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High Bidder:jrmasseyii

Highest Bid: $24,000 (USD)

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Lenexa, Kansas 66219







109,342 (Mi)




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Highest Bid: $24,000 (USD)

High Bidder:jrmasseyii

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Lenexa, Kansas 66219









109,342 (Mi)




Not available

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What is special about the WS6 Trans Am? ›

In addition to improvements to the Firebird's suspension, the WS6 package delivered more power and an unmistakably more aggressive appearance. The addition of a simple three-character rear badge and a boldly styled hood made the WS6 stand out in a way it never had before.

What is the top speed of the 1978 Trans Am Firebird? ›

A 1978 Trans Am could not reach anywhere near that kind of speed. (165 MPH) Top speed for a 78, 400 4 speed was 123 MPH. You could not even reach 165 MPH with the last 455, the 1976 Big bird.

How much did a 1978 Trans Am cost new? ›

The 1978 Firebird Trans Am started at $5799. Engines were the same as 1977, with a few more horsepower.

What transmission is in a 1978 Trans Am? ›

Unlike the days of old when you could select from an assortment of transmissions, the 1978 T/A was built with only two variants. The Turbo Hydra-Matic 350 automatic, as seen in Blattner's T/A, was standard equipment, coded as M33. This very common three-speed trans was mated with all three available engines.

How to tell if it's a real WS6? ›

Check the option codes on the Service Parts Identification (SPID) sticker on the driver's door jamb. One of the codes listed should be WS6. If it isn't, it's not a real Formula WS6 or Trans Am WS6. If the sticker is missing, the car has probably been painted or has had the door replaced due to damage.

What is the top speed of the Trans Am WS6? ›

I think it was estimated at 168.

How much horsepower does a 1978 Trans Am have? ›

Pontiac's offerings for the '78 model included the standard 400-cid L78 engine that made just 180 hp and 325 lb-ft of torque, and the W72 400 that put out a more robust 220 hp and 340 lb-ft. An Oldsmobile 403 producing 185 hp was the only engine available in California.

What year was the fastest Trans Am? ›

1987 Pontiac Trans Am GTA World Record 267.618 mph

A Banks Power twin-turbo, 1800-hp Pontiac GTA set a new “World's Fastest Passenger Car” speed record at Bonneville Salt Flats at 277 mph as certified by the Southern California Timing Association. This record stood for the next ten years.

How to tell the difference between a Firebird and a Trans Am? ›

The Trans Am is the Firebird's “big brother,” essentially the same car but with better performance options, a more powerful engine, and more high-end interior options.

How many miles per gallon does a 1978 Trans Am get? ›

Based on data from 5 vehicles, 64 fuel-ups and 11,441 miles of driving, the 1978 Pontiac Firebird gets a combined Avg MPG of 13.89 with a 1.29 MPG margin of error. Below you can see a distribution of the fuel-ups with 0 outliers (0.00%) removed.

What is a 1978 Trans Am worth today? ›

Vehicle Valuation Analysis
BodystylesMedian Sale
Esprit Hardtop Coupe$8,300
Formula Hardtop Coupe$7,500
Hardtop Coupe$18,000
Trans Am HardTop Coupe$17,500

How many 1978 Trans Ams were made? ›

The car started the decade with poor production figures but eventually started growing, becoming the model spearheading Firebird sales. For example, Pontiac shipped only 1,286 Trans Ams in 1972, so the 93,341 units shipped in 1978 are quite an achievement.

Was the 1978 Trans Am fast? ›

Car and Driver road tested a 1978 Trans Am with the 400-cid/200-nhp V-8 and Turbo-Hydra-Matic transmission and concluded it was “very sophisticated and impeccably well mannered.” The car was fitted with non-stock 2.56:1 gears to produce a 130-mph top speed. It did 0 to 110 mph in 34.8 seconds.

What year did the Trans Am have a 455 engine? ›

The 455 cu in (7.5 L) engine made its first appearance in the Firebird in 1971 as the 455-HO, which continued through the 1972 model year. In 1973 and 1974, a special version of the 455, called the Super Duty 455 (SD-455), was offered.

How fast can a Trans Am go? ›

Performance: TA cars are capable of accelerating from 0 to 60 mph in under 3.10 seconds, 0 to 140 mph in under 11.5 seconds and posting mile times of under 10.8 seconds at more than 136 mph. The cars can hit over 190 mph on an extended straight, while braking capability is 70 to 0 mph in less than 130 feet.

What features does the WS6 have? ›

The WiFi oscilloscope packed with technology
  • 8, 12, 14, 16 bit resolution, 0.25 % DC vertical accuracy, 0.1 % typical.
  • Up to 1 GSa/s sampling, up to 250 MHz bandwidth.
  • Up to 256 MSamples memory per channel.
  • Up to 200 MSs/s continuous streaming.
  • 1 ppm time base accuracy.

What are the rarest Trans Am? ›

1969 Trans Am

The '69 Trans Am is among the rarest of the rare 'Birds with fewer than 700 built—only eight were convertibles and all were Cameo White with Tyrol Blue stripes.

How much horsepower does a 99 Trans Am WS6 have? ›

305 hp @ 5,200 rpm


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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Views: 5655

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (79 voted)

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Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.