The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)

RADIO LOG EAR 200 SONE coM Q-0 00 00-0 0-0 CON- Examiner assumes no responsibility for 7 A. M. Barton. KFRO-News: 7:15. KPO- Guiding Rise and Shine.

Light: 11:15. KPO- Graeme Today's Children. Fletcher: 7:15, KQW- Joyce Jordan: Repeat Perform. 11:15, Two on symphony. -Sagebrush KG0- Clue, Baukhage.

EGO- News: 7:15, talking; 11:15, music. Mystery Chef. KJBS- Alarm Klok KROW- -Music hits. Klub. A.

M. 7:30 A. M. KFRO- Quiz show. KPO- -Woman in 7:45, -L news.

White: 11:45, KPO-Reveille KQW- church -Perry hymns. MaSam Hayes. son: 11:45, Tena Roundup; 7:45, KQW- News: 7:45, and Tim. -Music; 11:45, Nelson Pringle. KG0KGO- James Abbe; 7:45, Listening Blood Post.

for Victory. 8 A. M. KERO--Darrell NOON FRO Arthur DonGareth; 8:15, nell: 12:15, music. Andy and Vir- KPO -Woman of ginia.

America: 12:15. KPO Date at Ma Perkins. Eight: 8:15, KQW -Mary MarGlen Again. lin; 12:15. Irene Gavin; Beasley.

8:15, Valiant KGO News comLady. ments; 12:15, EGO- -Breakfast music. Club. Dial 8:30 A. M.

Club. AFRO- Music; 8:45, Bess Bye; music. 8:50, recipes; 12:30 P. 8:55, Lanny and Music. Ginger.

-Pepper KPO Barbara Lee; Young: 13:45, 8:45, David Right to HappiHarum. ness. KQW- Light of KQW World: 8:45, 12:45, BachAunt KG0-Breakfast Jenny. elor's Children KG0- John B. KenClub.

nedy; 12:45, M. 9:15, hymn. music; 12:50, Morton Downey. 1 M. KPO- Voice of Walter Nation: 9:15, Compton; 1:15, Larry K0W-Kate Smith, Smith: Jane Porterfield.

KG0- Glamour Wife: 1:15. Stella 9:15. Big Sister, Backstage Manor. KOW- -Art LinkDallas. 9:30 A.

M. letter: 1:25, news. 9:35, Army KG0- Radio -News: Parade. 1:15, Service Forces. KP0-Woman's KJBS- -Cope's mat.

Magazine. KFRC 1:30 P. Tommy M. KQW -Helen Treat: Harris. 9:45, Our Gal KP0-Lorenso KG0- Sunday Tom Bren- Jones: 1:45.

Widder Brown. KLX- neman. Old Vienna. KQW- New HorlKROW- KYA-Schoolchst. -Music.

EGO- -News: 1:45, zons. 10 A. M. 1:50. Ed JorgenBuddy Twiss; re- son.

view. 2 P. M. KFRO -News: FRO---News: 2:15. 10:15, music.

melody time. KP0-Ye Old KP0-When Girl KQW- Almanac. Be Marries: 2:16. Life Can Portia Faces Life. Beautiful: 10:15, KOW--Helen WinMa Perkins.

10:15, ters: 2:15, Sandra KGO- Jack -News: Berch. Martin. KSFO 10:30 10:45, A. Mrs. Ladies? M.

-What's Doin', Farrington. symEFRO 10:45. phony. Latin American American. Women's Jury.

KSFO 2:30 -Charlie P. M. KP0-Homemakers: 10:45. FRO Marshall. news.

Melody KOW-Bernadine. tour. time; 2:45, radio Flynn: 10:45. the Goldbergs. KPO- -Just Plain EGO- True story: BIll: 2:45, recipes.

Page Farrell. -Meet Missus. tory Window. -AnD Holden. 11 A.

M. KYA- Malloy. KERO Cedric Fos- 3 P. M. ter: 11:15.

Emily KSF0 -Concert. errors caused by last KPO -Road Open of House. Life; 3:15. Playhouse. 5QW -News: 3:10, Old California; 3:15.

Murray's orch. KG- Europe News: 3:15. reports. KROW-Dance matinee. Eve Jolly.

3:30 P. M. KFRO-Muste: 3:45, Johnson Family. -Rosemary; 3:45, Aunt Mary, KQW- Music: .3:45, news. EGO.

Appointment with Life. P. M. KSF0- -Varieties. KFRO-Fulton Lewis: 4:15.

Rex Miller. KP0-Dr. Kate: 4:15 news Music: 4:05, Roth's orchestra; 4:25, songs. KG0- News: 4:15, Ray Gram Swing. KYA- 4:10, calling longshoremen.

4:30 P. M. KFRC-House of Mystery; 4:45, Chick Carter. KPO Red Cross war: 4:45, H. V.

Kaltenborn. KOW- -Perry Askam. KG0- Music: 4:45, Hop Harrigan. BROW -Longhorn Joe. 5 P.

M. KFRO-Sam Hayes; 5:15, Superman. com. ments: 5:15. Betty and Bob.

KQW- -Man Named Jordan; 5:15, music. KG0- Terry and Pirates: 5:15. Dick Tracy. KJBS- Musical meandering. 5:30 P.

M. KFRO- Tom Mix: 5:45, news. News: 5:45, Peterson, news. -Harry nery: 5:45, news; 6:55. Bill Henry.

EGO Armstrong: 5:45. Capt. Midnight. -Dude Martin. 6 P.

M. Gabriel Heatter: 6:15 real stories. KPO- Eddie Cantor. -Frank Sinatra. EGO Keeping Up with the World.

dinner concert. 6:30 P. M. KSF0-Music for Remembering. KFRO-Cisco Kid.

KPO- Mr. District Attorney. KOW- Which Is Which? KG0- Band music; 6:55, story calling longshoremen. PROGRAMS LISTED BELOW are compiled from radio stations. The minute changes.

7 P. M. KSFO- -Music the Air. KFRO-Dale Carnegie: 7:15, Lowell Thomas. KP0-Kay Kyser.

KQW Great moments in music. KG0- Niles and Prindle. KROW-ItalianAmerican. Lies from Tokio. 7:30 P.

M. KFRO- Lone Ranger KPO- Kay Kyser. KOW-Milton Berle. KG0- -On stuge. 8 P.

M. KFRO- Main Line. KPO- -Supper Club: 8:15, Fleetwood Lawton. KOW- -Jack Kirkland: 8:15, music. EGO- Ted Malone: 8:15, Lum and Abner.

Ice Hockey. evening concert to 10. 8:30 P. M. Bulldoz Drummond.

EPO Carton of Cheer. KQW-Dr. Christian: 8:55. news. KGO -Counterspy.

9 P. M. Melody hour. KFRC-News: 9:15 Cecil Brown. KPO-Mr.

and North. KQW- -Jack Carson. KG0 Morgan's orchestra. 9:30 P. M.

