The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)

THE COURIER-JOURNAL, LOUISVILLE, FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 26, 1910. CLASSIFIED ADVERTIsem*nTS. SECTION 2 16 Frank J. Wiedemei, 838 Mcllord Ave. Services Offered General.

I 4 Itamhono. Says Scholarships to Centre Founded Gasoline Burns Fatal To Youth, 19 For Students of Four Counties Mrs. Robert G. Evans of I5oyIc County Gives Property for Memorial Fund Automobiles for Sale. PA 'kAH 1 937 ttsn Original gunmetl iiaint re tiren: mechanically neifert.

S44V c. Mun Motoii. 714 1inli. A hush 6V I. PACKARD 1(135." Couch -Trunk.

rurtioT SI95: tri ms222 W. Chestnut. PLYMOUTH 1940 De Luxe 4 Door Sedan. Driven only 2.000 miles; aviator blue. To be sold at a discount.

No trade. ADVANCE MOTOR CO. 3790 Lexington Rd. Ay lor 4421. "PLYMOUTH 1339" Coupe; Radio "arfl heater; lust the car you've been looking for.

See this before ou buy. 659 S. 22d St. PLYMOUTH 1936 7-passcngrr Sedan. Lehmann'i Auto Service.

ChrvMer, Plymouth dealers. 3410 W. Market. SHawnee 4646. PLYMOUTH 1334 De Luxe Coupe.

S9iT $15 down. KING AUTO SALES. 944 3d. JAckson PLYMOUTH 1939 Touring Sedan Like" new; $7S down: will trade. KING AUTO SAI LS 944 3d.

JAckson PLYMOUTH 1933 Coupe: $87. $7down7 KING AUTO SALES 944 S. 3d. JAckson 1921. PLYMOUTH 1934 4 Door Sedan Montgomery Auto 2d A I.iher'v.

PLYMOUTH 1936 Coach A-lro'ndition $285. CaH owner. SHawnee 8315-J PONT1AC I931 Sedan" Good condltionT owner: $60 cash. 3107 Hale Special to The Courier-Journal. Danville, July 25.

Needy and outstanding high school students of four counties Boyle, Mercer, Lincoln and Pulaski will receive scholarships to Centre College under terms of a contract entered into by Mrs. Robert G. Evans, Boyle County, and officials of the school, Nelson Rodes, Centre treasurer, announced Thursday. The contract, signed June 23, 1910, provides for creation of the "Evans-Sumrall Memorial," and will, after the death of Mrs. Evans, provide for the expense of an education at Centre, including full tuition and the whole or part of expenses incurred through meals and lodging.

Farms to lie Sold. Funds for the memorial will be derived from personal property and sale of two farms belonging to Mrs. Evans in Boyle County. The entire amount, valued at $300,000, has been deeded to the school, but under terms of the contract Mrs. Evans will receive an annuity.

Rodes said the two farms would be sold as soon as satisfactory buyers could be found. In addition to setting up the "Evans-Sumrall Memorial," the contract also provides for creation of two separate prize scholarships, the "Josephine Graham Evans Scholarship," in memory of the mother of the late Robert G. Evans, and the "Mary E. Moore Scholarship," in memory of the grandmother of Mrs. Robert G.

Evans. The latter scholarship will be awarded to a student who is majoring in the study of the Bible. Sumrall Attended. The Evans and Sumrall families have been closely allied with Centre since the late Judge Joseph K. Sumrall entered the school in 1853.

He was graduated in 1857 and his two sons, William Lawson Sumrall and Collins Moore Sumrall, also received diplomas from the school. Col. Robert G. Evans, husband of Mrs. Evans, was, at the time of his death, a member of the school's board of trustees.

He was graduated from the school in 1871. Injured While Trvins lt Slart Car Burned by flames from gasoline he was pouring into an automobile carburetor, Hubert Raymer. 19. 3026 Michigan died at 11:30 a.m. Thursday the City Hospital.

Raymer was burned Monday when he and Chester Vance, 21, 2030 Michigan attempted to ftart Vance's newly repaired car. When the gasoline Raymer was pouring from a can ignited, he attempted to throw the can aside, but it went over his head and showered him with the flaming fluid. A neighbor turned a stream of water from a garden hose on the youth, who died of second and third degree burns, according to Coroner John M. Keaney. Raymer, a tinner, is survived by his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. CI. W. Raymer; right sisters, Mrs. Opal Davis.

Mrs. D. Rone. Mrs. Vernon Wilson, Mrs.

Ira Terry, Mrs. Ernest Meredith. Mrs. Edward Carter, Miss Addie Raymer and Miss Bessie Raymer, and two rbothers, Robert Raymer and Jess Raymer. Funeral services will be "held at 2 p.m.

Friday at the South Union Church. Burial will be in the church cemetery. 17 Gifts Bring Vacations Nearer For Needy Youths Previous gifte $1,350.94 A Friend 15.00 Barbara and Marvin Boomer A Friend Violet Price A Friend B. In Remembrance" 10.00 5 on 5.00 3 00 2 00 1.00 A Friend Adelaide Burnett Betey Burnett A Friend Flarv Fox Reutlinger Anonymous Mrs. Edward Sachs Marion K.

Dumesnil A Repeat The Wednesday Club Z. M. Young l.oo 11.00 10.00 10.00 00 5.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Total $1,456.94 Seventeen rifts to The Cou rier-Journal and The Louisville Times Fresh Air Fund Thursday brightened the outlook of children expecting to go to camp this summer as the guests of generous citizens of the community. The youngsters are selected by welfare organizations because of their need for nourishing food and a few days of sunshine and fresh air. Medical examinations determine those for whom a little attention and care are essential, and these needy children respond Eke a plant transplanted in the proper soil.

Your gift will help some American child on the road to proper mental and physical development. Send it in today to the Fresh Air Fund, in care of The Courier-Journal. Air Traffic In June Breaks All Records Chicago, July 25 (J) Airline passenger traffic in the United States broke all records during June, the Air Transport Association of America reported today. The 101.172.222 revenue passenger miles flown last month was 11.59 per cent higher than the May's previous previous record of 90,662,533. $2,100 Bond Set In Fight Case.

John Albert Lewis, 26, Negro, 2313 W. Walnut, accused of fight-ins Patrolman Ralph Grove, 28 after their automobiles collided, was held under $2,100 bond in Polic Court Thursday pending grand jury action. In Magistrate Thomas Young's court, Lewis fwore to a warrant charging the patrolman with assault and bat tery. KtASON YOLK5 LAKS To HAH PE BAN FfATM' OUT A WAH MARCH pY KAJOWT HT'i? MO' BOTart To WHISTLE PAN To nine to Tell Invention an unmarked grave just north town. But when Vernon Stubblefield.

Murray druggist and cousin Nathan, and Bernard Stubble field, Nathan's son, go to New York, they will carry with them authenticating documents, photo stats, pictures and data which they and many others claim prove conclusively that Nathan Stub blefield invented the radio. Experiments Recalled. Dr. W. II.

