The South Bend Tribune from South Bend, Indiana (2024)

Insurance Claim 55.001 Standard Electric Time Co. 28.00 Total Twp. Fund 5,231.97 Baker-Ward Co. 12.03 C. E.

Travis 35.00 SPECIAL SCHOOL FUND- Office Supply Equip. Co, 36.65 Taxes--June Kelley Son 6.15 Taxes -December 20.950.841 Raymond Trippel 5.05 State Dist. Transportation 12.366.00 Transfer Transportation 2.918.06 FURNITURE Rental of Bide. 80.00 C. G.

Conn Ltd. 200.00 Total Special School Fund $64,874.01 Royal Typewriter Co. 320.00 Kiger: Co. Inc. 2.107.26 TUITION FUND Sears, Roebuck Co.

27.90 Taxes- June $19.393.66 The Boston Store 5.37 Taxes -December 14,256.55 John Shauley 14.28 Congressional Interest 21.324 Office Supply -Equipment Co. 11.05 State Dist Tuition (Net) 30,575.07 General Biological House 211.89 Retirement Assessments' 3,072.411 Television Supply Co. 60.90 Transfer Tuition 10.635.29 Inwoods Store 31.57 Social Security Refund 3.92 G. E. Meyer de -Son 476.16 Vocationai: Reimbursem*nt 1,885.75 Mittlers Supply Inc.

147.50 Total Tuition Fund $89,843.97 Smith Audio Visual Service 66.20 DOG FUND The F. W. Bosworth Co. 33.40 Do: Tax from Assessor 425:00 The Bob Durr 59.95 Total Dog Fund 425.00 The U. S.

Chemical. Co. 28.74 Leonard Hardware 1.95 DISBURsem*nTS TOWNSHIP FUND Beckley Cardy Co. 25.90 Classification of Expense and Gross Madison School 1.99 To Whom Paid Amount SCHOOL SUPPLIESTRUSTEE SALARY. RENT CLERK- Office Supply Equip.

Co. 59.59 Ralph Hummel 1.200.00 Informative Classroom Arvilia Hummel 420.00 Picture Publishers 4.26 TRAVEL EXPENSE- Educational Music Bureau 86.50 Ralph J. Hummel 275.00 E. C. Seale Co.

16.25 BOOKS, STATIONERY. PRINT- Olson Radio Warehouse 6.00 ING AND ADVERTISING Royal Typewriter Co. 14.00 Kiger Co. Inc 117.20 Purdue University 56.88 The Bremen Enquirer 7.00 Burstein Applebee Co. 17.98 The Recerd 100.29 Ideal Press 43.95 The South Bend Tribune 101.19 The Ridge Co, 29.39 ADVISORY BOARD Stansi Wilcox Scientific Follett Co.

Co. 36.22 14.46 Theodore Beehler 100.00 John Derksen 100.00 School Service Co. 28.88 Lloyd Geyer 100.00 J. J. Bendit 45.60 FIRE PROTECTION- Ida Roeder 53.94 Mottice Gerber 133.85- Bye Mor.

School Supplies 850.46 Farmers State -Bank 159.561 Bureau of Tests 96.04 St. Joseph County Treasurer 23.85 World Book Co. 39.78 Gerber, Agency 200.00 Mutti Harold 26.15 Robert Howard Hensler 42.00 Madison School Book Store 3.45 116.00 The Wakarusa Tribune 18.00 Theodore Saner Standard- 10.00 Houghton Mifflin Co. 2.69 Co. 280.29| Southwestern Publishing Co.

2.43 Oil Portage Corp. 12.43 Ginn Co. 77.40 Realty Howard 16.59 -Hayes School Publishing Co. 7.70 Frick Fricks Shell 250.00 Paine Publishing Co. 8.80 Service Western Roofing 745.36 Denoyer Geppert Co.

9.00 Co. Wyatt Lbr. Chit Co. Smiths Audio Visual: Service 4.30 Madison Twp, Volunteer 600.00 Science Research Associates 33.85 Fire Dept. Madison Center Grocery 48.72 MISCELLANEOUS Kiger Ketchen Bros Inc.

W. M. Weich Mig. Co. 6.38 Mottice Gerber 34.20 Smiths Nu Art Photo Shop 1.05 6.00 Farmers State Bank Scott Foreman Co.

15.63 J. J. Bendit 6.00 JANITOR SUPPLIES Total Disbursem*nts 5.506.81 United States Chemical Co. 116.33 Township Fund Weisberger Bros. Inc.

291.07 DOG- FUND. Huntington Laboratories 811.28 St. Joseph Co. Auditor 299.50| Costello Mfg. Co.

33.95 Robert Staner 71.00 Kiger Co. Inc. 47.89 Noel Penrod 37.50 Lien Chemical Co. 45.48 Roger Schalliol 118.00 Allied, Inc. 4.04 Raymond Rodts.

125.001 Madison Center Grocery 5.74 John Beehler 24.50 Mid Continent Chemicals 3.80 Charles Bryant 21.00 South Bend Supply Co. 7.35 Total Disbursem*nts Al Jax Chemical Co. 140.97 Dog Fund 696.50 Duro Test Corp. 49.07 TUITION FUND. Leonard Hardware 2.25 PAY OF TEACHERS- FUEL FOR SCHOOLIrene Arndt 4,791.70 Wyatt

Coal Co. 3,484.49 Fern Beehler 3.684.70 INSURANCEJohn Birk Mottie Gerber 954.38 Ruth Jo Eppley 4.206.70 Ketchen Bros. 341.46 W. D. Eshelman 7.025.00 Robert Gerber Agency 202.56 Melvin Fox 3.661.55 Lewis J.

Bendit 253.20 Pearl Haslanger 4,684.70 JANITOR SERVICEEdgar Horein 4.719.70 Agnes Clark 2,683.00 Glenmore Horein 3.761.68 4,782.70 Milo Clark 1,957.50 Ruth Eshelman Ethel Fox 392.00 J. D. -Kinuel 6.570.00 Arvilla Hummel 522.00 Rudolph Marker 5.322.70 Austin Pittman 720.00 Jeanette Yoder. 496.50. Frank Matthews 3.769.40 Alma Walters 396.00 John Mouros 4,763.25 TRANSPORTATION OF Marian Kintzel 3.782.40 CHILDRENMary Nussbaum 4.051.65.