KFRC-Music: 9:45 Stern's orchestra. KPO- Who's Dancing Tonight? KOW- -Ellery Queen. KG0- "Union Square," drama. KLX-Boxing. 10 P.

M. -Dance time. KFRO-Fulton Lewis; 10:15, news. KPO News; 10:15, music. EQW-News: 10:15, story News; 10:15, sports.

KROW-Muste Album. KJBS Music hour. 10:30 P. M. KP0-Swing time.

Foy's, orch. KQW--Music. 800-Nite Club. 11 P. M.

FRO--News: 11:15, Curt sey. KPO Swingtime. EQW -News; 11:15, organ. KG0 11:15 Johnny Nocturne. 11:30 P.

M. KFRC- Cugat's 11:45, music. KPO- -La Salle's orchestra; 11:55, I star parade. KQW- -Oliver's 11:55, news. KG0 -Morgan's orchestra: 11:45, all night.

Today's Crossword Puzzle 5 8 10 12 13 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35. 37 38 39 40 42 143 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 65 66 HORIZONTAL 61 Roman tyrant apart 51 Yearn 1 Rise 62 Counterpart of 38 Italian city 52 Cephaelis Maritime mortise 39 Crown 53 Farm building 10 Footway 63 Additional 42 Philippine native 54 Halt 14 Vacant 64 Crew 44 Deep Incised 55 Indian jackal 15 Moslem scholars 65 Not suitable wound 56 Birds 16 Pen name 66 Naturalness 46 Meager 57 Being (L.) 17. Tactful VERTICAL 47 Erect 60 Literary 19 Christmas carol 1 Mohammedan 49 Italian composer miscellany 20 One having first title hand information 2 Norse god 21 Last course Mountains Yesterday's Answers 23 Swiss river 4 Confident 24 Sewing case 5 Expressed by 25 vessel Armored war numbers FRO OMEGA Winged 30 Assumed Old soldier characters 8 Ammonia 34 Missile weapon compound (pl.) 35 Reduce 9 Bootlace 36 Related on the 10 Stipend father's side 11 Lily plant 37 So. Indian American 12 Layer 13 Arrest 38 Handcuff 18 Harem apart40 Game piece ments 41 Food plant Onward rush 43 Chum Pagan images 45 Bristly In posture of 44 Fox holes 26 Hindu Queen 46 The rabbits prayer (Gr, art.) 48 Barrier 28 Gravish-brown 50 Reception 29 Russian Store51 Variety of cedar house tree 31 Disabled 54 Florida fiching 32 Hero who flew smack on an eagle 58 Athletic field 33 Understanding 59 Cabins 136 Something set. ADVERTIsem*nT AURORA REPENT IN FARAD ON TO REE CERE FEEDERS AB CATS SEEP 0 ON NAP DEE GE SO EROS ROSY TAP CREASED US TARO A GRA ERODE LE MASTER AM AN PEELS ES OFT ADVERTISE ENT GI GLANDS and HEALTH Your glands mean a great deal to you- Thyroid, PituItary, Adrenals, etc.

Upon their healthy condition and perfect function may depend your radiant health, your personality, your future business and social success. Why endure weakness, weariness or serious illness without learning about your glands? Their fascinating story is told simply, plainly in my "Book on Glands," sent Free by writing Dept. E-429. These ailments are frequently caused by gland disorder EDWIN B. GLASS, M.D.

Arthritis Overweight Bladder Trouble Graduate of Baylor ColAsthma Rheumatism Constant Tiredness lege of Medicine, Dallas, Diabetes Sciatica Low Blood Pressure Texas. Former Member Goltre Neuralgia High Blood Pressure of the House Staff, St. Loss of Memory Headaches Vincent's Hospital, Los Lacks of Concentration Nervousness Angeles, Calif. Hours: By Appointment Only Telephone EX. 2282 For FREE Gland Book envelope plain Mail This Ad to EDWIN B.


Allsman, 1439 31st Feb. 5, a daughter. ADADOR- To the wife of Carlos Amador, 587 Lisbon Feb. 5, a son. ANDREA- To the wife of Henry Andrea, Duncan Feb.

10, a daughter. ATTINGER- To the wife of John J. Attinger, 195 Vienna Feb. 7, a son. AGUILAR- -To the wife of Edmund J.

Aguilar, San Anselmo, Feb. 5, son. BALTO- -To the wife of Fredericks E. Balto, 537 Steiner Feb. 6, a son.

BARCLAY- To the wife of Blair B. Barclay, 509 Third Feb. 6, a daughter. BARTHOLOMEW- To the wife of Stephen L. Bartholomew, 14 Bucarell Feb.

9, a son. BRATOPULOS- TO the wife of Andrew D. Bratopulos, 442 30th Feb. 6, a daughter. BEAN- To the wife of Floyd B.

Bean, 2077 Ellis Feb. 6, a daughter. BELL To the wife of Robert Bell, 32 Sacramento Feb. 8, a daughter. BELL -To the wife of James M.

Bell, 3047 California Feb. 7, a son. BERG To wife of Carl H. Berg, San Feb. daughter.

BRENNAN- To the wife of Richard E. a BYRNES- Brennan, To 3026 the Ulloa wife of John Feb. E. 5, a Byrnes, son. 130 Lexington Feb.

8, a son. BURKE To the wife of Raymond J. Burke, 2822 Moraga Feb. 1, a son. CADWELL- To the wife of Ralph L.

Cadwell, 125 Marsilly Feb. 7, a daughter. CAPPAT-To the wife of Charles F. Cappai 2915 San Bruno Feb. 6, a daughter.

CARBONI TO the wife of Achille Carboni, 18th Feb. 1, twin sons. CLARK To the wife of Maetin H. Clark, 2474 Washington Jan. 31, a daughter.

CHISM- To the wife of Earl E. Chism, Oakland, Feb. 7, a son. CRIMS- To the wife of Floyd Crims, 1246 Mariposa Feb. 8, a daughter.

COLOMBO- To the wife of Guido Colombo, 1746 La Salle Feb. 6, a son. DEVIN- To the wife of James R. Devin, Daly City, Jan. 30, a daughter.

DIEBELS To the wife of Henry G. Diebels, 9510 Dolores Feb. 7, a daughter. DUBUQUE- To the wife of Robert C. Dubuque.

Oakland, Feb. 7, a son. DUNLAP- To the wife of Tom F. Dunlap, 2644 Bayshore Feb. 7, a son.

EAGLETON- To the wife of Bobby L. Eagleton, 2107A Geary Feb. 7, a daughter. FLETCHER- -To the wife of Hope Fletcher, 441A Broderick Feb. 2, a daughter.

GRAHAM- -To the wife of Robert L. Graham, Berkeley, Feb. 3. a son. GOESCH- To the wife of Gaylord F.

Goesch, 1755 Hyde Feb. 9, a son. GOMES- -To the wife of Marshall A. Gomes, 1826 Taraval Feb. 8, a son.