Mason, Murray surgeon, has provided C. B. with a personal account of his knowledge of Stubblefields ex periments. "As family physician for and personal friend of Nathan B. Stubblefield," Dr.

Mason writes, was privileged to see ajid hear private demonstrations of his in vention which he called the 'w'ircless telephone' many years before he gave the first public demonstration in 1901 and 1902 was probably as early as 1892 that I first knew of his invention. One day he handed me a de vice housed in what appeared to a keg with a handle on it Carrying out his instructions. I started walking down the lane with the keg. From it I could hear distinctly his voice and French harp (harmonica) which was broadcasting to me. Tublic Demonstrations Made.

"Time and again I heard sim ilar demonstrations. These were several years before Marconi made his announcement about wireless telegraphy. About 1900 Stubblefield made public dem onstrations, broadcasting from one-half to two or three miles There are many living persons who can testify to this fact, subscribed to the funds for corporation, known as the Wire less Corporation of America about this time. "Stubblefield went to Wasliinc ton, New York and Philadelphia to see about his patents. Just what happened we don't know Later he came home and was persuaded to go back with cer tain changes and improvements in his invention.

Some think his invention was stolen. Some think he was defrauded. I know he was offered huge sums of money for his invention and that he re fused them all, knowing that he had discovered one of the miracles of the modern age. "He was an extremely bril liant, honorable man, though called queer by his neighbors. The family became poor and sep arated.

He died March, 1928. THE WEATHER SMI tn: yr. at, 2 Stations. 1 i Deaths and Funerals 1 -Malgaret Casev, ThtltsdNy. July 2 1, 1940.

2 2ft a. in widow ol Mirhnrl J. Sullivan, mkc 7ii vrm. beloved si'ter of Mrs. Waller K.

Glover and 1.. Ciry of New Yoik. N. an-l Mrs. P.

G. F.inwmp. Kunetai from the Kinwlne residence. 2H19 W. M.irkct.

Saturday morning. 9 o'clock at St. Columba Church. Interment in St. Louis Cemetery.

VAN OVF.R Michael in his 55th year. Thursday. July 25th. 1940. at 4 m.

Beloved son of the late Samuel B. and Annie Welsh Van Over: brother of Samuel Van Over and Mrs. Ida Wilson. Funeral Saturday morning at 8:30 from the residence, 827 Frxnklm and at 9 o'clock at St. John's Church.

Clay and Walnut Sts. Interment in St. Louis Cemetery. VON AM. MEN Mrs.

Arminta (nee Stahl). Wednesday morning, July 24. 1940. at 8:30 o'clock, in her 63th year, residence, Brownslwro beloved wife of E. Frank Von Allmen: mother of Mrs.

John C. Srhwarz. Mrs. Walter A. F.icelbaih and F.

Von Allmen; daughter of Mrs. Ollic Stahl. Remains et the mortuary chapel of John Maas corner Flovd and Broadway. Funeral from the chapel Friday morning at 9:311 o'clock. Interment In Walnut Ilidge Cemetery.

Jeffersonville. WFI.KKR Lizzie Thursday morning. Julv 25. 1940. at 7 o'clock, residence.

Louisville Hotel beloved sister of Miss Mary H. Welker. Rem.uns at the mortuary chapel of John Maas A- corner Floyd and Broadway. Funeral from the chapel Saturdav morning at 10 o'clock. Interment in Cave Hill Cemetery.

In Memoriam. HESTER In loving memory of our son. William. J. Hester, who departed tnis life.

July 26. 1937. "The midnight stars are shining Uonn your silent grave. Beneath it sleeps the one we love And the one we could not save." Kemcmbcrcd bv MOTHER AND GRANDMOTHER Cemetery Lots, Monuments. 6 DESIRABLE LOT Front entrance.

Resthaven Memorial Park. Section 2. Make offer. Frances. 215 N.

East Indianapolis. Ind CREMATION Free pamphlet. JA 7566. -Onlv $50." LOUISVILLE CREMATORY. 641 Baxter.

PANKE MONUMENT CO. HIT E. Jefferson, hear Shelby. A 1861. Funeral Directors.

Albert Neurath Son Funeral 725 FT. Market St. Home. JArkson 1181. BARRETT FUNERAL HOME.

1230 Bardstown Road. HI 1758. BLANFORD. T. A.

2815 S. 4th. MApnolia 0I41-fll4i. H. BOSSE tc SON Broadway At Hanco*ck.


MAgnolia 1011-1012. 4339 Park Blvd. SMITH. 1029 S. 6.h.

GRAN SONS JAckson 4264. THE SCHOPPENHORST BROS. Funcvl Home. 19th and Market. Lodge Notices.

8 Post D. Kentucky Division of the Traveler's Protective Association, will hold Its annual picnic at the lodge in Iroquois Park Saturday July 27, from 2 to 11 p.m. Supper will be served at sharp. All TP. A.

members are welcome. Come and bring the familv Z. T. UNDERWOOD. Pres.

THOMAS GRIFFITHS. Secretary'. Travel Opportunities. CHICAGO Woman driving Saturday or Sunday, -take 3 passengers. HI 6605.

DES MOINES. Omaha. Sioux Falls; gentleman leaving Saturdav morning. new rar. tako share expenses.

433 Baxter. TEXAS. Arkansas. Oklahoma Man and wife driving August take 2. Mrs, Parrish.

WAbash 4241. WHERE TO GO Ditiitty tS 't-vO rcoeaticnt An ftmUietnetttt. io-a COLONEL I by vi 1 1 Road Cool off -viv from citv with a Colonel Gin Pucic. Orchestra week-ends. Couvert Saturdav only 25c.

COX'S LAKE Highway tiU; mile past Mlddlctown. to arrow, turn left: dinners, swimming; dancing, picnics; special rates, larga parties. Anchor-ace 9H19 JENNY WREN Outdoor dining, dancing; chicken, steak, irog dinners; Countv 59. New Albany. Oravel road, 4 mile from Blackiston Mill.

"KENTUCKY TAVERN Wuamt atmosphere of Early American. Incomparable service. Where famous foods share honors with finest liquors. 5ll and Walnut. TUCKERS LAKE Swim in crystal clear, cool spring water; just beyond Jef-fersontown, sand beach, springboards, high dives, trolley tower, (io via Shelbyville Road, turn right at Mid-dletown.

Lost. 11 BOSTON BULL Male. white ring around neck; straved from 1514 Nor-ris Highland 4277. CHANGE PURSE Containing $3. Elgin wrist watch, door key; vicinity 18th, Jefferson and Cedar; liberal reward.

JAckson 7588. CLAS RING -Male High. 1934; initials inside G. H. left at Audubon Cafe; reward JAckson 6595.

CLTaSS RING" Yellow goid. engraved inside. R. A.B. Reward.

SJI 7721-W. COLLECTION CARDS of Interstate Home Equipment Co. Reward. WAbash 1895. GLASSES Tinted, rimless, yellow gold frames: sun glasses attached: shopping district.

