The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

1 I 10 THE SPRINGFIELD. UNION, SPRINGFIELD, TUESDAY, MAY 1937. 18, WOMEN'S AFFAIRS SOCIETY NOTES CLUB ACTIVITIES Esther L. Holt Engaged to Wed Reuel K. Rust Ceremony Will Be an Event of June 21 in St.

James Methodist Episcopal Church Mrs. Carrie D. Holt of St. James Avenue announces the engagement of her daughter, Miss Esther Leona Holt, and Reuel Kimball Rust ot Worthington Street. son of Rev.

and Mrs. Benjamin W. Rust of Clinton, formerly of Feeding Hills. The wedding will her an event of Monday, June 21, St. James' Methodist Episcopal Church.

Mra. Joseph Day Lee, of Langlay Field, and daughter. Nancy. have arrived in Springfield for a visit with her parents, Dr. and Mrs.

James B. Comins of St. James Avenue. Lieut. Lee has gone to the Pacific coast with his squadron for Army maneuvers.

Mrs. M. H. Lockwood of Kenwood Park will entertain members of the Government committee of the Springheld Women's so ('lub in her home Friday afternoon for luncheon. A discussion on pending Jesislation will follow.

Miss Norma Klein. formerly of Springfield. who is the daughter of Dr. and Sirs. Samuel Klein of East Alvord Street, is convalescing from an appendicitis operation at the Polyclinic Hospital in New York.

Mrs. William A. Sidd of Chatham Road, Longmeadow, has returned home after A visit in Baltimore. Isadore Forbes Chapter, O. E.

will have a rummage sale Thursday in store at Dwight and Greenwood Streets. Members having donations for the sale are asked to notify Mrs. John A. Peterson who Is general chairman. Mr.

and Mrs. M. P. Burnside and their granddaughter, Miss Betty Spencer, all of North Scituate. R.

and Mrs. Milton Batson and daughter. Miss Caroline B. Batson, of Campohello, N. were guests over the week end of Mrs.

Dwight Walsh of Besse Place. Dwight Clark Chapter, O. E. will sponsor a military whist party Thursday evening o'clock in the Miasonic Temple, Indian Orchard. Mr.

and Mrs. Stanley H. Rolfe of Maplewood, N. have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Hilda Rolfe. and M.

Kugler, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kugler. Perkins Street. Miss Rolfe is a graduate of Skidmore College, class of '35, and attended Bay Path Institute in this city.

Mr. Kug- Charon BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR ORIGINALITY AND VERSATILITY IN THE ART OF PERMANENT WAVING AND HAIR STYLING TELEPHONE 6-3750 WOMAN'S SHOP BUILDING SPRINGFIELD 1331 MAIN STREET CALO DOG and CAT FOOD cheap ingredients! "His Master's Choice" Harris Ewing Photo MRS. GRACE MORRISON POOLE An announcement of widespread interest made during the early session: of the convention of Massachusetts Federation of Women's Clubs, in Swampscott. yesterday, WAS that of the engagement of Mrs. Grace Morrison Poole, and Henry G.

Reynolds of Paducah, Ky. Mrs. Poole was formerly president of the General Federation, also served as head Massachusetts Federation and is now dean of Stoneleigh College for young women at Rye, N. H. She is attending the state convention and will be one of the speakers tomorrow.

The wedding is planned for the fall season. ler is a graduate of Dartmouth, class of '35. and a member Dartmouth Club and Theta Chi fraternity. is with the South American Development Company. The wedding will take place in the fall.

TO BE MARRIED IN FALL Majorie Give Cup at Donors of Event at Are Mrs. Mrs. Tenney man for the Horse Show, list of trophy which will be held Street ring at morning and Ellis, the 1936 the championship Mrs. George E. reserve cup in class.

