City were; prices in Wheat, grain futures December 1.44- in March May 1.39¾; July 1.35½. WHEATDec Mar May July Sept CORNDec Mar 118 May 121 July Sept Nov CHICAGO 1467 140 118 1231 Nov Jan 3101 Mar 318 May 321. July 3131 Sept SOYBEAN OILOct 12.46 12.29 12.35-36 12.36-38 Nov 12.31 12.17 12.19-22 Dec 12.18 12.02 12.08-05 12.15-17 Jan 12.08 11.93 11.97-96 12.07-08 Mar 11.94 11.93 11.96-95 May 11.82 11.73 11.83 July 11.73 11.75-78 Aug 11.62 11.53 11.62 SOYBEAN MEALOct 79.45 78.95 79.00 79.65 Nov 80.00 79.35 79.35 80.20 Dec 80.85 80.10 80.10 80.95-81.00 Jan 81.00 80.30 80.30 81.05-81.00 Mar 81.60 80.95 80.95-81.00 81.60-65 May 82.55 81.50 81.70 82.50 July 83.15 82.60 82.60 83.25-30 Aug 82.80 81.85 82.70-80 OATSDec 70 Mar 69 May 68 July 66 Opening prices of grain futures In Chicago were Wheat December March 1.48%) May July 1.391.

1.12¼1 March 1.17½: May 1.20%; July September 1.2311 December 1.21½. Soybeans November January July 3.21%) August September May 2.97¾, Oats July December Sepfember May Soybean Oil- October 12.321 November March 11.911 May December A ust 11,62 Soybean Meal- October 79.301 Novemver December 80.75-701 January March 82.40-307 July 83.15, August 82.70. MINNEAPOLIS WHEATDec Mar 162 157 18 WINNIPEG RYE 85 Dec 88 May BARLEY Oct 100 100 Dec May 100 100 100 COCOA New York (AP) Cocoa futures closed 10 5 higher. Sales 1,079 contracts. December 21.90; March 22.20; May July 22.98; September 23,371 December 23.79.

Announcements FUNERAL DIRECTORS Offering the lowest possible funeral cost In Kansas City area. 523-4441 DEATHS AND FUNERALS NOTICES 1516 ALBIN- Lister, MRS. passed BROOKSIE, away age October 76. Services in the Blue Ridge Chapel: 5000 Blue Ridge Cutoff, 10 a.m.r Wednesday: burial Elmwood. Family will receive friends, 7-9 p.m., Tuesday.

EARP SONS BLUE RIDGE MORTUARY 5000 Blue Ridge Cutoff 231-0970 BAKER MR. HARRY of 1206 W. 70th St. Services in the Freeman Chapel, 42nd St. Broadway, Tuesday ing, Oct.

5th, at 10 o'clock interment Memorial Park Cemetery. The family receive friends at the chapel Monday evening from 6-9 o'clock. FREEMAN MORTUARY 561-0930 BALDWIN-MRS. FLOSSIE age 62 years, of St. Joseph, passed away October 3rd, 1971.

Services D. W. Hanks Sons Chapel, 2 p.m., Tuesday. Interment 100F Cemetery. D.

W. HANKS SONS SMITHVILLE, MO. 873-2525 73.62955 BELL- MR. JAMES 84, of October 1957 Services passed away 11 a.m. Tuesday in our Chapel Interment Mount NEWCOMER'S Moriah Cemetery.

D. W. SONS 561-0024 PASEO AT BRUSH CREEK BIRKENHAUER-MRS. NELLIE 6101 Kentucky, Raytown, passed away October 3rd, 1971. Services 11 a.m.

Tuesday St. Marks Lutheran Churchy 3600 Troost. Interment Forest Hill Cemetery. Family suggests memorials to St. Marks Memorial Fund or charity.

Friends, may 7-9 p.m. Monday WAGNER FUNERAL HOME PL 3-4559 BRATCHER-MRS. MARJORIE age 49, of 6800 Elwyn K.C., passed away Oct. 2, 1971. Services 1:30 p.m.

Tuesday Midtown Chapel. Burial Forest Hills Cemetery. Friends may call after 4 p.m. Monday. McGILLEY MIDTOWN CHAPEL.

