The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)

3 SECTION 2 THE COURIER-JOURNAL, LOUISVILLE, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 24, 1912. riuvL ait -w LLJ I iti wald, and family, at ther home in rived at home from a month's visit to Rev. W. J. Whitehead and Mrs.

White Third street. head. IrVequent (Buest from Trankfort I INFORMAL DINNER Mrs. J. P.

Williams was the guest Mrs.1 Burwell H. Farnslev enter or John J. Telford. LUNCHEON PARTY 4 Given Friday By Mrs.

Creel tained yesterday at a luncheon at the Mrs. Will Calvin Gibson, Mrs. Will Duncan, Mrs. Marvin Ellis and Miss Jennie Lee Moody were guests of Miss Brown At Her Home In Third Tavern Club honor of her guest, Mrs. Matthew H.

Houston, of Ashland. Covers were laid for the following: MBSDAME3 tfertna Current Fridav. j- Given At the Pendennis Club In Honor of Miss Louise of Norfolk, Va. Street. The members of the Central Chris Matthew H.

Hous- Thomas Dugan, ton, James G-lazebrook, Florida. Mrs. Harold Williamson and baby son left Tuesday for their home in Covington, after a visit to Mrs. Williamson's parents. Dr.

J. A. Stucky and Mrs. Stucky. Miss Viola Harting is the guest of her sister, Mrs.

Irving Abell, In Louisville. Mrs. William Dandridge. of Frankfort, is the guest of Mrs. Philip Winn.

Mrs. W. W. Evans has returned from a visit to her sister. Mrs.

Klrhy Muir, in Georgetown. Mrs. John Davis, of Paris, is the guest of Mrs. William Goodwin. Miss Georgie Swinney, of Envience, is the guest of Miss Mary Scott Spencer.

S-H-H-K-K- tian church gave a reception Thursday evening at the church in honor of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Floyd.

Prayer meeting will be held Wednes Louis H. Wymond, George Weller, Fulton Mandevllle, Caldwell Norton, Charles Pearce Hamilton Lewis. CREEL BROWN was host day evening at the home of Mr. and AND MRS. WILLIAM A.

a luncheon Friday at her NTs RS. at Mrs. George Heitzman. Mrs. Isaac Forwood has been visit Jng Mrs.

Georre Perrv. of Jerrico. rR. ome in Third street. ROBINSON, chaperoned a dinner party Friday evening Swagar Sherley, of Washington; George Miller, Charles Loomis, Burwell H.

Earns- ley. J. Stoddard John-st on, Harrison Robertson, John Moren, Frank Greer, R. A. Bate, The centerpiece was a plaque of The Ladies' Aid of the Baptist church her "500" club next Tuesday afternoon at her home in Reservoir Park.

Mrs. Harvey Slrinks will entertain her bridge cl ib M-'imb'y afternoon. Miss Kn the Linskey, of Detroit, is visiting her sister. Mrs. Leo Jaghowies.

Mrs. H. W. Ashby jiavc luncheon SaLnrdav, and afterward a theater p-trty. in honor of her quests, Misses and mini1 Ashby, of Brooklvn.

X. Y. rs. jnes I larm-ll and her daughter, Dorothv, uf Fr-iikf'O-t. returned AVdnesdav after visit with Mrs.

J. P. Hanley. rs. Fran! Saunders a nd her son, William, of Penr u-oht, are the guests of Mr.

and Mrs. A. W. Saunders. Miss Catherine Davidson, of Georgetown, who been the truest nf Miss Eleanor Siiusett, has returned.

Miss Eliza betii Moore will arrive next week from State College, Lexington, to spend the Easter with her parents, Mr. and -Mrs. J. W. Moore.

Miss Fannie Mallory, of Oldham county, is the guest of Mrs. William B. Rodman. Mrs. A.

I. Macpherson, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. H- F. Thompson, in Cincinnati, lias returned. Mrs.

A. B. Smith entertained her Sunday-school class Saturday evening. Those present wore: Misses Lucy Shaw, Lottie Dance, Stella Harrington, Lottie MeClain, Belie Geiger, Addia Franck, Marv Emma Ward, Mary ra noes Smith; Mr. and rs.

John Franck, Mrs. D. C. Ward, Mrs. G.

H. Kimbel, Harlan and Ruth Hanks. wiii hold its missionary meeting primroses and pink roses surrounded by silver candlesticks holding pink Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 clock at the home of Mrs. J. E.

Chilton. tapers and shades. The guests' favors Miss Lettie Marks, of Hartford, who at the Pendennis Club in honor of Jliss Louise Ryan, of Norfolk, who is the guest of Miss Jean Bruce Hakleman. In the party were the following: -Mr. and William A.

Robinson, Hisses Jean Bruce Haldeman, Louise Rvan. of Norfolk. Va. -Mrs. MISSES Katherine Bedinger, Lucile McKnigilvt.

Miss Bessie Franke, who is attend SOUTH LOUISVILLE spent several days with Mrs. R. O. Marks and Miss Elizabeth Marks, returned home. Miss Archie Hinkle, of Evergreen, has.

been visitiner Miss Rubv Cox, ing school Sweet Briar, is spending the spring vacation with her parents, in Anchorage. 9 Miss Mary WheellocK left Thursday Charles T. Ballard, Messrs. Chester Norton, Hullitfay Semple, Huntley Gibson. were small rustic baskets filled with pink roses.

The confections carried out the pink color scheme. Covers were laid for the following: MES LAMES Creel Brown, Richard E. Wathen, Richard Hearv co*ke. James V. Edwards, W.