GORMAN- To the wife' of John W. Gorman, 2708 Fulton Feb. 8, a daughter. GULLBERG- To the wife of Herbert E. Gullberg, 434 44th Feb.

8, a son. HAIZEL To the wife of Rudolph J. Haizel, 584 Seventh Feb. 6, a son. HEINER- To the wife of George C.

Heiner, 134 Duboce Feb. 5, a daughter. HENNESSY- To the wife of Charles E. Hennessy, 584 Victoria Feb. 3, daughter.

HIGGINS- To the wife of Norris J. Hige gins, 438 Scott Feb. 1, a son. HILL To the wife of Leonard M. HIll, 658 Arkansas Jan.

30, a son. HOULIHAN- To the wife of John C. Houllhan, Lafayette, Feb. 6, a son. HULBERT- To the wife of Roland L.

Hulbert, 5024 Third Feb. 6, a daughter. HUTCHINSON- the wife of Gerritt V. Hutchinson, 787 26th Feb. 8, a daughter, GIT- the wife of Joe Git, 731A Stockton Feb.

3, a son. JONES To the wife of Vincent A. Jones, 47 Farragut Feb. 2, a son. KEITH- -TO the wife of Theodore A.

Keith, 1620 Post Feb. 2, a son. KELLY- To the wife of Albert T. Kelly, 126 Brighton Feb. 6, a daughter.

I KNUTSEN- -To the wife of Alfred L. Knutsen, 1235 22nd Jan. 29, a daughter. LANCE- To the wife of Byron Lance, Daly City, Feb. 8, a son.

LEACH--To the wife of Laurence R. Leach San Anselmo, Jan. 27, a son. LINDE- -To the wife of Henry C. Linde, 2 Desmond Feb.

8. a son. LYDEN- -To the wife of Francis P. Lyden, 18th Feb. 3, a daughter.

LYONS To the wife of Elmer J. Lyons, 816 Taraval Feb. 6, a son. LOVETTE To the wife of Franklin F. Lovette, 1870 81st Feb.

7, a son. MAFFEI- To the wife Alfred J. Taraval Feb. 7, a daughter. MARCHIORO- -To the wife of John E.

Marchioro, 1031 Leavenworth Feb. 8, a daughter. MARTIN To the wife of Armand R. Mar. tin.

675 Fifth Feb. 3, a daughter, MATHEWS To the wife of James Mathews, 2624 Sutter Feb. 7, a daughter. MORAN- To the wife of John J. Moran, 2217 28th Feb.

7, a daughter. MUNOZ To the wife of Joseph V. Munoz, 115 Prentiss Feb. 4, a daughter. MURPHY- To the wife of Jeremiah P.

Murphy, 1135 Church Jan. 31, son. TO the wife of John T. McLaughlin, 20 Apollo Feb. 8, a daughter.

McKENNA- To the wife of William T. MeKenna, 2135 34th Feb. 7, a daughter. McLEOD- To the wife of Chester S. MeLeod.

1275 Hayes Feb. 7. a son. McGINTY To the wife of Anthony F. McGinty, 1545.

Filbert Feb. 3, a son. NG- To the wife of Harold H. Ng, 1031A Clay Feb. 6, a daughter.

NASH- To the wife of Horace G. Nash, 1485 Ellis Feb. 7, a son. NOBLE To the wife of Christopher Noble, 2376 Vallejo Feb. 2, a son.

OFFERMAN- To the wife of Paul F. Offermann, Palo Alto, Jan. 26, a son. PASQUALETTI- To the wife of Beverly J. Pasqualetti, 2046 22nd Feb.

5, a son. PENHALE- -To the wife of Leonard B. PAULUCCI Penhale, 1120 To Shrader Feb. 5, a son. the wife of Romeo Paulucci, 178 Scotia Feb.

8, a son. PAYTON- Third Army To the Trailer wife of Camp, Merl D. Feb. Payton. daughter.

PETTUD- To the wife of Isom R. Pettus, 2234 Post Feb. 9, son. POWELL To the wife of Joseph Powell, 1650 Ellis Feb. 9, a daughter.

ROGERS To the wife of Norman R. RogLake Feb. 7. A daughter. ROGERS- To the wife of Warnes Rogers, 547 Myrtle Feb, 7, a son.

THE WEATHER San Francisco and the Bay Areasional rain today, probably clearing tomorroy; cooler. Northern California- Occasional rain today, probably clearing tomorrow: cooler today, and south of Stockton tomorrow. Sierra Nevada- Rain at low elevations and snow elsewhere today, probably clearing tomorrow afternoon; colder. Sacramento, Livermore and Santa Clara Valleys- Occasional rain today, probably clearing tomorrow: cooler today. San Joaquin and Salinas Valleys- Occasional rain today, probably clearing tomorrow: cooler today and in south portion tomorrow.

Los Angeles and Vicinity, Southern Callfornia Coastal Areas- -Low cloudiness today with little or no sunshine, light drizzle this morning, somewhat cooler this afternoon. Southern California Mountain RegionsIncreasing high cloudiness today; little temperature change. Temperature 5:30 P. W. T.

Tuesday evening. February 13: Pacific Coast Station HI. Lol Station HI. Lo. Auburn 56 Riverside 76 40 Coluisa 69 41 Roseburg 56 46 Eureka 55 49 Sacramentto.

61 45 Fort Bragg. 58 51 Salinas 43 Fresno 67 40 San Diego. 60 52 Hetch Hchy. 62 33 San Francsco 58 53 Imperial 82 46 S. F.

Airport 57 51 Merced 67 38 Santa Rosa. 71 47 Oakland 58 48 Seattle 45 40 Portland Soda Springs. 48 21 Red 55 47 Stockton 70 39 Reno 63 32 Susanville 53 Special San Francisco Report Seasonal precipitation to date, 16.44. Normal to date, 14.44. Seasonal to date last year, 11.39.- Seasonal normal, 22.02.

Highest temperature this year, 44 degrees Lowest this season. 37 degrees on January (Season beginning July 1, ending June '30.) Depth of snow on the ground at Soda Springs, 61 Inches. Sun, Moon and Tide WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14 Sun rises 8:02 am Sun sets 6:47 pm Moon rises 9:37 am Moon sets 9:24 pm FEBRUARY 14 TO FEBRUARY 20 Pacific War Time (Heights In feet.) Day Time Ht. Time Ht. Time Ht.

Time Ht. High Low. High. Low. 14.2:11 5.1 7:26 1.7 13:28 5.8 20:03 15.2:48 5.2 8:21 1.4 14:25 5.4 20:45 16.3:29 5.4 9:23 1.1 15:29 4.8 21:29 0.5 17.4:13 5.5 10:27 0.9 16:40 4.3 22:18 1.2 18.4:59 5.5 11:41 0.6 18:07 4.0 23:14 1.9 19.5:50 5.5 13:00 0.3 19:39 3.9 Low.

