Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)

8 2. 2. 200 0228 there THE MINNEAPOLIS WEDNESDAY JUNE 22 1938 PACE NINETERY Day's Markets STOCKS BOUND UPWARD STOCK AVERAGES. Compiled by Associated Press. June 21.

30 15 15 60 Ind. Rails. Util. Stks. Net change Tuesday 60.9 14.5 30.7 41.5 Prev.

day 59.4 13.9 30.5 40.6 Month ago 55.9 13.6 29.8 38.5 Year ago 89.2 38.7 40.4 64.2 1938 high 6 68.2 21.6 34.9 47.9 1938 1ow 49.2 12.1 24.9 33.7 high ....101.6 49.5 54.0 75.3 1937 low 57.7 19.0 31.6 41.7 Movements in recent years: 1932 low a 17.5 8.7 23.9 16.9 1929 high ...146.9 153.9 184.3 157.7 1927 low 51.6 95.3 61.8 61.8 New York, June bounded over profit selling barriers in Tuesday's market and posted further recoveries running to 3 points generally and from 5 to 9 in a few instances. The list apparently enjoyed continued stimulation of signs the lengthy recession in business and industry may be nearing an end. Prompted by the outlook for huge government pump-priming and a better brand of speculative psychology, bidding for favored issues was spirited throughout the session. The pace was fast on the advance and relatively slow in selling intervals. Transfers of 030 shares compared with 1,087,050 yesterday and was the largest volume for any day since March 30.

The Associated Press average of 60 stocks finished .9 of a point higher at 47.5, a new top since May 11. Prominent gainers on the forward tilt were Allied Chemical at 161, up Eastman Kodak 161, up Coca Cola 135, up 5, and JohnsManville up Strength was well diversified in the curb market. On a turnover of 191,000 shares against 141,000 Monday, outstanding gains were posted for Aluminum of America at Sherwin Williams Pittsburgh Plate Glass 791, Humble Oil 64, Jones Laughlin Pepperell 63 and N. J. Zinc RAIL BONDS STRONGER BOND AVERAGES.

June 21. Compiled by Associated Press. 10 10 10 Rails. Indus. Util.

Fgn. Net change A1.4 Unch. A.3 D.1 Tuesday 49.0 95.7 89.8 3 62.0 Prev. day 47.6 95.7 89.5 62.1 Month ago 53.5 97.0 90.8 61.9 Year ago 92.5 102.7 97.3 72.6 1938 high 70.5 98.0 92.2 67.0| 1938 low 46.2 93.0 85.8 61.2 1937 high 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7 1937 low 70.3 95.5 90.3 64.2 1932 low 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high ...101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low Yield Bonds. Tuesday ..107.7 Prev.

day .107.7 Month ago.108.9 Year ago 1938 1938 1937 1937 1928 1932 86.8 New York, June (P) Spurred by encouraging news of an increase in carloadings and renewed reports of impending government financial for needy carriers, rail liens generally showed substantial strength in the bond market Tuesday. Gains of two points or more were fairly common, especially in the medium and lower priced groups. The Associated Press rail bond index was up 1.4 points. Trading was brisk, the day's total. of $7,055,825, face value, being the highest since May 1, compared with yesterday's $5,900,400.

Among rails gaining 3 points or more on the day were Santa Fe adjusted stamped 4s of '95 at Canadian Pacific 5s at Kansas City Southern 5s at Southern Pacific at 48, Northern Pacific 4s at 73, and New York Dock 4s at 55. Pennsylvania Railroad debentures climbed to 76 and New York Central railroad debentures climbed to 76 and New York Central of 2013 A gained at 46. Illinois Central (St. Louis division) of 1951, inactive recently, dropped 38 points on a single sale of 52. TO HOLDERS OF MINNEAPOLIS.

ST. PAUL AND SAULT STE. MARIE RAILWAY COMPANY First Consolidated Five Per Cent. Fifty Year Bonds (bearing interest at the reduced rate of per annum). The undersigned Canadian Pacific Railway Company has been advised that Marie the Minneapolis, St, Paul and Sault Ste, to Railway Company will be unable pay the six months' interest due July 1, 1938, on the above-mentioned Bonds.

In view of the fact that such Bonds were issued without coupons for the final instalment of interest due on that date, the undersigned, as guarantor of such instalment of interest, hereby gives notice to the holders of such Bonds that, in paging such instalment in accordance with its guaranty, it will require the production of the Bonds in order that notation of the fact of such payment may be endorsed thereon. Form of letter of transmittal to be used in forwarding Bonds may be obtained either from the Secretary of the undersigned, AGENCY, in BANK OF MONTREAL. 64 Montreal, Canada, or from Wall Street, New York City, New York, or from F. J. WIDDETT, Deputy 'Secretary, Water- Canadian Pacific Railway Company.


PAUL AND SAULT STE. MARIE RAILWAY COMPANY First Consolidated Five Per Cent. Fifty Year Bonds, numbered 12.865 to 21,000 inclusive, The undersigned Canadian Pacific Railway Company been advised that Marie the Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste. Railway Company will be unable to pay the six interest due July 1, 1938, on the above-mentioned Bonds.

In view of the fact that such Bonds were issued without coupons for the final instalment of interest due on that date, the undersigned. a8 guarantor of such instalment of Interest, hereby gives notice to the holders of such Bonds that. in paying such instalment in accordance with its guaranty, it will require the production of the Bonds in order that notation of the fact of such payment may be endorsed thereon. Form of letter of, transmittal to used in forwarding the Bonds may be obtained either from the Secretary of the undersigned, in Montreal, Canada, or from AGENCY. BANK MONTREAL, 64 Wall Street.

New York City. New York. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY June 21, New York Bonds By ASSOCIATED PRESS TUESDAY, JUNE: 21 Total Tuesday 57,055.825 Previous day Week 880 Two years AgO Year AgO $5,788,000 January 1 to date Year AgO $1,652,635.000 Two years ago Sales $1.000. High. Low.


Sales in $1.000. High. Low. Close. 43-40 June 2 106-25 106-25 106-25 41 108-10 108-10 108-10 47-43 108-10 110-24 110-25 45-43 32 110-3 110-3 110-3 46-44 6 110-3 110 3 110-3 48 54-44 2 114-19 114-19 114-19 47-45 70 106-23 106-20 106-21 45 5 106-7 106-4 106-4 56-46 25 113-11 113-11 113-11 3s 48-46 108-4 108-4 108-4 318 49-46 8 108-24 108-24 108-24 TREASURY BONDS.

Sales in $1.000. High. Low. Close. 118-29 118-29 118-29 51-48 76 104-27 104-25 104-26 48.

144 104-16 104-16 47 103-30 103-31 59-56 120 102-27 102-26 102-26 54-51 27 BERSERE 103-15 103-16 52-49 2 108-15 108-15 53-49 86 101-29 101-30 55-51. 18 105-16 63-58 20 102 102 FEDERAL FARM MTG. Sales in $1.000. High. Low.

Close. 3s 47-42 1 106-18 106-18 106-18 Chi 87 cv 49 00 Chi 2031C 00 cv 60 45 88 45. 34 2 45 34 ct 3 Un Sta 1011 Ch de Ind 78 783 Ind 43 52. 80 80 Childs Co 5s 43 65 65 Clev Un Ter 20 Clev Un Ter 58 73 Clev Un Ter 11 70 70 70 Col I 58 43.. 100 100 100 So 80.