Saturday. Reward. Res-laurant. 53( Wefterscn. TOY BULL Dog Black with white breast: 15 months old: answers to Blackie.

Reward. JAckson 0923. W'ATCH and chain; gold; Waltham; initials on back J. L. valued as gift.

Reward. JAckson 07R1. WRIST WATCH Lady's. Elgin: yellow gold; initials L. also key case with change In same: vicinity Turners Camp or Arctic Springs boat house; reward.

Phono Jeffersonville, 994. WRIST WATcilLadys: Bulova. diamond on each side: initials M. A. leward.

WAbash 4958 $13 SAVINGS Reward if returned" to 1443 Lincoln. Camp Taylor. Found. 12 COACH DOG Female: black and white; 18th July. SHawnee 2720-W.

Information Personals. 13 NEWSPAPER MATS I for 100 (300 square feetl. suitable for insulating garages, attics, summer cottages, chicken coops, etc. See or phone Mr. KimP-flein.

Mailing Room. The Courier-Journal Times. Don't Push a lawn mower when used power mowers cost so little. Bunton Seed Flovd A-Jefferson. ANTIQUE glassware repaired, broken pieces replaced.

Chips removed. Beautiful inexpensive work. Call today. Monogram Glass Shop, Norton WA 4501. GET "Huber's Wonder Bean Beetle it kills them instantly! Contains no arsenic.

Huher Seed 202 East Jefferson. Louisville. DIAMONDS WANTED Large or small, highest cash prices paid. Call JAckson 6657 todav: everything confidential. SENG Jewelers.

210 W. Market. THE COWAN HOME Highly recommended for aged, convalescents; 24 hours' nursing; dormitory and private looms: large lawn; reasonable. A 44M. Vim COATS Remodeled." shortened and relined: reliable, expert service, 313 Theater Building.

Call JAckson 4R29 INNERSPRING MATTRESSES. made from vour old mattress. One- dav service. Riney, A 24K7 MA 45K6 BEAUTIFUL shady picnic grounds, river front, for rent, for clubs or picnics: all improvements. SH 4006.

A HOME as you want it. where you want it. Everything taken care of. B. J.

Johnson Sons MA 0175. CI.OGGFD sewers cleaned: electric Roto-Rooter: nodlgglng. Hi677. PRIVATE HOME For elderly people; special care; reasonable. JAckson 1946, 3 Services Offered Services Offered Ceneral.

1 4 ABRASIONS removed from floors; floors sanded 1VC foot. SH 4743. Deaths. and Frank Resting, S. Preston St tini ttifMshlp.

doing bustni-s at liljan hrirhy drclaie thrtr Intention to tply f(it licence as retail lrrr de.ilrr. lK tfotmcr-Sfonrnul Entered at the IjOiiisville Postoffice as Mail Matter of the Second Class. SUBSCRIPTION RATES BT MAIL. DAILY COURIER-JOURNAL. 1 Yr.

6 Mos. 3 Mom. 1 Mo $0.50 .60 1 Mo $0.75 All of Kentucky. Indiana and Tennessee 00 $3 00 $1.50 All other States 7 20 3.60 1.80 DAILY AND SUNDAY COURIER-JOUR A L. 1 i r.

6 Mos. 3 Mos. All of Kentucky, Indiana and Tennessee $4.50 SUNDAY COURIER-JOURNAL. 1 Yr. 6 Mos.

3 Mot. 1 Mo All of Kentucky. Indiana and Tennessee $1.60 $0 83 $0 40 40 All other States 3 40 l.KO .95 single copy of anv werk-da Issue mailed fur 5 cents; Sunday mailed for l( cents. Mail order not accepted from localities served by delivery agents. RATES EOR CARRIER HFI-IVERY.

In Louisville. New Albany and Jeffersonville: Daily and Sunday Courier-Journal, 20c week: Sunday only. 10c. Daily Courier-Journal. Sunday Courier- Journal.

Louisville Times for 35c a week. All to the same address. Outside of Louisville. New Albany and Jeffersonville: Daily and Sunday Courier-Journal. 25e weeic.

Daily Courier-Journal. Sunday Courier- journal, Louisville Times, all to same addies, 40c week. CLASS1 I I) A I) The Courier-Journal The Louisville Times Indexed for Quick Servtca Ads ordered by teiennone re accented from patrons listed in the telephone or city directory on memorandum charge oniy. Ads ordered for seven Insertions, hut canceica oetore expiration date, are cnarccd at the rate earned for tha actual niimner ot days they appeared. tie Cniirirr-JotiriiM and Time will not be responsible for morv than one ncorrect insertion of in iftvmimint Notire of errors must be given In lime or correction before next insertion.

CLOSING TIMF Classified Ads accepted until nm for The Courier-Journal: 11 a.m. for The Louisville Jlmes: 9 n.m. Saturrinv for ine Sunday Courier-Journal. Ad appear in Sunday mail editions should oe received bv p.m. Friday.

Announceme Deaths. sssiii.ii jonn in his 80th year. Thursday, July 25. 1940, at 5:45 a.m., at ine residence, 26 E. Jacob be loved husband of Mrs.

Lucy Arnold (nee devoted father of loyd Arnold. Seattle. Wash. Survived also by 2 nieces, Mrs. Mary K.

and Sue V. Arnold of Wheat ley, Ky. nephew. Paul Arnold of Alabama. Fu neral from the residence, Saturdav.

July 27, at 10:30 a m. Interment at New Liberty, Owen County, Kentucky, ai clock. III. A r. I.

Robert, aee 68 vears Julv 24. 194(1. at 8:45 p.m., at the residence. 2539 Bowman beloved husband of Mrs. Mary Blakely (nee Wright oevoteo lather of Mrs.

ad va Rrown Mrs. Agnes Nelson. Mrs. Flora Stivers, -ayne, fczra and Phillip Blakely. Survived also by three brothers.

Grant, Jake and Bud Blakely; five sisters. flora Bishop. Mrs. Viola Rob son. Mrs.

Lena Hukel. Mrs. Anna Fordyce. Mrs. Mary Dailey: 19 grand rniinren, great-grandchild.

Funeral riday, July 26, from the residence at p.m. and from the Wesleyan Methodist Church. 645 Atwood St at 2:30 p.m. Interment in South Jef- lerson Cemetery. BOr.t MANX Georee Thursdav.

July 25. 1940. at 6:30 a.m.. beloved nusnnnd of p.lla rev Boeckmann. de voted father of Herman A.

Boeck mann and brother of Henry and Tonv Boeckmann: 1 grandchild. Funeral Saturday morning at 8:41 from tlv residence. 2115 Murrav and 9 o'clock from St. Francis of Assisi Church. Interment in St.

Michael Cemetery. BROWN Felix Edward. Tuesday. July 23. 1940, at 8:05 p.m., in his 36th year; beloved husband of Ina Brown tnee Carter); father of Felix Edward, Mabel Janet Brown: brother of Carl and Frank Brown.