O. Bonnie. MISSES Emily Ethel Irwin, Martha Cecil, Emily Bland, Henrietta Dugan. Blanche Weissinger Keith Sperry. Smith.

for her home i Waukesha, after Mr. Hubert Levy, who is spending Mrs. C. T. Davenport, of Eastwood, a visit with her sister.

Mrs. Tscheffe miss Stewart Mayer is spending the spent several days as the guest oi iu daughter, Mrs. F. H. Cissell.

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Couirhiin and Mr: some time tne Bermudas, will sail for New York the last of this week and after a short stay will return to Louisville. weeK-end with Miss Nettie Brussell bach, of Louisville. Mnrv Whalen and her son.

William, spent Bunoay wiin mi, turn aiie. ANNOUNCEMENTS Ion, of Portland. Mr. Charles Pacard, of Chicago, is Mrs. E.

L. Bowling, ol ueoanon junc spending- several clays at The Seel bach. tion, is the guest of her mother. Mrs. Bettie Hagan.

Mrs Ma Williams, of Sanders, who has EASTWOOD 4 in the South, and has joined his family at the O.tlt House, where they are spending some time. been visiting Mrs. Ed Houthwo-rth, has returned home. JEFFERS0NT0WN TV It RS. WILLIAM F.

MORGAN Miss Lillie Mae Stewart spent tne Miss Hazel Hervel, of St. Louis, who is the guest of Miss Minnie Nord, on her way back from Palm Beach, will return home to-day. will be host at a luncheon week-end with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J.

P. at Shively. Mrs. Frank Beckley and little Mr. Coleman R.

Gray, of St. Louis, is spending the week-end with his mother, rs. Norborne G. Gray, at HIS Fourth street. Mr.

and Mrs. C. J. MerKei, ol inuian- daughter spent Friday with Mrs. Jim apolls, are spending a.

few days witn AV J. Wednesday at her home in Third street in honor of Miss Fanny Thruston Ballard, whose marriage to Mr. Charles Horner will take place the first cf June. Boyd, of Shelbyville. Mrs.

Joe Johnson, of Louisville, was iir. and Bowies. Miss verna llosrers, ot pringuetti. nas Mrs. Robert Russell, of Wyncote, is the guest of her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. F. S. Barbour, at their home in Morton avenue. been the guest of Miss Norena the guest of Mrs.

George Beckley Friday. Mr. W. A. McGIll.

of New Mrs. Frank Jean vis-ited" her aunt, Mrs. liallie Hyde, in Louisville Monday. Mr and Mrs. Kenner Mills were the company of his brother, Mr.

George Mills, and family, of Fern Valley, Monday. Mrs Elae Miller had with her Thursday Mis. David Hlggintun, and Miss Xnrris Witty, who is attending school at Middlebury, is spending the spring vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex P.

Witty, at their home in Kensington Court. Mra, Little Whaw ana ner son, newnt Shaw, of Louisville, spent Sunday with port, en route to Idaho, stopped over fnr a fa-nr A ra' i'vit tn Vio aunt Mpo Mr. and Mrs. T. V.

Longacre. Mr. and Mrs. Kohert Hagood, ot tne Mrs. Vernon Robins, wtjo has been at Norton Memorial Infirmary for several weeks, is reported to be slowly improving.

She will remain there several weeks. family, and Mrs. Roy Reid, and son, Alex. West End, were the guest of r. and Mrs.

R. C. Hagood Tuesday. Mr. William Marshall Bullitt returned yesterday from a trip to New York and the East.

Miss Isabel tfrady, ui Jxnusvine. was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John GuUion Sunday and Monday. Mrs.

P. F. Sweeney entertained her Eucft-re Club Tuesday evening. Mrs. Charles Fox Harvey has announced the engagement of her daughter, Miss Elsie McKendree Harvey, to Mr.

Robert Edward Brandeis. The marriage will be quietly solemnized Wednesday evening, April at the home of Mrs. Harvey in St. Catherine street. Mrs.

W. T. Durrett will entertain the members of her bridge club tomorrow afternoon at her home in Brook street. Mme. Christian Hauge.

of Wash-ton, who is the gue-st of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ross Todd, will be extensively entertained during her stay here. Mr.

and Mrs. A. Molt and tneir daugh and Mr. and Mrs. Koy Farmer, of Louisville, ere with their pareiv.s, Mr.

atxi Mvs. i neb Brifiwt 11, recently. Mr. Force Jean and family spent tn with Mrs. Jean's brother, Mr.

Morris Luut, and tamily, in their new home on Hudson farm. They also had as their Dr. and Mrs. Pound and Mr. ieii Tinned and family.

Airs. J. Jean celeurated her anniversary Sunday. Sn well kiiuwn and well loved by a great Mr. and Mrs.

Marion E. Taylor, who made a boat trip up the Nile to Assouan and Luxor, returned to Cairo where they spent two weeks. They are now in the Holy Land and will reach Naples April 9. ter. Laverne.

of Paris, are visiting Mr. W. V. Cowherd. Mrs.

James Brengman spent Tuesday with Mrs. E. J. Anchorage. Capt.

G. W. Beckley and Mrs. Beckley were guests Tuesday of Mrs. E.

M. Howell, of Crescent Hill. Dr. H. C.

Harthill, of Louisville, spent several days here last week. Mr. P. J. Houston and Mr.

J. Little, of Louisville, were guests of Mr. William Flood Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs.

E. M. Hedges, of Louisville, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roe Davenport.

Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Isaacs and son, Edward Gypson, Mr.

and Mrs. Lane Isaacs and little daughter, Louise Miss Allee Otter, of Danville, who is visiting her aunt. Mrs. Joe Werne, will return home Wednesday. Mr.

and Mrs. P. A. Gaertner left for Boston yesterday to spend the Easter holidays with their daughter, Miss Mary Christina Gaertner, who is at school in the East. and Mrs.