36 Colmbia 58 61... 875 58 52 May 89 89 Col 4865 10 Cred 51 Comi Cred 42 12 102 102 Comwith Ed 45 81 18 Comwith Ed 65 13 1061 Con Edis 46 28 1034 103 103 Eds 58.. 12 Con Consum Pow 51 53 52 100 105 Consum Pow 1 105 105 105 Pw Cuba No Ry 315 60 19 34 321 5:55 As 5 55. 78 Det Ed 58 52 Duo Lt 65 00 109 ELEC AUTO 4552 101 101 Erie rig 5s 61 12 rfg 55 75 Erie gen line 45062 201 201 Erie CV 48 53 FLA CST 55 59 54 GEN CABLE Gen Mot Ace 34 Gen Goodrich St1 Cast 65 45 86 41 86 Goodyr 55 57 Gt Nor Ry 52 82 81 81 Gt Nor 5s 73 71. 71 71 Gt Nor 1st 61 98 98 Nor 45 46 Gt Nor 45 46 71 71 Gt.

Nor 67 60 60 60 Gulf M. 5550 63 HUDSON 5562a. 22. Hud rig 5557. inc 5s 57.2 ILL CENT 45 53 37 Cent 66 32 5563a 35 Ill Steel 40 Inland St1 61.

16 Int Tr rig 5566. 52 Interlake Ir 47. 79 79 Int al 66 6s 82 Int 14 14 Int Hydro El 6s 44. Pad 65 55 78 78 Int Paper 5s 47 cv 39 961 52 68 Int 55 55 71 71 ST 961 So 60 5s 50 57 583 38 50 60 Koppers Co 48 103 Foun 48 45.. LAO GAS Nit 53.

53 Lautaro inc 75.9 30 30 30 Leh Val 48 2003. 4 Liquid Carb 48 19 107 107 107 Loews 46 13 Lou Gas un El 4540. 995 MAN SUG 4s 57 McK Mead CorD 50. 25 100 6545a 5 58 61B. M-K-T M-K-Tex ad 78 5s 67y cn 45 38y 32 32 M-K-Tex M-K-Tex 4s 1st 48 Mo Pac 62B 492 Mo Pac 58 55 811z 77Fz Mo Mont Pac Pow gen 4s 7 66.

92 NASSAU EL 48 51 Nat Dairy 51ww Natl Steel 48 6 107 107 0 Eng Pu Sv 58 5s 52. 52A NOPubS: 55 55B 95 95 NYC rig 55. 2013 49 NYC 2013A 46 46 NYC cn 4s 98 52 54 NYC 52 34 2013.. 48 42 64 97 72 NYCLaSh 98 55 6s 38. 43 43 74A 78.

30 31 47. 65 65 65 NYEdis 65 55 54 55 NYEdis 66 cV 65 482. 14 14 '45 552 12 12 rig 45 922 9 NY Steam rig 5s 5s 51 37 X8 73 NY Tel 39 NY Tel 67 108 Pow5855 A 12 108 108 108 45 96 115 Nor Co 5s 61 12 104 104 Nor Am Ed 55 690 101 Pac 6s 2047 10 58 Nor 55 2047D 50 50 Nor Pac 48 97 72 72 Nor Pac 3s 2047 Nor Sta Pow 67 231 OHIO ED 45 101 101 101 Ohio Ed 48 65 13 Ohio Ed 72 9634 Oklahoma 48 48. 101 10014 61 PAC EL3165 66 101 101 101 Pac 61 10 107. Pac 4s 64.

26 110 PAC 66B Para Pict 65 55 92 92 92 Penn Dix 6s 41A Pen 81 973 Pen RR gen gen 55, 68. 65 94 94 Pen RR deb 70 76 75 76 39 Pen RR 70 Pen RR 52 1st 45. 40. 40 40 40 Phelps Dodge 107 41s 81 Phila Co 58. 67 90 Phil Read 65 492 Ph Read 55 732 Philippine Rv.

45 372x 15 15. 60 58 Porto RI A Tob 42 42 42 Postal 5s 11 Purity Bak 58. 48. 90 90 90 67 68 41 67 Reads 97 A 64 64 Rem 56 93 93 93 Rep St 54 105 86 105 ReD St 61 Revere 56 92 92 92 Richfield 52 95 Richm 56 52 104 104. 104 ST 1016 101 St 8 45: 50 A 10 48.

50. 8 St 6 52 2 HOME OWNERS LOAN. Sales in $1.000. High. Low.

Close. 49-39 21 103-6 103-4 103-6 CORPORATION BONDS. Sales in $1.000. High. Low.

Close. ADAMS EXP 2 Alleghany 5s 50 st 18 19 Allis Chaim 45 52 11 106 Am For 58 2030 20 AmIGChem 49 Am 43 12 Am 66 25 102 Anacond Cop 50 29 48 57 10 921 Arm Del 45 55 93 45 95. 18 45 1905-55. 81 81 81 A cy 48 26 93 Line 4125 64 55 55 55 RE G6s 95.. 32 19 1st 55 48.

29 rig 55 95 28 58 96 18 18 55 2000 30 17 48 41. 27 cv 60. 117 15 32 29 Bell 58 Pa 55 48 50. B. 18 19 24 8 Beth Beth St Sti 33 66.

136 98 98 Beth Su 52. 27 Me 59 11 Bost Me 55 55 Ekly 66. 25 BEly 58 45 12 Bkly 55 57 B. Buf 57 CAL 0 48 66. 901 90 Can Nat 61..

115 115 115 Can 56.. can Pac 55 44 10 Pac 65 54 Can Pac 48 perp 7524 Cen Ill 55 51-. 961 96 96 Pac 55 60 41 Cen 1st 48 40. 63 63 63 Cen RRNJ 5s 87. 25 23 25 Certain-td 48.

92 96 96 91 91 Chi Alt 35 49 13 13 53 72 111 49. Chi 55 51 11 11 Chic Ill 59 ct 7 I 55 75 aj 5s 2000 8 48 89 GRAIN FUTURES HOLD STEADY GRAIN RECEIPTS. Wheat, Week Year Tuesday. Ago. Ago.

Minneapolis, cars 47 22 38 21 75 Duluth, cars Chicago, cars 29 53 135 Winnipeg, cars 166 162 78 Milwaukee, cars 29 17 134 Kansas City, cars Omaha, cars 12 12 St. Louis, cars 12 Coarse grain receipts in leading markets: Corn. Oats, Barley. Rye. Flay Minneapolis 47 22 4 Duluth 172 18 24 Chicago 378 16 Winnipeg 23 Milwaukee.

13 Kansas City 26 Omaha 00 St. Louis 1G Wheat and coarse grains in local public elevators for the bast week as compared with last Two days: Three Omitted.) Est. Incr. Est. Deer.

Year Year Tues. Ago. Tues. Ago. Wheat 175 35 Oats 50 40 Rye 15 10 Barley 75 35 Flax 10 Corn 3 30 even stocks.

Crop news from the northwest and Canada had less favorable hue and wheat futures showed comparative strength in the Minneapolis market Tuesday. Reports from South Dakota and northeastern North Dakota indicated drouth damage and some loss from grasshoppers. Need of rain in Canada is increasing. The last general fall of importance was June 9 and since then only scattered showers have been received. Trade was fairly active.

