The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

1 PAGE EIGHT 1 Society Bliss Frances Grant And Miss Laura Rutherfoord Mayo Return From Virginia Beach; Mrs. Pernet Patterson of New York Visiting Here. Miss Frances Grast and Mine Laure Mayo I return frees a visit la Virginia Beach, Mine Mayo Me -ou her Farmington while Mias Grant has returned 1 Briar College, where: she is secretary to the 1. Kra. p*rno Patterson of New Tork arrived at the Calversity.

where she will short time as Mr. Frederick en Rugby Road. Mrs. Patterses formarty made her University Arch. Lupton Family Holds Reunion Th' family held its reunion recently with dinner la Melatire Park.

and Mire. W. N. Lapton, Mr. Among these present a were: Hrs Fred Laptea, Mrm.

Dulaney, Pickering. Mrs. Huckster, Mr. Mra Goodwin, Betty Lin, Mr. Charles Hackates, Jaba Lapton, Mr.

Emith Ruby Mra. Myrtle Lapton, Kias Einor Lapton, Mr. Warren Thurber, Mr. and rue Reeva, and Mrs. Bit Miss Mra.

H. Thurber, Mr. J. A. Hansand Mrs.

Jay Taylor, and Mri. Commer Harris, Mr. Mrs. Mr. and Hanger Arnold Mra Marshas Cecil Betty Mr.

and Mri. Wallace Richard and W. Man J. and M. Mater, Mr.

W. Shelter, T. O. and Hugh, Richard David Mrs. D.

Jan Res. Diekas Kias Alice Mrs. Laughte Duma Straage, In Orsace County, have returned to their home tour of the New England Mom. J. P.

Garth and daughter, Mary Christian have returned after Miss Anas White Garth to Prost Rayal where will teach later. Roston-Mitchel1 Lewis Him Roberta Mitchell and were malted last night by the Rev. nard Mr. and Men. Reston their home at 300 W.

Mr. Rebirt Crimp Beaton Richmond with friends. Mr. Bourne Wayland and Frank O'Neill returned their homes 1 after spendabert time Virginia Beach. STONEFIELD SCHOOL Begins 31st session September 16th Pre-school through 8th grade Nancy B.

Gordon Phone 1048-J Miss Maupin Wed To Mr. McCown Of Interest Dorothy was Mae the laughter Mr. and Mrs. W. riage of Miss Maupia of Free McCown, Jr.

Mr. and Mra. C. W. McCON The termed to the Tire Pro Church in by Dr.

Robert Lapeley the presence the families close bride was attired In bine frock with white Immediately aher the the couple left their return they thele at Gilbert A Grandia Court, Mrs. graduated from Mertwether Lewis High School versing from Lewis Gale Hospital graduated from Reasoke, Charles Booked, spendia: the at the Mra r. Li and her Frederick Lear to spend vetting C. Mr. N.

Rodgion, visiting Mr. Mrs. M. Hepler lent where Mr. Haples accepted 1 Margaret Mine Dorothy Goodwin New News arrived here spend remainder, of the with their cousin, Helen Together they will Monday for Atlanta, whire they visitias friends and rela- has returned after spending hers wits frienda and John spending Cary whe friends, has returned la Newport News.

Mrs. Caste BarnettBe and Shop at 1- The Union Dollar Store For your Fall outfits. You can dress the whole family here at great savings. Ladies' beautiful fall coats, fur trimmed and to sport 52 from coats, sizes $4.95 to $14.95 Men, Reversible Ladies Coats for Children $4.95 to Raincapes patterns, for girls sizes with to zipper hood in $1.29 Ladies Dresses in Spun Rayon and Silk. Newest sizes styles to and colors $1.69 to $5.95 Ladies shoes to match all outfits in suede and kid from width to EEE sizes to 10-from $1.19 to $2.98 Try our lay-away plan a small deposit will hold any article watt needed.

The Union Dollar Store la the home of Star Brand Shoes Every Pair Guaranteed Corporal Earl Barnett has turned to Fort Meade, Md, spending ten daya with his mother, THE DAILY PROGRESS, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. Miss Jenkins Fetes Sister Jenkins entertained at her' with miscellancoss la honor her marriage. Mr. George Tancey win take place month. After bride with old with the color schema out ta pink and white.

