shared a video on Joe's Memorial Website. (2024)

  • TV

    Tricia Vick

    Thank you for the laughs, the love and tears, I love you Pop :blue_heart:

  • AD

    Annie drake

    Gonna miss getting up and watching pop on Facebook. Prayers to all family. May god be with you all.

  • BV

    Beverly & Kendall Vining

    Thank y’all for sharing Pop with us prayers & comfort in days ahead of Nan & Jason & family :pray::skin-tone-2::pray::skin-tone-2::relieved:

  • AC

    Antoinette Carroll

    RIP Pop

  • TJ

    Tatiana Jaramillo

    Thank you all for sharing your lives with us! We loved Pop so much sending you all love and prayers! 🫂:innocent::pray:🧡

  • DB

    Dot Brown

    I’m really gonna miss watching Pop. R.I.P. prayers to all the family:pray::skin-tone-2:

  • CA


    Thanks for the laughs the memories of you and Jason have made in our lives. You'll always be remembered. Love ya Pops. Heaven sure has gained a precious angel.

  • SS

    Shane Spencer

    Prayers to the Roy Family! Pop will be missed!

  • JD

    Juli Niesen and Valorie Dennis

    Thank you for sharing your story with us.blessings to all the family you all are truly loved. We have another angel in heaven :heart::pray:

  • PD

    Pat Davis

    I will miss seeing you. Enjoy the joys of heaven

  • SA


    I could always count on pops to make me laugh when I was having a bad day. You will be greatly missed.

  • SU


    I will miss seeing all the videos of Pop, Nana, Jason and Conner!! . Thank you for the memories. My Condolences to all the family. Pop always reminded my of my pop!! He will definitely be missed by everyone!!! RIP POP. :heart:

  • MH

    Mary Hamlin

    Gonna miss pop fly high with the angels

  • RR

    Robin Richards

    Rip Pop and prayers for Nan and family

  • LC

    Lori Carnell

    Thank you for sharing POP with the world! Pop we thank you for the love, inspiration, laughs, and joy you brought into millions of households. You were "America's POP" a grandfather to us all. Thank you for the memories we will cherish them all. Nan, Jason, Billy and the family we hold you close and pray for comfort, strength, and healing! Rest Easy POP we all live and miss you :pray::heart::point_up::skin-tone-2::point_up::skin-tone-2::point_up::skin-tone-2:

  • DK

    Debra Koch

    God's comfort for all who loved him :dove_of_peace:️

  • PD

    Paula Drupp

    Thank yall for sharing pop with all of us, gonna miss watching the video's, my love and prayers go out to Nan and family. God bless you all. R.I.P pop :heart:

  • DT

    Dollie Aylene Tillotson

    One of a kind!
    We sure Loved watching Pop Watch
    I pray :pray: for Comfort to all his Family and Friends during this time as only GOD can give,
    He will truly be missed

  • RD

    robert davis

    Loved watch pop watch reminded me so much of my grandpa! R.I.P pop I hope Dr Pepper puts your face on there cabs

  • JA

    Julie abrams

    Thank you for sharing such a.precious soul with everyone God bless you all

  • TW

    Teresa Wise

    You will truly be missed. So enjoyed watching you guys everyday. All my love and prayers to all of you.

    Teresa Wise

  • DE


    Only if Pop got to see all the big booties gonna visit him at funeral. 🤣 RIP Pop! Condolences to Nan, Jayson, Billy and whole fam . He is missed !

  • AB

    Amanda Browning

    Loved watching Pop. Thanks for all the memories. You will be missed

  • SW

    Sandi Walden

    God bless you all with his love and comfort through your grief. Pop was a very special man that will be greatly loved and missed.

  • PM

    Pat Mosher

    So sad enjoyed is Reels RIP Dr Pepper Pop will sure miss your videos

  • LG

    Laura Grieser

    Prayers of comfort for Nan, Billy, Jason, Connor and the entire family. Thank you for sharing the love of Pop with all of us and he will be deeply missed.

  • shared a video on Joe's Memorial Website. (1)

    Casa Plevritz

    Sending those close to Pop <<<hugs>>>. May the great memories and the support from others bring you comfort.

  • EL

    Eva Litchfield

    You made me smile every day.

  • JS

    Joni Skansgaard

    Going to miss Pops sense of humor. His love for his wife and son and grandson and great grandson. Thanks for the memories :blush:

  • CC

    Carrie Cook

    We are going to miss you loved watching all of the in peace pops :pray:

  • DM

    Debbie Pegues Matthews

    Rest in Peace, Pop! You will be missed.

  • TW

    Teresa & Keith West

    Thank you for sharing Pop & Nan with us all! It made me at my age think about the good times I had with my grandparents. It brought back some American values. He will be fr re you missed. We hope to see Nan in the future. Our hearts & Prayers are with you all!

  • KA

    Kalrissa (Melb Australia)

    You made a difference and touched so many of us Pop. You brought a smile to my face every time I watched and warmth to my heart. Thank you for the memories with plenty of laughs! You were a true gentleman with a big heart and we are all going to miss you 🥰
    Love, light and blessings to your whole family :heart:
    Remembered and treasured forever.

  • VW

    Vernicer Wilcox

    You will be missed by so many that never met you. R.I.P.

  • RH

    Richie Hart

    R.I.P Pop.

  • shared a video on Joe&#39;s Memorial Website. (2)

    Sonny Starnes

    what an awesome man he was. made me smile in some very bad times.

  • SS

    Sophia Sickler

    Omg im smiling and crying . Thank you for all the videos of Pop ! Always made me smile. May he rest in peace! Well we'll know he will . My heart goes out to you all especially his wife . I can't amagine the pain. But you all will meet again some day. Bless you all .

  • JB

    Juan bosquez

    Gonna miss you Pop rest in peace

  • LA


    You sure was a Hoot!! Gonna miss you Pop very much!! Thank you for your laughs,tears,and always looking forward to the next video

  • DB

    Dina Brunson

    Thank you for the years of fun and laughter. Also thank you for giving me a glimpse of my dad. Pop dressed and talked just like him. He was the same size too. It was like making new memories for me. May God bless you all for sharing him with us. I pray God comforts you all during this time.

  • DM

    Debi Mills

    My prayers for all of the family. Thanks for sharing your family with all of us. Pop reminded me so much of my dad...

  • EK

    Ella in KY

    RIP Pop! Jason, thank you for sharing Pop & Nan with all of us. Sending love, prayers and condolences to your entire family and all Pop's many fans.

  • DD

    Dawn DeVane

    Thanks for all the memories Pop. We love you all. Fly high Pop.:pray::skin-tone-2::blue_heart:

  • JG

    Joyce Graves

    Thank you for all the laughs Pop. You will be missed more than you know. You were one of a kind.

  • PH


    Thanks for the laughs you and Jason gave us ..,...Y'all stick together help Nan Billy and Jason and Conner she will fix y'all some good im sure y'all were always having a take out from their house too funny pop would say good. Gawsh lol ..,..
    I'm sure gonna miss pop he was. Hot mess y'all and stick together forever ......:pray::pray::pray::heart::heart:

  • GW


    Thank you so much for sharing pop he will be missed by many pop rest in love peace and happiness fly high with the angels of love :heart:. Gwenney

  • KW

    Kimberly Staub a fan of pop watch

    ,will Miss pop the laughter the smiles watching him ride with Jason. Prayers for the family.

  • MW

    Melissa Wiggins

    Pop you will be missed, I loved watching you riding in truck eating your Doritos and drink your Dr. Pepper :hearts:… RIP PoP :dove_of_peace:️:dove_of_peace:️

  • KM

    Kathy Martin

    Kathy Martin
    R.I.P. Pop, sending prayers and condolences to the family. Thanks for sharing him with us all around the world. Love you pop:heart::pray:

  • DH

    Debbie’s Hundley

    I’ll never forget you and you brought me so much joy and laughter. God bless you all and keep smiling.:pray:

  • HK

    Helen Kay

    I’m so sorry Thank you for sharing pops with us all. I enjoyed watching Pops with you all. I wished I had a Pops like him! I will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers. Just take it one day at a time. Praying :pray::skin-tone-2:

  • RS

    Romaine Sexton

    Pop thank you for all the memories. You made me smile even on some of my hardest days . Rest in peace. :heart::innocent:

  • MJ

    Marilyn De jesus

    I enjoy all your videos. You remind me of my dad That pass way 8 years ago. Rip pop. Will be miss:pray::pray:

  • DB

    Delmarie Bentley

    Pop we will laugh with on the other side. Hugs and love family. Be encouraged each day.:pray::skin-tone-5::heart:

  • JF

    JoAnn Faber-Tyrrell

    RIP Thanks for the laughs you will be missed God Bless

  • LP

    Lisa potter

    Definitely gonna miss watching your videos, ty for sharing opo with us all ,praying for you jason,Nan and the family map he rip ,God bless you all!

  • DG

    Diane G

    Thank you for sharing Pop with us. There were days I needed a laugh and I knew Pop and Jason would not disappoint. My sincere condolences to the Roy family. Pop will be missed.

  • KG

    Kimberly Goins

    Thanks for the laughter. You are going to be missed here in KY. Prayers for the family :pray::heart:

  • DE


    My deepest condolences for the passing of Pop, America's Grandpa. Thank you for being open in sharing him with all of us. :v::heart::pray: for Nan, Billy, Jason and families.

  • D.


    Dear Pop ,I will miss you & I do already but SOLDIERS NEVER DIE THEY'RE ON DUTY IN HEAVEN & IN YOUR CASE WE SEND YOU WITH A CASE OF DR PEPPER along for your first duty watch in heaven looking in on us .IVE CRIED FOR YOU DAILY ..YOU TOUCHED ME WITH LAUGHTER BUDDY ..SEE YOU SOON :heart:

  • JM

    June McMahon

    Beautiful! Pop lived a good long life. And he loved all of his family and fans so much! Rest in peace Pop:heart::sob:

  • DB

    Denise Bazinet

    Thank you Pop for sharing your life story with us and letting millions of fans become a part of your family. You were an incredible gentleman and shared so much joy. Thank you for your service! :flag-us:
    Rest In Paradise with your beloved son Kurt.
    My heart breaks for Nan, Billy and all the Roy family. I enjoy watching your videos so much and will miss you immensely. 🤍:dove_of_peace:️

  • LL

    Linda Lytle

    We will all miss the video’s of you Pop. Rest in heaven. We will keep all the family in our hearts and prayers.

  • TH


    I sure hope there is Dr Pepper in heaven or Pop will be telling someone to "bite my ass". Thank you for sharing a bit of your life with us, you sure brought joy to alot of people.....may God Bless Nan and the family....Hey Jason I bet Dr Pepper tastes better when ifs free and in Heaven......

  • SW

    Shannon & Jason Whittington

    Thank you for sharing Pops with us! My husband and I have watched and followed for so long he will be missed im balling as if he were my Pops! Love to all! Prayers for the family! We love you all! :two_hearts::two_hearts:

  • EB

    Edna Bubeck

    Pop you will be in my heart you will never be forgotten condolences to the family :pray:

  • BF

    Brittany Fowler

    Many prayers to you and your family!!

  • CE

    Cindy E

    Pops reminded me so much of my Dad. He put a smile on my face when I was down. My Dad didn't tell me he loved me much but I always felt it and when I watched the videos I could feel it all over again. Many hugs to everyone in the family and thank you for sharing your lives with us. He will be missed dearly.

  • WR

    Wanda Rowe

    I will miss Pop, anyways had a great laugh.

  • TP

    Tammie Maggard (fan of pops)

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful man i sure will miss pops. Praying for his family and jason and Nan my condolences and prayers and love

  • DK

    Diane Keirnan

    Thank you for sharing pops with us when we had bad days he would make us laugh with some of his crazy things he would say he's so reminded me of my father thank you and bless you all we surely will miss pops send our love and condolence and prayers to all of your beautiful familys:heart::pray:

  • NA


    Wounderful memories to cherish.
    You brought laughter and love to many whowatched your videos.Jason the love for your pops was really special to watch.may God bring comfort to you all in this sad time.

  • LP

    Lakeshia Prather

    :pray: :heart: Thank you for sharing. I really enjoyed watching. RIP

  • WO

    whitney owens

    Thank you for sharing Pop with us. He reminded me so much of my Papaw. Such a great man loved watching him. Prayers for the family.

  • MM

    Ms. Debera McGee

    Thank you fir all the wonderful videos you shared w us, I never got to know my Grandpa and pops made me laugh and remind me of my Daddy who also drank Dr. Pepper In the days ahead Reneber he is always always with you for he's in your Hearts Forever God Bless!

  • CS

    Caroline shaw

    Well "sh*t" pops. A man that stole my heart, like the many followers of his antics! Wasn't expecting this so soon. Loved your reactions and swearing. God bless ya pops! You were and are a shining star! I know your up their looking at "bootie" You rascal!

