Keto Pumpkin Bagels Recipe - Easy Fathead Dough Bagel (2024)

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This keto pumpkin bagels recipe is the perfect fall breakfast or snack. It’s surprisingly low-carb and high-protein.

Keto Pumpkin Bagels Recipe - Easy Fathead Dough Bagel (1)

What’s really surprising about this recipe is that it’s topped with a low-carb cinnamon sugar cream cheese spread! It tastes like you are cheating, but you aren’t!

More Fathead Dough Bagels

There are so many amazing ways you can customize fathead dough bagels. Here are a few more of my favorite recipes that you should try next: Keto Onion Bagles, Keto Jalapeño Cheddar Bagels or theseKeto Pizza Bagels

Keto Pumpkin Bagels Recipe

When you are looking for keto fall recipes, what are some of the things you love the most?

Keto Pumpkin Bagels Recipe - Easy Fathead Dough Bagel (2)

For me, it has to be pumpkin, hot, and with a warm spice to it. I love all sorts of fall tastes – from ginger to cinnamon and nutmeg – it’s all to die for! These bagels have all of these flavors along with the satisfying crunch of pecans.

Satisfying Keto Breakfast Idea

This recipe is high in protein, high in healthy fats, and low in sugars and carbs. It’s the perfect way to start your day! Just one bagel will leave you full until lunch.

Keto Pumpkin Bagels Recipe - Easy Fathead Dough Bagel (3)

It’s one of my favorite low-carb pumpkin recipes of all time. Sometimes I’ll even snack on one guilt-free. It has so many good-for-you ingredients that you can grab one and snack on it while you’re out. This helps you avoid temptation from drive-throughs!

Get Your Pumpkin Fix

My keto pumpkin bagels recipe is a low-carb way to get your pumpkin fix. It’s so easy to avoid pumpkin doughnuts and muffins when you have this divine snack waiting for you in your fridge.

Keto Pumpkin Bagels Recipe - Easy Fathead Dough Bagel (4)

How To Store Keto Pumpkin Bagels

It’s a fathead dough recipe. This means it uses shredded mozzarella cheese in the dough. Since it has dairy in it, you should store it in an airtight container in your refrigerator. It will last about 3 days in the refrigerator.

What’s In Low-Carb Cinnamon Sugar Cream Cheese

Keep this recipe somewhere safe just for the cinnamon sugar cream cheese! This stuff is creamy and sweet and you can use it as a fruit dip too. Mix the three ingredients below to make your own bagel spread!

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Cream Cheese
  • Swerve Granular Sugar
  • Cinnamon

That’s it! It’s so easy that you can even make a larger batch of it and give it away as a gift to family and friends.

How Many Bagels Does This Recipe Make?

This recipe makes 6 bagels. This could be enough for one person for a week – if your family will be enjoying them too, make a double batch.

Keto Pumpkin Bagels Recipe - Easy Fathead Dough Bagel (5)

Is Pumpkin Puree Keto-Friendly?

Yes, the good news for all pumpkin-lovers like me is that pumpkin is low-carb! There are only 9 grams of net carbs in half a cup of puree.

Keto Pumpkin Bagels Recipe - Easy Fathead Dough Bagel (6)

This is one of the best ways to enjoy pumpkin because it’s high in all the good things for you – fiber, protein, and vitamins.

What’s In Fathead dough?

Fathead dough is made up of a combination of shredded mozzarella cheese and almond flour. Use blanched almond flour, not almond meal. Almond meal flour might contain some of the “skins” from nuts. It could give your bagels a grainy texture.

Keto Pumpkin Pecan Bagels with Cinnamon Sugar Cream Cheese

Here’s the entire list of ingredients to make these bagels. The exact measurements are located within the printable recipe card below.

Keto Pumpkin Bagels Recipe - Easy Fathead Dough Bagel (7)

Prep time: 10 minutes

Cook time: 10-15 minutes

Net: 6 bagels

Almond flour
Shredded mozzarella cheese
Swerve Granular sugar
Cream cheese
Baking powder
Pumpkin puree
Pumpkin pie spice
Crushed pecans
Olive oil

Cream Cheese Topping

Cream cheese
Swerve granular sugar


Preheat oven to 400 degrees F and line a sheet pan with parchment paper.

Keto Pumpkin Bagels Recipe - Easy Fathead Dough Bagel (8)

In a microwave, melt the mozzarella and cream cheese together in 30-second intervals.

Keto Pumpkin Bagels Recipe - Easy Fathead Dough Bagel (9)

When combined and melted, add the eggs.

Keto Pumpkin Bagels Recipe - Easy Fathead Dough Bagel (10)

Keto Pumpkin Bagels Recipe - Easy Fathead Dough Bagel (11)

Add all dry ingredients, pumpkin, and mix with hands until fully combined.

Keto Pumpkin Bagels Recipe - Easy Fathead Dough Bagel (12)

Fold in the remaining tablespoon of pecans.

Keto Pumpkin Bagels Recipe - Easy Fathead Dough Bagel (13)

You can make 6 bagels depending on size. Make 6 equal size balls of dough and stick a finger through the center, creating a bagel-like shape. They will expand slightly on the pan, but not much.

Keto Pumpkin Bagels Recipe - Easy Fathead Dough Bagel (14)

Brush each bagel with a little olive oil and top with the remaining 1 tablespoon of crushed pecans.

Keto Pumpkin Bagels Recipe - Easy Fathead Dough Bagel (15)

Cook for 10-15 minutes. Keep an eye on them starting at 10 minutes, you want them to brown but also to cook through.

Keto Pumpkin Bagels Recipe - Easy Fathead Dough Bagel (16)

Let cool for 10-15 minutes and enjoy!

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Keto Pumpkin Bagels Recipe - Easy Fathead Dough Bagel (18)



This keto pumpkin bagels recipe is the perfect fall breakfast or snack. It’s surprisingly low-carb and high-protein.




Prep Time 10 minutes

Cook Time 15 minutes

Total Time 25 minutes

Servings 6

Calories 455 kcal


  • 2cupsalmond flour
  • 1.5cupsshredded mozzarella cheese
  • 2eggs
  • 1tbspSwerve Granular sugar (if you want more sweetness, add another tablespoon)
  • 2ozcream cheese
  • 1tbspbaking powder
  • 1/3cuppumpkin puree
  • 1tbsppumpkin pie spice
  • 3tbsp crushed pecans
  • 1tbspolive oil

Cream Cheese Topping

  • 4ozcream cheese
  • 1tbspSwerve granular sugar
  • 1/4tspcinnamon


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F and line a sheet pan with parchment paper.

  2. In a microwave, melt the mozzarella and cream cheese together in 30-second intervals.

  3. When combined and melted, add the eggs.

  4. Add all dry ingredients, pumpkin, and mix with hands until fully combined.

  5. Fold in the remaining tablespoon of pecans.

  6. You can make 6 bagels depending on size. Make 6 equal size balls of dough and stick a finger through the center, creating a bagel-like shape. They will expand slightly on the pan, but not much.

  7. Brush each bagel with a little olive oil and top with the remaining 1 tablespoon of crushed pecans.

  8. Cook for 10-15 minutes. Keep an eye on them starting at 10 minutes, you want them to brown but also to cook through.

  9. Let cool for 10-15 minutes and enjoy!

Recipe Notes

Calories: 455
Net Carbs: 7 g

The nutritional information for this recipe is calculated as a courtesy and is an approximate only. I cannot guarantee the accuracy of the nutritional information for any recipes on this site.


Keto Pumpkin Bagels Recipe - Easy Fathead Dough Bagel (2024)


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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.