Present were Mimes Fran Coleman, Frances Smith, and Mri. Dewey Garter Netting B. Sohh. Mr. Robert Lyday and Mr.

Kirt who have brea spend the Danville South Baton, will attend the tonal Tobacco Festival this Mi. George Norris wit. arrive here today several days visiting his Thomas Norris Mr. and Hrs H. F.

Bishop Richmond Mrs. F. 1 Huntingtes, W. Va, Mr. and Harte Kritly and daughter, Helen Backley, Hebron Kritky Va and and Mr, family Hearda, Va.

were recent guests Mra. the home of Mrs. Late Belment Park. Miss Flannagan Wed Mr. Baskerville Invitations from Mr.

and Mrs. Erie Goody to the marriage their daughter, Louise. to Mr. Robert Dortch Baskerville, Ird The wedding will take place urday aight, September 14, al in Holy Church, Headerrea, N. C.

reception wit follow at the Lad Country Club. Mr. and Mr. V. Barnett have returned home relatives la and Pittsburgh, Pa.

Ming Jess Barnett has after spending her Mr. Charles Ringier, Potat Pisamat Beach, New tour party Mra Lucille Carr, returned the of the Coleay N. Head, Wright Memorial and Wu- 6 making the trip vere Mr. and Ara. Geo.

Marks, Mr. and Fates, Mr. and Mra. Forloines, W. Morris, Mr.

Roy Early, Kra Ross: key, Mra. Sally Kra Ethel Mias Charlotte Staples, Huds Thelma Halt, key do Carr and Mr. Everett Huckstep. Mri. E- J.

Moore, Mrs. F. and Mrs. Merle Mr. and Kre.

Willard Lee have returned to their home at Hall after spending several Mr. sad Mrs. Robert Amos at their home 0g Alta vista A venue. Little Evelyn Mae Hackett has returned home from a two weeks with' her grandparents, and Mr. W.

W. Leake. Mr. Mri. J.

Nelson Daniel, have been spending time with Mr. Daniel's parenta and Mrs. Thomas Daniel, have returned to their home In News. Before returning they pent a chert time in Now York Dr. and Mr.

Darid McCord Wright, wha bare been spending time in Savannah, Ga, have returned to the University and will at home ea Dawson's Row the, Wlater. Mr. and Are Philip Peyton and their daughter and son, Miss Peyton -and Mr. Philip Peyton, Jr. who have been spending some time at returned terday to their home- North Carolina a The Perpetual Flame and Serve Phone 1400 for service within the means.

of all. C. HILL FUNERAL HOME (On. tri 4. 1 4 VA.

THURSDAY AFTERNOON, SEP EMBER 4, 1941 Mrs. Henry Thomas Plans To Attend Tobacco Festival Mira Heary C. wit leave morning South 1 See the accompanied by De. Mrs. Rey Carty.

Jaact. Mr. Cornelia Taylor A des of Mr. Mrs. W.

Murray spend Hammer, on Jefferson and Mrs. Cart returned from Masa, where they months. Mrs. Sweeney Back From Indiana The Rev, and Kra. Edwin In de bey and daughter, Edith Monin tan returned from umbus, lad.

where they spent time with Mr. and Mrs. James While away Mr. Joined by his Mr. William Sweeney of Ky.

two trip Buffalo, Wya; in the BIg Mountains, parent companied the Per. Sweeney tar the Smoky Mountains on their return Mr. and Mrs. Harold 0. at and several University their Upperville.

days young where have visiting they daughter, arrived will Mrs. son's sister, Mine Mary Mine Elisabeth Peytan, bees spending the Summer the University, returned yesterday her home in Nashville, Anne Humphriss folk, Frances Lawrence, win today for Roanoke visit friends before her home. Mr. Jackson Carlton return Fort Meade after stay overal days with friends relatives. Mrs.

