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The Scroll

Wishing you a sweet, healthy and prosperous New YearShana Tova U'metukah

May you be inscribed in the Book of Life

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Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel2 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 3

Publication Mailing Agreement No. 40032040Chevra Kadisha B’Nai Jacob-Beit Hazikaron - Beth Hillel5237 Clanranald Ave., Montreal, Qc., H3X 2S5

EMAIl ADDRESSIf you would like to be part of the Rabbi's email list, please send your email address to




EREV ROSH HASHANA – SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16Shacharit Service 7:30 a.m.Annulment of Vows after service Candle Lighting 6:46 p.m.Mincha Service 6:50 p.m.

ROSH HASHANA – MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17Shacharit Service 7:30 a.m.Torah Reading 9:30 a.m.YOUTH PROGRAM 10:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.Shofar & Sermon 10:30 a.m.TASHLICH (Macdonald Park ) 6:00 p.m.Mincha Service 6:50 p.m.Candle Lighting from an existing fl ame after 7:46 p.m.

ROSH HASHANA - TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18Shacharit Service 7:30 a.m.Torah Reading 9:30 a.m.YOUTH PROGRAM 10:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.Shofar & Sermon 10:30 a.m.Mincha Service 6:50 p.m.Rosh Hashana ends 7:49 p.m.

SHABBAT SHUVA - SATURDAY, SEPTEMER 22 Rabbi’s Drasha 5:45 p.m. Mincha 6:30 p.m.

EREV YOM KIPPUR - TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25Mincha Service 2:00 p.m.Candle Lighting at Shul before 6:28 p.m.KOL NIDRE & YOUTH PROGRAM 6:20 p.m.

YOM KIPPUR – WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 Shacharit Service 8:30 a.m.Sermon & Yizkor 11:45 a.m.Mincha 4:45 p.m.NEILAH & YOUTH PROGRAM 4:45 p.m.YOM KIPPUR ENDS & SHOFAR 7:28 p.m. EREV SUCCOT - SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 30Candle Lighting 6:19 p.m.Mincha 6:30 p.m.

SUCCOT MONDAY & TUESDAY OCTOBER 1 & 2 Shacharit Service 8:45 a.m.Candle Lighting Monday from an existing fl ame 7:19 p.m.Mincha Wednesday & Thursday 6:30 p.m.Succot ends 7:22 p.m.

HOSHANA RABA SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7 Shacharit 8:30 a.m.

SHEMINI ATZERET – SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7Candle Lighting 6:05 p.m.Mincha 6:15 p.m.

SHEMINI ATZERET - MONDAY, OCTOBER 8Shacharit Service with Choir 8:45 a.m.Sermon & Yizkor 10:30 a.m.

SIMCHAT TORAH – MONDAY EVENING OCTOBER 8 Mincha Followed by Hakafot & Dinner 6:15 p.m.Candle Lighting from an existing fl ame after 7:05 p.m.

SIMCHAT TORAH – TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9Shacharit Services, Hakafot & Simchat Torah Honours 8:45 a.m.Mincha 6:15 p.m.Simchat Torah ends 7:09 p.m.

Vol. 62 No. 1Tishrei, Cheshvan, Kislev 5773

September, October, November, December 2012

What’s InsideHigh Holiday Schedule 2Rabbi’s Message 3-4Cantor’s Message 4President’s Message 5 Sisterhood President’s Message 6Synagogue Clergy & Leadership 6New Board Members 7Beit Hazikaron Message 8 Chevra Chesed Committee 8Fund Raising Project 8Project Shabbat Miriam Cohen 9Project Shabbat Pearl Rothenberg 9Project Shabbat Akiva School 9Ethiopian Shabbat 10Bar Mitzvahs 11Planning a Simcha Testimonial 12A Gift From Beyond 13March of the Living Shabbat 14Beit Hazikaron Memorial Service 15Dr. Yehuda Stolov at The Chevra 16Meet our New Members 17New Membership Drive 18Marcia Cartman z”l Dedication 19Lunch With Charlotte 19New Year Greetings 20Selichot Program 21High Holiday Information 21Treasure Book 21Meaning of Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur 22-23Act of Giving Jonathan Hubermann 23Mada Rosh Hashanah Dinners 23Simchat Torah Celebration 24Succot Etrog and Lulav Purchase 24Tashlich 24Shabbat Shuva Drasha Lecture 24The Meaning of Succot 25The Spinoza Book Review 26Chanukah Raffl e 27Simchat Torah Celebration 28YAD Dinner in the Succah 29 Simchat Torah Honourees 29Sisterhood Book Review “Ten Green Bottles” 30Sally and Norman Raicek Celebration 31Mara Lee Nozetz Bat Mitzvah 31Chevra Singles Message 31Adult Bat Mitzvah Comments 32Tree of Life Donors 33Sisterhood Closing Luncheon 34Sisterhood President & Board Members 34Birthdays/Anniversaries 35Births/Engagements/Wedding Mazel Tovs 36Wedding Celebrations 36Prayer Book/Torah Welfare/Endowment Funds 37About Our Shul 38Kiddush Corner 39In Memory /Condolences 40 Yahrzeit Donations 41-43Yizkor Memorial Book 44In Memoriam 45-47Prayer for the Sick 47Cemetery Reservation 47Services/Candle Lighting & Events 48-49A Simcha to Remember 50Scroll Advertising 50-51Golf Tournament 52


Our Montreal Jewish community is one of the most generous in North America. We ought to be proud of the vast array of charitable organizations that serve almost every possible need in our

community. But, there is a different kind of giving, one that is closer to home, it is one of Judaism’s most time-honoured and practiced virtues - the mitzvah of hachnasat orchim, showing hospitality to the stranger.

‘Hachnasat orchim’ our rabbis say, made Abraham into a prophet. He proactively fulfi lled this mitzvah by positioning himself at the entrance of his tent, seeking out passing travellers. Abraham is the paradigm of hospitality. He even turned away from G-d in order to care for his guests.

According to midrashic literature, the residents of Jerusalem excelled in this virtue. When the Holy Temple still stood in Jerusalem, pilgrims from throughout the Land gathered there for the three festivals. The Rabbinic storytellers of antiquity relate that Jerusalem's householders opened their homes freely to those visitors. "No person ever remarked to another, 'I couldn't fi nd a bed to sleep on in Jerusalem.’” (Avot d’Rabbi Natan 33)

The tradition stayed in the family. When the Roman Emperor Julian ordered the establishment of hostels for transients in every city, he referred to the example of the Jews “in whose midst no stranger goes uncared for”. Even in the worst of times, every Jewish community provided food and lodging for any traveler, without discrimination.

It has always been an important custom throughout Jewish history to invite a stranger home for Shabbat, and frequently people vied for the privilege of hosting guests in their homes. Rabbinic literature abounds in statements praising the practice of hospitality.

Let your house be opened wide and let the poor be members of your household. (Pirkei Avot 1:5)

The sage Rav Huna was known to call out every time he sat down to a meal: "Let all who are in need come and eat!” (Ta'anit 20b)

Hachnasat Orchim is one of those mitzvot whose rewards are to be found both in this world and in the world to come. (Shabbat 127a)

Why were the rabbis so fi xated on this matter of hospitality of welcoming the stranger? Perhaps it was because of another statement that appears and reappears throughout the Torah, “for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.”

The Torah constantly warns us about the well-being of the stranger, because of all people, we, as Jews know what it is like to be on the outside, looking in, to feel excluded. From our unpleasant experiences, we should learn to be better when we fi nd the tables reversed, when we are the hosts and others are the strangers.

For a Jew, this mitzvah has always been the pre-eminent benchmark for decent behavior. The great Sages took it even further and declared, “The welcoming of guests takes precedence over welcoming the Divine presence.” Abraham who (in Maimonides’ phrase) “does what is right because it is right” defi nes this law.

On what basis did Abraham prioritize the helping of strangers over talking with G-d? The answer is that even greater than talking to G-d, is to be like G-d. G-d is a giver; thus, giving is our greatest form of spiritual expression. Abraham emulated G-d by welcoming guests into his home.

From a personal experience, this Mitzvah was ingrained in my psyche from a young age. My parents always insured that our Shabbos table was surrounded by ten to twenty guests. They always welcomed people poorer than we, or those who had no place to celebrate the Shabbat. In my parents’ home, this was and continues to be a religious obligation. My mother, G-d bless her, would wander the streets of the neighbourhood, looking for a Jewish beggar or a starving Hebrew scholar who slept on the benches of some shul.

As a child, I did not always appreciate this practice. There were times when I would come home and the table was so fi lled with guests it was hard to fi nd a place, or when I was told that some stranger is sleeping on my bed. As I matured, I began to perceive the incredible self-sacrifi ce my mother made for others. I began to realize that this was not just a home but a holy place. When we would all sing the Shabbat songs around the table as one family, you could sense we were in the presence of something larger than we were.

Continued on next page...

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Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel4 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 5

President's Message

Dear Members, I want to wish you Shana Tova, and the best for you and your families in the New Year. As Jews around the world gather to celebrate the New Year with their families and friends, around

the table in their homes, and in synagogues, we look inward, individually and as a community.

Rosh Hashana is a good time to look at the path we have been travelling, and the path that lies ahead. It is about fi nding the right direction, with the goal of a better common future.

The sounding of the Shofar calls on us to stop and think, to remember that life itself is the greatest gift we have.

Jewish holidays are about human connectivity, not wi fi connectivity. They are about our connection to each other as individuals, how we relate to relatives, neighbours, friends, our fellow Jews; this is what defi nes us as a people.

Rosh Hashana is a time for refl ection, for forgiveness, a time to look at the balance sheet of our conscience.

We are a nation that has evolved and continues to evolve while holding on to our roots and our history. We embrace change without the fear of losing our identity. Think about it: the iPhone is only fi ve years old, yet we are able to use its applications to access the Jewish calendar, Siddurim or Tefi lat HaDerech!

As we gather to celebrate the sweetness, hope and promise of a new year, we will be connecting not through our iPhones, but the best way: side by side, face to face.

We are very fortunate to live in a prosperous time.We enjoy freedom to practice our religion and be proud of our Jewish heritage and institutions. Our faith is our compass, it has kept us from losing our way, and it will keep our path clear in the future.

Being members of our synagogue gives us a sense of belonging, allows us to work together to build a healthy community, a community built on mutual respect and trust. We have a joint responsibility and opportunity to act for the benefi t of the generations to come, and for a brighter tomorrow.

It is vital that we continue to stand together. Our mission for the coming year must be to strengthen our synagogue, our community and our beloved State of Israel.

I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and appreciate our Executive, Trustees and many volunteers together with our dedicated clergy and staff. In particular, I

would like to thank our past president Gary Polachek and his family, for volunteering three years of hard work, and for the phenomenal leadership he showed during a challenging time for our synagogue.

Our appreciation goes out to Daniel Miller and Sally Raicek, who stepped forward, at a time of instability, to provide their counsel and leadership as immediate past presidents on our Executive. I would like to thank Tina Apfeld Rosenthal who served with distinction during the past 3 years as vice-president. Yasher koach for all that you have done and continue to do on behalf of our shul.

I thank Claude Cohen, Michael Cohen, Joyce Fishman and Yaer Oliel, who have retired as Trustees. We truly appreciated your leadership and volunteer efforts on behalf of the shul. May you continue to go from strength to strength.

Turning to the future, I am delighted that Belle Burak, Ben Cohen, Yoav Djebali and Steve Luxenburg have agreed to join our Board, all of whom have demonstrated exemplary leadership in their professions and in community. (Please see page7).

I am extremely pleased that Murray Dalfen has accepted to be V.P., that Pearl Rothenberg has agreed to take on the new responsibility as Chairperson as well as VP, and that Danny Miller will be returning to our Executive as Corporate Secretary, together with Michael Krupp and Sandy Smith who will continue as V.P and Treasurer respectively. Joining our Executive will be Yoav Djebali, Donna Cohen Hersh and Leo Hubermann together with Jerry Sherman and Mitch Rosen.

Thank you! You have demonstrated a deep devotion to our shul community and we are truly fortunate to have your collective leadership! Together with our Rabbi’s outstanding leadership, we increased our membership by 160 new families and individuals, dramatically improving our fi nancial situation and sustainability.

Friends, there is still much to be done!

I would like you to join our leadership and volunteers to make the Chevra a more signifi cant part of your life. It will be an enriching and growing experience.

I ask you for your support, so that we address the challenges ahead in unity, b’achdut and realize many more successes.

With my blessings for a Shana tova u’metukah!

Rafael Tzoubari

Today Lieba and I try to emulate this righteous practice and Shabbos does not feel like Shabbos unless there are guests at our table. This past year, one of our guests, a single woman thanked Lieba and I so much for inviting her to our home to celebrate the Shabbat. I was taken aback when she expressed that this was the fi rst time in four years that she celebrated Shabbat with a family. We need to be more conscious of the many in our community who are yearning to become part of our families. It is time to open our homes a little wider.

Hospitality means a readiness to share our lives with others and to allow others to share their lives with us. We learn to trust each other. It carries a certain risk because it requires that we cross boundaries and dismantle barriers erected in our society to keep “the other” out. Sometimes it means entertaining ideas that might be alien to us. To be hospitable takes courage. To share our family, our children, with those we do not know, with those we might not like, because we strongly believe that our homes should be places of openness, is a profound statement that says the world is a good and friendly place.

To practice hospitality is to enact the teachings of the Torah that enjoins us to love our neighbor as ourselves. The Torah calls upon us to be a kingdom of priests, leading the way to G-d, each to offer themselves to further the other; each to know the other as his complete equal.

The Talmud teaches: “At the time when the Temple stood, the altar used to make atonement for a person; now a person’s table makes atonement for him”. Rashi explains the table here refers to “hachnasat orchim.” (Chagigah 27a)

I once heard a great rabbi say, “if you are looking for G-d, go home and fi nd him there.” Let us always be mindful to keep our tent doors open with genuine hospitality. May Hashem dwell amongst us, blessing our homes with life and prosperity.

Ketiva ve Chatima Tovah!

Rabbi's Message Cantor's Message

The Talmud in Tractate Taanit (page 11A) says – If a man will say – “Mi Meeiid Bi”- Who will attest and be a witness for me, which means after 120 years when we stand before the Almighty, who will remember my deeds in this world and who will attest and be a witness to what we have done in this world. The Talmud responds: You know who, “Korot Beito Shel

Adam…” – the walls of the house of man will witness and attest to all our deeds.