Clayton Beehler 2.250.00 Everett Steen 1.624.70 Julius Blondia 2,700.00 Elma Sticker 3.761.68 Melvin Carbeiner 1,890.00 Fern Yoder 3.186.90 Wayne Fox 1,890.00 Mary Zeiger 3.864.70 Evart Gordon 1.890.00 John Shanley 1.931:00 Paul GriseNettie Bellman 527.00 Forrest Hepler 785.40 Mary Lehman. 406.00 James Hunsberger 2.128.20 Arlowene Weldy 28.00 Don Mitchell 1.935.00 Annabelle Hibschman: 14.00 Howard Null 2,188.40 Ruth Cox 14.00 Herbert Pittman 1.980.00 Mary Zeiger Refund 18.07 2.79 Herbert Schmeltz 2,835.00 Fern Yoder Refund Wilbur Schmidt 1.957.20 Public Emplovees Retirement Lyle Weldy 847.00 Fund, Social Security 3.92 Austin Wiser 1.133.00 Total Disbursem*nts Tod Schalliol 1,107.25 Tuition Fund Leonard Supply 53.14 SPECIAL SCHOOL FUND. National Brake Service 88.77 REPAIR OF BLDG'S. CARE Wyatt Standard Service 95.65 OF GROUND- Herbert Schmeltz 15.00 Standard Electric Time Co. 28.00 Geo.

Accoe 62.40 Jacob Pittman 45.65 Madison Center Station 18.20 Eugene Wagner 13.50 Sauers Service Station 16.15 Delbert Whitehead 159.25 Wilbur Schmidt 118.65 Wayne Fox 15.00 Harold 'Huhnke 12.35 Johnson Service Co. 18.35 LIGHT AND POWERRoy Stucken 29.10 Farmers State Bank 1.994.15 Wyatt Lbr. Coal Co. 640.50 MISCELLANEOUS Hunsbergm Moore Supply 677.16 W. M.

Welch Mfg. Co. 76.59 C. W. Electric Co.

1,064.15 Farmers State Bank. 137,50 Christ Hummel 315.00 Virginia Beehler 1,818.90 Ethel Bremen Chemical Co. 18.75 St. Joseph Hospital 30.00 Fox 141.25 W. D.

Eshelman Blanche Ulrich 96.25 1. Lynd Esch 40.00 75.00 Arvilla Hummel 183.00 Marion Viers R.N. 42.50 Alma Walters 132.00 Charlotte Roeder 42.50 South Stanley Bend Edel 301.00 South Bend Exterminating Co. Williams Supply Co. 9.36 Boiler Div.

Fire Marshal Dept. 3.00 45.00. Dean 23.50 SUMMER EDUCATIONWalter Abbiell 141.00 Helen. Marker Milo Clark 290.001 Edgar Horein 900.00 Leroy Roeder 6.00 Virginia Beehler 150.00 Marvin Ingie 73.00 LIBRARY- 135.00 Wm. Hesch 26.50 Encyclopedia Britannica 90.07 Clayton Beehler Wilbur Schmidt 114.00 American Radio Relay League 3.00 Christer 10.00 Doubleday Co.

92.50 Gravel Co. 7.55 Doane Apricultural Sauers Service Station 7.00 Heckman 12.50 Service Theodore Sauer 182.00 Delong Subscription 176.85 Bindery Bourbon Foundry Co. 223.20 Madison School Book Agency Store 51.95 OTHER Americana 51.50 REPAIR OF 5.00 EQUIPMENT- -Chicago Daily Drovers Journal Kiefer TV Sales Service 9.15 Total Disbursem*nts Royal Typewriter Co. 61.59 Special School Fund $60.689.72 hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement receipts and disbursem*nts of the above named township; that complete of the de ailed annual report together with all a. and lot.

persons having been paid money by the township been showing names accompanying vouchers the taw in the office of the county auditor, and that has of -filed such as annual required by. is in custody of the chairman the township a advisory copy board. report subject to inspection by any taxpayer of the township. report is RALPH J. HUMMEL, Trustee TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE'S REPORT OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURsem*nTS FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1956.

Clay Township, St. Joseph County. FUNDS Jan. DisburseBalance Balance Receipts ments Dec. 31 Special Townships School 3,504.03 22.473.20 21.567.23 4.410.00 Tuition 15.772.64 140,902.02 159.674 66 2,561.50 Dog 23.943.96 363,174.32 851.755 36 35.362.32 Bond 721.00 1,271.00 1,230.30 761.70 TOTALS 2.408.98 167,163.92 145.257.56 24.206.42/ $695,284.46 $679,485.65 $62,176.85 DETAILS OF RECEIPTS R.

Polk Co. 80.00 TOWNSHIP FUND Kiger and Company 139.92 Taxes: Tune Zeider Printing Co. 29.45 Taxes December Postmaster Justice of Peace Docket Business Systems Fees 1,396.69 The Record 173.12 Soc. Sec. Refund 56.07 Office Engineers 5.96 Total Twp.

Fund 22,473.20 South Bend Tribune 166.04 SPECIAL SCHOOL FUND TOTAL 720.11 Taxes-June 77,345.99 PAY OF ADVISORY BD 46.157.72 Leonard. Bogue 150:00 State Dist. Transportation 16.359.00 Lulu Clark Transfer Transp, 17.00 Edward Claffey 150.00 Gym Rental 125.00 TOTAL 456.00 Rebate-Pay Phone 78.86 CARE OF CEMETERIES Soc. Sec. Refund 649.09 A.

B. Richards 42.00 Milk, Locker Refund 169.41 James Ameigh 100.00 Total Special Schl. Fund 140.902.02 Central Hardware 29.65 TUITION FUND Rex Critchlow 28.06 Taxes June 69,502.15 TOTAL 199.65 Taxes December 42.292.62 FIRE DEPT. SALARIES, OP. Congressional Interest 45.26 ERATION MAINT.

State Dist Tuition (Net) 199.627.85 Fred Bruner Retirement Assessments 11.108.57 Robert coller 4,080.00 Tuition Tran-fer 35.956.82 Charles Seitz 170.00 State Dept. of Ed. Melvin Williamson H. Ec. Reim.

1.433.93 Al Lang 235.63 State Auditor- -Healthwin Craven Michigan Calvert Share 3,209.12 Hdwe. 24.00 Total Tuition Fund 363.174.32 Midwest Fire Safety 874.11 DOG FUND- John Bean Div. 16.97 Dog Tax from Assessor 4 800.00 Central Hardware 45.81 Total Dog Fund 800.00 Lien Chemical Co. 118.70 BOND FUND Harron Laboratory 150.00 Taxes-June 107.342.20 Fire Extinguisher 31.50 Taxes-Dec. 64,530.70 Main Electric Co.

27.24 Total Bond Fund 171.872.90 Ind. Mich. Electric 267.34 DISBURsem*nTS TOWNSHIP FUND Fabricated Steel 15.50 Classification of Expense Gross National Brake 29.90 and to Whom Paid Amount Russell Huss DX PAY OF TRUSTEE OFFICE Snyder Bros. Auto Serv. RENT.