C. S. Of Strasburg Here Mrs. C. Kelater arrived at University where she will spend time visiting her mother, Mrs.

Balthis Mrs. Hollins N. Randel has bees making her Thomson Road, has moved and now established la apartment the University Circle for Winter months. ORDER YOUR COA We're callin'g all economy minded home owners to 448 and order their winter coal supply at once! Prices will rise, come cold weatherso save. while you can! BARNES LUMBER CORP.

CHARLOTTES Coal Wined Miss Fisher To Wed Mr. Raymond Lewis Mr. sad Mra Benjamis Thomas of rile bare Nd the, go of their da ughMary Rose, Mr. Rayinond Portsmouth, of Hampton, ace of Kra. Strereport and the late Mr.

Harry Tyler Lewis of Hampton, The wedding will take in October, Mr. Leila who formerly attend ed the has friends here where he reently visited He left after Mr. Louis R. Somerville, Jr. af the University and ter.

mother, Mra Roller of Fort -Despent yesterday la Richmead with friends. Martha Gordy Colambes, arrived at the L'atrersity yesterday where she will. spend the Winter the home Mrs. William D. Weaver.

Rugby Reed Mr. and Mrs. Roger Boyle have returned 1 to their home on Virginia Avense after spending Sumwith Mrs. Boyle's parenta, Dr. Mrs.

Robert Patton, at "Little Virginia their at Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Pobert Burgess Farmiagten are spending time la Maine and plan to return to their bome here on September Mr. Seymour Schnell of New York City, a former student at the who, la pow.

with the United States Army on maneuvers at A. P. HIM near. Fredericksburg bas returned after spending days as the ruest of Mrs. Sarah Matthews and her daughter, Janet at Haywood Lane.

Mrs. Lile Returns From Ohio Trip Mra. Willian Minor Lite turned to Rugby Road after spending a abort time to Clevelaad, Okie, where she visited- her son-in-law and the Ru Rev: Beverley D. Tucker and Mrs. Tucker and attended the wedding at her granddaughter, Miss Maude Carson Tucker, and Ensiga Walter Harding Drane which took place on Saturday.

Mra. Lite has had as her for several days Miss Tucker of Virginia Beach. who left yesterday for" Bedford where she will spend short time visiting her sister. Mr. HiM Massie has returned to his home near Crozet after spending short while near Abingdon while attending the White Top.

Music Festival. Bogerts AreBack: From Shellfeld Mr. nad Mra. Theodore Bogert have returned after spendins a abort time and W. Edward Gray 1 Bogert does a father, Mr.

Mrai Llewellya Me this Morning for Richmond thi Irvines Return To New Jersey Mr. and John Irvine Wheaton Place RatherN. with M. N. Irvine, King Paley in returned visiting parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Irvine on Park Street his brother and sister-in-law, and Mrs. Frank Irvine, their home on the Hydraulic Mr. and Mrs.

Erre have returned to their home after spending their la Hershey, Pa Miss Margaret Reinhoi of New York and Miss Louise of Chester, Pa, are spendini some time at Farmington. Bufords In Towny For The Winter Mr. and Mrs. Erskine ford. who hare been the Sommer months at "Highand," hare.

returned. to town for the Winter. Mr. and Mrs. F.

Gulpin, have been spending the past days at Farmington, have retar to their home in Wilmington, Del Mr. Joseph Greenwood. who been spending some time at the Farmington Country Club has turned to Washington Miss May Langhorne of burg has arrived at the Caiversity where she has takes as la the tradhall for the Winter. Dr. Paul K.

Walp of Norris, Tena, teaches political at the University at la visiting his pother, Mrs. W. T. Walp, a Belmont Avenue Mrs. J.

Thurston rich has turned to her home on the Try's Spring Road after spending a abort while in Washington. Miss Beth Copps of Warren arrived at the University where will -spend several days visiting her aunts, the Misses Copps on Rugby Road. Von new jersey for fall'. Heart warning colors In this easy-to-rear. Jersey by Nelly Don.

Note its simple, clean-cut line's clever little sweater-knit You'll solo in it now, wear it later under a coat. In gold, green, red, blue. 10-18, $10.98 Helen C. Eastham's 220 East Main St. Countess Margurette Bertrand af the University left today Washington where she will spend several days visiting friends.