Trophies in sweepstakes, games, A. S. P. C. A.

goblets of the same those awarded in Classes and 1, Lead rein, novice horsemanship, under 13, horsemanship, boy and under 17, Show: 4, horsemanship, under 10 (walk-trot), Lang; 5, horsemanship, Miss Florence ship, boy under 13, Class 7, general 13. Miss Betty Jane championship, Miss feld; 9, horsemanship, Miss Jo Bellamy: boy over 13, Mrs. 11, general over 13, Mrs. 12, limit horsemanship three blue ribbons), championship, Miss Mrs. Bertucio; 11, pils.

Andrew B. Stable and Springfield Binding Company. Class 15 and stakes, without purses for division. saddle horse, Mrs. pair class, Edward Stanley Clark; 19, J.

Loring Brooks, ney and Mrs. C. sweepstakes; 21, boy or girl under phy), Mrs. William Class 21, musical or girl over 13, Mrs. II; 23.

bareback John M. Birnie: 24, for the Prevention mals good hands colo: 25, A. S. P. event (over jumps), Denault.

Ribbons will be othy Bowles, Mrs. Mrs. Parker M. Deems, Mrs. Marion Charles H.

Moore V. Wallace. Mr. and H. sachusetts Avenue, enjoying a tour of among the tourists last week at Silver Mr.

and Mrs. Windsor Street their second son, May 1. The child Mr. and Mrs. Sumner roe Street and of Harrigan of Union karl J.

Nelson, son John S. Nelson of been elected a Dagger, senior Cornell University. student in the arts of 28 new members coming year. Principal Stanley High School of terday to attend mother, Airs. Julia a idow of the late died Saturday in Outstanding events of the week formal dance of the ity of Faith Church place Saturday evening Country Club in Alyce Martin Is rangements assisted trude Knight, Miss Munford, Mrs.

Miss Janet Scaton. tronesses will he Rev. lace WV. Anderson. E.

Nichols, Mr. and Ellis to Championship Horse Show Trophies for Junior Longmeadow Announced by Nevins Nevins, trophies chairLongmeadow Junior yesterday announced the donors for the show, in the Converse Longmeadow Saturday afternoon. Marjorie Hope champion, is donating cup this year and Bertucio will give the the championship all classes, except and the two events will be silver size and design as other years. trophy donors follow: George L. Steele; boy or girl Kimball; 3, novice or girl over 13 Springfleld Horse boy or girl Mrs.

G. J. girl under 13, Wesson; 6, horsemanFrank M. Kinney. knowledge, under Nevins; 8, junior Eleanor Grangirl over 13, 10.

horsemanship, Norman Wallace; knowledge, boy or girl William B. Kirkham; (not more than P. J. Doherty; 13, Ellis; reserve, instructor and puWallace Pinecroft Printing and Class 16 are sweentrophies. but with Class 17, useful Ralph K.

Trix; 18. C. Whiting and team of three, Mrs. Mrs. C.

M. TenH. Tenney; 20, also musical chair game, 13, prize (not' 'troC. Bemis; chair game, boy William Skinner, horsemanship, Mrs. American Society of Cruelty to Antevent.

Dr. C. L. Furhorsemanship Mrs. Ida Young given by Miss DorRobert Cleeland, Cort, Airs.

O. M. R. Leathers, Mrs. and Mrs.

Douglas J. Kelly of Maswho have been the South. were who spent a day Springs, Fla. John Harrigan of announce the birth of David Sumner, on is a grandson of Harris of MonMr. and Mrs.

J. T. City, N. J. of Mr.

and Mrs. Villa Parkway, has member of Quill and honorary society al Mr. Nelson, a department. is one elected for the O. Smith of the Commerce left yesthe funeral of his Nixon Smith, Alfred Smith, who Simcoe, Ont.

among the social will be the spring lota Chi Sororwhich is to take at the Tekoa Westfield. Miss chairman of arby Miss GerKatherine F. Harlan Pease and Patrons and paand Mrs. WalMr. and Mrs.