AND CLERICAL Rouch Heating 24.15 HFLP- Ridge Co Paul M. Van Duesen-Salary 1 2.199.70 American Fire 'Apparatus 23.46 Paul M. Van Duesen-Rent 300.00 South Bend Supply $8.76 Edythe Van Duesen- Telephone Ans. Serv. Clerical 849.96 Leonards Termite Control 400.00.

TOTAL 3,349.66 Homelite 4.89 TRAVELING EXPENSE Sinclair Refining 835.88 TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH S. Carbonic Co. 192.37 Paul M. Van Duesen 398.90 Industrial Sales Serv. 10.96 Ind.

Bell Telephone Co. 1.10 Ind. Bell Telephone 495.05 TOTAL 400.00 Lewis Service 13.40 SUPPLIES FOR JUSTICE TOTAL OF THE PEACE- FIRE DEPT. CLOTHING Kiger and Company 362.88 Clay Two. Fire Dept.

600.00 Zeider Printing Co. 101.44| TOTAL 600.00 TOTAL 464.12 MISCELLANEOUS APPROBOOKS. STATIONERY, PRINTING, ADV Legal Service; Trustees, 18 The South Bend Tribune, Monday, January 21, 1957. Legal Notices. Legal Notices.

Legal Legal Notices, appropriated by Act of October 14, 1940 tion, and shall constitute waiver of all J.P. and Constable Allied Inc. 11.82 (Public Resolution -106, 26th Congress: defenses and objections not do presented. Bonds; Trustee Phone: Al Bowers 6.00 BENDIX POST and acts supplementary thereto and You are further notified that if you Exam. of Records: Electric 5.90 amendatory thereof.

The Public use have no objection or defense to the tak- Soc Sec. Indiana -Electronic Co. 6.95 INITIATES 22 for provision which of said housing lands are pursuant taken to is the the ing. attorney you a may notice of serve appearance upon plaintiff's designat- SOC REVENUE- SECURITY-INTERNAL Royal Huntington Typewriter Laboratories 27.15 6.70 -Lanham Act supra, and ing the property in which you claim to Waiter Rice 1,800.00. International.

Bus. Mach. 112.17 NEW MEMBERS more particularly Sec. Sec. 605 lal.

la) You thereot be interested, notice of and all thereafter proceedings you effect- shall Ind. Shanahan Bell Co. Telephone 1,097.50 113.95 TOTAL Service Engineers 1,460.49 12.75 Title 42. 1585 are receive Bendix Aviation Post 284, Amer- further notified that if you have ing the said property. You are further TOTALS DISBURsem*nTS 2,500:66 SCHOOL FURNITURE objection or defense to the faking of notified that at the trial of the issue DOG FUND.

EQUIPMENTican Legion, held initiation, cere- this property, you are required to serve of just compensation, whether or not and To Classification Whom of Paid Expense Gross Amount Denoyer-Geppert 100.52 upon plaintiff's attorney at the address yow have answered or served notice House of Hatter 423.35. monies for 22 members at the herein designated, within twenty of appearance, you may present evi- St. Joseph Coussens Co. Auditor 1,169.50 22.501 Sonneborn Sport- Shop 390:45 407 N. Michigan days after personal exclusive service of of this no- dence as to be the amount for the of the compen- in Rose Horvath 4.80 Duro Weisbe yer Bros.

152.78 67.07 post home, tice upon you the date of sation to paid property Test Corp, Sunday afternoon. service, an answer identifying the which you have any interest, and you Albert Melvin Vargo Gray 14.00 7.00 Mendoza 350.29 ty in which you claim to have in- may share in the distribution of the Vories Hummer Equip. Co. 11.64 Post 50 ritual team, terest, stating the nature and extent of award of compensation. You are further Virgil 12.50 The Trane Co.

33.80 The under the direction of Warren Kline, the interest claimed, and stating all of notified that trial by jury of the issue TOTAL 1230.30 Roseland Lumber Co. 32.23 your objections and defenses to the tak- of just compensation is demanded by TUITION FUND-PAY Meyers Hardware 20.86 past Post 50 commander, induct- ting of your property, failure so to plaintiff. Graham W. McGowan, Assistant OF TEACHERS Commercial Sound 710.15 ed the members. serve an answer shall constitute con- United States Attorney, 332 United States Walter Patricia Abolt 2030.60 George Davis 175:00 sent to the taking and to the authori: Court House, South Bend 24, Indiana, Agness 5.211.60 Norwalk Truck 3.09 Third District commanders also ty not" the court to proceed to bear.

the Dated: 10 Jan. 1951. Lucretia Anderson 1.332.54 Central Hardware 82.48. attended the meeting, presided action and to fix the just compensa- Helen Dorothy Bailey Appleton' 4.161.44 2003.901 Power Transmission 11.28 Sears Roebuck 24.61 over by Val Singler, Post 284 TRUSTEE'S REPORT OF RECEIPTS AND Phyllis Baldoni 3.209.26 Business System TOWNSHIP DISBURsem*nTS FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1956. Thelma Barber Remington Rand 975.00 Madison Township, St.

Joseph County. Ethel Barlow 4,461.44 National China Equip. 130.50 commander. The post announced that on FUNDS Jan. Disburse- Balance John Bauman 2,858.35 Cass Hudson 46.90 fifth Balance Receipte ments Dec.

31 E. Lois Blair 3,891.95 Office Supply Equip, 358.85 Jan. 26, it will hold its Township 4,214.02 5,231.97 5.506.81 3,939.18 Lloyd Blickenstaff E. Ponader 8.75 of Dimes dance, proceeds Special Taition School 20,328.34 64.874.01 60.689 33.034.39 72 16.185.27 Bowen 3478.55 South Bend Awning Co. 15.00 19,375.69 89,843.97 Glozella Bowman 3.327.68 Harry Nafe 16.97 of which will be turned over to Dog 399.50 425.00 696.50 128.007 Mark Brumbaugh Michiana Welding Co.

107.11 the 'March of Dimes Committee. TOTALS $160.374.95 William Buchtel Moss- Appliance 569.00- DETAILS OF RECEIPTS. W. M. Welch Mfg.

