Taco Seasoning Recipe | The Gracious Pantry (2024)

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A good, homemade taco seasoning recipe is always a good recipe to have on hand. It’s made with simple, easy-to-find ingredients. It’s made quickly and easily and gives any dish amazing flavor.

This clean taco seasoning only has real spices in it. No preservatives or any of the junk you’ll find in the store-bought varieties. So you can feel good about seasoning your food with this.

Taco Seasoning Recipe | The Gracious Pantry (1)

What Is Taco Seasoning?

Taco seasoning is exactly what it sounds like. Seasoning you can add to meat to make taco meat for tacos. That said, it’s a very popular combination of spices that can be added to many different Latin dishes.

What’s In Taco Seasoning?

The overall predominant flavors are cumin and chili powder with some garlic and onion mixed in. However, a store-bought packet of taco seasoning is a whole different animal. Homemade seasoning is a much better choice.

Store-Bought Vs. Homemade Taco Seasoning

The sad fact is that most of the store-bought taco seasoning you can buy has either sugar, maltodextrin, or MSG in it. (Or a combination of all of those!) That’s not exactly what I want to put in my body, thank you. Making your own taco seasoning recipe at home takes a minute or two, and you can feel good about what you are eating. Plus, you can make a big batch and keep it in your pantry for many meals to come. No more small packets for single dinners!

What Can I Use If I Don’t Have Taco Seasoning?

Well, that’s what this recipe is for! But seriously, if you are low on spices, you can usually get away with using ground cumin and chili powder in a pinch. It won’t be quite the same, but it’ll be close.

What’s The Difference Between Mexican Seasoning And Taco Seasoning?

Taco seasoning is a milder seasoning compared to Mexican seasoning. Mexican seasoning has some spicier things added, such as chipotle chile pepper and ancho powder. It’s a spicier mix, even if the overall combination of spices is roughly the same.

Dietary Concerns

This homemade taco seasoning is a great option for anyone who wants to use taco seasoning. It’s gluten-free, sugar-free, vegan, vegetarian, paleo, keto, etc. It fits almost any eating plan.

Taco Seasoning Recipe | The Gracious Pantry (2)

How Much Taco Seasoning Per Pound?

1 lb. ground meat – 2 tbsp. homemade taco seasoning

1 lb. non-ground meat (like chicken breasts) – 1 tbsp. homemade taco seasoning

How Much Homemade Taco Seasoning To Use For Other Dishes?

1 cup dry rice (or other grains) – 1 tbsp. taco seasoning

What Else Can I Add To This Seasoning Mix?

  • Try using a smoked paprika for a smoky flavor.
  • Red pepper flakes for extra spice
  • Dried oregano

What Is Taco Seasoning Mix Made Of?

Ground cumin

Paprika – Regular, not smoked.

Cayenne pepper – Optional.

Onion granules – Or onion powder.

Garlic granules – Or garlic powder. (Not garlic salt)

Ground black pepper

Chili powder

Salt – Optional. Sea salt or pink Himalayan salt are both good choices. If you use it, add a quarter teaspoon to start. You can always add more later or during cooking.

How To Make Taco Seasoning

Taco Seasoning Recipe | The Gracious Pantry (3)

Blend all spices in a bowl and use to season any taco meat you are cooking. Use approximately 1 tablespoon per pound of meat.

Taco Seasoning Recipe | The Gracious Pantry (4)

Note: This mix has a small amount of “kick” to it. Nothing that will set your mouth on fire, but definitely noticeable. If you want something without the kick, leave out the cayenne and add an extra ½ teaspoon of paprika.

Taco Seasoning Recipe | The Gracious Pantry (5)

Ideas For Using This Clean Taco Seasoning

  • Tacos– Mix this into the meat during cooking.
  • Burritos– Mix this into the meat during cooking.
  • Cheese Taco Pasta– Mix this into the meat and pasta combo during cooking.
  • Salsa– Blend this into fresh salsa for an extra kick.
  • Taco dip– Blend this into the meat or beans or both.
  • Mexican soups and stews– Use this as seasoning in soups and stews. Simply drop it into the broth.
  • Enchiladas– Give the sauce a little something extra with 1 to 2 tbsp. of this seasoning.
  • Quesadillas– Sprinkle this over the cheese before cooking. Let the spices melt into the cheese.
  • Black beans – Sprinkle it on while you warm them up.
  • Casseroles – Any Mexican-style casserole dish will benefit from taco seasoning.
  • Chicken tacos
  • Taco soup

More Seasoning Mix Recipes

  • Ranch Mix
  • Hamburger Helper
  • Onion Soup Mix

Need A Jar?

You’ll want to keep your taco seasoning in an airtight container such as a mason jar or a spice jar. Here are some ideas.


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Taco Seasoning Recipe Card

Taco Seasoning Recipe | The Gracious Pantry (9)

Healthy Taco Seasoning

Why buy packets of seasoning at the store that are filled with junk when you can so easily make your own at home in minutes?! Use approximately 2 tablespoons of taco seasoning per pound of meat.

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Course: Side Dish

Cuisine: Mexican

Prep Time: 5 minutes minutes

Total Time: 5 minutes minutes

Servings: 2 servings

Calories: 77kcal



  • 2 tbsp. ground cumin
  • 1 tsp. paprika
  • 1 tsp. garlic powder
  • ½ tsp. cayenne pepper
  • ½ tsp. onion powder
  • ¼ tsp. ground black pepper
  • ¼ tsp. chili powder

US CustomaryMetric


  • Put all the measured spices into a mixing bowl.

    Taco Seasoning Recipe | The Gracious Pantry (10)

  • Whisk them together.

    Taco Seasoning Recipe | The Gracious Pantry (11)

  • Note: This mix has a small amount of "kick" to it. Nothing that will set your mouth on fire, but definitely noticeable. If you want something without the kick, leave out the cayenne and add an extra ½ teaspoon of paprika.

    Taco Seasoning Recipe | The Gracious Pantry (12)


Please note that the nutrition data below is a ballpark figure. Exact data is not possible.


Serving: 2tbsp. | Calories: 77kcal | Carbohydrates: 11g | Protein: 3g | Fat: 3g | Sodium: 38mg | Potassium: 345mg | Fiber: 3g | Vitamin A: 2095IU | Vitamin C: 2.1mg | Calcium: 143mg | Iron: 10.5mg

Recipe from the Gracious Pantry® archives, originally posted 8/19/10.

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Taco Seasoning Recipe | The Gracious Pantry (2024)


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