C. Mrs. V. A. Bliss, MRS.

TENNY NEVINS Chairman of trophies for the Longmeadow Junior yesterday announced the list of trophy' donors for is to take place Saturday morning and afternoon at Street ring in Longmeadow. Mr. and Mrs. J. F.

Martin and Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Seaton.

Atty. and Mrs. Isidore Gelin of Rittenhouse Terrace will be among those leaving late this week for a several days' stay in Buffalo where they will attend the national convention of the B'Nai Brith. Mr. Gelin was formerly president of the B' Nai Brith Lodge of Springfield.

The members of the Nazerine Shrine, White Shrine of Jerusalem, will be entertained with a concert at the close of their meeting at the Odd Fellows Temple, State Street, this evening. Bertha Jones is the high priestess. Airs. Coral Huestis, director of the Springfield Conservatory of Music will present a group of pupils, Those taking part will be Seymour Parker. Betty Coolidge, Billy Hoar, Marcella Schirch, Eugene Comeau.

Raymond Archambault. William Kolinchik. Irma Sheckman. Joyce Smith, Elizabeth Locke. Virginia Locke.

Martha Harrison. Wilma Sosville and Helen Lombardi. Refreshments will be served under the supervision of Mrs. Bessie Shaierman. Mrs.

Louis Goldman is receiving reservations for the supper dance which the Beth El Sisterhood will have at Wayside Inn, West Springfield, Tuesday evening of next week. Mrs. John Connors of Governor Street convalescing in the home of her sister, Mrs. Mary Cheetham of Border Street, after an operation in the Massachusetts Women's Hospital in Boston. The Notre Dame Alumni Association will meet Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock in the school hall, Linden Street.

A meeting of the executive board of the Pioneer Women's Club will be held in the home of Mrs. Julius Margolis of Knollwood Street, Wednesday evening. Final plans for the donor luncheon on May 26 will be made. Mrs. Georze A.

Martin was elected president of the Forest Park Literary LACY KNITTED CAPE By Ruth Orr 3 CHAIRMAN OF TROPHIES Horse Show, the show which the Converse Club At the annual meeting which took place yesterday in Sunset Farm, Fast Longmeadow, Mrs. Martin succeeds Mrs. Michael L. Ahl. The business mecting followed luncheon and a social afternoon followed.

Other new officers include Mrs. Charles H. Bump, vice-president, filling the office formerly held by Mrs. Edith C. Calderwood, and Mrs.

William C. Hart, secretary treasurer, succeeding Mrs. George W. Roberts. FOR MATRON 1306-B The daytime frock for both house and street wear is just this one! Cool kimono sleeves built in one with a sloping yoke affords a maximum of comfort and style.

A soft collar comes down to an extremely attractive scalloped buttoning at the side of the waist. These are all simple and dignifed lines, easy to sew and easier yet 10 wear! The mature woman can choose usefulness. no better Wear style it for under hot weather jackets and three-quarter length coats for street smartness. Try something in a small polka dot in dotted swiss, dimity, or percale. a Available Barbara for Bell sizes Pattern 36, 3S, No.

1306-B 41, is 46, 48 And Size 38 requires' yards of 39-inch fabric, yard for collar contrast. SEND FIFTEEN CENTS FOR THE BARBARA BELL SPRING AND SUMMER PATTERN BOOK. Make yourself attractive, practical and becoming clothes, selecting designs from the Barbara Bell wellplanned easy-to-make patterns. Inter- Tues. and Wed.

Specials Filet of Genuine Lemon Sole Skinless and Boneless 35c lb. Fresh Sea Scallops 29c Th. Deliveries to All Parts of City Schermerhorn's Tel. 2-5102. 2-5103, 2-5104 and exclusive fashions for little children and the difficult junior age; well-cut patterns for the matures figure, particular afternoon young women dresses and for matrons and other patterns for special occasions are all to.

be found in the BARBARA BELL PATTERN BOOK. Send FIFTEEN in coins to Barbara Bell Pattern center Service of The Springfeld Union. Post -Office Box 110, Times. Square Station, New York City. Give pattern number, size and full address.