Co. 4.33 Hazel Burbridge 1,870.19 Forbes Typewriter 160.00 Chairman for the dance is Ross TOWNSHIP FUND- Wyatt Standard Service 81.06 Effie Burke 3258.43 Singer Sewing. Machine 1.71 Chrisman, Taxes Taxes- June -December 2.983.65 Wade Lienhart Richmond Sons 12.50 4.00 Bliss Dorothy Butts Burkhard 4,051.69 3.744.98 Al South Jax Bend Lath Work 526.10 78.63 2.193.32 Chemical Co. 1 Josephine Cain Eugenia Chicles Mary Jean Cook Ina Louise Davis Jokin Davis Mary Jane Deardort DISBURsem*nTS TUITION Classification of Expense and To Whom Paid Leon DeWitte Mary DeWitte Galen Dickey Martha Dickey Marcia Bolin 4 Sarah Dunnahoo Mildred Eary Virtus Felton Howard Fick John Fraz er David Frettinger Eleanor Gamble Rose Gaston Robert Gerharz Muriel Goheen Bud Goodwin Mary Jane Gray Velda Hamman Judith Hammel M. Dale Harbaugh Margaret Harbaugh Milton Harke Dorothy Hayes Irene Hoctel Mildred Irwin Clarice Isenbarger Marion Jacobs Joyce Jozwiak Gloria Kapsa Thomas King Kenneth Kinghorn Duane Knauber Katherine -Knepp Emma Koch Lillian Kohl Virginia Kraus Virgil Landry -Raphael Lehman Dorthas Leitch Genevieve Long Lucille Lowe Louis Macon Neil Matthew Mildred McCombs.

Mamie McMndarfer Bonnie McKenzie Glara Merrilees Angeline Miller Sean Mitchell Harry Nafe Hazel Neely Joyce Newel Lois Nickerson Marie Niebauer Beatrice Nobles Harry Oglesby LaVon Oglesby Dorothy Pate Norma Phenegar Daisy Pierson John Person Margaret Plank Helen Pool Delbert Price Ruth Quealy Roy Rogers Blanche Romine Ethel Rosbrugh Ellen Rummel Robert Sampson Margaret Scheler Rhetta Schmucker Sadie Schreffler Helen Schultz Sarah Schultz Maxin Seifferlein Lorn Shearer John Stinson -Dale Stroud Evelyn Wagner Irene Walter Geraldine Walters Genevieve Welch Audrey Williams Marguerite Walter Ruth Yeager Helen Dillon Retirement for Miss Long TOTAL SUBSTITUTE SICK LEAVE Helen Dillon Bud Goodwin Mildred Eary Angeline Miller Marie Niebauer Hazel Neely Beatrice Noble Edith Schoenman Robert Gerharz Evelyn Wagner Helen Harke Julia Welling Sarah Evans Lillian Kohl Helen Sattler Mildred Schafer Marion Veirs Rosemary Gable Stephen Gubi Lucille Haugen TOTAL PAY OF TRANSFERS School City of Bend School City of So. Bend TOTAL BOND FUND- PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL American Trust. Maple Lane American -Trust Co. Lease Rental 12 TOTAL PAYMENT OF INTEREST ON BONDSAmerican Trust Co. TOTAL DISBURsem*nTS SPECIAL SCHOOL FUND Classification of Expense and To Whom Paid REPAIR OF BLDGS.

CARE OF GROUNDS Community Roofing Dewey Bush Ocea Burnside Engle Construction General Roofing So. Bend Iron Metal H. Staffen Parkway Asphalt Pavers National Mill Supply Roy Lien Chemical Co. Braham Laboratories North. Ind.

Pub. Serv. Orley Neely Radio Dist. Co. Barnes Electric Co.

Huntington Laboratories Rural Sanitation A. B. Richards J. -Ameigh Charles Roher Jennings Electric Co. South Bend Supply Edward J.

White Koontz Wagner Burger Company Clyde Barnhart Saginaw Salt Prod. Roseland Lmbr. Coal -Central Hardware N. Plumbing South Side Electric United Heating Pib. Thorpes Boats Pittsburgh Plate Glass St.

Jos. Co. Surveyor Fred Eisner Al-Jax Chemical Co. -Alva Pruett TOTAL REPAIR OF OTHER EQUIPFabricated Steel Ace Sales Service Sinton Supply Co. Main Electric Barnes Electric Johnson Service Co.

Edward J. White James Buchler Ultery Hartman Coal Co. Wheel Sales Service Sound Engineer. Co. Central Hardware Thorpes Boats Motors Plumbing Firestone Stores Singer Sewing Machine Burget Co.

Central Hardware Perry Sunoco Service L. G. Arnold Koontz Vagner C. G. Conn Schmidt Standard Service Lutz Son Plumbing J.

Lauber South Bend Lathe Co. Hummer Equip. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Wm. Hammermeister Meyers Hardware Frick Electrie Co. South Side Electric A.

L. Okum: Schrader Bowers I hereby certify that the receipts and disbursem*nts of the detailed annual report together with of persons having been paid money law in the office of the county to in custody of the chairman of subject to inspection by any taxpayer 8-P UNIT SINGS IN THREE OAKS The Studebaker-Packard Male Chorus, under the direction of Ethel Stuart Gaumer, gave, a ves; per program yesterday for the Three Oaks, Sunday Evening Club in the Methodist Church in Three Oaks. Duane Beeman, Robert Collins, Dolores Gunn and Patricia Rusk were soloists. GENERAL OBITUARY. OBITUARY.

John LONDON (P) considered one of ising British artists, ation, was found his Chelsea studio. took an overdose The shock-haired prised London GENERAL Minton. John Minton, 40, 'the most of his generdead today in Police said he of sleeping pills. artist sur-1 last May by nouncing he would paint no more, that "after Matisse and PicasSO there 1 is nothing more to bel done." While this mood lasted he gavet away many of his paintings, but, several: months later he resumed work. He had started a mural for the Bank of Brazil when he died.

Simon A. Baldus. EVANSTON, Ill. (UP) Services will be held Wednesday for Simon A. Baldus, former managing editor of Extension magazine, a Roman Catholic publication, who died yesterday at the age of 84.

Dr. George Gustave Heye. NEW YORK (P) Dr. Gustave Heye, 82, a banker who founded the museum of the Amercan Indian in Manhattan, largest museum in the world exclusively devoted to American Indian material, died Sunday. Miss- Rose "Bogdanoff.

NEW YORK (P) Miss Rose Bogdanoff, senior costume designer for the National Broadcasting Co. is dead at the age of 53. Dr. Albert Kuntz. ST.

LOUIS (P Dr. Albert Kuntz, 77, St. Louis University, faculty member for 44-years and authority on the autonomic nervous system is dead. Hirsch Fogelson. JOPLIN, Mo.

(P-Hirsch Fogelson, pioneer Nebraska merchant and teacher and father-in-law of actress. Greer Garson, died Sunday. He was born in Finland. Rear Adm. Robert E.

Blue. MADISON, Wis. UP Rear Admiral Robert E. Blue, 58, retired commandant of the Naval ROTC unit at the. University of Wisconsin, died at.

his Madison home, last night. LOCAL OBITUARY. Mrs. Maude May Rose. Mrs.

