The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)

THf NASHVILU TENNfSStAN, Stme'sy Morning, My 21. 16I 5.A Jim Henry Hyde Services for Jim Henry Hyde, Brainstorm. 93, of 3023 Louise Dr, will be at y8 ubbe urlain' Utile Help Against Sharks: Scientists i V. i :30 jjn. today at Brewer's Chapel Methodist Church, Cheatham Countyi i curtain as declaring that "sharks are so terrified by the 'shark fence they will not cross even to get a Juicy steak." Burial will be In the Church Cemetery.

The body Is at Cosmo REWEAV1NG 1 politan Funeral Home, 2505 West End Ave. bathers last July, several news-pa per and magazine articles were published describing a bubble curtain as a shark fence which would protect beaches. ONE JERSEY resort manager reportedly installed a 350-foot bubble fence and claimed the device was "absolutely impenetrable to sharks." One account. Gilbert said, quoted the inventor of the bubble Burws, Tears, Spots. Hoie.

A Iterating Hyde died at 4:30 sun. yesterday I flour Ke-Knffrang GearantMe) His Own Ideas HOLLYWOOD ffl An oil strike means mansions, 'mink and expensive cars to most Hollywood stars. Not Lew Ayres. Lew recently completed a deal with standard oil to drill on his Newhall, Calf, ranch. The oil firm plans to drill 10.000 feet If oil is discovered.

Lew says he will use all the rolaytles to endow a seminar of sages, and philosophers of all great religions. Some years ago, Lew founded cure conference for universal reason and ethics. Its sole purpose is to bring together great minds for a try at solving mankind's problems and sufferings. Service) Week at his home after a short illness. A native of Cheatham County, 4 WASHINGTON UP Don't de-p on a much publicized "bubble curtain" to protect you from sharks at your favorite ocean beach this summer, a a group of scientists advised yesterday.

The experts reported that extensive tests of the "bubble barrier" technique showed it had little or no effect in stopping one of the most eommon and dangerous species the Tiger shark. The "bubble curtain" Is created by placing a perforated pipe or hose on the bottom of a water area and connecting it to an air compressor. Escaping air rises in a wall of bubbles. The theory is that this curtain of bubbles will he married the former Fenny the sharks and they will not swim through It NOT SO, SAID a report Issued yesterday by the American Institute of Biological Sciences, the American Museum of Natural History, the Office of Naval Research and Cornell University. Dr.

Perry W. Gilbert. Cornell zoologist, chairman of the institute's shark research panel, said that In tests conducted this spring at the Lerner Marine Laboratory at Bimini, British West Indies, this happened: Tiger sharks quickly adjusted to the presence of a bubble curtain and typically ignored it after the first hour. Gilbert said that after two shark attacks on New Jedsey Agent, -who died several years ago SAW He was a Baptist. Survivors are two daughters.

If Mrs. Lealard Shearon, Ashland City, and Mrs. Fines Gow-er, Nashville; two sons, Robert IX PERT TAILORING Scottsville Cafe Owner To Manage Hotel SCOTTSVILLE, Ky. Mrs. Ethel Foster, operator of Scotts vllle restaurants for many years, has been named manager of Hotel Jacksonian on the Public Square here.

Hyde; Goodlettsville, and Hubert H. Hyde. Clarksville, 24 SOUTHERN Textile RmaYsrs 146 7th Ave. N. grandchildren, and 42 great-grand children.

Near Church Sr. Roam 104 1st floor Raar Alfcerf tlaff. li i i oris '-'car snice never ca me in i AP Wirephoto TORONTO When it rains in Toronto, as it has been doing JL lately, it's most uncomfortable to have a convertible coupe 1. TS i u. nO glides along the street snug, and partially dry, under an umbrella.

Chevrolet varieties gomany W. Kentucky Graduates 339 aid. Drake ahoro: Maiorle McDonald, Orakctboro: Qlenn 8. MoQehee, Oreen vlUe; Robert 8. HcMiuin, ueorgetown Maybe you're a fellow with more or less normal driving habits who's looking for a change of pace.

Or maybe you're a red-hot sports car buff. Either way, you'll find the fastest relief for that tantalizing itch in your driving foot at your Chevrolet dealer's One-Stop Shopping Center. He's got cars that run the sporting gamut like no others-nimble Corvair Monzas (2- or 4-door), charged-up Impala Super Sports (in five different body styles) and the kingpin of production sports cars, the Corvette. You can take chEVROi1 your choice without chasing all over town. They're all stablemates under the same roof! i BUly Joe McPeak, Bowling ureen; tiar ence Mahurin, Caneyvllle; Qeorga Man ire.