It is with gratitude to Hashem (the Almighty) that once again we come to the end of another year and begin a new one. It is a time for thoughts and refl ections. It is a time for expressing our thanks to the Almighty. When we communicate with other human beings, we may choose various ways, but to communicate with G-d there is only one way, it is through prayer. As we read every Shabbat morning “All hearts fear you, and all innermost feelings and thoughts shall sing praises to your name…” It is further written “…all my bones shall say….” . Meaning that since G-d actually sees what is in the innermost parts of our being, we are obliged before pouring out our hearts, to delve into ourselves and in all truthfulness acknowledge what it is that we are asking for, “Ki Hashem Yireh Laieivav” because G-d can see what is in our hearts. If we can do this, we stand a good chance that our prayers will be answered.

On Yom Kippur at the “Kol Nidre” service, when we sing the melody of “Haas Kateigor, VeKach Saneigor…” – silence the prosecutor and take the defender instead, which will be the walls of the house of G-d, our congregation. With a defender like this, it is assured that G-d will inscribe you and your family in the Book of Life.

We pray, dear G-d, that it may be a rich, fruitful year for all of us and for Klal Yisrael.

My wife Marsha, daughter Zmira and I wish the entire Chevra Family, LeShana Tova Tikateivou Vetechateimu, a year blessed with good health, happiness and nachas to all.

Cantor yitzhak Epstein 

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Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel6 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 7



Tel; 514-482-3366; Fax; 514-484-1607

Rabbi Asher JacobsonCantor Yitzhak EpsteinExecutive Director Steve GoldsteinRabbi Emeritus Beth Hillel Meyer KizelnikRabbi Emeritus Benjamin Hauer

Choirmaster Yossi Milo


Rafael Tzoubari PresidentPearl Rothenberg Chairperson & Vice PresidentMurray Dalfen Vice PresidentMichael Krupp Vice PresidentSanford Smith TreasurerDaniel Miller SecretaryYoav Djebali Representative of Sephardi MinyanJoseph Halmi Representative of Beit HazikaronGary E. Polachek Immediate Past PresidentLeo Hubermann Co-Opted Officer Donna Cohen Hersh Co-Opted Officer Mitchell Rosen Co-Opted Officer Jerry Sherman Co-Opted Officer



Seymour Frank Norman RaicekMish Granik Sally Raicek Daniel Miller Jack RothenbergDavid Perlin Dr. Richard ShatzGary E. Polachek


CoMMITTEE CHAIRSSisterhood Sally Raicek Cemetery Seymour Frank Michael Krupp Dr. William Steinman


We apologize for any typos or omissions!Copies of the Scroll are available to the public at our Synagogue office 

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David Amiel Ralph Brookman Elaine Budning Belle Burak Arnold Cohen Ben Cohen Murray Dalfen Yoav Djebali Dr. David Farber Seymour Frank Mish Granik Doreen Green Joseph Halmi Donna Cohen Hersh Leo Hubermann Michael Krupp Stephen Luxenburg Daniel S. Miller Elaine Moscovitch

David Perlin Gary E. Polachek

Jacob Posel Norman Raicek

Sally Raicek Aaron Remer

Mitchell Rosen Tina Apfeld Rosenthal

Martin P. Rosenthal Jack Rothenberg

Pearl Rothenberg Dr. Richard Shatz

Jerry Sherman Sanford Smith

Marnie Zigman Stern Allan Tannenbaum

Garry Trestan Rafael Tzoubari

Elaine BudningSuanne DayKathy GardosSteve GoldsteinElaine Moscovitch

Gary E. PolachekMona Polachek

Iona RedlerGloria Schachter

Sanford Smith

Paul KushnerJerry Sherman

Allan TannenbaumParnass Emeritus Morton Tannenbaum


The summer of 2012 proved to be one of the hottest and most humid we have had in many years and many records were broken. Therefore, I for one, look eagerly forward to the autumn and its cooler weather and warm breezes.

We also welcome the Jewish New Year a few days before the New Season. The eve of Rosh Hashanah arrives on September 16th and with it

the promise of exciting programs in the New Year.

Last year (2011) the closing meeting of Sisterhood featured the author of “Repairing Rainbows”, Lynda Fishman, who visited us from Toronto to talk about her tragic story.

In October our Rabbi Jacobson reviewed “The Finkler Question” as we celebrated the holiday of Succot.

The Sisterhood joined together with the Chesed Committee to fill Purim baskets and we distributed about 50 baskets to the sick and bereaved members of our Synagogue.

Mother’s day in May was celebrated with the 10th Sisterhood Shabbat, when our members focused on honouring and remembering their mothers and grandmothers, and taking pride in the work of our Sisterhood.

Looking forward to the new season, Sisterhood presents a make-over and new look for the New Year by “Shmink Cosmetics” at Evita Salon on August 27, 2012.

An exciting evening will be taking place on Tuesday October 23, when we present the author, Vivian Jeannette Kaplan, of the book “Ten Green Bottles”, a tale of survival and hope, the true story of one family’s journey from war torn Austria to the ghettos of Shanghai.

This event is sponsored by The Sally and Norman Raicek Lecture Fund.

It will take place in the evening and all men and women will be welcome to hear this astonishing story which will be followed by a Petit Souper.I will also be giving a tour of the magnificent collection of French Impressionism in North America from the Clarke Art Institute at the MMFA this fall.

Please join us at all these Synagogue events

With the coming of Rosh Hashanah signalling the commencement of the Jewish New Year, we pray that every person will be inscribed in the Book of Life for the New Year. ‘Yehee Ratzon…Shetchadesh Olaynu Shana Tova Umetuka – May it be G-d’s will to grant us a Good and Sweet Year.

Sally RaicekSisterhood President


Belle has been married to her husband Louis for 14 years. They are a blended family consisting of her three sons Jeremy, Lewis, and Howard and Louis’ three children Brian, Michelle, and Elana. Their children and their spouses have blessed them with thirteen grandchildren. Professionally, Belle has been a nurse since 1972. She recently retired after nearly twenty years of practice in Palliative Care. She was in charge of the Pre-Admission Palliative Program at Mount Sinai Hospital. Belle continues to be involved in various programs concerning improving hospice services in the Montreal area. This year, together with her sister, she is taking part in the Adult Bat Mitzvah program. Belle is looking forward to being able to devote more of her time to the Chevra Family.

Ben Cohen, married to Penny Cohen is the father of three children, Dylan (11) Jordon (9) and Skylar (3). Ben and Penny were married at the Chevra more than 20 years ago and have been members since that time. They will be celebrating their son’s upcoming bar mitzvah with us in 2013. Ben is a successful and active member of the Montreal real estate development community, having assumed the role of President of Triad after the recent passing of his father Peter Cohen. Triad known for the development of the Ericson Complex on Decarie Boulevard and recently completed the new mixed use complex in Pointe Claire, also have several other ongoing projects in the Montreal area. Ben has always been an active and generous supporter of the Jewish Community, sharing not only his time and knowledge but supporting many worthwhile events in our synagogue.

Yoav is 33 years old, married with 3 children. He was born and raised in France. At the age of 17, after graduating from school, he moved to Israel. Yoav studied at Bar-Ilan University Computer Science and Mathematics. He stayed and lived in Israel for 13 years and worked for big companies of the local hi-tech industry at different technical and managerial positions. Within that context he was very active into volunteering programs to help and support scientific education for children with social and school difficulties. As the time went and the children grew up, his wife and Yoav felt the necessity to get closer to parents and family. His wife being from Montreal and all her family staying here, they decided to move to Canada in July 2008. Professionally, Yoav serves today as a North America commercial and technical office for an Israeli start-up company he used to work with, prior to his departure from Israel. Since his coming to Montreal, he davens at the Sephardi Minyan of the Chevra. Since then, he’s always been here to help Yaer running and structuring the Minyan week after week. One of the main exercises we have been focusing on lately, has been to try and provide more and more opportunities for young people to lead the Tefillah or read the Parasha, and by this way prepare for tomorrow.

Stephen's family have been members for approx. 48 years. Three generations are currently members; his mother Zelda Luxenburg, his wife Veronica and him, and his daughter Andrea and her husband Daniel Hasenfratz. He manages TD’s Global Trade Finance Operations for North America out of TD Securities with offices in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Montreal, Houston TX and TD Bank, America’s Most Convenient Bank in New Jersey.

Belle Burak

Ben Cohen

yoav Djebali

Stephen luxenburg

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Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel8 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 9

The Chevra Chesed Committee (CCC)

The Chevra Chesed Committee: Marsha Epstein, Joyce Fishman, Pearl Rothenberg, and Halina Halpern extend our many thanks to all our volunteers who have been involved with chesed.

Since the Chevra Chesed Committee’s inception in February 2009, the communication pipeline between our office staff, our clergy, and the CCC has been increasingly working well to keep us connected with our members in need.

The holidays can be a time that is bittersweet for members whose families are out-of-town and for members in hospital. The CCC lets the members on our list know that we are thinking of them and that they are valued.

This past year, before Rosh Hashanah, the CCC volunteers delivered CD’s by Tseporah to our members in residences, those in hospital, and to isolated seniors living at home.

At Chanukah, our volunteers delivered African Violet plants in containers together with a little bag of chocolate Chanukah gelt, and a beautiful card which was designed by our very own Jonathan Hubermann.

In March, the CCC volunteers in conjunction with Chevra Sisterhood, packaged and hand-delivered over 60 Shalach Manot baskets to members on our list.

At Passover, CCC volunteers made phone calls to our members in need to wish them a Chag Samayach and to see how they are doing.

In-between the holidays, the CCC visits the current members on our list, we send out refuah shlemah cards to those in hospital or to those who are recuperating at home. We also send out sympathy cards to those who have lost a close family member. Occasionally we send out “thinking of you” cards. The CCC also regularly calls people on our list to wish them a “Shabbat Shalom” or just to say “hello, we are thinking of you.”

In addition, the committee continues to work hard to pair volunteers with certain members. The seniors have made good connections with the volunteers and have expressed that they are pleased.

What the CCC would like is to extend an invitation to our membership to join the CCC. You can help us reach out to those in need by making phone calls, visits, or deliveries at the holidays. All we ask is a commitment of 1-2 hours a month. We want you to know that these thoughtful acts of kindness make a huge difference.

The Chevra Chesed Committee

Beit HazikaronRosh Hashanah serves as an annual reminder to Jewish people that we must constantly work at becoming better persons year round, by developing an inner awareness of our thoughts and feelings. On Rosh Hashanah, G-d judges us based on our motivations and deeds over the past year that occurred between oneself and others and between oneself and G-d which will determine our destiny over the new year.

The upcoming High Holiday season embodies an end and a new beginning. We should be grateful to G-d, that we survived another year physically above all and were able to continue our get together every Sunday afternoon. We have strived to continue the work of Mr. Halmi in keeping our group entertained within our meager means.

We do not know what the next year holds for us, but we shall constantly look out for a variety of entertainment to please everyone who attends. We all know the importance of keeping our group socially alive, in spite of all odds.

In the meantime let us pray to the Almighty for good health, some naches in our lives and the spiritual strength to overcome the hate surrounding the Jewish people. Le-Shana Tova Tikatevu ve-Techatemu - “May You Be Inscribed And Sealed For A Good Year” .

Shana Tova I.Romer, A.Sallai, E.Gross


For generations we have grown in stature since our relocation to our present site and the merger of CKBJ with B’nai Jacob.

Although we have experienced a sharp drop of our membership, we are pleased to report that the trend has been reversed by a gradual increase with new members.

Like the rest of our economy, we are experiencing increased costs, but being blessed with experienced and dedicated leadership, we have been able to cover the short fall of our annual budget. However we must concentrate our efforts to create surpluses and to assure the continuity and survival of our magnificent congregation.

From time to time we have been beneficiaries of the Estate of members with generous gifts in their wills; upon their demise. Unfortunately we never really pursued the development of such a project. Fortunately it is not too late and we are planning to create a special committee to administer the program by meeting with our members to induce them to provide a financial commitment, by making our congregation a beneficiary of their wills and/or the creation of insurance policies with the same concept, thereby perpetuating their names and our Congregation for ever.

If you are interested in pursuing this option please contact our Rabbi at 514-482-3366 Ext. 225 or email: rabbi@the

On Friday, April 27, more than 250 Akiva moms, dads, grandparents and children converged on the Chevra Synagogue for our annual “Shabbat on

the Road” program. We lit Shabbat candles together, enjoyed a family-friendly Kabbalat Shabbat service, led by Akiva parent Rev. Asher Tannenbaum, and listened as the children sang some of the Shabbat songs that they know.

Dinner was a delicious event in the beautifully decorated hall. The highlight was a presentation by Rabbi Jacobson that offered important and meaningful insights into parenting. The children took part in their own activities, and then we all joined together for dessert.

We are most appreciative to Rabbi Jacobson, Gary Polachek and Tina Apfeld Rosenthal for welcoming us so warmly and for helping us to celebrate an Akiva Shabbat together with the Chevra.

Cooki Levy

Project ShabbatSpecial Birthday of Pearl Rothenberg

I had decided to celebrate my special birthday as part of Project Shabbos which is such a beautiful way to honour special events and support our shul by sponsoring a Kiddush…

The weather was far from ideal - typical for the end of February…very cold. Some of

my shul friends were away in warmer climates………. yet many were present in shul that day. I have learned that it is important to focus on who is there as opposed to who is not. My husband Jack was with me…… Rabbi Jacobson spoke so beautifully. Cantor Epstein and Clara prepared a lovely Kiddush ……..A gorgeous cake was served and many people sponsored future kiddushes on behalf of my birthday. How warm, special and meaningful the celebration was. I encourage all of our members to participate in this special project for the meaningful events in their lives.

FRIDAY NIGHTS AT THE CHEVRAA most pleasant and rewarding experience is to attend an Oneg Shabbat at The Chevra.

Many of us have children who are out of town, many are alone, and many simply enjoy a different kind of Shabbat. From the moment that we light Shabbat candles together and attend the beautiful Kabbalat

Shabbat service, one feels the sense of community, of an extended family.

This year Rabbi Jacobson included some very interesting and rewarding speakers as part of the programmes. Among them we had the opportunity to listen and learn from Charlie Harary, Richard Marceau, and Colonel Nathan Ben Brith.