E. G. Waller. Mrs. Sam uaiker is the guest oi Mrs.

Harry Fletcher. Mrs. W. i. ijarum and ner son.

in- iam. are visiting relatives at Cpton. Miss Grace Murks, nt Cincinnati, is vis i.umher oi neighbors anu menus, jui Mr. and Mrs. William E.

Bryan have ret urned from French Lick Spri rigs, where rs. Bryan was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Gerard Stuy-vepant, of New York. Mrs. Stuv- iting Mrs.

R. S. Bryant. Miss -leucine Bureii entertained -Mrs. Ret tie Ditto.

I. Steinfeld and Mrs. Will Mr. Harry Giovannali. of who spent the week here, has returned to his home in Washington.

i wishing net' many more on tnaa au-ivtrrsaries. She is quite active for one age. .1. Re-fcl had as her coinpany Runner ajt 6 o'clock dinner Sunday. vesam went to Chicago to visit Mr Mr.

and Mrs. .1. T. entenuine Taylor, of Crescent Hill, and Mrs. Her Carter Semple before returning to New York.

iiert Stone, of 'Bannon's spent last Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Julia Isaacs. Misses Lillie Belle, Elsa and Flora May Forst, will leave the first week in April for Cincinnati, where they will join their brother. Mr. Leo B.

Forst. and make their home in the future. Pr. Ap Morgan Vance, who ha. Mrs.

Harry B. Fisher w'as the guest been ill for several weeks, will leav to-morrow for Mobile, to euperate, and will be accompanied by his brother. Burton ance. Di recently of her sister, Mrs. Amos Yaeger.

of Louisville. Mrs. B. F. Pearcy spent Thursday with Mrs.

E. G. Broughton, of Louisville. Mr. and Mrs.

Wilbur Blackwell at va nee will be joined later by Mrs, Mr. Ferrell Burton, of New" York, is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Granville Burton, for a sTiort stay. Vance.

Mr. William Marshall Bullitt wdl give a dinnt-r Wednesday evening in her honor; Ernest Allis will entertain Thursday at a luncheon t'other, and Friday Mrs. Alex P. Humphrey will give a luncheon at Fin-castle for Mine. Hauge.

Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. -Samuel Culbertsun will entertain 'in her honor. Mrs. John G.

Simrall will be host at a meeting of rhe Friday Afternoon Euchre Club Thursday at her home in tin. Park apartments in Fourth street. Mrs. Charles Ernest Bayne, of New Turk, has announced the engagement of her daughter. Miss Mildred Page Johnson, to Mr.

Augustus W. Kelley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Augustus V. Kelley.

of New York. -Miss Johnson is a granddaughter of Mrs. Blanche Mitchell, of Louisville, and her mother was formerly Miss Kate Mitchell, of Louisville. tended the funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Mtss Louise Ryan, of Norfolk, Va.

Boomer, of Louisville, Wednesday. who has been visiting Miss Jean Newton G. Crawford will leave this evening for Chicago to spend a week with Mr. and Mrs. W.

D. Evans. Mrs. Guy Cowherd and son, Her aileriiuon Miss Mable Brown and iiavs Brown. Mr.

ai.d Mrs. M. E. Carlin and family, of Louisville; Mr. and Mrs.

Wiii Cariia daughter, Virginia, and Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Wheeler ere the guest sof Mrs.

I Whey ier and daughter. Miss Bertie, ounda v. Mrs. L. C.

Owings visited her husband, I I ui. L. C. win ys, in Frankfort last Mrs. D.

M. MeMaher spe-nt Tuesday in. Louisville. rs. W.

T. Lindei anii daughter, Mrs. Baron, wvnt to Taylcrsville, to attend the funeral of Mrs. Lindei brother-in-law Mr c. Miller, fhls week.

Mrs. J. Z. Thompson, Mrs. J.

B. Thompson and son, Windei, and Mrs. A. Math-oy, of ille, were with Mrs. J- W.

Kellar Tuesda'. Mr. and Mrs. William Harris had as their company Friday evening Mr. ami Mis.

James Bates and children. Abby and and Misses Stella and Leila McKea and Thomas. Miis Blanche Thomas was the pleasant yuest oi Miss Gertrude Howard Sunday. Mr. Eliza Wright, of Tuckers, visited her brother, Mr.

Henry Berry, and fam- Bruce Haldeman for several week. bert Louisville, spent Monday with will go to Lexington to-day to be the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Frank Mrs. v. Cowherd.

Mr. John Phelps has returned from a trip to French Lick Springsf aughan. before returning home. Monday evening for their guest. Miss Amines Welsch, of Shp herds vii.

Tims present were Misses Dura Reutel, of ri.e East End; Luella Hurry, of Loretta; Jo-si Ryan. Sarah Wlieatley and Rirth-Rovaltv; Gup Flarida. .1. Cain. Theodore Rvan.

J. M. Mr. and Mrs. I'M Howell Mr.

and Mrs. N. Keilam. Mr. and Mrs.

J. M. Rav. Mrs. Rnv and Mr.

mm Mrs. M. C. Martin. Miss Clair Upton entertained J.

Lusher, of Frnnkfort. Sundav. Mrs. S. L.

Hikf-'s. of Ciifton. ar.rl Mrs J. Rudy Ellingsworth were the guests of Mrs. George Green this week.

Mrs. A. Jaeksou, of Memphis. was the guest of Mrs. R.

