This Day, May 14, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L – All #ourCOG News (2024)

May 14

1141:As he journeyed towards Jerusalem, Yehuda Halevi set sail for Palestine todayfrom Alexandria, Egypt. According to legend, Halevi was killed by an Arabhorseman when as he reached his ultimate destination.

1288:Thirteen Jews in Troyes, France were burned at the stake by the inquisition

1316:Birthdate of Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor. Charles viewed his Jewish subjectsas “servi camerae” and issued numerous letters ordering that they not beharmed. The title of Holy Roman Emperorsounded grand but had very limited power so these letters went unheeded for themost part. However, when the Jewishcommunity of Breslau was attacked, Charles ordered the killers to be arrestedand punished for their crimes.

1482:As the Christians continued their push to take control all of the IberianPeninsula King Ferdinand took command at Alhama during the Granada War.

1483:Coronation of Charles VIII of France ("Charles l'Affable"). In thesecond year of his reign, following accusations of usury, the inhabitants ofMarseilles, the port city of the recently acquired territory of Provence,attacked the Jewish neighborhoods pillaging them and killing numbers of Jews in1484 and again in the early months of 1485, leading to an exodus of Jews fromthe city, especially to Sardinia which became home to about 200 Jewish familiesof Marseilles. However, King Charles VIII was not inclined to conform to thepopular demand of expelling the Jews from Provence. He decreed that all Jewswishing to leave should be allowed to leave Marseilles unharmed on conditionthey had fulfilled all their engagements with the Christians. The city authorities,on the other hand, were not prepared to let the Jews leave Marseilles withtheir property and took various measures in order to reduce their emigration,among others they organized an inventory of the Jewish property in Marseillesin 1486. The resulting protests of the Jews assured the royal intervention anda few additional years of protection. The expulsion of the Jews from Spain in1492 brought new Jewish inhabitants to Marseilles. In 1492 the Jewish communityof Marseilles ransomed 118 Jews of Aragon captured by the pirate BartholemeiJanfredi, having paid the sum of 1,500 écus, which it borrowedfrom a Christian. Renewed anti-Jewish attacks in 1493 eventually led to thegeneral expulsion of the Jews from Marseilles three years after Charles passedaway in 1498.

1507:Hernando de Talavera, the archbishop of Granada and Confessor of Queen Isabelawho came from a family of “Conversos” passed away today. (Editor’s note – he isbut one example of how those with “Jewish Blood” held positions of power andresponsibility much to the consternation of Old Christians in Spain.)

1572:Gregory XIII begins his papacy. “Gregory's policy toward the Jews cannot bedistinctly characterized, since it swayed between relative favor and severity.Soon after his election, he protected the Jews in the ghetto of Rome who werein danger of being attacked by the soldiers. Further, an order issued by hisnotary threatened with hanging any non-Jew found in the ghetto or its vicinitywithout a valid reason. Gregory authorized once more moneylending with amaximum interest rate of 24%. He guaranteed the safe-conduct of Jews cominginto Italy or passing through the country. Although Marranos were also able tobenefit from this concession, Gregory nevertheless allowed the Marrano JosephSaralbo, who had returned to Judaism in Ferrara, to be condemned to the stakein 1583. Gregory was also responsible for organizing regular compulsorymissionary sermons, often with the collaboration of apostate preachers TheJewish community was compelled to defray the costs of this institution, as wellas the expenses of the House of *Catechumens. The new prohibitions againstJewish physicians treating Christian patients contributed to the decline ofmedical science among Italian Jews. However, shortly before his death, Gregoryintervened with the Knights of Malta to obtain the release of Jewish prisonersin their hands, even though the ransom he offered was lower than the sumdemanded.” (As reported by Jewish Virtual Library)

1590:On this date the Sumptuary Laws were enactedaimedat the JewsofCasale (Italy). These were laws regulating what Jews may wear, how theymay marry, what they may serve at a wedding, and all manner of what might becalled social intercourse. These laws were commonplace in Europe and designedto humiliate and punish the Jews in the name of Christ

1610:Nine year old Louis XIII began his reign as king of France with his motherMarie de Medici, whose Italian family at this time “invited Jewish merchants tosettle in Livorno” and granted them unlimited access to trade, serving asregent

1726(13thof Iyar, 5486): Rabbi Moshe Darshan,author of Torat Ahsam, passes away.

1637:The Jews of Venice were denied the right to practice law

1643:Louis XIII, who in 1615 had “signed letters patent renewing the expulsion orderagainst not only Jews but also those who profess and practice Judaism” and in1632, while visiting Metz “granted the Jews letters of patent which declaredtheir presence in the a necessity” passed away today

1643: Four-year-old Louis XIV becomes King ofFrance upon the death of his father, Louis XIII. Louis reigned until his deathin 1715. His record of dealing with theJews was uneven, based primarily on financial needs and attempts by CatholicFrench merchants to use religion to oust their Jewish competitors. Five years before his death, he issued afinal ban against Jews living in France, a ban that was not fully enforced.

1756(14thof Iyar, 5516): Pesach Sheni was observed on the same day that the BritishAmbassador to Prussia was reassuring Frederick that France was not gaininginfluence with Russia which seems ludicrous when you consider that the SevenYears War, in which Russia and France would join ranks to fight the Prussianswas only days away from beginning.

1761:In New York, Moses Benjamin Franks, the son of Rachel and Benjamin Franks, andhis wife Sarah Franks gave birth to an infant daughter who

died atthe age nine months.

1762(20thof Iyar, 5522): Portuguese born Mrs. Abigail Lopez, “the first wife of AaronLopez” passed away today.

1775(14thof Iyar, 5535): Pesach Sheini was observed four days after the SecondContinental Congress, which would become the political voice of the AmericanRevolution began meeting in Philadelphia and four days after the rebels seizedFort Ticonderoga, whose guns would eventually be used to drive the British fromBoston, was seized by rebel militia.

1785(5thof Sivan, 5545): Parashat Bamibdar; erev Shavuot

1781:According to speech given today Edmund Burke said the Loyalists seeking toleave the United States were “inhumanely fired upon and attacked” at a timewhen Jacob Hart and his family were seeking to leave New York for Nova Scotia.

1789(18thof Iyar, 5549) Lag BaOmer observed for the first time during the Presidency ofGeorge Washington.

1792:Today,Anglo-Jewish boxer Daniel “Mendoza fought a bout at Smitham Bottom,Croydon, against Bill Warr (or Ward) his former sparring-partner” whichresulted in a victory for Mendoza in 23 rounds, 116 minutes, after which ‘Mendozais believed to have met with King George III at Windsor Castle.’

1794(14thof Iyar, 5554): Pesach Sheni was observed as the Polish and Lithuanian forcesat Vilnius the home of a large and long-standing Jewish community led by theVilna Gaon, prepared for a return of a Russian Army that was determined to putdown the rebellion in this most recently acquired part of the Russian Empire.

1797(18thof Iyar, 5557): Lag B’Omer is observed for the first time during the Presidencyof John Adams.

1803:Birthdate of Salomon Munk, the German-born French Orientalist. In his formativeyears he was a trained in Torah and Talmud before moving on to Berlin where hebecame well versed in the classical languages and cultures. He moved to France, because as a Jew, hecould not be hired to work in his chosen profession. In France, he developed an expertise in theworks of Aristotle and Maimonides.

1807:The newly created grand duchy of Baden recognizes “Judaism as an officiallytolerated religion” mean they are “emancipated.” At the same time Jews are still exclude frombeing employed in the civil service.

1808:Birthdate of Leon Hyneman, a native of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania who settled in Philadelphia where he was aleading Mason and the father of eight children including Leona Moss who gainedfame as an actress using the stage name of Leona Moss and Alice Hyneman, a noted author.

1811:In Georgetown, SC, Abraham Myers, a veteran of the American Revolution and hiswife gave birth to 1833 West Point Graduate and veteran of the Seminole andMexican wars Abraham Charles Myers, the husband of Marion Twiggs andQuartermaster General of the CSA who was the a descendant of Rabbi Moses Cohen,the father of Lt. General John Twiggs and the namesake for the city of Ft.Myers, FL.

1813(14thof Iyar, 5573): Pesach Sheni is observed as American troops regroup and refitin New York after having defeated the Canadians at York during the War of 1812.

1817:In Philadelphia, Rebecca Barnett and Hyman Polock, the Amsterdam born son ofPhineas Poock “whose ancestors are believed to have immigrated from Polandaround the 17th century due to war and political unrest gave birth to MosesPolock “a well-known and somewhat eccentric antiquarian bookseller” who was thematernal uncle of Abraham Simon Wolf Rosenbach.

1819:In Bavaria, Moses and Sprinz Schmitt Anker gave birth to Mary Anker who becameMary Anker Bendel when she married Henry Bendel with whom she had ninechildren.

1820:Birthdate of Morris Rosenbach, the husband of Isabella H. Polock and father ofAbraham Simon Wolf Rosenbach, his eighth and youngest child who became one ofAmerica’s leading collector of rare books and manuscripts.

1824:The Justices of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, meeting in Lancaster, a citythat for one day in September, 1777 was capital of the nascent United States ofAmerica, "carefully perused and examined" the Constitution of theJewish congregation known as Kaal Kadosh Mickve Israel (The Holy CongregationHope of Israel) in Philadelphia which decrees that services in the Philadelphiasynagogue shall always be according to the custom of the Portuguese Jews. Thefinding of Justices Tilghman, Gibson and Duncan was that this, and everythingelse in their proposed constitution, was lawful. It was a beautiful example ofthe novus ordo seclorum "the new order of the times" promised on theGreat Seal of the United States. Let us strive to remember this in our day whenthis new order is under constant attack, both at home and abroad.

1828:Lewis Raphael married Rachel Mocatta today.

1832(14thof Iyar, 5592): Pesach Sheni

1832:Birthdate of Rudolf Lipschitz, the German mathematician who gave “his name tothe Lipschitz continuity condition.”

1832:The premiere of “L'elisir d'amor” which would later be produced by Max Maretzektook place at the Teatro della Canobbiana, Milan.

1840:Birthdateof future St. Paul resident Henrietta “Jette Siegal Goldman, the wife ofBernhard Goldman with whom she had four children – Helen, Caroline, Sara andJeannette.

1841:Birthdate of Sigmund “Sig” Schwabacher one of three Bavarian born brothers whowere pioneering merchants in Washington both before and after statehood

1842(5thof Sivan, 5602): Parashat Bamidbar and erev Shavuot

1843(14thof Iyar, 5603): Pesach Sheni

1843(14thof Iyar, 5603) Forty-two-year-old Amsterdam born and Columbia College educatedphysician Daniel Levy Maduro Peixotto, the “son of Moses Levy Maduro Peixottowho served as “president of the Willoughby Medical College in Cleveland beforereturning to New York where he practiced medicine until his death today.

1846:Birthdate of Ernst Herter, the German sculptor who created the LorelieFountain, a memorial to Heinrich Heine that was unveiled in the Bronx becausethe city of his birth, Dusseldorf, rejected it due the prevailing anti-Semiticviews in the “Fatherland.”

1846(18th of Iyar, 5606): Lag B’Omer

1846(18th of Iyar, 5606): Benjamin Jonas, the husband ofAnnie Ezekiel and father of Baruch Jonas which made him the father-in-law ofTeresa Barbarin, passed away today in Exeter, England.

1847: Composer Fanny Mendelssohn passedaway. She was the granddaughter of MosesMendelssohn. Her grandfather was one ofthe founders of what would become Reform Judaism. Unfortunately, Fanny was not Jewish.

1850: Moses and Sophia Neumann Amberg gavebirth to Fanny A. Amberg Hart, the wife of Sidney Hart and mother of Moses andWalter Hart.

1853: Word reached the United States today, asreported in the New York Times, that Holy Week had seen outbreaks ofviolence in Jerusalem. Greeks and Armenians fought with each in front of theChurch of the Holy Sepulcher while 24 “missionaries of the London ProtestantAssociation” had “a scuffle with the Jews in the streets of Jerusalem.”

1853: According to reports published today, J.Lewis Levy Esq., who is Jewish, has been returned as guardian of the CathedralCity of Rochester (U.K.)

1853:The New York Times reported that the Earl of Aberdeen has told the Houseof Lords that he had changed his mind about the Jewish Disabilities Bill. Two years ago he had voted against thebill. Now he was prepared to vote for itbecause “he regarded the exclusion of the Jews from civil privileges as aremnant of the spirit of persecution which prevailed in former times throughoutChristendom.”

1854:The American Society for Meliorating the Conditions of the Jews celebrated itssixth anniversary with a meeting tonight at the Reformed Dutch Church in NewYork City. The organization is dedicatedto converting Jews to Christianity. TheSociety is convinced that the Jews of the United States are ripe forconversion. However, according to itsown figures there are more than 40,000 Jews living in the United States and thesociety has successfully converted 79 of them.

1855(26thof Iyar, 5615): Eighty-eight-year-old French banker Beer Léon Fould the son ofJacob Bernard Fould and the father of Achille Fould, the French FinanceMinister for Napoleon III passed away today in Paris.