    Sending nan, and all the family heartfelt love from the UK. Please know he was truly loved by all and will be missed immensely by all of us.
    Stay strong and blessed, you are an inspirational family X

  • BC

    Bobby Crosser

    Pop's I'm missing you and you were a one of a kind :innocent: I know you are pain free and you are setting up there telling us you are fine RIP until we meet again one day love ya Pop's :heart:

  • RC

    Renee Cooper

    Thank you for sharing POP with the world, everyday he brought so much laughter around the world, will be forever missed:broken_heart: Continued Prayers for the family, your friend Renee from Groves TX.

  • SH


    Will miss ya pops! Prayers to all of you!

  • MA

    Mikey Alcantar

    Thank you for sharing your Pop with us.
    Enjoyed all the laughs he gave us.
    Condolences to the Roy family

  • SH


    May god bless you sir. Rest in peace.

  • TK

    teresa knepfle

    Thanks for sharing so touching and these memories will be forever in your heart

  • TM

    Theresa massone

    Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful memories with us. We will definitely miss you Pop rest in peace. Send lots of prayers and love to the family.

  • LH

    Laura Haupt

    Pop sure will be missed by so many. He felt like he was part of everyone’s family. I checked daily for a video and smiled at every one of them. I got to know and love him and the whole family. We are all better having gotten to know Pop! RIP Pop and I’ll take comfort knowing you’re with your son and you’re not alone.
    Prayers and condolences to the entire Pop family.

  • TE


    The man
    The myth
    The legend

    Thanks for being the dad everyone had, or wanted.

  • BA

    betty adams

    Jason and family thank you for sharing this extraordinary man with the rest of the world . Thank you Jason for the videos and for sharing the love you had for pops with the rest of us . Thank you pops for the laughter and the smiles you brought to millions around the world . My thoughts and prayers are will you all during this difficult time .

  • SP

    Sharon Plambeck

    We love you all. Thank you for all the laughs. Praying for all of you. :hearts:

  • BG

    Beverly A Gorski

    I will miss the videos with Pop, Nan Jason, Billy & Connor, what a beautiful family. Sad :pensive: Sending prayers to comfort the Roy family.

  • EE

    Erna Enser

    Thank you for sharing. RIP Pop.

  • VV

    Viola vonpertz

    Rest in peace pop! Love the vonpertz family

  • DA

    Dan Arias

    Thankyou for sharing this with us. RIP Pops, We will miss you ! :cry:

  • SS

    Sheila Slaght

    Thank you Pop .For all laughs .You where awesome. Prayers for Roy family. Give Nan hug .love you all

  • GM

    Greg Mcraney

    Watching Pop got me thru some really hard times. Some days I'd watch for hours. He was well loved and will be missed. He touched millions of lives. What a great and humble man.

  • AF

    Andrea Flaherty

    Continued prayers for Nan, Jason and family. Thank you Pop for the laughter you brought into my life, rest easy.

  • DT

    Dee Traver

    Thank you Jason for sharing your Pop with prayers go out to you, Nan, Billy, Conner & the rest of Pops family in the coming days. May God wrap ya'll in his precious arms & comfort you.

  • DO


    RIP Pops. Sure going ti miss you and Jason’s adventures every day. You made me laugh with your crazy sense of humor. My prayers go out to Jason Conner Nan and Billy. Hugs and love to you all. Thank you for sharing Pops with us. We sure did love that man. Take care of Nan Jason. :heart::heart::heart::heart:

  • AC

    anna campbell

    Not many left like Pops! He reminded me so much of my Papaw Cupples!! They said what they said and didn’t care who liked it or not! They love their family with everything and worked their butt off to support them! They had their own way of thinking and did everything the way they wanted!! I am so glad we got to watch him and he put a smile on everybody’s face! We sure will miss you Pop!!

  • MB

    Mary Ann Bieber

    Rest in peace Pop. Thank you for sharing Pop with us. I always looked forward to the video of the day. Jason your relationship with Pop and Nan reminded me of my relationship with my grandparents and my daughter when she was a little girl. I know you will cherish those moments/memories forever. Pop will be greatly missed but not forgotten.:cry::broken_heart::pray:

  • CO


    Gonna miss you pop! Thank you for always bringing smiles and laughter into my life! Rest in peace!!!!! :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:

  • TE


    Loved watching Pop's videos. He reminded me of my grandpa. May Pop rest in peace. I pray Nan and their family will find comfort in all their wonderful memories.

  • DF


    Thank you for the laughs Pops you have earned your Crowned we will miss you down here but we will see you later ! Prayers for comfort for Nan Jason and the rest of the Roy Family yall had a wonderful Pop and thanks for sharing him Loved him.

  • RR

    Robert Raney

    Beautiful tribute for Pops I always enjoyed the videos thanks for sharing Pops with everyone sending prayers to Nan and Jasonand the rest of the family RIP Pops until we see you again

  • DC

    Dot Cooley

    What an awesome life he had. Prayers for the whole family :pray:

  • AD


    This is awesome,pop will be missed.much love.

  • DJ

    Dorothy Jones

    Jason thank you for sharing Pops with us. I have been a follower for a long time. Prayers for you and your family. Rip Pops you will be missed. One last thing I loved you to say was... Get back in the house.

  • B(

    Bettie weese (thorpe)

    RIP pop u are going to be miss fly high we love u so much we laugh at the videos I know I did shout the window Mary

  • RM

    Rhonda Minton

    Jason, thank you for sharing your Pops video and obituary :heart:.
    Just loved watching the videos alwaysade me laugh. You are a very special grandson. Love to you Jason, Nan and family :heart:
    Rest in peace Pops and thank you for your service :heart:

  • MN

    Michelle newsome

    Thanks for all the great pop watches I'm gonna miss them prayers for the family

  • HC

    Heather Cameron

    Thank you and Nan for sharing Pop with us,I will miss seeing him everytime I log on Facebook. Rest well in heaven Pop you were so loved by many. Prayers to the family.

  • MA


    You will be missed Pop. May you RIP

  • JB

    Janice Boriski

    Thoughts and prayers to the Roy family. Loved watching the videos and sure will miss them. Thank you Jason for sharing them.

  • LH

    Lynne Hicks

    Beautiful and nostalgic pictures of this close knit family. Small world. My father would have been 14 years older than Pop, born in '20. He served in the Army Air Corp now Air Force as a flight instructor during WW II. He was recalled during the Korean War and was stationed in Puerto Rico. Sure he and Pop were there at the same time.

  • JC

    Jill Conniff

    Pop May you rest in peace
    Thank you for giving the world YOU!! Prayers to the family

  • DO


    RIP Pop! I will miss watching you and your family. I really enjoyed it! Fly high Pop.

  • TR

    Teresa Reina

    Beautiful tribute to Pop. Thank you for sharing Pop with us through your eyes and heart. What a blessing Pop was to so many, making us laugh and sometimes cry. My heart goes out to you all. Pop will not be forgotten. :revolving_hearts:

  • TA


    RIP Pop! Thank you for all the laughs, I so enjoyed watching all the videos. He will be so very missed, but his legacy will live on in his amazing family. Thoughts and prayers to his entire family.

  • AJ

    Alfreda Jones

    Never met you personally but I loved watching you when I could. You were loved by so many. Rest up Pop. You lived an AWESOME life. Nan will be well taken care of. RIH:purple_heart:

  • RC

    Robert Cook

    Prayers to your family. Thank you all for sharing Pop with the world. He reminds me of my dad so much. They don’t make them like this anymore. His memories will live on with everyone that got a smile out his videos. I hope you all find peace with the coming days. Keep Nan wrapped in y’all’s arms during this hard time. Much love to this family.

  • MJ

    Mary Johnson

    Gonna miss seeing you and Nan we loved y'all RIH POPS.

  • LO


    One of a kind. Thanks for the memories pop. I will miss seeing them.

  • RT

    Russell Tackett

    Loved pop watch really funny guy:heart:

  • TB

    tresea bullock

    praying for your family love watching your videos made my day love u all

  • VB

    Vickie Burdick

    Beautiful Tribute to POP:heart: Thank you for Sharing such Wonderful Memories, My heart goes out to you all. I have enjoyed watching POP and his ultimate humor.Going to miss those Facebook Posts:broken_heart:

  • CA

    Cassie and Ashlynn

    Thank you Jason for sharing your grandfather with the whole world. Always looked forward to new videos during the week for the passed 7 years. My daughter and I send our condolences to you, Connor, Nan, and family. I will forever be a "PoP" fan. May Pop rest in Peace.

  • DE


    Rest in peace Pop

  • SL

    Sue Littleton

    Fly hi pop you gain your wings:broken_heart::broken_heart:

  • RS

    Rosemary Sherfield

    RIP pops America will always remember you .Thank you for sharing this video with everyone of us . Pops you where a honorable man with a kind spirit .

  • AB

    Angela Bilyeu

    I enjoyed watching the video you will have lots of memories of pop I enjoyed watching his videos I will be praying for you and your family.R.S.P pop you will be missed.thank you for sharing your videos I loved them.

  • CH


    Beautiful tribute for a 100% family man. That made friends of all he met and even stranger who are still some what Strangers. We will all miss you Pop. Your quick wit, your smiles, your heart so big. God keep you safe and warm in his arms. So long Pop, till we get to see you some day, God willing.

  • PW

    Phil washburn

    Going to miss you Pop with your grandson and Nan. We love you and yours from our home to yours from Alabama

  • MI


    Thanks for the laughs and sharing your family. You will be missed. Keep looking at all them :eyes: butts and drinking all the dr. Peppers u want. Fly high till we see you again. God bless this family in this difficult time R.I.P POP’S sending prayers :pray: to everyone

  • JM

    Jan millington

    He lived a good long life. You will be missed pop.

  • CJ

    Colleen Judy

    Thank you for sharing all those wonderful pictures. RIP Pop you will be missed.

  • SA

    Sherry P Allen

    Wonderful memories of Pop. My God Bless you all in the Days ahead. Pop was Loved by so many.

  • DM



  • SH

    Sue Henderson

    Will miss all the wonderful laughs you provided. Prayers for your family. Rest in peace, Pop.

  • PR

    Penny Rodriguez

    Thank you for the funny videos I love watching them RIP Pops

  • HH

    Harry Hewlett

    Thank you for sharing your Pop with us! Loved watching the videos and will surely miss him. God Bless!

  • DO

    Denise Oldford

    You will be missed, making me feel so sad, condolences to all the family.

  • JH

    Julia Hernandez


  • TA


    Really gonna miss watching pop on Facebook I feel like I lost a family member. Jason I’m pray for u and ur family I'm definitely gonna miss how funny he was and seeing him looking for the big ole booties take care of you

  • TD

    Tammy DePriest

    Beautiful memories you all have! Forever in our hearts :two_hearts: -Tammy DePriest

  • SE

    Sheryl Esposito

    Thank you for sharing Pop with all of us. He was a part of every family. Jason, I hope you continue to share your life with Nan and Connor too. May God give you all the strength you need going forward in the difficult days ahead. :two_hearts::pray::two_hearts::pray::two_hearts::pray::two_hearts::pray:

  • SN

    Sheila Newhook

    Sincere condolences to all the Roy family, Pop was one of a kind and we all will miss him

  • EE

    Elaine Embrey

    Jason boy do you have the memories! Going to be tough for a while. God Bless each one of Pop's family. My heart aches for you. RIP Pop!

  • WH

    Wanda Hayles

    Thanks for the memories, God bless his family they loved him so much. Lord be beside Nan she is going to miss him so much.A love that has endured over 70 years. Enjoyed watching him on Pop Watch. RIP

  • JB

    James Butler

    I’m saddened to learn of your passing Pop , but we know when God calls us home we gladly rise to meet Him in the sky .


  • ML

    Mary Lowe

    Awesome tribute to a wonderful man. RIP.

  • CN

    carol newcomer

    Beautiful Memories !

  • ST

    Shawndrika Tucker

    Thank you pop for your service, thank you pop for allowing Jason to share you with us .Thank you so much for sharing Pop with us Jason. Pop I’m really going to miss you ! Get your rest my internet friend! :pray::skin-tone-4:

  • shared a video on Joe&#39;s Memorial Website. (3)

    Teresa Rice


  • shared a video on Joe&#39;s Memorial Website. (4)

    Teresa Rice


  • TB

    Tammy Buchanan

    Beautiful memories. We all are gonna miss our pop. Sending prayers and hugs to the family.

  • HM

    helen Murray

    Thank you for sharing your family with us with videos. Beautiful family. Our condolences to you all . RIP Pops. Take care of each other and god bless.

  • CC

    Cynthia Clausen

    What a beautiful tribute to pop!

  • BC

    brian conway

    What, a wonderful man pop was take care of that family Jason. RIP pop :heart:

  • CB

    Carol Brown

    I'm so sorry for your loss. Thanks for sharing the video's with the world. He always made me laugh. He will be missed by so many people, my thoughts and prayers are with the family.

  • AZ

    Ann Ziemba

    It’s was an honor to be part of your world though FB. Thank you for all the laughs.

  • LM

    Linda mayfield

    Praying for you all . Gonna miss watching his videos on facebook.

  • KC

    Kathy Clark

    Pop, Thank you for your military service. Thank you for all the laughter. RIP Pop. Your job on earth is done. May God give the family peace and comfort.