Wrap coins securely in paper. 1937, Bell Syndicate, Inc. Exercise Aplenty Will Aid to Keep Body Beautiful Rachel Shade of Powder Will Help to Make Freckles Look Less Conpicuous By Lois Leeds Dear Miss Leeds How can I reduce flabby thighs and calves? I have tried using olive oil, but it has not helped. I do not exercise: much because I live in a second-floor apartment. What exercises can I do in the I house? I am 15 years old, inches tall.

My measurements are: Bust, 34; waist, hips, thigh, 20; calf, 13. LOUISE. Answer: The average weight for your age and height is from 119 129 pounds. The measurements given do not seem to me to be a bit too large. 'The flabbiness, of course, needs correction and the only way this can be done is through exercise.

The olive oil is of no use in this connection. Living, in an apartment is no valid excuse for neglecting exercise. Take a brisk walk outdoors for. an hour a day wearing comfortable, lowheeled oxfords. Join a hiking club and take a long hike once a week or engage in some active sport like swimming, tennis or golf regularly every you might take lessons in ballet or tap dancing.

Do setting-up exercises every morning for 10 minutes. These should begin with simple deep breathing and stretching movements, high kicking, deep knee-bending. Hiding Freckles; Reducing Back Dear Miss Leeds-Do you know of any cosmetic I can use in place of powder that least partially cover up my freckles? I cannot use freckle creams because they make my skin break out. (2) I'lease suggest an exercise to reduce the buttocks. My weight is normal.

(3) I have red hair, light complexion and dark brown eyes. What colors in cosmetics should I use? E. A. Answer--Have you tried liquid powder in a brunet shade? If you want to hide the freckles completely, you might use the special cream that is sold for 'the purpose of covering birthmarks and similar blemishes: ordinary make-up is. used over the cream.

A few freckles are not unbecoming, however. (2) Sit down on the floor with arms clasped about your knees and around on the buttocks. For another exercise just sit on a hard wooden chair and alternately tense and relax the muscles you are sitting on. This defect is often due to incorrect posture in which the small of the back at the waistline is hollowed in too much and the pelvis is tipped too much. Improve your posture by standing tall with abdomen drawn in and gluteal (seat) muscles contracted to bring your pelvis in correct position.

Do general exercises for straightening and strengthening your figure. (3) Using a rachel shade of powder will help make the freckles less conspicuous, but if you decide to use the opaque cream under your make-up, you may use an ivory powder. Redheads should not use much artificial color on lips or cheeks; just a touch of nicely blended orangered rouge and lipstick. Blackheads and Bumps Dear Miss Leeds--My complexion is light and I keep it washed good with a fine brand of soap. I watch my diet carefully and hardly ever touch sweets.

I lots of water and am in perfect health, but I have little bumps that break out on face and almost every one contains a blackhead. What shall I do? (2) Does water fatten, or do fruits? How much should a 15-years-old girl weigh who is 62 inches tall? TOOTS Answer--Try washing your face twice daily with a complexion brush, soap and fairly hot water. Press out the blackheads with a blackhead remover, lather your skin again and rinse a dozen times in cold water. (2) Water is not fattening, neither are the watery fruits like oranges, apples, etc. Foods are not fattening, unless taken in excess of one's needs or in excess of one's normal diet.

The average weight for this age and height is 113 to 123 pounds. Dr. Mabel Martin Again Is President Of Voters' League Mrs. J. Rothacher, Mrs.

Edith T. Pava and Mrs. Lloyd E. Young, Are New Board Members Dr. -Mabel Martin was re-elected president of the Springfield League of Women Toters at the annual meeting which took place yesterday afternoon following luncheon at" Wayside 'Inn, West Springfield.