Colonel Ben Brith’s life is the stuff that legends are made of. Born in Germany, he survived the Holocaust, despite his having suffered several concentration camps. After the war, he moved to France where he taught Torah to war-orphaned children. In 1946, while trying to emigrate to Palestine, he was captured by the British, who kept him on Cyprus until 1947. He joined the Haganah upon arriving in Israel and quickly attained officer status. Colonel Ben Brith has fought in Israel’s War of Independence (1947-1948), the Suez War (1956) the Six Day War (1967), and the Yom Kippur War (1973). For 26 years, he served the IDF and retired as Colonel. Colonel Ben Brith is the founder of a military dynasty and a truly heroic figure. His son Dado lives in Montreal, and we are truly lucky to have the Colonel daven with us when he visits his family.

We encourage everyone to join us in these special Friday night programmes. The food is excellent, the atmosphere warm and congenial, and the speakers most interesting. Bring your family, invite your friends!

Our warmest thanks to Rabbi Jacobson, Chazan Epstein, Kathy Gardos and Iona Redler for their hard work in providing us with these outstanding evenings.

Miriam Cohen

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PRoJECT SHABBATJune 2, 2012 Ethiopian Shabbat (operation Solomon)

For generations our ancestors prayed more in hope than expectation “sound the great shofar for our freedom, raise the signal to gather our exiles, and gather us together from four corners of earth” we have lived to witness the answer to that prayer. In our lifetime we have seen events of which the great prophets of return –Isaiah, Jeremiah – Ezekiel could only dream.

On May 24, 1991 one of the greatest milestone miraculous events in our history, Operation Solomon, the state of Israel engaged a mission that went down in the history books as one of the greatest rescue missions. As the Government announced the successful conclusion of the emergency airlift of 14,342 Ethiopian Jews in just thirty six hours who would otherwise have died.

To remember that day we celebrated the Ethiopian Shabbat (Operation Solomon) on June 2, 2012, we had a troop of volunteers. Cantor Epstein, Ina Zaritzky, Silvano Machado, Fruma Goldstein, Halina Halpern, Myra Zaritzky, Lydia Krupp, Iona Redler, Clara Pinda, Pat Sweeney and Tali Dawit.

We cooked the Ethiopian dishes. We had a lot of fun; the most fun part was when Ina’s cell phone slipped out of her shirt pocket plunged into the pancake mixture, no more rings.

We would like to thank Rabbi Jacobson and Stanley Cytrynbaum who gave the wonderful speeches and Fruma Goldstein, Donna and Warren Hersh who sponsored Shabbat Kiddush to honour that day.

Once again thanks for your help Rabbi Jacobson, the president, the office staff, all members and volunteers that joined the Kiddush and let us do this event. It was a pure miracle that it came out the way it was supposed to.

Miriam Ayele and familyGetnet Azaria and family

Bradley Taiger

Bradley Taiger was born in Montreal on August 27, 1999. He is the big brother to two younger sisters, Chelsea and Hailey. His parents are Irwin and Heidi Taiger of DDO. Bradley is a graduate of Hebrew Foundation School. He currently attends West Island College and will be entering Secondary 2 this fall. Mathematics is his favorite subject and he excels at many sports. He is a member of the WIC basketball and rugby teams, plays lacrosse and hockey for DDO, and loves all watersports including water polo.

Bradley has been looking forward to his Bar Mitzvah for a long time and is very excited that the day is almost here. When he grows up he has aspirations of being a lawyer, and his entire family wishes him the best of luck, much love and Mazel Tov on his Bar Mitzvah which he celebrated on Thursday September 6, 2012 reading from Parashat Ki Tavo.

Clay Gibbs

Clay Gibbs celebrated his Bar Mitzvah on August 19, 2012, Rosh Chodesh Elul. Making this day even more special was the experience of sharing this important event with his cousin, Wessel Brussen. Clay lives in West Palm Beach, Florida and attends Wellington Middle school. An avid golfer since the age of five, Clay competes in tournaments throughout the State of Florida and has qualified for the US Kids Worlds tournament every year for the past five years. When he's not practicing golf, Clay can be found on the basketball court where he often plays well into the night. Clay's happiest times are spent with his cousins in Montreal every summer for three weeks. Achieving academic and athletic success come second to his role of big brother to his younger sister, Rose. When the two of them are together, with their quick wit and astute outlook on the world, the Gibbs household is never without laughter. Clay's Mother and Father, Caroline and Jim, are especially proud of the young man Clay has become. The Gibbs family and Josette Freedman are thrilled to be able to share this memorable day with all their family and friends in Montreal. With us in pride and spirit will be Clay's Yaya, Hyman Freedman z”l and Big Zaida and Bubbie, Daniel and Rose Freedman z”l.


Wessel Brussen

Wessel Brussen celebrated his Bar Mitzvah August 19, 2012, Rosh Chodesh Elul. He was especially excited because he shared this special event with his cousin of the same age, Clay Gibbs. Wessel is a former graduate of FACE school where he studied the saxophone and was a member of the junior jazz band. Wessel continues to play music and is now in high school attending a sport-études program at Collège de Montréal. On his eighth year of training with CAMO diving club, Wessel has achieved great success in the sport of springboard diving. Training five days a week, Wessel has qualified for both the Quebec Provincial and Canadian National teams. Attending competitions in cities across Canada and training camp in Hawaii, Wessel hopes his hard work and dedication to the sport will one day take him to the Olympics. Wessel enjoys time in the country with his family, his two dogs and many neighboring family members. He is often right hand man to his father on many projects in and out of the house (he makes a mean batch of concrete!) He enjoyed his weekly lessons with Rabbi Jacobson and thanks him for being so easygoing and inspirational. Wessel’s mother and father, Hendrik and Melanie, his big sister and great friend Emma,

his grandmother Josette Freedman and all his many aunts, uncles and cousins are all so proud of his accomplishments and look forward to sharing his big day! Very sadly missed will be his loving grandfather Hyman Freedman and great-grandparents Daniel & Rose Freedman z”l.

Jonathan Hubermann

Jonathan Hubermann, a Solomon Schechter Academy graduate, is now attending Royal West Academy and is into snowboarding, math and community work. Last year, after a visit to Israel, Jonathan expressed his wish to celebrate his Bar-Mitzvha at the Kotel in Jerusalem. As someone who grew up at The Chevra and is a “regular”, he would not miss the opportunity to celebrate at “home” as well. Jonathan will be called up to the Torah on November 29th, 2012 reading from Parasha Vayishlach. His parents Ruth and Leo and sister Lara are looking forward to this milestone.

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Préparer un Bar Mitzvah est un évènement magnifique mais aussi très exigeant. On veut que tout soit parfait, que l’aspect religieux soit respecté selon notre éducation, que les coutumes de nos parents soit respectés, que le repas soit impeccable, que le kavod soit offert aux personnes qui nous sont précieuses ……

We started researching a synagogue a year ago for Gabriel’s Bar Mitzvah and the Chevra has always been an obvious one. Not only have we been praying in the Sephardic service for a couple of years but we knew that the Ballroom was a beautiful hall and that the catering service was excellent.

Mais tout de même, faire une bar-mitsvah dans une synagogue ashkénaze? Est-ce qu’on pourra avoir un service sépharade? Est-ce que nos invités aimeront les airs et chansons? Est-ce qu’on pourra faire monter au sepher nos proches?

Nous avions beaucoup de questions et inquiétudes.

Nous avons eu des réponses à nos questions immédiatement après avoir parlé pour la première fois à Steve Goldstein : Ca nous fera plaisir d’avoir un service sépharade.

As the year went by we had small surprises, that confirm to us that we had made the right decision: Steve Goldstein had a special newsletter printed for us as there was a typo in the newsletter - when referring to Gabriel’s Bar Mitzvah- he wanted to ensure we had a correct one to keep; the office called us to get a family picture etc….

Lorsque nous nous sommes assis pour la première fois avec Rabbi Jacobson, nous avons été impressionnés. Il a pris le temps de nous connaitre, de nous comprendre, de poser les bonnes questions à Gabriel.

Il a insisté que Gabriel lise la parachach dans le sepher torah dédié à la mémoire de ses arrières grands parents.

Les réunions subséquentes ont été tout aussi bénéfiques.

In parallel, we were working with Danielle Bitton to organize the lunch. A pleasure from start to finish.

She always listened to our suggestions, made many suggestions of her own, respected our budget, and made the whole process easy.

Mais tout de même nous étions nerveux. Nous avions tort

M. Yair Oliel nous a aidé à réduire ces inquiétudes. Nous savions que nous pouvions compter sur lui pour diriger la prière, mais il nous a suggéré M Isaac Bettan pour diriger la prière.

Still Friday we were nervous. How wrong were we.

The cantor of the synagogue, Cantor Epstein led us to start the prayer with his most beautiful voice. The Rabbi came to see Gabriel just to ensure he was not too nervous. Everything was organized; everybody knew when they would go up to the Torah. The Rabbi’s speech was ready, a member of our family was also ready with his speech. Everything was under control.

As Gabriel read in his great grandparent’s Torah, we felt more and more comfortable. The Sephardic customs were respected; our dear ones got the honors we wanted. The songs were beautiful.

Ce qui a suivi était encore plus extraordinaire. Quand Gabriel a fini sa lecture nous avons tous danse dans la synagogue. Nous n’avions jamais vu ça. C’est une tradition ashkénaze que nous devrions adopte.

Par la suite, lors de la prière de Mussaf Cantor Epstein et M. Bettan nous ont fait un duo digne d’un opéra – quel plaisir.

Mais ce qui nous a le plus touché c’est lorsque Rabbi Jacobson et Gary Polachek ont offert un livre à Gabriel. On s’attendait à un livre de prière ashkénaze.

Et bien non – ils ont pris le temps de faire graver son nom sur un Patah Eliyaouh – c’est la touche magique.

Thank you to all the Chevra team for making this bar mitzvah the success that it was.

Don’t forget we have two other sons – are you ready?

Valerie and Fred Dayan

CElEBRATING A BAR MITZVAH AT THE CHEVRAlet’s start by the most important:  

WE WoUlD RECoMMEND To ANy oNE To CElEBRATE A  SIMCHAH AT THE CHEVRA  This is a story that could have been called “A

Needle in a Haystack” because that would aptly describe the events that took place on April 10th, 2012 inside the Chevra Kadisha sanctuary. We also could have named this story, “A Great Miracle Happened Here”. However, I am certain that this would make you, the reader; think of Chanukah, and then maybe Latke’s…and that is not the theme I am going for here!

Instead, I have chosen to call this story what it is, “A Gift From Beyond”. In order for me to properly explain, I will have to take you back in time to 1966.

Forty six years ago on January 6th, 1966 my grandfather, Louis Allan Kravitz, died suddenly without any warning. His death left his wife Hazel and his two daughters Harriet and Karen reeling. Shocked and devastated, the family had no choice but to go on, as life invariably pushes you forward. Though we may feel that time should stop, it just doesn’t.

Many family and friends of Louis donated Siddur’s to the Chevra Kadisha in his memory. My grandmother Hazel, has always looked for them without much luck. I started looking for them and so have my daughter Paige, in the hopes that perhaps one day we’d find one. As fairly new members to the Chevra, I thought I’d never find a book with my grandfather’s name in it. It seemed nearly impossible. How many books are there in the synagogue? (Several hundred, I now know because I asked Kathy) How many books were donated when my grandfather passed away? There is no way to know; computers didn’t exist back then and we are talking about 46 years ago…maybe a couple of dozen books were donated. So what are the odds of finding one? A needle in a haystack…

Fast forward to present day, April 10th, 2012. We’ve just had a meeting with Rabbi Jacobson as our son Justin’s Bar Mitzvah is less than 2 weeks away. I tell Rabbi Jacobson that I would love to find a book with my grandfather’s name in it. He tells me, much to my surprise, that he is pretty sure he’s seen Louis name in the old Birenbaum Siddurs. “Can I look to see if I can find one”? I ask the Rabbi.”My grandmother is turning 93 on Sunday the 15th and I’d love to give her one”. “Sure, you can look”, the Rabbi tells me. He doesn’t realize that I will start looking TODAY! But I digress…

We finish our meeting and I ask Iona and Kathy if I can look at the old books and they send me a man named Rick Mackenzie. Rick’s been working at the Chevra for 6 years now, but chances are that no one’s asked him what I have, which is to please let my son and I look through the old books. Rick opens the

sanctuary for us on April 10th and he doesn’t leave us; he does something more. He asks us for Louis’s name and how to correctly spell “Kravitz”. Then Rick starts looking through all the old Siddurs with me and Justin. WOW.

Low and behold, we find very old books and there it is, in a black Chumash with tape holding it together. We have found the needle in the haystack! We have experienced

a miracle! There on the inside cover is a presentation plaque from Mr. and Mrs. Jack Friedlander and Family in memory of Mr. Louis A. Kravitz. I feel tears spring up into my eyes and I am pharklempt. It’s my grandfather, the man I’ve never met but whom I have loved and missed my whole life just through what my mother and aunt, grandmother and great Auntie Bella have told me about him. “Look Justin, it’s your great grandfather’s book”! Justin is non-plussed. But he is cool that way. Some things just don’t faze him. We continue to look through the old books, but I am already so thrilled. Then it happens again. I open another very old, should maybe have been buried already, Chumash. The pages are faded and worn and some are even falling out; but there it is again, this time, from Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibson in memory of Mr. Louis A. Kravitz. Two needles!

In less than 1 week I have not one but two books I can give my grandmother. I wonder what she will say and how her face will look when she unwraps them. I will know for sure on Sunday when they are presented to her.

Another thing I know for sure is what she will do with the gifts from the past that have eluded us till now, gifts that Mr. Steve Goldstein has let me keep. My grandmother will give one to each of her two daughters to treasure. The Prayer Books will then pass on to their grandchildren, great nieces and nephews...

It is said that no man or woman is ever really gone so long as we keep their memory alive. The memory of Mr. Louis Allan Kravitz is alive and well and his memory is a blessing.

A GIFT FROM BEYONDBy: Julie Brownstein-Saros

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Before going on the March of the Living, it was impossible to anticipate how I would react to seeing the sites, how I would feel listening to the survivor’s stories or what I would get out of this trip in the end. Throughout both elementary school and high school I learned about the Holocaust in the classroom and read about the horrors in books. I’ve done projects, seen pictures and watched movies about this dark time period for Jews and non-Jews alike. However, there is no learning experience comparable visiting the old cities where Jewish life used to thrive and seeing the concentration camps and ghettos where Jews met their untimely deaths with our own eyes.