  • shared a video on Joe&#39;s Memorial Website. (5)

    Nathan Hartbarger

    Great life and a Great legacy! Him and Nan Had me Dead while at work just listining to their banter. Rest easy, POP

  • CH


    Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful family with the world. I, along with the world have laughed over Pop and Matia’s playfulness. I wish the world loved as they do. What a great life he lived and I hope he knew what smiles he brought to us all. My condolences to Maria and the rest of the Roy Family. 10-2 and 4.

  • DW

    Deryal Walker

    A beautiful tribute. I will always remember some of those favorite sayings !!

  • PH


    Thanks for the memories, what a wonderful family. Rest in peace POP. Prayers for all of the lives he touched.

  • DS

    Denise Saunders

    Thank you for the laughs and sharing your family with us, Much Love Pop :hearts:

  • PM

    Phyllis McMillen

    Thank you for letting us join your family, Pop was loved by many and there be an empty spot in all of us. Please take care of Nan we love her too. My heart hurts for your family. Love you all very much

  • MI


    This is awesome. Pop your one good looking man.miss you . Get back in the house Mary.

  • LR

    Lisa Ryan

    Thank you for allowing us to share your family with you. Pop really did become a Pop to us all. He was loved dearly by many and he will be remembered forever and always. We love you Pop . I’m sure he’s in heaven chasing them big booties enjoying his Dr Pepper :cry:

  • PB

    Paula Burgi

    Pop and Jason, you were a pair in the videos!! And Nan just wanted to go outside and be with Pop. Get back in the house was what Pop would tell her. I laughed every time I heard that phrase. Pop thank you for your tour of duty in the military. Pop, did you know you were handsome in your younger years. Thank you to the Roy family for these videos and the great tribute in photos you had for him. Nan, Jason, Conner, thank you for your sass with Pop. Did you know Pop would be a hit with the people on the Internet? He will be truly missed- his smile, his cursing, his fussing at Nan or even you Jason. So so funny!! Rest in Jesus arms now and we will see you on the other side Pop! Prayers of comport, love, support and joy for the entire family!! :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:

  • LB

    Linda Barron

    The world is a sadder place. Pop you brightened so m any lives. You will be missed.

  • GP

    Greg Prew

    Enjoyed watching all your videos,and may he RIP you will truly be missed.God Bless all his family,and may have the strength to get thru these sad days.:pray::pray:

  • CA

    Carla Andrews

    Pop, you, Jason, Billy, Conor, especially Nan, brightened my days. Your mannerisms reminded me so much of my daddy. I'm going to miss you but I know we'll meet in heaven. Maybe you and my daddy could share fishing stories. Love you, Pop.

  • TT

    Theressa Trujillo

    Once in a lifetime you have some one like pops. R.I.P

  • WE

    Wanda Ebinger

    Thanks for adding many smiles and laughter to my life, Pop. You’re one of the good ones and saying goodbye isn’t easy. May you rest peacefully now and just know you’ve taken a piece of so many hearts with you. Sending prayers of healing for your precious family from our family in Indiana.

  • DW

    Dana White

    Pop you brought hope and laughter to my home! I have truly enjoyed the videos, thank you Jason for allowing us all into your lives and bringing such joy to our homes!
    May God bring you and the family peace. Nan "Get back into the house" but know we love you too! Hugs to you all!

  • TH

    tammy haluski

    I hope he knows just how many people he helped out of dark places! He will be missed!! Much love from Mississippi!:heart:

  • JS

    Joann shepherd

    Prayers for the family Loved pop

  • WM

    wendy mcvey

    Pop I could be having a bad day and all I had to do is watch a video if you and it would put a big smile on my face I will always remember you rip pops

  • PB

    Pam Buffington

    Take care of Nan she will miss Pop thanks for sharing him with the world we will all miss he's laughs.That what my kids and greatgrands call my husband mat God be with all of the family comfort and give you strength love all:heart::pray:

  • JI


    Thank you for the laughs have a ice cold DR Pepper!

  • TC

    Tony Caplinger

    Thank you for all of the happiness you brought me through your videos and I will miss you so much, I love you Pops and I will be praying for Nan and the rest of your family Jason And Billy and Connor, I love you and I will see you soon Pops and I hope you’re rejoicing in heaven,Love you and God bless

  • BD

    Brenda Dodd

    What a beautiful tribute to Pop. I loved watching all his videos. He always tried to be ruff and tuff, but I know deep down he was a gentle lamb. Thanks for sharing this with all of us. Love and prayers for the family! Brenda Dodd

  • BM

    Bonnie Manley

    Sure gonna miss him on youtube...thanks for sharing your sweet husband, father and grandfather with us. Rest in Peace Pop.

  • SB

    Shawn Brooks

    Watching the video collage of photos I’ve come to the conclusion that the 90 years that Pop spent on this earth was filled with love. No matter what he was doing or who he was with was full of love. The love he had for Nan was certainly shown with pride behind his feelings. Growing up in the Roy family was definitely special. The photos of Conner sitting on Great Grampa’s lap was so cute. I want to extend a heartfelt hug to Nan and the rest of the Roy family. Thank You for allowing us a look into this loving family’s lives. Shawn Fort Lauderdale Florida

  • DR

    Dale Ramsey

    Thank you all for sharing Pop with us all.He was one great man and will be missed dearly,love Pop and all of y’all.Continued Prayers

  • RB

    Rochelle Bolton

    RIP Pop. Thank you for all the smiles and giggles. :pray::pray::pray:

  • GL


    RIP POPS you will be missed by many. Always loved watching you

  • DO


    We will miss you, loved your humor, you and Jason had a great time together, and we got to see it, RIP, Joe you deserve it, till we meet again, know we all loved seeing you. :heart::heart::pray::skin-tone-2:

  • JM

    Joe Mitchell

    You, Pop, will have to "Get back in the house" of the Lord, Jesus! May you rest in peace in that house. Thanks for the wit and witticism from a little 'ol Texas town!

  • AJ

    Amy Jackson

    I lost my dad in 2016.. a few years later I stumbled across a video of POP... He stole my heart. The way he dressed with button down shirts to his cap reminded me so much of my Daddy.. The way he talked, most of his mannerisms were so identical to my Dad's. Watching Pop was like getting a piece of my Daddy back. Pop will be greatly missed....
    My prayers are with the family... I'm so sorry for your loss.

  • BB

    Belinda Becerra

    You will be missed pop your loved very much all over the world here in Tennessee too

  • CG

    Candy Gibson

    POP, I really enjoyed watching you and Jason...I felt as I was part of the family...May you Rest Easy....

  • RS

    ron smith

    I am 80 myself and slipping fast. always enjoyed the videos. Isn't it amazing how the light that WAS your life, simply fades into nothingness.

  • TR

    Tricia Risner

    Prayers for Nan and the family. Pops had a great sense of humor.:heart: RIP Pops!

  • KA


    R.I.P pop This was a beautiful videos, Sure you're gonna miss his sassy. Self. prayers to each and every one that has known him.God bless to use all

  • PG


    You were so great to him Jason. He was so much like my dad that this is hard.He was a looker in his days.Thank you for sharing this part of your lives.My heart goes out to you all. I know you’ll take good care of Nan.

  • SA

    Shirley Aday

    RIP Pop I'm going to miss watching you and your family on FB. I pray for Nan I just lost my husband Aug. 11. Our hearts have been broken in a million pieces.
    God bless y'all.

  • shared a video on Joe&#39;s Memorial Website. (6)

    Kris McDonald

    Thank you for sharing your family with us. Pop reminded me so much of my late Dad, wearing the button up, plaid shirt, with a pocket and a cap on his head and could be so grumpy sometimes. Ya'll made me laugh and today, watching this video tribute, I cried and my dog came beside me and cried too. I know you all will take care of Nan. I am sending s much love, prayers and hugs to you all. RIP Pop! You will always be remembered!

  • KI


    I loved watching his videos on Facebook

  • DE

    Diane Edwards

    Beautiful video, thank you for sharing Pops with us all. Beautiful memories captured. Definitely stories for days to share keeping his memory alive. Bless your entire family during these difficult times. Hugs to you all!

  • RI


    Thanks pop for all the laughs now you just go ahead and rest up now in heaven RIP lots of love from Richard in Carrickfergus Northern Ireland :heart::heart:

  • KS


    Thank you for inviting us into your lives and sharing those precious memories :blue_heart: You are so missed POP! Rest on peace. God bless all of you :blue_heart:

  • BW

    bobby warhurst

    So sorry for your loss, didn't really know him, but saw some great film with him in it. PRAYERS to all families,
    friends and fans, RIP POP CARES!!

  • TD

    Tammy Downs

    Pop, you made so many of my tough days so much brighter. You always brought a smile to my face. TY for all of the wonderful memories and thank you to your family for being so willing to share you with all of us. You were a blessing.

  • MH

    Mary Horton

    This is such a beautiful tribute to such a wonderful person! Thank you for sharing Pop with us! He will truly be missed! The laughs and days he spent with from your sharing Jason we will treasure in our hearts forever! What a beautiful legacy he left and memories you have and Nan! R.I.P Pop forever in our hearts! Prayers for you,Nan and the whole family! Love and hugs to you all!

  • BC

    Brenda Caldwell

    We love you all!! Pop is gonna be missed sorely! He was so funny! Thank you for sharing your family with us I’ll miss seeing y’all everyday!! Hope you’ll find a way to stay with us Jason and the your family and of course Nan!! Love and prayers for you all!!

  • KG

    Kelly Garcia

    Such a beautiful family thank you for the laughter you brought to so many of us. God bless RIP POP , I think of you every Dr Pepper. Fly high.

  • SA

    Sherrie Ashman

    You brought a smile to me every time I watched you. You will be truly missed, I hope Nan will be okay. R.I.P my friend, make them laugh in Heaven!!!

  • KC

    Kathy Culver

    May God wrap his loving arms around pops loved one in the days weeks and months ahead . He will be greatly missed by all .

  • TP

    Thresa Penberthy

    I don't think he knew the impact he made in so many people's lives.He always brought a smile to so many ! He will be missed ! Thanks for sharing him & Nan with us.Prayers for you & yours in this sad time .:pray:

  • DL

    Deb Lindler

    Jason thank you for sharing Pop and videos. We will miss his hilarious personality. Lord give him a dr.pepper & a taco for us. Prayers for Nan and all. R.I.P. Pop ..

  • RW

    Randy and Tina Wright

    You are such an inspiration to watch. Even though you and Nan messed with each other I know in your heart you loved that woman with your whole heart . It showed . You will be missed by us all.. Thank you for the joy and love you gave us all. You will be truly missed by so many . We love you pop and we love you Nan. God bless you sweet lady. Our hearts and prayers are with you all.

  • SD

    susan Darton

    In memory of Pop:blue_heart:
    Thank you for all the videos you and Jason shared,I was fighting cancer and you lightened up my day:kissing_heart:
    Things will never be the same for the ‘Roy’ family but your strong and will help Nan to get through this.
    Your job is done Pop rest in eternal peace now you can go find all those
    BIG BOOTYS:blue_heart::broken_heart:
    All the way from England :waving_black_flag:󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Thankyou THANKYOU :kissing_heart:

  • CW

    Christi Walker

    Jason, thank your for sharing Pop with all of us! Because of you, we got to enjoy all the “rides” talking about Big Booty Girls, Free Dr. Peppers, & TACOS! When Covid hit & everything shut down it was Pop we turned to for lots of laughs. Nan, you are one precious lady and my heart breaks for you! Please know I am lifting your family up in prayers & sending all my love! Christi Walker

  • KA


    What a guy! So much joy he gave,heaven gained an angel for sure.

  • JO


    May Pop rest in peace.. so sorry for your loss.. keeping you all in my prayers. Please keep up updated on how Nan is give her the worlds hugs:blue_heart::heart::blue_heart::heart::cry:

  • JW

    Judy Warren

    Thank you for sharing the memories of a loving family we have all become a part of! Pop lived the life of time with Jason, aggravating Beautiful Nan, picking at Billy on Sunday's. His love for Connor being spoiled by Nan, just knowing Connor was with his Nan! The signs he showed to all of us when he was having good days. Don't want to leave out the company of Neil McCoy who could make him laugh and vise versa! Too many memories to mention of this great family I looked forward to seeing online since 2017. Pop's RIP! Jason keep up with your assignments giving updates with all of you, especially include Nan in them. I love hearing about the family! God Bless all of you!..hugs & love from Kannapolis NC

  • MM

    Marie Mahon

    Rest In Peace Pop :dove_of_peace:
    Thank you for all the laughs
    Wish I could have spent I hour in your company , I won’t forget you .. :pray::skin-tone-2::heart::pray::skin-tone-2:

  • CR

    craig rees

    I am going to miss pop and you Jason and all your family, God Bless all of you, wish life could last forever but God has plans for all of us!!