1858:The last edition of The Asmonean, published by Robert Lyon, “an English Jew whoarrived in the United States in 1844” and began publishing in 1849 bore today’sday – May 14, 1858.

1858:In Andover, CT, Susan and Joel Foote Bingham gave birth to Theodore AlfredBingham who while serving as “Police Commissioner of New York published an article in North American Reviewon "Foreign Criminals" in which he asserted that half the criminalsin the city were Jews” – an assertion he retracted after creating thiscontroversy.

1859:Isaias W. Hellman and his brother Herman W. Hellman arrived in Los Angles fromBavaria and went subsequently went to work in a dry goods store owned by theircousins.

1859:Mr. R. J. de Cordova, a well-known humorist, is scheduled to give a lecturethis morning at Temple Emanu-El in New York City. Mr. de Cordova is scheduled to give a lectureevery third Saturday for the rest of the year.

1861(5thof Sivan, 5621): Erev Shavout

1861:In Birmingham, England, Edward and Rose Cohen gave birth to Alfred J. Cohen whom*oved to the United States and gained famed as Alan Dale, the“playwright, dramatic critic and author who moved from the NYT to New YorkEvening World to the New York Evening while being married to CadrrieLivingstone France and writing fourteen books

1861: A copy of the War Department order announcing MajorMordecai's resignation reached the arsenal at Watervliet, NY which forcedMordecai to relinquish command to his subordinate before his unnamedreplacement had arrived.

1862(14th of Iyar, 5622): Pesach Sheinicelebrated for the second time during the Civil War.

1864(8th of Iyar, 5624): Baron Salomon deRothschild died in Paris today at the age of 29, only two years after hismarriage and less than a year after the birth of his daughter, Helene. He wasburied at Pere Lachaise Cemetery in the family vault. Of his death, theGoncourt brothers wrote "Cabarrus, the Rothschild's doctor, toldSaint-Victor that the young Rothschild who died the other day really died ofthe excitement of gambling on the stock exchange."

1864:Emma Mordecai had a dispute with her sister-in-law Rosina over reports of avictory by the Confederates under General Lee.Rosina, who was not Jewish, doubted the report. Emma, who was Jewish and was an ardentSouthern patriot, insisted that the report must be true. Mordecai's outburst was intemperate since shewas a refugee staying at her sister-in-law's Virginia farm

1865(18thof Iyar, 5625): Lag B’Omer

1865:In Galicia, Marcus Langbank and Rachel Langbank gave birth to Dr. Lucian MayerLangbank.

1867:In Berlin Hedwig Levenstein and Emanuel Eistner gave birth to author and criticturned politician Kurt Eisner the husband of Elise Belli, an editor whom hemarried after divorcing painter Elisabeth Hendrick and opponent of the Kaiser duringWW I which led to him becoming “thefirst democratically elected leader of post-war Bavaria and the victim of a politicalassassination in 1919.

1869(4thof Sivan, 5629): Sixty-five-year-old “Talmudist and bibliographer” GabrielJacob Polak, whose works include “Dibre Kodesh, a Dutch-Hebrew dictionarypassed away in Amsterdam today.

1872:In response to a U.S. Senate resolution of March 28, today, President Grantsent to the Senate copies of all correspondence regarding “the persecution andoppression of the Israelites of Romania.” The correspondence consisted of aseries of letters from Benjamin F. Peixotto, the American Consul at Bucharestand Hamilton Fish, the U.S. Secretary of State.In the correspondence, Peixotto described the attacks on the Jews andthe failure of the government to punish the attackers. He also described the efforts made by therepresentatives of several European governments, except for the Russians, whoattempted to intercede with the government of Prince Michael on behalf of theJews. For his part, Secretary Fish wroteto Peixotto expressing his support for any action that might “avert or mitigatefurther harshness toward” toward the Jews living in Romania. [Editor Note – TheGrant Administration’s support of the Jews of Romania is but one of severalactions that would tend to show that Grant was not an anti-Semite and that theorder of expulsion he issued during the Civil War was an aberration and amistake he regretted rather than a sign of deep character flaw.]

1873(17thof Iyar, 5633): Seventy-six-year-old Gideon Brach the Austrian physician andsurgeon who was the nephew of Moritz Steinschneider passed away today.

1873:The New York Times reviewed Sketches of Jewish Life and Historyby Henry Gersoni which was published by the Hebrew Orphan Asylum PrintingEstablishment.

1875(9thof Iyar, 5635): Seventy-five-year-old linguist and literary historian GottfriedBernhardy passed away today.

1876:Birthdate of Etta Karesh Levin, the wife of Julius Levin and the mother ofSidney Levin who after her death in 1952 was buried in KKBI Cemetery inCharleston

1877:One day after he had passed away, Solomon George Collins the son of “Isaac VanKollem and Maria Mozes,” the husband of Catherine Isaacs and the father ofAdelaide and William Collins was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road JewishCemetery.”

1879:An article subtitled “Frenchmen of Foreign Origin: Distinguished Instances ofAliens Attaining Position in France” published today provides backgroundinformation on several non-native Frenchmen who rose to prominence in Franceand who played key role in the life of the country. Of the Jews who fit into this category, thearticle mentions “the ancestor of the bankers Pereire [who] was a PortugueseJew who introduced into France the teaching of the deaf and dumb;Bisschoffsheim, another banker is a self-made Jew…Bauer a Hungarian convertfrom Judaism [who] was court preacher to Napoleon III…Salomon Munk, anotherorientalist was a German Jew. So too was Jules Oppert, whose religion obligedhim to seek a professorship in France.” [Editor’s Note – The references to Munkand Oppert are self-explanatory, although the column makes one mistake. It was Munk, not Oppert, who came to Francebecause his religion precluded him from being hired in his native Germany. Bauer probably refers to Abbe Bauer whor*portedly trained as a Rabbi before converting to Roman Catholicism. Bisschoffsheim is probably Raphael LouisBischoffsheim, the banker whose philanthropy included the founding of the NiceObservatory. Pierre probably refers to Emile and Isaac Pierre the 19thcentury bankers of Sephardic origin, who were the sons of Jacob RodriguesPereira, who was “one of the inventors of a manual language for the deaf.”

1879:Mary Nolhes swore out a complaint in the Essex Market Police Court today“charging her husband, Joseph, a Polish Jew with abandonment.” The complaint was dismissed after the courtdetermined that Joseph was “a henpecked husband” who had been abandoned by hiswife. Gustav Diner, a “young andmuscular man” who was the complainant’s brother, left the court with thecouple. Once outside of the building,Diner, who apparently thought he could not be seen by anybody from the court“began to pound his brother-in-law unmercifully.” A police officer named Ryan“collared Ryan” and took him back to Court where he was jailed on charges ofassault and battery.

1882: In Essen, Germany, Isaac Hirschland, son of SimonHirschland and Marianne Hirschland and his wife Henriette Hirschland gave birthto future New Yorker Kurt Martin Hirschland , the husbandof Henriette Hildegard Hirschland and father of August Simon Hirschland;Marianne Aufhauser; Paul Michael Hirschland and Ruth Else Schlesinger

1882:In Bloomington, Illinois several members of the Jewish community met at the B’naiB’rith Hall to discuss the organization of congregation which would be foundedlater in the year as Moses Montefiore Congregation with Aaron Livingston asPresident.

1884(19thof Iyar, 5644): Seventy-two-year-old Montague M. Hendricks, the son of FrancesIsaacs, the Lancaster, PA born daughter of Joshua Isaacs and Harmon Hendricksthe “prominent manufacturer of copper and grandson of Uriah Hendricks one ofthe founders of Congregation Shearith Israel, passed away today.

1884(19thof Iyar, 5644): Forty-year-old Karel Abraham Wertheim, the son of JohannesJonas Wertheim and Marie Rosenick and the husband of Henriette van Heukelompassed away today in the Netherlands.

1884:Max Shloss and Rosa Shnerman were married today in Des Moines Iowa.

1885:Birthdate of conductor and composer Otto Klemperer. Born in Breslau,Germany (now Wroclaw, Poland) Klemperer was a child prodigy taking his firstmusic lessons at the age of four. Like so many of his generation,Klemperer had two lives. The first was in Germany, the second in theUnited States. His musical contributions to his native land wererecognized by President Hindenburg who gave him the Goethe Medal"forhis contributions to the advancement of German Culture." A few yearslater, in 1933, the Nazis confiscated his property and issueda warrantfor his arrest. Klemperer came to the Klemperer came to the United Statesin 1934 with the reputation as a world-famous conductor. Over the yearshe led orchestras in New York, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh and was director ofthe Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra for six years. He also continuedhis distinguished career as a composer. He died in 1973 at the age of 88.

1886:Birthdate of Polish born Dutch businessman Abraham Icek Tuschinski who builtseveral movie theatres in the Netherlands and was murdered at Auschwitz in1942.

1887:In Warsaw, Abraham A. and Roaslia (Cherniakow) Ostrolenk gave birth BostonUniversity and University of Pennsylvania Bernhard Ostrolenk, the director ofthe National Farm School in Pennsylvania and the husband of Esther A.Weinstein.

1888:In Rumania, Samuel and Rachel Barasch gave birth to Nathan Emanuel Barasch toUniversity of Cincinnati graduate and HUC ordained, Nathan Emanuel Barash, theholder of a law degree who served as a chaplain during WW I.

1888:Two days after he had passed away, Jamaica native Charles Emanuel Morrice, the“fifth son of Phoebe and Samuel Morrice” was buried today at the “Balls PondRoad Jewish Cemetery.”

1889:The U.S.S. Brooklyn on which Adolph Marix, the first Jewish graduate of theU.S. Naval Academy, serve on starting in 1882, was de-commissioned today.

1889(13thof Iyar, 5649): Thirty-five-year-old Sophie Walter, the wife of Mortiz Walterand the daughter of Joseph and Babette Seligman passed away today.

1889(13thof Iyar, 5649): Samuel Hirsch, a major Reform religious philosopher and rabbi,passed away in Chicago, Illinois. Born in 1815 at “Thalfang,(Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany (formerly part of Prussia), he received histraining at Metz. He attended the University of Bonn, the University of Berlin,and the University of Leipzig. He first became rabbi at Dessau in 1838 but wasforced to resign in 1841 because he promoted a radically liberal form ofJudaism, later to become known as classic German Reform Judaism. In 1843 hepublished his "Die Messias-Lehre der Juden in Kanzelvorträgen" and"Religionsphilosophie der Juden." In 1843 he was appointed chiefrabbi of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg by King William II of the Netherlands.During this period he published his "Die Humanität als Religion." Hetook an active part in the annual rabbinical conferences held at Brunswick(1844), Frankfurt am Main (1845), and Breslau (1846). In 1844 he published his"Reform im Judenthum." Having received a call from the ReformCongregation Keneseth Israel, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1866, he resignedhis post in Europe and moved to the United States. There he succeeded Dr. DavidEinhorn. From his arrival onward he became closely identified with, and an openadvocate of, radical Reform. In 1869 he was elected president of the rabbinicalconference held in Philadelphia, at which the principles of Reform Judaism wereformulated. In that year he engaged also in numerous ritual and doctrinalcontroversies. Hirsch remained officiating rabbi of the Philadelphiacongregation for twenty-two years, resigning in 1888, after having spent fiftyyears of his life in the ministry. Moving to Chicago, he took up his abodethere with his son, Emil G. Hirsch. During his rabbinate in Philadelphia Hirschorganized the Orphans' Guardian Society, and was the founder of the firstbranch in the United States of the Alliance Israélite Universelle. Hirsch isbest known as the author of the "Religionsphilosophie," a workwritten from the Hegelian point of view, but for the purpose of vindicating theclaim of Judaism to the rank denied it by Hegel, the rank of an "absolutereligion." In this book he proved himself to be an original thinker (see"Allg. Zeit. des Jud." 1895, pp. 126 et seq.). His "Katechismusder Israelitischen Religion" was also constructed on original lines; heconsidered the Biblical legends to be psychological and typical allegories, andthe ceremonies of Judaism to be symbols of underlying ideas. From this attitudehis Reform principles are derived. He denied that Judaism is a law; it is Lehre("teaching" or "lore") but is expressed in symbolicceremonies that may be changed in accordance with historic development. He wasthe first to propose holding Jewish services on Sunday instead of thetraditional Jewish Sabbath Shabbat. He contributed to the early volumes of The Jewish Times (1869-1878). Hisprincipal works were first issued in Germany, among them What is Judaism?(1838), sermons (1841), and Religious Philosophy of the Jews (1843).”

1890: Birthdate of London born Americanmunitions maker, Republican political leader and Special Assistant Secretary ofLabor Murray Garsson who married Rose Levy Garsson after the death of RoseGarsson and who after becoming a munitions maker was convicted of warprofiteering.

1891:Claims have were filed by many of the unsecured creditors of Levy Brothers& Co with the Sheriff today

1891:In Iassy, Rumania, Morris and Marie Kauffman gave birth to University of Berlintrained economist and health educator Savel Simand who in 1913 came to theUnited States where he wrote for the New York Times, lectured at Yale, Harvardand Columbia while serving as the “administrative director of theBellevue-Yorkville Health Demonstration and director of public education forthe New York City Health Deaprtment.