Mrs. George Thurman of Louisville, and Mrs. Paul Tingle of Fairfield. Ky. Funeral from the residence.

119 N. 21st Friday. Julv 2fi. ut 2 m. lntei inetil in Evergreen Crmetery.

CM-Ml Turner Roseoe. Wednesday morning. July 24. 1940. at 12 15 o'clock, in bis 73d vear, beloved husband of Mrs.

Mattie Trov Clendinen, father of Mis. Arthur B. Rickel. Funeral from the residence. 1747 Harvard Friday afternoon at o'clock.

Interment in Resthaven Cemetery. CROSS George Carney, Wednesday, July 24. 1940. at 4.45 at the Veterans' Hospital, Lexington, Ky. Residence.

2726 Hollywood Ave. 1-ouisvillc. Ky. Former postmaster of Louisville; beloved brother of William Caldwell Cross of Louisville. and nephew of Martin L.

Cross of Clarks-ville. Tenn. Funeral from Pearson's. 1310 S. 3d Friday morning at 10 o'clock.

Interment in Cave Hill Cemetery. GRAY Joseph Clavlon, Thursdav. Julv 25, 1941). at 3:15 p.m.. age 9 months.

9 days, lit 1 1 son of Clayton and Lucille Gray, grandson of Henry Hicks. Funeral Friday. July 26. from Manning's Funeral Home. 612 W.

Broadway, at 1:30 p.m. Interment in St. Stephen's Cemetery. GLOOR Richard, suddenly entered Into eternal rest Thursday. July 25.

1940, at 7:45 p.m. in his 44th year, at bis residence, 1301 Dixie Hgwy. Beloved husband of Dorothy Johnston Gloor and devoted father of Richard Gloor. Remains reposing at the John H. Miller Funeral Home.

1617 W. Jefferson. Funeral arrangements will be announced later, I. FWH.I.EN Virginia age 22 years, at the Norton Memorial Infirmary, Thursday, July 25. 1940, at 12:25 p.m..

residence 622 Ashland Ave. Beloved daughter of Anna E. Lewellen and sister of Mrs. A. Mattmiller of Ixington.

and Mrs. C. W. Perkins. Mrs.

W. Hiaitling. J. E. Melvin and William J.

Lewellen. of Louisville. Funeral from Pearson's. 1310 S. 3rd Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock.

Interment in Evergreen Cemetery. MrCANnt.FSS Cyrus Wednesday, July 24. 1940. at 1.30 a residence. New Albany.

in his 7(lth year; beloved husband of l.aura MeCandless (nee Applebyi: father of Oral. Fred, Don. and Miss Elizabeth MeCandless; brother of H. W. and John MeCandless.

Funeral Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Carl E. Herbold Funeral Home. 20th and Broadway. Intesmcnt in Resthaven Cemetery. New Albany papers, please copy.

NEV1X Cornelius age 19 years. 8 months. 12 days, at St. Anthony's Hospital. Wednesday.

July 24. 1940. at 3:30 p.m.. residence. 1305 Hull beloved son of Cornelius M.

and Charlotte Trompeter Nevin. Remains at Albert Neurath Son Funeral Home. 725 E. Market St. Funeral from Grace Episcopal Church.

323 E. Gray Saturday. July 271. at 8:30 a.m. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.

r-EARCE Marvin Clay, in his 28th year, July 25, 1940. about 8 a.m. Survived bv his parents. Mr. and Mrs.

A. N. Pearce. Shelby ville, 1 brother, Raymond Pearce, St. Matthews; sister, Mrs.

T. H. Grunwald. St. Matthews.

Funeral services Saturday. July 27. 1940. at 2 p.m. at the residence.

123 Adair Shelbyville. Ky. Interment in Duncan Memorial Cemetery, Floyds-burg, Ky. RAYMER Hubert, in his 20th year. Thursday, July 25th.

1940, at the City Hospital. Beloved son of G. W. and Ida Hack Raymer. Remains at W.

G. Hardy Funeral Home. Funeral services 2 p.m. Friday. July 26, at South Union Church, interment in South Union Cemetery.

SCHMIDT Ferd, age 87 years. Thursdav. July 25. at 5 30 p.m.. beloved husband of Dora Helmerdinger Schmidt, father of Mrs.

Eleanora Koe-liel, Mrs. Pauline Mevers, Madge. Dorothy. Ferd. Clarence and Edward Schmidt.

Also survived by sister. Mrs. Sophia Silverhorn. and eight grandchildren. Funeral from the residence.

4 i(l0 S. Third Sunday afternoon at 2:30 n.m. Interment in Resthaven Cemetery. Funeral director Arch L. lleadv and Son.

SIOIIMR Samuel Sterling, at 6:1 a.m. Wednesday. July 24. 1S40, at his residence. 1054 Cherokee survived by wife.

Eva Englar Stouf-fer: 2 daughters. Mrs. Carl G. Holm-quist. New York City; Mrs.

Samuel Alsop of Meriden. Conn 2 grandsons. Edmund Bell and Carter Griscom Alson: sister. Mrs C. Suzanne Stoueli of Washington.

D. niece. Mrs. Eva Rhodes. Bodv to lie in state at Lee Cralle Co.

1330 S. 3d until Friday afternoon at when private service will be held. Remains will hm taken to Baltimore, for burial. AMHASlllNS Anlnml marks icmoved tioiu f'nor. sanding 1 1 jc foot.

Sit 40t6. GAS SERVICE Installation, $12 r0. SltM'khoff Hardware Co. JA4.P4, C.Mil'K.N I KKINU-HUILDINi i Cabinet work; stair work; remodeling; all work guaranteed; estimates free: 30 vears of experience. Call HI 7149.

CONCRETE ThatLasts Forever" by" Kaufman Koncrete Kompany, repairs a specialty; 26 years' experience. Cecil L. Kaufman, manager. HI 2470. EXTERMINATORS Kill All termites.

insects: reasonable. 1216 1st. MA2J34. FURNACE cleaned, repairing any make. T.

J. Cook. WAbash 6760. HARDWOOD FLOORS laid, old floors refinished; 17 vears experience, Llvera. SHawnee 5740.

HARDWOOD FLOORS laid new; old lloors refinished; summer prices. Carr, Highland 3913. MATTRESSES REWORKED S2.73. Spe cial on inner springs, glider pads, pillows. SHawnee 3005-J.

SUITCASES. HANDBAGS repaired and refinished; golf bags repaired. Special leather goods made to older. Imitation leather Hosier's. 208 W.

Maiket. Building Service, Repair. 15 CONCRETE WORK Residence repair work a specialtv; 5-vear guarantee. A loll Kaufman. HIghland285.

GRAC.ES Completely built, painted; Sml up; monthly pivmcnts. E. M. Moody. MAgnolia 7747.

Furniture Repairing. 19 O'NEAL'S Upholstering, refinishmg. re pairing; antiques a specially: esti-mates. SHawnee 4874. REX Refinishing.

upholstering, recan- lng; antiques rebuilt; guaranteed. 123 W. Maiket. WAbash 5641. Laundering.