  • HL

    Harriet Livengood

    This was a beautiful collection of memories of 90 years of Pop’s life. He will be sadly missed, thank you for sharing him with us. He brought much joy into my life. I’m praying for the family, God bless and comfort each and everyone of you. :pray::skin-tone-2:

  • DW

    Debra Woods

    Jason I want to truely from the bottom of my heart Thank You for sharing your grandfather with us. I Loved watching him and laughing at the funny things he said. He kept ya'll all on your toes.. R.I.P. Pop your truely going to be missed by many all over the world ...God Bless ypu Nan...We Love You!!!

  • PD

    Patti Dersam

    Dear Pop, thank you for each and every laugh you've ever given me on hard days! Thank you for the love you showed America, thank you for allowing us to be a part of your life, thank you for sharing your humor with us.

    Dear Nan, you sweet lady are such an inspiration and I hope you know that we love you so much, you are America's sweet and sassy Nan. Thank you for sharing your husband, for allowing us to see your beautiful and inspirational love story but mostly teaching us what a real power couple looks like! If I can't have a Nan and Pop kind of love I don't want it!

    Billy and Jason~ what a phenomenal legacy you have shared with us along the way and we thank you! Jason thank you for sharing your most treasured moments with your Grandpa, what a beautiful relationship America got to witness, thank you for reminding America how we should cherish and treasure our grandparents. Thank you for sharing your family with us, thank you for sharing your emotions with us and thank you for giving Pop's legacy to share with America, he may have been America's Pop but he was your Grandpa and you opted to share him with us right up until the end and for that I'll forever be thankful. My heart breaks for you but I'm so inspired by how strong and courageous you've been throughout sharing this journey.

    Dear Connor~ I know how hard losing a great grandpa is, I lost one too. I know your world feels so empty right now without Pops there cheering you on but remember this Pops will forever be locked in your heart, I've always said were so blessed when we get to love our great grandparents but after watching videos shared with us I think I've kind of had it wrong because even though we're so blessed to have our Great Grandparents they are blessed with the most beautiful kind of love imaginable, a love that's lasted for generations and will now carry on for generations to come! No matter what you do today, tomorrow, next week, next month or in even 20 years it's blessed with the cherished love that has been given by Pops in your time with him, no matter how short of a time it feels to you that you've been loved by Pops it is enough that his love will bless you the rest of your life. If I could give you this one piece of advice Conner, hug your Dad, Grandpa and Nan as often as you can because each time you do they will feel not only your love but Pops love that's sewn into your heart throughout your years. Always remember your biggest fan has the best seat in the house now!

    To the entire Pop family America loves you and we will cherish Pop's memory forever! Rest in peace Pop and enjoy the streets of gold, with all the Dr Pepper you could ever need! We love you Pop!

  • JL

    Jennifer Lloyd

    Thank you for all the joy n love you give to us all over the world you give so much to us all now rest easy
    You will never know how well loved by so many plls
    R.I.P pop fly high xxx

  • DR

    Dean Riggin

    Condolences to your entire family, I’m sure you will but please keep a loving extra eye on nan she’s going to need all the support you can muster. Wednesday will be a hard day on your family and I’ll keep you in my prayers that the lord may comfort you as you lay pop to rest. Godspeed pop you were one of a kind.

  • DS

    Dawn Y Salzman

    Thank you for sharing your life will us! I loved watching Pop Watch! You will truly be missed. My heart goes out to the family. You lost a great man.

  • shared a video on Joe&#39;s Memorial Website. (7)

    Nick Pettersson

    Thank you for the laughs. You can tell Pop saw himself in you from the beginning to the end. That kind of bond never fades. Carry the torch buddy. God bless and may he rest in peace.

  • SB

    Sybil Ballew

    Thank you, Pop for your service much respect and love. sure, going to miss you love you bunches

  • JS

    Jeannie Sackett

    Sending prayers to the family I enjoyed watching Pop Watch videos. Thank you, Jason for sharing them with us.

  • WC

    Wade Childs

    Pop, we're going to miss the hell outta you! Thanks for all the candor, laughs, and big bootie shoutouts. May the Peace of the Lord be with Nan, and all your dear family. Rest on high, the streets of Longview will never be the same.

  • LC

    Linda Cox

    Love the video . Beautiful tribute . He will be greatly missed . Praying for Nana and your family .:hearts::pray::skin-tone-2::latin_cross:️ From Alaska

  • CT

    Christine Trader

    Going to miss Pop so much. Just a sweet reminder of my father who left us 30 years ago. He reminded me so much of him. He didn’t care what he said. Fortunately I inherited his traits and wouldn’t change it for the world. Even after 30 years I miss him so much. Hold onto those special a memorable memories and he will always be close in your heart. Some once told me there worse things than death and I thought they lost their mind, but as I have gotten older it is so very true. Please know all of you are in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless! RIP POP! You will certainly be missed! :heart::heart::pray::skin-tone-2::pray::skin-tone-2:

  • GV

    Grace Velasquez

    Deepest condolences to Nan🥀 Jason, Billy, Connor and the entire family. We will be praying for you all and grieving with you during this difficult time. Pop was a one of a kind. A natural humor that was all in love. He will be greatly missed. Grace and Nathan, Elk Grove, California

  • TR

    Traci Roberts

    Not a more loved man anywhere. Rest in Peace Pop. :two_hearts:

  • MK

    Michelle Kelly

    FLY HIGH my dear Sir.. In your own way you've made the world a better place. RIP "POP"

  • MR

    Melanie Reeves

    God bless you :blue_heart: I’m so sorry for your loss, pop was a special person!! He will most certainly be missed :blue_heart::latin_cross:️:pray:

  • RO



  • HT


    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing " POP" with all of us, I am going to miss Him, rest easy pop, I am thinking of all of you in this sad time, but it is never good bye, it is I will see you again,

  • AS

    April Swartz

    Beautiful tribute sending love and prayers to the family. Pop was very special to us all.

  • DO


    Donna Dorton
    My Condolences to Nan and family pops will be missed by millions he brought laughter in my home love to all and pops as he soars with the angels :innocent: 🩵

  • shared a video on Joe&#39;s Memorial Website. (8)

    Mark Courtney Jr.

    Thanks, Family for sharing Pop with all of us on Facebook. I never got to meet him but felt like I knew him. My heart hurts.. He will be missed! God Bless

  • AT

    Angela Templeton

    I loved all the pictures and I have so memories of you all you guys. It's like your my family and it hurts so bad. Nan I love you with all my heart and I am praying for you :pray:. God is good and he will comfort you sweetie. I have also lost my husband. It's not easy be when I pray it always help. If you need to talk I am willing to listen.

  • JG

    julie gerner

    What a legacy of love and laughter Pop leaves behind. May the Roy family find solace in the many beautiful memories forged throughout the years and may these memories sustain you all as you navigate your life’s journey without his physical presence.

  • LP

    Lupita Pena

    Thanks for the wonderful laughs Pop. Heaven sure gained an amazing man. Rest In Peace. Sending lots of love to Nan, Jason & family :pray::heart::dove_of_peace:️:latin_cross:️

  • shared a video on Joe&#39;s Memorial Website. (9)

    Mara Jo Miller

    He was great! So sorry for your loss.

  • TA


    RIP POP!! You will truly be missed :cry:

  • KG

    Kellie Garrell

    Thank you for sharing your precious “Pop” with All of us :pray::skin-tone-3::pray::skin-tone-3:🩵

  • JG

    John L Gall

    R.I.P. Pop, I sure am going to miss watching your videos.

  • DF

    Donna Fluitt

    Thank-you sharing the memories of Pop and your family. He will be miss by you and Nan also Connor. I enjoy every video. Pop make you laugh, smile, and cry. Rest in peace. Sending prayer to the whole family.

  • shared a video on Joe&#39;s Memorial Website. (10)

    Randi Davis Minor

    Thank you for sharing Pop with the world. He will be missed by all who have come to know and love him. Prayers for peace and comfort for Pop’s dear family.

  • TE


    Thanks for sharing your lives, Pop and Nan, with us all. I loved seeing the videos and just how much love your family had. May Pop rest in piece now and you all remember all them great times you had with him. Prayers to you all.

  • YH


    I am going to miss watching Pop on Facebook! The laughs! Thanks for sharing him with the world!

  • BR


    Going to miss pop he was the best he can make you laugh and put you ina good mood, loved when him and Neal get together cause they both are so funny praying for the. Family we love you POP. 🩷:pray::pray::pray:

  • JL

    Jenni Lynn

    So sad to hear! It’s like losing a grandpa for me! Love y’all.

  • HE

    Helen Ehrhardt

    Beautiful memories sending prayers and Love to the family :yellow_heart::pray::skin-tone-3:

  • BJ

    Billy Johnson

    Thank you for sharing pops with the world . Feels like I'm losing family. God bless ya all. Thank you Jason, Nan and Billy qcian, my prayers and condolences.

  • KI

    Karl G Stanfield II

    Thanks for the memories Pop…You will be missed

  • SP

    Sara Price

    RIP Pop :heart:Prayers for the whole family. Enjoyed all the silly moments you all shared with us. He sure was a treasure to the world.

  • TE


    Thank you POP for all the laughs. You were an Amazing man. Praying for Nan and family.:revolving_hearts:

  • SA

    Sheila Andrews

    Thank you for the memories , have watched you for what seems like forever from Nova Scotia Canada. Thank you for all the laughs, sure going to miss you . RIP Pops....

  • JL

    Joy Longmire

    Wow. I surely love this montage of photos. Photos always tell a story. I can tell that there was a lot of happiness in the family and I know the pain is dreadful right now. I pray for your peace and comfort in the days ahead. Thanks for sharing "Pop" with all of us in cyber land.

  • ER


    Ya did good Joe.. ya did good. :dove_of_peace:️ :bouquet: :sunrise:

  • JM

    Janice McClain

    Thank you for sharing Pop's with us. He was loved here in Florida.:broken_heart::pray::skin-tone-5:

  • HM

    Heather McGrady

    Thanks for the laughs and memories. Rest easy, "POP". I'll never forget you...

  • CH


    Every time I drink a Dr Pepper, I'll remember you "Pop"!

  • JP

    Jessica Penwright

    What a wonderful man Pops? My prayers are with this loving family at their time of loss. He was loved by so many. RIP from ElReno, OK

  • CG

    Cheryl Garcia

    Thank you for all the laughs, sure going to miss you. RIP in peace POP.

  • CB

    carolyn Beckelhimer

    Thanks for the many laughs and for sharing your family with all of us, You will be missed Pops. Continued Prayers for Nan and rest of family.:pray::heart::kissing_heart:

  • JZ

    Joe Zabek

    Pop I'm from Rhode Island you have reminded me so much of my pop that passed in 97 fly high and ty for the laughs bless your family I'll be drinking a Dr pepper on Wednesday love man fly high

  • DC

    Donna Crocker

    Going to miss seeing Pop, R.I.P praying for the family , gone but never will be high and spread your wings

  • RD

    Rebecca Durr

    An amazing tribute to him. We all love and will miss you, Pop! The world needs more Pops!! Thank you Jason and Nan for sharing him with us we will cherish the memories forever :heart:

  • JG

    Jarrod Goodwin

    Condolences to you all. Sundays won't be the same without those Pop videos. Have been with you all from the start. Thank you for sharing your Pop with us all. Sleep well Joe. A rest well earned. :pray:

  • HC

    Harold cullison

    I Enjoyed your sense of humor Pop. RIP from the Buckey State!

  • GJ

    George Jones

    Rest easy Pop. You will truly be missed:cry:

  • HE


    Beautiful. Rest easy pop. We will be having a Dr Pepper for you :pray::skin-tone-3::heart::pray::skin-tone-3:

  • AT

    Adam Kinney - Mt. Pleasant, Texas

    What a touching tribute for a man that touched so many lives. May God Bless the family. Rest in Peace Joe Mack "Pops" Roy!!!!

  • DE


    So sorry for y’all’s loss. Loved watching Pops and Nan ! :broken_heart:

  • HS

    Harry Simpson

    A wonderful memorial. A long and loving life well lived. Unforgettable.

  • RE



  • DC

    Debbie Boyd Caple

    Sending prayers for peace and comfort to the entire Roy family. Jason and Nan, thank you so much for sharing such an amazing man with the world! Pop, you are so dearly missed! I think I speak for all Pop Watch fans when I say, Jason, we hope you continue the videos of Pop, to keep his memory alive! The video of pictures was a beautiful tribute!:heart: much love to you all. Rest easy, Pop until we meet again! :heart:⚘️:broken_heart::pray:

  • AC

    anita chavez(Pueblo Co)

    Thank you Jason for sharing Pop with us ! And I’m sure he will have unlimited Dr. Pepper in heaven! Love ya Pop! Rest easy! :pray::skin-tone-3::broken_heart:

  • shared a video on Joe&#39;s Memorial Website. (11)

    Mary Opperman

    What a beautiful tribute. RIP Pop...never ever to be forgotten

  • DD

    DeeAnn Demery

    Rest in peace Pop
    You are missed and will forever remember you and your family!

  • CA

    Crystal Ann

    I’am going to miss watching Pop’s I loved & enjoyed all of your family’s videos. My thoughts and prayers for your family!