1891:Solomon Crizar, a Polish Jew was still in custody today facing charges forsetting fired to a tenement on Johnson Avenue in Brooklyn, NY

1891:A detachment of troops has been sent from Athens to Corfu to restore orderafter an outbreak of violence that has resulted in the death of 2 Jews and allbusinesses owned by the Jews closed. At the same time the Prefect of Corfu hasbeen summoned to Athens to explain the outbreak of violence

1892:In Germany, the liberal newspapers express the hope that the libel actionbrought by Loewe & Co against Rector Ahlwardt, the well-known Jew-baiterwill put an end to his false claim that this Jewish firm supplied defectiverifles to the army.

1892:Mrs. Schloss purchased a picture embroidered by a little girl from the HebrewOrphan Asylum on the last night Actors’ Fund Fair.

1892(17thof Iyar, 5652): Fifty-two-year Asher SimchahWeissmann, who in 1889 founded aGerman periodical, "Monatsschrift für die Litteratur und Wissenschaft desJudenthum," which was issued with a Hebrew supplement passed away today inVienna.

1892:“Columbia Likely to Get More Books” published today described the successfulefforts of Professor Richard Gottheil and E.R.A. Seligman to secure the booksin the library of Temple Emnau-El for Columbia College. The school already has a Professor of Hebrewand Semitic Languages.

1893:Harold Frederic sent a cable from London “announcing that the exodus of Jewsfrom Poland had actually begun and that the refugees were already arriving inAmerica.”

1893:It was learned today that many of the Jews arriving at Ellis Island fromHamburg were not German Jews, but Polish Jews who had spent the winter theGerman port.

1893:“New Jersey Religious Bodies” published today provides a picture ofdenominational membership in the Garden State. There are 19 Orthodoxcongregations with 2,521 members and 5 Reform congregations with 1,755 membersscattered through the state. The totalnumber of Jews in the state is thought to be closer to 15,000 than thepublished 4,276. The discrepancy is created by the fact that most congregationstend to just count the head of the family instead of all family members.

1893:It was reported today that in Germany “the ultimate result of the electionswill be a Reichstag considerably more reactionary than the last which will votefor the army bill in return for legislation” advancing the cause ofanti-Semitism.

1893: It was reported today form London that “it turns outthat the expulsion of Jews from Poland has been going on longer and on a farlarge than scale that “previously suspected and that while “Sir JulianGoldsmith and one other official of the Jewish Board of Guardians” knew aboutit “nothing has been published” in the local press about the matter.

1894:In Denver, CO, Council No. 6 of the National Council of Jewish Women wasorganized today with a membership of 98 led by Mrs. C.S. Benjamin as President

1894:Two days after she had passed away, 60-year-old Hannah Levy, “the daughter ofHart and Julia Levy” was buried today at the “West Ham Jewish Cemetery.”

1894:Birthdate of Jacob Meyer Levy, the native of the Ukraine who immigrated toPalestine at the age of 19, the Israeli educator and author whose worksincluded five volumes of history textbooks “and the translation of four ofFrench-Jewish philosopher Henri Bergson's books into Hebrew.”

1894:The London correspondent of the New YorkTimes reported today that the Jewish immigrants being forced to leaveRussia face an additional challenge – an outbreak of Cholera which has spreadfrom southwestern Russia to areas near Hamburg and Riga which are the ports ofembarkation used by these emigrants

1894: A summary of the statistics that firstappeared in the “new journal, the Rundschau” published by “the Jew-baiter”Herman Ahlwardt that the Jewish population in Berlin has gone from 6,500 in1840, to 30,000 in 1870 to 75,000 in 1890 and that “46 per cent of all thehouses in Berlin belong to Jews.” (This compares to a total population of322,626 in 1840, 826,341 in 1871 and 1,578, 794 in 1890).

1895:Based on a review published today, “Oliver Twist” is no longer popular with NewYork theatre goers. Among other things, “the audience refused to take fa*ginseriously” even though H. G. Carleton played the part with great skill. Apparently, a play featuring an evil Jew nolonger has the allure it did when Dickens wrote the novel on which the play isbased.

1895:In Paris, Gaston Michel Calmann-Lévy married Hélène Calmann-Lévy

1895:Two days after he had passed away, 47 year old Nathan Isaacs, the husband ofLouisa Lyons with whom he had had five children was buried today in the UnitedKingdom/

1895:Birthdate of Lew Lehr, the native of Philadelphia, PA comedian and writer inthe pioneering days of film and radio whose works included Stop Me If You’veHeard This One,3478241&hl=en

1896:Birthdate of Martin Riesenburger, the Berlin born dentist who survived theShoah to help rebuild the Jewish community in post-war Germany.

1897:In Lithuania, Ida and Meyer Sklar gave birth University of Minnesota and MITtrained chemist and engineer Samuel Barton Sklar who had come to the UnitedStates in 1912 and served with the National Guard during WWI.

1897(12thof Iyar, 5657): Seventy-five-year-old opera impresario Max Maretzek passed awayat Pleasant Plains, New York

1898:“Stories of the Ghetto” published today provides a review of The ImportedBridegroom and Other Stories of the New York Ghetto by Abraham Cahan.

1898:The Rabbi of Temple Israel in Harlem Dr. M. H. Harris presided over today’sevents marking “the celebration of the 25th anniversary of thefounding of Temple Israel of Harlem and the 10th anniversary of thededication of the present edifice” which included an address by Dr. Emil G.Hirsh, the Chairman of the Semitic Literature Department at the University ofChicago on “Eternal Judaism.”

1898:At Jefferson Barracks, MO, during the Spanish-American War, among those whowere mustered into the 3rd Missouri Volunteer Infantry PrivatesMorris Franklin, Samuel P. Bachar, Hugh L. Herzberg, Mark Bidez, RobertSamuels, Max Cohen, Joseph D. Meyers, William Levin, Harry Heller and CorporalDavid A. Goodman, all from Kansas City, MO was as Privates Clarence Leftwichand Edgar W. Marks of Independence, MO.

1898:During the Spanish-American War, the United States acquired the USS Celtic, “astores ship” on which Lt. Jr. Grade Stanford Moses served during thePhilippine-American War.

1899:Three days after she had passed away, Esther Blashka, the wife of Isaac Blashkawas buried to in London at the “Plashet Jewish Cemetery.”

1899:Reverend Madison C. Peters of the Bloomingdale Reformed Church gave the secondlecture in his series “Justice to the Jew” in which he is trying to correctmany of the inaccurate conceptions about this “race that has been maligned.”

1899:In Krefeld, chemist Friedrich Auerbach, the son of Leopold Auerbach and hiswife gave birth to zoologist and geneticist Charlotte “Lottie” Auerbach.

1899:“Russian Plans Against Jews” published today described various anti-Semiticpolicies being pursued by the Czar’s government, the first of which was theprohibition of Jews being in St. Petersburg, the nation’s capital. The ban applies to foreign Jews includingthose from France, Russia’s primary military ally.

1899:“Opposed to Zionism” published today provided a summary of the views on RabbiSamuel Schulman that first appeared in the Menorah in which the Reform cleric “the movement as an outgrowth ofJewish despair” which is an “interruption of the work of education andAmericanization of the Russian Jews” in the New York City.

1900:The 16th annual report of the Hebrew Technical Institute showed“that the past year was an unusually successful for the institute and James H.Hoffman, the schools president was reported to have said that one of those mostgratifying facts was that “not one of the graduates of the institute isunemployed” and that “the wages received by the graduates average from $5.25per week for beginners to $25 and upward for the more experienced ones.”

1901:As a financial crisis threatens a “serious smash” in the London Stock ExchangeJacob Schiff was among the Directors of the National City Bank who met todiscuss the matter which centers around the Northern Pacific Railway.

1901:Author, journalist and Notre Dame trained attorney Frederick William Wile, theLa Ports, Indiana born son of Jacob Wile and Henrietta Guggenheim who coveredthe Boer War of the Chicago Record and Chicago Daily News married Ada Shakmantoday.

1902:Italian General Giuesppe Ottolenghi, a native of Lombardy was appointedMinister of War today.

1903:As “funds for the aid of the sufferers in Kishineff, Russia, continue to cometo the committees having the matter in hand, and increase not only in number,but in amount,” Arnold Kohn, Chairman of the Central Relief Committee, saidtoday that $2,000 had been contributed from the east side alone during the day,and that the checks coming from places outside New York City indicated that thesum total would be far beyond expectation.

1903:In Krugloye which is now in Belarus, Simon Shulman and Tillie Klebanoff gavebirth to Harvard Law School graduate and Yale Law School professor Harry A.Shulman who served as dean starting in 1954 until his death a year later.

1904:Birthdate of Jeanne Lepler who married Abraham Gellinoff a justice of the New York Supreme Court in1927.

1904:In Bern, Switzerland Albert Einstein and Mileva Marić gave birth to theirsecond child and first son Hans Albert Einstein.

1904:Herzl writes to the Austrian Foreign Ministry. He reports on this audience withAgenor Goluchowsky, the Austrian Foreign Minister.

1905(9thof Iyar, 5665): Chicago attorney Julius Lessing, the husband of Jette Wolfe andfather of attorney Lessing Rosenthal and a partner in the law firm of Juliusand Lessing Rosenthal passed away today.

1905:“Some soldiers belonging to the Fifty-third Battalion of the infantry reservedpillaged several Jewish houses on Nichols Street” in Kishineff.

1905:It was reported today that the Kaiser, on learning that “GoldschmidtRothschild, a grandson of the late Baron Rothschild of Frankfort, after havingserved for a year in a guard regiment was turned down for a commission(presumably because he was Jewish) appointed Rothschild a Court Chamberlainwhich to the officer’s staff of the regiment taking the hint and offering him acommission.

1906:Based on the recently issued annual report of the Sanitarium for HebrewChildren whose goal is “to give free trips on land and water to poor destituteand sick children of the Jewish faith and to supply them with medical andadvice” 2,023 were admitted in 1905 as compared to 1,513 being admitted in1904.

1907:Julia Richman, the District Superintended of Public Schools wrote to the NewYork Times “that our schools must provide *as a substitute for the adademicbranches, valuable to those children who continue their schooling to or throughhigh school and college but valuable to such children only) a course inelementary industrial trailing for those children who are forced to becomewage-earners before thye enter the seventh year of school.”

1907:In Chicago, Penny F. Wallace gave birth to Cyrilla Wallace Carmel who moved toCincinnati in 1925 where she worked for Lady Esther Cosmetics before marryingDr. A Gerson Carmel who was her soul mate for fifty-eight years.

1908(13thof Iyar, 5668): Max "Kid Twist" Zwerbach, a New York gangster wasgunned down.

1909:Samuel Elfenbein, the son of “Moses and Rosa Elfenbein and his wife CeliaElfenbein gave birth to Phillip P Elfenbein, the husband of Sarah ElainElfenbein.

1910: A pogrom was perpetrated by a nationalistorganization against the cultural institutionsof the Russian Jews inBuenos Aires.

1910: Birthdate of Newark,NJ native Bernard Shaw Pully he nightclub comedian who created the role of BigJule, the Chicago gangster, in the musical “Guys and Dolls…”

1910: Twenty-five-year-old author and Zionist leaderSimon Bernstein, the Latvian born of Zadok and Frieda (Heyman) Bernstein whospent much of his life in Copenhagen married Lea Dinson today

1911: Eighteen-year-old Morris Kolsky who gained fame ascinematographer Richard Freyer arrived in New York “on board the steamshipMajestic.”

1911: One day after he had passed away, 40-year-old NeryLeuria, the husband of Bertha Leuria with whom he had had six children wasburied today at the “Belfast Jewish Cemetery” in Northern Ireland.

1912:The Tomb of Samuel Manasseh Ben Israel was restored at the MiddleburgPortuguese Cemetery in Holland.

1912:Christian X of Denmark who in 1933 attended the ceremonies marking the 100thanniversary of the founding of the Grand Synagogue and who according to apopular myth donned the Yellow Star of David during the Nazi occupation(something he wrote about in his diaries”) began his reign today.

1912:In London, an exhibition of the work of pupils from the Bezalel School of Artsand Crafts and Jerusalem’s Evelina de Rothschild School came to a close today

1913:New York Governor William Sulzer approves the charter for the RockefellerFoundation, which begins operations with a $100 million donation from John D.Rockefeller. Governor Sulzer enjoyed support among the Jewish community of NewYork City and signed The 1913 New York State Civil Rights Act into law.

1913:Mrs. B.M. Engelhard is scheduled to be installed as President of the BaronHirsch Woman’s Club this afternoon in the Banquet Hall of the Auditorium Hotelin Chicago.

1913:Birthdate of Chelsea, Massachusetts native Ben “Red” Kramer, the standout guardand forward for Long Island University the 1930’s who went on to playprofessional ball from 1938 to 1945.

1914(18thof Iyar, 5674): Lag B’Omer

1914:In an example of how Jewish culture was an integral part of Westerncivilization “Josephslegende (The Legend of Joseph) a ballet based on theBiblical story of “Potiphar’s Wife” premiered today at the Paris Opera.