20 DAMP WASH Everything washed sweet and clean, returned ready to Iron; jM-r pound. JAckson 5141. Community Family Laundry Moving, Packing, storage. 21 MOVING Responsible help; padded vans. Special rates next 30 flays.

Sadler Ac Williams. SHawnee 0697. MOVING Responsible, white, helpers; padded vans. Special rates tnrougn July. August.

Call Dennison. SH 6472. LARRY'S Hig cut in prices to keep all wheels rolling. our gain, our loss; nobody's worry. MAgnolia 6603 CALL DUVAI.L for quick service.

Satis faction guaranteed; large padded vans; stoves connected free. SHawnee 2932. Painting. Papering. 23 DECORATING Papering 15c roll.

Steam ing, painting, plastering. Hampton. SHawnee 3578. PAINTING, carpentering; best material; roof painting: guaranteed; reasonable. MAgnolia 8460-W.

PAINTING. Decorating Interior, exte rior: remodeling; references. MCNuiiy Bros. SHawnee PAPER Furnished, hung, anv size room. $4.50.

Graham. SHawnee 5781 PAPER FURNISHED Hung. $4.50 room; lainting: tarpaulins. Haves, art PAPERING Wall washing: immediate service; satisfaction guaranteed; refer ences. SHawnee 3620-J.

PAPERING lie roll with sale paper; plastering; tarpauhns: A 6401-W PAPERING Furnished, hung. $5 room; also painting. Hafling. MA 0426. WALLPAPER lc up with border purchase; large selection, values to 75c.

Rupes Bargain Wallpaper Store, Pres ton at Chestnut. WALLPAPER HANGING, paper cleaning, house painting. Dale. SH 423S-R. Automotive Automobiles for Sale.

27 BUICK 1936 Sedan Extra good. Other used cars: bargains: special terms. CHAMPION MOTORS. ST. HELENS SHawnee 6360.

BUICK SEDAN, 1939 Has trunk, radio, heater: $895. Abbott Motor 843 S. 3d St. CHEVROLET 1934 Sedan. $115; 1934 Chevrolet Coach.

$150; 1935 Ford Sedan, radio. $195; 1937 Ford Coach, bargain. $275. Terms. Shell Service Station.

1720 7th St. MAgnolia 6029. CHEVROLET 1935 Master Coach Original finish; good tires; mechanically A-l; $i5. CRAWFORD AUTO SALES 628 S. 3d.

WAbash 396 CHEVROLET 1035 Sport Roadster Swell; $29 down. KING rtuTO SALES. 944 S. 3d. JAcksonJ921.

CHEVROLET 1938 De Luxe Town Sedan. Radio, heater; like new; $60 down. KING AUTO SALES. 944 S. 3d.

JAckson1921. CHEVROLET De Luxe 1940 Coupe, salesman's car; used little. For sale bv private owner: $550, no trades. Pippinger. 542 S.2d.

CHKVKOLKT 1936 Coupe Completely checked; 4 new tires; 25.6(H) miles; 1 owner: $100 down. Id A Libert v. "CHEVROLET 1939 Master De Luxe 2 -door; driven 7,000 miles; radio; $550. 622 S. 27th.SHawnee 1389.

CHEVROLET 1932 Coupe $59. $7 down. KING AUTO SALES. 944 S. 3d.

JAckson 1921. CHEVROLET 1937 Master De Luxe Coupe; radio, heater; $295; private owner. JAckson JiB02. CHEVROLET 1937 De Luxe 2-Door Trunk; A-l condition: need cash; $325; owner. '-2202 St.Louis.

CHEVROLET 1936 Master de luxe: 4- door; privately owned; A-l condition: heater. 2307 Wilson. i CHEVROLET 1933 4-Door Sedan: $145. Montgomery Auto 2d and Liberty. CHEVROLET 1937 Master Special Town Sedan: trunk.

Terms. Z7(i9 Virginia. "CHEVROLET 1937 Coach Trunk: bargain. Terms. 222 W.Chestnut.

CHEVROLET 1936 Town Sedan: $295. Montgomery Auto 2d and Liberty. CHRYSLER 1936 6-cylinder. 4-door touring sedan; new 2-tone finish; $29a. RIEDLEY MOTOR CO.

ISth and Jefferson. SHawnee 3836. CHRYSLER 1940" SEDAN Windsor model; 4.000 miles; radio, neater; cost $1,325. now $950 BURNS MOTOR 931 S. 3d.

CHRYSLER 1937 De Luxe Sedan Must sell: $325. Owner. MA DODGE 1936 De Luxe Loupe, swell; $40 down KING AUTO SALES. 944 S. 3d.

Ackson1921. DODGE 1936 2-Door Sedan A-l condi tion: $45 down, welker Lot. Broadway at Preston. JAckson 881 4. DODGE 1935 De Luxe Sedan: $30 down, KING AUTO SALfc.s.

944 S. 3d. JAckson1921. DODGE 1939 4-door sedan: maroon: 7.000 miles: A-l condition; radio. heater: S700.

1032 Highland. FORD 1939 De Luxe Tudor: low mileage: Poikstone crev finish: this car cannot be told from a new one: has mohair tmholsterv. This car can be bought witlr a small down payment or your old car and make small monthly pay. ments to suit you. Call Mr.

Kiley at Ackson 5061. Premier Motors, 307 i Broadway. Vnnn ton "Victoria: completely over hauled; new factory reconditioned motor: must sell immediately. Fern Creek 161. FORD 1936 De Luxe Trunk Sedan.

Like new; $40 down. KING AUTO SALES. 944 S. 3d. JAckson1921.

FORD 1939 De Luxe Convertible: leather unhnlsterv: radio, heater: low mil ace: A-l condition: $650 cash. Call JAckson 0086 after 5:30 p.m. FORD 1936 Sport Cabriolet; radio, heater. Swell; $50 down. KING AUTO SALES.

944 S. 3d. JAckson 1921. FORD 1935 De Luxe Tudor; $119, $15 down. KING AUTO SALES.

944 S. 2d. JAckson1921. FORD 1938 "85" Coupe; excellent condi tion, and low mileage makes this car a real buy. 659 S.

22d St. FORD 1935 Coupe, nice. $129: 1934 Coupe. $89: 1929 Coach. bargain Terms.

222 West Chestnut FORD 1936; black: A-l condition radio, heater 658 S. 41st. FORD 1940 Tudor: P. 000 miles. 947 Walnut.

JAckson6067. FORD 1940 De Luxe Sacrifice; $150 dciwn: balance terms.2H(H Virginia. FORD 1940 Tudor; radio, heater; white wall tires. SHawnee 2333-R. HUDSON 1937 "8" 4-Door Touring Se dan with heater and radio; low mile ace: good tires; clean inside and out a wonderful ear; perfect In every re pert: onlv SCHULER-KOSTER MOTOR CO.