High. Low. High. 20.0:17 2.4 6:50 5.5 14:09 0.0 21:00 4.0 DRUNKENNESS ESS Stop that terrible crave ing in from 2 to 5 days. The HALCO Sanitarium for men and women.

Ph. PI. 6161 5538 Telegraph Ave. Oakland 9, Calif. Mall this advertisem*nt for free literature.

ES EN Tina L. -In Emmert, Los loving Angeles, mother of 11, Glady 1945, L. Chabot. Friends are invited to the fuat the chapel of Golden Undertakneral services Wednesday, attend, p. ing 1550 California nr.

Polk. ENGLISH- -In this city, Feb. 12, 1945, Frank English, beloved brother of Mrs. Ida F. Hogan, Mrs.

Alice E. Thane, Edgar F. English and the late Dr. Chas. F.

and George E. English; a native of San Francisco. Private service was held Tuesday, Feb13, at Gray's, Divisadero St. at Post. Adam Fasani, S.

killed in action January 10, 1945, son of Mrs. Osola Fasani, brother of Mrs. Eva Daldini, Ida Fasani and Louis Fasani. Relatives, friends and acquaintances are invited to attend mass at St. Brigid's Church, Van Ness Ave.

and Broadway, Thursday morning, February 15th, at 7:30 a. m. FENN- -In this city, Feb. 13, 1945, Lyman beloved husband of the late Jane B. Fenn, devoted father of Rev.

Lyman A. Finn, 8. Gertrude Finn and Mrs. Loretta Ledden, loving brother of Charles B. and the late Alvin Finn.

A member of San Francisco Council 2833, K. Ignatian Council No. 35, M. Hesperian Parlor, N. S.

G. W. and Holy Name Society of Star of the Sea Parish. Remains at the family residence, 125 Balboa after 4 p. m.

Wednesday. Funeral notice in tomorrow's, paper. (Jas. H. Reilly Co.) GREGG In Oakland, February 12, 1945, John Gregg, beloved husband of Ann Haar Gregg and brother of Fred R.

and E. H. Gregs of Pasadena, Elizabeth Gregs of Angeles and Mrs. Alice Warren of Ireland; a native of Ireland, aged 46 years. A member Canadian Legion, B.

E. S. No. 14, of Hayward. Friends are invited to attend the services at the Garden Chapel of the PrattFlierl Mortuary, 1044 Hayward, Thursday, Feb.

15, 1945, at 2 p. m. Closing services, Mt. View Crematory. -In this beloved city, February husband 12, of 1945, Albert Jesse, Edna M.

Harris, devoted father of Elizabeth Harris Ferguson of Coronado, Calif. member of Pyramid Lodge No. 562, A. San Francisco Bodies, A. A.

8. Islam Temple, A. A. 0. N.

M. Captain of Islam Patrol, and Royal Order of Jesters, Court No. 4. Funeral services Wednesday afternoon, 1 o'clock, at the mortuary of Halsted 1123 Sutter Street, near Polk, under the auspices of Pyramid Lodge No. 562, F.

A. M. IBURG- -In this city, Feb. 11, 1945, Herman (Ham) Edward, beloved husband of Katherine H. Iburg, devoted father of Mrs.

Helen C. Blake, idolized grandfather of Sue Blake, loving brother of Mrs. Matilda Hall and Mrs. Henrietta Wollesen; a native of San Francisco. Funeral services will be held WednesFeb.

14, at 2 p. at English, the Memorial Chapels of Carew Masonic at Golden Gate Ave. JACKSON-In this city, February 11, 1945, Amelia Jackson, dearly beloved wife of the late Thomas Edward Jackson, loving mother of George, Edgar, Sidney, Harry, James, Edna and Thomas Jackson, Mrs. Edward Renstrom and A. W.

Smith, beloved sister of John Nelson, Mrs. Hugo Wise, Mrs. Walter Wise, William, Harry and Roddy Jackman; a native of Wisconsin, aged 72 years. Friends are Invited to attend the funeral services Friday, Feb. 16th, at 2:30 p.

2919 from Mission the Chapel nr. of 25th. H. F. Interment, Woodlawn Memorial Park.

KRAUSE- In this city, of Feb. 13, late 1945, Mayme beloved wife the John D. Krause, loving mother of Mrs. June K. Lasater, William G.

and Roswell T. Furlong. Friends are invited to attend the funeral Friday, at 9 from the Evergreen Mortuary of McA voy-O' Hara Geary Blvd. at Tenth and Lawton thence to Holy Name Church, 40th where requiem mass will be celebrated at 9:30 a. m.

Interment, Presidio at S. F. In this wife city, of Feb. Harry 12, Mac- 1945, artney, loving daughter of the late Josephine, beloved John Philip and Katherine Long; a native of Detroit, Mich. Funeral services Thursday, Feb.

15, at 1 p. at the parlors of Comisky 1159 Valencia bet. 22nd and 23rd Sts. Cremation Cypress Lawn Memorial Park. MAHER- Feb.

12, 1945, T. Francis (Frank), beloved son of Mary and the late James Maher, loving brother of Mary James Pfc. John U.S.A., and Martin G. Maher, Mrs. Agnes Maloney, Sister Mary Georgina of the Sisters of Mercy, loving nephew of Martin and the late Mary Maher, idolized uncle of Marilyn and Patricia Maher and Jackie and Dolores Maloney, beloved brother-in-law of Gertrude Maher and John 8.

Maloney; a native of San Francisco. Friends are invited to attend the funeral Thursday, Feb. 15th, at 9:30 a. from Duggan's, 3434 17th thence to St. Peter's Church, where a solemn requiem mass will be offered at 10 a.

m. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery. MASCARELLO- In Camp Shoemaker, Feb. 12, 1945, Nathan Joseph, beloved son of the late August and Christina Mascarello and loving brother of Angelo, Frank and August Mascarello, Mrs. Angelina Crowley, Mrs.

R. J. Dinegri and the late Carmelita Mascarello; a native of San Francisco. A member of Presidio Parlor No. 194, N.

S. G. and a vet eran of World War No. 1. The funeral will take place Friday, Feb.

16, at 10 a. from the Memorial Chapels of Carew English, Masonic at Golden Gate thence to Holy Name Church, Lawton at 40th where a requiem mass will be offered for the repose of his soul, commencing at 10:30 a. m. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery. MILLER- In this city, February beloved 12, 1945, of Bertha Elliott Miller, mother Vivian Miller of San Francisco and Santa Barbara.

(Santa Barbara, papers please copy.) Funeral services Wednesday afternoon, 2:30 o'clock, at the mortuary of Halsted 1123 Sutter Street, near Polk. MUDGETT -At rest, Feb. 11th, beloved 1945, mother Josephine Mudgett, dearly of Mrs. Janet Wormell, beloved grandmother of Edna Wormell, loving sister of Henry Coffin and Mrs. Sybil Martin.

Private funeral services were held 11 m. Wednesday, Feb. 14th, at Anderson's, Valencia Street at 25th St. Interment, Woodlawn Memorial Park. NAUMOFF--In beloved this city, Feb.