  • TD

    Tish Dees

    Thank you Jason for sharing Pop with us! I’ve so enjoyed all the laughs with you both! He will be missed by so many! He was a one of a kind, no one can compare with Pop! Love & prayers to all the Roy family:pray::skin-tone-2::pray::skin-tone-2::pray::skin-tone-2:

  • FF

    Facebook follower

    You will be truly miss

  • DT

    Deborah Triplett

    Pop you were a true blessing to all:heart::pray:

  • KS

    Kristie Smart

    Thank you Jason for sharing your Pop with all of us. He gave us so many smiles and laughs. He was a blessing and his memory will live on. God Bless you and your family.

  • DB

    Dege Larae Boller

    jason tk you for bringinh Pop and Nan into my life, i never laughed so smile or loved a family so much like my own, God bless you, i know youll miss your buddy much. you brought great joy to him, man he loved his car adventures with you, and ill miss those so much, condolenses to you, Nan and your family. you all are so loved Love Dege Boller the tribute of photos are amazing tk u! drink your dr pepper in heaven Pop!

  • JM

    john mendonca

    Thank you Jason for all the videos that you an me pop created for the fans all
    Over the world to see. Pop was one of a kind who would brighten someone’s day just by watching the your videos, I know he did mine. Thank you for allowing us into the popwatch family all
    These years, were the rest continues to be memories for us to share. Maria (Nan) we love
    You just the same as pop, thank you for being a part of popwatch, and I send my sincere condolences to family and friends of Joe (Pop). May he rest in peace and fly high and be by everyone side. 🪽:pray:

  • BS

    Betty Senior

    Thanks for sharing your pop with us. God bless your family

  • MA


    Beautiful pictures going to miss pops.I could watch the videos whenever I was down and I always laugh during them .If I was down all I had to was go watch any of his videos and I would feel so much better .Thank you Jason for sharing these beautiful videos of you and pop and family .He is def going to he missed by millions of us all over the world :earth_americas:. He was a great and funny guy with a awesome sense of humor I'm so glad you were able to spend these great memories with him .Praying for you and Nan and Billy and Conner and the rest of the family..We love you all .:heart::pray:

  • TP

    Teresa Priddy-Friedah

    What a Beautiful video.... Thanks for sharing pop and Nan with the world. What a joy it was to keep up with the families story :heart: :pray::skin-tone-2:God Bless you Jason for having such a BIG :heart: and bringing joy and laughter to so many folks🥰

  • VS

    Veneda Staggs

    You will truly be missed Pop Thanks Jason for sharing the videos with us all. We all loved Pop and we love you and Nan and Connor and the rest of the family too. Prayers for you all, we love you all :heart::pray:

  • KC

    Kaity Colter

    Thank you for touching our hearts. May you rest in peace. This is not our home, we are only passing through. :heart:

  • JB

    Jewel-Leigh Brennan

    My heart is broken . I have been a fan since his debut on Facebook . To Nan , Billy , Jason , Reagan , Andrea and Connor please accept my sincerest condolences.
    The man , The myth , The Legend R.I.P Pop xoxo

  • DC

    Doris Cook

    Thank you Pop for the laughs. Your are one of a kind. Rest in peace.

  • SH

    Shawna Hughes

    Thank you all for sharing one of your greatest treasures "Pop" (and Nan) with all of us. He feels like our Pop too and we will always love you for that Jason. Take care and give Nan lots of love. Blessings!

  • JS

    Jan Sayers

    The sweetest curmudgeon on the planet. Thank you for the joy and laughter you brought to our days through your videos. I will never forget you, Pop.

    Goodnight, sweet Prince. And flights of angels sing you to your rest.
    ~William Shakespeare

  • MS

    Michael sherbert

    You will be missed pop rip prayers for the family

  • BR


    My heart goes out to all of you. May God comfort the family through this hard time and the coming days. Pop will be missed by so many. Prayers for all of you and especially Nan. RIP Pop.

  • WC

    Wade Childs

    Thanks for the good times, go rest high.

  • MS

    Melissa Spears,

    Will miss see you in the videos, you Would really make my day, I drink Dr pepper to so I will think of you daily. Love to all the family. Prayers to help you all get through this tough time.

  • MD

    Melissa Dean

    My condolences to the family.I enjoyed the videos.Pop was a wonderful guy to watch.He always had a wise cracking saying.He loved his DR.Pepper and the drives with his grandson.May God wrap his loving arms around Pop and bring him into God's beautiful world.R.I.P.:pray::pray::pray::pray:

  • LS

    Lisa Scrudder

    Thank you for all the laughs and the smiles you brought to my face, especially while I was going through some very tough times the past few years. Time for you to "Get in the House"...of the Lord. Enjoy all those free Dr. Peppers!

  • SF

    Sharon Fait

    Pop, Nan, Jason, ... you kept my 85 year old mother and I content during some dark times during COVID and being quarantined. You kept our spirits high with lots of laughter. We love you Pop and will miss you ...:heart: Till we meet again

  • NW

    Nancy Weaver

    Pop, you was one of a kind. Brought tears to my eyes and broke my heart to watch this video. You will be missed. I think all the POP watch fans need to drink a Dr. Pepper for you tomorrow for all of us that are so far away we can't pay our respect to your family tomorrow. Sending love from Georgia.

  • SC

    Sharon K. Cooper

    Pop.. what can I say that hasn't been said ? It feels like I know you . I wish I could have met you. I love the videos of you and Jason and I can say sometimes watching you two is my laugh of the day..I, along with MANY other people, feel like you are family. I loved all of the remarks you made to Nan, Jason. & Billy. The world just won't be the same without you Pop.I will remember you always. Love you Pop. Now Get Back In The House..

  • MM

    Mary Morgan

    Thank you for the memories, the laughter & most of all letting us all into your life. Love & miss you but Jason is keeping you with us!

  • GC

    Gary Cramer

    I have enjoyed Jason sharing Pops life and how he has developed such a great Love for his Grandfather! Sending Prayers for you and your Family. May God Bless!!

  • LF

    Laurie falco

    Thank you for all the laughs . My prayers are with you and ur family. :pray:

  • SC

    Sharon K. Cooper

    Rest In Heaven Pop. No more pain. I will always remember you and how you made me laugh when I really didn't want to. I hope they have lots of Dr. Pepper in Heaven.

  • shared a video on Joe&#39;s Memorial Website. (12)

    Christina Chaffin

    It was a honor to watch Pops on Facebook and laugh, smile no matter what. Jason was thank you for inviting us from different states and Country to witness the love you all had as a family. Pops will be deeply miss but never forgotten thanks to you and the videos you shared with us.
    Sending my deepest condolences and prayers to you and your family.

  • SG

    Susan GArrett

    I so enjoyed watching your videos. You and Nan at the window! Truly will miss you much. Will continue to watch the videos Jason posts. I hope you are enjoying a Nice, Cold and Juicy Dr Pepper. Rest easy! Prayers to the family.

  • shared a video on Joe&#39;s Memorial Website. (13)

    Jason Laufenberg

    Pop was a great guy always making my day his videos are so awesome. Prayers for nan that God heals her broken heart. RIP POPS

  • DC

    Deanne Corbin

    Thanks for sharing POP with high POP..will be greatly missed by all..hugs to Nan Jason n family..

  • DE


    Thank you for bringing Pop and your family into our lives.

  • JC

    Jill Cameron

    Thank you for sharing Pops with us. I’m praying for the comfort and peace only God our creator can provide for you. Love hugs prayers and don’t forget that free Dr Pepper.

  • SJ

    sylvia j

    Thank you for sharing his life with us all .

  • JC

    Joyce Caudill

    Rest in peace Pop. You will be missed. Prayers for the family

  • MC

    Mary S. Cervantes

    Jason thank you so much for sharing Pop with us all he definitely going to miss especially tell Nan get back in the house and stay there my prayers are with Nan you and the entire family may God give each one of y'all strength and comfort in your time of grieving May Pop rest in paradise

  • PA


    Now yout all get back in the house where you belong and close that window. :grinning: RIP Pops, it's time to watch the world from the big porch swing in the sky.

  • BM

    Bobby Meade

    Prayers for the family? RIP Pop watch.

  • KC

    Kathy Carter

    Going to miss him he was such a joy to watch on facebook...he now has his angel wings....may God bless and comfort the family during this time...Katy from Oak Ridge Tennessee

  • SH


    What a wonderful life he had! And what a legacy he has left. Prayers for Nan, Conner and Jason. Love you all and RIP Pop

  • CS

    Crystal SurlesBrewer

    Thank you for sharing Pop with all of us. May GOD place his healing hands on your hearts and comfort you during this difficult time. May the memories you made with him live on in your hearts forever. He will be truly missed. :pray:

  • BM

    Brandon mcdaniel

    He so reminded me of my own grandfather! He was a funny man and loved by so many and pops is gonna be missed for sure

  • MD

    Michele Duvall

    You will be greatly missed "Pop" I have followed you since day one. You made me laugh even on days when I didn't want to.. lol RIP Pop

  • LD

    Lauren Danielson

    Thanks so much for sharing the videos of pop Jason !!! He is surely going to be missed...R.I.P.

  • JG

    Judy Godwin

    Thank you for letting us be a part of your family. RIP Pop and many prayers for your family’s comfort during this difficult time.

  • CR

    Connie Rodseth

    thank you for all the laughs and love. You will be missed

  • RS

    robb suddreth

    Sorry for your loss,going to miss the videos they were very entertaining

  • VH

    Vicky Hilligoss

    What a beautiful tribute to Pop. I loved his funny humor and I enjoy watching these videos over and over again. Lots of love, hugs and prayers to you all. R.I.P. Pop. Love you and will be missed deeply by me andany others.

  • shared a video on Joe&#39;s Memorial Website. (14)

    Jackie Woodle Rector

    RIP, Pop!

  • TD

    Tammy Davidson

    Thanks for all the great laughs you sent us over the last several years. You became everyone's Pop. You will be greatly missed.

  • AF

    amber foshee

    This one hits hard ! Your videos always put a smile on my face as I’m sure they did to a lot of people around the world! He reminded me so much of my grand daddy and my grandpa (who passed away on the same day at around 9:00pm) prayers for the family especially his loving wife and grandson Jason! Y’all are in my thoughts and prayers. He sure did touch many lives and will be remembered- Amber Foshee Memphis tn

  • SL

    Sandra Lyda

    I'm like thousands of other people saying thank you for sharing POP with us. He brought laughter and to my life many times. My thoughts and prayers are with the Roy family. Rest in peace.

  • PA


    Going to miss Pop the whole Roy family is well loved rest in peace

  • AN

    Anita L. Neil

    It's often said that with all that a person achieves in life in the end comes down to the dash (-). Joe Roy has left behind a wonderful legacy of Life, Love, and happiness within his. Thanks, Pop, for teaching us all the importance of the dash we want to leave behind.

  • shared a video on Joe&#39;s Memorial Website. (15)

    Christy Hernandez-Sanchez

    Great Memories, going to miss you on facebook pop, Jason thank you for sharing pop with facebook family.

  • JH

    Jenilyn Hockensmith

    Sending prayers! Thank you for sharing your Pop with us all. We love you Pop, go have a Dr.Pepper, high on that mountain:broken_heart::pray:

  • DA

    Deb Hucklebridge Parker, AZ

    May you Rest In Paradise Pop

  • CC

    Cindy Digby Czerwien

    Jason and Family,
    Thank you for sharing Pops with the rest of the world . Thank you for the videos and for sharing the love you had for pops with the rest of us . Thank you pops for the laughter and the smiles you brought to all of us around the world . My thoughts and prayers are will you all during this difficult time . RIP Pops :heart::pray::skin-tone-2:

  • MS

    Mary Jo Ann Siket

    Thank you all for letting us all being in your family life.Pop was a amazing man and Nan we love you and Jason and your whole family.Jason please keep us up on Nan .I love you all and you all are my family :heart::pray::pray::heart:

  • shared a video on Joe&#39;s Memorial Website. (16)

    Fay Myers Istre

    Thank you'll so much for sharing this heartfelt video with us, I loved me some Pops!

  • PW

    Paige Waters

    Sure will miss you Pops. May you all be blessed. Aren

  • JS

    Janice Lea stemmons

    My heart is broken in so many pieces,miss pop, God bless him and all his family.

  • SL

    Shirley Lindsay

    So sorry. Lifting you all in prayer. May God give you all peace and comfort during this difficult time.

  • SD

    Samantha dalton

    We r going to miss pop he he was a world man

  • RO


    Will miss you pop, I knew you could always make me laugh when having a bad day. God Bless you,Nan and wonderful family. R.I.P.

  • JC

    Jeremy Collins

    I love you Pop! Thanks for making us laugh:heart:

  • BA


    Beautiful tribute! Thanks for sharing Pop with all of us! Will miss you and sending love to the family! RIP Pop!!

  • shared a video on Joe&#39;s Memorial Website. (17)

    Joanna Sanders

    Absolutely astounding such a beautiful tribute. Pop was very comical & I enjoyed watching him Jason & Nan they all made me laugh R.I.P.Pop & you most certainly be missed.