Being on the actual sites of the Holocaust, I realized that although I knew the facts and the history behind the events there was still so much I didn’t understand and that I don’t understand to this date. While learning about the Holocaust, people often ask the question: where was G-d and why did He let such atrocious acts of terror and violence happen? Throughout the March of the Living, however, I didn’t fi nd myself questioning G-d as much as I questioned humanity. I could not wrap my head around how such horrifi c acts of murder and violence were committed by human beings.

Many scholars and historians have attempted to explain how it is possible for such a radical transformation of a nation to take place and how people could have stood by in silence while fellow human beings were being slaughtered like sheep by highlighting Germany’s embarrassment after World War 1. The Nazi Party encouraged German national pride, which was much needed during this time of economic turmoil in the country and that their strategic propaganda allowed for the nation to be brainwashed into believing that the solution was to get rid of the parasites (Jews) that were sucking out their brilliance and were zapping the country of economic vitality.

Yet it still remained incomprehensible to me how a person can look a human being in the eye, hear his pleas of mercy, and then shoot him dead. I couldn’t wrap my head around how someone can look at a child merely two years old and think to themselves “he is a Jew, he is a parasite and he must be exterminated.” What shocked me and confused me the most was seeing how close people lived to the concentration camps and ghettos, how they could be okay with their own backyards being tainted with countless acts of murder. I didn’t understand how people could sit idly by each day, in such proximity to the camps, indifferent of the fate of the Jewish People.

This made me think of life before the Holocaust. These Jewish men, women and children were integrated into German and Polish society. German Jews lived and breathed German culture. There were many highly esteemed Jewish doctors, business people, professors and lawyers that contributed to German society more than most Christian Germans. In Poland, Jews also lead great lives. Prior to the war, Jews made up one third of the population in Warsaw. They lived side by side with their non-Jewish neighbors for centuries. These victims of the Holocaust were not thought of as threats before the war.

This led me to the sad realization that human beings have the potential to do evil, to lose their humanity. This made me feel extremely distressed because it made me think that under a certain amount of infl uence, anybody can lose their moral compass. But then we heard stories of righteous gentiles who risked their lives in order to save innocent Jews from the clutches of the Nazis. Despite all the propaganda and external infl uences, these people kept their humanity, rose above the evil and did what was right.

At the Canadian Havdallah ceremony at Warsaw University, we heard an old Polish woman tell us her story. She was raised in a

Catholic household as a child and was taught to treat others with kindness and compassion. At the time of the war she was in her early adolescence. Her family took many Jewish families into their home. This woman and her family all sacrifi ced so much. When her family was hiding Jews, she was not allowed to invite any friends over to the house. It was her job to bring home enough food for all the people staying at the house. She would carry large sacks of potatoes on her back every day, which caused her to develop knee problems. She gave up so much to save these Jewish families. When asked why she did it she simply responded: It’s normal. Meaning when we see another human being suffering it is in our nature to lend a helping hand. Hearing this comforted me. It made me realize that even though everyone has the potential to do evil, there are those who will never lose their morality.

On Shavuot, we celebrate the giving of the Torah to the Jewish people on Mount Sinai. The March of the Living has shown me how important the Torah is to the Jewish People. The Torah gives us commandments to follow so that we don’t lose our humanity. Having a set of rules shows us that as human beings, we have certain obligations to one another and that we don’t have the right to determine whether a person deserves to die. We can’t play G-d. We are all human and as humans it is our duty to treat each other with kindness and compassion. The Torah teaches us morals and values that the persecutors didn’t have so that we understand that it is inexcusable to put others through so much pain and suffering.

When non-Jews saw us revisiting sites of the Holocaust, some thought we were coming back to remember why we should hate the world and to seek vengeance for all the evil the Jewish People went through. However, we did not go on the trip for that purpose. We visited these places to thank G-d that we survived these atrocities and we have grown stronger as a nation because of it. We stood there to show that we can still make the world a better place because we are still standing. We went there and learned that even in the darkest of times not all hope in humanity is lost and that by using our moral compasses we can make the world a better place. Shana Tova!

March of the Living Participant from our CommunityBy Samantha Rosenthal

On Sunday June 3rd., the Beit Hazikaron members of The Chevra held their Yom Hashua-Holocaust Memorial Day to commemorate the 68th anniversary of the German invasion of Hungary. About 80 holocaust survivors attended the ceremony, some of them accompanied by

their children. Six Memorial candles were lit for the 6,000,000 Jews who perished in the concentration camps and a seventh for the all the fallen soldiers.

Mr. Andrew Sallai gave his opening remarks and welcomed everyone. Rabbi Jacobson spoke on the importance of remembering, the importance of passing on our Jewish heritage and traditions for the continuity and survival of our people.

Mrs. Irene Romer read a very moving Hungarian poem appropriate for the occasion. All the Hungarian names who perished and whose memorial plaques are in our synagogue were read. Cantor Epstein sang El Kel Maleh Rachamim - Prayer for the Soul of the Departed.

It was truly a moving Memorial Day. The services concluded with the singing of Hatikvah.

Beit Hazikaron Memorial Service

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Little would please Yehuda Stolov more than to have Montreal become a source of support for an Israel-based interfaith group that eschews politics and fully embraces common humanity.

That’s how Stolov, a soft-spoken and articulate Jerusalemite, characterized the Interfaith Encounter Association (IEA), which, since he began it 11 years ago, has had only one real item on its agenda: to have Jews, Muslims and other faiths who live side-by-side in Israel and over the Green Line get to know each other as friends, not foes.

On June 10th there was a full house for a memorable evening with the founder of the IEA, Dr. Yehuda Stolov, who discussed the long-short way to achieving peace in the Holy Land.

“When you live a few metres from another, prejudices can go away quite quickly,” Stolov recently told those gathered at Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob synagogue. “It begins with starting to walk together along the same path.” Stolov, who holds degrees in physics and wrote a PhD thesis on Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav, has no illusions that IEA has the elusive formula for political peace in a part of the world seemingly destined to be permanently beset by confl ict.

The IEA and Dr. Yehuda Stolov received many awards from UNESCO and is the recipient of the Immortal Chaplains Foundation's 7th "Prize for Humanity" among many other awards. They have set up groups in 47 cities in the Holy Land, that have arranged 100,000 encounters between Israelis and Palestinians in the past ten years. Dr. Stolov received his PhD from the University of Jerusalem, for a dissertation that was a unique combination of physics and Jewish thought.

Lawrence Klein was honoring his wife, Dr. Janet Shinder, by making this effort on the heels of her return as a ‘Madricha’ on the March of the Living. He said: “If you wish to honor her, please make a donation to the IEA.”


The Denbow Family

Eileen & Dave Goldsmith  Minki & David Silverstone

We are delighted to highlight some of the new members that have joined our shul community

We also welcome the following new members whose pictures were unavailable:

Danna Dworkind and Harry Scharf, Cynthia Carsley, Lillian Goloff, Vannusa Krespine,

Mark Weinberg, Andy Andor, Wendy Segal, Tracy and Amiram Ehrlich,

Molly and Arnold Dalfen and their families

Marie-Julie  Brosseau & Jason Binstock

Daniel Krespine Eva & Gabor Fulop

Reevin Pearl lillian & Jack linder

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On Sunday, August 19, 2012 Jerry Cartman, his family and friends gathered at The Chevra, together with the clergy and leaders of the congregation to dedicate the Marcia Cartman administrative office.

As you might be aware the synagogue offices have not been renovated and upgraded for many decades. Thanks to a very generous donation made by the late Sol Cartman, just a few months before he passed away, to honour the memory of his late wife, Marcia Cartman the offices are now in the planning stages and work is scheduled to begin in the winter of 2013.

After the dedication, the family and the congregation gathered in the hall for a special Rosh Chodesh breakfast.

Special thanks to Jerry Cartman and family for their continuous support and commitment to the betterment of The Chevra Synagogue.

LUNCH WITH CHARLOTTEOne year ago, Leon Berger, an accomplished author made a very generous donation to our synagogue to honour the memory of a long-time congregant and member of the Creative Social Centre, the late Charlotte Urban, obm. A room was dedicated on the second floor of our synagogue, now called the Charlotte Urban Dining Room.

On August 22nd, 2012 Leon took the honouring of her memory to a new level when he launched his book about Charlotte’s extraordinary life story, called Lunch with Charlotte. Over 80 people (family, friends and congregants) gathered for the book launch and review. Leon gave a captivating synopsis of Charlotte’s life that was filled with tragedy, loss, heartache … and through it all, strength, dignity and courage. It is an epic tale set against the backdrop of history. A presentation was made by special guest, Julie Guinard, of the Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre.

After the lecture, everybody was invited to a fabulous lunch in Charlotte’s dining room, sponsored by Leon Berger.

The book was published by Grey Gecko Press and the publishers from Texas flew in for the event. Lunch with Charlotte, a True Saga can be purchased at The Chevra synagogue. A portion of the proceeds of the book are donated to the Holocaust Museum of Huston, Texas.

A yasher koach to Leon Berger for the outstanding friendship and legacy he has bestowed upon this very special woman, Charlotte Urban.

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Saturday NightSEPTEMBER 8, 2012 - 8:30 p.m.

We will be screening the movie

RESTORATIONAdmission: $5.00 per person

Pre Selichot Reception & Refresments10:30 P.M.


In the SanctuaryLed by


Eva and David Sussman have inscribed Ricki Jacobson into Sisterhood’s Treasure Book as a lasting memento of her becoming a full-fl edged member of Jewish womanhood. May she continue to bring much joy and nachas to her loving parents and all the family.

Mazel Tov to Larry and Susan Kolodny on the birth of their granddaughter, Madison from Sally and Norman Raicek. May she always be a source of nachas to you and all the family.

Mazel Tov to Kathy and Ervin Gardos on the birth of their grandson Jeremy, from Sally and Norman Raicek. May he always bring you much nachas and joy. Mazel Tov to Joan and Harold Lackman on the birth of their grandson Shlomo Yehuda Simcha Lapp from Sally and Norman Raicek. May he always bring you much joy and nachas. Mazel Tov to Aaron Remer and all your family on the marriage of your daughter Michal from Elaine Budning and family.



For your safety and security no one will be allowed in the building without their High Holiday tickets. If you do not have a ticket with you, you will be escorted to a reception table, where a list will be verifi ed.

THEREFoRE  PlEASE  REMEMBER  To  HAVE  yoUR TICKETS WITH yoU._____________________________________________


To enhance our enjoyment of these Days of Awe, please keep discussion and movement in and out of the Sanctuary to a minimum during Services.

When exiting or returning to the Sanctuary, please use the door closest to your seat.

When outside the Sanctuary, please respect the posted quiet area signs. Your co-operation will be greatly appreciated.

Shana Tova!



The Seating Committee or the Offi ce will be pleased to assist members as well as non-members who have not held seats in former years and who would like to daven with us this year.

In order for us to accommodate you in a satisfactory manner, kindly contact Kathy at the Synagogue offi ce as soon as possible at 514-482-3366 ext. 224 or [emailprotected].







Rabbi & Mrs. Asher Jacobson & FamilyCantor & Mrs. yitzhak Epstein & FamilyRabbi & Mrs. Meyer Kizelnik & Family

Rabbi Emeritus Benjamin Hauer,  and Mrs. Miriam Hauer & Familywish to extend a year of good health and personal fulfi llment

to the President, offi cers, Board of Trustees and the entire Congregation


The offi ce Staff wish the President, offi cers, Board of Trustees and the entire Congregationa year of health, happiness, peace and good fortune


The Creative Social Center extends warmest New year wishes to all its members, friends, the Congregation and their Families

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen AbramsonMr. and Mrs. David Amiel Mrs. Hilda Adler & FamilyMr. and Mrs. Joseph AronovitchMr. Herbert Black and FamilyMr. and Mrs. Ronald Black & FamilyMrs. Elaine Budning & FamilyMr. and Mrs. louis Burak & FamilyThe Cohen Family(Ted, Susan & Michael)Mr. E. lawrence Cohen & FamilyMr. and Mrs. Murray DalfenDr. and  Mrs. David Farber & FamilyMr. and Mrs. Gerald FrankMr. Seymour Frank & FamilyMr. and Mrs. Steve Goldstein

Mr. and Mrs. Mish Granik & FamilyMr. and Mrs. Sam Greenberg & FamilyMr. and Mrs. Harry HartMr. and Mrs. leo Hubermann & FamilyMrs. Roslyn Joseph & FamilyMr. and Mrs. Joseph Kracauer & FamilyMrs. Beatrice levine & FamilyMr. and Mrs. Robert levy & FamilyMr. and Mrs. Sheldon Merling & FamilyMr. and Mrs. Daniel Miller & FamilyMrs. lucy Nisker & FamilyMr. and Mrs. Arthur PerlmanMr. and Mrs. Gary Polachek & FamilyMr. and Mrs. Sol Polachek & FamilyMr. and Mrs. Norman Raicek & Family

Mr and  Mrs. Aaron Remer & FamilyMrs. Irene Remer & FamilyMrs. lionel Rimoin & FamilyMr. and  Mrs. Samuel RimoinMr. and Mrs. Sanford Smith & FamilyMr. and Mrs. Jack Rothenberg & FamilyMrs. Shoshana Samuels & FamilyDr. and Mrs. Richard Shatz & FamilyThe Singerman FamilyMr & Mrs Richard Stern & FamilyMr. and Mrs. Gary Trestan & FamilyMrs. Marilyn Waxman & FamilyMr. and Mrs. Max Zentner & FamilyMr. and Mrs. Sam Zentner & FamilyMr. & Mrs. lawrence yanofsky & Family 

Jornal Comunidade - [PDF Document] (12)

Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel22 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 23

Rosh Hashanah literally means “Head of the Year” in Hebrew. It falls in the month of Tishrei, which is the sev-enth month on the Hebrew calendar. The reason for this is because the Hebrew calendar begins with the month of Nissan (when it’s believed the Jews were freed from slavery in Egypt) but the month of Tishrei is believed to be the month in which G-d created the world. Hence, another way to think about Rosh Hashanah is as the birthday of the world.