11, 1945, AlexMatrona, mother of Sgt. ander Naumov, U.S.A.A. and Mrs. Jane Bonaccoral: a native of Siberia, Russia. A member of Warehousem*n's Union, Local No.

860. Friends may call at the Russian Holy Virgin Cathedral, Green at Van Ness Ave. Funeral services Wednesday, commencing at 9 a. m. Interment, Serbian Cemetery.

(San Francisco Funeral Service.) (Daphne Dir. MA. 1313.) NEARY-In this city, Feb. 11, 1945, Agnes, beloved wife of the late John T. Neary, loving mother of Charles and George Neary, sister of Margaret O'Donnell.

Private services were held Tuesday morning. (Halsted Co.) PARODI In this city, Feb. 13, 1945, Giuseppe Parodi, dearly beloved husband of Mary Parodi, loving father of Henry, Lawrence, Emily, Frank and Victor Parodi, dear brother of Mrs. Edith Solari, Lena, Jenny, Louis and James Parodi, grandfather of Diana, Raymond and Marlene Parodi; a native of Italy, member of Court California No. 4, F.

of A. Friends are invited to attend the funeral Saturday, Feb. 17th, at 9 a. from the Chapel of H. F.

Suhr 2919 Mission near 25th, thence to the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Folsom at Precita, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 9:30 a. m. Interment, Italian Cemetery, PHILLIPS- -Feb. 12, 1945, Grace, beloved of Mrs. Jane Plagemann, grandmother, of Bauman, Peggy Florence Plagemann, Towle and sister Er- of nest Fairchild.

A member of Harmony Chapter No. 124, 0. E. S. Friends are invited to attend the funeral services Wednesday at 2 p.

at Ashley McMullen's, 4200 Geary Blvd. at Sixth under the auspices of Harmony Chapter No. 124, 0. E. S.

REID- -In MIll Valley, Feb. 13. 1945, Charles beloved husband of Bessie F. Reid, devoted brother of Mrs. Lauretta Ruddell, Mrs.

Clara Montgomery, Mrs. Madge Kinnie and the late Harvey Peachman, loving uncle of Mrs. Betty Middleton. A member of S. F.

Typographical Union 21. Funeral Thursday, 2 p. from Jas. H. Reilly 29th and Dolores Sts.

Interment, Cypress Lawn Memorial Park. RUSHING--In this city, Feb. 12. 1945, Louisa beloved wife of William H. Rushing, loving mother of Mrs.

C. D. Joss, Mrs. E. Lamerding, Mrs.

F. Luippold, Starr, E. Hogan of Millbrae, Mrs. H. Luippold, Mrs.

F. Chorovsky, Harry Liffers, Myrtie C. and Pvt. Raymond M. Rushing, U.

S. and the late Elmer A. Melvin and Thomas Rushing, sister of Mrs. W. C.

Allen of Tracy, Calif. Friends are invited to attend the funeral services Thursday, at 1:30 p. from the Evergreen Mortuary of McAvoy-O' Hara Geary Blvd. at Tenth Ave. Interment, Golden Gate National Cemetery.

SAUVE-In this city, February husband 10, 1945. Charles beloved of Elsie Sauve, loving father of Glibert C. U. S. Marine Corps; a native of Canada.

A member of International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers No. 6. A mass of requiem will be offered Thursday morning, at 10 o'clock, at St. Mary's Cathedral (Van Ness and O'Farrell Streets). Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery, Friends may call at the mortuary of Halsted 1123 Sutter Street.

SCHINKEL -In this city, Feb. 12. 1945. Vera Schinkel. dearly beloved wife of Alfred Schinkel, loving mother of Patricia Eleanor Schinkel, loving daughter of the late William and Eleanor Macomber and sister of Clifford Macomber: Sun Francisco Exuminer Feb.

14, 1945 ROY- To the wife of Samuel L. Roy, 2939 Pine Feb. 7, a son. SAMPSON- To the wife of Edgar E. SampBerkeley, Feb.

7, a son. SHAW- To the wife of Walter S. Shaw, 220 Hill Top Feb. 7, a daughter. SPENCER- -To the wife of Arthur Spencer, 229 Double Rock Feb.

9, a daughter. SPENCER- -To the wife of William J. Spencer, 429 Tocoloma Feb. 6, SHIELDS- To the wife of Louis P. Shields, 1121 Bush Feb.

son. SHIELDS To the wife of Owen R. Shields, 102 Dakota Feb. 3, a son. SMITH- TO the wife of Paul R.

Smith, 825 Shrader Feb. 6. a son. SMITH- To the wife of Robert L. Smith, 2925 Jackson Feb.

7, a son. BUNTING -To the wife of Floyd Bunting, 20th Feb. 5, a daughter. SKOLD- To the wife of Bernard H. Skold, 540A East Terrace, Presidio, Jan.

29, a. daughter. SOKOLOW To the wife of Sokolow, 3452 Jackson Feb. daughafaurice, ter. SPURR- To the wife of Robert E.

Spurr, 2659 Lombard Feb. 4, a son. TOLLEFSON- the wife of Ronaid Tolletson, 40 Perry Feb. 7, a daughter. VAUGHT- To the wife of John L.

Vaught, Dos Palos, Feb. 4, a daughter. VOELZ To the wife of Donald G. Voelz, Richmond, Feb. 4, a son.

WHATLEY- To the wife of Robert B. Whatley, Oakland, Feb. 6, 8 son. WEBSTER- To the wife of Joseph B. Webster, 1031 Leavenworth Feb.

1, a daughter. WEDDLE- -To the wife of Donald E. Weddie, 617 Ellis Feb. 6, a daughter. WILSON- -To the wife of William E.

Wilson. 1905 Clement Feb. 7, a son. WOOD- -To the wife of Merle Wood, 478 27th Feb. 7, a daughter.

ZEALEAR- To the wife of David S. Zealear, 349 Gonzales Feb. 6, a daughter. The Examiner extends cOngratulations and best wishes on their contemplated marriage to the following: Marriage Licenses Issued WEDDING RINGS. 18 k.

gold; plain beautifully carved. $5 up. SAMUELS, House of Lucky Wedding Rings, 856 Market Street. San Francisco, MARRIAGE Health Certificates and Tests complete, $2.50. C.

R. Wright, M. and Staff at S. Laboratories, 9-7: Sat. 9-4.

Est. 30 yrs. 690 Market 8th fl. DO. 4926 ADERSON-HARRIS Loretta Vincent Anderson, 23, U.

S. G. and Harris, 21, Brooklyn, N. Y. ALBRIGHT-HYSELL George Albright 19, U.

S. Navy, and Doris Hysell, 18, Oklahoma City, Okla. Victor Anaya, Oakland, and Lucy Ramirez, 23, 646 Natoma St. Barnett, 23, U. S.

Navy, and Susan Miller, 21, U. Navy. BLISS-NELSON Philip Bliss, 22. San Diego. and Nancy Nelson, 20, Sea View Ter.