S. Bryant this week. Mrs. Tom Sweeney, of Portland. was the guest of Mrs.

Harry Lowe Monday. Mrs. Ivouis Deible and Mrs. II enry Deillp. nf and Miss Emma Brim-lev, of East End.

were guests of Mrs. J. T. Xorris Thursday. Mrs.

W. A. Montgomery is ent ertaining her father, J. W. Oster.

of Cave City, this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. .7.

Norris spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry DeiMe at Kuecliel. Miss Alice MUmford. who has been visiting her sister, Mrs.

Roy Neighbors, has returned home. Mips Mai-y Miller, 'of Cincinnati is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. W.

Guidon-Mr. and Mrs. Marry Mitchell visited' Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Barnett at Louisville Sunday.

Mr.s. George Green has rex urned borne after a visit with hr daughter, Mrs. C. H. Talbot, of Bard stow n.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grainger, PEWEE VALLEY wan spent two weeus at French Li Misses Marie and Elizabeth Thompson will return April 1 5 from Annapolis after a visit to their sisters, Mrs. Harold C. Washburne and Mrs.

C. C. Van A-ulten- Springs and several days in Chicago, win return to-day. The Rev. Dr.

William McFadden of New Orleans, is spending the week Miss Ruth Pinnell spent the week Mr. George Lucas, of Columbus, has returned home after several end with Mr. and Mrs. QC. S.

Tabb Miss Julia Hunt Johnson will entertain the members of her bridge club to-morrow morning at the home of Miss Ethel Whitney in Ormsby avenue. end with Mrs. Hardin at WorthingLon. days' stay at The Seelbach. on his way home from Pittsburgh.

The missionorv societv ol the Pres i.y. byterian church met Wednesday with and Mrs. Braithwait, of Mt. Wash Ruth Duncan, who is attend Miss Florence Dinkeispiel, who spent two months the guest of Miss ington, were tii-e company ot" Mr. M.

F. Miss Craig. Miss Bessie Thomas is with Miss Rose McDonald during Mrs. McDon Johnson and family recently. ing school at Wellesley, will spend the Easter holidays with her Marcelle Sabel, in Montgomery, and has been visiting her cousin, Mrs.

Emil Miss Elizabeth Bruce will give an informal party Tuesday evening at her home in Third street in honor of Miss A'irginia Xeibig, of St. Louis, who is visiting Miss Austine Barton. ald's absence in Nw York. parents. and Mrs.

Tom B. Dun can. at their home in Cherokee park way. Miss Julia Hill, of Carroiton, is the Levy, in Birmingham, for six weeks, will return next Sunday. ilr.

and Mrs. James nates ana jiiss Maggie Johnson spent Sunday with Mr. aim 'Mrs. Louis ltaU-Iiff. Mr.

R. C. Ha i tley, uf Lyndale, spent Wednesday with his daughter, Mrs. J. B.

Beard. Ann Bru-e and Mrs. J. R- Nutter guest of Mr. and Mrs.

E. M. Coleman. J. William Loieman spent tne week Mr.

and Mrs. Samuel Shackelford, Mr. Durward Gr instead will return end with Mr. and Mrs. S.

B. Harbi- of Frankfort, are at The Seelbach for from the University of Michigan April Von at Shelbyville. spent the cay witn a utter near a short stay. to spend the Easter holidays with Miss Bruce's guests will be the following: MISSES "irginui Zeibig, Christine Belknap, Austine Barton, Susan Morton. MESSRS.

William Hoge, Ed Thompson, Leland Taylor. Clarence Smith. Chesley Swy.nn, his parents, Mr, and Mrs. James F. Grinstead.

Beiicm i. Mrs. John Andersen and daughter, snout Sunday with Dr. and Mra, rPhorograph by Mrs. Ethel C.

Standiford, MISS RAC1IAEL COVINGTON SETTLE. the daughter of Judge Warner E. Settle and Mrs. turned borne after a visit to her sister. Mrs.

Hugh K. returned home after a visi Mr. and Mrs. Harry Needle, who Mi Settle, wh CRESCENT HILL of FnmkCorr. has had been occupying apartments in the Majestic, moved this week to the Mr.

Lawrence Clayton, a student of law at the University, will accompany and Dr. Kellogg at their home in Ransdell aven Cortlandt. mm ana be nis guest, during the noli days. Weils. Airs.

EIlw ond Butler and son are visit-iny in Mrs. Edward Goose and Mrs, J. T. Gunn vis; ted iu Bonis vi i le unday Mrs. B.

B. Btankenbaker spent Saturday here with relatives. Mi-, and Mrs. H. E.

Hall celebrated Mr. Miss Allan Crutcher, of Winches Kaiser, of Memphis, are the ter, is visiting Miss Sarah Peak. Beulah guests Miss Mary Prewitt Stucky will entertain the members of her bridge club Thursday afternoon at her apartments in The Seelbach. Mrs. Patty Blackburn Semple is 11 iss Jessie Li dsn who has been of Mr.

and Mrs. William H. 2302 West Market street. of tonsilitis at her home in Belgravia- Pank, CLUB MOTES spending several months with her grandmother. Mrs.

L- C. MeGowan. is The Neighborhood Study Club meets Tuesday with Mrs. E. C.

Allen. The subject will be "The Taming of the Shrew." led by Mrs. Mossbarger. Mr. and Mrs.

Allen Anient, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mussbarger and Mr.

and Mrs. H. I. Mossbarger are guests today of Mr. and Mrs.

I. E. Mossbarger. Mrs. Sherman Weatherly and daughter, Elizabeth Jurey, were guests of friends in the Valley Monday.

They leave Monday to join Mr. Weatherly in New Orleans. Mrs. Mayme Spcer. of Louisville, was the week-end guest of Mrs.