Market's Close. Minneapolis July wheat closed cents higher, September cent higher. December cent higher. Winnipeg Julv cent higher. October cent higher.

December cent higher. Chicago, July cent lower, September cent lower, December cent lower. Minneapolis July corn cent lower. July oats cent higher. July rye cent lower.

July barley, cent higher. July flax cents higher. Liverpool cables were strong from the start and closed sharply higher than due because the less alluring North American crop picture. Southwestern weather is clearing up and this caused some profittaking. Liberal primary receipts are pected after several days of real harvest weather.

There was no export business of 1m- portance and flour buyers were inditferent during the day. Cash wheat markets showad slightly easier tone. Primary receipts small compared with a year ago totals. Strength of the stock market helped the wheat undertone early in the session and there was more optimistic business sentiment. Coarse grain futures were easy as compared with wheat.

Corn export sales held light and disappointing. There was bullish rye crop news from the northwest but little heed was given it. Light commission house trade in flax with demand better. New York Curb By ASSOCIATED PRESS TUESDAY, JUNE 21 Total stock sales Tuesday, 200,000 shares. Year ago, 146.775 shares.

Total bond sales Tuesday, $1,400,000. Year ago, $1.155.000. Sales in $1.000. High. Low.

Close. St PEGT 4 43 10 48 47 A cn 6s 452 22 Shell 51 Skelly 01 51 So 62. Sou 51 98 98 98 Sou 68 37 Sou 81 37 So Pac 69 37 So Pac 1 49 '55 So Pac 46 48 48 So Ry cn 58 94 Pac Ore 45 So Ry gen 48 56 30 Std 3s 61 18 Studebak 68 cv 45 11 64 63 Swift Co TEN 6s 47 5 88 Tex Corp 51. 15 Tex 77 B. 72 72 72 Third Av al 5s 60 18 Third Ave 48 60.

Wat A 0 52 7 UN EL MO 108 108 Un Pac 1st 4s 47 25 Un Pac 1st 4s 47 reg 15 107 107 107 Un Pac rig 48 2008. 24 99 99 Un Pac 71 85 Un Pac 70 85 85 85 Un Drug 58 53 23 61 61- Rub 5s 47 13 105 1-16 1-16 1-16 Utah 58 21 82 Util 47. 3 51 50 50 Util 56 63 50 50 VA RY 66. 14 WABASH 58 6 6 Wabash 78 Walworth Bros 45 6s 55 58 58 8 Warner 39. 00 69 Warren Bros 6s Md 4s 52 Un Pac 55 1st 51 5546.

60 60 West Un 5s 60 13 59 Va 105 105 105 Wheel StI 13 90 90 Wis Cen 48 49 10 10 10 YOUNG 61 100 100 FOREIGN BONDS. ABIT 5s 5 Arg 46 72 Feb 11 Arg 48 72 Ap 2 Arg 71 2 Australia 58 57 12 104. Australia 56 BELGIUM 6s 55 Berl Brazil City El 85 41 15 Brazil 26-57 2 13 13 13 13. Bue A 77 CANADA 5s 52 112. 112 Canada 61 15 Canada 3s 67 13 98 98 Chile Mtg 65627 Chile 78 42 16 Chile 65 61 Jan 20 Chile 68 61 Feb 15 Colomb 6s 61 Oct 01 14 14 14 Copenhag 55 52 Costa Rica 15 Cuba 53 16 102 102 102 DENMARK 62 FRENCH 41.

103 103 103 GER A BK 3414 3414 Ger Gov 65 HAITI 68 52 ITAL PUB UT 63 63 63 Italy 7s 51 JAPAN 6125 5 Japan 65 16 57 MILAN CITY 616552 17 631 NORWAY 65 44 Norway 6s 43 Norway 65 53 ORIENT DEV 58 PERU 1. 68 60 Poland 88 50 RIO JAN 615 0 Rio Gr do Sul 68 68 ON Rome' 52 69 SA PAULO ST 40 30 Sao Paulo St 6s 68 7 Serbs Cts Sl 78 622 TAIWAN EL 10 Tokyo Citv 61 50 50 50 Tokyo Lt 68 53. URUGUAY 6560z 411 Uruguay 2 40 40 2-Selling flat on account of default. -Selling flat for reasons other than default. -Matured bonds.

Nezotiability impaired pending investigation. Sales in hundreds. High. Low. Close.

zAGFA-ANSCO 1.50 33 3214 Alum Co Am 12 751 76 Alum Co Am bf 6. 95 94 Alum Ltd 89 2Am Centrifugal zAm Cit Am Cyan .60 Am Fen war Am Gas El 1.40 29. 2Am Gen Am Lt 13 121 zAm Maracaibo 11-16 2Am Republics Am Superpow 13-16 13-16 Ark Nat Gas 3 Ark Nat Gas A zArt Met Kks .80 Atl Cst Fish Atlas Ply Aviation Tran BABco*ck 21 21 Baldwin Lo war Barium Sta St1 zBath Iron Wks zBell Aire Bliss Braz 11 Brewst Aero 2Bridgpt Mach Bunk Hill 8 13 Biscuit CAN MARCONI Carrier Corp zCen Catalin Ohio Am 8 Cen St El Chi Flex Shaft 1.50 58 58. 58 Cities Service cit Sve pi 40 City Auto Stpg Claude Neon Lts Cleve Tract club Al Uten Colum 0 Cons Coppermin zCons Royalty .20 Cont Roll Sti 53 Copper Range Pet zCosden Petro Crocker El DET GRAY IR .04 11 EA PICH LD 81 East Gas East Sta Coro 1-4 El Bond Sh 11 00 53 00 EL Sh of zEauity Coro 10 11-16 FAIRCHILD AV Fisk Rub Ford Can 15 15. 2Proedt of 1.20 15 2Fruehauf Tra GEN TEL 12 12 Glen Alden Coal 5 Gulf Oil 39 HALL LAMP 21 21 zHazeltine 3 16 Humble Oil 64 631 64 ZILL ZINC 4.50 Imp oil Ltd Ins Co Am 2a zint Pad Intern Pet 24 zInter Radio -a Inter Util on zInter Vitamin (F 31 Jones KINGSTON PROD.

s8 Lau Stl LAKE SH 51 4916 Lakey Fdy Lehigh zLion Oil 1 Lockheed Airc Lone Star Gas 8 8 zLouis .40 MEMPH GAS.20€ Sec pte Merritt 31 Mesabi Iron Metal Textile Mich Bumper Michigan zMid West Corp 5 2Monogram Pict Moore Dis City Cop Mount Prod .60 2NAT BELLAS HESS 11-16 Nat Fuel 1. Nat 2Nat of 6 58 58 Rub Mch Nat Sug Ref Zinc le 2Niag Hud Pow Niles Bem 10 2Nipissing Mns 2Nor Am Ray Nor Sta Pw A 11 -PAN AM AIR 14 zPantepec Oil 151 2Prkersbre 1.60 Pennroad 2Pharis A 2Phillips Pkg Phoenix Sec Pierce Govern .60 Pioneer Gold .40 Pitts PI Gl 78 Premier Gid. 12 Prov Gas .60 RED BANK OIL zReed Roll Bit 25 25 25 Reynolds Inv ST REGIS PAP Samson Unit zSavoy Oil Segal Lock 11-16 11-16 11-16 2Seversky Airc 10 zShattuck Denn Sherwin Wms 1.50 84 So Ed of 1 25 25 2Southland Roy 6 28t Oil Ky 1 St. 15-16 15-16 2Stand Sil Lead 2Sunray Oil TAGGART Technicolor 23 2Tilo Roof Tob Prod Exp .2758. Trans Lux UNITED AIRO WAR zUnit Cig Wh Strs 9-16 Unit Gas Unit Gas 88 84 88 Unit Gas war 11-16 11-16 Unit Lt Pow A Unit Lt zUnit.