BORELLI-BEI- Ralph, Borelli, 24, U. Navy, and 25, 1644 1 Revere Ave. BUNN-WORCESTER "ERa Harry Bunn, 55. 840 Iva Worcester, 51, 840 Capp St. CARR-AUDISS -Donnie Carr, 21, Titonka, and Shirley Audiss, 18, Fetter's Springs.

-Roy Veenon Case, 19, U. S. Navy, and Verna Artz, 17, Richmond, Calif. -Kendall Cahill, 22, U. 8.

Navy, and Virginia Martindale, 16. Los Angeles, Calif. COX-SCHUSTER Roy Cox, 20, U. S. Army, and Mary Schuster, 18, 2317 30th Ave.

CHAPMAN-SCHONBERG Harry Chapman 22. Philadelphia, and June Schonberg. 18. 800 26th Ave, Bill Cress. 22, U.

S. Navy, and Ione Mitchell, 21, Alameda, Calif. COOPER-WOOD Hardwick Cooper, 31. Mt. Vernon.

and Helen Wood, 34, Richmond, Calif. COLLINSWORTH-KELLEHER Ernest Collinsworth, 19. U. S. Navy, and Dolores Kelleher, 17, 236 Prospect Ave.

COLBERT-HISH- -Gene Colbert, 21, Casey, and Viola Hish. 21, Virginia, Ill. DARNEILLE-ROBERTS Vernon Darneille, 31, Yountville, and Jean Roberts, 30. Eureka, Calif. -Harry Dempsey, 22, Erlanger, and Sylvia Giordano, 23.

3700 Cabrilio St. -Louis Enrico, 36, Reno, and Amelia Bozzo, 25, 1338 Quesada Ave. -Frank Fitzpatrick. 24. U.

S. Navy, and Ruth Reusch, 20. U. 8. Navy.

FRAZIER-PANDRES- -Rawls Frazier, 24, U. S. Navy, and Mary Pandres, 21, Alhambra. Calif. FRENCHMEYER ZIMMERMAN Joe Frenchmeyer, 19, U.

8. Navy, and Johnnie Zimmerman, 18, 841 24th Ave. GAVIN-SALVAREZZA Joseph Gavin, 24, 2239 19th Ave. and Muriel Salvarezza, 23. 2146 Bay St.

GRIFFITH-GEBLER Charles Griffith, 27. 645 Bush and Alyce Gebler, 25, Palm Springs, Calif. HALLEY-DANIELS Dwight Halley, 26, U. 8. Army, and Rosamond Daniels, 36, S.

Army. HALL John Hall, 23. 786 Jackson and Ping Lee. 26, 1111 Stockton St. -William Hard, 21, U.

S. Navy, and Lois Henning, 18, Louisville. Ky. JAHN -George Jahn, 21, Des Plaines, and Frances Langton, 20, 1675 35th Ave. JACKSON-DIKAS James Jackson, 24, Torrence.

and Katherine Dikas, 20. 2040 Alemany Blvd. -Karloff Johansen, 31. 237 Jefferson and Dagney Grassness. 26.

Seattle, Wash. Army, and Madjal -Henry Nielsen, Klein, 24, 26, U. U. Navy. Sidney Keizer, 21, U.

8. Navy, and Faye Farrington, 18. 1090 Dolores St. KREHOFF-BLAZEK Krehoff, 24, U. S.

Navy, and Constance Blazek, 20. 819 Oak St. William Law. rence, 39, Merced, and Edna Aydlott. 38.

Oakland, Calif. George Lopach, 26, U. 8. Any, and Jeanne Phillips, 26, 2329 Turk St. Leroy Longerbohn 23.

Grace, and Betty McPherren, 25, Chicago, Ill. Johnnie Mazzilli, 28. Stockton, and Dorothy Pulas, 27, Stockton. Calif. MEYER-LUDEMAN- -Elmer Meyer, S.

Army, and Marian Ludeman, 28, U. S. Army, MILNER-ROXIN-Faybian Milner. 23. U.

S. Navy. and Shirley Roxin, 20, Baltimore, Md. Clifford McDonald, 37, 1082 U. 8.

Navy, and Julia Lang, 34, Pine St. MORALES-CONDE Frank Morales, 38, U. S. Army, and Helen Conde, 32, 529 Waller St. Richard MeDaniel, 30, 250 Kearny and Evelyn Randolph, 22.

Pueblo, Colo. Eugene Majewski, 28, U. S. Army, and Mary Bruchman, 28, 53 Palm Ave. NASTARI-BAUGHMAN Augustus Nastari, 27.

27, U. S. Army, and June Baughman, 1154 Capp St. NARCY-FORD- Bernard Narcy, 29. U.

S. Navy, and Margaret Ford, 29, 330 Maynard St. NISLEY-FOY- -Frank Nisley 26, U. 8. Navy, and Patty Foy, 27, 2614 mento St.

bruns. 21, U. 8. Navy, and Louise OeltjenKurtz, 18, 1958 Sacramento St. Cecil Priest, 20, U.

S. Navy, and Grace Mendes, 21, 2324 24th St. Charles Pridmore, 25. 795 Kirkwood and Melba Bishop. 28.

364 South Ridge Rd. Richard Planezzl, 21, 2901 Gough and Irene Orfanos, 20. 2835 Van Ness Ave. Joseph Rietzler, 50. 323 Geary and Erna Grill, 40, 3721 Clement St.

ROBINSON-LOWE- Carlos Robinson Jr. 24, U. 8. Navy, and Mary 20. Glendale.

REESE-ROBBINS-Robert Reese, 24, U. Auction Sales ALFRED B. CLARK 1742 Geary St. Tel. WAlnut 7040 "Dependable service over quarter Century" ANTIQUE AND MODERN HOME FURNISHINGS BRIC-A-BRAC and PAINTINGS Modish furniture and embellishments of dozen well equipped homes, together with entire stock of a commercial collector of antiques, and 8 gallery of paintings by well known artists, among which are pictures signed, WIll Sparks, Hagerup, Stuart and several European masters.

Art objects, old china and glass. Music box off an old elipper ship, early American and carved French and English furniture, Persian and domestic rugs, etc. Tomorow, 11 A.M. Modern living room, bedroom, dining room. and dinette suites and odd pieces, smart occasional furniture of all descriptions, ranges, circulating heaters, several radios, electrie appliances, chesterfields, studio divans, screens, Lane cedar chest, art leaded glass window lamps, clocks, Simmons beds, coll and box springs, inner spring mattresses, dressers and chests, bedding and draperies, etc.