Main Linwood 3.4200 BREASHEARS- MR. RILEY age 60, of 3302 Kensington passed away Octo. ber 3rd. Funeral services Muehlebach chapel 11 a.m. Wednesday.

Interment at the Muehlebach chapel after p.m. Chapel Hill Memorial a Gardens. In state Tuesday. 10 MUEHLEBACH 6800 TROOST 444-2060 CANTRALL-MRS. FLORA, age 95 yrs.

Olathe, passed away October 4th, 1971. Services 2 p.m. Wednesday Frye Chapel, Olathe. Burial Olathe Cemetery. Visitation 7-9 p.m.

Tuesday chapel. Mem. orial contributions to the Spring Hill Unit. ed Methodist Church, Spring Hill, Kan. may be left at Frye FUneral Home, Olathe.


73rd Gladstone. Services Tuesday from the chapel Strong at S. 37th where friends may call. Interment Maple Hit: Gardens. SIMMONS FUNERAL HOME 831-1882 COLLINS JOSEPH 52, October of 4721 3.

Wyoming. Passed away Services 2 p.m. Tuesday in our chapel. Interment Mount Moriah Cemetery. D.

W. NEWCOMER'S SONS 561-0024 PASEO AT BRUSH CREEK COON- JOSEPH, age 67, of 210 S. Pleasant. Services 3:30 Tuesday Speaks Chapel. Burial Mound Grove.

Friends may call 7-9 Monday Speaks Chabel. SPEAKS FUNERAL HOME Lexington at Walnut 252-2900 COWEN- Graveside services for Mrs. Bertha Cowen of Tucson, Arizona, formerly of Kansas City, will be held 11 o'clock Tuesday at the Mount Moriah Cemetery. MOUNT MORIAH FUNERAL HOME HOLMES AT 105TH 2-2060 WAR DAVIDSON-MRS. MARJORIE Sheffield, Alabama, passed away Sept: 30, 1971.

Graveside services Tuesday 10:30 a.m., Mount Olivet Cemetery. Family will meet friends at the chapel, 12913 Grandview at 10 a.m. E. K. GEORGE SONS 761-5482 GRANDVIEW.

MO. DODSON- Graveside services for a Mrs. Mina V. Dodson of Gulfport, formerly of Kansas City, will be held 2 o'clock Wednesday at the Mount Moriah Cemetery. MOUNT MORIAH FUNERAL HOME HOLMES AT 105th WI 2-2004 FARMER-MRS.

GRACE age 70, of 10408 N. Congress, passed away. Oct. 3rd. Services in the Bethany Baptist church, 141 N.

Lawndale, 1:30 p.m. Wednesday. Burial Mt. Bethel cemetery. Family will receive friends 7-9 p.m.

Tuesday, EARP SONS MORTUARY 4707 TRUMAN RD. 231-0970 FRAME- REVEREND JOHN age 33, of Nevada, formally of passed 2nd. Services 11 a.m. Tues, at Assumption Church, 318 Benton. Prayer service at p.m.

Sun: Rosary 7:30 p.m. Mon. at the Midtown Chapel. Burial in Mount Olivet Cemetery. Friends may call after 7 p.m.

Sun. McGILLEY MIDTOWN MAIN LINWOOD PL. 3-6200 FRY 71st, passed ROBERT away DEAN, Oct. 58, 2, of service 5100 2:30 p.m. Tuesday at our chapel.

Interment Memorial Park Cemetery, KCK. D. W. NEWCOMER'S SONS 561-0024 nt METCALF AT 82nd, O.P., KAN. GOODHART-MRS.

ALMA 54, of 9542 Glenwood, passed away Oct. 2, services 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at our chapel. Interment Johnson County Memorial Gardens. D.

W. NEWCOMER'S SONS 561-0024 METCALF AT 82nd, O.P., KAN.M GRAHAM MARGUERITE E. formerly of 3400 Freeman. Services a.m. Tuesday in the chapel on 18th at Wash.

Blbd. where friends may call after 5 p.m, Monday, Interment HIM. FULTON-NICKEL 371-5555 HAMMONTREE, MR. ALBERT HOWARD, age 41, of 235 N. 18th, KCK, passed away October 2nd, 1971.