Maude May Rose, 75, of N. Ironwood died at 12:20 a.m. Sunday in the Nursing Home, 1145 Napier. St. after an illness of six months.

She was born in Walnut, and had lived here most of her lifetime. As Maude May Bennett, she was married to John Rose 24, 1925, in South Bend. She is survived by her husband, three daughters, Mrs. Sam Hubert, of Waukegan, Mrs. Harold Shetterly and Mrs.

Carl Martin, both of Mishawaka; two sons, Oliver C. Bennett. of Waukegan, and Cleo L. Bennett, of Huston, one sister, Mrs. Nellie Middieton, of Akron, and -10 grandchildren and 19 greatgrandchildren.

Friends may call in the Bubb Funeral Chapel, Mishawaka, until 11 a.m. Tuesday and then in the Midway Gos pel Tabernacle until the funeral services there at 2 p.m. Tuesday. Rev. Worthy Rowe, pastor, will officiate.

Burial will be in Chapel 1 Hill Memorial Pallbearers will be Robert Bennett, Dean Hubert, Gilbert Thornborough, James Neely, William Deethardt and Charles Campbell. Mrs. Rose was a member of the Midway Gospel Tabernacle. Mrs. Ella Domke Nimiz, Mrs.

Ella Domke Nimtz, of 646 Diamond was found dead in her residence at 10 a.m. Sunday by her nephew, Leonard Grau, of 126 N. State Mishawaka. St. Joseph County Coroner, Dr.

E. S. Shelley, said death was caused by a heart coronary. Mrs. Nimtz was born in Wanatah, Feb.

5, 1882. She had lived in South Bend 55 years coming here from Valparaiso, Ind. Her husband, Ott G. Nimtz, died June 11, 1955. She is EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN left, threw the electrical switch the Evangelical Lutheran Church Sunday.

The bell was dedicated gation and father of Mrs. Ekstrand. church; Carl Ekstrand; Mrs. all members of the church who vived by two sons, Ralph, Dowagiac, and Robert, of San Francisco, one ter, Mrs. Paul Erickson, rora, one sister, Mrs.

Mary Grau, Chesterton. and four grandchildren. Friends may call after 7 p.m. today in the Orvis Funeral Home where: neral services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday.

Rev. John D. Wolf, pastor of St. Paul's Memorial Methodist Church, will officiate. Burial will be in Riverview etery.

Mrs. Nimtz was a member Lof Epworth Memorial Church. Mrs. Jennie Dygulski. Mrs.

Jennie- Dyguiski, 1507 W. Fassnacht died at 11 p.m. in her home after an-it ito ness of two days. Born in Po- (land Dec. 28, 1880, she came to South Bend from that 52 years ago.

Her husband, Albert, died in 1949. Surviving are four sons, Bert, Mishawaka; Clem, Edward and Henry: four daughters, Mrs. Nettie Banicki, Mrs. Marie Szekely, Mrs. Bernice Nitka, all of South Bend, and Miss Helen, at.

home; 14. children and four dren. Friends may after 2. great p.m. Tuesday in the Kaniewski Son Chapel.

The funeral will be held 9 a.m. Thursday in St: Stanislaus' Catholic Church with Rev. A. Jankowski, C.S.C., pastor, officiating. Burial will be in St.

Joseph- Polish Ceme- tery. Funeral Notes. Mrs. Sarah Luck. LUCK The Sarah Nancy S.

Michigan body" of Mrs: Luck, 98, of 6841 a former school MRS. LUCK. schools 12 years before. her. in 1 1893 to James H.

Luck. She had been residing, with nieces, Mrs. Lochie L. Brown Jewell and Mrs. Nancy B.

Campbell, 6841 S. Michigan Rd. WROBLEWSKI The pallbearers for Mrs. Blanche Wroblewski, 841. Brookfield who died Saturday, will be her nephews, Raymond Bankowski, Jerry Dagneau, Clayton Wroblewski, Ralph Prawat, Erving Grams and Richard Moroney.

The funeral! will be held -at 9 a.m. Wednesday in St. Mary of the Holy Rosary Polish National Catholic Church with burial in St. Joseph's Polish Cemetery. BURRIS-Funeral services for teacher, who died Saturday, was to be taken to the Springfield Funeral Home, Sebree, today for funeral services at 2 m.

Tuesday in the Methodist Church in Sebree. Burial will be in- -Springdale tery, Seme bree. Mrs. Luck MRS. LUCK.

taught district DEAN Clum C. Bucher, associate dean of the junior division of Indiana University and immediate past Indiana, District governor of Kiwanis International, will present a charter to the newly organized Misha-Bend Kiwanis Club, at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday in the South Bend Shrine Club, 107 Lincoln Way East. Bucher, who also will speak at the dinner meeting, starred in athletics both at Huntington, High School and I.U. He visits high schools throughut the state to counsel students planning college careers.

CHURCH GETS BELL When on that control box on the table, of Our Redeemer, 29th and Wall to the late John A. Zimmerman, Left to right are Rev. Rupert Ekstrand; Oscar Zimmerman, and were active in financing and an-. Ricky DeWayne Burris, the son of Mrs. Doris Young, of 1323 Hine who died Saturday, will held at 10:30 a.

m. Tuesday in the Haynes Funeral Home. Rev. J. J.

Jackson, pastor of the Macedonia Baptist Church, will ate. Burial will be in Highland Cemetery. SLATES Pallbearers for the funeral services today in the Orvis Home for Leon. Slates, of 219 Navarre who Thursday, were Jack Hofferth, Edward Rajski, Herbert DeMike, Purdue Gordon, Milton Tharp and Earl McClone. INDIANA-MICHIGAN OBITUARY.

INDIANA: ELKHART Charies Ralph Wilcox, 70, of 910 Rose Sunday. Funeral 2:30 p.m. (EST) Wednesday in the Stemm Funeral Home. Albert J. Hultin, 80, of 2400 W.

Lexington today. Services 10:30 a.m. (EST) Wednesday in the Funeral Home, where friends may call after 7 p.m. today. Survivors include a er, Paul A.

Hultin, of South Bend. GOSHEN Edward Hayes, Troyer, 58, formerly of Goshen, Sunday in Kokome, Ind. Friends may call after noon Tuesday the Yoder Funeral Home in Goshen. Survivors include a brother, Glenn Troyer, of South Bend. Graveside services were held Sunday, in Oak Ridge Cemetery for Terri Jo Cotherman, infant daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. James A. Cotherman, 205 S. Eighth who was dead at birth, Saturday Goshen General Hospital. LAPORTE Mrs.

Evangeline Eposito, 49, of Rt. 2, LaPorte, today. Rites 10 a.m. Wednesday in Sacred Heart Friends, may call p.m. today the Funeral Home.