Abeille, dearly beloved husband of Claire Abellle: a native of La Crau Var, France, aged 58 years months 14 days. A member of Bernal Heights Post No. 538, American Legion. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral on Thursday, Feb. 15, at 1:15 p.

from the chapel of Valente, Marini, Perata 649 Green St. Interment, Golden Gate National Cemetery. BECKTELL- -In this city, Feb. 12, 1945, Willard beloved husband of Pauline Becktell, devoted father of Willard G. Becktell Ir.

and loving brother of E. H. Becktell and Earl Becktell. A member of Calif. State Bar Assn.

and the Pacific Rod and Gun Club. Funeral Wednesday at 1 p. from Gantner, Felder, Kenny Chapel, 1965 Market Street at Duboce Ave, BERRIMAN- this city, Feb. 11th, 1945, Washington I. Berriman, dearly beloved husband of Karen Berriman, loving father of Edith, Ingrid, Crp.

Dunstan, Harriet, Pvt. Irving and Dorothy, beloved brother of Mrs. Lena Rogers and Hannibal Berriman; a native of Grass Valley, aged' 75 years. Friends are invited to attend funeral services, 9 a. m.

Thursday, Feb. 15th, at Anderson's, Valencia Street at 25th St. CAPPELLETTI--In this city, Feb. 11, 1945, John Cappelletti, dearly beloved husband of Clotilde Cappelletti, loving father of Aldiva and Jean Cappelletti, beloved brother of Louis and Dan Cappelletti and three sisters in Italy and nephew of F. Molteni; a native of Italy, aged 52 A member of Volta Grove No.

A. 0. D. Friends are invited to attend the funeral Thursday, Feb. 15.

at 9 a. m. from the Chapel of H. F. Suhr 2919 Mission nr.

25th; thence to the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Folsom nr. Precita, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 9:30 a. m. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery. -In this city, February of Amy 12.

1945, Alfred, beloved husband Carhart; a native of Chicago, Ill. A member of Pipefitters' Union, Local No. 590. The San Francisco Funeral Service forwarded remains to Tonesboro, Illinois, for services and interment. (Daphne Dir.

MA. 1313.) CASEY-In San Mateo, Feb. 11, 1945, Patrick beloved husband of the late Catherine Casey, loving father of Mrs. Marie Laverty, Mrs. Jo Ann Forrester and Gerald J.

Casey, U. 8. Army, grandfather of Barbara, Jaqueline, Patricia and Robert W. Forrester and Michael Laverty; a native of Ireland. (Portland, papers please copy.) Friends are invited to attend the funeral Friday, Feb.

16th, 17th at 8:30 a. thence from Duggan's, 3434 to St. Paul's Church, where a requiem high mass will be offered at 9 a. m. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery.

COHN- uel, beloved city, husband of Rose Cohn, deIn this Feb. 13, 1945. Samvoted father of Charles Cohn and Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Biermann, loving brother of Sarah German, Esther Weisman and Tevia Cohn.

Services Wednesday, 11:30 a. Sinai Memorial Chapel, Divisadero St. at Geary. Interment, Salem Memorial Park. CONWAY- -At rest in Redwood City, dearly Feb.

be13, 1945, John A. Conway, loved husband of Mary Conway, father of the late Joseph and John Conway, brother-in-law of Capt. Con C. Sullivan of San Francisco; a native of Chicago, aged 82 years. A member of Harbor Club of San Francisco and a member of Holy Name Society of Our Lady of Mt.

Carmel Church. Funeral services will be conducted Thursday at 9:30 a. from the Franklin Crowe Mortuary, Redwood City; thence to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, where a requiem mass will be said for the repose of his soul, commencing. at 10 o'clock.

Interment will follow at Holy Cross Cemetery at Colma. A Rosary will be recited Wednesday evening at 8 p. in the mortuary chapel. DAVIS- In this city, Feb. 13, 1945, Israel beloved husband of Sadie Davis, brother of Mendel Davis.

Service Wednesday, 10 a. Sinal Memorial Chapel, Divisadero St. at Geary. DEVERT-At 450 40th Oakland, Feb. 12, 1945, Ethel Pearl, beloved wife of Charles C.

Devert, loving mother of Frederick C. Devert of Oakland and Mrs. Raymond E. Carpenter of Burbank, California, grandmother of Robert J. and Carpenter, Mr.

Henry R. Franklin of Provisister of Mrs. Jessie McCurdy Rhode Island; a native of Providence, R. aged 59 years. A member of Ivy Chapter, Eastern Star, and the Rockridge Court, Amaranth.

Friends may call at the P. Bannon Mortuary, 6800 East 14th Oakland. Closing services private. For further information call TR. 1011.) DIABETI In this city, Feb.

12, 1945, Louis Diabeti, beloved husband of Oleta Diabeti: a native of Pittsburgh, Penn. A resident of Mill Valley, Calif. Remains forwarded from Parkview Funeral Home (John C. Halloran), 1266 9th to San Diego for interment. GREGORIO-I this city, Feb.

13, 1945, Anna, devoted wife of Luigi Di Gregorio, idolized mother of Richard, U. 8, A. A. and Olga Di Greand loving sister of Mrs. Katherine gorio, D1 Gregorio and Ernest Carnival.

Funeral Friday at 8:45 a. from Gantner, Felder, Kenny Chapel, 1965 Market St. at Duboce thence to St. Mary's (Paulist) Church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated at 9:30 a. m.

Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery, DORAN-Feb. 13, 1945, Daniel beloved husband of the late Christina Doran, beloved father of Sister Mary Francis of the Holy Names of J. Mrs. J. Giles Miller, Mrs.

Walter Phelan, John Daniel E. and Joseph A. Doran; a native of Kilkeel, County Down, Ireland. Friends are invited to attend the funeral Thursday, Feb. 15th, 1945, at 8:30 A.

from Duggan's, 3434 17th near Valencia, thence to St. Emydius Church, where a requiem high mass will be offered at 9 a. m. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery, DUMESNIL- In this city, Feb. 13.

1945, Eugene beloved husband of Alice Dumesnil, loving father of Pfc. Eugene E. Dumesnil, U. S. Army, and Robert F.

Dumesnil. The funeral will take place Thursday, Feb. 15th, at 9:30 a. from the Memorial Chapels of Carew English, Masonic at Golden Gate thence to St. Thomas the Apostle Church, Balboa St.

at 40th where a requiem mass will be offered for the repose of his soul, commencing at 10 a. m. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery. ELLISON-In this city, February 11th. 1945, Ruby R.

Ellison, dearly beloved daughter of Elias E. Ellison, loving sister of Charlotte Petzold and Thomas J. Ellison, beloved aunt of Mrs. Roxanna Wiley and Justin Lynne and Richard Ellison. Private funeral services were held 2 o'clock p.

Tuesday, February 13th, at Anderson's Valencia Street at 25th St. Interment, Cypress Lawn Memorial Park. Navy, and Dorothy Robbins, 22, 2439 Buchanan St. SPARROW- DREW John Sparrow, 29. Belmont, and Nan Drew, 25, 230 Santa Clara Ave.

SELLERS-BRAND- -Raymond Sellers, 39, 137 Gillette and Mary Brand, 21, 135 Gillette Ave. SLIVKA-WILSON- -Emil Slivka, 27. U. S. Army, and Lavina Wilson, 23, 32 Ord St.