  • PW

    Penny Webb

    Thank You POP for sharing your life with all of America :flag-us: and especially thank you for your service! You brought many laughs and much joy to me personally! I know you are happy to be in the arms of Jesus now! May you rest in peace! My prayers are with all your family & friends now!

  • AB

    Anita Ball

    Thanks for sharing Pop with his many fans. Mt prayers goes out to Nan and the Roy family. Jason God has a special Blessing for you for the love and patience you had with Pop and Nan.:pray::heart:

  • shared a video on Joe&#39;s Memorial Website. (18)

    Pearl Stone

    Thanks for all the joy and laughter that you have brought to so many. A bright light has gone out and will be sorely missed. Heaven has gained a precious angel. My prayers for comfort and peace are with the Roy family . We love you Pop. Rest in peace. :broken_heart:

    Pearl Stone

  • SC

    Shelley Mitchell Carrigan

    Thank you for sharing Pop with all of us. He was one of a kind. My prayers are with Nan and all of Pop's beautiful family. Rest in Love Pop.

  • JW

    Joyce Wilcher

    Prayers to all of the Roy family. We will miss him, and I know you will even more. Thank you for sharing your life's with us. Nan, special hugs to you and hope you get to feeling better. You have a special family, and lucky to have each other. Rest in peace Pop.

  • RB



  • shared a video on Joe&#39;s Memorial Website. (19)

    Veronica Gutierrez

    God Bless the Roy Family! An ordinary Family that became extraordinary. R.I.P. Pop, you are missed. Much love to you all.

  • EI


    Sending hugs, thoughts and prayers to Nan and all the family. Such a wonderful Man, Pop was. We enjoyed watching all the videos. Thank you for bringing him into all our lives. He will be missed. Rest in eternal peace Pop. :pray::pray:

  • MC

    Margie Chrestman

    Began watching Popwatch about six years ago. Loved watching him. Reminded me of my own dad. Love you Pop. Prayers for Nan and the Roy family. Gone but never forgotten. RIP sweet Pop. :pray::heart::cry:

  • JM

    Jenny M.

    Pop, you were a joy to watch. Thank you for sharing your family with us. Thank you for the big belly laughs. May you Rest in Peace now.

  • LY


    We have all lost our adopted Pop. Jason this is hard to hear the news about his passing. My heart was broken because like I said I think y’all have been adopted by most of us. He is already missed and I know that you and your family are going to be lost without him. Please take care of your Nan. She’s lost her soulmate and half her heart is gone too. Praying for all of you today as you say your final goodbyes.

  • HF

    Homer Fannin

    RIP pop Joe. Thanks for all the good times and laughs. Your going to be miss by millions. You never leave our hearts and memories. Rest in God's everything arms.

  • CC

    Catherine Caulfield

    Missing you Pop's so much my heart :heart: is aching,I miss your laughter and your saying's and you tell it as it is , you were so sharp and not a thing would go unnoticed,
    Gone but not forgotten you will live on in us ,
    Catherine Caulfield / Ireland /

  • SG

    Steve gevedon

    RIP Pop Prayer for the family going to miss watching pop

  • WH

    windell hackson

    RIP Pop!!:pray::pray::pray:

  • SM

    Steve Morris

    Rest in peace POPS!

  • TL

    Trena Lacy

    We all will miss Pops videos .. Thanks 4 sharing him with the world.. The laughs, drinking Dr Pepper, the car rides & his wisdom I look forward 2 everyday.. Give Nan a big hug. I’m extremely sorry 4 y’all’s lose of a great guy .. This world has lost a legend..

  • KH

    Kristen Hedrick

    Thank you for sharing all the wonderful memories of Pop with us. He sure made us all laugh until our stomachs hurt. My prayers are with you Jason Nan, Billy, conner and the rest of the family. Now get back in the house. Lol!

  • WI


    So very sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing Pop with all of us. Rest in peace Pop we miss and love you.

  • JK

    Jayne kinney

    How I Loved watching all the videos. Fly high.

  • LL

    Lori Kirkley Lee

    I am so sorry for the loss of Pop. He was definitely one of a kind. I had the pleasure of meeting him and Nan in November 2023. I dropped by their house coming from Mississippi on my way through. I didn't expect to be let in ( I was only gonna leave some Dr. Pepper, peanuts and a note) and Pop let me right in. I was able to visit for about 30 minutes. Both were so kind. I told Pop meeting him was better than if I had got to meet Elvis. He said "aww girl"... many prayers for the entire family and everyone that loves him. He will be so missed..andThanks for sharing him and Nan with all of us.

  • PS

    Patricia Stephens

    Jason thanks so much for the love, tears, laughter we love you Pop!

  • JB

    Julie Beall

    My thoughts are with all of Pops loved ones. Rest easy Pop

  • CC

    Cathy Chaney

    Cathy here from Jasper Tx,sending my condolences to the family.pop videos is what kelp me going when I needed back Surgery ,and was bed bound. Thank you for all the laughter. God bless you.

  • SS

    Sandy Sparks

    Rest in Peace Pop Watch:pray::skin-tone-2::heart:

  • DC

    Donna Cohrs

    Much love to your family, I will miss watching Pop. Beautiful video:heart:

  • LG

    lucille Glover

    Nan we love you and your whole familymay god be with you and family love Lucille jd Glover from Wilson NC

  • KC

    Kyle Campbell

    What a Great tribute to a great man I've watched and followed since the first video was posted pop will missed love and prayers to Jason, Billy Nan and family

  • VI


    Love you Pop, surely going to miss you bunches. So many beautiful memories, thank you. :heart::pray::skin-tone-2: Praying for the family :cry::heart::pray::skin-tone-2:

  • DD

    Dana Dickerson

    Prayers for the Roy family. Thanks for the years of laughs Pop!

  • SA


    We loved POP thank you for sharing him with us. Love & Prayers for your family!!!!Sarah Flake MS

  • BM

    Bruce Mansfield

    I will indeed miss you Pop you brought great laughter to Facebook you and Jason videos meant so much to the Facebook community RIP Pop Huggs and Prayers to Pop Family & Friends And his Facebook Followers

  • LZ

    Lulu Zeagas


  • CC

    Crystal Canaday

    Thank you, Pop, for always making me laugh and sharing your life with the world. Your internet family will miss you. I hope you are getting a lot a Dr. Peppers up there. Rest on, Pop. I pray the Lord will comfort and keep Nan and the rest of the family while you are resting.

  • HB

    hope blake

    Rest easy Joe … go drink all the Dr. Pepper you want. Gonna miss you. Hope Blake in Alabama

  • SC

    sherri Cochenour

    Thank you all for letting us have hour daily laughs of pop saying big booty and also eating tacos, most importantly having a Dr Pepper. RIP pop.

  • JJ

    Jason Jenkins

    A few years ago my son and I took a trip to Crater of Diamonds National Park from our home in Cookeville, TN. It was pretty hot that day so we stopped digging and I asked him what he would like to do. He thought it would be neat to drive to Texas. So we drove to Texas. I then looked up where “Pop” was located. So I surprised him and I told him we was going to see if “Pop” was outside. We were both so excited! Sure enough we drove by and there he sat on his porch swing and he waved at us. We wanted to stop and at “Hi” so bad, but I didn’t know how to explain how I found his address online and not seem creepy . So we waved and giggled like little school girls. We then stopped a Mexican restaurant that he liked to frequent. Which was absolutely delicious! To this day we always say…. “He waved at us first…” It was the best trip I’ve ever had with my son. It was simple, but a core memory was made. Rest in Peace Pops… Prayers to Nan and all the family.

  • DA


    Thank you for the laughs, Pop. You're always going to be remembered by so many people. Fly high and rest easy. Prayers and sympathies from Iowa.
    -Dawn Buchanan

  • VR

    vivian ricardo

    well radar is not reliable on streaming .

  • AK

    Ann Keltner

    I love you Pop!

  • JH

    Jacquie Holley

    I’m going to miss you so much Pop! You could always make me laugh even on bad days. Love to Nan and the all of the family.

  • SD

    Samantha dalton

    Thank you for sharing ur pop ,laugh,tear good memories with with him

  • MI

    Marlo Ibarra

    Thanks for sharing your lives with us. Gonna miss you Pop.

  • MR

    Mary Rose

    My condolences to the Roy family. Nan I know Pop is watching over you and the family, Jason, Billy & Conner we love you all. RIP Pop, you will be dearly missed by your family but your memories will live thru on thru each story or memory your family holds dear to their hearts.

  • MP

    Michael parton

    I want y thank you all fir doing what you all did for us pop &. Jason it was a blast watching pop do his thing daily ! Pop was a great man husband & grandpa uncle brother and more we will miss ya pop ! RIP pop we love you all every one of ya !!

  • DM

    Darlene murray

    Thanks for sharing Pops with us all. Praying for everyone that loved him. Go rest easy Pops. :dove_of_peace:️:pray:

  • MF

    michelle fowler

    Lots of love and prayers to the family Pops you will be missed terribly Rest easy Angel :pray::blue_heart::pray::blue_heart:

  • TI


    Thank you for letting us be a part of your life and family. My heart is broken. Pops was a legend. Bark was worse than his bite. He is in his heavenly home now reunited with his son Kurt. Prayers for peace and comfort and enjoy the memories of Joe Mack Roy.

  • MC

    Melanie C.

    We’ll miss you Pop! Thank you for sharing Pop with us, his videos, laughter, & Witt was a staple in our home! May God bring you all an unwavering amount of peace, strength, & understanding. We love you so much Jason & Family!:heart:

  • MZ

    Melissa zimmerman

    Ty for all the laughs pops you always will be loved and missed

  • shared a video on Joe&#39;s Memorial Website. (20)

    Michael Lanius

    sorry for your loss. Me and the wife enjoyed your humor. RIP POP

  • shared a video on Joe&#39;s Memorial Website. (21)

    Brenda Anthony

    Thank you for the many laughs, your videos will be watched and rewatched many times, Cheers with "Dr Pepper", Pops. You will be missed dearly. Much love from a Big fan.

  • SH


    This was so beautiful thank you for sharing this with us Jason we will truly miss pop all the laughs I like it because pop an me have the same birthday thank you for sharing your pop with us I know how it feels I lost my granddad 3 years ago an we called him pop hugs and prayers for nan an the family pop rest in peace

  • MO

    Myrna Olson

    Thank you for sharing "Pop" with us. My thoughts and prayers are with you :pray: and your family :heart:

  • TA


    Thank you POP for all the amazing jokes, will never forget you. RIP :sob: :sob:

  • AA

    Amy Allen

    Thank you for letting us share in your life, laughter and your family! You will be missed!

  • TO


    To the pop family may god put his arms around y'all I know pop is up there cutting up with the Lord he sure was a great man sure gonna miss him on here Jason please keep his memory alive love yall makes my heart break for you guys

  • CS

    Caralee Stevenson

    Going to miss you pop on Facebook. R.I.P Pop my condolences to you all :pray::heart: all the way from Nova Scotia Canada :heart::heart:

  • CA


    Sincere condolence to the family. Thank you for allowing us to share in your lives. He will be greatly missed.

  • CS

    cole shamsie

    rip pop:pray:

  • NM

    Nancy Metz

    My sincere condolences to all of you. Pops will live on in all the hearts and all the memories of those who had the privilege of knowing him. Thank you for allowing us to see a little bit of you on Facebook. You have touched so many. You will be missed . Rest in Peace , and walk with the angels. Prayers to all of his family , and God Bless.

  • TH

    Traci Hammett

    Thank yall for sharing your POP with us :heart: He will definitely be missed. I pray for PEACE and comfort for the family

  • CB

    Christina Barber

    Thank you for always sharing your Pop. God Bless

  • RG

    rhetta Glick

    Pop and his beautiful personality will be missed by me!! Sending hugs and prayers to his sweet bride and Jason especially during such a difficult time.

  • KE

    Ken Elliott

    Thanks for all of the laughs Pop. I am going to miss you. Rest in Peace... <3

  • EM


    We will all miss you pop!! Rest in love!!

  • KV

    Kaelee Velasquez

    My condolences to the Roy family. I always looked forward to watching Pops videos. He reminded me so much of my Grandpa who I lost in 2013. May he rest in peace. D.E.P :dove_of_peace:

  • EJ

    Edie Jagielski

    Rest in peace Pop! You will truly be missed! Thank you for sharing your life with us! May God continue to bless your family and give them comfort during this difficult time. I know you will keep the angels laughing!

  • MW

    maxine wren

    Sending prayers we will miss you Pop .Sending love to Nan and family

  • CP

    cecil pelt

    Thank you Pop for brightining my days i loved everything you stood for and i will drink a Dr Pepper in your memory

  • AB

    Andra Burrow

    Thank you for sharing him with all of us! It was a blessing to watch him and be a part of his life! I can hear him saying Get back in the house! He will be missed by many! Prayers for his family!