1915:During WWI, the Alliance Israelite Universelle announced that it would continueall activities in its institutions in the Ottoman Empire.

1915:In expressing his support for President Wilson, “A.L. Shiplikoff, Secretary ofthe United Hebrew Trades said…’The 300,000 Jews represented by the UnitedHebrew Trades in this city are in favor of he abolition of war and thepermanent establishment of international peace.”

1915:Plans were announced today for a public mass meeting in Minneapolis “to ask theGovernor of Georgia to commute Leo M. Frank’s death sentence to lifeimprisonment.

1915:“The Zionist Association and its affiliated organizations in America andEngland” are appeals “to obtain the State Department…to obtain the release fromthe detention camp at Ruhbleben near Berlin of Israel Cohen, Secretary of theInternational of Zionist Organization” who is the author of Jewish Life inModern Times and was interned at the beginning of the war” because he was aBritish subject.

1916:As of today, the American Jewish Relief Committee of which Felix M. Warburg isthe treasurer had received additional contributions including $24 from theMenorah Society of Penn State University, $25 from the Cairo Thread Works and$100 from Zeta Beta Tau.

1916:“After Henry Morgenthau” who had just resigned as the U.S. Ambassador to Turkey“told of the pitiable plight of the outlawed Armenians at a mass meeting inCarnegie Hall this afternoon” those in the audience “started a $5,000,000relief fund, with contributions of more than $30,000.”

1916:“At a meeting of the members of the American Jewish Committee held today at theHotel Astor…a resolution was adopted to authorize the committee to unite withother Jewish societies for the calling of a congress of Jewish societies inJune for he purposed of obtaining full rights for the Jews of all lands and theabrogation of all laws discriminating against them.”

1916:In Philadelphia, PA, the Central Committee for the Relief of Jews SufferingThrough the War held a national conference where it was reported that theorganization had raised $1, 074, 386.

1917:The Columbia Menorah Society sponsored a concert of Jewish music this eveningat the Horace Mann Auditorium at Columbia University with the proceeds going toJewish War Relief.

1917:The Cantor’s Association of American which had been founded in 1908 held its 8thannual meeting under the leadership of President Solomon Baum.

1917:Dr. J.L. Magnus is scheduled to attend today’s meeting of the ChicagoRabbinical Association at the Stratford Hotel.

1918:“To Pray for Victory” published today described the call sent out by the Unionthe Orthodox Rabbis signed by Rabbis Moses S. Margolies, Solomon E. Jaffe andIsrael Rosenberg among announcing that in accord with President Wilson requestfor a day of prayer and fasting on May 30 all synagogues would remain open forworship on that day and the fast would be treated in the same manner asofficial fast days on the Jewish Calendar.

1919(14thof Iyar, 5679) Pesach Sheni

1919:University of Michigan trained attorney, David Emil Heineman, the Detroit bornson of Fanny Butzel and Emil S. Heineman, a director of the Detroit Fire andMarine Insurance Company, “a one time sabbath school teacher at Temple Bethel in Detroit” and the founder ofthe first Y.M.H.A. in Detroit married Tessa Demmon today in Ann Arbor.

1919:Today, “The University College of Wales established the world’s first Chair inInternational Politics with Alfred Eckhard Zimmern, a Christian who became anavid Zionist as its first professor

1920(26thof Iyar, 5680): Sixty-year-old “David Kessler, one of the leading Yiddishactors in the United States and the manager of Kessler’s Second Avenue Theatre”passed away this afternoon at Beth Israel Hospital.

1920:Today,1910 CCNY graduate Leo Cooper, the Mir,Russia born son of Samuel and AnnaLubetsky and president of Cooper SafetyRazor Corporation in Brooklyn married Lucy Price Cooper with whom he had twochildren.

1921(6thof Iyar, 5681): Parashat Kedoshim

1921:A dispatch from Trieste today said that “the Italian government has taken stepsto prevent the further accumulation in Trieste of Jews desiring to emigrate toPalestine.”

1922:“Characterizing the group that tried to block the Congressional resolutionfavoring the Jewish homeland in Palestine as "noisy notorietyseekers," Samuel Untermyer Untermyer in an address tonight at the openingof the intensive camping in New York City for the Palestine Foundation Fund,declared that the attacks had brought Jews and Gentiles who had had no previousinterest in Zionism into the ranks of the supporters of the Keren Hayesod.”

1923:A check for $10,000 was handed by Mr. Felix Warburg to Dr. Chaim Weizmann justbefore the former sailed for Europe.

1923:“Until its reorganization today, the Oberat” the supreme council that directedthe affairs of the Jewish community “was under state control

1923:It was reported today that The Committee on Higher Degrees of ColumbiaUniversity has accepted the dissertation of Dr. Mordecai Saltes entitled “TheYiddish Press As A Force in America.” (JTA)

1923:A radical change in money raising methods for National Jewish philanthropieswas proposed at the National Conference of the Jewish Social Service whichbegan its sessions this afternoon here at the Hotel Washington. The proposal,made by Mr. Samuel A. Goldsmith of the Bureau of Jewish Social Research, NewYork, on behalf of the Committee of Nine appointed last year was that insteadof these institutions obtaining their maintenance and other funds by direct,personal solicitation, a national budget be established based on therequirements of these institutions. (As reported by JTA)

1924:In Berlin, Alfred Schuman, a German Christian who converted to Judaism and hiswife Hedwig née Rothholz Schuman gave birth to jazz musician Hein Jakob “Coco”Schumann who at 19 was shipped to Theresienstadt “where he became a member ofthe Ghetto Swingers” before being shipped to Auschwitz where he beat death alived until liberation despite having contracted the deadly spotted fever.

1924:The first conference of the General Zionist movement concluded its meeting inJerusalem. It decided to establish a General Zionist Federation to amalgamateall centrist factions in Palestine.

1924: Establishment of the city of Bnei Brak. Bnei Brak is mentioned in the Bible as one ofthe cities of the tribe Dan. Later itwas famous as the site of Rabbi Akiva’s academy. The city is mentioned in the Haggadah as theplace where the all-night Seder of the Rabbinic sages took place. The modern city was founded by charedi Jewsfrom Poland and is famous for its yeshivot and Chassidic communities. Bnei Brakis northwest of Tel Aviv.

1925(10thof Iyar, 5685): Sixty-seven year old investment banker Abraham G. Becker, theWarsaw born son of Nathan and Henrietta Schaffner Backer, the husband ofKatherine Friedman Becker and father of Margaret, Helen, Louise and JamesBecker who in 1865 came to Chicago where he rose from being “an errand for theGerman National” to heading A.G. Becker while serving as “a trustee of theHebrew Union College and Sinai Temple and director of the Jewish Charities ofChicago passed away today.

1925:In Chicago, Etta and Samuel Handmaker gave birth to Herman Handmaker

1925:Birthdate of Hungarian born historian Tibor Szamuely who served with the RedArmy during World War II, served 18 months in a labor camp on espionage chargesand produced a “major study of Soviet history, The Russian Tradition.

1925: In NewYork City, Max Lowenthal and Eleanor Mack, the niece of Judge Julian Mack gave birthto Columbia Law School trained attorney John Lowenthal, the WW II Navy veteranwho was the defense attorney for Alger Hiss.

1925: Birthdate of Yuval Ne’eman founder ofIsrael’s space program and a key figure in Israel’s nuclear program.

1926:Birthdate of Allen Mandelbaum, whose fluid, sensitive English version ofDante’s “Divine Comedy” stamped his reputation as one of the world’s premiertranslators of Italian and classical poetry (As reported by William Grimes)

1927: InBrussels, Max Stuckgold, an engineer, and his wife Marsha who “were Jewishimmigrants from Poland” gave birth to Julien Joseph Stuckgold who became amajor New York real estate developer.

1927: “TheClimbers,” a movies version of the 1901 play “of the same name” directed by PaulL. Stein who was working for Warner Brothers was released today in the United States.

1927:Birthdate of Detroit native Seymour Austen Lipkin, the grandson of aprofessional violinist and the son of a doctor who played with the Doctors’Symphony Orchestra who became a leading conductor and pianist.

1928(24th ofIyar): Novelist Mordecai David Brandstaetter passed away today

1929: InWinnipeg, Canada, Rebecca and John Weidman gave birth to Barbara Weideman, whoas Barbara Branden, the wife of Larry Branden “helped popularize Ayn Rand’sphilosophy” but then upset her acolytes with an unauthorized biography of the“queen of self-interest.”

1929:Birthdate of William Jay Adler, Brooklyn born author and editor whose worksincluded What to Name Your Jewish Baby. (As reported by Douglas Martin)

1930: InNorwalk, CT, Henry Abrahams and “the former Minnie Koffman” gave birth toElizabeth Abrahams who gained fame as “ceramic artist Elizabeth Woodman” andthe husband of artist George Woodman.

1930: In NewYork, Ruth and Sol Peterman gave birth to famed opera singer Roberta Peters

1930:Dr. Leon Pazi, who has just returned fromPalestine, cheered delegates to the Argentine Zionist Congress which openedhere today, with an optimistic report of the work of the Jewish colonies inPalestine. Zionists from all parts of Argentine are in attendance. Assurance ofthe support and sympathy of the people of Argentine for Zionism was given thecongress by Senator Molinari while reports on the work of the Buenos AiresZionist Federation during the riots in Palestine last Summer and on the aidbeing given Zionism by Zionists in Argentine were read to the delegates by thepresident of the Buenos Aires Zionist Federation. (As reported by JTA)

1931: In New York City, Eugene Picker, “afilm pioneer and movie theatre executive of Loew’s Theaters” and his wife gavebirth to David Picker, the Dartmouth graduate who “served as President andChief Executive Officer for United Artists, Paramount, Lorimar and ColumbiaPictures.”

1931: A meeting of those who will be working in he campaign toone million dollars for the relief of Jews in Eastern and Central Europe isscheduled to be held this afternoon at the National Broadcasting Company onFifth Avenue “when addresses will be broadcast over WJZ by Felix Warburg andAlbert Ottinger” the New York chairman of the American Joint DistributionCommittee.

1931(27th ofIyar, 5691): Playwright and stage producer David Belasco passed away.

1932: The 32ndannual convention of the Rabbinical Assembly of the Jewish Theological Seminaryof America is scheduled to come to a closed today.

1933(18th ofIyar, 5693): Lag B’Omer

1933: Indignation against the Hitler regime in Germany is notconfined to British Jewry but is shared by the British public of all classesand opinions, Leonard Montefiore, president of the Anglo-Jewish Association,told members of the Board of Jewish Deputies today

"We also enjoy the sympathy of the British Government, butthe Government has other problems like disarmament and the World EconomicConference," he pointed out. "Nevertheless, Dr. Alfred Rosenbergrealized the universal condemnation of British opinion."

The Archbishop of Canterbury has promised to speak at a publicmeeting in London if it is arranged as really representative of the country,Mr. Montefiore announced.

He declared the statement that Jewish soldiers in the war andJews whose sons were killed in battle were exempt from dismissal from theirpositions in Germany was "pure camouflage. I met men possessing the IronCross debarred from the courts by administrative chicanery," he said.

The Joint Foreign Committee, which was organized by the Board ofDeputies and the Anglo-Jewish Association to conduct foreign affairs, was urgedby Simon Marks, who has been prominent in Zionist fund-raising activities, toask the aid of Dr. Chaim Weizmann, former president of the World ZionistOrganization, "in conducting the wider political work ahead." Inreply, Nathan Laski declared that the Joint Foreign Committee had consulted Dr.Weizmann several times but that the organization cannot hand him the leadership,which, he said, would be abdication. He said the committee has also been incontact with Lord Reading and Sir Herbert Samuel (As reported by JTA)

1933: Boxer(and future mob boss) Mickey Cohen fought his last bout today in Tijuana.

1934: Anatural disaster occurs in Tiberius when cloudbursts cause flooding androckfalls. Homes are swept into Lake Kinneret.

1935: “GhettoLaw obligating the Jewish population to wear speech clothes with red flagsacross their breasts and with a rope around their hips have been enacted by thegovernment of Afghanistan according to a report which Palestine today.”

1935:A court in Bern, Switzerland, pronounced the German edition of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion aforgery.

1936: Viscount Edmund Allenby passed away. As General Allenby, he led the Allied forcesthat liberated Eretz Israel, including Jerusalem, from the Ottoman Turks. Allenby’s victory gave practical meaning tothe Balfour Declaration by creating facts on the ground. Furthermore, a Jewish Legion fought underAllenby’s command and played a central role in some of the fighting with theTurks.

1936:A large Jewish delegation met with the British High Commissioner and discussedthe worsening conditions in the country brought on by continued Arab attacksand violence. The Mayor of Tel Aviv questioned the ability of the British todeal with the situations and leaders from Hederah said they could mobilize150,000 men to protect the Jews and their interests. The High Commissioner praised the “exemplaryJewish behavior and self-control…He requested the Jews to fortify themselveswith more patience.”

1937:Today’s March of Time included an “episode” describing pressure being broughtby the Worker’s Alliance led by David Lesser on U.S. legislators to combatunemployment.”