NAPPANEE Mrs. Maude Hummel, 68, of 357 W. Walnut today. Funeral 2 p.m. (EST) Wednesday in the First Brethren Church.

Friends may call in Wright Funeral Home. SYRACUSE Milton E. Rentu frow, 95, of Syracuse, Saturday night. Services 2 p.m. (EST) Tuesday in the Harris Funeral Home.

TOPEKA Samuel Elf Sherer, 90, of Topeka, Sunday, Rites p.m. (EST) Tuesday in the Christner Funeral Home. MICHIGAN. BENTON HARBOR Mrs. LaGarde Bertha Sink, 64, Sunday.

Rites 2 p. m. Tuesday in Funeral Home, Benton Harbor. Graveside rites 3:30 p.m. Tuesday in Lett Cemetery, Sodus, Mich.

for Willie Gamble, 33, who died Wednesday. Friends may call in Robbins Bros. Funeral Home. THREE RIVERS Mrs. Anna Schultz, 80, Saturday.

Rites- 2 p.m. Wednesday in Halverson Funeral Home. Mrs. Elizabeth Irwin, Saturday. Rites 1 p.m.

Tuesday in Halverson Funeral Home. CONSTANTINE Mrs. Samantha Jane Grimes, 80, Saturday. Rites 2:30 p.m. Tuesday in Geisler Funeral Home.

The Day's Record. Births. ROBERTS Mr. and Mrs. John El Roberts, 623 E.

Klinger son, Jan. 19, St. Joseph Hospital, Mishawaka. SCOTT Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Scott, 708 Kentucky son, Jan. 20, St. Joseph Hospital, Mishawaka. HEIDLOFF Mr. and Mrs.

John eidjoff, 5020. Lincoln Way West, daughter, Jan. 21, St. Joseph Hospital. WHITING Mr.

and Mrs. Earl Whiting. 904. N. Sussex.

daughter, Jan. 20, St Joseph Hospital. KING Mr. and Mrs. Noel King, 1117 S.

Carlisle son, Jan. 20. St. Joseph. Hospital.

MASON Mr. and Mrs. William MasOn, 822 w. Fisher son, Jan, 20, St. Joseph Hospital.

BROOKS Mr. and Mrs. Cloicel Brooks. Culver. son, Jan.

20, Stu Joseph Hospital, McGEE Mr. -and Mrs. Timothy MeGee. Apt. 38-B, Vetville, twin sons, Jan; 20, St.

Joseph Hospital. WOODS Mr. and Mrs. John Woods. 1059 N.

Georgiana daughter, Jan. 20, St. Joseph Hospital. MODI ESKI Mr. and Mrs.

Clarence Modieski, 1203 W. Jefferson son, Jan. 20 St. Joseph Hospital. MOORE Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Moore, Mrs. Carl Ekstrand, third from the newly installed tower bell at sounded for the first time one of the founders of the congreF. Uffelman, pastor of the Mr. and Mrs.

Kenneth Schmidt, dedicating the bell. -Photo by Tribune Staff Photographer. 1150 Broadway, daughter, Jan. 20, St. Joseph Hospital.

CANTRELL Mr. and Mrs. Clifton 20, Cantrell, 6927 S. Michigan son, Jan. Joseph Hospital.

CHAPLA Mr. and Mrs. Chester Chapla, Rt. 2, Box: 256-A, South- Bend. son, Jan.

19, St. Joseph Hospital, GOLDEN -Mr. and Mrs. Willie Gold1017 W. Dunham daughter, Jan.

Joseph Hospital. 2 SCHRADER Mr. and Mrs. "Arthur Schrader, 922 S. 23rd son, Jan.

19, St. Joseph Hospital. GROOMS Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grooms, Nites, son, Jan.

19, St. Joseph Hospital. PATTER Mr. and Mrs. Francis Pattee, 1244 E.

Sunnymede son, Jan, WALSER 19. Joseph Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Tilford Walser, 2256 E.

Hastings son, Jan. 19, St. Joseph Hospital. GARTEE Mr. and Mrs.

Loren Gartee, Dowagiac, daughter, Jan. 19, Osteopathic Hospital. TRIBBEY Mr. and Mrs. Russell Tribbey, Lakeville, daughter, Jan.

19. Osteopathic Hospital. PORMAN. Mr. and Mrs.

Larry Por. man, 3406 S. Wise Circle, daughter, Jan. 19. Osteopathic Hospital.

LAWMASTER Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lawmaster. Nappance, daughter, Jan, 19, Osteopathic Hospital. FRICK Mr.

and Mrs. John Frick, Lakeville, daughter, Jan. 20. Osteopathic Hospital. PADGETT Mr.

and Mrs. Donald Padgett, E. Fox son, Jan. 19. Memorial Hospital.

DeVOLDER Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph DeVolder, 9539 E. Orchard daughter, Jan. 19, Memorial Hospital.

HERRON Mr. and Mrs. Walter HerE Madison son, Jan. 19. Memorial Hospital.

SCROGGS -Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scroggs, W. Van Buren son, 19. Memorial Hospital.

Courdres. North Liberty, daughter, DeCOUDRES Mr. and Mrs. Neil DeJan. 19.

Memorial Hospital. JOHNSON Mr. and Mes. Charles Johnson. Niles.

daughter, Jan. 19, Memorial Hospital. WHITMAN Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Whitman, 517 S.

Chicago son, Jan. 19. COLLINS Memorial Hospital. Mr. and Mrs.

Paul Collins. 519 W. Dice daughter, Jan, 20, Memorial Hospital. MEYER Mr. and Mrs.

Donald Meyer. rial Granger, Hospital. Jan. .20 MempHABEGGER Mr. and Mrs.

Lewis Habegger, 2421 S. Twyckenham- daughter Jan. 20, Memorial Hospital. MADSEN Mr. and Mrs.

Ralph Madsen, 5709 Woldhaven son, Jan. 20, Memorial Hospital, HUSTON Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Huston, 20, New daughter, Memorial Hospital. GAGNON Mr.

and Mrs. Richard Gagnon, 1522 E. Washington daughJan. 20, Memorial Hospital. CHILDRESS Mr.

and Mrs. John Childress, 742 W. Monroe son, Jan. Memorial Hospital. -Mr.

and Mrs. Tom 19. Merriman, Mr. Dallas, daughter, Jan. and Mrs.

Merriman are former residents of South Bend. False telephone alarm, 12:52 p.m., no no damage. Cos. 8, 11, Jan. 20, fire reported at 113 N.

Walnut squad 22 and truck 2. False box alarm. 5:13 p.m., Jan. 20, box 443 at St. Joseph and Navarre Cos.