Shinyds Foil Radiator Unit Verde Ext zUnit Wall Paper zUniv Coro vtc CORP Pet 13-16 13-16 WALKER MIN 15 Wright Harg .408 zStock so marked are fully listed on the Curb exchange. All others are dealt on an unlisted basis. Rates of dividends the foregoing table Are annual disbursem*nts based on the last quarterly or semiannual declaration. Range of Grain Prices Wheat- Open. High.

July 91 September 6812 December CornJuly September Feed BarleyJuly September 431 EyeJuly 52 September 50 OatsJuly 243 241 September FlaxJuly September 1 79 16 1 79 MN CHICAGOWheat- July 79 September December CornJuly September December 58 58 OatsJuly September December Rye July 54 September 521 December 54 WINNIPEGWheat- July 1 October 895 December FlaxJuly October OatsJuly 47-48 49 October 381 3916 December RyeJuly 56 October 56 December BarleyJuly 5514 October 5018 515 December DULUTHDurum- July 75 September 5414 October RyeJuly September FlaxJuly September October LIVERPOOLDurum- July, October December FLOUR Flour sales continue light. Instructions in DOOr volume. Prices held unchanged to 20 cents lower on the semolina flour. Shipments of flour in barrels from Minneapolis. so this week.

with comparison follow: This Ww. Last Wk. Yr. Ago. Monday 15.881 20.114 17.847 Tuesday 16.694 21.413 11.073 Total 32.575 41,527 The following quotations on spring wheat and rye flour are for 98-pound cotton sacks.

Der barrel. semolina. bulk, per barrel f. o. b.

Minneapolis. patent. family patent, standard patent. secpatent. fancy clear, 5.35; first clear.

second clear. graham standard. Rye Flour Pure white. pure medium, pure dark. Semolina -No.

1. durum. fancy Millfeed-Market tone steady with offerings limited and demand fair. Bran continues to follow the lead of the heavy feeds with moderate supplies cleaned up readily, Flour middlings showing additional strength today and prices widened over the standard middling basis. Red dog followed the flour middling strength and are holding firm at the advance.

Mixed car business is excellent in the heavy feed market. The following quotations on bran and shorts, are for spot shipment, in carlots, per ton, f.o.b. Minneapolis. Mixed cars $1 more, single tons $2 more. Prue bran, standard bran.

standard 21.50;* pure flour niddlings, middlings, red dog, chacked corn feed molasses, 50-gallon drum, 7.25-7.50. Country millfeed, delivered Chicago rate points in Wisconsin Iowa. Bran, middlings. Linseed Oil-O1l demand quiet to fair with fair volume of instructions. Linseed oil, June-August shipment, per pound, f.o.b.

Minneapolis. Warehouse lots, carlots, 8.8c. tanks, 8.2c. Meal Feeds Meal market steady with prices unchanged on linseed and and 75c higher on cottonseed. Instructions continue fair to good on maturing linseed contracts.

Linseed meal, in carlots, per ton. 40.50; mixed cars $2 more: single tons $3 more; soya bean meal. corn gluten meal. corn gluten feed, cotton seed meal, f.o.b, Minneapolis, flat rate 30-day shipment 30.00; mileage rates to country points $1 more. Buckwheat and Seeds--Buckwheat and seeds unchanged and steady, Timothy.

per sweet clover, no quotations; red clover, no quotations; alsike, no quotations; early fortune millet. 70-75c: broom corn, 15-80c; No. 2 Japanese buckwheat, No. mixed, No. 2 silver hull, MINNEAPOLIS GRAIN INSPECTIONS.

Inspections of grain at Minneapolis under federal rules on June 18. 1937, vere as follows: Wheat--No. 1 heavy dark northern, 2 cars. Dark Northern -No. 1, 2 cars: No.

2. No. 3, 4. No. 5, sample grade, 7.

Durum Wheat: Hard Amber -No. 1, 6 cars; No. 2, No. 4, sample grade, 2. Mixed Amber- 4, 1 car.

Red Durum -No. 1, 1 car; No. 2, 1: No. 4, 1. Mixed Durum -No.

2. 1 car. Winter Wheat: Mixed Wheat--No. 3. car.

Dark Hard Winter--Sample grade, car. Hard -No. 3, 2 cars; No. 4. 3.

Oats: Heavy White-No. car. White--No. 1. 1 car; No.

1: No. 3. No. 5. Rye-No.

1, car; No. 2. No. 3. 1 6.

Barley: Feed -No. 2. car; No. No. 4, No.

5, 2. Corn: 2. cars: sample grade, 1. Yellow-No. 1, 18 cars; No.

2. 61: No. No. 4. 10; No.

5, 3: sample grade, 4. Mixed 1, 1 car; No. 2, No. 3, No, 4. 2.

Buckwheat No. 1, 1 car; No. 2, 1. cars. COMMERCIAL EXCHANGES FOREIGN EXCHANGE.

New York. June latest crop of devaluation rumors was plowed under in Tuesday's foreign exchange dealings and major Europeon urrencies weakened in terms of the dollar. Hardest hit was the pound sterling. which closed 13-16 of a cent below Monday's finish. The decline in sterling was associated in international circles with a further recession in demand for gold in London.

In a wide swing the French franc lost .00 9-16 of a cent. Holland guilders lost .04 of cent and the belga .03 of a cent, while the Swiss franc, moving independently. added .02 of a cent. The federal reserve bank reported the engagement of $4,930.000 in gold in Japan for shipment here. Closing rates follow: Great Britain in dollars, others in cents.

Great Britain demand 4.95%. cables 4.95⅜. 60 day bills France demand 2.78½. cables 2.78½. Italy demand 5.26¼, cables 5.26¼.

Demands: Belgium 16.97, Germany 40.32: benevolent 20.25. travel 22.75. Holland 55.37, Norway 24.89½. Sweden 25.54½, Denmark Finland 2.20. Switzerland 22.97, Spain unquoted, Portugal 4.52.

Greece Poland 18.87, Czechoslovakia 3.48½. Yugoslavia 2.35, Austria unquoted. Hungary 19.85, Rumania .75. Argentina 33.04N. Brazil (free) 5.90N.

Tokyo 28.93, Shanghai 19.25. Hongkong 30.98, Mexico City 21.75. Montreal In New York 98.92 3-16. New York in Montreal 101.07 13-16. N-Nominal, NEW YORK COTTON, New York.

June -Cotton continued its advance Tuesday on unfavorable weather in the south. activity in the cotton goods market and strength of stocks. October sold up from 8.58 to 8.65 and closed at 8.63. with final prices 00 to 10 points net higher. The market opened 6 to 9 points, higher in response to firm Liverpool and Bombay cables and on buying from that market.