1937:The Government today rushed police reinforcements into the Polesia province asanti-Semitic rioting in the town of Brzesc (formerly known as Brest-Litovsk),which caused injuries to 50 Jews and an estimated $400,000 damage, gave signsof spreading to neighboring villages.

Windowswere broken, shops looted and Jews attacked in the streets in the rioting whichoccurred after a policeman had been fatally wounded, according to an officialstatement, by a Jewish butcher who resisted arrest for operating an unlicensedslaughterhouse. The butcher was wounded in the foot by a bullet.

Theexcesses raged all day and into the evening before the police, aided byreinforcements from Warsaw, got control. Three Jews were seriously injured.Most of the Jewish shops in the town were demolished and others closed theirdoors.

Manypeasants attending market day in Brzesc participated in the rioting, draggingJews from hansoms and beating them in the streets. Main trading streetssuffered most from vandalism and looting. Market, May, Dluga and Dombrowskastreets were thickly carpeted with glass from broken windows and destroyedmerchandise.

GazetaPolska and other Government newspapers said the anti-Semitic mob did notpillage the Jewish shops but only "threw Jewish goods out into the streetwhere they were destroyed, while meat and bread taken from Jews weredistributed gratis to poor Christians."

Polishnewspapers said the pillaging began after a Jewish mob attacked police whoarrived to confiscate illegally-slaughtered kosher meat (outside the strictGovernment quota for kosher meat) of the Jewish butcher Isaac Szczerbowski.

Thepoliceman, Stefan Kedziora, was stabbed and later died in the hospital. TheUnion of Christian Tradesmen of Brzesc announced that shops of its memberswould be closed during his funeral.

Panicwas still great today among the 25,000 Jews of the city. Deputy EmilSommerstein left for Brzesc this morning while Senator Moses Schorr obtainedassurances from the Interior Ministry that a special police force had been sentto prevent further outbreaks. The city known to Jews as Brisk, has a populationof over 50,000.

Stringentrestrictions on kosher slaughtering which went into effect Jan. 1 under a lawenacted by Parliament, empowering the authorities to set monthly quotas ofcattle to be slaughtered for Jewish consumption, have, in some cases, resultedin "bootleg" slaughterhouses being established.

Meanwhile,peasants in Zaista, near Malkin, attacked a group of anti-Semitic NationalRadicals who had rioted against Jews. The terrorists, known as Naras, called onthe peasants to join in breaking windows of Jewish shops, but the peasantsdrove the rioters from the village.

Thepeasants later rebuked the Jews for closing their shops during thedisturbances, declaring "the action is likely to incite furtherattacks." The peasants asked the Jews to reopen their shops, promisingthem protection. (As reported by JTA)

1937:Jews were forbidden today to give performances of Beethoven, Mozart and Goetheon the ostensible grounds that they must be allowed "to develop their ownspiritual and creative genius."

Explanationof the ban was offered by Hans Hinkel, Nazi Commissar for Jewish CulturalAffairs, who said:

"Jewsmust be allowed to develop their own spiritual and creative genius. If they areunable to or show themselves so poor in spiritual endowments that they cannotdevelop their own culture, it is all the more necessary to show the world thatwe cannot allow them to become the masters of our cultural life." (Asreported by JTA)

1938:Jean Martin Freud, Sigmund Freud’s son who was known as “Martin” left Austriafor London today.

1938:Classic swashbuckler adventure film “The Adventures of Robin Hood” co-directedby Michael Crutiz (Manó Kaminer), co-produced by Hal B. Wallis and with musicby Erich Wolfgang Korngold was released today in the United States.

1939(25thof Iyar, 5669): Fifty-nine-year-old “Solomon/Samuel Max Handelman, the husbandof Mollie Handelman and father of Seymour and Fred Handelman passed in theBronx after which he was buried in Queens.

1940(4thof Iyar, 5700): Anarchist and feminist, Emma Goldman passed away. Born inRussia in 1869, she fledRussia in 1885 during a period of intenseanti-Semitism.Over the years shebecame active in anarchistcauses.Heranti-war political activities cost her U.S.citizenship and deportation back to Russia to experience the Communist takeoverin that country. Goldmanwas anti-Communist and ended up escapingtoBritain. For the rest of her life she devoted herselftotrying to save the world through anarchy and feminism. She diedin Toronto but the American government allowed her body to be buriedinChicago, the city that had so influenced her life.

1940:Three hours after the German’s delivered an ultimate “ordering the Dutchcommander of Rotterdam” to begin a cease fire, German bombers killed over30,000 of the city’s inhabitants when they fire bombed Rotterdam.

1940:As the Blitzkreig replaced the “Phony War” the Nazis crossed the Meuse at Sedanand began chasing a French Army that “was running for its life” – a run thatwould end in Nazi victory, Vichy collaboration and the slaughter of FrenchJews.

1940:“Shortly before Brussels was occupied,” Hugo Gutman who served in the sameregiment as Hitler during World War I and his family “escaped only with smallsuitcases taking the last train to France.”

1940:As of today, the Kindertransport which had started in December, 1938, hadbrought 7,500 Jewish children to Britain.

1940:At 12:30 pm, New York Governor Herbert H. Lehman met with President Rooseveltin the White House.

1940:One very last transport left on the freighter Bodegraven from Ymuiden on May14, 1940 – the day Rotterdam was bombed, one day before Holland surrendered –raked by gunfire from German warplanes. The eighty children on deck had beenbrought by earlier transports to imagined safety in Holland. Altogether, thoughexact figures are unknown, the Kindertransports saved around 10,000 children,most of them Jewish, from Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland. Nonewere accompanied by their parents; a few were babies carried by children.

1940:Abraham Icek Tuschinski lost all of his movie houses in Rotterdam today “whenthe city was bombed by the Germans.”

1941:The Nazis arrested more than 3,600 Parisian Jews and sent to them concentrationcamps. This marked the start of the roundup of Jews in the Occupied Zone ofFrance (the area directly controlled by the Nazis as opposed to VichyFrance. The roundup began with Polish Jews who had become naturalizedFrench citizens but it did not stop here.


1941:Approximately 4000 Jews are deported from Paris, most to a camp at Pithiviers,France. “Pithiviers, near Orleans, was one of the infamous concentration campswhere children were separated from their parents and imprisoned, while theadults were processed and departed to camps further away, usuallyAuschwitz.” This camp, like the one atDrancy, was operated by the Vichy French and their collaborators. Contrary to the image that the French haveconcocted about their behavior during World War II, French fascists, led byPetain and Laval, were active participants in the Nazi New World Order. As to the Jews, the French were alreadyhanding them over even before the Germans asked for them.

1941:The decision was made in Tel Aviv to establish the Palmach (Plugot Mahatz or‘striking companies’ of the Haganah.“The Palmach had two primary aims: the defense of the Yishuv against theArab bands which would inevitably harass the Jewish towns and settlements andengage in local rioting as soon as the British retreated from Palestine; andthe defense of the country against the Axis invaders.” Yitshaq Sadeh, a Jew born in Russia in 1890,was the found and first commander of the Palmach. He passed away in 1952.

1941:Today, Nathan Nathanson who had attempted “to create a theatre chain with FoxFilm” and failed resigned from Famous Players aft which he “worked on creatinga new theatre chain while serving as president.”

1941:The Nazis interned 3,600 naturalized Jews of Russian origin.

1941:Today, Jan Peerce “made his stage debut as the Duke in ''Rigoletto'' inPhiladelphia.”

1941:“East River Bank Sells Vacant City Realty” published today described thepurchase of 24 lots by Elias A. Cohen’s Omnibus Reality Corporation” which alsoprovides a mini-history course on the development of the East Side.

1942(27thof Iyar, 5702): Noted Jewish Viennese pianist Leopold Birkenfeld is murdered atthe Chelmno death camp.

1943(9thof Iyar, 5703): Seventy-four year old Dutch citizen Johanna v. Engel-Gruenewaldwas murdered today at Sobibor.

1944:In Hungary, all hospital patients “newly-born babies, blind and deaf, allmental cases and prison inmates of Jewish origin were transferred to theghettos.”

1944:In Long Branch, NJ, Howard Martin Lawn, “the president of Parkmobile Inc., andthe Equity and Capital Company and Pearl H. Bergman a chemist and homemakerboth of whom were staunch Democrats” gave birth to journalist Constance Ellen“Connie” Lawn who “at the time of her death was the longest-serving White Housecorrespondent.”

1945:The HMS Springer a British submarine that would be sold to the Israeli in 1958and be renamed the “Tanin” was launched today

1945:Representatives Andrew W. Somers and August W. Bennet presented a jointresolution in the House of Representative “asking for United States recognitionof ‘the Hebrew Nation’ as an intergovernmental agency to repatriate Jewssurviving in Europe to Palestine and for an administration to facilitate theestablishment of a free state there guaranteeing civil, political and religiousrights of all its inhabitants.”

1945(2ndof Sivan, 5705): Sixty-nine-year-old University of Cincinnati graduate and HUCordained rabbi, Edmund Alderman Landau, the Hamilton, Ontario born son of Wolfand Emma (Alderman) Landau who “in !898accepted his first pulpit at Temple B'nai Israel (Albany HebrewCongregation) in Albany, Georgia passed away today.

1946: Martin Gabel, thePhiladelphia born son of Ruth and Israel Gabriel married Arlene Francis in whatwould prove to be that rarity, a successful celebrity marriage, which producescintillating repartee and a son, Peter Gabel, the Harvard trained attorney andassociation editor of Tikun.

1946: It was announcedtoday at Tammany headquarters that attorney Joseph Zaretski has been chosen“for the Democratic nomination of Sate Senatorin the 23rd Senatorial District.

1946;Today Mischa Mischakoff “performed the Tchaikovsky concerto with the New YorkPhilharmonic (which had by then merged with the New York Symphony) at CarnegieHall.”

1946:The SS Max Nordau, a Haganah ship containing 1,750 men women andchildren (300 of whom were orphans) was intercepted by the British off thecoast of Palestine. The refugees wereshipped off for detention at Atlit while the crew was arrested and the shipconfiscated by the British. The vesseljoined other such ships, including the Enzo Sereni, the Tel Hai and the OrdeWingate at a dock in Haifa. The Palmachresponded by simultaneously, blowing up eleven bridges that connected Palestinewith surrounding countries. Thisspectacular event came at the cost of 14 Palmach lives.

1947:“A funeral service was held today in Town Hall for “Dr. Louis K. Anspacher,lecturer dramatist

and poet who was the husband of “the formerFlorence Sutro Esberg” and the brother of Harry Anspacher.

1947:Birthdate of Brandies graduate and music critic Jon Landau.

1947:Much to everyone’s surprise Andrei Gromyko, the permanent representative of theSoviet Union to the United Nations gave a speech before the General Assembly inwhich he said that “the Soviet Union would still prefer a ‘single Arab-Jewishstate with equal rights for the Jews and the Arabs,’ but if the UN commissionfound the this ‘impossible to implement’ there was a ‘justifiable alternative:the partition of Palestine into two independent single states, one Jewish andone Arab.’” (Editor’s note – ironically, while the world including the UnitedStates dithered on the issues, the Soviet Union, for whatever reasons shiftedthe balance by declaring support for a Jewish state in Palestine now.)

1948:Today, after nearly 28 years, the British Mandate over Palestine ended with thefounding of the State of Israel.

1948(5thof Iyar, 5708): In one of the most stirring moments in Jewish history DavidBen-Gurion led the ceremony establishing the State of Israel. The BritishMandate actually ended on May 15, 1948. But that was a Saturday and the JewishState would not be declared on Shabbat, so it was done the afternoonbefore.Herzl's prediction was off by one year.

1948: Today, the Hatikvah was played at theconclusion of the Israeli Declaration of Independence ceremony.

1948:Rebecca Affachiner “the Betsy Ross Of Israel” unfurled her homemade flag whichshe had made from a cut-up bed sheet on which she had sewn a six-pointed bluestar and two stripes colored with a blue crayon.” (As reported by the JewishWomen’s Archive)

1948:Three resolutions were defeated at the United Nations by the Arabs and theirallies to ensure that Jerusalem would be an international city governed by theU.N. The Arabs insisted that Jerusalemmust be an “Arab city” even though it had a Jewish majority. This lack of will on the part of the U.N. andArab intransigence are the animating force by the refusal of Israeligovernments to ever give up the city.

1948:Egyptian planes bomb Tel Aviv, the first time the city had been bombed sincethe Italians flew over in 1940

1948:The first broadcasts by Kol Yisrael, Israel's radio station. Kol Yisraelis Hebrew for the Voice of Israel.

1948:‘River Lady” a western film photographed by cinematographer Irving Glassbergwas released today in the United States.

1948:Jordan’s Arab Legion captured the Jewish settlement of Atarot

1948:In violation of the U.N. resolutions, Jordan's Arab Legion captured Atarot,north of Jerusalem. This was part of the Arab plan to cut off Jerusalemfrom the rest of thestate of Israel.

1948:The United States became the first country to recognize the state of Israel.