Prnftnn Ellen L. Martin, Bowling Oreen; Vickie Mattnewa, Olasgow. Betty n. sneers, ouwi lng Oreen; Marjorle Miller, Adolphua Marv Aiir.e Miner Louisville: ueima MQi' lyhorn. Morgantown; Christine Moss, BOWLING GREEN, Ky.

A total- of 339 students will receive degrees in the spring graduation Exercises at Western Kentucky State June 1. The txercises will begin at 7:30 p.m. in Western Stadium. Or. Kelly Thompson, president of will address the graduates, i The baccalaureate program will be at 7:30 p.m.

next Sunday in Van Meter Dr. H. Franklin Paschall, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Nashville, will deliver the sermon. DEGREES AWARDED at the program, which marks the 83rd Muntordvllle; Claire Lou Mount, Louis vllle; Charles M. Murphy, Lamasco: Ray mond W.

Nail, Rlneyville; Edwin D. Ne hel Louisville: Jlmmle Nelson. Clay: Fat' tv Newman. Scottsvllle: David B. Omer Blackford: Alice J.

Otis. Detroit. Michi gan; Donald E. Parker, Robards: Larry F. parrlsh, Henderson; uorotny Peterson Bowline Oreen: Roy H.

Petrle. CUIty: Janice B. Pitt. Mrs. Peaay Powell, Maydeld; Earl H.

Powerg, Louis ville: Oerald Poynter. owensboro; uixie Profltt, Olasgow; David J. Purcell, Plato Mrs. R. Purdy.

Madisonvllle: Atlee Rexroat. Fon thill: Margaret P. Rice, Ellaa 1 commencement at Western, con- bethtown: Oene T. Roach, Owensboro 1 sist of 24 Master of Arts, 222 Buch-Aetor of Science, 74 Bachelor of John Ed. Roark, Graham; Mrs.

Oeorala Roberta. Burksvllle; Richard A. Roberta. Leitcblleld; Lorna Robinson. Haraina- ts, and eight Bachelor of Music burg; Oayle E.

Rogers, Ellzabetiitowu Btilriev a. Kuss, owensboro: Mary 1 degrees. fine candidates are: Rutherford. Cadiz; Rascoe Bailsman Knob Lick: Vada O. SaJtsman, Knob BACHELOR OF ARTS Lick; Penny Sarakatsannls, Ft.

Thomas more H. Alden, Bowling Green: Billy Allen. McHenry: WUma J. AmbroM. Bernard J.

Schremba. Bowling oreen Robert Shacklette. Louisville; Mrs. How 1 ansvllle, Ronnie Arendas, Vero ard Scott. Munfordvllle: Bernlce Beaca, Fla.i Marv R.

Averltw 1ebanon Shartser. Caneyville; Mra. Peggy Should Em a A. Bollng. New Castle: Kenneth ara.

Russellvllle. A. Ettrlck. Virginia; John V. Lillian D.

Simmons. Russellvllle: Mil Bratcher, Bowling Oreen: Sam Brown. Holland; Bobby R. Burd. Horse Cava; Joseph F.

Chamberlain. LaPayette. dred H. Bkaggs. Clarkson; Wanda Slaughter.

Dunmore: Jlmmle T. 81oan Albany; Betty 8. Smiley. Princeton; Wil Alice Cbumbley, Jamestown: Clara, J. liam P.

Smith, Tompklnsvllle; Nancy CJaoorn. Lexington: Rachel E. corder. Soih. Bowling Oreen; Alice sparrow, Bardstown; Audrey Spears, Tompklns Owtnsboro; Jon P.

Cosby, Bowling Oreen: Tommy L. Covington. OreenvlUe: William R. Curran, Mlddlesboro: Diana vllle. James R.

Boears. Franklin: Louis B. curry, oreenaburg; Francis Cauiherty Stevens, Beaver Dam; James E. stokes, New Haven; Allen Dooley, Bowling Elkton: Faye strange, cub riun: vaiery W. Sullivan.

Klrkmansvllle; Carrol Sutherland. La Orange; Ronnie Sutton, Brod- uteen; Kocer w. taun, Louievllle; Shirley Xns. Louisville: Rebecca A. Erwln, pwensboro; Norma P.