Rosh Hashanah is observed on the fi rst two days of Tish-rei. Jewish tradition teaches that during the High Holy Days G-d decides who will live and who will die during the coming year. As a result, during Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (and in the days leading up to them) Jews embark upon the serious task of examining their lives and repenting for any wrongs they have committed during the previous year. This process of repentance is called teshuvah. Jews are encouraged to make amends with anyone they have wronged and to make plans for improving during the coming year. In this way, Rosh Hashanah is all about making peace in the community and striving to be a better person.

Even though the theme of Rosh Hashanah is life and death, it is a holiday fi lled with hope for the New Year. Jews believe that G-d is compassionate and just, and that G-d will accept their prayers for forgiveness.

Rosh Hashanah liturgy - The Rosh Hashanah prayer service is one of the longest of the year. Only the Yom Kippur service is longer. Rosh Hashanah service usually runs from early morning until the afternoon and is so unique that it has its own prayer book called the Machzor. Two of the most well known prayers from Rosh Hashana liturgy are:

Unetaneh Tokef – This prayer is about life and death. Part of it reads: "On Rosh Hashanah it is written, and on Yom Kippur it is sealed, how many will leave this world and how many will be born into it, who will live and who will die... But Teshuvah (repentance), tefi llah (prayer), and tzedakah (charity) can annul the severity of the decree.”

Avinu Malkeinu – Another famous prayer is Avinu Mal-keinu, which means “Our Father Our King” in Hebrew. Usually the entire congregation will sing the last verse of this prayer in unison, which says: “Our Father, our King, answer us as though we have no deed to plead our cause, save us with mercy and loving kindness.”

On Rosh Hashanah it is customary to greet people with “L’Shanah Tovah,” which is Hebrew that is usually translated as “For a Good Year” or “May you have a good year.” Some people also say “L’shana tovah tikatev v’etahetem,” which means “May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year.” (If said to a woman the greeting would be: “L’shanah tovah tikatevi v’tahetemi”). This greeting refers to the belief that a person’s fate for the coming year is decided during the High Holy Days.

The shofar is an important symbol of Rosh Hashanah. It is an instrument often made of a ram’s horn and is blown one hundred times during each of the two days of Rosh Hashanah. The sound of the shofar blast reminds people of the importance of refl ection during this im-portant holiday.

Tashlich is a ceremony that usually takes place during the fi rst day of Rosh Hashanah. “Tashlich” literally means “casting off” and involves symbolically casting off the sins of the previous year by tossing pieces of bread or another food into a body of fl owing water.

Other signifi cant symbols of Rosh Hashanah include apples, honey and round loaves of challah. Apple slices dipped in honey represent our hope for a sweet new year and are traditionally accompanied by a short prayer be-fore eating that goes: “May it by Thy will, O Lord, Our G-d, to grant us a year that is good and sweet.” Challah, which is usually baked into braids, is shaped into round loaves of bread on Rosh Hashanah. The circular shape symbolizes the continuation of life.


Rosh Hashanah literally means “Head of the Year” in Hebrew. It falls in the month of Tishrei, which is the seventh month on the Hebrew calendar. The reason for this is because the Hebrew calendar begins with the month of Nissan (when it's believed the Jews were freed from slavery in Egypt) but the month of Tishrei is believed to be the month in which God created the world. Hence, another way to think about Rosh Hashanah is as the birthday of the world.

Rosh Hashanah is observed on the first two days of Tishrei. Jewish tradition teaches that during the High Holy Days G-d decides who will live and who will die during the coming year. As a result, during Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (and in the days leading up to them) Jews embark upon the serious task of examining their lives and repenting for any wrongs they have committed during the previous year. This process of repentance is called teshuvah. Jews are encouraged to make amends with anyone they have wronged and to make plans for improving during the coming year. In this way, Rosh Hashanah is all about making peace in the community and striving to be a better person.

Even though the theme of Rosh Hashanah is life and death, it is a holiday filled with hope for the New Year. Jews believe that God is compassionate and just, and that God will accept their prayers for forgiveness.

Rosh Hashanah Liturgy - The Rosh Hashanah prayer service is one of the longest of the year. Only the Yom Kippur service is longer. Rosh Hashanah service usually runs from early morning until the afternoon and is so unique that it has its own prayer book called the Makhzor. Two of the most well known prayers from Rosh Hashana liturgy are:

Unetaneh Tokef – This prayer is about life and death. Part of it reads: "On Rosh Hashanah it is written, and on Yom Kippur it is sealed, how many will leave this world and how many will be born into it, who will live and who will die... But penitence, prayer and good deeds can annul the severity of the decree."

Avienu Malkeinu – Another famous prayer is Avienu Malkeinu, which means “Our Father Our King” in Hebrew. Usually the entire congregation will sing the last verse of this prayer in unison, which says: "Our Father, our King, answer us as though we have no deed to plead our cause, save us with mercy and loving- kindness."

On Rosh Hashanah it is customary to greet people with "L'Shanah Tovah," which is Hebrew that is usually translated as "For a Good Year" or "May you have a good year." Some people also say "L'shana tovah tikatev v'etahetem," which means "May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year." (If said to a woman the greeting would be: "L'shanah tovah tikatevi v'tahetemi"). This greeting refers to the belief that a person’s fate for the coming year is decided during the High Holy Days.

The shofar is an important symbol of Rosh Hashanah. It is an instrument often made of a ram's horn and is blown one hundred times during each of the two days of Rosh Hashanah. The sound of the shofar blast reminds people of the importance of reflection during this important holiday.

Tashlich is a ceremony that usually takes place during the second day of Rosh Hashanah. "Tashlich" literally means "casting off" and involves symbolically casting off the sins of the previous year by tossing pieces of bread or another food into a body of flowing water.

Other significant symbols of Rosh Hashanah include apples, honey and round loaves of challah. Apple slices dipped in honey represent our hope for a sweet new year and are traditionally accompanied by a short prayer before eating that goes: "May it by Thy will, O Lord, Our God, to grant us a year that is good and sweet." Challah, which is usually baked into braids, is

On the second night of Rosh Hashanah it is customary to eat a fruit that is new to us for the season, saying the shehechiyanu blessing as we eat it to thank G-d for bringing us to this season. Pomegranates are a popu-lar fruit because, according to legend, pomegranates contain 613 seeds – one for each of the 613 mitzvot. Another reason for eating pomegranates on Rosh Hashanah has to do with the symbolic hope that our good deeds in the coming year will be as many as the seeds of the fruit.yom Kippur ר ו פכ ם וי   also known as the Day of

Atonement, is the holiest day of the year for Jews. Its central themes are atonement and repentance. Jews traditionally observe this holy day with a 25-hour period of fasting and intensive prayer, often spending most of the day in synagogue services. Yom Kippur completes the annual period known in Judaism as the High Holy Days.

Yom Kippur is the tenth day of the month of Tishrei. According to Jewish tradition, G-d inscribes each per-son’s fate for the coming year into a book, the Book of Life, on Rosh Hashanah, and waits until Yom Kippur to “seal” the verdict. During the Days of Awe, a Jew tries to amend his or her behavior and seeks forgiveness for wrongs done against G-d (bein adam leMakom) and against other human beings (bein adam lechavero). The evening and day of Yom Kippur are set aside for public and private petitions and confessions of guilt (Vidui). At the end of Yom Kippur, one considers one’s self absolved by G-d.

The Yom Kippur prayer service includes several unique aspects. One is the actual number of prayer services. Unlike a regular day, which has three prayer services (Ma’ariv, the evening prayer; Shacharit, the morning prayer; and Mincha, the afternoon prayer), or a Shabbat or Yom Tov, which have four prayer services (Ma’ariv ; Shacharit; Musaf, the additional prayer; and Mincha), Yom Kippur has fi ve prayer services (Ma’ariv; Shacharit; Musaf; Mincha; and Ne’ilah, the closing prayer). The prayer services also include a public confession of sins (Vidui) and a

unique prayer dedicated to the special Holy Temple in Jerusalem. Yom Kippur is considered one of the holiest of Jewish holidays.

shaped into round loaves of bread on Rosh Hashanah. The circular shape symbolizes the continuation of life.

On the second night of Rosh Hashanah it is customary to eat a fruit that is new to us for the season, saying the shehechiyanu blessing as we eat it to thank God for bringing us to this season. Pomegranates are a popular fruit because, according to legend, pomegranates contain 613 seeds – one for each of the 613 mitzvot. Another reason for eating pomegranates on Rosh Hashanah has to do with the symbolic hope that our good deeds in the coming year will be as many as the seeds of the fruit.

Yom Kippur כפור יום , also known as the Day of Atonement, is the holiest day of the year for religious Jews. Its central themes are atonement and repentance. Jews traditionally observe this holy day with a 25-hour period of fasting and intensive prayer, often spending most of the day in synagogue services. Yom Kippur completes the annual period known in Judaism as the High Holy Days.

Yom Kippur is the tenth day of the month of Tishrei. According to Jewish tradition, God inscribes each person's fate for the coming year into a book, the Book of Life, on Rosh Hashanah, and waits until Yom Kippur to "seal" the verdict. During the Days of Awe, a Jew tries to amend his or her behavior and seek forgiveness for wrongs done against God (bein adam leMakom) and against other human beings (bein adam lechavero). The evening and day of Yom Kippur are set aside for public and private petitions and confessions of guilt (Vidui). At the end of Yom Kippur, one considers one's self absolved by God.

The Yom Kippur prayer service includes several unique aspects. One is the actual number of prayer

services. Unlike a regular day, which has three prayer services (Ma'ariv, the evening prayer; Shacharit, the morning prayer; and Mincha, the afternoon prayer), or a Shabbat or Yom Tov, which have four prayer services (Ma'ariv; Shacharit; Musaf, the additional prayer; and Mincha), Yom Kippur has five prayer services (Ma'ariv; Shacharit; Musaf; Mincha; and Ne'ilah, the closing prayer). The prayer services also include a public confession of sins (Vidui) and a unique prayer dedicated to the special Holy Temple in Jerusalem. Yom Kippur is considered one of the holiest of Jewish holidays.


To help facilitate the many requests we have for High Holiday seats, we would appreciate your early return of the seating pledges which you received in July.

The Seating Committee or the Office will be pleased to assist members as well as non members who have not held seats in former years and who would like to daven with us this year.

In order for us to accommodate you in a satisfactory manner, kindly contact the Synagogue office as soon as possible at 482-3366.



For security reasons, we strongly encourage you to bring your tickets with you, in order to gain admission to the Shul on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. The security staff have instructions to permit access only upon presentation of a valid ticket. We urge you to make the appropriate arrangements through the office beforehand. If you do not bring your ticket with you, you will have to be processed at a special table before entering. The Seating Committee thanks you for your co-operation (see page ???).

The Chevra 5237 Clanranald Ave.

Is proud to announce that in conjunction

with the

Community Centre

Will be hosting two Rosh Hashanah dinners for the less fortunate families, to share the warmth and joy of a festive tradition meal,

complete with symbolic food.


SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2012 AT 7:30 P.M.

and MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2012

AT 7:30 P.M.

For tickets and information call 514-342-4969 Ext. 0

Act of KindnessAt just 12 years old, Jonathan Hubermann is committed to helping those less fortunate. Two years ago, at the age of 10, Jonathan founded LIFORIA (Life for ya,) an organization with the goal of raising funds for those in need.

Through door to door fundraising, lemonade stands and recruiting his friends to volunteer at the MADA, LIFORIA has helped many underprivileged members of our society while at the same time demonstrating that you are never too young to make a difference.

Pictured: Julia Leb and Jonathan Huberman (center) proudly present a check on May 31st for over $500 to Miriam Sebbag (far left) and Yossi Drihem of MADA. Funds were raised through chocolate bar sales initiated by Hubermann.

Jornal Comunidade - [PDF Document] (13)

Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel24 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 25

TASHLICHTashlich is a magical, mystical

moment when the neshama communes with G-d and nature,

transcending the vice of human folly to soar aloft, freed from the fetters

of mankind’s failings.It is a Kabbalistic symphony of

purity, a purging of the dark that lurks within.

Join Rabbi Jacobson and “Stories in the Park” at

Tashlich time, the 1st day of Rosh Hashana,for a study of the inner recess of the soul.

Tashlich CeremonyMONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2012

5:30 P.M.

at Macdonald Park on Clanranaldbetween Isabella and Dupuis

The Chevracordially invites

all members and friends toSHABBAT SHUVA


A Talmudic discourseto be delivered by

Rabbi Asher Jacobson

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2012in the Sanctuary at 5:50 p.m.

followed byMincha and Shalosh Seudot at 6:30 p.m.

This is a hollowed traditionin the observance of the Sabbath of Repentance

All are invited to attend




These will highlight thejoyous and freilach


A freilich timeis assured for one and all.

Reception will take placebetween Mincha and Maariv

before Hakafot

******Special Simchat Torah Honours

with Kiddush sponsored by our Sephardi Minyan

during the morning serviceon Tuesday morning

October 9, 2012 at 8:45 a.m.

SUCCOT ETROG AND LULAVPlease contact the synagogue offi ce

at 514 482 3366

To order your very own


Orders must be received by

September 21, 2012

1. The Mitzvah of Etrog and Lulav is performed every morning of Succot except on Shabbat, by both men and women.2. The Mitzvah is generally performed during the morning (Shacharit) services - right before "Hallel." However, it may be performed from sunrise to sunset.3. Every day of Succot, say the bracha, "al netilat lulav." The bracha "shehechiyonu" is said on the fi rst day only.4. Make sure the 3 Hadassim (myrtle branches) and 2 Arovot (willow branches) are attached to the lulav holder

(Hadassim look like an eye, Arovos are shaped like lips).When you pick up the lulav - the Hadassim are on your right and the Arovos on you left.5. Now you are ready to make the bracha:a) Pick up the lulav in your right hand with its spine facing you.b) Pick up the etrog in your left hand, but...c) Be sure you have picked it up, upside down, i.e. with the stem (the place where it is cut from the tree) upward and pitom (apex) downward. e) Say the blessing "al Netilat lulav"

while standing.f) Now, turn the etrog around, right side up with the pitom upward (this is the way etrog grows).g) Hold the etrog and lulav together (they should touch) and then shake the etrog and lulav. f) It is traditional to wave toward the six directions (front, right, back, left, up and down) as an indication that G-d rules over all the earth.This order applies equally to the "waving" during Hallel.