1948: "The Egyptian Prime Minister,al-Nukrashi Pasha, decided to proclaim a state of emergency and arrest allCommunists declaring that all Jews were potential Zionists and that allZionists were in fact Communists." (In Ishmael's House by Martin Gilbert)

1948: Sir Alan Cunningham drove out of Jerusalem,bordered a plane and flew to Haifa.

1948:When the Israeli flag was unfurled outside the Jewish Agency building in NewYork City, “throngs of Jewish youngster danced the hora outside and traffic onEast 68th Street came to a halt.”

1948:The bitter battle to keep the road between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem took apositive turn for Jewish forces as they occupied Beit Dagan the British policefortress. At the same time, the Arabswere poised to seize the vital airport at Lydda.

1948:Bechor-Shalom Sheetrit, was appointed Minister of Police, a position he helduntil a month before his death in January 1967. He served in fourteengovernments and making him the country's longest continually serving minister.

1948:David Ben-Gurion begins serving as Israel’s first Minister of Defense.

1948:As the battle for Kfar Darom that pitted the Palmach against the Egyptian Armyand the units of the Muslim brotherhood went into its second night Jewish unitsbegan an attack on the “Bedouin locality of Khirbat Ma’in.

1948:David Remez was appointed Minister of Transportation in David Ben-Gurion'sprovisional government.

1948:Yehuda Leib Maimon was appointed at Israel’s first Minister of ReligiousServices.

1948:Maury Atkin, who had been employed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture,opened the first Israeli embassy in the United States at 2210 Massachusetts,Avenue. Atkin served as executiveofficer and agricultural consultant to the new Israeli Embassy until April 1950

1948:Following yesterday’s massacre of the Jews at Kfar Etzion, the rest of villagesat Gush Etzion surrendered following which the Jews were taken prisoner andtheir homes “plunder and burned.”

1948:As of today, Milt Rubenfeld, Modi Alon, Ezer Weizman, Lou Lenart, and EddieCohen and four S-199's “constituted the entire Israeli Air Force.

1949(15thof Iyar, 5709): Parashat Emor

1949:The Committee or the Celebration of the First Anniversary of the Creation ofState of Israel is scheduled to hold “a gigantic birthday party celebration at MadisonSquare Garden today

1949:After 252 performances the curtain came down on the last Broadway performanceof “Love Life,” “a musical written by Kurt Weill (music) and Alan Jay Lerner(book and lyrics).”

1951:Edmund Zayenda and Irving Jacobson formed a partnership to produce a series ofAmerican-Yiddish musicals at the Second Avenue Theatre.

1951:The Broadway production of “Flahooley” with lyrics and book by E.Y. Harburg anda score by Sammy Fain opened today at the Broadhurst Theatre,

1951:Today, in Israel the Shabak arrested Mordechai Eliyahu and other members of the Brit Hakanim “aradical religious Jewish underground organization which operated against thewidespread tread of secularization” by torching cars of people who on drove onShabbat and butcher shops where non-kosher meet was sold.”

1953:The Jerusalem Post reported on thefirst visit to Israel of the U.S. Secretary of State, Mr. John Foster Dulles,who arrived, accompanied by a large entourage "for a frank exchange ofviews." Israeli leaders asked U.S. for a loan to meet their foreigncurrency debts which reached $70m., while another $40m. were due shortly.Dulles "was happy to be in Israel" and was certain that the talkswill be "mutually beneficial."

1953:The Jerusalem Post reported thatIsrael received from West Germany $75m. on account of reparations.

1953:The Jerusalem Post reported that 102new immigrants arrived from Iran.

1953:“The first railway line built by the State of Israel – 28 and a half miles oftrack running parallel to the coast between Hadera and Tel Aviv – was dedicatedby Mrs. David Remez, widow of Israel’s first Minister of Communications whoconceived the line in 1948.” The openingof the rail connection will shorten the time it takes to travel between Haifa,Israel’s major port and Tel Aviv.

1954:It was reported today that by the president of City College that Dr. SamuelWinograd’s resignation as faculty manager of athletics was submitted on theadvice of his doctor and that “no charges have been brought against ProfessorWinograd by the college or the Board of Education.

1955:On the seventh anniversary of Israel’s independence, a public memorial serviceis held at Carnegie Hall in honor of the late Albert Einstein.

1957(13thof Iyar, 5715): Seventy-six-year Eva Mazer, the widow of Abraham Mazer who wasleader of Hadassah “and a founder of “a founder of the Albert Einstein Collegeof Medicine of Yeshiva University” passed away today.

1957(13thof Iyar, 5717): Seventy-two-year-old Sir Sidney Solomon Abrahams (Sidney“Solly” Abrahams) the older brother of Harold Abrahams of “Chariots of Firefame” who competed in the Olympics in the long-jump before pursuing a careerthat including “serving as Chief Justice of Ceylon and President of the LondonAthletic Club” passed away today.

1957(13thof Iyar, 5717: Sixty-six-year-old Yiddish actor and comedian Julius Nathanson,the Kiev born son of grain dealer and husband of actress Anna Nathanson who in1905 settled in Chicago where he worked as a tailor for two years beforestarting a theatrical career that included joining the Boris Thomashefsky’sPeoples Theater and acting “at the Second Avenue Theatre before “becoming amember of the executive committee of the Hebrew Actors' Union and the editorialboard of the Lexicon of the Yiddish Theatre.”

1958(24thof Iyar, 5718): Sixty-seven-year-old New York native Barnett Robert Bricknerwho served as the rabbi at Anshe Chesed for 33 years passed away today.

1958:“I Married A Woman” directed by Hal Kanter and written by Goodman Ace premieredin Los Angeles.

1961(28thof Iyar, 5721): Sixty-five year old Max Perlman, the City Deputy Commissionerof Markets who was a member of the Masons, B’Nai Brith and the Ancient Order ofHiberians and the husband of Rose Perlman and father of Joel and Gail Perlmanpassed away at his home in Brooklyn

1962(10thof Iyar, 5722): Prize winning architect Dov Karmi, the son of Hannah and SholomWeingarten who designed the Culture Palace and Max—Liebling House in Tel Avivpassed away today.

1963:NBC broadcast “The Convention,” the final episode the television series “Empire”directed by Abner Biberman, the Milwaukee born son of Fannie and Jack MauriceBiberman, the husband of Tolbie Sache and the father of Toby Sacher.

1963(20thof Iyar, 5723): Eighty-two-year-old Ukraine born Columbia University trained “obstetricianand gynecologist” Dr. Julius Jarcho the father of one daughter and two sons Dr.Saul and Dr. Lonard Jarcho and “one of the founders of Sydenham Hospital who “wasa member of the Hebrew University’s board of governors and a member of theboard of the American Friends of the Hebrew University passed away today in NewYork City.

1963:The sequel to “It’s My Party”, “Judy’s Turn to Cry” was recorded today byLelsely Gore.

1964(3rdof Sivan, 5724): Seventy-four-year-old Heinz Werner, the Viennese born son ofLeopold Emile Klauber Werner, the engineering student, turned composer, turnedpsychologist who, after being forced to leave his position at the University ofHamburg by the Nazis, came to the United states where he taught at BrooklynCollege and Clark University,

1964:“What a Way to Go,” a comedy produced by Arthur P. Jacobs with a screenplay byBetty Comden and Adolph Green and filmed by cinematographer Leon Shamroy wasreleased today in the United States.

1966(24thof Iyar, 5726): Parashat Behar-Bechukotai

1966(24thof Iyar, 5726): Fifty-nine year old C. Irving “Irv” Constantine the Syracuserunning back played one season in the NFL in 1931.

1967(4thof Iyar, 5727): Yom HaZikaron

1967:Alfred Kazan and Nissim Ezekiel of Bombay University were among the speakers atthe six-day celebration of Henry David Thoreau sponsored by the NassauCommunity College that came to an end today.

1967:According to statements made by Nasser in justifying the blockade of theStraits of Tiran, this is the day on which he discussed the Soviet report ofthe Israel’s planned invasion of Syria with the government in Damascus andformulated their military response.

1967:Israeli newspapers carried interviews with General Rabin, IDF chief of staffwarning “Damascus” of the consequences that would arise from continuedterrorist attacks.

1968:Birthdate of Lyon, France native Eric Vuillard, the author of the award winningOrder of the Day which traces the rise of Hitler “from a meeting inFebruary 1933 of the captains of German industry gathered to fiancé Hitler’srise to absolute power, through March 12, 1938, the date of Anschluss, aprelude to the Final Solution that drove hundreds, perhaps thousands ofViennese Jews to suicide, all the way to the Nuremberg Trials and the vilenessof German industry’s complicity in Hitler’s death camps.

1968(16thof Iyar, 5728): Seventy-year-old Dr. Theodore Werner, the Viennese born EnglishZionist was the godson of Theodor Herzl passed away today. (As reported byJTA)?

1969:Today marked the end of Abe Fortas’ tenure as an Associate Justice of theUnited States Supreme Court.

1970:Birthdate of mathematician and founder of Akamai Technologies Daniel “Danny”Mark Levin the native of Denver and raised in Israel who was stabbed to deathon American Airline Flight 11 reportedly making him the first person to die on“9/11.”

1970: After 13 preview performances, a revival ofGeorge S. Kaufman’s “Beggar on Horseback” opened at the Vivian BeaumontTheatre.

1970:The Court of Appeals of the State of New York decided the “Matter of Palitz”today.

1971(19thof Iyar, 5731): Eighty-two-year-old Hungarian born psychiatrist Dr. SandorRado, an original disciple of Freud who founded the first school ofpsychoanalysis at an American university and who for many years was a leader inthe psychoanalytic movement passed away today.

1972(1stof Sivan, 5732): Rosh Chodesh Sivan

1972(1stof Sivan, 5732): Eighty-two-year-old Hungarian physician Sandor Rado who becamea psychoanalyst after meeting Sigmund Freud and settled in the United States wherehe initially was involved with the Columbia University Center forPsychoanalytic Training and Research who should not be confuse the Hungarian Jewishactor who died under the rule of the Arrow Cross or Hungarian Jewish cartographerwho worked for Soviet Militar intelligence in WW II.

1973:Frontiero v. Richardson, in which Ruth Bader Ginsburg representedFrontiero was decided by the SupremeCourt today.

1974: Seventy-one-year-oldBrooklyn Law School graduate Lillian Rock, the New York City born daughter ofJoel Rock and the former Ida Libby Gross who was the founder and senior partnerof Rock and Rock and “who as vice president of the National Association ofWomen Lawyers and as national chairman of Women in Public Service, Inc.,suggested in the nineteenthirties that women fill high public officepassed away today. Rock - Google Search man-as.html?searchResultPosition=2

1974(22ndof Iyar, 5734): First Lieutenant Rami Zusman and Sergeant Reuven Brinenbergwere killed just two weeks before Henry Kissinger negotiated a separation offorces agreement between the Syrians and Israelis.

1976(14thof Iyar, 5736): Pesach Sheni

1977:The first official images of the Merkava were released to the Americanperiodical Armed Forces Journal

1978:The Jerusalem Post reported on thechanged mood in the Cairo media which claimed that the deadlock in theIsraeli-Egyptian peace negotiations moved the whole Middle East to thesituation which preceded the 1973 Yom Kippur war. The Egyptian press warnedthat President Sadat's pledge of "no more war" would not befulfilled, unless Israel dropped its refusal to relinquish all the territoriesit captured in the 1967 war.

1979(17th of Iyar, 5739): Eighty-four-year-old August “Augie” Ratner, themiddleweight boxer who knocked out Jack Delaney “in the first round of prizefight in New York City in 1922” passed away today.

1979:“The Rebels” a television mini-series featuring Tom Bosley as “Ben Franklin”was broadcast for the first time tonight.

1980(28thof Iyar, 5740): Yom Yerushalayim

1980:The full orchestral version of “Variations for Winds, Strings andKeyboards” an orchestral piece composedin 1979 by Steve Reich was premiered by the San FranciscoSymphony at the War Memorial Auditorium in San Francisco

1981(10th of Iyar, 5741): Fifty-four-year-old journalist,ant-fascist and founder of Searchlight Maurice Julian Ludmer, whose mother was aHebrew teacher and whose life was transformed when while serving in the BritishArmy during WW II he visited Belsen Concentration camp

1982: U.S. premiere of “Wrong is Right” a “thriller”directed and produced by Richard Brooks who also wrote the script.

1982: The Moscow refusenik and Hebrew teacher PavelAbramovich was summoned to the KGB for the first of what would be four times inthe next thirty days.

1982:Richard F. Shepard reviewed Max and Helen by Simon Wiesenthal

1983:It was reported today that Secretary of Defense Caspar W. Weinberger delivereda speech to the American Jewish Committee in which he said the Sovietgovernment was “making a profound and dangerous mistake if it thought it couldforce the United States to abandon its commitment to Israel’s security.”

1983:A new advertising campaign created by Needham, Harper & Steers/Issues andImages, which will promote a friendliness and warmth of the Israeli peopletoward travelers with the new theme line: ''Come to Israel, come stay withfriends'' premieres today with two new 30-second television and radiocommercials.

1984:Birthdate of Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook fame.

1986(5thof Iyar, 5746): Yom HaAtzma'ut

1986:The Institute for War documents published Anne Frank’s complete diary.