  • GR

    Gail Robinson

    My condolences :bouquet: to the family. Thank you for inviting us on your front porch , daily drives , restaurants or whatever you decided to take Pop with the robust discussion. I loved it All!
    Pop , served our country which is honorable recognition.
    Thank You sharing your family.
    Peace unto you all

  • BL

    Brenda Linville

    Will miss you Pops. Is still a shock to me. Love you and your family. You will be missed sooo much. Hugs.

  • TV

    Tammy Vickers

    What a beautiful memories of pictures and pop....pray for Nan and the family...Now may need to carry on the memories with Nan Videos

  • RK

    Roger Kirkland

    Sure gonna miss pop and his quick wit and expressions.RIP pop you earned it fly high

  • JW

    Jennie Watson

    Thoughts and prayers for the family. Pop you are loved and will be missed. Thank you for Jason for sharing Pop with us over the years.

  • WS

    Will Simmons

    Thanks for letting us ride along, Pop. Enjoyed every minute!

  • MK

    Michelle Keener

    This is so sweet and special but I'm gonna miss watching him on Facebook. He always turned my depressed day into a good day. I love they way he talked to everyone . He reminds me of my grandpa. Always funny and had something to say. He will be greatly missed but never forgotten. Please keep us up with Nan and conner this is gonna be so hard for the family. And now the whole world is family the Pops family. Sending lots of hugs and prayers. Live you all

  • JD

    Janet G Dowdy

    Tears were streaming down my cheeks as I was walking down memory lane , watching all the beautiful memories and years y'all shared. What a beautiful tribute to the man we called pops and the whole world loved him so much. Jason , what a great , grandson you were. You and pops were inseparable. I know you'll take great care of Nan. We all loved Billy and Conner and know you will forever miss one of the greatest man, husband , father and grandfather there ever was. I thought of him as my grandpa. He has left " FOOTPRINTS " in my heart. :heart:
    Thank you all for sharing him with us and the world.
    This isn't goodbye Pop, you rest in God's Eternal Peace until we all meet again. Love you ALWAYS.
    Janet. Galveston , TX. :broken_heart::rose::disappointed_relieved::pray::heart::flag-us:

  • DL

    Dolores Lopez

    My prayers to Nan and Pops family. You’ll be miss dearly, still hitting me hard to know your gone. You brought my grandpa back to life as he was like you, personality and great sense of fashion. You became my pop pop throughout these years. You will forever be loved and cherished rest easy pop. :pray::skin-tone-4::pray::skin-tone-4::pray::skin-tone-4:

  • SE

    Suzanne Emkes

    I’m really going to miss watching Pop on Facebook. I enjoyed all the laughs with pop & Jason. Sincere condolences to all the family. Thanks for sharing your family with us.

  • SH


    Rest easy, Pop. You will be greatly missed.:two_hearts:

  • LC

    Lula Casillas

    Thank you for sharing Pop with us!! Please continue to share Nan with us. I pray for healing for you and your family. :pray::skin-tone-2::pray::skin-tone-2:
    Pop will be deeply missed by all.

  • AR

    Amanda Redmond

    Thank you Pop for all of the laughter you brought to this world. We love you and may you rest in peace :heart::heart::heart:

  • CS

    Cathie Snider

    Thank you Pops for all the laughs and memories. Rest in peace and may God protect Nan, Jason and family with his loving arms, as these next months unfold the deep loss. Looking at his life in video, he had a great life and loved by many. I will miss my daily posts of Pops. I am mourning your loss. It hurts me and has definitely hurt your family. What a man to live until 90, it’s because he was onry! I saw the sweet side to him and his deep love of Nan. Together forever they will be. :revolving_hearts:

  • DF

    Debbie Floyd

    Prayers for everyone all of us will miss him dearly he's looking down from Heaven watching over y'all Prayers for comfort and strength love y'all

  • EC

    Emeli class

    My condolences to you and the family thank you for sharing the laughter with everyone we will always have him in our memories may he rest in peace God bless

  • TL

    Tina Lopez

    HEAVEN is definitely sweeter because of you POP! We love you and THANK YOU for sharing a beautiful life with us. Now, GET BACK IN DA HOUSE! LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • shared a video on Joe&#39;s Memorial Website. (22)

    Jean DeGara

    Pops, you will be tremendously missed! Just viewed the photos, beautifully arranged. Brought tears to my eyes. such a lovely family. sending love and hugs to you Nan. God bless you and your family!

  • JF

    Jack Freeman

    Thank you for all the laughs you will be greatly missed "pop"

  • SS

    Sharmen Seal

    Thank you for letting us be part of your and POP daily adventures. I loved watching. Continued Prayers

  • PM

    Peggy McDaniel

    Gonna miss Pop, he was a hoot. I thank you all for sharing your family.

  • JL

    Jacqueline Little

    Thanks for sharing Pop to all of us. Praying for comfort and peace for your family and friends. 🧡 Rest in peace Pop :pray::skin-tone-3:

  • PS

    Peg Smith

    Pop RIP. Many prayers for you and your beautiful family! I cried going through all the pictures. I also laughed through all your videos!! You will never be forgotten! My dad was just like you! When I saw some of your first videos, I was hooked on you and your family. Love and peace be with you. :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

  • shared a video on Joe&#39;s Memorial Website. (23)

    Margie Clevenger

    Prayers going up for this beautiful family I loved watching pop watch RIP Pop Heaven Gained another Angel

  • PJ

    Patricia B. Jackson

    Rest in peace “Pop.” My prayers are with your sweet wife and family.
    Patricia B. Jackson

  • LG

    Loretta galvan

    My sincere condolences.,pop is gonna be greatly missed on pop watch he made me and many people happy thank u for sharing pop with us rest in peace in heaven and thank u for your service

  • CD

    Charles Dunlap

    Beautiful he will b missed sending prayers for Nan and the family

  • TK

    Teresa Kikulski

    RIP Pop! One of my very first videos I watched & kept up on was "Pop Watch"! He truly was a special man & did touch alot of our hearts for sure. You surely will be missed! I'll have. Dr Pepper in your honor tonight..Prayers for the entire family..:pray::pray::pray:

  • OA

    Omar Arana

    Muchas risas y buen humor siempre de POP, Se lo va a extranar. Paz en su tumba.

  • DH

    Deborah Hoopaugh

    Thank you, Pop just for being you. I will miss you.

  • EV

    Erica & Philip Vealey

    Precious memories of a precious young man...we love you Pop! Rest high up in the mountains with an endless amount of Dr. Peppers and a bottomless pocket full of doritos, tacos, and crackers <3 Nan, Jason, and family, you are most certainly in our hearts, thoughts, and prayers today, tomorrow, and in the coming days. We appreciate you for sharing your family with us and we will help to always honor Pop's memory. (((HUGS))) to all.

  • LY


    Hugs and prayers !

  • SU

    Sandra Uribe

    Prayers for all your family

  • HC

    Helena Charleston

    Thank you for the laughs and video's you shared with us all. And thank you for your service. RIP POP

  • DS

    Desiree Sonday

    Such a beautiful tribute! A life well lived. He is already missed by so many. Love to his family!

  • DE


    Thank you for sharing your Pop with all of us. Such wonderful memories of your beautiful family. Prayers for comfort for your family during this difficult time.

  • TG

    Terri Fincher, Rome Georgia

    May your memories remain in the hearts of all your watchers! Thank you for sharing Pop with us Jason! His love, inspiration, and that contagious smile will live on in us forever. Rest easy Pop, your time on Earth is done and your Heavenly home awaits you!!! Love and Hugs Jason and Nan!!!

  • shared a video on Joe&#39;s Memorial Website. (24)

    Eulla Jackson

    Prayers for everyone!! (RIP) you will be missed......close the window maria...

  • RN

    Rachel Natividad

    Gonna miss you pops :dove_of_peace:🤍

  • JW

    James Widmer

    Thanks for the :hearts: memories ‘Pop’ Loved it all these years…Reminds me of my Dad.

  • NG

    Nancy Gill

    Nan, Jason, Connor & Family ... God Bless You ALL. Thanks For Sharing ALL The Family Pic's & So Many Of Pop. BIG HUGS From Maumelle/Little Rock Arkansas.

  • KP

    Kathy Phillips

    Thank you Jason for sharing Pop with all of us! My prayers are with you and your family.

  • GI


    Rest easy were so very special to so many people, whether you realised or not and i want to thank your family for sharing you with the world. You will be missed beyond measure but i take comfort in knowing heaven has gained an angel...

  • LL

    Leticia Lopez

    Pop You just left and who am I going to watch to make me laugh when I'm missing our only Daughter!! :broken_heart::sob::innocent::rose:

  • MI


    Thanks For Sharing POP with us:heart:

  • MW

    Mike Williams

    Pop, you will be missed by many. I envy your relationship with your family!

  • ES

    Elizabeth Solis

    Texas lost a grandpa today, May POP rest in peace. He will truly be missed. Please keep us posted on Nan and your family. We love you. Hugs

  • JC

    Jana Coggins

    Thank you for sharing Pop with us….Rest Easy now, Pop! We love you.

  • LA

    Linda & Ronnie Axelson

    RIP Pop. Thank-you for sharing
    Your life with us all. You will be greatly missed. Heaven gained an angel and you can be reunited with those that went before. All of our Prayers Love and hugs to your family :hearts:

  • KD

    Kenneth Dooley

    Thank you for the videos pop was the highlight of my day Mamy days prayers for the family r.i.h pops

  • LL

    Leticia Lopez

    Pop Please make our only Daughter laugh when She is missing us, now that You are in God's Home like She is!! Pop Thank You for making me laugh when I was hurting because of the loss of Our only Daughter! You are gone but will never be forgotten! Forever in Our Hearts! Dr Pepper and Tacos are my favorite just like they are Yours!! Pop R.I.P :broken_heart::sob::princess:🥰:innocent::rose::broken_heart::sob::innocent::rose:

  • CM

    chrissy morris

    my prayers are with your family. Thank you for allowing all of us the chance to watch pop and the laughs we always had. The best memory I have is when he said I don't dance keke lol. There was times when I was sad and I would get on Facebook and watch pops and he always made me laugh and feel better. Jason pop's loved you and Connor so much he will always be with you.

  • LI

    Liz Nelson-CR, IA.

    Enjoyed watching all the videos n especially when Pop yells, "Get Back In The House!" Jason you sure was patient w/Pop when he'd get alittle sassy! Thinking of Nan n you n entire family. In our prayers n thoughts. :heart:

  • MJ

    Mary Jones

    Thank you for sharing your life with us . You brought smiles to our faces.

  • BP

    Barbara potter

    We will miss you Pops.
    Always enjoyed your videos, my thoughts and prayers go out to all that loved him.

  • DF

    Diana De La Fuente

    We will miss watching your videos pop. Thanks for sharing from San Antonio.

  • AW

    Ashley Williams

    Thank You for the love, the laughs, and the tears. You were the most gentle and kind human being I have ever known. And to Nan stay strong honey you are beautiful Pop is always watching you and remember you guys “Mary get back in the house”

  • SF

    Stacia Hartfield & Family

    We will forever be grateful for bringing laughter, love and so much joy in our dark days (COVID). Pop will forever be missed but the memories will live in our hearts. Thank you Jason for sharing your Pop with us. My prayers are for comfort and peace for Nan as she mourn the loss of love of her life.
    To the entire family of Pop, my deepest condolences to each of you.

  • IF

    irvaleen fugate

    love the pictures what a wonderful life he lead , him and nan was a beautiful couple, he will surly be missed, rip pops, irvaleen fugate kentucky

  • LW

    Lisa wirth

    Pop reminded me so much of my Grampa, he caught my attention a few years back. May he rest in Paradise, my condolences to Jason, Nan and the Rest of the family
    Grande Prairie, Alberta CA.

  • GL


    Thanks for the laughs, Pop. You will be missed.

  • RA

    Rafela Alba

    Prayers for Nan, Jason and all the family. RIP POPS :pray::pray::pray:

  • DS

    Deb seeman

    R.I.P Pops... you were lived by so many people. You always made me laugh. Thank you for all those years you made many people laugh. Prayers to your family.

  • LD

    loretta Jean Davis

    You will be missed. I have followed you for years and loved you from a distance but felt so close to you and your adventures with Jason.RIP you brought many memories home to me. I pray for Nan and all of the family. L. Jean Davis

  • BT

    Betty Tucker

    Rip Pop enjoy your Dr Pepper.

  • EC

    Elizabeth C

    Thank you for sharing "POP" with us all. He will be missed. Our prayers to the family.

  • SD

    Sheri Dixon-Henson

    Thank you for sharing Pops with the world. Prayers for Nan and your family on this great loss.

  • JO


    Look at you Pop. You did this. You made us all fall in live with you and Nan and Jason and Colin And Billy..Thanks for the memorie🤎

  • GS

    Greg Stover

    Verry Nice iam Going to miss popswatcing

  • KP

    Kathy Phillips

    Beautiful. Continued prayers

  • WO

    Wanda from Ohio

    Thank you for sharing Pop with us! We will miss him! We hope you continue to post new videos and run the old ones as well! Love you Jason, and family!