What is Succot? Immediately following the awe-fi lled days of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, we prepare for the joyous exuberance of Succot - the "Season of our Rejoicing." After leaving Egypt, during the forty years of wandering in the wilderness, the Jewish people were surrounded by protective "clouds of glory". In commemoration, and to enchance our awareness of G'd's all embracing love and protection, we are commanded, "In Succot (booths) you shall dwell, seven days". (Lev. 23:42) Eating festive meals and spending time in the outdoor Succah is a unique religious experience. Another special Mitzvah of Succot is the shaking together of the "Four Species" - the etrog (citron), lulav (palm branch), hadassim (myrtle branches), and arovot (willow branches). One explanation, among many, is that each of the four kinds represents a different type of Jew. The fact that the Mitzvah requires all four kinds symbolizes our oneness as a people; we all need one another. And the four species are waved in all four directions, and up and down, signifying that G-d is everywhere.

The Succah During the entire seven days of the Festival all meals areeaten in the Succah, unless it rains. On the day of Shemini Atzeret it is an option but not required. When partaking of a meal containing at least two ounces of bread or cake, we say the blessing "layshev basuccah". Consult our Rabbi for details on building a proper Succah, or purchase a prefabricated Succah from a reliable source.

The Intermediate Days of Succot The third through the seventh day of Succot are called Chol Hamoed - the intermediate days. We do not recite Kiddush or light Yom Tov Candles. However, only necessary work should be done. The seventh day of Succot is called Hoshana Rabba. It is customary to stay awake at night and recite portions of Torah and Book of Psalms. In the morning, we circle the Bima seven times, lulav and estrog in hand. Then we recite special prayers, called "hoshannas", while holding


fi ve willow branches on the fl oor, symbolically "sweetening" G-d's judgement.

The Festive Meals On the eighth day is Shemini Atzeret, we may continue to eat meals in the Succah, but without reciting the blessing "layshev basuccah". On Simchat Torah, the ninth day, we resume eating meals indoors.



What is Simchat Torah? Simchat Torah is the culmination of a month fi lled with uplifting experiences, enriching every aspect of our spiritual, intellectual and emotional lives. We have stood in awe before the King of the Universe and accepted His sovereignty over us. We have been forgiven and cleansed by His mercy, and we have experienced the joy of uniting with G-dliness through His beautiful commandment. Now, we rejoice with His Torah. It is said that the Torah itself rejoices when we take the sacred scrolls in our arms and dance together, the accomplished scholar and the novice, regardless of our level of knowledge. During the dancing, the scroll remains in its cover, for this is not the time for study. The joy of Simchat Torah transcends that derived from intellectual understanding.

HakafotOn the evening of Simchat Torah, we make seven hakafot (circlings) around the Bimah, singing and dancing with Torah scrolls. On the morning of Simchat Torah, the fi nal portion of the Torah is read, completing the yearly cycle. Then we immediately read the fi rst portion, beginning the cycle anew. Thus, we continue to delve into the infi nite wisdom of G-d's Torah - the eternal force that has bound us together and sustained us for more than 3000 years. Two important honorees are given high respect on this morning - the Hatan Torah (called up to complete the Torah) and Hatan Beresh*t (fi rst Aliyah of new cycle).

Jornal Comunidade - [PDF Document] (14)

Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel26 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 27

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Jornal Comunidade - [PDF Document] (15)

Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel28 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 29

The Chevra

is delighted to announce this year’s Simchat Torah honourees, taking place on Tuesday, October 9, 2012

These members were chosen by our synagogue for their outstanding commitment, support and dedication to our

synagogue community.

Sam Greenberg will be receiving the honour of Chattan Torah, which is the concluding section of the Torah.

Murray Dalfen will be receiving the honour of Chattan Beresh*t which is the beginning section of the Torah.

Paul Kushner will be receiving the honour of Chattan Maftir

Mitchell Rosen will be receiving the honour of Kol Hanearim

Marsha Epstein will be receiving the honours of Aishet Chayil award

Halina Halpern and Ina Zaritzky will be receiving the honour of the Hineni award

A beautiful Kiddush luncheon following services will be sponsored by our Sephardi minyan and our honourees





The Chevra

Seudah in the Sukkah

A fabulous dinner where you can mix and mingle with other young adults







COST: $25.00


Limited space available – R.S.V.P. by September 28, 2012 (With Payment)

Call Iona at 514-482-3366 ext. 222

or email [emailprotected]


The Chevra Seudah in the SukkahA fabulous dinner where you can mix and mingle with other young adults




COST: $25.00B.Y.O.B.

Limited space available – R.S.V.P. by September 24, 2012 (With Payment)Call Iona at 514-482-3366 ext. 222 or email [emailprotected]

Marsha Epstein

Halina Halpern

Ina Zaritzky

Paul Kushner

Sam Greenberg

Mitchell Rosen

Murray Dalfen


The Chevra

Seudah in the Sukkah

A fabulous dinner where you can mix and mingle with other young adults







COST: $25.00


Limited space available – R.S.V.P. by September 28, 2012 (With Payment)

Call Iona at 514-482-3366 ext. 222

or email [emailprotected]

Jornal Comunidade - [PDF Document] (16)

Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel30 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 31


come and listen to a tale of survival and hope

as told by

Vivian Jeanette KaplanAuthor of

“Ten Green Bottles”

A true story of one family's journeyfrom war-torn Austria

to the ghettos of Shanghai.

A story that depicts the fierce perseverance of one family,victims of the forces of evil, who overcame suffering of

biblical proportion to survive. It was a time when ordinary people became heroes.

Sponsored by The Sally and Norman Raicek Lecture Fund

For more information and reservation please callIona at 514-482-3366

Refreshments will follow


Congratulations to Sally and Norman Raicek. This past February they celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. The family gathered for a beautiful weekend in New York City to mark this milestone event in a very special way.

Both Sally and Norman have served our synagogue as presidents and have led many successful fundraisers, committees and events.

May Hashem bless them with much health, continuous nachas from their family and lots of joy. In honour of this special anniversary Sally and Norman’s children have gifted our synagogue with digital bulletin screens that will be installed in our lobbies and will serve to inform members and guests of all the programs and events taking place at The Chevra. The installation is scheduled for December 2012.

Our sincere appreciation to the Raicek family.Mazel tov! Mazel tov!

MAZEL TOV! by Rabbi Asher Jacobson

It`s not too often that an almost 70 year-old woman from our congregation decides to take the kind of journey that Mara Lee Aronoff Nozetz did this past year. With incredible determination and passion she came forward to do what her father did not have an opportunity to

do, have a bar mitzvah. Mara Lee is celebrating her bat mitzvah, dedicated to his memory. In her words, “This bat mitzvah is the bar mitzvah my father never h ad and desperately wanted.”

I had the opportunity to study with her, beginning with the Hebrew alphabet, graduating to biblical text and delving into the mysteries of the parsha. She based her d`var torah on the Hebrew name her parents gave her, Miriam Leah, and used those names as the context of her bat mitzvah journey.

On Sunday, the 16th of September 2012, Erev Rosh Hashana, family and friends from across North America will be gathering in our synagogue, “The Chevra,” to mark this special moment in her life.

We congratulate Mara Lee on this powerful journey of learning how to read and chant her Torah portion and composing a personalized Torah discourse. She has truly honoured the blessed memory of her father.

Our synagogue would like to express our sincere hakarot ha tov to Mara Lee for establishing the Mara Lee Aronoff Nozetz Endowment Fund, sealing her journey of study with the act of tzaddakah and chessed.Mazel Tov!

THE CHEVRA SINGLESApparently, there has been a need for a Jewish singles group for men and women over the age of 45. The Chevra singles committee know that there are at least 5 good reasons to create a singles group for Jewish men and women over the age of 45 in our Montreal Jewish community. So, we created the Chevra Singles!!

1. Some people are too busy with their careers to meet other singles. 2. Friends, family, have moved away, therefore decreasing the opportunities of introducing you to singles they may know. 3. You are new to the city and are looking for new friends and possibly romance. 4. You are widowed or divorced and want to “start over”. 5. You are tired and suspicious of using the internet as a dating tool and are looking for something with a more personal nature.

A little less than a year ago (September 2011), The Chevra Singles Program came into fruition. We wanted to create a singles program for Jewish men and women over the age of 45 and to create different venues that are fun and offer singles in this age group the opportunity to connect in a dignifi ed and relaxed manner for the purpose of companionship, and, if it is beshert......marriage.

In the past year we have provided opportunities at The Chevra of putting fun and enjoyment back into the experience of connecting with other singles: Our fi rst event was a Shabbaton with Rabbi Jacobson speaking to us about relationships. We then held a Chanukah dance with an attendance of well over 100 Jewish singles. Dr. Laurie Betito, Psychologist, Sex Therapist, and host of “Passion” on CJAD, came to speak to our singles on “Relationship Myths” at Valentines Day. On Purim we held a Suedah and Dance. During the summer months the singles went bowling at Rosebowl Lanes during the month of July. In August, we refi ned our dance steps dancing to the rhythms of Rock ‘n’ Roll, Cha-Cha-Cha, Salsa and Foxtrot, over a 4-week period.

What’s next? We look forward to the New Year which will be fi lled with other fun activities including lectures, shabbatons, and dances and other opportunities for singles to mix and mingle!!

The Chevra Singles wishes each and everyone a Happy, Healthy, and Meaningful New Year fi lled with life’s best.

Chaya Hausmann, Halina Halpern, Suzy Levy, Silvano Machado, Angela Rapoport, Ina Zaritzky.

The Chevra Singles Committee

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TREE OF LIFECongregation Chevra Kadisha B’Nai Jacob-Beit Hazikaron-Beth Hillel wishes to express herewith sincerest appreciation to the members listed below who responded with generosity to the invitation requesting their participation as “TREE OF LIFE DONORS”, by contributing annually, in addition to their regular dues.

As a mark of the Congregation’s gratitude, their names are inscribed on a beautiful tablet in the lobby. It is our hope and prayer that many more members will join them as participants in the “TREE OF LIFE” project.

Mrs. Hilda AdlerMr. and Mrs. David Amiel

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph AronovitchMr. & Mrs. Charles Bedzow

Mr. Herbert BlackMr. & Mrs. Ronald BlackMr. & Mrs. Hy Bloom

Mr. & Mrs. louis Burak & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Arnold CohenMr. Ted Cohen & Family

Mr. & Mrs. Murray Dalfen & FamilyDr. and  Mrs. David Farber & Family

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald FrankMr. Jeffrey Frank

Elliot, Gaby & Gregory FrankMr. Seymour Frank

Mr. & Mrs. Steve GoldsteinMr. & Mrs. Stanley GordonMr. & Mrs. Mish Granik

Mr. & Mrs. Sam GreenbergMr. & Mrs. Max HaberkornMr. & Mrs. Harry Hart

Mr. & Mrs. Marvin HelfenbaumMr. & Mrs. Frank HofbauerMr. & Mrs. leo HubermannMr. & Mrs. Michael KruppMr. & Mrs. Murray Meltzer

Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon MerlingMr. & Mrs. Daniel MillerMr. & Mrs. David Perlin

Mr. Eric PerlmanMr. & Mrs. Gary PolachekMr. & Mrs. Sol Polachek

Mr. & Mrs. Norman RaicekMr. & Mrs. Aaron Remer

Mrs. Irene RemerMr. and Mrs. Mitchell RosenMr. & Mrs. Jack RothenbergMr. & Mrs. David RubinMr. & Mrs. Peter SchreterDr. & Mrs. Richard Shatz

Mr. & Mrs. Jacob ShechtmanMr. & Mrs. Phil Siegel

Mr. & Mrs. Allan SingermanMr. and Mrs. Sanford Smith & Family

Mr. Jack StarkeMr. & Mrs. Richard Stern & FamilyMr. Allan & Dr. Gloria Tannenbaum

Mr. & Mrs. Gary TrestanMr. & Mrs. lawrence yanofsky

Mrs. Thora yufe Dr. & Mrs. Boris yufe

Mr. & Mrs. Sam Zentner


Noreen Abrams Rachel Archibald Miriam Ayele Erica Bloom Frances Block Robyn London Brojde Belle Burak Allison Busner Amanda Busner Peggy Bybelezer Ellen Cohen Joyce Cohen Miriam Cohen Helen Cons Marilyn Cooperman Terri Covin Honnie Derai Anna Dysert Elizabeth Fainer Joyce Fishman Libby Fitleberg Zina Freedman Julie Garonce Terri Cohen Gillitz Donna Held Donna Cohen Hersh Bess Katchan Carol Katz Yvonne Kramer Sandra Desgagne Labelle Iris Leiberman Beatrice Levine Penny Levine Anne-Marie Assedo Levy Emmanuelle Levy Shirley Ann Lewis Annie London Robin Mader Pauline Maitlitz-Pekeles Marilyn Maron Carol Melmed Victoria Mertl Terri Minzberg Eva-Rivca Ouaknine Susan Portnoy Peggi Cohen Rabinovitch Estie Radowitz Rhona Rosenblatt Sherri Rudner Rhona Samsonovitch Jewel Sarna Bea Schachter Susan Schachter Kelly Seidman Edna Shaulov Dr. Janet Shinder Minkie Silverstone Frances Singerman Ruth Srebro Marcy Stein Sandra Taite Sandee Weinstein

Student Feedback

Dear Rabbi Jacobson, I feel compelled to express my gratitude to you and the Tzoubari Family for taking the time, effort and giving me the opportunity to participate in this Adult Bat Mitzvah Program. I look forward to the intellectual stimulation of each new subject and the discussion that continues on the walk home and often throughout the week.