Felty, Beaver ssesssess Dam; Fredrick. L. Pish, Portsmouth, Va. Carroll Furlong. Olasgow: Patsy R.

Gray. Mayileld: William Outhrie, Bards-town: Phyllis Harlow. Harrodabura Terry Haycraft. MUleratown: John T. head; Harry Tate, Henderson; Bobby Taylor, Owensboro; Daniel C.

Taylor, Bowline Oreen; Donna K. Taylor; Cleaton: Larry W. Taylor, Bowling Oreen: Phyllis Thompson, Lebanon; Nlnnle Lou Toll, OreenvlUe: Carolyn Turner. Cerulean: Reggie Twyman. Canmer; Margie L.

Vance, Ekron: Patty D. Vaughn Rochester; Bug Wager, Bowling Oreen; Ed Waggener, Columbia; Roxte Ward, Olasgow. Hendricks. Franklin: Charles W. Horton Messapegua, h'ew York: Paul F.

Hutslar Corvair Monza 4 -Door Sedan (bucket front seats, too, as an extra-cost option). Either way, you're in for a brand of driving the other makes haven't quite caught CHEVY CORVAIR MONZA CLUB. COUPE-family man's sports car! This one has its own special kind of scamper. Nestle behind the wheel in one of those bucket front seats and you'll see what we mean but quick! Steering that responds to the subtlest hint. Braking that brings you to precise even-keel stops.

Traction that clings like a co*ckle bur. All this poise and agility because Corvair has overcome the nose-heaviness you find in many cars its size by tucking its rear engine beneath that dapper rear deck. Paoll, Jack Jewell. Owensboro: Marilyn Johnson. Slmpsonvllla: Jo Anne Jones, Vina Orove; Viola E.

Jones. Hodgenrllle: Tommy R. Law, Bowling Clarence w. warren, central city: Her ureen; carl W. Lee, Island: Phyllis A And you can get the same sporty styling.accents you see' up with as the some 200 also-rans in the on this coupe, the same zestful kind of going, in the Canadian Winter Rally found out.

Lester, Jamestown; Cordelia Llndsey. Clarkaon: Maurice Linton. Rtisaellvitle: Mvra Horse Cave; Evelyn bert M. Wassom, Spring City. Julia H.

Watson. Dixon' William O. Watson. Lewlsburg: Paul D. Wedge Pt.

Pleasant. W.Va.; Karl Herbert Wels. Olasgow; Ramona A. Wheeler, Sparks-vllle; Mrs. Dorothy Whitman, Falls of Rough; Carol W.

Whitmer. Bremen; Audrey Whlttaker, Bowling Oreen: Daniel Wilkinson. Olasgow; Janice E. Williams, Mcciellan. Cleaton: Thomas Mccormick 8wlssvalle Charles C.

Maoe. Ellsabethtown: Ann Mankln. Bowl ing Oreen; Carolyn Matherly, Louisville: uojd R. May. Louisville: William Haselwood.

Marvena wmis. ureen-ville: Mrs. Joyce WoodalL Quality; Paula L. Zlnke, Louisville. Meadors, Bowling Oreen; John W.

Miller, Russellville: Wilton C. MlUlken, Auburn; Jehn Lowell Mlnton. Beaver Dam. i jo Ann Moore, central city lou- BACHELOR Of MUSIC William r. Craig.

Central City; John Albert Hack. Leltchfleld; Betty 8. Ingram, Morgantown; Vincent Magaracl, Bowling Oreen: Mary Ann Render, Beaver Dam; Robert L. Stevens, Radcllff; Helen Stinnett, Madisonvllle; Sheila M. einda K.

Nlman. Jelfersontown; Pat Patterson, La Orange; Freeman C. Powell, Phllpot; Henry E. Hesch. Bowling Oreen; Earl W.

Roberson; Barling-ton! Richard Roberson. Bowling Oreen. C. Tom Roll, Central City; Alton Ross Tompklnsvllle; Daniel F. Rupp, Louisville: Robert H.

Schneider. Bowl Strouae. Sebree. ing. Oreen; Ouy Simmons Franklin; James D.

fikaaaa. Louisville: John L. MA8TEE Or ARTS Nancy Buchanan. Burksvllle: Margaret Smith, Lebanon; Earldeen Smith, rstiKim; joe H. Thomas, Bowling Cart, Owensboro: Jean Chiam, Tompklnsvllle; Thomas Cox.