Several new memwere elected to the executive board. Mrs. J. L. 'Rothacher was elected third vice-president, Mrs.

Edith T. Pava, recording Lloyd E. Young, Directora are Mrs. Austin Phelon. Mrs.

H. C. Wellman, Miss Hattie Twichell and Mrs. Kirby Baker. Mrs.

Robert P. Harvey is first. vice-president and Mrs. G. D.

is corresponding secretaminating committee for next year, also appointed yesterday, includes Mrs. C. E. Holland, chairman, Mrs. Bessie Wilbur and Mrs.

Harry Samble. This year's. nominating committee, which reported the slate, consisted of Mrs. A. B.

Mackay, chairman, Mrs. M. H. Lockwood, Mrs. J.

D. Brock and Mrs. Wilbur. Luncheon arrangements were" in charge of Mrs. Charles Holland, and tions Mrs.

going A. to B. Mrs. Mackay, Austin with reserva- as A. Hyatt Verrill, well known an author and explorer, also an expert on: Indian life and lore, will be the speaker at the Saturday Afternoon Club meeting this week in the parish His talk will be drawn from his' wide house of the.

Church of, the Unity. experiences. MEAT BALLS By Louise Bennett Weaver Breakfast LETTER WRITING Do you wish you had time to write charming letters. letters that makeand keep--friends? It takes little time to write letters if you know how, if you learn easy ways to please. For Mary, who married and moved away, clip an item from the newspaper that you think will interest her.

Write, thought of you and grand times together when I saw this." Two minutes -but it strengthens a friendship lie. To Mrs. Gray, the new club member who praised your cake SO much. send the recipe and note: "You were so nice to like my cake. Here's the recipe it you wish to try it.

We're re all SO pleased you've joined our group." Simple to learn. ton, the little tricks of writing that give even short notes personality. Our 32-page booklet gives tins on letters that are easy to follow. Thankyou notes. invitations, business letters.

An everyday help. 10c for your copy of GOOD LETTER- WRITING MADE EASY to Springfield Union. Home Service. 635 Sixth New York, N. Be sure to write plainly your NAME.

ADDRESS, and the NAME of booklet. (Treadeasy SHOES ARE SHOES FOR. Action! Treadeasy Shoes, with their famous exclusive comfort features, will look as well on your feet as they do in the window. Most important of all, in ACTION, they'll give you a glorious new foot freedom that will thrill you from the very day you purchase them. "SCarmen" White Linen, White Calf Trim Now Only $650 Others to $9.50 "Topmost" Hosiery 1-Thread Chiffon in 6 colors, 3 pairs for $1.95 Treadeasy Tel.

SHOE 2-0080 SHOP TODAY Springfeld Indian Association: 3 P. Tea, First Church Parish House. Washington 4 V. Mother- Teacher Conference, Washington School. 1 Springfield League for the Hard of Hearing: 8 P'.

Barnyard Whist Party. Iota Chi Sorority: Miss Harriet Kaplan. Olmstead Drive. Norway P. -T.

.1.: Noriray School. Longmeadow. Players' Guild: 8.30 P. "Fresh Fields," Springfield Museum of Fine Arts. Liberty, P.

Liberty T. .1.: School. 7.45, Annual MeetNazarene Shrine, White Shrine of Jo. rusalem: 1.43 P. Odd Fellows Temple.

11! Saints Guild: 2 I'. l'arish House. Morning Star Rebekah Lodge: 7.13 P. Odd Fellows Temple. West Springfield Junior High Annual Meeting, School Hall.

Minnie Sturtevant Group of Trinity Women's Society: 1.30 P. Mrs. Alfred Dodge, Sunapee Street. New York State Club: 8 P. Community Y.

M. C. West Spring. field. James Episcopal Guild: Mrs.

Wit. liam Cartmill, Sargon Street. Group 4 Last Church Guild: 8 P. Mrs. Charles Taylor, East Street.