I want to express how much I appreciated the last class on Jewish marriage. To learn the sage Jewish belief and philosophy about marriage was tremendously moving. In addition, to see how this perspective on marriage is lost to so many in our society today. The emphasis today I see leaning toward self-fulfi llment and fun rather than a commitment to oneness. We, the women of this class, are for the most part mature and married. Most of us, I am certain, are familiar with the challenges and coping strategies required for a successful marriage. However, to understand the subject from the Jewish perspective and philosophy has put a beauty on the subject which is very humbling. Thank you.Victoria Mertl Dear Rabbi Jacobson,

Hope all is well. Thank you once again for allowing me to join the class at such a late date - it means a lot to me to be able to learn with you and other many distinguished speakers. Based on last night’s class, I can see that I am in the right place at the right time!! B’shalom,Rhona Samsonovitch Dear Rabbi Jacobson,

Thank you for such an inspiring introduction to our Adult Bat Mitzvah program. You addressed critical issues with clarity, insight and wisdom. I look forward to growing in my understanding of my Judaism. If possible, may I please be given a study partner. Thank you,Marilyn Cooperman

Dear Rabbi Jacobson,What an important and timely topic! I also think

having an article to read beforehand is an excellent idea. Rabbi, I am so grateful to be in this course and thank you for all your efforts.Peggi Cohen Rabinovitch

Dear Rabbi Jacobson, I want to give you feedback about the class that was given last Tuesday. I found Rabbi Fine to be a dynamic and engaging speaker. Whenever I leave a class having learned something knew, I consider the class to be of benefi t. It made me think about my own marriage even though that was not the main purpose of this class. Rabbi Fine wanted to bring to light the basis of marriage according to the laws of Torah. He showed that even 3000 years later, the principles of Torah can still bring meaning to marriage today. He was talking about principles and not problems in marriages of today. Some may have found this subject diffi cult, but I felt that these principles can be applied to life today and bring enhancement to all of us. It made me think about the importance and sanctity of Kidushin and how to have moments of “oneness” every day. I am looking forward to this week’s class.Belle Burak

Dear Rabbi Jacobson,Just to let you know I did the quiz with my husband at 11:00, then went on to Google to fi nd every answer before I went to sleep. Got 97% of them. Still a few that was left unanswered. GREAT quiz and great class. Thank you so much for this opportunity to learn. Warm Regards,Susan Portnoy

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Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel34 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 35


is on display in the lobby of our Synagogue.Please think of us when making your contributions

by calling Mrs. Elaine Moscovitchat 514-488-9714


lIFE MEMBERSHIPEliminate your yearly Sisterhood Membership Dues by

becoming a Life Member and receive a beautiful "Sisterhood" pin.

For further information please call the office at 514-482-3366


SISTERHooDPresident..........Sally Raicek

Vice-President........Elaine MoscovitchTreasurer..........Dorothy Langburt

Recording Secretary.......Hilda AdlerSocial Secretary..........Elaine Moscovitch

Telephone Chair........Eva Sussman


BoARD MEMBERS Hilda Adler, Sylvia Benetsky, Elaine Budning, Bear Gurman, Fanny Issley, Dorothy Langburt,

Goreth Leiter, Jennie Meland, Elaine Moscovitch, Anne Perlman, Sally Raicek, Ethel Solomon, Gloria Schachter, Jacqueline Soussan, Eva Sussman and

Aviva Wasserlauf

Mazel Tov to the following members on the occasion of their Birthdays

SISTERHOOD CLOSING LUNCHEONOn Wednesday June 27th, close to 60 women gathered together at The Chevra and enjoyed a light lunch, beautifully presented, followed by Montreal author Nancy Richler’s review of her latest novel “The Imposter Bride”. Thank you to our Cantor Epstein, Iona Redler and Clara Pinda for helping with the preparations.

Her first novel, “Throwaway Angels” was shortlisted for a 1997 Arthur Ellis Award. “Your Mouth is Lovely” was a winner of the Canadian Jewish Book Award and Italy’s Adei-Wizo Award , and was translated into seven languages.

After reading passages from her novel, a short question and answer period took place. A meaningful D’var Torah was given by our Rabbi Jacobson.

Everyone agreed that it was a most pleasant and informative event.

Sally RaicekSisterhood President

Mazel Tov to the following members on the occasion of their Wedding Anniversaries

SEPTEMBERCharles BedzowElaine BudningMiriam CohenAlbert ElbazRuth FleischerJeffrey FrankShawn FrankEdwina FreedmanErica GoldsteinFred GoltWarren HershSaul HierMenashe HirshfeldDr. Hananel HolzerNaomi HolzerWilliam KirmanSusan KrymalowskiShlomo LangburtRuth LaxerBernie MlynarskiMildred NirenCheryl NovackArthur PerlmanSamuel RimoinMyriam RoigVernon RosenbergMartin RosenthalDr. Lorne ScharfAnn SchwartzMinkie SilverstoneAllan SingermanJody Engel SukonnikJenny TaitErica TravisJason UllmannSharron VechslerGustava Weiner

Stephen WolozEsther WoodsIna Zaritzky

oCToBERAnne Marie AssedoPaul BakerGertrude BatistDr. Rubin BeckerRichard BlumerEstelle CohenDr Michael DahanJack DworkindYvonne FeldsteinHershey FitlebergSolange GabbayLawrence GlazerIsaac HabouchaJudy HirshfeldKrayna KaganLinda LeibermanMarnie Mitnick CohenMurray MeltzerPearl PaskellLeon PerezMarilyn Pesner-LaxClaudia Litvak PolachekMona PolachekEllen RubinGerald ShechtmanSusan SklarNettie SteinmanYevgeny SukonnikJoel WaxmanLawrence YanofskyJudy Zimmerman

NoVEMBERRichard BlackBluma BlicherRalph BrookmanJackie BudningKathy CohenE. Lawrence CohenMiriam B. CohenDavid KucerRalph FisherIda FrewHalina HalpernMiriam HershMaria HozielBetty KirmanFred KokinJason KraftRon LeaderStephen LuxenburgEvelyn MatlinDouglas MayoffMark MeltzerAlison MillerMara Lee NozetzRita PadveenAnne PerlmanNathan RosensheinBrenda ShafferSteve Singerman

DECEMBERDavid AmielGeorges BenatarErin BensimonHarry BiskinRon BlackDr. Brian BlicherJeff Budning

Bernice CostinFrederic DayanYoav DjebaliBram FrankMish GranikJeffrey HartFanny IssleyLorne KaliskyStuart KoganCindy LandsmanBernice MendelsohnMartin MersonLois MillerMitchell NadlerGary PolachekSol PolachekJack PoselRita PoselNorman RaicekAllan RubinDr. Earl RubinTracey ShafterNorman ShulmanCarly SleppSanford SmithMarnie SternJulius StoberSusan StorringRubin StrauberMorton TannenbaumTheodore WaldHyman WaxmanSam Zentner

SEPTEMBERAnn Marrie & Alain AssedoKaren & Errol BlanderValerie & Frederic DayanEdwina & David FreedmanSarah & Sam IsraelovitchRita & Jack PoselRianna & Dr. Lorne ScharfBeruria & Peter SchreterHadassa & Theodore WaldPeter & Franki Yanofsky

oCToBERJayne & James AllisterCylena & Michael CohenBeverly & Norman CohenMarlene & Murray DalfenEta & Asher Elcabetz

Corinne & Gerald FrankMyra & Brian GreenstoneDonna Cohen & Warren HershRuth & Leo HubermannBetty & William KirmanDeborah & Lorne KaliskyDebra & Ron MayersSandra & Dr. Leonard MendellRosalie & Gary MintzCheryl & Martin NovakEsther & Vernon RosenbergJacqueline & David RajchgotPearl & Jack RothenbergGloria & Michael SchachterFroma & Norman ShulmanBarbara & Phil SiegelFrances & Allan SingermanMarla & Dr. Mark Steinman

NoVEMBERElla & Henry FiedererLiesbeth & Steve GoldsteinGloria & Joshua KalnitskyCarole Anne & Stuart KoganEvelyn & Phil MatlinMara Lee & Abe NozetzEsther & Sheldon RozanskyEllen & Dr. Earl RubinLillian & Aaron RudolphJulie & Trif SarosSheila & Gerald ShechtmanLee Anne and Jason Ullmann

DECEMBERGertrude & Phil BatistMichelle & Georges BenatarGitty & Albert Dunkelman

Joyce & Avram FishmanLibby & Hershey FitlebergVeronica & Stephen LuxenburgJennie & Louis MelandRoslyn & Sheldon MerlingRita & Albert PadveenFranceen & Larry RetikTina & Martin RosenthalBarbara & David ShriarSheila & Gary Trestan

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Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel36 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 37





May he bring much naches and joy to the entire family

BAT/BAR MITZVAHSHeidi and Irwin Taiger on the Bar Mitvah of their son BradleyNorman and Beverly Cohen on Bar Mitzvah of their grandson Bradley TaigerShari and Lior Cohen on the Bar Mitzvah of their son ShayneRuth and Leo Hubermann on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Jonathan

BIRTHSCylena and Michael Cohen on the birth of their granddaughter AriellaLydia and Michael Krupp on the birth of their granddaughter AbigailJoan and Harold Lackman on the birth of their grandsonShlomo Yehuda Simcha LappKathy and Ervin Gardos on the birth of their grandson Jeremy Deryn GardosElizabeth Fischer on the birth of her great-grandson Jeremy Deryn GardosEstee and Eric Rossdeutscher on the birth of their son Yonatan MeirFrancine and Barry fa*gen on the birth of their grandson Yonatan MeirShoshana Samuels on the birth of her great-grandson Yonatan Meir

ENGAGEMENTS / MARRIAGESAaron and Deborah Remer, Tracey Gold, Samantob and Anne Zeitouni on the marriage of their children Michal Remer to Cedric Zeitouni Irene Remer on the marriage of her granddaughter Michal to Cedric ZeitouniJoe Akerman on the marriage of his daughter Marcie to David SefkindJudy and Gary Pekofsky on the marriage of their son Matthew to Jenny HoppenheimCylena and Michael Cohen on the engagement of their daughter Wendy to Lane ShadgettElaine Moscovitch on the engagement of her granddaughter Stephanie to David SacksAnne Rauchman on the marriage of her granddaughter Amanda to Jordan Klaiman

PATRON CONTRIBUTORSEva and David Sussman in honour of Sally and Norman Raicek’s wedding anniversarySusan and George Arato in honour of Kati Egett’s special birthdayKayla and Brian Schneiderman in honour of the birth of Baby FishmanBeverly, Jack and Sara Halickman in honour of Seymour Frank’s 92nd birthdayMarilyn and Kenny Maron in honour of Sally RaicekSamuel and Paula Melamed in memory of Harriet Etcovitch z”lSelma and Dr. Richard Shatz in memory of Irene Waxman z”lBarbara Gartner in appreciation to Sandy MendellSally and Charles Bedzow in memory of Irving Cohen z”lSally and Charles Bedzow in memory of Hugette Feris’ sisterLois and Daniel Miller in honour of Naomi and Jack RichlerLois and Daniel Miller in honour of Tootsie and Jean FriedmanMireille and Murray Steinberg in appreciation to Dr. David FarberLynda and Edward Grossman wishing a refuah shlemah to Jay SokoloffHerbert Isenberg in memory of Brian Agensky z”lThora Yufe in appreciation to Aviva WasserlaufAviva and Sam Greenberg wishing a refuah shlemah to Henia BronetFanny and Nathan Rosenshein in memory of Sol Cartman z”l

In honour of Riki Jacobson’s Bat MitzvahBelle and Louis BurakLinda GarofaloDoreen and Larry GlazerThelma and Mish GranikEvelyn and Phil Matlin

CHAI CONTRIBUTORSThelma and Mish Granik in honour of the Bar Mitzvah of Raphael Even-Hen son of Yossi and Brigitte Even-HenThelma and Mish Granik in honour of the Bar Mitzvah of Raphael Even-Hen, grandson of Esther and Rev. Benjamin Even-HenThelma and Mish Granik in honour of the Bat Mizvah of Rachel Laurent Rothstein, granddaughter of Marilyn WaxmanLois and Daniel Miller in memory of Stephen Vineberg z”lElaine Moscovitch in memory of Shirley Gutner z”lBeverlee, David, Jewel and Donna Perlin in memory of Saul Cooner z”lBeverlee, David, Jewel and Donna Perlin in memory of Morris Mashal z”lBeverlee, David, Jewel and Donna Perlin in memory of Barry Silverman z”lBeverlee and David Perlin in memory of Felice Pascal z”lBeverlee and David Perlin in memory of Ricky Cohen z”lBeverlee, David and Donna Perlin in honour of Jewel receiving her PHD in Counselling PsychologyBevelee and David Perlin in honour of the birth of Jeremy Deryn, grandson of Kathy and Ervin GardosBeverlee and David Perlin in memory of Al Wexler z”lBeverlee and David Perlin in memory of Harry Feldman z”lIona Bercovitch Redler in memory of Betty Reitman z”lPearl and Isaac Robin in honour of the Bat Mizvah of Rachel Laurent Rothstein, granddaughter of Marilyn Waxman

Ruth Stattner in memory of Louis Cohen z”lMarinette Sladowski in honour of Lily Feig’s special birthdayEdith Reh in honur of Lily Feig’s special birthdayLily Adam in honour of Lily Feig’s special birthdayElizabeth Fischer, Kathy and Ervin Gardos in memory of Manci Hajnal z”lLola and Sid Shatsky in honour of Seymour Frank’s 92nd birthdayThe Chevra Singles Committee in memory of Janice Rapaport Grover z”lKathy and Ervin Gardos in memory of Irving Goldstein z”lGertrude and Heinz Berrys in honour of the engagement of Elaine Moscovitch’s granddaughter Stephanie to David SacksSarah and Abe Etcovitch in memory of Harriet Etcovitch z”lArlene and Rob Saks in memory of Harriet Etcovitch z”lMarilyn Waxman in honour of Riki Jacobson’s Bat MitvahBonnie, Joel, Maya and Jordan Waxman in honour of Riki Jacobson’s Bat Mitvah

HERSHEL RUDY ENDOWMENT FUNDNicholas LouisKatherine and Robert BodieIrene ChesterDonna Simon

RITA AND JACK POSEL ENDOWMENT FUNDRita and Jack Posel in honour of Riki Jacobson’s Bat MitzvahRita and Jack Posel in memory of her beloved mother Zysa Shlachter z”lRita and Jack Posel in memory of his beloved parents Esther and Alter Posel z”l

SALLY AND NORMAN RAICEK ENDOWMENT FUNDAnne and Arthur Perlman in honour of Sally and Norman Raicek’s 60th wedding anniversary

LYNDA AND EDWARD GROSSMAN ENDOWMENT FUNDLynda and Edward Grossman in honour of Pearl Rothenberg’s special birthday

PRAYER BOOK FUNDReva Grover in memory of her beloved husband Avrum Grover z”lElaine Budning in honour of Gloria Schachter’s special birthdayThora Yufe in honour of her son Boris Yufe’s 65th birthdayPearl and Jack Rothenberg in memory of Muriel Garber z”l

ANN AND AL WEXLER ENDOWMENT FUNDIn memory of Al WexlerLeah and Robert BardAllan BramsonFred and Irwin BrownsSchwartz Levitsky Feldman LLPLinda HodesAnita and Abe LevineNellie MillerRenee and Ben PekelesSusan and David KrigerShirley Kline Kringer & FamilyTsippy and Morty Wexler

Bat/Bar Mitzvahs, Births, Engagements and Weddings

Mazel Tov to the following couples whose weddings took, or will take place in our Synagogue

Keren Elbaz and Casey GoldbergSeptember 9, 2012

Adler WeddingOctober 17, 2012

Ashley Nemes and Samuel LanglebenOctober 21, 2012

Tara Fogel and Jonathan SaxeOctober 28, 2012

Lindsay Goldenblatt and Laurent BenezraNovember 4, 2012

Lauren Povitz and Robbie PrawNovember 10, 2012

Sabrina Cohen-Domanus and Jason MartinNovember 11, 2012

Alana Zuckerman and Joshua SaksNovember 24, 2012

Karmel WeddingNovember 28,2012


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toda rabaSpecial thank you to Roslyn and Sheldon Merling

for sponsoring a special breakfast on the Rosh Chodesh of each month. Your generosity is very much


About Our Shul VISA & Mastercard ACCEPTED HERE

our Torah Welfare Fundhas 2 categories:

Chai contributors are inserted for $18.00Patron contributors can list for

amounts greater than $25.00Call our offi ce to learn more.

our Synagogue accepts Visa & Mastercard. Track your payments  more easily for tax time, save time 

and postage ( for the shul also!)Call in your: 

donations paymentsdeposits

Earn travel miles (Mitzvah miles?)