SALTSTROM-DIETZKO- Sidney Saltstrom, 18, U. 8. Navy, and Aldine Dietzko, 18, 510 Stockton St. SPENCER-WEIGAND Claude Spencer, 23. U.

S. Navy, and Helen Weigand, 25, 135 22nd Ave. Deaths L. 58 To insert a "CARD OF THANKS" "IN MEMORIAM" "MASS NOTICE" or "MEMORIAL DEDICATION" on this page Phone Sutter 2424 and ask for Miss Ford. She will gladly assist you with helpful information re.

garding the correct wording and publication. tive of Sacramento, aged 37 years. A member of Twin Peaks Parlor No. 185, N. D.

G. W. Friends are invited to attend the funeral Thursday. Feb. 15, at 9:30 a.

from the Chapel of H. F. Suhr 2919 Mission nr. 25th; thence to St. Anthony's Church, Army St.

nr. Folsom. where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 10 a. m. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery.

SCHIOLDAGER-In -In this city, wife Feb. 13, 1945, Anna Emily, beloved of the late Emil Schioldager, loving mother of Mrs. James E. Smith, William E. and Franes Schioldager, grandmother of Mrs.

Ruth Miller, James C. and William U. Smith, Harold and Isabelle Schioldager; a native of Denmark, aged 85 years. Friends are invited to attend the funeral services tomorrow (Thursday), at 2:30 p. at the Chapel of H.

F. Suhr Mission nr. 25th. ment, Woodlawn Memorial Park. SCHNEPPLE In Oakland, February 13, 1945, George, beloved son of the late George and Rosa Schnepple, beloved brother of Ernest, Robert, Frank, and Mrs.

George Nimmo and the late Fred Schnepple; 8 native of Philadelphia, aged 70 years. A member of the Letter Carrier's Assn. Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services Thursday, Feb. 15th, at 10:30 a. at the Fruitvale Chapel of the Clarence N.

Cooper Mortuary, 1580 Fruitvale Oakland. (KE. 3-4114.) TRAUNER- Santa Clara, Feb. 10, 1945, Henrietta Trauner, beloved wife of the late Jerome Trauner, loving mother of Harry Trauner of San Mateo, Mrs. Irene Sands of Los Vegas, New Mexico, Dandel Trauner of San Francisco and Bernard Trauner, U.

S. sister of Allan Waas of Oakland, Myra Waas and Mrs. Clara Haymaker of Shavertown, Penn. Private funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the Chapel of Sneider Sullivan, San Mateo. VANCE- this city, Feb.

12, 1945, Maria beloved mother of James R. Vance, loving grandmother of Richard Vance and Winnifred Bill. loving greatgrandmother of Carole Joy Vance, Kathleen and Gerald Bill, loving sister of Mrs. Ione Barkhausen; a native of Kentucky, aged 80 years. Friends are invited to attend the funeral services Wednesday, Feb.

14th, at 1 p. at the Chapel of H. F. Suhr 2919 Mission nr. 25th.

Inurnment, Woodlawn Memorial Park. WEINBERG -In this city. Feb, 13, 1945, Yetta, beloved wife of Uchiel Weinberg, devoted mother of Hyman, Morris, Harry (A. U. Jack and Aaron Flowers- when sadness comes to someone you know, sending flowers conveys a message of sympathy beyond compare.



4127. Mills Building Flower Shop 200 MONTGOMERY. YU. 1447. MOHR TAMKE 2850 21ST STREET.

VALENCIA 0937 BELMONT FLORISTS 2360 FILLMORE. WE. 9882. Weinberg, Leah Schendel, Gladys cer and Ann. Kaufman, and the late Isadore Weinberg, loving grand and great-grandmother.

(Sacramento papers please copy.) Services Wednesday, 2. p. Sinal Memorial Chapel, Divisadero St. at Geary. Interment, Salem Memorial Park.

WILCOXON- this city, February 13, 1945, Emmet 0., beloved husband of Bernice Wilcoxon, loving brother of Price, Noble, Newton, Virgil Wilcoxon and Mrs. Sallie Wells. Funeral services Thursday morning, 11 o'clock, at the mortuary of Halsted de 1123 Sutter Street, near Polk. WIRTH-In Millbrae, Feb. 11, 1945, Henrietta M.

Wirth, beloved wife of the late William A. Wirth, loving mother of Mrs. Edna Gandy of Millbrae, Roy Nielsen of San Francisco, Allan J. Nielsen of Richmond and Robert F. Storms of San Mateo, loving sister of Mrs.

M. Stieper, Mrs. John Olsen, Mrs. Lillian Hall William Akmann of San cisco and Mrs. J.

J. Reynolds of Vallejo, a native of San Francisco, aged 62 years, A member of Golden Gate Council No. D. of Trinity Chapter No. 434, 0.

E. Frederick Funston Auxiliary. U. S. W.

Ladies' Auxiliary, 8. F. Rifle Club. Friends are Invited to attend the funeral services Wednesday, Feb. 14, al 2:30 p.

at the chapel of H. F. Suhr 2919 Mission near 25th. Interment, Olivet Memorial Park. In Memoriam FRITSCH, ELIZABETH loving meme ory of my aunt on her 88th birthday day, Sadly missed by her niece.

ALICE K. FOX. HENNESSY, ELIZA -A valentine of 11v. memories for our mother, who left us three years ago today. Mother, we miss you.

HENNESSY, JOHN HENTZELL, FLORENCE CONKLIN, KATHERINE HUNT. Funerals Distinguished Complete Funerals Truly Reasonable Prices HALSTED DIERKS 901 DIVISADERO STREET Faithfully serving the publie for more then sixty years. UNITED UNDERTAKERS (Established July 1883) 1096 South Van Ness Ave. at 22nd St. PHONE VALENCIA 5100 CYPRESS LAWN MEMORIAL PARK San Francisco's Oldest and Most Beautiful Non-Sectarian Perpetual Care CEMETERY CREMATORY COLUMBARIUM MAUSOLEUM Founded 1892 TELEPHONE RANDOLPH 0580 The Most Beautiful Edifices and Sanctuaries in the West CEMETERY Supt.

Office RA. 6588 CREMATORIUM City Office COLUMBARIUM Phelan MAUSOLEUM GA. 3704 Bldg. The most enduring thing you will ever provide for those you love is a final resting place. it represents the last act of devotion and protection, like life Insurance.

Call upon our Superintendent write for Illustrated Booklet. I WOODLAWN MEMORIAL PARK NON-SECTARIAN MASONIC CEMETERY ASSOCIATION NIGHT AND DAY 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, a trained staff is on duty at Gray's. Immediate availability in time of need. N.GRAY Funeral Service. Since 1850 SAN FRANCISCO: 1545 Divisedero at Post, Tel.

Walnut 1231 BURLINGAME: 23 California Drive, Tel. 3-5691 GRAY CO. (221 Park Read, Tel. 3-3689.

The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)


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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.