Owensboro; E. J. Decker Bowling Oreen: Tina Durbln, Mreen; Marjorle Tlsdale, Austin; Linda Tufts, Ashland: Dallas L. Wheat. Brownsville; Jerry R.

Wilder, Owens Sunflsh; William J. Holt. Murray: Ed boro! Bernlce A. Woodward, Scotts-Yllle; William E. Wortham, Bowling win R.

Hopper, Russell Springs: Winnie K. Hunton, Bowling Oreen; Aubrey Johnson, Jamestown; Karl Kemp. Bowling Oreen: Leslie H. Leach Olasgow: Ha-wood J. Lowery.

Jamestown; Raymond Majors, Caneyvllle: Herbert A. Oldham, Bowling Oreen; Joseph 8. Owmby, Bowling Oreen; Mabel D. Pearson. Bowling Oreen: Verde A.

Rica, Harlan: Earl Russell. Bowling Oreen; Lyle D. Sexton, Ai- LI BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Bachelor of Selenea iHenry C. Alford Bowling- Oreen: nancy Austin; Charles F. Aehby, Central City; Donald E.

Bab- co*ck. Paoll. Ind Itarhirl fY mont. evilch.i Frank T. Terrell.

Bowling lyisabethtown; Donald R. Baron, Louisville: Lucille F. Barrlck, Smiths Orove; Richard Bartlett, Princeton: Patricia Bates. Russellvllle; Benjamin Bell, Elk- Oreen: Robert E. Turner, Russellvllle: Lonnle Anthony Wells, Oraham: Norman A.

Werner. Bowling Oreen; and Gwendolyn Wilklni, Crotton. wii, noian m. Bennett. Henaerson; Robert Blllk.

Lebanon; Juanlta K. Blair, Lltchfleld; Patrick P. Boles, Cave City; Fred Booth, Bowling Oreen; Bobble L. Boyles, Ellsabethtown: Nancy Boyles, tzabethtnwn: Vfrft Kll nnritnrA Olasgow: Eleanor R. Brldwell.

Dixon: Ruth Brock. Bowling Orean: Pauline Marshall C. of C. Elect Morrison arown, rails o( Rough; Daniel Brown tog. Bowling Oreen; Dale Buchanan owung oreen: Call Btchhelt, Shlvely Harvey D.

Burd, Horsa Cave. Rosemary Calll, North Vernon. Ind.i fnneth Panmhll Rnillnt rifAAn- LEWISBURG. Tenn. Olen Mor Michael Chamberlain, Alvaton; Louise viiapman, vine urove; Imogens Chll dress, Leitchdeld; Anna L.

co*ke. Louis rison, Lewlsburg automobile dealer, was named president of the Vllle; David O. Cole. Pleasure Ridge Park; Billy Cook, Bowling Oreen: Chloe mm cooper. Moniour, lowa; ueorgc R.

Cowan, Edmonton; Eugenia Craig, Albany: Charles Crawford. Fountain Hun: Efflnr A frndi, nnitlin rr-n. Mrs. Ethel Dabney. Vine Orove: Geneva Davis, Gamaliel: Leo E.

Day, Cromwell: IMPALA CONVERT I BLE-lively as is, tm uay, Muniordvtiie; Elmer Peckard. Louisville: Maria r. klnsvllle; Carroll Dexter, Madisonvllle Harold Dexter. Marlinnnvill livelier yet as a Super Sport! Here's top-down going at its breezy best. It's the only five Chevy Impalas, it's available with Super Sport convertible in its field that shrinks the long stretches with equipment that sets it apart from anything else on the a road-gentling Jet-smooth ride, that resists rattles with road: special trim inside and out, 7000 rpm tachometer, an extra rigid X-built Safety-Girder frame.

And, like all special wheel covers and narrow-band whitewalls, power 'Diana Diorlo, Louisville: Clifford Dow-JI Onion Star; Ronald E. Downard Newport; Jlmmle Duke, Livermore; Sylvia brakes and power steering, sintered metallic brake linings, heavy-duty springs and shocks, assist bar and instrument panel pad and a choice of four power teams ranging up to a 350-hp. V8 with floor-mounted 4-epeed shift. Optional at extra cost, as a complete kit. wunn, jetson; Addle J.