Offers were not aggressive and prices responded to a moderate demand. Mill buying was more active as Worth street reported buyers of cotton goods were paying cent per yard advances following large sales Monday. Other buying was based on expectations Wednesday's weekly weather report would reflect unfavorable crop progress. Final prices showed partial reactions from the best. when the market was 10 to 12 points, net higher and almost 1-cent pound above the recent lows.

Exports. 3,848, making 5.670,341 sn fAr this season. Port receipts 4,691: U. S. port stocks 2,536.925.

The range follows: High. Low. Close. July .8.63 8.56 8.61 October .8.65 8.58 8.63-64 December 8.70 8.63 8.68 January 8.70 8.64 R.AR March R.75 R.RR R.73 May 8.78 8.70 8.75 Spot steads: middling 1. 8.71.

CHICAGO COTTON. Chicago. June 21. (P) Cotton wAS steady Tuesday and scored a moderate advance, The close on the board of trade was 4 to 14 points higher, The opening was 2 to 4 noints up chits nahles were 12 to 16 American pointe better than due Livernool closed A nointe net higher Sales of gree elathe I vasterdar were estimated at 90. non carde or twice current weekly duation.

Southern snot soles ware 2 401 bales with average price of middling 8.60 cents a pound. DEMAND LIFTS PRICE OF HOGS Cattle. Clvs. Hogs. Sheep S.

St. Paul 2,500 2,000 4,500 500 Chicago 9,000 1,000 15,000 8,000 Kan. City 2,500 800 1,000 5,000 Omaha 4,500 300 4,000 4,000 South St. Paul, June early bids in the South St. Paul hog market Tuesday started 10-20 cents lower than the week's opening, a broad demand developed as the session progressed and all supplies in this division cleared early with final sales steady to 5- 10 cents lower.

Buyers tried to reduce values around 10 cents on packing sows but were mostly unsuccessful and this class, making up a large part of the daily run, was cleared at about steady prices. In the cattle division supplies of grain-fed kinds were limited and the bulk, comprising mostly grassy sorts, was not large enough to be burdensome and terms were not much changed from the week's opening to lower basis. All classes sold about steady in the sheep section except slaughter ewes which closed weak to around 25 cents lower. Buyers attempted to reduce spring lamb prices around 25 cents but had little success. Hogs.

The bulk of good and choice 140 to 250- pound barrows and gilts cleared freely at with a few light lights scoring up to $9.10 for the day's top. The practical top, however, rested at $9.05. The well finished 250 to 300-pound sorts were worth and heavier kinds scaling up to 400 pounds and more ranged downward to $7.90. Good sows of all weights brought 7.90 with a few light smooth kinds earning up to $8. Good stags realized and pigs and feeding light lights were considered quotable at Cattle, Good fed steers in small lots brought while some choice light steers sold in lots with choice heifers scored up to $9.35 a hundredweight.

Plain grass steers were noted at very thin kinds ranging down to $5.50. A spread of took in most of the fed heifers, some -up kinds ranging down around $7, and a few strictly choice offerings bringing up to $9. Grassy heifers bulked at dairybred sorts ranging down as low as $4.50. Sales of ordinary grass butcher cows ranged downward from $5.50 with some medium to good grade dry-fed cows bringins. cutter cutter for the few on hand.

weighed Low in cows were largely at few odd head of good weighty bulls cleared at but the bulk of bull sales, mostly thin light at $5.25 grassy, down. sausage were recorded A few, Strictly weighty, choice grassers vealers made were $5.75. taken at $8.50 and the bulk of good and choice grades made $7-8. plain throwouts rangmostly at $5-6. Sheep.

Some good to choice 70 to 95-pound ewe and wether spring lambs brought $9.25 with bucks discounted the usual $1, while plain kinds were worth Medium to near-choice grade old-crop wether lambs found an outlet at The good to choice slaughter ewes were taken largely at early, but sold at $3.25 and down later in the deal. Plain grade ewes brought Black-faced old -Crop ewe lambs sold on breeder account at and 3-yearold breeding ewes were salable at with 2-year-old kinds bringing OUTSIDE LIVESTOCK Chicago, June S. Dept. featured the cattle and fat lamb trade Tuesday, but most classes held to steady price levels. Hogs broke 10 to 20 cents.

Hogs 16,000. including 3.500 directs: mostly 10-20c lower. Lower than Monday's average. some weighty butchers and packing SOWS 26c off: moderately active at decline: top 89.05; good and choice 170-230 9.05: 240-280 290-325 good 350-450 lb. packing sows.

light weights, 450 lbs. uD mostly, shippers, 2.000. estimated holdover. 1.000. Cattle calves 2.000, fed steers and yearlings slow.

steady; prime 1,338 lb. averages, $11.15. new high on crop; few other loads but bulk of crop kinds of value to sell at 10.00: she stock steady; cows very scarce; best heifers bulk cutter grade cows bulls 10-15c lower, mostly 25c off for two days; top sausage bulls. vealers steady, mostly $9.00 down. few $9.25.

Sheep 3.000. including 1,300 directs: old crop clipped lambs springers around steady; sheep steady to weak; native spring lambs to, packers 65: top $9.90 to small killers; plain to choice clipped lambs according to kind; few head native ewes $3.75. bulk, SIOUX CITY CLOSE, Sioux City, Iowa. June calves, 100; 1.045 lb. choice steers, $10.00: rest same as early.

Hogs, 3.500. including 150 direct: compared with Monday: butchers mostly 10c lower; good and choice 270-300 lb, butchers. 300-375 lb. heavies. 8.25: rest same as early, Sheep.

1,200, including 350 through; fat lambs steady to 25c lower: natives generally steady at Idahos. $8.85: slaughter ewes up to small lots Idaho feeder lambs, natives up to rest same as early. Produce Market Produce -ClosingLow. Tuesday. Prev.

close. Year ago. NAP A 8938 873 1 353 861 853 8638 1 221 54. 551 421 4216 52 50 76 241 241 341 18 1 3519 1 89 78 781 79 1 021 58 27 2614 353 371 531 531 52 52 891 81 1 091 1 25 87 1 18 46 1 1 461 561 461 35 5412 1 19 541 551 7414 731 52 76 16 16 891 76 1 76 2976 27 87 CHICAGO WHEAT DIPS 2 GENTS Chicago, June down by selling pressure attributed in part to increase of arrivals from the new winter crop, Chicago wheat values tumbled 2 cents late Tuesday. The net was to transform about one temporary gaining resulent into an equal loss.

Reports indicated that domestic harvest operations would proceed more rapidly from now on, and that the United States visible supply having probably reached the low point for the season would show an increase on Monday next. Just at this time last year, the 1937 low was recorded, and then an increase of more than 121 million bushels from the low to the peak inside of 90 days. At the close. Chicago wheat futures were lower compared with yesterday's finish, July September corn down, July off. rye unchanged to decline, and September oats unchanged to lac provisions varying from 32 cents setback to 15 cents advance, Acting as a drag on the Chicago market was the circ*mstance that only meager export purchases from North America could be confirmed.

In addition. cables said Russia was offering new crop wheat on a competitive basis with the United States. Another handicap was that the effects of higher Liverpool quotations were modified by a setback in sterling exchange. Corn. rye and oats chiefly took their cue from wheat market action.