Callis. Miss May Ewing has returned to Owensboro after visiting. Miss Ethel Williams. Mr. and Mrs.

Ed George were guests Monday of Col. George and Mrs. Miss Trma Goldstein left yesterday court. ending a mon wit her aunt. 31 i s.

for French Lick Springs, where she will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. Miss Virginia Watson entertained the Graeme McGowan. on the Brownsboro road.

Portland I-iaL-liiJur Fridav evening' Miss Bessie Hoge entertained at a buffet supper last evening at her home in Pewee Valley in honor of Miss at her home in Western Parkway. Miss Miss Mary Higgins has returned to Iralson for the week-end. She will he accompanied upon her return by her niece. Miss Virginia Tralson, who will South Bend. after a visit with Mr.

and Mrs. R. A. iggins. Lalla bwearmgen and her guest, Miss HE department meeting which Watson was presented a sola pillow by the club.

The presentation speech Col. William T. Wood and Mrs. Wood, of St. Louis, announce the engagement of their daughter.

Miss Janet Wood, to Capt. Henry Pillsbury, U. S. A. Col.

Wood and family formerly lived in Louisville, where he was on recruiting duty before the Spanish-American War. it her grandmother. Mrs. A. Gold was mailt! by Mr.

Keselvin. The stein, for two weeks. Mrs. Hailie Trigg, of St. Matthews, the guest of Mr.

and Mrs. A. B. will be held at the Wu man Club Wednesday afternoon at 3 uests ineiuilen AliseK uraee ptlanz, Adeie imager, oi Chicago. Miss Hoge's guests were: MISSES Lada Swearingen, Heloise Bullitt.

Allele Badger. Eliza Helm Grin- Smith, of Waverly Court. Wilhelmfna I'lrieh. Flora itcektenwald. Miss Dorothy Bonnie, who is attend Mrs.

Austin Kinnaird. of Anchorage. Elizabeth Xeale. Lillian Connelly. Rosa George.

ing school at Pittsfield. will arrive Thursday to spend three weeks nran, stead. Miss Ethel Williams is visiting Mr. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Vv and Mrs. Richard Wortham in Louis viiie. Bonnie. Miss Carolyn Hulbert will entertain at a dinner to-morrow evening at her home in St. James Court for her guest, Miss Mary Miller, of Adeie Blanc, Julia Gilbert, of Xew York; Julia Kinkead.

Recktenvvala: Shirley Milhgnn; Walter Sanders, Tommie Rush. John KessoirinK. Harry Gorman. Clement Powers.'.'H: Allan MUU-gan, Adolph Reektenwald, Marc Ryan and Philip Watson.

Margery Ellis, Nellie 1 i ab Canter, Blanche Weis- singer Smith, o'clnrk. will lie under the auspices of the Civics Committee. The subject for the year is: "Evils of Our Present Industrial System and Suggest "Inetlieieney" will be discussed by Mr. Charles Allen, Mrs. J.

B. and Mrs. Frances Gates, while the suggested remedy will be bandied by ppt'. F. O.

Holland. Guests, it is announced, will be admitted when accompanied by club members. Miss iNettie Horde, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Bow, has gone Mrs. Robert Lytle, of Danville, is visiting friends here.

Albert Dick. MESSRS. Leland Taylor, Dennis Lone, to Dixon, Tenn. Mrs. W.

N. Jurey is visiting in Mid dlesboro. Miss Mary Lewis, of Owensboro, ii Mrs. Emmet Palfrey and little son Master Walter Chick Palfrey, who Edmund Merri- u-ether. George Chesoheir.

James Wiliun, of Col. H. Trigg, who had been in Florida for the winter, spent yesterday in Louisville on his way home in Glasgow. expected in a few days to visit Miss E. T.

Hutchings, L. L. Warren, A rrti De Bow, Peyton Hoge, William Hoge. ilhams. spent two weeks with Mr.

Palfrey in Kansas City, have returned. Mr. Palfrey was called to New Orleans by the illness of his father, Mr. George Pal 1 Haifa bjrth'day Wednesday, all ot their eiiil. Iren and gi andchi Idren were wilti them.

ML-t. Tiieresa McDermott spent Sunday murnirii; Dr. and Mis. Turner had as their guesta recent. Mrs.

Etlie Aiiher, Mrs. Emma. Mrs. Nannie umor and Mrs.

Gibson. Mi, Johnson visited relatives Lmusvihe last week. Mr. and -Mrs. Chi re nee Omer spent Sunday with Fred Myers.

Mr. Guy Mills and sister. Miss Ethel spoilt Saturday and Sunday in Louisville with ami attended church Sunday and were entertained at dinner by Katheryne 11)11. on Ormsby avenue. Miss Annie Reid spent Saturday evening witn Mis Roy Rice.

Mi and Mrs. T. J. Brentlinger and daughter, of Louisville, spent Saturday a.iui Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Newton Swan. Miss Mary Baumhsberger entertained tiie Embronk ry Club Thursday. Mrs. Cari Pureed was he hostess of the Current Eveats Ciub Wednesday. Mr.

and Mis. J. A. Rubins spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs.

.1. P. Frederick. Miss. Gladys Fink Maddox of Crescent Li ui, was the eek-end guest of Miss Charlotte Howell.

Miss Lottie Owings, of Louisvile. spent with Jliss Elizabeth Cooper. E. It. prowl and son spent the day Willi her mother, Mrs.

W. T. Buchanan, of Fern Creek. Mioses Kihtrt Wheeler, of New Albany, and Ethel Hummel, of this place, entertained a large number of friends at Miss Mummers home Saturday evening from to 11 at a St. Patrick's party.