13, squad 21 and truck 3. Fires. Legal Notices. Notice is hereby given that Albert Arthur Dudeck has filed his petition in St. Joseph Circuit Court to have the time and place of his birth- determined.

Said 1957. petition is set for hearing Dated this 18th day of January, January 1957. Casimir J. Pajakowski, Clerk St. Joseph Circuit Court.

NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. State of Indiana St. Joseph County, SS: In the St. 14588. Joseph Probate Court, Estate No.

In the matter. Glenn M. Martin, deceased. the Notice estate is of hereby given that Golda I. Martin was on the 15th day of January, 1957, pointed Administratrix of the estate ap- of Glenn M.

Martin, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate, whether or not now due, must file the same in said Court within six months from notice. date of the first publication of this or said claim will be forever barred. Dated at South Bend, Indiana this 15th. day of January, 1957.

Casimir Pajakowski, Clerk of the -above captioned Court. Goheen, Eichler Kopec, Attorney for. Estate. 31-21-28-41 United States District Court for the district of Northern Indiana South Bend Division, United States of America vs. parcels of land in the City of South Bend, St.

Joseph County, Indiana; Stephen Prekosovich, Veronika Prekosovich, and unknown owners. South Civil No. 2077, Notice of Condemnation. Bend To: Rt. Rev.

Msgr. John pastor. Our Lady of Hungary S. Church, Sabo, 829 West Calvert Street, South Bend, Indiana. Anna South Bend, Gergacz, 620 S.

Kendall- Street, Indiana. Catherine Gergacz, Catherine Anna Gergacz, Kathi Gergacz, 620 S. Kendall Street. South Bend, Indiana. Erma.

Gergace Mussell. Erma Gergacz, Moosic. Erma Moosic, Detroit: Michigan: Stephen: Steve- 620 S. Kendall Street, South Bend, Indiana. Michael Ger627 W.

Washington South Bend. Indiana. Ethel Gergaez, 739 W. Washington Ave. South Bend, Indiana.

Irene Gergaca, Gergace, 739 Irene W. Washington. Irene South Bend. -Indiana. Mary G.

Sideritz. Mary Sideritz, 1724 -Prairie South Bend, Indiana. Alexander Szabo, 1724 Prairie Avenue, South Bend, Indiana, Anna Hegye, Stephen Hegye for 115 Altgeld Street, South Bend. Indiana, Frank Hegye for Hagyel. S.

Frank Street, South Bend, Indiana. Justina Hegye tor 2109 S. Franklin Street. South Bend, Indiana, Theresa Fraula, Theresa Fraula Mutzl, 1310 Bissell Street, South Bend, Indiana, Mary Pallo, Prairie, Avenue, South Bend, Indiana, Nicholas Gergacz, 1725 S. Williams Street, South Bend, Indiana, Julia Baranyi, Mary Baranyi, Joseph Baranyl, Eugene Baranyi, Ethel Baranvi.

Mrs. Nick Bujtas. 733 W. Indiana South Bend. Indiana, Rose Papai, 857 Forest Avenue, South Bend.

Indiana, John Papai, 857 Forest Avenue. South Bend, Indiana, Mrs. Ko Andres, Mrs. Andras Ko. Osv.

Ko Andrasne, nata Kapur. You are hereby notified that a complaint in condemnation has heretofore been filed in the Office of the Clerk: of the United States District Court of the District of Northern Indiana in an action. to condemn an estate in feel simple in the following described proper ty for public use, to continue in use the housing constructed thereon in the orderly demobilization of the war effort. to maintain the improvements construct ed thereon, and to protect the invest ment of the United States. on said inprovements: Parcel 3: Lot 47.

Arnold a Second Addition, City of South Bend. Indiana: St. Joseph County Record Book Page 63. The authority for the taking by the Act of Congress approved August 1, 1888, -25 Stat. 357 LU.S.C, TItie 40, Sec.

257): the Act of February 26. 1931, 46 Stat, 1421 Title 40, Secs. 256 Tal to 258 the Lanham Act. Public Law 849. 76th Congress, 54 Stat.

1125 (U.S.C. Title 42, Secs. 1521 et seq.I as amended, funds having been 3,915.30 Koontz Wagner 5.17 1,691.85 George Wyman Co. 31.50 3,497.19 Karl Weiss Garage 425.00 3,925.84 Royal Typewriter 250.00 1,649.09 Economy Office Furniture 53.55 3,329.11 Sinton Supply Co, FUND, TOTALS 6,996.65 Gross SCHOOL SUPPLIESAmount Remington Rand 10.70 1,788.54 McCaffery Co. 38.08 3,732.63 Victor Zipperer 1.75 Perry Sunoco Service 4.75 1,390.29 E.

C. Seale Co. 69.60 1,863.90 Toe Budd Book Bindery 89.90 3,327.68 Greenwood 30.70 14.00 Marks Grocery 29.16 2.222.30 Roseland Fruit Market 7.75 5,202.197 Schillings 9.00 School City of S. B. 4.62 1,606.30 Business System 201.97 3,497.19 Meyers Hardware 3.25 1.783.35 Allied Inc.

307.86 2,360.00 R. L. Polk Co. 80.00 4,170.57 Belleville Lumber 4.35 14.00 Smith Nu Art Photo 2.25 270.75 Inwoods 9.42 1,606.30 Makielski Art Shop 78.50 Verd-A-Ray Corp. 339.47 7,117.70 Royal Typewriter 19.19 2.904.43 School Service Co.

138.61 8,300.26 Ideal Press 210.00 1,298.91 U. S. Post Office 108.00 3,327.68 Central Hardware 33.63 3,327.68 South Bend Lathe Works 3.12 3,992.79 Hammond Stephen 62.98 1,606.30 Wymans 12.17 1,733.35 Zeider Printing 98.41 3,757.41 Sinton Supply 12.83 4,249.73 Bens Superette 264.42 4,054.49 Palphreys School Supply 1.96 George Wheelock Co. 2.15 1.968.90 Office Engineers 39.94 Mrs. Nora Roose 2.65 14.00 KeeLox Mfg.

Co. 6.81 Makielski Art Shop 82.86 2,552.25 Roseland Pharmacy 29.44 Purdue University 41.95 3,621.09 Country Squire Grocery 40.40 1.981.26 Marion Veirs 3.75 3,497.19 North Central Assoc. 15.00 4.055.00 Weisberger Bros. 31.70 3,713.44 Office Supply Equip, 883.86 3.017.93 P. H.

Sales Comp. 1.80: 3.945.89 Mendozas 57,85 2,948.68 Kiger Co. 331.75 Sears Roebuck Co. 14.40 77.00 Roseland Lumber Co. 1.72 A 1,923.29 Purdue University 51.70 56.00 Garner Printing Co.