1987:As the IPO celebrates its 50th anniversary, Leonard Bernsteinconducts the symphony for a second night.

1989:NBC broadcast the final episode of “War and Remembrance, an American miniseriesbased on the novel of the same name written by Herman Wouk” co-starring JaneSeymour, Polly Bergen, Sami Frey, Steven Berkoff and Topol.

1989:“Chu Chem,” billed as “the 1st Chinese-Jewish Musical” with MollyPicon comes to a close today after 68 performances on Broadway.

1989:NBC broadcast the final episode of “Family Ties” the sitcom created by GaryDavid Goldberg.

1990:In Los Angeles, director Steven Spielberg and actress Kate Capshaw gave birthto American actress Sasha Rebecca Spielberg.

1993:In the U.K. premiere of Cup final an Israeli film written by Eyal Halfon anddirected by Eran Riklis.

1993:CBS broadcast the final episode of “The Golden Palace” a sitcom co-starrubgEstelle Getty featuring theme music by Andrew Gold.

1996(25thof Iyar, 5756): Seventeen year old Yeshiva student David Bum was murdered by aterrorist who fired on students “as a hitchhiking post at Beit El.”

1998(18thof Iyar, 5758): Lag B’Omer

1998:The Sixth Annual Toronto Jewish Film Festival came to an end today.

1998:Performance of the last episode of Seinfeld on NBC withcommercialsselling at $2 million for a 30 second slot.

2000:“Yiddishkayt Los Angeles,” the largest festival in the United States honoringYiddish opened today.

2000(9th of Iyar, 5760): Eighty-six-year-oldPulitzer Prize winning poet Karl Shapiro, the Baltimore born son of the formerSarah Omansky and Joseph Shapiro, who drew his greatest inspiration from hisexperiences in WW II passed away today.(As reported by Richard Severo.)

2000: TheNew York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or ofspecial interest to Jewish readers including “Working Class New York: Life andLabor Since World War II”
by Joshua B. Freeman and the recently released paperback edition of “The Lexusand the Olive Tree” by Thomas L. Friedman The New York Times columnist deploysa torrent of anecdotes and vignettes to probe the causes and effects ofglobalization and the transforming power of technology.

2000: “Requiem for a Dream,” an Americanpsychological drama film directed by Darren Aronofsky premiered at Cannestoday.

2000:Karl Jay Shapiro, a native of Baltimore who was appointed the fifth PoetLaureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress in 1946 passed away inNew York.

2001: The 54th Cannes Film Festivalwhere Dover Kosashvili’s “Late Marriage was screened in the Un Certain RegardSection” opened today

2002: “The vote by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon'spolitical party against the establishment of any independent Palestinian statemay limit his room for maneuver but will not tie his hands, Israeli politiciansand political analysts said today.”

2003: Allan Kornblum was appointed as a federalmagistrate for the northern district of Florida.

2003: Dorrit Moussaieff an Israeli-born Britishjewelry designer, editor and businesswoman married the President of Iceland,Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson,

2004:Peace Now led the 'Mate ha-Rov' ("majority camp") demonstration todayin Tel Aviv, in order to pressure the Israeli government to adopt theDisengagement Plan

2004:Mayyim Hayyim, a community mikveh [ritual bath] and education center in Newton,Massachusetts, opened its doors.

2005(5thof Iyar, 5765): Parashat Emor

2005(5thof Iyar, 5765): “Vice president of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum'sinternational directors council, and director of the Byrd Hoffman FoundationElaine Terner Cooper, the first wife of art dealer and banker Robert E. Mnuchinand the mother of Goldman Sachs bankers Alan and Steven Mnuchin the latter ofwhom became Trump’s Secretary of the Treasury.

2005:U.S. premiere of “The Fallen Ones” featuring Tom Bosley

2006(16thof Iyar, 5766): One hundred-year-oldAmerican poet and two time Poet Laureate Stanley Kunitz passed away.

2006:The New York Times featured reviewsof books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readersincluding “Becoming Eichmann: Rethinking the Life, Crimes, and Trial of a"Desk Murderer" by David Cesarani and the recently released paperbackedition of “Omaha Blues: A Memory Loop” by Joseph Lelyveld which is a memoir ofhis “often painful Midwestern childhood” featuring his “warring parents: aliterary mother and a political father, who was a Reform rabbi and a committedcivil-rights activist.”

2006:On NPR's Weekend Edition, Daniel Schorr mentioned a meeting at the White Housethat took place with colleague A. M. Rosenthal and president Gerald Ford. Fordmentioned that the Rockefeller Commission had access to various CIA documents,including those referring to political assassinations. [Editor’s Note – Schorrand Rosenthal were Jewish. Ford andHelms were not.]

2006:The following tours were scheduled as part of the 15th annual Historic SitePreservation Week, an initiative of the Society for Preservation of IsraelHeritage Sites (SPIHS: "Bauhaus on Bialik Street" - a tour of thisstreet will mark the designation of "the White City" as a WorldHeritage Site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and CulturalOrganization (UNESCO); Free guided tours of the old city of Be'er Sheva andother historic sites in the capital of the Negev; a free guided tour of TheNational Museum of Science, Technology and Space in Haifa which was formerlythe site of the historic Technion Israel Institute of Technology Building.

2007:The JCC in Manhattan presents a film screening “Be Fruitful and Multiply: What’s A Mother toDo?” followed by a panel discussion..

2008:“The World Stamp Championship Israel 2008” opens under F.I.P patronage in TelAviv. “WSC Israel 2008” is organized by the Israel Philatelic Federation incooperation with the Israel Post Ltd. and its Philatelic Service. Over 70countries will be present with a variety of 2,500 exhibition frames of theworld's finest philatelic collections at the weeklong event.

2008:As US President George W. Bush lands in Israel for a three-day visit the IDFstarts reducing its operations throughout the West Bank. The orders weredelivered earlier this week to the IDF's Central Command by the politicalechelon.

2008:A shopping mall in Ashkelon was hit this afternoon by a long-range rocket firedfrom the Gaza Strip injuring around 90 people, four of them seriously. Twomilitant groups, Islamic Jihad and the Popular Resistance Committees, claimedresponsibility. Among those seriously hurt are a 24-year-old mother and herinfant daughter, both of whom were flown to Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer,for treatment. They suffered head injuries. Two others sustaining seriousinjuries were rushed to Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon for emergencysurgery. Most other injuries were light.

2008(9thof Iyar, 5768): Eighty-six-year-old cartoonist and satirist Will Elder passedaway today (As reported by William Grimes)

2009:The Foundation for Jewish Studies presents a free lecture with Dr. RobertAlter speaking on “The Challenge of Translating the Bible” at the Washington DCJewish Community Center.

2009:The 92nd Street Y presents a lecture by Susanne Vromen entitled“Sanctuary from Hell: Belgian Nuns Who Saved Holocaust Children” in which thisProfessor Emeritus of Sociology at Bard College author of “Hidden Childrenof the Holocaust: Belgian Nuns and Their Daring Rescue of Young Jews from theNazis” shares the “riveting stories” of the Belgian Jewish children whowere hidden in Roman Catholic convicts and orphanages starting in 1942. Vromen is in a unique position to tell thestory since she “was living in Belgium when the Germans invaded the country in1940 and lived under the Nazi occupation before she and her family were able toescape and find refuge in the Belgian Congo.

2009:Today Jordan's king pressed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to immediatelycommit to the establishment of a Palestinian state, as the monarch pursued asweeping resolution of the Muslim world's conflicts with Israel.

2009(20thof Iyar, 5769): Beatrice Israel Muhlendorf, passed away today at the age 93 inSheffield, Alabama. Mrs. Muhlendorf was a native of Worcester, Mass., and amember of Temple B'Nai Israel. She attended Florence State Teachers College andgraduated from the University of Alabama in 1936.She was the co-founder of theRho chapter of Sigma Delta Tau sorority at the University of Alabama and servedas president in 1935. a lifelong sustaining member of the Muscle ShoalsDistrict Service League, past board member of the YMCA of the Shoals andNorthwest Alabama Easter Seals Rehabilitation Center, Turtle Point Yacht andCountry Club and was past president of the Temple B'Nai Israel Sisterhood. Sheworked for the Navy department during World War II, where she met her husband,Jack, and married in 1942. She, along with her father and husband, co-foundedPaper and Chemical Supply Co. in 1949, where she served as a chairman of theboard until her passing. She was preceded in death by her husband, JackMuhlendorf

2009:Sholom Rubashkin, the man who ran Agriprocessors, has been named in a new 142count indictment that adds 70 new charges thatinclude criminal acts related to bank fraud, money laundering anddocument fraud.

2010(1Sivan, 5770): Rosh Chodesh Sivan

2010:“Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps” a sequel to “Wall Street” in which Eli Wallachplayed the part of “Julius Steinhardt” in what was the last film in his longand storied career premiered at the Cannes Film Festival.

2010:Garrett Reisman was a member of the STS-132 mission that traveled to theInternational Space Station aboard Space Shuttle Atlantis” starting today.

2010:Forty-six year old Jennifer Gorvotiz was named CEO of the San Francisco basedJewish Community Federation today making her “the first woman to head on theNorth American’s 20 largest Jewish Federations.” (As reported by

2010:Rabbi Shira Stutman and musician Sheldon Low are scheduled to lead a musicaland interactive Shabbat at the Historic 6th & I Synagogue inWashington, D.C.

2011:Liliana Schulder is scheduled to be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah at TheTemple, Atlanta’s oldest synagogue which was founded in 1867.

2011:The Cincinnati Art Museum is scheduled to present “A Jewish View of Cincinnati”will “explore art from ancient times that relates to Jewish history; paintingsof biblical stories and themes, and works by Jewish artists.

2011:Pianist Menahem Pressler is scheduled to appear with the Jupiter Quartet aspart of the Peoples’ Symphony Concerts in New York City.

2011:“Footnote” a film about the mistaken award of the Israel Prize premiered at theCannes Film Festival where it won the award for best screenplay.

2011:The managing director of the International Monetary Fund, DominiqueStrauss-Kahn, was taken off an Air France plane at Kennedy InternationalAirport minutes before it was to depart for Paris on today, in connection withthe sexual attack of a maid at a Midtown Manhattan hotel, the authorities said

2011(10thof Iyar, 5771): Ninety-year-old Joseph Wershaba, the colleague of Edward R.Murrow who helped to expose Senator McCarthy, passed away today. (As reportedby Dennis Hevesi)

2011(10thof Iyar, 5771): Eighty-nine-year-old Murray Handwerker, the man who turnedBrooklyn based Nathan’s hot dog stand into a nationally known institutionpassed away today. (As reported by Reed Abelsson)

2012:At the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Library in Washington, DC, Dr. PamelaS. Nadell, Chair of the Department of History and Director of the JewishStudies Program at American University is scheduled to survey 350 years of theAmerican Jewish experience through the prism of National Museum of AmericanJewish located on Philadelphia's Independence Mall.

2012:The New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music is scheduled to present anevening of performances celebrating its Israeli alumni, students, andinternational collaborators

2012:Todd Hasak-Lowy author of Here and Now: History, Nationalism, and Realism inModern Hebrew Fiction is scheduled to participate in A Dalkey ArchiveTranslators Night as the McNally Jackson Bookstore in New York City.

2012:Roberto Rodriguez and the Cuban Jewish All Stars are scheduled to perform atthe Washington DCJCC.

2012:Center for Jewish History and Center for Traditional Music and Dance arescheduled to present “Bay mayn mames shtibele: The Women's Art of YiddishFolksong.”

2012:In London, The Wiener Library is scheduled to hold a workshop for new recruitsand experienced veterans of the Wiener Library’s Volunteer TranslationProgram. The program began with onetranslator in 2009.

2012:Offensive lineman Mitchell Schwartz, a second-round draft pick of the ClevelandBrowns, signed a four-year, $5.17 million contract with the team. Schwartz, atackle from the University of California, Berkeley, was selected 37th overallin April’s draft. The Jewish player was among eight draft picks signed by theteam today. His older brother Geoff is in his fourth season as an NFL player (As reported by Mary Oster)

2012(22ndof Iyar, 5772): Nine-four-year-old “David M. Helpern, the business side of thehusband-and-wife apparel design team known as Joan & David, who popularizedelegant, comfortable — and non-high-heeled — shoes for working women in the1960s before expanding their line internationally to include clothing,” passedaway today. (As reported by PaulVitello)

2012:Jill Abramson, the executive editor of the New York Times did not address thegraduating class at Barnard College because she was pre-empted by PresidentObama.

2013:The refurbished Jerusalem Train Station is scheduled to host its first majorevent today.

2013:The Riddle of the Labyrinth: The Quest to Crack an Ancient Code byMargalit Fox, the doyenne of New York Times obituary writers goes on saletoday.

2013:“Fire In My Heart: The Story of Hannah Senesh” is scheduled to open at theIllinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center.

2013(5thof Sivan, 5773): Erev Shavuot

2013:The DVD of “The Round Up” a French movie “based on the true story of a youngJewish boy that depicts the Vel' d'Hiv Roundup (Rafle du Vel' d'Hiv) -- themass arrest of Jews by French police who were Nazi accomplices in Paris in July1942—“was released on the American iTunes Store” today.