The house and table were beautifully decorated in green streamers and shamrock leaves. The color scheme was carried out in tiie refreshments. A "four-leaf" clover hunt and "pin-guess" were among the many games played. Favors were award Mrs. Arthur Graves, of Lexington, is Robert Vaughan.

Joseph Law ton, The monthly meeting of the Highland Mothers' Club will he held Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Robert K. AVoods, 2419 Longest avenue. frey. The marriage of Miss Dulcenia Mc-Kenna and Mr.

Nelson Proctor will be quietly solemnized to-morrow evening at the home of Miss McKenna's parents. Mr. and Mrs. James McKenna, at 935 East Washington street. The Itev.

A. E. Whatham, rector of Trinity church, will perform the ceremony. Miss Elsa Lang will be the maid of honor and Mr. Clifford Gebhart will he best man.

Only the immediate members of the two families will be present at the ceremony. The couple will leave the same evening for a wedding trip in the East. Dr. D. T.

Smith and Mrs. Smith have removed from 125 East Broadway to 1468 First street. Miss Edith Baude, who is a student Mr. George Forman has returned after a business trip to Chicago. was trie guest oi her sister, Wallace McKay, this week.

Mrs. J. D. Raid ridge will entertain the Wednesday Club next Wednesday afternoon at her home in Crescent Court. Thomas Lloyd Coleman, nf College Grove, has returned after a visit wdth Mrs.

Coleman, who is visiting her aunt. Mrs. J. D. Bnldridge.

Misses Anna Blanche Weisen and Frances Watson Jones, of Louisville, are the guests of Mrs. J. K. Leahy. Mrs.

Edward DMof Sweet returned this week from Elizabethtown. where she has been visiting Mrs. M. H. Gab-bert.

Mrs. Kemp Mizner, who ha been visiting her son, Rowland Kiehards, and Mrs. Richards, left last week for Chattanooga, where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. George Vid-mer. Mrs.

E. R. McDonald, of Nashville, 111., and W. Williamson, of Chicago, who have been visiting their- sister, Mrs. Charles Sapp, have returned.

Miss Hugh Barret Adams and William Adams, of Munfordville, have returned after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. John C. Eastland, Mrs. J.

H. Dickey spent Wednesday in Frankfort and attended the Executive Committee meeting of the Federa- tion of Women's i Mr. and Mrs. William Jarvis have returned to their home in St. James i Ohio, will spend the spring vacation with Miss Helen Cristin, at Find lay, O.

visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Clore.

Mrs. S. A. Culbertson. of Louisville spent Tuesday with her mother, Mrs Craig.

LEXINGTON tX ihiiii-i 11 "11 Mr. oroorne K. tiray will arrive Friday after several months' stay in CRESTW00D Mr. Edwin X. Jackman, who recent' irgmia, and wiu Oe with his mother, Mrs.

Norborne G. Gray. ly recovered from the grip, has gone to Miami, Fla. Mr. Bate Washington as returned Anna Katherine Walker and Helen Gardner Walker entertained with a St.

Patrick's party Wednesday afternoon Those present were Misses Marion Bruner. Annie Bruner, Dorothy Harnett, Lucy Ferguson. Twee Monroe, Charlotte Webb, Constance Bixby Virginia Moore, Frances Moore, Mary Louise Blain, Margaret Richards Frances Richards, Martha Dodd, Anita English, Helen Wagner. Stetson Walker. Anna Katherine Walker and Helen Gardner Walker.

to his home in Irvington, after a visit Miss Aline Rosenthal, of Knoxville. to his daughter, Mrs. Perry Weaver, arrived Friday to visit her cousin, Mrs. The wedding of Miss Flossye Dinkeispiel and Mr. Oscar Rein hold, of Chicag'o, will be solemnized this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at The Seelbach.

The ceremony will be performed by Rabbi I. Mueller. Fred Levy, at her home in Third Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Ingram and baby, of Worth, were guests of John street.

Lexington, March 23. (Special.) Mrs. Asa Jewell and daughter, Mrs. John Jewell, entertained Tuesday with bridge in honor of J. Telford and Mrs.

Telford for din Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Sachs, Miss Rose-hannah Sachs, Messrs.

D. A. Sachs, and Benjamin Sachs, who have been occupying Mr. and Mrs. James Mr.

Thomas H. Gilessey, who under William I. Goodwin, who will leave went an operation at St. Joseph's Infirmary, has returned to his home. Mrs.

James Lindgren will entertain this evening at dinner. Covers will be laid for lifteen. Grinstead's house in Second street ner last Sunday. Miss Elizabeth Current entertained informally Tuesday afternoon the following guests: Misses Bessie Thomas, soon to make her home at Eureka Mr. R.

Norton Gray has been ill his home, suffering from malaria. lor the winter, will go up to Emi nence April 10 to spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. J.

Straus, of Baltimore. Springs, Ark. Mrs. Waller Rodes, and daugh were the guests for several days of Ruth Terrie Ryan, Marjorle Floyd, Ruth Lowry, Mar Lipscomb, Isabelle ter, Miss Mary Rodes, entertained with a luncheon Wednesday. Among Mr.

Straus sister, Mrs. xatnan Fell-heimer, on their way to French Lick Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stengel announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Clara Helen Stengel, to Mr.

Richard C. Shircliff. The wedding will be solemnized in June. Miss Susan Bronston. of Lexington, who is visiting Miss Elise Womack, will return home Tuesday Miss Grace Walker, of 1224 Cherokee Road, has returned after three months' visit to friends in Chicago New York.

Boston and Cincinnati. Springs. tne guests were ivirs. ivi. a.

scoveii, Mrs. Charles W. Burt, Mrs. Peter G. Powell, and Misses Margaret Hal- Mr.