2300 Frankfort Ave. Hlghland124I LA SALLE 1937 Touring Sedan: radio heater, seat covets: tan linlsh with red trim; $525. STANDARD AUTO CO. 4lh and York. JAckson 2329.

OLDSMOBILE 1939 Sedan. beautiful original green finish: low mileage; perfect tires: radio, heater: seat cov ers: fog lights; other extras. C. F. Smith Motor 26th and Hale, SHawnee 2243.

OLDSMOBILE 1934 COUPE New tires lst-clasi condition. MAgnolia 8349-R, STUDEBAKER Coupe: JW9. $9 down. KING AUTO SALES. 944 S.

3d. JAckson 1921. WILLY'S 1937 4-Door Sedan: radinTheaTT er. S295. Broadway Motor 519 E.

Broadway WHOLESALE CARS Only 177 Cars Fords, Flymouths Tudors, Coupes, Fordors 1937 Ford Sedan $4T 1937 Chrysler Sedan 447 1938 Chrysler Sedan 547 1939 Mercury Fordor 947 1940 Chev-Tolet Master Lux Town Sedan (WT 1940 Ford De Luxe Coupe 9T Demonstrators FORDS, MERCURY. ZF.PrrY"F. EASIEST TERMS Low Down Payment High Appraisals SUMMERS-HERRMANN Lot, Third and Breckinrids Lot, 937 South Third St. Good-Will Used Cars BFST BUYS IN LOUISVILLE 1939 Pontiae Sedan: like new $ros 1939 Oldsmobile Tudor Touring 625 1939 Chevrolet Tudor Touring: radio 59S 1937 Pontiae Sedan; real bargain 4C 1937 Dodge Touring Sedan; like new 435 1S37 Ford Tudor Touring; a honey 325 1936 Lincoln Zephyr Sedan 425 1936 Plymouth Tudor Touring 295 1936 Ford De Luxe Tudor; radio 245 1937 Pontiae Business Coupe 275 932 Ford Sport Roadster: sporty 125 MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM. BE SAFS BUY FROM A GENERAL MOTORS DIRECT DEALER, FALLS CITV TONTIAC CO.

BIG LOT WA 2423. 418 East Broadway. Open Evenings. THE BOSSES Are Still Out of Town What will you give for a used ear that suits your fancy? OUR SELECTION IS WIDE Trade Your Old Car In. let Own Prica.

Louisville Motors Highest Traden In Town Rig Lot, 635 S. 5th 1 SALE PACKARD PLAZA 1940 Packard "6" Touring Sedan. 1939 Ford "85" Tudor. 1939 Oldsmobile '70" Sedan. 1939 Ford De Luxe Tudor.

1938 Pontiae "6" Coupe. 1938 Plymouth Touring Sedan. 1938 Terraplane 2-Door. 1937 Buick Club Coupe. 1937 Packard "120" Sedan De Lue.

1937 Oldsmobile Touring Sedan. 1937 De Soto Touring 2-Door. 1937 Lafayette Sedan De Luxe. 1937 Chevrolet Town Sedan. 1937 Packard Convertible Sedan.

1936 Plymouth Touring 2-Door. 1936 De Soto Sport Coupe. MANY TO CHOOSE FROM. 45-Day Guarantee BROADWAY AT CLAY Open Evenings and Sundays JAckson 5256. REAL BARGAINS 1934 Studebaker Sedan 1934 Terraplane Sedan 1930 Chevrolet Sedan 1933 Willys Sedan 95 65 45 1931 Ford Coach 85 75 6A 65 35 60 1930 Ford Coupe 1930 Ford Coach 1931 Chevrolet Coupe 1929 Ford Coach 1928 Chevrolet Coach 1929 Dodge Sedan E-Z TERMS.

50 OTHERS FROM $195 TO $600 See Our Truck Bargains! HIGHLAND CHEVROLET CO. R56 S. 3d 2228 Bardstown Rd. JAckson 5722 Highland 07R9 3-Day Special Only All Trices Greatly Reduced SAVE $75 TO $150 Flying Rodeo to Re Feature At Fair Wild buffalo, steers and horses from Wyoming and Montana will be on hand as the Flying Rodeo puts on its show at the Kentucky State Fair, opening September 8. Only one of the many shows offered by the fair, the rodeo wiH present cowboys and cowgirls in chariot races, wild steer riding and wild horse roping.

The rodeo, managed by Col. A. L. Gatewood, will be staged right times at the fair, which continues through September 14. Stuhhlefield Kin Nation of Radio Special 1o The Courier-Journal.

Murray, July 25. Two residents of Murray, Vernon Stubblefield, and Bernard Stubblefield, next Tuesday night will be heard throughout the Nation when they take part in the Columbia Broadcasting System's "We the People" program from New York City. This may not mean much to the average radio listener until he hears that on the campus of Murray State Teachers College here is a modest marker, bearing the name of Nathan B. Stubblefield, and dedicated to him as the inventor of radio. Marker Erected In 1930.

The marker was erected in 1930 by residents of Murray, two years after Nathan Stubblefield's body was found in his little hut near here in Calloway County, lie died a virtual hermit, disappointed, embittered and despondent. His body lies today MICHAEL VAN OVER. 55, (127 Franklin, died at 4 p.m. Thursday at Central State Hospital. Lakeland.

Surviving are a brother, Samuel Van Over, and a sister. Mrs. Ida Wilson. Funeral services will be held at 8:30 a.m. Saturday at the residence and 9 a.m.

at St. John Catholic Church. Burial will be in St. Louis Cemetery. I'ERD SCHMII1T, 87.

for thirty years a concrete contractor and proprietor of the Southern Heights Sandwich Shop, died at p.m. Thursday at his home. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Dora H.

Schmidt: four daughters, Mrs. Eleanora Koehcl, Mrs. Pauline Meyers, Miss Madge Schmidt and Miss Dorothy Schmidt: three sons. Ford Schmidt. Clarence Schmidt and Edward Schmidt, and eight grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Sunday at the residence. Burial will be in Resthaven Cemetery. Rollin Stone Says I ABOUT TiA TRAITS i Tk-T Same, omgg we Ben J. Johnson appointed guardian of Thomas Fluhr.

Marriage Licenses Paul Dunn. 38. fireman. 1201 Wr. Main.

and Violet McKune, 39, of 117 N. 19th. Robert Zinsious. 21. electrician.

2318 Grlnstead and Donna Sparrow, 15, of 1422 DeRarr Ave. Maurice Fitzgerald, city fireman. and Vada Baughman, 52, both of Indianapolis. Hans A. Naumann.

39. physician, and Larissa Frenkel, 32, both of 100 East Caldwell. Henry W. Sieboldt. 46.

clerk. 118 N. 32d, and Sadie E. McGee. 32, of 2620 Portland.

William Gerrard. 49. bookkeeper. Indianapolis, and Lillian Jones. 35, of 841 S.