Afloat supplies of corn appeared sufficient for immediate European needs. Corn belt weather was improved. Rye Crop damage reports were almost ignored. Provisions mostly went higher. stimulated by cottonseed oil upturns.

Lard. Open. High. Low. Close, July 8.42 8.45 8.40 8.40 September 8.65 8.65 8.60 8.62 October 8.75 8.75 8.70 8.72 December 8.65-75 8.75 8.65 8.70-72| Bellies.

July 10.87 "Soy Beans. July .85 .85 October December CHICAGO FUTURES. Chicago. June lard. bellies and soy beans futures: Chicago June tierces $8.47.

losoe. 87.82: bellies. $11.00. June TWIN CITY MARKETS. Quotations represent average wholesale prices to producer.

BUTTER. Extra prints Extra tubs Tone steady. Eggs. Standards. new cases included Trades.

used cases included. 15 Unclassified, used cases included 5.20 Tone steady. Poultry. Hens 10 -12 Cox 6 Broilers 10 -12 Pigeons. dozen 1.00 Veal.

Fancy, fair 100-125 to good pounds 13 -10 CHICAGO MARKET. Butter. Extras Standards Tone firm. Receipts 1.782.319. Eggs.

Fresh firsts Current receipts Tone steady. Receipts. 15.452. Poultry, Hens Springs 18 NEW YORK MARKETS. Butter.

Higher than extras Extras 26 Tone firmer, Receipts. 2.048.684. Eggs. F. G.

Standards firsts Tone firm. Receipts 30.635. Poultry. Tone irregular. Receipts.

1.895.019. Storage Holdings. Four Markets. Butter- 1938 1937. Eggs- 1938..

2.760,873 1937.. 3.145.286 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Furnished by the Federal State Market News Service. June 21, 1938. Sales to 8:30 m.

m. Tuesday, wholesale. MINNEAPOLIS MARKET. APPLES: Supplies moderate, demand moderate, market about steady, boxes, Washington Illinols Winesaps. Transparents, U.

S. No. bushel 5 tier, baskets. U. S.

No. 1. 2-inch minimum. $2.25. ASPARAGUS: Supplies moderate, demand moderate, market about steady; homeAVACADOS: California flat, all varieties.

grown per dozen, 40-50c. 13-lb. boxes 12-20s, BEANS: Supplies light, demand moder. ate, market about steady; Tennesee Wax, bushel baskets, U. S.

No. 1. Arkansas bushel baskets Wax, $2.00: Green, Maryland bushel hampers Wax. U. a No.

1, $1.90. BEETS: Kansas. per bushel. $1.00: homegrown. per dozen.

40-50c. BLACK RASPBERRIES: Illinois 24-pint crates, BLUEBERRIES: Alabama 16-quart crates. CABBAGE: Supplies moderate, demand moderate, market about steady; western crates domestic round type Tennessee pony crates, CANTALOUPES: Supplies moderate, demand slow, market about steady: California Imperial Valley Salmon meats, vineripened and precooled standard $2.75: Jumbos 456. jumbos 368. 3.00; Arizona Yuma district standard 458.

jumbos 455. Jumbos 36s. flats 15s, CARROTS: California western crates. 6 dozen. 50-lb sacks topped and washed, Texas bushel baskets, CAULIFLOWER: Supplies light, demand moderate, market about steady: California standard crates 8-12s.

$1.75. CELERY: Supplies moderate. demand moderate, market slightly weaker: California U. S. No.

1 washed 24-inch crates, 3 dozen, CUCUMBERS: Alabama bushel baskets, SUGAR 54 51 50 1815 8714 5414 545 541 551 New York. June WAS unchanged Tuesday, although late Monday spot prices declined pointe of when a sale was confirmed of 27,000 bass Philippines nearby at 2.66.- or back to point of the low of the year. day were additional sales of of Puerto Ricos for prompt shipment at 2.66, while 67,500 bagS of Philippines for July-August shipment sold at 2.70 and 3,800 bags of excess Puerto Ricos for June shipment 2.58. Futures were steadier in the No. on further trade covering against sales of actuals, although the No.

4 contract. after advancing early, reacted under hedge selling. Final prices for No. unchanged to 1 point net higher with sales of 9.500 tons. The No.

4 closed unchanged to 5,350 point net lower. were tons. Range of prices (No. 3): High. Low.

Close. July 1.77 1.760 September .1.82 1,80 1.81b January .1.86 1.86 1.85b March 1.89 1.88 1.88b May 1.91 1.91 1.916 b--bid. Refined was unchanged with all re. finers quoting 4.50 for fine granulated. Withdrawals against old contracts conliberal, COFFEE.

New York, June -(P) -Coffee spot steady; Rio No. 7. Santos No. 4, Cost and freight offerings" included Santos Bourbon 3s and 5s at 6.45-70. Rio No.

7 futures closed 7 lower to 2 higher, Sales 13.750 bags. High. Low. Close. July 4.21 4.21-22 September 4.33 4.33-34 December 4.40 4.36 4.36-37 March 4.39 4.38n Santos No.

futures closed 1-4 lower. Sales 29.750 bags. High. Low. Close.

July 6.00 5.94 5.95 September 6.14 6.05 6.06 December 6.20 6.11 6.12 March 6.14 6.14-15 n--nominal. dren, her parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson, 1 sister a brother.

Services at the Lee Mortuary chapel. at 2 n. m. PIERCE- -Frank age 81, formerly of 3552 3rd av 8 on Tues. Funeral services 3 o'clock Welander-Quist chapel, Dunont av at Hennepin.

terment private. PETERSEN-Mrs. Gunnarda. age 74. of 2426 Portland av.

Funeral services Thurs. afternoon. 2 o'clock. Werness Brothers' Funeral chapel. Interment Lakewood.

PETERSON-Oluf, age 43. 4941 Nokomis av. Funeral services will be 2:30 m. Thursday at Enger Puneral Home. Interment Sunset Park.

ROE -Sigfred Albin. of 675 Summer. St. Paul. passed away Mon.

Funeral serve ices Fri. afternoon. 2 o'clock at hem Lutheran church. 41st Lyndale S. Arrangements by Werness Brothers.

SCHAEFER-Nicholas M. age 61, on Mon. Survived by brothers sisters. Member of the Independent Order of Foresters. Funeral services 8:30, from John Mulcahy residence, 2634 Queen av o'clock requiem mass St.

Ann's church, Interment St. Mary's cemetery. Mr. Schafer at Fox-Sullivan Funeral par- DEATH NOTICES BORGEN- -Andrew. age 72.

residence 2010 Russell N. formerly 2127 6th st N. Passed away Tues. Survived by 2 brothers, Charles of Emerald, Oscar of Fifield. 2 nephews.

Walter Grover, of niece, Agnes Jackman. Woodville, Wis. Funeral services 2 p. m. Welander-Quist chapel, Broadway at Fremont.

Interment Brooklyn Crystal cemetery. BRUNELLE-Albert. age 55. at Chicago. Survived by son.

Charles brother. Henry; sister, Alfonse Auger. Funeral 8:30 Rainville Funeral Home. Requiem mass Our Lady of Lourdes church. 9 o'clock.

Interment St. Mary's. CLASEN- -Magdalena. age 73, of 4628 41st Robbinsdale. Survived by 5 sons, Albert, Oscar, Nicholas, Herbert and Robert: 3 sisters.