2013:As part of the observance of Shavuot, Bentlee Birchansky and Noah Thalblum willcelebrate their Confirmation at Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. (Editor’sNote – I had the pleasure of teaching both of these youngsters. They are two of the brightest, nicest, mostdiligent students I ever worked with in the last fifty years. They have much tobe proud of and even more to look forward to.)

2013:On the secular calendar, 65th anniversary of the establishment ofthe State of Israel!

2013:The Jerusalem Post ranks Yair Lapid, the founder of Yesh Atid at the top of itslist of most influential Jews followed by U.S. Secretary of the Treasury JackLew in second place.

2014(14thof Iyar, 5774): Pesach Sheini

2014(14thof Iyar, 5774):

2014:Nick Kotz, whose recent book, The Harness Maker's Dream, tells the storyof his Jewish Ukrainian grandfather's journey to the United States and ensuinglife in Texas is scheduled to moderate a panel discussion “A Nation ofImmigrants: How They Have Shaped America.”

2014:In Danville, CA, the Reutlinger Community for Jewish Living is scheduled tohost a special screening “American Jerusalem,” a “documentary that tells thestory of San Francisco Jews became Jews.”

2014:The New York Times fires JillAbramson as Executive Editor.

2014:A senior FSA official said that the Free Syrian Army (FAS) “could tacticallycollaborate with Israel in toppling the Assad regieme as long as suchcooperation is carried out in utter secrecy.”

2014:US ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro and Amos Gilad of the Defense Ministry metU.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel at the airport this evening as he preparedto begin a two day visit to Israel.

2015:Dr. Avivah Gottlieb Zornberg is scheduled to lecture on “Letter from an UnknownWoman: Joseph’s Dream” at the Skirball Center

2015:“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition was formally sworn in tonightafter a raucous Knesset session that saw constant heckling, along withaccusations by opposition leader Isaac Herzog that the freshly inauguratedgovernment was “a circus.”

2015:Violinist and composer Ittai Shapira is scheduled to premiere his newestcomposition, “Ethics” at a the Concert Commemorating the 70th Anniversary ofthe Liberation of Theresienstadt Concentration Camp

2015:“Raise the Roof” is scheduled to be shown at the 18th Annual FilmFestival sponsored by the National Center for Jewish Films.

2015:Steve Richards is scheduled to his book Sitting on Top of the World atIllinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center.

2016(6thof Iyar, 5776): Shabbat Kedoshim

2016:In Baltimore, the JCCs of North America continue their Biennial Convention fora second day.

2016:Rabbi David Golinkin, the President of the Schechter Institutes, Inc. and aProfessor of Jewish Law is scheduled to lecture on “What can do about the stateof Judaism in the Jewish State?” as part of Shaary Tefillah’s Scholar inResidence program.

2016:“As an extension of Yom Hashoah 2016, the International Holocaust RemembranceDay, the New Orleans Opera, in a special collaboration with The National WWIIMuseum and assisted by Temple Sinai are the Jewish Endowment Foundation ofLouisiana, are scheduled present thecelebrated children's opera, Brundibar”

2017(18thof Iyar, 5777): Lag B’Omer

2017:The New York Times features reviewsof books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readersincluding Dorre Shafrir’s debut novel Startup, A Man and His Presidents: the PoliticalOdyssey of William F. Buckley, Jr. by Alvin S. Felzenberg, Option B:Facing Adversity, Building Resilience and Finding Joy co-authored by SherylSandberg and Down the Up Staircase: Three Generations of a Harlem Familyby Syma Solovitch and Bruce D. Haynes who is currently “contracted with NewYork University Press for a book entitled Hear O' Israel: Voices of African American Jews about BlackJews in America and Easternization: Asia’s Rise and America’s DeclineFrom Obama to Trump and Beyond by Gideon Rachman

2017:The exhibition “500 Years of Treasures from Oxford” that “will showcase inAmerica for the first time an extraordinary array of ancient manuscripts,books, and silver, including what has been called “the most importantcollection of Anglo-Jewish manuscripts in the world” is scheduled to open atYeshiva University Museum today.

2017:LIMMUDFSU NY is scheduled to come to an end today

2017:Oxford students are scheduled to check “out JSoc's and Chaplaincy's stalls atthe Lag B'Omer fair on Broad Street this afternoon!

2017:Today, Tunisia’s culture minister said that this North African country “plansto seek UNESCO World Heritage status for the island of Djerba, site of Africa’soldest synagogue and an annual Jewish pilgrimage”

2017:Today “US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson saidPresident Trump was deliberating whether relocating the U.S. embassy toJerusalem would help or harm peace prospects, prompting Prime MinisterNetanyahu to release a statement saying it will boost efforts, in that it will“shatter Palestinian fantasies” of Jerusalem as the capital of a futurePalestinian state.”

2017:Mother’s Day - all women are considered to be mothers in the House of Israel,and we honor them all for their contributions without which we would not havesurvived for the last four thousand years – from the Matriarchs to Deborah toGolda Meir and all of the women of valor in between.

2017:Continuing a tradition begun in the 1990’s when lamplighter Rabbi Ciment firstsettled in Little Rock, Chabad is scheduled to host an elaborate Lag B’OmerCelebration that has, like so much of his efforts gone from strength tostrength.

2017(18thof Iyar, 5777): In Los Angeles, ordination ceremonies are scheduled to takeplace at the Hebrew Union College Jewish Institute of Religion,

2018:More than 100,000 people from Gaza are scheduled to take part in the “March ofReturn” an attempt to breach the anti-terrorist fence on the border with theIsrael which in reality is an attempt by those committed to destroying Israelto invade the country.

2018:President Trump’s daughter Ivanka, his son-in-law Jared Kushner and TreasurySecretary Steve Mnuchin are among the dignitaries expected to attend eventsmarking today’s move of the United States embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

2018:Gov. Eric Greitens of Missouri is scheduled to go on trial in St. Louis on acharge of invasion-of-privacy stemming from an affair he had “with his formerhairdresser.”

2018:In New Orleans, “Sabena Hijacking: My Version” is scheduled to shown at the JCCas part of the Cathy and Morris Bart Jewish Cultural Arts Series.

2019:A Thousand Small Sanities: The Moral Adventure of Liberalism anon-fiction book authored by Adam Gopnik was published by Basic Books today.

2019:“The Palestinian Islamic Jihad has said it will disrupt the Eurovision SongContest due to begin today in Tel Aviv.

2019:Today, Esther Hayut, “the chief justice of Israel’s Supreme Court made a speechin Nuremberg, Germany that expressed implied criticism of Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahu’s planned judicial reforms and invoked that Nazi takeover ofGermany in the 1930’s.” (As reported by Michael Bachner)

2019:In New Orleans, author Judith Viorst whose works include Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible No Good, Very Bad is scheduled to talk about latest book Nearing Ninetyat the Jewish Community Center.

2019: In London, JW3 is scheduled to host a screening of “TheKeeper.”

2020: On line, JIMENA and Harif are scheduled to host “authorLyn Julius as she talks about her book, Uprooted: How 3,000 Years of JewishCivilization in the Arab World Vanished Overnight which “examines thepost-1948 displacement of 850,000 Jewish refugees from the Middle East.”

2020: The ADL is scheduled to host it latest “Fighting Hate fromHome webinar” which “is an important dive into the results of ADL’s latestAudit of Anti-Semitic Incidents, and its far-ranging implications.

2020: Einat Admony, author of Shuk and owner of Balaboosta, Taimand Kish-Kash, who adds the Yemenite and Persian influences of her childhood tocreate an innovative take on Israeli cuisine is scheduled to be the lastpresent in the on-line series,The Pop-Up Israeli Restaurant

2020: Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Boston isscheduled to celebrate 100 years of community service by honoring Karen andSteven Sisselman and raising the glasses with ‘Virtual Toasts.”

2020: Stanford’s Taube Center for Jewish Studies is scheduled topresent on-line Penn State professor Lior Sternfeld talking “about how Jews inIran went from politically and economically marginalized in the early 20thcentury to wealthy and politically central by the 1979 revolution.”

2020: The Streicker Center is scheduled to host on line Dr.Diane M. Sharon as she presents “Canaanite 101 – The Gods of Ugarit.”

2020: The Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center isscheduled to host, virtually, Lawrence Douglas as he discusses The RightWrong Man which “presents the incredible story of the last major Holocausttrial to galvanize world attention.”

2020: The OxfordUniversity Jewish Society is scheduled to host “Jami for an interactive onlinewebinar on students managing uncertainty and prioritizing self-care to enhanceour wellbeing during COVID-19.”

2020: On Facebook, “The Civil War, JAHM Scholar series” isscheduled to present the Museum's lead historical advisor, Jonathan D. Sarna,Joseph H. and Belle R. Braun Professor of American Jewish History, BrandeisUniversity.

2020: It was reported today that Prime Minister BenjaminNetanyahu informed President Reuven Rivlin and outgoing Knesset Speaker BennyGantz yesterday evening that he has managed to form a government within the twoweeks allocated to him.” (As reported by Moran Azulay)

2021: In a session examining UC Berkeley’s Magnes Collection,curators Francesco Spagnolo and Shir Kochavi are scheduled to talk about anexhibit of very old coins, ritual objects and artworks that reflected Jewishrevolts against Hellenism and Roman occupation

2021:As part of the Rekindle Shabbat Dinners program, the Lappin Foundation isscheduled to supply participants with everything they need to celebrate Shabbatat their home: a kosher catered meal and fully stocked Shabbat kit, including abox of Shabbat candles, kiddush cup, candlesticks, challah cover, tzedakah boxand more!

2021:Isaac Herzog, chairman of the Jewish Agency for Israel, Rabbi Elaine Zecher,senior rabbi at Temple Israel of Boston, Ambassador Meron Reuben, consulgeneral of Israel to New England,

NahmaNadich, deputy director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of GreaterBoston and

LitalCarmel, regional director of the Israeli American Council are among thosescheduled to speak at “Boston Stands With Israel” sponsored by the CombinedJewish Philanthropies.

2021:Kan Kol Hamusika is scheduled to broadcast the Young Artists in Concerts witItamar Carmeli, Jonathan Leibovitz, Marta Sikora, Noam Yaffe, Simon Lamberskyand May Endy.

2021:In one of those calendar coincidences, as Israelis prepare to face another dayof rockets fired by terrorist in Gaza and Lebanon, they take note of the factthat it was on another Friday, May 14, which was in 1948 that David Ben Gurionoversaw the ceremonies marking the birth of the modern state of Israel.

2022:Congregation Beth Am’s Jewish Film Series is scheduled to continue with ascreening of “The Automat,” “Lisa Hurwitz’s 79-minute documentary about thebeloved New York City and Philadelphia vending-machine eateries, featuring ahealthy dose of Mel Brooks and cameos by other famous Jews.”

2022:The Eden Tamir Center is scheduled to host a performance of its ToscaniniQuartet.

2022:In San Francisco, a part of its 100-year anniversary, Congregation Beth Sholomis scheduled to hold a special Shabbat service and kiddush luncheon, followedby “a big gala later in the day.”

2022(13thof Iyar, 5782)Parashat Emor and Chapter 3 Pirke Avot

2023:As part of its annual film festive, the National Center for Jewish Film isscheduled to present a screening of “Where Life Begins.”

2023:Israelis brace for another day of terrorist rocket bombardment from Gaza.

2023:The Museum at Eldridge Street is scheduled to host “Mamas with Chutzpah WalkingTour” during which participants “follow in the footsteps of activists such asEmma Goldman and Clara Lemlich as they pushed for radical reforms at the heightof the Progressive Era.”

2023:Berkeley-based Jewish Studio Project and Lilith magazine are scheduled to presentan online program that explores the emotions that Mother’s Day can elicit.

2023:The New England Conservatory of Music is scheduled to present vocalist andaccordionist Matthew Shifrin performing “My Grandma’s Mind Is Like an Ocean: AOne-Man Musical in English and Yiddish.”

2024:In celebration of Independence Day, Beit S.Y. Agnon in Jerusalem is scheduledto host several events including dramatized tours with characters from thebooks, a conversation with Roy Chen about his new translation of the classic"Winnie the Pooh" and Yaara Schory about her first book for children"Twin Needed" followed by a performance of the children's play "Why did the fishcry?": A performance from Oded Burla's stories.

2024:The 2024 Biennial Scholars Conference on American Jewish History is scheduledto end today at the Center for Jewish History.

2024:YIVO is scheduled host a performance of Jacob Weinberg’s Ten Jewish Songs acollection of Jewish folksongs, holiday songs, dances, and Hasidic nigunim inpiano arrangements and published by the Bloch Publishing Company.

2014:Yom HaAtzma'ut (Independence Day)

2024:As May 14th begins in Israel, an unprecedented wave of anti-Semitism sweeps theUnited States and the Hamas held hostages begin day221 in captivity. (Editor’snote: this situation is too fluid for this blog to cover so we are justproviding a snapshot as of the posting at midnight Israeli time.)

This Day, May 14, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L – All #ourCOG News (2024)


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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.