George Brown left yesterday Jefferson and Amelia Moody. The Rev. W. J. Whitehead and Mrs.

Whitehead spent Tuesday night with Dr. R. B. Pryor and Mrs. Pryor.

Mrs. Edward Botts, of Brownsboro, lev and Bida carter. for New York and other eastern cities Mrs. W. B.

Pace left Friday for Paducah', where sh1 is the guest of her brother, Mr. Muscoe Burnett, and Mrs. Burnett. Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Brown entertained Thursday evening in honor of on business for a week or ten days. Mr. and Mrs. E. A.

Herget announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Theresa Anna Herget, to Mr. W. J. Feat hers tone.

The wedding will take place in June. Mr. and Mrs. Fraklin Vaughn, who re Mr. William P.

Hayes, a Louisville boy and lately an officer of the United States Navy, passed through Louis- JiJe, veek. en route Central and South America. and Mrs. Leslie Hcrndon spent Monday in Lagrange. Mr.

Sol Newmark, of New York. left ed to Mrs. Ebhart Mittler, Miss Albert Lee Smith, Miss Isabell Jackman. -Mr. 1 1 be and r.

ra ee 1 r. A inrmj those present were: M.r. and Mrs. ffia Goose, Mr. and Mrs.

Wm. Hummel, Mr. and Mrs Ebhart Mittler and son, Mason, Misses Llilie Quesenberry, B. B. and Aline Hummel, Lids and Albert Lee Smith, Kathrine Marshall, Mae Evans, Mayme Wheeler, Margaret Harris.

Gertrude Ellingsworth, Saiie James. Lualle Tyler, Rernice Roblrs, Isabel Jackman, Anna Weibel, Mildied Elgin, Mary Stucky, Ora, Gunn, Pet Wisehart, Mrs. Lillie Bridwell, Mr.s. Bessie Harnett, rs. J.

A. Smith, Messrs. Ira Wheler. Robert and Wm. Yates, Carl Miller, David Jones, Mavze Jackman.

Erwin and Reuben Smith, Ciias Sibley, Horace Gum, Charlps Sites, Joe Huber, Carl Hummel. Frank Robins Dr Wm. Stucky and Roy Bddwel. cently returned from their wedding yesterday for Cincinnati, after sDend Mrs. John B.

Clore and little son Mrs. Leslie Shropshire is ill of fever at her home in West trip. ing a short time at The Seelbach. have been spending a few days with Mrs. Clore-s mother, Mrs.

C. Hunt, Mr. Frederick Brinke announces the engagement of his daughter, Miss Freda Brinke, to Mr. L. Erwin Baura- Mrs.

W. O. Anderson nf trQ Mrs. C. J.

Sandmann has gone to Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Chen-ault entertained with a dinner Thursday to celebrate three dates, which happily fall within a few days of each Court after several weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs.

Joshua Jarvis. of the Brownsboro road. Mrs. Christopher Urwick gave an informal bridge party Saturday afternoon at her home in Eastover. Mrs.

James Darnell and her daughter. Miss Dorothy, were the guests of Mrs. Ben L. Bruner this week. Mrs.

Charles Robinson will entertain her auction bridge club Monday afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. Ben L. Bruner gave a 6 o'clock dinner Saturday in honor of the fifteenth birthday of their son, Walter Bruner.

The guests were: Misses Mary Weston Tucker, Mary Rogers Bruner, Mabel Bruner, and Carl Bruner, George Beckmann and Reynolds Bruner Tucker. Mrs. Harry Woodard. will entertain her b-idge club next AVednesday afternoon. Miss Mamie Howell, who has been spending several weeks in Florida, will return the first part of April.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Neal visited Mrs. Neal's aunt, Miss Mamie "Burns, at Spring Station this week. Mrs.

W. N. Bailey, of Cincinnati, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Mary Kramm, for several weeks, has re- or Jefferson coun Mrs. Gordon R.

Cowie, of Washing Lexington to he the guest of her son, and her daughter, Miss Eunice Anderson, who has arrived from Oxford Col- Miss Ruth Terrie Ryan spent Wednesday night wi'-'i Miss Nellie May Mr. Leo Sandmann. who is a student ton, will arrive to-day to be the guest of Mrs. Louis Charles Burgard at her home, 1202 Fourth street. at Kentucky State university.

other their wedding anniversary, Mrs. Chenaul t's birthday and the birthday Williams. Vr vacation, are vis iting Mr. and Mrs. s.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilsie Harcourt had of Miss Sarah Gibson Chenault, the 0TJ7 uuau" "-L Mr. and Mrs. I.

Rosenbaum. who i main MLreet. oldest daughter of the house. Among garten, the wedding to take place April 24. PERSONALS as their guests for supper Monday evening the Rev.

W. J. Whitehead and suent two weeks in St. Louis and Mrs, Casselberry Dunkerson will leave to-morrow for French Lick tne guests were mr. ana mrs.

jouis Terre Haute, returned yesterday. Johnstone and Miss Susanne Grigsby, springs to spend ten days. Dr. W. E.

Hampton and Mrs. and little daughter, Agnes, of Elliott. are visiting m. a or wooaiora county; wir. ana Mrs.

Mrs. wnitenecxi. Mrs. Russell Telford spent last Saturday night in Louisville. Mr.

and Mrs. Freibert, of Louisville. Mrs. S. Dreyfus and Miss Sarah PARKVIEW Harrison Simrall, of this city, and Miss Dreyfus have returned after two Ramsey at 732 Second street.