8d. Charles Bailey, 21. apprentice plumber. 1723 Tyler and Ruth Baker, 18, of 3641 Powell Ave. Births John L.

and Saloma G. Kelty, 1713 w. oroaoway, girl, July 13. Leonard and Bertha S. Daunhauer.

2702 W. Jefferson, boy, July 1. Herbert J. and Viola G. Wolz, Hunters Trace Valley Station, boy.

July 18. Walter W. and Evelyn M. Frances, 939 Ash, boy, July 14. Arthur and Marietta S.

Thurman, 2700 W. Main, boy, March 9. Louis and Allean C. Burt, 2832 Garland, boy, July 10. Albert and Mary G.

Weibel, 1704 Payne, girl, July 8. Lawrence J. and Aline S. Schoo, 1832 Woodfill Way. boy.

July 5. Joseph A. and Dorothy B. Richland, 412 Amy, boy, July 18. Deaths Malinda M.

Harris, 77, 628 E. Oak, July 24, carcinoma. T. Ross Clendinen. 72.

1747 Harvard July 24, acute cardiac dilatation. Arminta Von Allmen. 84. Brownsboro R. R.

1, July 24, pulmonary edema. Herman Hintelmann, 76, 1025 Lydia, July 23, malignancy. Willis Philips. 65. Upton, July 13.

Intestinal obstruction. Martin Fluhr. 32. 640 Maylawn. July coronary occlusion.

Sallie Priest, 70, Baptist Hospital, July 23, uremia. Alice L. Boston. 63. 2054 Portland, July 23.

coronary thrombosis. Henry J. Graves, 53. 2706 Bank, July 22, coronary thrombosis. Edward P.

Ferguson. 60, 418 S. 34th, July 21, cirrhosis of liver. Willie Satterwhlte. 58.

205 S. Western July 23, tuberculosis. Lenora Holsten, 66. 517 S. July 24 pneumonia.

LydU B. Massie. 27, 2022 Baringer, July 20, blood stream infection. Mary E. MrLelsh.

51, 1153 S. 2d, July 22, Hodgklna disease. JlW Oi in of of a "I It be he City and County Statistics MRS. MARGARET C. SIL1.IVAV.

76. died at a.m. Thursday at her home. iiuo Newrjurg Kd. She was the widow of Michael J.

Sullivan. Louisville laundry official. Surviving are two Mrs. P. G.

Ernwine and Mrs. Walter E. Glover, and a brother, W. L. Casey.

Funeral service will be held at 8:45 a.m. Saturday at Mrs. Ernwine's residence. 2619 W. Market, and 9 a.m.

at St. Columba Catholic Church. Burial will be in St. Louis Cemetery. JOIIV F.

ARNOLD, 79. retired farmer, died at 5'45 a.m. Thursday at his home, 226 E. Jacob. Ha is survived bv his wife.

Mrs. Lucy T. Arnold: a son, Floyd Arnold, Seattle: two nieces and a nephew. Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a Saturday at the residence. Burial will be in New Liberty Cemetery, Owen County.

MISS MZZIE A. WFIKFR. 77. Old Inn Hotel, died at 7 a.m. Thursday at Deaconess Hospital.

She is survived by a sister. Miss Mary H. Welker. Funeral services will be held at 1ft a.m. Saturday at the John Maas Chapel.

Burial will be in Cave Hill Cemetery. RICHARD f.l.OOR, 4.1, died at Thursday at his home, 1301 Dixie Highway. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Dorothy Johnston Gloor, and a son, Richard Gloor. MISS VIRGINIA E.

t.EWEI.I.EV, 22. 622 Ashland, died at 12:20 p.m. Thursday at Norton Infirmary. Surviving are her mother. Mrs.

Anna Lewellen: four sisters. Mrs. A. H. Mattmiller.

Lexington: Mrs. C. W. Perkins. Mrs.

B. W. Braithng and Mrs. J. E.

Melvin, and a brother, William J. lewellen, Jr. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. Saturday at Pearson's. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery.

GEORGE BOEC'KMANV. 58. former druggist, died at 7 a.m. Thursday at his home, 2115 Murray. Surviving are his wife.

Mis. Ella F. Boeckmann: a son, Herman Boerkmann. and two brothers, Anthony Boeckmann and Henry Boeckmann. Funeral services will be held at 8:45 a.m.

Saturday at the residence and 9 a.m. at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church. Burial will be In St. Michael Cemetery.

Hazel F. Farnsley. who reronveys to Joseph E. and Anna Laura Schaefer. 52 feet east side McHarry, $1.

Ella M. Beck to C. A. Williams, lot in Broadmeade Subdivision, $1, Stamps $6.60. Andrew Asphalt Company to William Herndon, 6ft feet southeast corner of 34th and Dumesnil, $1.

Stamps $1.10. M. F. Heil to R. R.

Horine. lot In Norbourne Estate Subdivision, $1. SUmps $9.35. R. R.

Horine to M. F. Heil. lot in Parkside Dr. Addition.

$1. Stamps $1.65. Greater Louisville First Federal Savings and Loan Association to M. L. Decker.

2fi feet north side Longfield, east of west line of Simon Subdivision, $1. Stamps $2.20. Martin Schoenbaechler to J. F. Hebden and others, tract In county, $1.

G. M. Fenley to R. B. Fcnley and C.

F. Geiser, tract in county, $1. Home Owners Loan Corporation to G. L. Love, 37.5 feet north line Dumesnil.

east of 28th. $1. Stamps $2.75. Mary H. McGIenn to W.

J. Petway, lot in H. H. Thornberry Addition No. 2, $1.

Sumps $2.75. Suits Filed 265744 William A. Earl et Clem P. Theisen. injunction; W.

Coleman, attorney. 265745 Transcript. 2S5746 Irwin G. Ballway et al vs. Harris al, on at- petition; Samuel B.

Kirby torney. 265747 Pauline Adco*ck vs Joel Ad-co*ck, divorce; J. C. Cloyd. attorney.

265748 Business Enterprise Company vs. B. H. Crady et al, on contract; M. B.

Peffer, attorney. 265749 P. Polio vs. Alfred Blevins et al. on note; Lawrence F.

Speckman, attorney, 265750 Bertha Buechler vs. McDonald Gray; Eugene Mosley, attorney. 265751 Leona Marcum vs. Clifford Marcum. limited divorce; J.

W. Campbell, attorney. 265752 Joseph Drana vs. Jeanette Dada Drana, divorce; Duke Powell, attorney. 265753 Margaret Simpson vs.

Jessie Simpson, divorce; Marvin J. Fisher, attorney. 265754 Grace Howard Eastland vs. W. Blake Eastland, divorce; Leland M.

Mahan, attorney. 265755 Hattie Adams vs. Chester Adams, divorce; E. Paul Denunzio, at torney. 265756 General Motors Acceptance Corporation vs.

Emmet L. Beach, on contract: Woodward, Dawson and Hob- son, attorneys. County Court Will of Alfred Markham probated; Arthur T. and Alfred E. Markham, ex ecutors.