Mrs. Rose Clasen, Mrs. Augusta Hartkopf, and Mrs. Emil Elesi; 10 grandchildren, 2 great grandchildren. Services Thurs.

2:30 p. m. at the Congregational church. Interment Niggler cemetary, Osseo. Arrangments by Davies Funeral chapel.

4084 Broadway, DIGHT-Funeral services for Dr. Charles F. Dight, who died early June 20. will be held at Lakewood cemetery chapel, Thurs. afternoon at 3:15.

Until 2:30 n. m. his remains will lie in state at the Gleason Mortuary, 2644 Nicollet, av. PARKVAM. Clara.

age 68. 2416 37th st. June 20. Survived by her daughter. Mrs.

John H. Cassidy 2 grandchildren. Services Wed. 2 p. m.

from McDivitt Funeral Home. Interment Sunset Memorial Park. GEORGE-Mrs. Irene age 32. of 3519 14th av S.

Funeral 8:30. from the home. Services 9 o'clock at Holy Name church. Interment St. Mary's cemetery.

Gleason service. GOWER-Eunice Anoka. formerly of 2731 Buchanan st NE. Survived by beloved husband. Edward 1 brother.

Services 2 p. m. at Shiloh Bethany church. 24th Central av NE. Interment Hillside.

Billman Funeral chapel, 2518 Central ay NE. GUTER -Elizabeth age 78, of 1827 44th av N. Survived by 2 daughters: Sister M. Seraphica of Mankato, Miss Celia Guter of 3 sons. Joseph C.

of Waverly, Iowa, Stephen J. of Morris, Francis of sisters, grandchildren. Services 8:30 from the home, 9 at St. Bridget's, Interment St. Mary's.

Services by Natl. Funeral home. 2116 Nicollet. HANSON of 646 Adams st age 90. Funeral notice later.

Friends may call at National Funeral home, (2116 Nicollet.) HERMES age 51, residence 2005 Lyndale S. Funeral notice later. Gill Brothers. HUNTER -Bertha Wills. age 76 years, of 644 Huron st SE.

Funeral notice later. Washburn-McReavy Mortuary service, 412 Central av. JOHNSON- Charles. 72. residing at 3200 15th AV S.

Passed away Mon. Survived by his wife. 2 sons, 2 grandchildren. Services 2 p. m.

from Henry W. Anderson Mortuary. 1839 Lake st. Interment Sunset. -Anna, age 51.

4205 39th av S. June 21st. Survived by her husband, John 1 daughter, Clarice, and 1 son. John H. Services Thurs.

8:30 a. m. from McDivitt Funeral home, 9 a. m. St.

Elizabeth church. Interment St. Mary's cemetery. MARCOTTE-Delphis, age 56. 878 22nd av SE.

Services 8:30 a. m. at the home. 9 o'clock Our Lady of Lourdes church. Interment St.

Mars's cemetery, Billman funeral chapel. 2518 Central av NE. MARTIN- -George 3305 Calhoun bive. Services at Lakewood chapel 3:15 p. m.

The family requests that no flowers be sent. Arrangements Lee Mortuary, Otto Sanaker director. MURPHY -Frank. age 65. passed away Sun.

at Monterey Park. Calif. Funeral notice later. Gill Brothers. NELSON-Mrs.

Nellie, age 70. passed away June 21, late residence. 3804 12th av S. Services Thursday at 7 p. m.

at Albinson Funeral Chapel. Interment Walnut Grove. Minn, NORDSTROM-William 60, 2413 6th st. Funeral services will be 2:30 p. m.

Wednesday at Enger Funeral Home. Interment Sunset Park. OHMAN- -Mrs. Patricia. age 32, residence 1519 Stevens av.

Survived by two chti- Unless otherwise, noted, special or extra dividends are not included. xd-Ex-dividend. k-Accumulated div. paid or declared -Also extra or this year. extras.

ur rule -Declared or paid ww-With warrants. 50 far this year. xw-Without -Payable in stock. rants. -Paid last vear.

war- Warrants. h-Cash or stock. CURB DOMESTIC BONDS. Sales in $1.000. High.

Low. Close. ALA POW 55 51. 13 Ala Pow 67. Am 58 2028 43 108 Am 6s 2016.

Ark 55 94 94 As Elec 53 As 58 68. 29 28 As As 51s 55A 76 76 zBALDW 65 50 10 69 67 69 CAN PAC 65 42 9 101 Caro 5s 56 11 Cen Cen PS Cen Pow 5s 57 D. 58 92 92 Cen St St El 54 36 32 Cen 5s 48. 28 32 Chi Cen St 13 51 5540 10 105 105 Ser 69 20 62 61 62 Cities Ser 58 66 65 65 65 Cities Ser 58 12 62 62 Cittes Ser 5g 50. 63 Cit Gas 42 15 iCt 8 10 59 58 59 Cit Pow 52 25 Con GEL Ba 3 Cont DET 5858A 39 79 GAS 6547A 104 104 104 Det Gas 5s 50 100 100 100 ZEAST 4556A 71 68 70 Elec IL 55 2030 19 68 Empire Dis 5s 52 12 91 Emp 27 FED WATER 73 73 Fstone Tire 55 42.

105 105 105 GATIN 55 56 58 54. 25 87 Gen Pub Ut 56 73 73 Gen WKks 55434 Geo Pow 5s 67 24 92 92 HOUS 1071 ZHygrade Fd 6849A 3 ILL 5s 500 13 857 8612 Pow 54B 89 89 89 Ill 55 65 12 96 95 96 Ind 51 60 80 80 Ind Sve 5s 50 00 Ind 59 57A 5 Inters 65 9 Inters Pow 55 57 24 51 52 KY UTIL 5s 69 82 82 82 zL SUP 98 98 98 Lou Lehigh PS 6s 2026A 97 5s 57 5 104 104 METRO ER 4s 1041 104 Minn 78 Minn 55 10 100 Miss Riv 5s 51. 68 2026A 823 Nat Pub 5s 78 ct Nevada Cal Eng 47. 5550 58 POW Pow 5s 48 54 853 853 Orl 79 79 79 50 wa 64 64 64 67 80 91 Am 56. 12 Nor Ind 55 102 100 100 ZOKLA NAT 91 90 91 PAC 5s 55 Pen 77.

82 82 Pen Oh Ed 50. 95 95 Peo C4s81b. Pitts Steel 65 48 90 89 90 Pot Ed 58 56e. 50d. SHAW 104 104 Shaw 104 104 104 6s 2025a 94 93 94 So Car Pow 58 57 250 Col 60.

14 zS0 Cal Ed 3345 60b So Ind Ry 45 51 40 39 40 xSt 65 35 51 51 51 xSt 68 35ct. xSt 65 35ct. 51 50 51 St 65 51. 52 51 52 St 68 57. a 50 49 zStarrett Cord 55 50 28 28 TEX EL Es 60-.

Tex 5s 56 103 Toledo Ed 5s 62 UN 59 Un Ry 53.. 01 VA 86 86 86 Va 55 50b WALDORF AS 5551. 191 19 Newsp Un 38 38 Tex Ut 5s 26 89 Wheeling Stl 5s 41. Wis Min 5544.. zWis 55 668.