Central Brookings 8 P. Brookings School. Another in the series of card parties to he held at the Longmeadow Country Club this season will take place Thursday evening of this week. The affair is for both men and womMrs. William A.

Hebert is in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Nathan F. Goldstein and Mrs. Weltman are cochairmen of the women's division of the United Jewish Appeals which will meet this afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Hotel Kimball.

Plans for the campaign will be outlined. Mrs. H. H. Rabinowitz of Bosprominent communal worker, will the guest speaker.

Miss Elizabeth Karcher of Battle Creek. is the guest of Miss Audrey Garnett of Benedict Terrace, Longmeadow. Miss Karcher has been attending Webber College in Babson Park. from which Miss Garnett graduated last week. She has been visiting in Boston since the closof the college and is here for a days while on her way to Battle Creek.

EASY SHOP SPECIALTY YEARS 6-6308 ESTABLISHED OFFICE Allen St. Club Calendar Fresh Rhubarb Sauce Boiled Rice and Milk Poached Eggs Buttered Toast Coffee Luncheon Fruit Salad and Cottage Cheese Bread Grape Jelly Date Cookies Tea Dinner Spanish Meat Balls Buttered Carrots Browned Bananas Tropical Bread Butter Head Lettuce French Dressing Cherry Pie 3: Coffee 3 L. Spanish Meat Balls (Boiled in Stock) 1 pound chopped. 1 teaspoon beet minced onion. teaspoon teaspoon salt teaspoons paprika peppers chopped green cup cornmeals 1 tablespoon eggs or 4 yolks catsup teaspoon cup four minced parsley Mix all the ingredients except the flour.

Kncad until well-blended. Shape into two-inch balls and in the flour. Add to. the stock. Stock I meat bone 6 cups water (uncooked) 1 teaspoon salt 2 celery leaves A 3 tablespoons 1 bay.

leaf. butter 1 onion slice Mix all the ingredients, except the butter. Cover and simmer 20 minutes. Strain. Pour into a deep frying pan.

Boil. Add the balls. Cover and simmer 40 minutes. Turn the halls often and be careful not to scorch. Then add the butter and serve.

Browned Bananas Tropical 4 bananas 1-3 cup orange 2 tablespoons juice butter 2 tablespoons 3 tablespoons lemon juice honey teaspoon 'cinnamon Feel the bananas. Cut in halves and place in a shallow pan in which the butter has been melted. Add the rest of the ingredients. Cover and cook 15 minutes over a low fire. Turn several times to allow even browning.

Your Rugs Restored to Original Beauty CITY DYE WORKS 4-5651 at CORNER MAIN STATE STS. DEMONSTRATION i of Johnson's Wax Products Come in and -Get Some Pointers On New Ways of Treating Floors. SPECIAL! THIS WEEK 1 Qt. Johnson's Glo Coat and Pt. Johnson's Furniture Polish 4 7 .9 LA BOTH FOR JOHNSON'S GLO-COAT 95, RITU FLOOR POLISH 98c RENT an Electric.

Floor Sander and refinish your floors yourself Stores Carlisle Stores 10 10 I in. Pattern No. 469 With all the newest frocks showing capes, one that can be worn with all your costumes will be a boon to you economical women. That's just what this charming knitted design can do for you. tiny and lacy, so won't a burden to you, even in warm weather, and the woolliness will be quite welcome on chilly evenings.

It is a suitable addition to sports, afternoon, or evening attire and can be worn by young and old. The pattern envelope contains, complete easy-to-understand illustrated directions, also what needles and crochet hook and what material and how much you will need. To obtain this pattern, send for No. 469 and inclose 10 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred) to cover service and postage. Address The Springfield Union, Necdlework Department, P.

0. Box 200, Station New York, N. Y. 2. (Copyright 1937, by The Bell Syndicale, 4 1 1 1 1.

The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.