Mrs. Louis B. Wehle, who has been ill of diphtheria, improving rapidly. weeks' visit in New York. Mary Taylor, or Virginia.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ettett. of Gin- have been visiting Mr. Frank Bo'hn Miss Anna whn and Mrs.

Bonn. Miss Suecora Peabody, of Louisville. RS. ROBERT W. BINGHAM cinnati, parents of Mrs.

Vaughn, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin The Rev. Samuel M. Bernard and family, of Madisonville, were visitors here several days last week.

was the guest of Mrs. Ruth McFarland 7 1 a'uuna tne world, is in the city for a short stay before leaving for Kurope. Mrs. Albert Schloss. of Detroit, will return home to-day after a short visit to her aunt, Mrs.

Harriette Bijur, at her apartments in The Gheens, in Third street. Mr. and Mrs. S. S.

Thompson and their Vaughn, who returned last week from their bridal trip. and children, who spent a month with Mr. Bineham's last Sunday. Miss Jennie Farrls Railey, of Frank Mrs. Robinson returned to her home Mrs.

George Morgan, and little The girls who will take rwr in th fort, who has been visiting Mrs. Thomas Moran, has returned. entertainment "Ye Merrv Kvoninp Mr. ana raxs. vv imam ol iasn- father.

Col. Robert Bingham, at Asheville, N. returned yesterday. Mr. Bingham was at the Hermit Cluo during Mrs.

Bingham's absence given by the Evenine- ft, in Anchorage alter a visit with her mother, Mrs. Charles Engelhardt. Will Pryor, of Lagrange, was the guest of -is son, Dr. R. B.

Fryor, and Mrs. Pryor, Tuesday night. The following elrls have organized Mrs. C. A.

Roberts, of Chicago, will arrive to spend the Easter holidays with her sister, Mrs. J. F. C. Hege- Mr.

and Mrs. Edu-ard Keinhold and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Marcuse, of Chicago, will arrive to-day to attend the wedding of Miss Flossye Dinkeispiel and Mr. Oscar Reinhold, which will take place this afternoon.

They will be at The Seelbach during their stay here. ville, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heick, have taken a house in Eastover. daughters, rances ana Caroline, are in Chattanooga, the guests of Mrs.

Harold Fee. Mrs. Richard Stoll left Monday for New York City, where she will be the guest of friends at the Waldorf. Mr. and Mrs.

William Imrels after First Christian church at the Scottish Rite Cathedral Friday and Saturday will be entertained by Miss Winnie Mae Turner Wed part av Miss Alice curtin. wno nas oeen vis iting Miss Margaret Kenna, of Fairfield, has returned. unuuitrit, iwun ujju vivian, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R.

a. Thornton. Mrs. Bettie Lewis and her daughter Miss Sara, of Garnetsvilie, and Mrs Sue Sibley and Mrs. Eddie Witherspoon, of Louisville, were the guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Jenkin Swindler Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ray and Mrs.

Millie Ray of Stlthton, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Carrico Sunday, on their way to California, where they will make their home.

Mr. and Mrs. Iv. Alsop and their soat Kelley, were the guests of Mr. ana Mrs.

Sam Phillips on Sunday. Mrs. Otis Hudglns has been visltSsfl Miss Emma Keith, of Rosedale. Henrietta Elliott has been vlnltln hoc a literary club, which will meet every two weeks: Misses Marjorle Floyd, Amelia Moody, Ruth Terrie Ryan, Isa a visit to Mr. Ing-els' father, Mr.

Evan Mrs. Scnooineia, or uincinnati, is tne The following will be present: Misses Ruth Rough New Albany; Elizabeth belle Jenrerson, current. Mrs. E. P.

Floether, of 4706 Second street, will leave to-day to attend a houseparty given by her brother, Dr J. W. Smodell, in Vincennes, Ind. truest of Mrs. William Birchett, of EaBtover.

Mra. William Birchett entertained wii rectus, Anna Miller. Frances Coleman m0 -cur Ingeis, have returned to their home in Norma, Tenn. Mrs. William V.

Judson, of Washington, D. is the euest of her To insure publication all items submitted to the Society Editor should bear the signature and address of the sender (not for publication) also the telephone number, where there one. ler, Nell Fowler, Helen De Bow Catherine Collins. Man' RrnH- Bessie Thomas. Marie Lipscomb, Alice Ross, Carey Hoge, Cecelia Harcourt, Jessamine Young and Louise Johnson.

The first meeting was held yesterday mother, Mrs. Sidney Clay, her bridge club Monday afternoon at her home in Eastover in honor of Mrs. Schoolfleld, of Cincinnati. Her guests were: Mrs. Schoolfleld.

Mrs. E. SDal- voons. LP a Hz-Ln-n-sn Mr. and Mrs.

Herman Volkerding have returned after a stay of two weeks at French Lick Springs. Ethel Ewing. Mare-arpt -knul afternoon at the home of Miss Amelia Mrs. 3. i-iauger and little daughter, and Mrs, George Carzelius, of Richmond, are' guests of Mrs.

Isaac Collins. Dorothv Mnrvlv1 ding, Mrs. Harvey Shanks, Mrs. Charles Boden, Mrs, William Watts. Mrs.

W. S. Mills and Mrs, Charles Schlange. Van Meter. Mr and Mrs ClaudP Mnnw nd Wilson Minnie Mae 'Turner and Mrs.

Mrs. Noah Hobbs, of Louisville, has air. ana aits, ctauae Moore and Mrs. Adrian C. Hmnchreys.

heen sixuadirur a few days with the Mr. and Mrs. Paul Justice have ar- (Concluded on Tenth jj jits, jsmery Lrranam win entertain.

The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)


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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

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Job: International Farming Consultant

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.