Edmonds, Bowl log Green; Hugh Edwards, Hardy- vine; Martha j. Eikln, Bowling Oreen M. England. Columbia: Mrs. Sld- nrx raney.

Madisonvllle: Anna Fleet. rcuroo, james Flood, Ashland; Mar-ret Flowers. Adalrvllle: Edwin Wnnt "vlngton; Scott Ford, Bowling Oreen: Snioa r. fox, nortonvuie: Leslie Frank II. Bowline rtren! Tla TPronkHn bethtown; Lllll Oarner, Heglra; Ovaleta uions, Holland: Raymond Oldcumb.

Ciieyville; Robin Ooble. Louisville. jiSara Beth Graham. Frankfort; Ma-Tltza O. Orant, Dunmor: Robert Qreenwell, Bowling Oreen; Anna M.

uross, saiem. Nancy Oroves, Be. ree; Thomas Oroves. Fern Creek: Jo-aaph h. Hasan, Henderson: Joyce Har pion, Mlddleburg: Sandra Harrah, Bowl lag Oreen: Sarah L.

Harrison, ovini. boro: Barbara F. Hawkins. Vine Orove: Donald Hawkins. Ellsabethtown: Patsy COR VETTE-excitement comes as standard equipment It's the goingest machine in America.

Purebred sports car performance the likes of which only the most elite (and expensive) foreign-built jobs could claim before Corvette began stealing their thunder In open competition. Optional (at extra cost) equipment tailors it to your taste from boulevardier comfort to a real hair-raising version complete with Corvette's Ramjet Fuel Injection V8. wru Hayes. Russellvllle: LaVelle Hay. Rochester: Cassia J.

Head, Lewlsburg: Robert Heady, Maceoi Joseph D. Henry, Olen Morrison Fills out term murgis; Beulah Henson, Henderson; VI ginla Henson. Ellsabethtown; William ff Hlbbs. Vine Orove: Jaarnh Hlrklln. Marshall County Chamber of Com Msdtsonvllle: Robert L.

Hoeaard. Vallev SJatlon; Nancy E. Holland, Bowling merce by the board of directors at a special meeting. oreen: momas floilomon, Fern Creek Mary Holman, Bowling Oreen: Char Morrison succeeds Lyndal ldtte Hosktns. Louisville: Mrs Tarnlvn 1 Bowlln Oreen; Ralph Huffman, Roberts, who resigned as president after six months of his second term of office.

i Huiiman. Eiizanetntown: ptan-j Wn Hughes, Bowllnt Oreen: Kenneth Jacobs. Mtllerstown: Alan Bowling Oreen; Myrtle Jobe. Bon-rrVvlllr: Georire W. Johns.

Louisville: Billy Ed Johnson. Winchester: Brenda Johnson. Upton; Jo Ed Johnson. Poton: May C. Johnson, Hartford: Ret See the new Chevrolets at your local authorized Chevrolet dealer's One-Stop Shopping Center fj.

Johnson, Livia; wimam o. jonnson Wnwllne Green: Bruca W. Jones. Btnr. is: Wllma O.

Jones, Burkesvllla: Mrs. Msude Kemo. oimstean: nenry Kiroy Kentuckian Dies In Auto Crash PRESTONSBTJRG, Ky. Ut Jerry Melvin Music, 21, of Floyd County, died yesterday of Injuries suffered In a traffic crash, State police said the accident occurred on U.S. 23 In Prestonsburg.

His death brought the year's toll to 213, compared with 235 this time last PVanklln; Lucille Knignt, Houart, inn. (Vrald R. Xonsler. Bowling Oreen MHMb K. Lacy, Columbia.

Mrs. Ravce Ladd. Hopklnsvllle: Jnse Authorized Chevrolet Dealers in Nashville CAPITOL CHEVROLET COMPANY, Inc. SI0 BROADWAY AL 5-1234 fhtn LaFollette. New Haven: Kenneth JIM REED CHEVROLET COMPANY 151 2 IROADWAY CH 2-4242 C0GGIH CHEVROLET, IIIC.

201 WOODLAND CH 2-1761 nayman. Valley Station: Mrs. Sally Led thrrf. Dawsnn Hnrlnasi Clifton Lewis Jr. Vallev Station: Thomas Long, Scottsvllle yVber R.

Luttrell. Dundee: Ssra LaVonle sylct -ffowUns Oroeni John W. McDon-.

The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)


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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.