Edward L. Markev appointed guardian of Carolyn A. Whitehouse and Charles Eugene, Annie L. and Louis E. Kemp.

Will of Sallie Priest probated; Harold w. iriDDie, executor. Atlanta. Ga. 95 Birmingham.

Ala. 94 72 Buffalo. N. Y. 87 63 .00 Charleston.

S. C. 98 .57 Chattanooga. Tenn. 95 71 Detroit, Mich.

99 71 .00 Duluth. Minn. 77 55 Evansville. Ind. 96 77 Fort Smith.

Ark. 77 flatteras. N. C. 87 76 .00 Indianapolis.

Ind. 97 7 2 .00 Jacksonville. Fla. 101 78 .00 Louisville. Kv.

97 "4 -nn Macon. Ga. Memphis. Tenn. 93 76 .00 Miami, Fla.

91 St. Paul 80 76 .19 Montgomery. Ala. 96 1 .00 Nashvihe. Tenn.

7 72 .00 New Orleans, La, 83 71 .00 New York. N. Y. 86 71 .00 Oklahoma City, Okla. 95 75 .00 St.

Louis. Mo. 101 79 .00 Shreveport La. 96 76 .00 S. Ste.

Marie. Mich. 86 69 .00 Springfield, Mo. 94 73 .00 Vicksburg, Miss. 96 .00 Williston.

N. D. 75 58 .00 METEOROLOGICAL DATA. (Official.) Louisville. July 25.

1940. 7 a m. Noon. 7 p.m. Rarometer 29.95 29.87 Temperature tdry bulbi 76 93 92 Temperature (wet bulbl 73 78 79 Dew point 71 72 74 Relative humidity 85 52 56 Wind velocity 9 8 State of weather Clear Clear Clear Build ins; Permits E.

Cu-herherrv. concrete block laundry, 960 Baxter. $2,500. W. R.

Manion. brick veneer dwelling, 1.4 Camden, $2,200. Bilv. 17 frame dwellings, ni-02-03-04-05-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-31-35 Berry Blvd. $2,000 each.

Real Estate Transfers si rents in stamps indicates $500 transaction ar frartion thereof. William A. Randolph, trustee, to E. A. Wehr.

lot in Aberdeen, section 4, $1. Stamps $1.10. E. L. Cutsinger to R.

A. Mitchell. 2 lots in Edgewood Subdivsion, $1. Stamps 55 cents. J.

T. Bowle to L. I. Boone, lot in Trariijlvania Subdivision, $1. Stamps SI 65.

E. Proctor to C. C. Burton, 2 lots in Riverside Gardens, $1. Fidelity and Columbia Trust trustee, and Louisville Trust to Sam Cohen and Joe Rosenthal.

25 feet east oe 20th, north St. Louis, $1. Stamps $1.65. John S. Eichhorn to L.

W. Eichhorn, tract on lBth St. $1. Marv E. Murphy to Mary A.

and W. E. Bc-rviUam. 62 37 feet northeast corner of Michigan and Amy, SI. Stamps, $1.10.

Emma K. Green to O. C. Schneider, 30 fet east side 3d, south of SI. Stamps $3.30.

A. E. Sloan to Paul Veith. 24 4-12 feet vest line 28th, south of Congress, $1. Stamps, $1.65.

G. P. Axton to Prudential Insurance 115'j feet northwest side Sherwood, at intersection of lot 3. on map marked Map L. $1.

Stamps $17.60. W. D. Beerman to W. A.

Iring. lot in Tecomah Subdivision, SI. Stamps $5.50. Motor Finance Corporation to J. M.

Phillips. 25 feet south line of St. Catherine, east of Preston, $1. Stamps $1.65. C.

A. Curl to A. H. Risen, 28 feet S'ni'h line Greenwood, east of 28th, $1. Stamps $1 65.

Hnrpe Owners Loan Corporation to P. Ross. 40 feel northeast side East-fiver PI southwest of Frankfort, $1. Stamps $6.60. Blanche W.

and J. C. Cronan and others to T. Tipton, 24'3 feet west side 26lh, r.orth of Slevm. SI.

Stamps $1.65. Liberty National Bank, executor and trustee, to M. G. West. 25 feet on south '0e Chestnut, east of Clay, $1.

Stamps B. to Harry Goldstein, 100 fet on Illinois Camp Taylor, $1. ttantps 55 cents. H. WKrhart to Hirry and Helen Goldiein.

5ft feet center line of Quarry P' Camp Taylor, mam unit, $1. Stamps Florence B. Buschemeyer to W. C. Pusrhemever.

Bl feet southwest corner Cf and River Park $1. Roroe Talhert to T. J. Kelly, tract fn Witterso.i County SI. Stamps S5 cents.

Joseph Z. and Anna Laura Schaefer to Temperatures and Precipitation Maximum temperature, 97; minimum temperature. 74; mean temperature. 86; normal temperature. 79; departure for day.

departure for month, 65; departure since March 1, 314: winds, southwest; mean barometer, 29.91; mean relative numidity. h4; ciidractcr of dav. clear: total precipitation, none normal precipitation, departure for day departure for month, l.iJ departure since March 1, .91. Marshall Stalker, 211 W. Hill doing business at 134 E.

Jefferson hereby declares his intention to apply for license as retail beer dealer. Brown-Forman Distillery Company, whose address is Louisville, Kentucky, a Kentucky corporation, hereby declares its intention to apply for a Kentucky Distiller's License. Its otficers and directors are: Frank M. Shiptnan. President.

l'JOH Howard, Louisville, Kentucky; M. M. Johnson. Vice President. 19u Howard, Ixiuisville, Kentucky: firaddy Richard.

Secretary and Treasurer, Howard, lmlsville, Kentucky. Brown-Forman Incorporated, whose address Is Ixiuisville. Kentucky, a Kentucky corporation, hereby declares Its intention to apply for a Kentucky Distiller's License. Its officers and directors are: Owsley Brown. President, Harrods Creek.

Kentucky; Geo. Garvin Brown. Vice President. Harrods Creek. Kentucky: W.

L. Lyons Brown. Secretary. Harrods Creek. Kentucky; Robinson S.

Brown, Treasurer, Harrods Creek, 1930 Pontiae Sedan 42 1934 Terraplane Coach 87 30 1934 Ford Tudor 117 25 1935 Ford Tudor 147 15 1936 Ford Sedan 2-7 11 1 935 Oldsmobile 6 Sedan 197 2 1936 Oldsmobile 6 Coach 2.17 15 1936 Pontiae Coupe: rumhle I'-tJO 1937 Cheviolet Coach: radio 237 IS Payments Arraneed To Meet Your Pocketbook SEE MR. FREEMAN. 329 E. Brnadwav. JAckson 65SS.

FORD SEDANS 2. model A. for sa cheap American Coal At Feed Co- J2d and Woodland. PF.TTKH BUYS AT BECKERS 1939 Studebaker 4-Door: $749 BECKER MOTORS. 144 E.


The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)


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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.