32.73 1.467.294 Ace Safe Locke 1.40 4.138.24 TOTAL 3.981.86 2.063.53 JANITOR SUPPLIES14.00 Al Jax Co. 11.00 7.117.801 Costello Mfg. Co. 107:30 3,327.68 Thorpes. Boats Hardware 4,116.69 Simon Bros.

43.35 1,687.15 Braham Laboratories 272.30 3,549.77 Indiana Textile Co. 102.88 3.855.00 Kiger Co. 42.94 182.50 Lewis Service 55.49 3.705.10 Marks Super Market 2.94 3,783.55 Central Hardware 144.67 3.526.39| Huntington aboratories 1,315.61 5,129.40 Huss Service Station .70 3.327.64 1 McCaffery Co. 211.89 2.669.98 Lien Chemical Co. 271.25 Churchill Mig.

Co. 380.84 4.588.15 Weisberger Bros. 1.158.11 3,548.85 TOTAL 4,134.27 3,930.84 FUEL FOR Ullery-Hartman Fuel 2.269.12 3,529.71 Sam Berman Coal Co. 2.211.78 2.423.90 Superior Coal Co. 4.803:40 3,302.63 Sinclair Refining Co.

715.06 4,461.40 TOTAL 9,999.36 1,848.44 LOANS INTEREST AND 5,093.86 INSURANCE, 2,832.00 A. G. Dominick 178.64 4.775.44 Boiler Div. Fire Marshal 7.00 3.782.97 Turrell Ins. Agency 668.71 4.421.40 Towner Ins.

Co. 1,137.83 154.00 F. L. Nelson 3.258:43 TOTAL 4,496:30 4,504.23 TELEPHONE 14.00 Ind. Bell Telephone 1,464.85 133.08 347.483.46 JANITOR SERVICEAlvin Cabanaw 2.325.00 490.00 Albert Chambers 3.720.00 140.00 Walter Davidson 1,998.50 28.00 Leslie Dubois 3.720.00 287.00 James Heisler 465.00 70.00 John Kifowit 3.720.00 644.00 Morris Kessner 1.550.00 28.00 Frank McAninch 2.170.00 378.00 Clarence McKenzie 1.240.00 14.00 George Raymond Miller 3.720.00 140.00 Virgil Landry 620.00 77.00 Charles Plummer 3.720.00 70.00 James Powell 3.720.00 210.00| Victor Zipperer 1.625.00 161.00 Bernice Huddlestun 2.415.00 7.00 Betty Foll 2.300.00 168.00 Grace Romine 1.265.00 248.50 Ann Schlundt 2,300.00 28.001 Margaret Ameigh 31.50 56.00 Barbara Apple 1,197.00 28.00 Elizabeth Cherrone 1,035.00 3,272.50 Ocea 143.00 TOTAL 45,000.00 106.30 TRANSPORTATION OF 893.70 Wilbur Beall 3,540.00 Sam Corle 3.540.00- Paul Hoy 3.540.00 Russell Huss 3.540.00 66,000.00 O-ley Neely James Owen 3,540.00 77,000.00 Leroy Plank 3.540.00 Alvin Richards 3,540.00 Henry Seifert 3.540.00 Julius Tatar 3,540.00 2.257.50 Charles Verhostra 3,540.00 2,257.501 James- York 3,540.00 John Young 3,540:00 Sylvester Moss 3.540.00 Gross TOTAL 49.560.00 Amount WATER-LIGHT POWERInd.

Mich. Electric 5.732.16 North. Ind. Pub. 267.40.

132.49 TOTAL 5,999.56 72.00 4-H RECREATION, RECREA32.00 TION EQUIP. BAND FOOT615.32 BALL SUPPLIES8.50. Lloyd Blickenstaff 790.00 42.30 Leon De Witte 80.00 17.00 Howard Fick 500.00 1,555.00 John Frazier 750.00 4.53 Thomas King 80,00 75.95 Anita Landry 900.00 78.50 Sarah Schultz 900.00 128.01 John Stinson 80.00 46.88 Dale Stroud 580.00 55.20 Sonneborns 442.00 13.80 Zeider Printing 11.75 231.30 Dixie Sport Shop 279.53 432.39 House of Harter 47.55 300.00 C. E. Lee Co.

26.10 78.00| TOTAL 5,466.93 10.00 MISCELLANEOUS 145.79 SANITATION158.37 South Side Electric 20.93 79.42 Lutz Son 44.00 10.50 Rural Sanitation 420:00 14.64 TOTAL 484.93 COMMENCEMENT68.09 Welch 24.501 Garner Printing 69.87 406.81 Dr. Christian Jung 75.00 666.42 TOTAL 400.00. 76.67 TREASURER BONDS28.00 F. Nelson 57.00 582.10 TOTAL 57.00 6.36 MEDICAL EXPENSES 16.92/ Dr. Fisher, a Thornton, 66.00 Buchanan 180.00 128.00 TOTAL 180.00 264.25 SCHOOL IBRARY266.31 Scott Foresman Co.

327,54 7.000.00 Encyclopedia Britannica 195.02 South Bend Tribune 15.00 167.52| Educational Audio Visual 48.84 7.70 Office Supply 3.10 12.75 Federation Emply. Guide 1.00 22.12| Americana Corp. 12.00 41.67 Wm. Morrow 116.69 4.95 Doubleday Co. 76.00 26.00 Supt.

of Doc. 1,45 14.00| Frederick Anderson Mag. 27.00 10.00 Field Enterprises 122.32 3.00 The Jam Handy Org. 70.97 31.00 D. C.

Heath Co. 30.10 2.25 Book Shop 648.61 .14 American Book Co. 18.14 42.95| Bruggners 9.98 1.50 C. G. Conn 20.00 5.44 Copp Music Center 125.98 6.75 E.

M. Hale Co. 90.12 8.35 Modern Binding 338.42 12.05 J. B. Lippincott Co.

355.78 21.05 Pacific Books 60.56 53.01 Black Magazine 141.10 37.75 Wilcox Follett Co. 3.85- Charles Gardner 25.25 131.60| The Garrard Press 13.86 138.001 H. W. Wilson 49.80 68.09 Charles Merrill Book 33.25 32.65 McCormick Mathers Pub. 6.25 195.19 TOTAL 2.997.49 4,50 CLERK HIRE 20.60 Dora Boggs 2,490.00 1.25 Bernice 3,055.00 127.10 Florence Spencer $1,875,00.

6.73 Marjorie Lechtanski 1,080.00 12.00 TOTAL 8,500.00 foregoing is true and correct statement of the above named township; that a complete and all accompanying vouchers showing the names by the has been filed as required by aud-tor, and that a copy of such annual report the township advisory board. Said report is of the township..

The South Bend Tribune from South Bend, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.