Mr. Robert Tymof! of Arlington will arrive this week-end for brief stay as the guest. of Mrs. Waton Shanklin and her daugh ter, Miss Walton Shanklin. Miss Elizabeth Broome has turned to the University after reading several days wit's friends la Boston, Countess Bertrand Is In Washington turned Major to Marshall Fletches Camp Lee ate ing several days the sity with his family.

Mra, Mary C. Stickley Mrs. Annie Goodice Julis Bryant have their homes after month of August as Mrs. G. P.

Carter ca Leo nue. 1. Miss Fannie Brady, been spending some time has returned to the University. On Page Arthur Sale Teacher of Piano, Organ and Harmony Piano 401 Altament 84. and Gilderileeve We Pipe Organ Studio- Irving Funeral Home Practice organ available to students Session opens September 4, 1941.

006 -R- Write Box 1014 Calvernity, 1 Va Sterling School Of Piano Music Modern Teaching Methods: Harmeny, and Rhythm chestra: opens Friday, 1941. Teachers Stella Carver (Mra.) 100 W. High St. Helen Verlander 013 E. High St.

Mary Via, Ours) Park 8t. Sallie Willie Sterling 101 E. High St. Director and Certified Teacher Studios: E. High St.

W. High St, Park Street, Mcintire School, Altamont St, ST. ANNE'S SCHOOL Term begins Wednesday, September 17th at nine Kindergarten and all grades through High School. Succes preparation for College Entrance Examinations Fully by State Board of Education. Modern teaching methods based on 'tadividual Instruction small classes.

Gymnasium. Tennis, Basketball, Hockey. Kindergarten and Primary Grades One and Two in chary! Mrs. Helen Watts Martin assisted by Mrs. Wm.

H. Sage and Georgia Parents may confer with the Principal by appointment, Tel MARGARET PORTER, M. A. Principal NOTICE OF NEW LOCATION We have moved from 1517, West Main Street to our newly quarters arranged exclusively for the use of St. CLATTER SCHOOL -113 Last Third Street, We lavite our old students to visit us, and also those who caroll in our Fan School for Business Course.

3 PHONE 2626 For Farther Information ST. CLAIRE'S SECRETARIAL SCHOOL Zero Hour is fast approaching UNTIL SATURDAY beautful, blended muskrat $198. Herb It leaks like sable! You'll be surmised and pleas-' ed to find mukrat pelts in costa available at this price! Master furriers have lavished loving care am patience to bring out all he rich and: glorious beauty of the muskrat fur! Size 12 to 18. SAVINGS THAT WE BELIEVE WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE FOR A LONG TIME! USE OUR PAYMENT BUDGET PLAN -10 MONTHS TO PAY! SHOP IN AR CONDITIONED COMPORT Stile APPAREL" FIRST THERE'S OTHER CHARMING LITTLE SECRETARY NEED MATTER, YOUR COLONEL, 1 MISS EMENDOUSLY IN THE OUTER WHERE HER AND ID LIKE TO THE ODD YOUNG MAN WAITED TO HAVE SOMETHING REALLY HANDSOME SEE COLONEL CAREY. WAS HAVE YOU TO SHOW MY GRATITUDE.



The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)


Who is the most famous person from Charlottesville Virginia? ›

1. Rob Lowe. Rob Lowe was born in Charlottesville, Virginia, to Barbara Lynn (Hepler), a schoolteacher, and Charles Davis Lowe, a lawyer. His brother is actor Chad Lowe.

Is Charlottesville Virginia a good place to live? ›

Charlottesville is a town in Virginia with a population of 46,289. Charlottesville is in Charlottesville City County and is one of the best places to live in Virginia. Living in Charlottesville offers residents an urban suburban mix feel and most residents rent their homes.

Why is Charlottesville famous? ›

Charlottesville was the home of two U.S. presidents, Thomas Jefferson and James Monroe. During their terms as Governor of Virginia, they lived in Charlottesville and traveled to and from Richmond, along the 71-mile (114 km) historic Three Notch'd Road.