96 CURB FOREIGN BONDS. LIMA HAMB EL 38. 271 271 PERU 58. 95 MEN PR 4s 51st. A 80 80 80 TERNT DE 634 EL 618 .53 2 60 60 60 2-Bonds 50 marked are fully listed on the Curb exchange.

All, others are dealt on an unlisted trading basis. bonds. Negotiability 1m- paired pending investigation. ur -Under rule. wW-With warrants.

XW- -Without warrants. war- OUTSIDE GRAIN Duluth, June Closing cash prices: Wheat and coarse grains: Cash wheat, delivered, No. 1 heavy dark dark northern, No. 1 59 lbs. northern spring.

60 lbs. 58 lbs. 3. No. 2.

57 lbs. 1.06⅜; No. 56 lbs. 55 1bs. No.

54 105. 53 lbs. No. 5. 51 lbs.

50 lbs. No. northern No. 1 dark hard winter. Montana Hard amber durum: No.

1, 60 lbs. No. 2. 59 lbs. 58 155.

No. 3. 57 lbs. -56 155. No.

4, 55 lbs 54 Ibs. No. 5, 53 52 lbs. No. 1 red durum Flax.

No. 1 $1.76 (to arrive Rye. No. 2 (to arrive Oats. No.

3 white (to arrive Barley, malting 45-55c; feed Yellow corn. No. (to arrive No 2 (to arrive No. 3 (to arrive I Winnipeg. June 21.

(P) Wheat closed cent higher. July $1.09 October ordinary to fair condition, homegrown: U. S. No. 1, per dozen hothouse Illinois, boxes 2 dozen double extra Inacy, $1,80: fancy No.

1 special $1.20, No. 2 95c, GRAPEFRUIT: Supplies moderate, demand moderate, market about steady. California and Arizona Marshseedless, standard boxes 100s, U. S. No.

1. $2.75. GREEN ONIONS: Homegrown, per dozen 17-18c. GREEN PEAS: Supplies moderate, demand moderate. market el about steady, Wash, tub bushel homegrown, per bushel HEAD LETTUCE: Supplies light, demand good, market stronger.

Washington western crates, Iceberg type, U. S. No. 1, 5 dozen 6 dozen homegrown. per bushel 60-75c.

HONEYDEWS: Supplies light, demand moderate, market about steady. California standard crates 8-12s. jumbo 27s $3.50. LEAF LETTUCE: Homegrown per bushel 50; per dozen 10c. LEMONS: California boxes.

all sizes LIMES: Mexico, one dozen packages mediums 15c: Floride Persian limes. 126- 140s. $1.75. ONIONS: Supplies moderate. demand moderate, market slightly weaker.

Texas yellow Bermudas. U. 8. No. 1 Jumbos $1.40: U.

8. No. 1 yellows $1.15: S. No. 2.

85c: U. S. commercial grade Crystal White Wax, north Texas. U. 1, yellow boilers.

U. S. No. 1. 75-80c: white boilers, 75-85c.

California Crystal White Wax. U. S. No. 1, $1.10.

ORANGES: Supplies heavy, demand moderate, market about steady. California Valencias, 176s. $3.15: 200s. $3.00: 220s. $2.90: 252s and smaller.

$2.75. PEACHES: Supplies light. demand slow. market weak. Georgia half bushel baskets all varieties California boxes Florence 80-90c.

PEPPERS: Louisiana. bushei hampers POTATOES: Supplies heavy. demand moderate. market weaker on new stock. about steady on old stock.

New stock. 100-pound sacks. California White Rose. U. S.

No. 50-Ib. sacks U. S. No, 1, Arkansas.

Texas and Callfornia Bliss Triumphs. 8. No. 1. 2.25 old stock: 100-pound sacks Washing.

ton Russet Burbanks, U. S. No. 1. $2.25.

combination grade. $1.75: 15-pound sacks combination grade. 30c: Montana Russet Burbanks. U. S.

No. 1. 100-pounds sacks. $2.00: U. S.

No. 2, $1.60. RADISHES: Homegrown bushel baskets. 40-50c. RHUBARB: Homegrown.

bushel baskets 40-50c. RUTABAGAS: Minnesota. 50-pound sacks washed 90c. SPINACH: Homegrown. Savoy Type, bushel baskets 35-40c.

STRAWBERRIES: Supples light. demand good. market slightly consin 16-quart crates Minnesota homegrown, 24-quart crates TOMATOES: Supplies heavy. demand moderate. market about steadv.

'lug boxes Originals. Green. ripe and turning and wrapded. U. S.

No. 1. Arkansas 6x6 and larger, $1.35: Texas 6x6 and larger. Louisiana 5x6 and smaller. $1.35: 6x6 and larger, Minnesota, 10-pound baskets.

repacks, hothouse Illinois. S. No. 75-85c; Texas 30-pound lugs $1.15. WATERMELONS: Supplies moderate, demand slow.

market about steady, Florida, Texas. Georgia Watson. per pound cents. Texas Cuban Queens per pound OUTSIDE PRODUCE Chicago. June butter market was firm Tuesday.

Fresh: 93 score, 92. 91. 90. 25c; 89, 88. centralized carlots: 90 score 89.

88. Eggs, 15,452, steady; fresh graded firsts, local current receipts other prices unchanged. Poultry live. 44 trucks, easy: hens over 5. lbs.

Leghorn hens 14c1 Plymouth Rock broilers 17c: Plymouth Rock fryers Plymouth and White Rock springs 181c; other prices changed. lors until 3 p. m. TARTNESS Benjamin. 73.

June 18. Puneral serices 1 p. m. at Enger Funeral Home. FUNERAL DIRECTORS WELANDER-QUIST CO.

Three Complete Funeral Chapels WEST: DUPONT AV 8 AT HENN. KE NWOOD 2205. SOUTH: CHICAGO AV AT 19TH 87. 6566. NORTH: West roadway at Fremont.


412 Central, AT. 2369. McDIVITT FUNERAL HOME 2825 Lake st. DR. 3621.

DAVIES MORTUARY 14th Harmon. Established 1882. Enger Funeral Home GRANT ST AT PARK AV. GE. 3634 Rainville Funeral Home BR.

1148. 222 Hennepin KE. 2950 Eva M. Dauphine KE.0503 BILLMAN FUNERAL CHAPEL 2518 CENTRAL AV NE. Sundseth Funeral Home.

HY. 9291. LEE MORTUARY. MA. 8781.

Barney ANDERSON SON Earl Funeral Home. MA. 8753 FOX-SULLIVAN. BR. 4829.

O. E. Larson Mort. GR. 4791.

ALBINSON MORTUARY CO. WERNESS BROTHERS CEMETERIES CEMETERY LOTS PILOT KNOB -Little Lookout mountain. Valuable counsel at bereavement. Superb scenic beauty across from Snell Ing. Public Cemetery.

Perpetual care. Visit Acacia, LOST AND FOUND PARKER Dufold pen, initials A. W. 4. Finder please call WA.

6270. LOST- beck beaver piece between 27th st Lake on Henn. Rew. CO. 3971 LOST -Female dog, short hair.

white with brown. Reward. MA. 6783. LOST -Lady's diamond ring Tues.

State theater loop. Lee. rew. HY. 8240.

LOST- Gruen wrist watch, name on back. vic. Lowry Hill. Reward. KE.


Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)


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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.