  • shared a video on Joe&#39;s Memorial Website. (25)

    Anna Santiago

    Pops you will be missed. I have enjoyed watching all your videos. God bless your family. RIP; we love you!

  • SJ

    stacey Jackson

    thanks for sharing him and ur family with us I knw it's hard and easier said than done but keep ur head up and stay strong he will always be with y'all and y'all are in my prayers sending y'all comfort and love and rip pops u will be missed by so many u made a lot of us laugh and smile love yall

  • WW

    wendy wagner

    Thank you for sharing your family been watching for years, peace be with you.

  • DO


    as much as you made me laugh, thats how sad i feel now, will miss u pop but am happy i got to know u and nan blessings

  • CS

    Connie Spruell

    Thank you for sharing Pop and your family with all of us. Pop has given us a lot of joy and made the world smile. We will miss but never forget him and his wonderful family.

  • JU


    I always loved watching Pop..Jason.. Nan..Thanks for sharing him with us! :hearts: Prayers to the family.

  • MW

    Margaret Waymire

    You were a BEAUTIFUL SOUL, RIP

  • PA


    Thank you. Pop you will be missed, by all. Love you,

  • JC

    Josie Canales

    Thank you for sharing Pops with us . Prayers and comfort for the days to come. R.I.P.Pops:pray::pray:

  • SU


    Thank You Roy family for all the hours of enjoyment. God Bless.

  • shared a video on Joe&#39;s Memorial Website. (26)

    Danica O'Connell Shafer

    What a beautiful life he lived! Thank you for sharing PoP with all of us. Now he is reunited with his son. Hold tight to each other

  • CH


    Gone but never forgotten..Your memories are etched in are hearts for a lifetime...Fly high Pops!!

  • shared a video on Joe&#39;s Memorial Website. (27)

    Jean Pierce

    Prayers for Nan ,Jason,Conner,,and the rest of the family.POP is being missed,He was a great man.Love him.

  • JH

    Josh Houston

    Thank you Roy family for sharing Pop with all of us over the years. He brought a smile to many faces. A life well lived. Praying for peace and comfort now and in the days ahead.

  • DF

    Darlene Fann

    Thoughts, sending love and hugs, and prayers for all of his family. We love you Pop and family

  • JH

    JoAnn Hernandez.

    My Deepest Condolences and Prayers for Comfort to Nan and Jason and All Family and Friends RIP You will be Missed Descansa En Paz

  • SA


    Thank you for the many. Laughs and showing all of us a great fa ily with zloy of love :heart:. Jason and Nan my heart goes out to.both of you and to the rest of the family. An amazing journey for many years. Thank you

  • SF

    Scott Frazier

    Thank you for bringing normalcy to social media and allowing us into your lives.

  • JJ

    Jenny Johnson

    Pop you will be missed by everyone and I will miss them car rides with Jason, and you looking at the people that weren't working and standing around always had a cute comment...You kept us all laughing...You will stay in all our hearts <3

  • TS

    Thomas Jacob Shaw

    Thanks for the laughts Pop, no doubt Heaven is much sweeter now!!

  • DO


    R.I.P. Pop. Nan, may God hold you in his arms and comfort you during this time and always. :heart::pray:

  • KO

    Kellie Olesinski

    We all lost our Pop. He was not just some guy on the internet. He was our Father's, Grandfather's, Great Grandfather's. There are so many around the world grieving for the loss of him and it is a peice that will never be replaced.
    God bless tbe whole family and thank you Jason for allowing us to have him in our lives for the short amount of time we all had him.
    Many prayers and hugs.
    RIP pops, missed so very much,but never forgotten.

  • TD

    Tammy Dixon

    Thank you for your laughter We love and miss you Pop

  • shared a video on Joe&#39;s Memorial Website. (28)

    Kathy Lucerne

    Can You imagine how many laughs you brought to all of us, You kind of reminded me of my Dear funny Dad , same cantankerous bite LOL Your loving family is truly gonna have a huge void, we all are , see You soon Pop xo <><

  • DY

    deb yoas

    Thanks for sharing POP with us all, Rest in Heaven POP !

  • LD

    Linda Delgado

    Enjoyed Pop’s Attitude! Too Funny :grin: Jason is a Wonderful Grandson, who loved his Pop & Nan! RIP :pray:

  • VC

    Vicky Corey

    Prayers for you all!!

  • CR

    Connie Riley

    Very sweet video of Pop's journey in this life. RIP Pop you deserve it! My thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends. You will be missed! :sleepy::pray::rose:

  • JS

    Jim Sager

    Beautifully done….

  • RC

    Roger Cribb

    RIP Pop.. God bless you Nan, Jason and the rest of your family.. we love you all!

  • SW

    Sherri Williams

    I only can say Thank you so much for sharing an amazing relationship with your grandparents Jason. My heart hurts for Jason and the family. He was a very spunky man that as you know touched many people in all places of the world. My absolute prayers for the whole family. I can connect with Nan the most...I know the heart break of loosing your special man. My love to all in a difficult time. Pop was a cool man! Will miss his pop watch videos so much. Fly high sweet Pop! Go chase those big booties on the streets of gold...have a Dr Pepper.... and please don't eat the chicken! :wink: love to the Roy family! :heart:

  • SL

    Sherry L Levoy

    Thank you for making us laugh and tugging at our heart strings

  • DS

    Donna States

    Sure going to miss the videos of Pop.Jason please take care of Nan. God Bless You All. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers Love You All :heart::pray::pray:

  • SU


    May your wonderful memories sustain and comfort all you. He's missed beyond measure. Reunited with heavenly family now. Thanks for sharing him and yourselves! Take care! Love the photos! Hugs from FL.

  • QB

    Quan Birdwell

    May God keep your family in his loving arms. Want to thank you for sharing your life with us. I hope your family continue to share. You are and will be missed. The laughter, the looking for big booties, and your sense of humor. Go rest now Pop and know that we will forever miss you.:broken_heart::heart::pray:

  • DD

    Deitrek Dixon

    Y'all hang in thee Jason:bangbang::pray::skin-tone-4:
    #RipPop :innocent:

  • MP

    Martha Powell

    Thanks pop(Joe) for all the fun entertainment. Your the best. You will be missed so much .love you thanks
    Martha Powell

  • SS

    Sue Smith

    Thanks for the joy to brought to many life's

  • NT

    Nikki Tisthammer

    Loved by so many!!! Being of fan of Pop Watch for yrs, he felt like family!! He could make me laugh with just his look!! What a beautiful tribute to show his amazing life he led!! My prayers are with the Roy family!! :broken_heart::pray:

  • AW

    angela w

    thks pop for sharing your daily life with us. you will be mist so much. it feels like we've known you for a life time. to nan, stay strong cause i know pop sprit will always be with you and the boys. the world luvs you.:)

  • shared a video on Joe&#39;s Memorial Website. (29)

    Terry Bunch

    We all lost our Pop... tens of thousands of us are grieving the loss of this incredible character of a man. Thank you, Jason, for sharing him with the world.

  • BG

    Barbara Gillespie

    Thank you for sharing Pop with me and everyone else! I love watching Pop and he sure help make my days so much brighter. He is truly loved and so so missed. Sending my love and prayers to Nan , Jason and the rest of the family! :two_hearts::pray:

  • PB

    Penny Bowling

    Thank you Jason for sharing Pop with us for so long. We loved him and your family. RIP Pop

  • MJ

    Mark Jackson

    Going to miss you Pop

  • LK

    Leona kilbourn

    Iam so sorry for the family lost I would love to say thank u for sharing a wonderful man with all of us on Facebook Iam going to miss watching pop on Facebook he's my favorite it don't feel right

  • LK

    Leona kilbourn

    Get back in the house had to say it going to miss u on Facebook pop

  • WR

    William Robinson


  • CD

    Celeste Daugherty

    Rest in peace Pop. C.Daugherty Texas

  • shared a video on Joe&#39;s Memorial Website. (30)

    Reichea Newton

    Love you Pops! Thanks for the laughs! You were one of the good ones! :hearts::hearts::hearts::hearts:

  • TD

    Teresa Craft Donald

    Thank you for sharing this sweet video may God comfort and bless you all we love all God bless you Nan you sweet heart will miss you Pops

  • SA

    Sarah Alsobrook

    My thoughts are with your family! I loved watching your videos. Pop always made me laugh. I will miss seeing them. RiP
    Love Sarah from Michigan

  • DE


    Pop will be missed by so many people. I loved the banter between him and Jason. My heart felt condolences to Nan and all your family. R.I.P. I hope there's thousands of cans of Dr. Pepper waiting for ya up there.

  • JA

    Julie Anthony

    Pops will be missed He is flying high nd we will all see him and our lived ones again there missed that will n ever change.

  • SH


    Thank you for blessing us with the joy of your life, the smiles and laughter, My thoughts and prayers are with the family. May you rest in peace:pray:

  • ER


    pops we will miss you bud you sure put on a smile on me with your crazy self when i was down pure laughter with you may you rest in peace jason take good care of nan please sir

  • shared a video on Joe&#39;s Memorial Website. (31)

    Julie Christine

    Peace Be with You Pops

  • SP

    S in PA

    Beautifully done video. RIP Pop.

  • IL

    I y Lena

    Pop, all though the many of us didn’t know you personally, we all felt like we were family. I’d like to say thank you for your service, you have done our country proud. You are loved by not only your immediate family, but the family around the world. You will be missed deeply, but thanks to Jason’s videos, you will live on in our hearts. It’s time now to rest, after all your hard work. May you rest in eternal peace, and let’s hope that they have Dr.Peppers, peanuts, and crackers waiting for you. God bless you, and may God bless, and comfort, nan, Billy, Jason, & Connor, and the rest of your family. Good night my friend!:latin_cross:️:flag-us:

  • shared a video on Joe&#39;s Memorial Website. (32)

    Lisa Matthews

    thank you for the beautiful videos that you shared with the internet we are going to miss pop so much my heart goes out to his family and friends :blue_heart::broken_heart::disappointed_relieved::innocent:

  • BH

    Byron Hughes

    Pops rest in peace! You brought laughter and happiness to so many people when we needed it. You represented what a good hearted person was all about, you were never politically correct and that’s what we loved about you. I’m praying for the family and hope they will all have peace and comfort and knowing what an impact you had on so many peoples lives. God bless you all and I’m going to drink me a Dr Pepper in honor of pops today. We sent pops a few hats and one was a Alabama hat so Roll Tide pops and we will definitely miss you here.

  • DB

    dean briesemeister

    I loved all the videos of Pop! He will be missed! Please take care of Nan. RIP Pop!

  • SC

    Sharon K. Cooper

    Absolutely beautiful. I enjoyed seeing Pop's life before we saw him online. Rest in heaven Pop. Gone but not forgotten.

  • KH

    Kenneth Hughes

    I started watching Pop around the time my Mom passed and he really helped me get through it 4 years ago thanks Pop

  • KH

    Karen Harris

    Going to miss Pop and Jason in the truck. Lots of laughs. They don’t make men like Pop much anymore. He was certainly a treasure. The FB world will miss your videos Jason. I’ll pray for you and Nan as you grieve and relive so many memories of a genuine patriot and family leader. God Bless your Family. Thanks for the laughs!

  • BR


    Beautiful RIP Pop

  • KI


    Pop will be truly missed. He brought so many smiles and joy to all his fans. Your videos made everyone feel like they were part of the family. And his great grandchildren and great great grandchildren will have videos to watch for years to come. So they can know what a character he was. He lived a long good life. With people who loved him as he did them. Jason you were a good grandson to him. God bless you, Nan and all the rest of the family. Just take care of Nan she is gonna need you guys right now. May god give you all peace in your heart. R.I.P Pop

  • HS

    heather sanchez

    You made me smile everyday !!! Rip Pop!!

  • SM

    Samantha Mayo

    Thank you for sharing Pops with us . He is already missed . :cry:

  • PT

    Patricia Trent

    I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of yoyr daily lives and letting us witness the love and support that you each shared with each other and the world. I know your pain is so great, we will continue to love you and your family. We love you and we will forever love Nan And Pop. We are blessed to have been a part of your family's lives. Mat God bring you peace and continued comfort today and always.
    RIP POP!!!!!

  • BB

    Brent Brownlee

    Thanks for sharing! You are going to be missed Pops! God Bless You and the family.

  • JW

    Junior watts

    Thanks for sharing pops will be greatly missed appreciate all the videos God bless and thanks for all the memories :pray:

  • AG

    albert griffith

    Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let the perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

  • CH

    Christine Hema

    Amazing man that worked hard for his family, with lots of love an laughter along the way, A man that's dedicated to his wife , Besides the big booties{ hahahaha},,, I do hope you put some crackers in his top pocket of his shirt, hahahahaha Such a Beautiful man Love You Nan xxxxx

  • HA


    Roy family we thank you all for sharing Joe with the world... I pray for your family that you all will find peace that surpasses all understanding

  • MS

    Marnita Styles

    Thank you for the laughs. RIP POP

  • DA


    Love watching Pop,David from Appomattox Va.

shared a video on Joe&#39;s Memorial Website. (2024)


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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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