How do you spend a day in Charlottesville VA? ›

Experience a vibrant downtown area, explore the Children's Museum, check out the Ting Pavilion for live music, enjoy the outdoors at Rivanna Roots and the Rivanna River Company, take a scenic drive on Skyline Drive and Blue Ridge Parkway – all these make a day in Charlottesville VA memorable!

What celebrities live in Charlottesville, VA? ›

Since the city's early formation, it has been the home of numerous notable individuals, from the historic figures of Thomas Jefferson and James Monroe, as well as author William Faulkner. In the present day, Charlottesville has been the home of movie star Sam Shepard and musician Dave Matthews.

What is the most expensive neighborhood in Charlottesville VA? ›

There are 17 neighborhoods in Charlottesville. Venable has a median listing home price of $1.1M, making it the most expensive neighborhood.

What is a good salary in Charlottesville VA? ›

Mid Level Salary in Charlottesville, VA
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$111,110$9,259
75th Percentile$106,600$8,883
25th Percentile$59,500$4,958

Is Charlottesville a Democrat or Republican city? ›

Politics. The Charlottesville metropolitan area leans Democratic. Similar to other college towns, Charlottesville City is a Democratic stronghold.

How wealthy is Charlottesville? ›

The median property value in Charlottesville city, VA was $398,400 in 2022, which is 1.41 times larger than the national average of $281,900. Between 2021 and 2022 the median property value increased from $355,800 to $398,400, a 12% increase.

Why are houses so expensive in Charlottesville VA? ›

Supply and demand. People want to live in Charlottesville, they want to have jobs in Charlottesville, they want to own houses in Charlottesville but right now in 2024, the demand is higher than the supply. So when a house, that is in a great part of town, a good school district, comes on the market…

Is Charlottesville expensive to live? ›

According to C2ER (the Council for Community and Economic Research), the cost of living in Charlottesville is estimated to be 102.6% of the national average making it an average US city.

What is the ethnic population of Charlottesville VA? ›

Population & Diversity

In 2022, there were 3.84 times more White (Non-Hispanic) residents (30.2k people) in Charlottesville, VA than any other race or ethnicity. There were 7.86k Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) and 3.24k Asian (Non-Hispanic) residents, the second and third most common ethnic groups.

What are the people like in Charlottesville? ›

Charlottesville is a town made up of kind and hard working people. Charlottesville is a lovely little town. During my time here I have met many extraordinary people that have inspired my art. You'll find a lot of diversity here but no matter the difference everyone is kind.

Is Charlottesville a foodie town? ›

No doubt. From organic markets to diners, from food trucks to pop-up restaurants, Charlottesville is an exciting city for environmentally responsible, health conscious and adventurous eaters, and the creative and conscientious professionals that make it so.

Is Charlottesville a walkable city? ›

Charlottesville has an average Walk Score of 58 with 43,475 residents. Charlottesville has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Who is the most famous celebrity from Virginia? ›

15 Most Popular Virginia Celebrities Ranked
CelebrityHometown CitySearch Volume in Past Year
1. Sandra BullockArlington County2.0M
2. Chris BrownTappahannock1.1M
3. Mark HamillAnnandale508k
4. Rob LoweCharlottesville418k
11 more rows
Jun 7, 2024

What president lived in Charlottesville? ›

James Monroe's Highland

Highland was the official residence of 5th President James Monroe and his wife, Elizabeth Kortright Monroe, from 1799 to 1823. Tour the house, explore the outbuildings, and enjoy the gardens and grounds. Highland is located in Charlottesville, VA.

Who is the rock star from Charlottesville VA? ›

Artists from Charlottesville, VA
Dave Matthews Band1990s - 2020s
Panda Bear1990s - 2020s
Tommy Boyce1960s - 1970s
Parachute2000s - 2010s
37 more rows

Did Queen Elizabeth visit Charlottesville VA? ›

Queen Elizabeth II walks alongside Virginia Gov. Mills Godwin on the UVa Lawn to celebrate America's bicentennial in 1976. A ticket to see Queen Elizabeth II was the hottest ticket in town in July 1976, when the monarch visited Charlottesville, a town named for another British queen, to mark the country's bicentennial.


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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.