Services 3 p.m. Tuesday at the Midtown Chapel. Interment Maple Hill Cemetery. McGILLEY MIDTOWN CEMETERY MAIN LINWOOD PL 3-6200 HEINRICHS- MRS. ROZELLA, age of White.

Services 2 p.m. Wednesday at Butler's 22 5. 18th where friends may call 7-9 p.m. Tuesday. Interment Johnson County Memoriah Gardens.

JOS. HARRY A. BUTLER'S OWNER 22S. 18th 321-2222 HORNBECK, MRS. MARY age 78, of 219 W.

62nd passed away Ocfober 3rd, 1971. Rosary 8 p.m. Monday at the Midtown Chapel. Services 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at St.

Peters Church, Meyer Blvd. Holmes. Interment Mt. Olivet Cemetery. McGILLEY MIDTOWN CHAPELW MAIN LINWOOD PL $-6200 JONES- MR.

LEON 55, of 110 S. Willow, passed away Oct. 2nd. Services Tuesday, Carson Chapel in interment will Mount Washington Cemetery. receive friends 7-9 p.m..

Monday, at the chapel. Masonic service 7:30 p.m. Monday. at GEO. Fuller CARSON SONS Winner 252-7900 KARNOWSKI-MRS.

LOLA of -5717 West 78th away Octal 3. D. W. NEWCOMER'S SONS METCALF V195 8201 OVERLAND PARK, KAN. KLEIN- MRS.

EDNA, age 77, formerly of Kansas City, passed away in Lances. ter, Callf. October 2nd, 1971. Services will be held 2 p.m. Wednesday at the chapel, 6830 Troost.

Interment Rose Hill Cemetery. LOUIS MEMORIAL CHAPEL 6830 TROOST 361-5211 LEDBETTER-MRS. MAGGIE C. 3638 Everett, who passed away October 1st, services 2:30 p.m. Tuesday our chapel Interment Memorial Park, in state after 4 p.m.

Monday, the family suggests, donation County, to the Inc. Cancer Assoc. of Wyandotte WARNICK-EADS-HILDEN 1416 MINNESOTA 371-1416 LETTS- MR. JOSEPH 32, of 7001 Stearns, passed away October 3rd. Rosary recitation 8:30 p.m.

Tuesday, pray. ers, 9:15 a.m. Wednesday Mass 10 a.m. St. Joseph Catholic Church, Shawnee.

Interment Resurrection Cemetery. D. NEWCOMER'S 561 0024 METCALF AT 82ND, O. P. KAN.

LEWIS MR. JETTY, of 121 N. Boeke. Services 11 o'clock Wednesday ins the chapel on 18th at Wash Blvd. where friends may call after 5 p.m.

Tuesday. Interment Brooking Cemetery FULTON-NICKEL CHAPELS 371-5555 LEWLLEYN MR. ARTHUR Phoenix, passed away October 1st. Services Interment 1 p.m. Forest Tuesday Hills in our Cemetery.

chenContributions to Adverettes, 308 W. D. W. NEWCOMER'S SONS 561-0024 PASEO AT BRUSH CREEK 10 LONGSTRETH- GUY age 75, De passed away Oct. Services 10:30 a.m.

Tues. at the DeSoto Methodist church. Interment DeSoto cemetery. Family will receive friends 7-9 p.m. Mon.

at the chapel. BRUCE MORTUARY, GARDNER, LOWE MRS. ELIZABETH 68, of -419 W. Farmer, passed away October 3rd. Services 2 p.m.

Tuesday, First Christian Church. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. Family will receive friends p.m. Monday, Carson Chapel. GEO, C.

CARSON SONS Winner at Fuller 252-7900 MAY- J. RUSSELL. 68. W. 92nd St.

Leawood. Kas. Services p.m. Wednesday Speaks chapel Burial Mound Grove Cemetery. Visitation 7-9 Tuesday Speaks Chapel.

SPEAKS FUNERAL HOME. Lexington at Walnut 252-9200 This classification continued on next page 4.

The Kansas City Times from Kansas City, Missouri (2024)


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Name: Jerrold Considine

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.