Do you have a special event?Please notify our offi ce. We would like to be aware.Would you like to sponsor a breakfast or a Shalosh

Seudot in honour or in memory of someone, you may do so by calling our offi ce at


ENDOWMENT PLAQUES In addition to the regular bronze memorial plaques in the Daily Chapel, we also have a very limited number of SPECIAL ENDOWMENT PLAQUES available in the Main Sanctuary.

These plaques offer a highly visible tribute to the memory of dear departed family members.

Kindly call Kathy at the offi ce if you wish to obtain further information at 514-482-3366.


Special thanks is extended to the following sponsors:

Dr. Earl RubinIrene RemerAaron Remer

Roslyn and Sheldon MerlingMurray Dalfen

Cheryl and Martin NovakWilliam Kirman

Eunice ProstermanSusan Krymalowski and Family

Gerald ShechtmanEsther and Sheldon Rozansky

Stanley GordonSteve Abramson

Sam WolfeLeibel Wolfe

Hy BloomDanny Rossner

Sally and Charles BedzowJosette Freedman

Ross CoblentzGeorge Klein

Yvonne FeldsteinSeymour FrankGerald FrankFima Family

Joe Akerman and FamilyThe Singerman Family

Scroll Advertising In order to help offset the rising cost of printing and mailing

our Scroll magazine, we are now accepting advertising.

Advertising Rates

Business Card: $100/issue or $275/year (3 issues)1/4 Page: $250/issue or $700/year1/2 Page: $400/issue or $1150/yearFull Page: $750/issue or $2150/year

If you or anyone you know are interested in publicizing your business or products to our membership or if you’d

simply like to offer your fi nancial support please contact our Executive Director, Steve Goldstein by phone (514) 482-3366

Ext:221 or by email at [emailprotected]

Berl AjzenbergJoe AkermanMarc AmarMiriam AyeleGetnet AzaryaSally & Chalres BedzowSheryl & Eric BirenbaumSimone Bensimon BittonElaine BudningBelle & louis BurakCynthia CarsleyJerry CartmanValerie Chokron & Frederic DayanArnold DalfenE. lawrence CohenDr. Mark CohenEllen Cohen & Stephane DemersMiriam B. CohenMiriam (Conrad) CohenRalph Cohen & leah CohenSimon DahanDalfen FamilyMolly Dalfenolga DavydovaSandra & Stanley Cytrynbaumlori EinhornJoelle and leon ElfassyMarsha & Cantor y. EpsteinRandy & Dr. David FarberDorothy FinkelbergElizabeth FischerJoyce & Avram Fishmanlibby & Hershey FitlebergFrancine, Joshua & orianne FoxJeff FrankSeymour FrankImre FriedKathy Fischer Gardoslinda GarofaloTerri & Jay GilletzAlana and Dr. Jonathan GisserTzipporah GisserIsadore GoldbergFruma Goldsteinliesbeth & Steve GoldsteinAmy GoldwaterFlorence GoltThelma & Mish Granik

Hillel GreenbaumGilla & Kenny GroverReva GroverSuzanne & Isaac HabouchaHalina HalpernSharon and Joseph HendelMiriam & Jack HershDonna & Warren HershMaria & Henri HozielRuth & leo HubermannMargaret & Jonathan Hubscherlieba & Rabbi Asher Jacobsonyaacov  & Mendel JacobsonEstelle & Jack KalfonBess KatchanBetty & William KirmanHelen Crystal KossyThe Krebs Familylydia & Michael Kruppleslie KupfersteinEdna Kupferstein Paul KushnerMadzia KrymalowskiSusan Krymalowski & FamilySandra & Emmanuel labelleDorothy langburtEmmanuelle & Nathaniel lasryChana & Joseph liebleinReuben liebleinSam liebleinSusan, louis & Michael lottnerMel MaitlitzPauline MaitlitzPhil MaitlitzMarilyn & Kenny MaronJennie & louis MelandSam MitnickGrace Michelin MatthewsThe Mlynarski FamilyElaine MoscovitchCheryl & Martin NovackAlbert ohayonSolange & yaer olielAlvin and Robert PancerKaren PancerBeverlee & David Perlin Donna PerlinAnne & Arthur Perlman

Claudia & Gary PolachekJakie PolachekMona & Sol PolachekRita & Jack PoselSally & Norman RaicekMonty RaiderPearl & Isaac RobinBonnie & Mitchell RosenRhoda & Stanley RosenTina & Martin RosenthalPearl & Jack RothenbergEsther & Sheldon RozanskyJulie & Trif SarosGloria SchachterNat SchwartzFourtunee SerruyaSelma & Dr. Richard ShatzSheila & Gerald ShechtmanSelma & Jacob ShechtmanDr. Janet Shinder & lawrence KleinJeffrey SilberMinkie & David SilverstoneMarilyn SilverstoneAnita SingermanRoslyn & Abe SlawnerJoy & Sanford SmithVirginia & Jonathan SololoffEthel SolomonJacqueline & Armand SoussanRona & Dr. William SteinmanJack StarkeSteve SzraiberDr. Gloria Tannenbaum & Allan TannenbaumSheila & Gary TrestanRaphael TzoubariBonnie & Joel WaxmanHy WaxmanMarilyn WaxmanBernice WeissValdete Zeneli & Richard Eisenberglily & Eddie ZeltzerMatthew Zinuik

KIDDUSH CoRNEREach Shabbat and Holiday, members are encouraged to honour their family or friends, celebrate a simcha or remember a loved one by making a donation to our Kiddush Fund. These donations then allow us to provide the wonderful sit down Kiddushes for you, our congregants and guests after Shabbat services. We would kindly request that you contact the Synagogue offi ce the following Monday morning so that we can properly acknowledge your donation and announcement. We thank the following who have contributed these past few months, some on more than one occasion:

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CONDOLENCES TOmembers of our congregation who lost family membersIN MEMORY

The Congregation mourns the passing and sympathizes with the bereaved families of




May their memories be a source of eternal blessing

Anne Tobias on the loss of her beloved father, David Charles Tobias z"lSarah Tobias on the loss of her beloved father, David Charles Tobias z"lThe Schachter Family on the loss of their beloved Marvin Shachter z"lVeronika Luxenburg on the loss of her beloved father, Peter Buck z"lJudy Cooner on the loss of her beloved husband, Saul Cooner z"lEva Fulop on the loss of her beloved husband, Béla Fulop z"lThe Andor Family on the loss of Agnes Andor z"lDavid Goldsmith on the loss of his beloved father, Irving Goldsmith z"lBella Cohen and Family on the loss of their beloved, Irving Cohen z"lJoe Akerman on the loss of his beloved parents, Cylia and Izak Akerman z"lThe Aronson Family on the loss of their beloved, Marilyn Aronson z"lFrances Silverman on the loss of her beloved son, Barry Silverman z"lThe Herscovici Family on the loss of their beloved, Jack Herscovici z"lThe Finkelstein Family on the loss of their beloved, Zachar Finkelstein z"lRabbi Sidney Shoham on the loss of his beloved brother, Gilbert L. Shoham z"lWilliam Kirman on the los of his beloved brother, Steven Kirman z"lEunice Prosterman on the loss of her beloved brother, Steven Kirman z"lSally Porper on the loss of her beloved sister, Rella Schwartz z"lThe Zeltzer Family on the loss of their beloved, Abraham Markowicz z"lJack Dworkind on the loss of his beloved mother Cyla Dworkind z"lRena Helfenbaum on the loss of her beloved father Norman Handelsman z”lBarbara Magidson on the loss of her beloved father


The bronze plaque in the daily Chapel offers an opportunity to perpetuate the memory of a dear departed in an everlasting remembrance. A red light is kindled for the first year of death, a white light on all Yizkor days, and on every Yahrzeit Anniversary. The following plaques have recently been dedicated.







For further information regarding the ordering of a bronze plaque, please contact Kathy at the Synagogue office 514-482-3366


Stephen Abramson in memory of his beloved mother Celia AbramsonHilda Adler in memory of her beloved sister Dorothy AlbertArlene Alter in memory of her beloved husband Mel Alter

Arlene Alter in memory of her beloved brother Howard StarrJoseph Aronovitch in memory of his beloved sister Hannah Freida Aronovitch

Joseph Aronovitch in memory of his beloved mother Goldie AronovitchGert Batist in memory of her beloved father Avrum Leib KatzPhilip Batist in memory of his beloved mother Bessie Batist

Rubin Becker in memory of his beloved mother Chana BeckerBella Bernstein in memory of her beloved sister Jennie Zuskin

Harry Blech in memory of his beloved wife Shirley BlechHerbert Black in memory of his beloved mother Lillian BlackHerbert Black in memory of his beloved father David BlackHerbert Black in memory of his beloved daughter Lori BlackRonald Black in memory of his beloved mother Lillian Black

Bluma Blicher in memory of her beloved mother Anne KrackovitchHy Bloom in memory of his beloved parents Bessie and Harry Bloom

Hy Bloom in memory of his beloved brother Ruby BloomMarion Brumer in memory of her beloved father Julius Plotnick

Prof. Neil Caplan in memory of his beloved parents Mary Caplan and Nathan CaplanMiriam B. Cohen in memory of her beloved mother Annie Balinsky

Miriam B. Cohen in memory of her beloved mother-in-law Bessie CohenCylena Cohen in memory of her beloved father Henry Halperin

Stanley Cytrynbaum in memory of his beloved mother Esther Leah CytrynbaumOlga Davydova in memory of her beloved grandmother Hana Davydova

Laura Entin in memory of her beloved husband Dr. Martin EntinLaura Entin in memory of her beloved daughter Jane Audrey EntinBarry fa*gen in memory of his beloved father Charles Arthur fa*gen

Cyna Fayer in memory of her beloved parents Sarah Gittle and Moshe Leib CymermanDora Feingold in memory of her beloved husband Norbert Feingold

Yvonne Feldstein in memory of her beloved husband Robert FeldsteinRalph Fisher in memory of his beloved father Joseph Fisher

Joyce Fishman in memory of her beloved father Moishe Tzvi GildenLibby Fitleberg in memory of her beloved mother Helen Rappaport

Corinne Frank in memory of her beloved brother Hyman MendelsohnGerald Frank in memory of his beloved uncle Shmuel Meyer FrankGerald Frank in memory of his beloved mother Pearl Frank Richer

Seymour Frank in memory of his beloved mother Pearl Frank RicherRhoda Freedlander in memory of her beloved husband Philip Freedlander

Rhoda Freedlander in memory of her beloved mother Sadie SteinmanJosette Freedman in memory of her beloved husband Dr. Hyman Freedman

Imre Fried in memory of his beloved wife Ibi FriedGertrude Friedman in memory of her beloved husband Sidney Friedman

Clara Friedlander in memory of her beloved mother Jennie Zuskin KravitzClara Friedlander in memory of her beloved father Jacob Tessler

Clara Friedlander in memory of her beloved brother Maurice TesslerFranklin Friedman in memory of his beloved grandmother Freda RosenfeldSusan Friedmann in memory of her beloved parents Abe and Sylvia Shragie

Susan Friedmann in memory of her beloved brother Richard ShragieFred Gibson in memory of his beloved first wife Betty Gibson

Marion Kandestin-Golden in memory of her beloved husband Stanley KandestinFlorence Gold in memory of her beloved brother Aaron Rauch

Eta Gold in memory of her beloved Bessie Dora MittlemanStanley Gordon in memory of his beloved mother Bluma Gordon

Aviva Greenberg in memory of her beloved father Zalman Gurewicz

Condolences to our President Rafael Tzoubari

on the loss of his beloved Mother-In-Law,

libby Bercusson z”l

Jornal Comunidade - [PDF Document] (22)

Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel42 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 43

Hilda Adler in memroy of her beloved parents Harry and Evelyn MazerRuth Albert in memory of her beloved husband Daniel AlbertArlene Alter in memory of her beloved father Harry Starr

Bella Bernstein in memory of her beloved father Rev. Joseph KravitzBella Bernstein in memory of her beloved mother Sonya Kravitz

Hy Bloom in memory of his beloved mother Bessie BloomAnn Boroff in memory of her beloved son Dr. William Boroff

Harriet Brownstein in memory of her beloved father louis Allan KravitzMarion Brumer in memory of her beloved husband Ernest Brumer

Elaine Budning in memory of her beloved parents lily and Benjamin RitzElaine Budning in memory of her beloved husband Charles Budningleoni Caplan in memory of his beloved father Isidore BirnbaumMary Caplan in memory of her beloved mother Ray Singer

Helen Constantine in memory of her beloved parents Alice and Joseph ParnassHarriet Etcovitch in memory of her beloved mother Esther CohenFay Fischler in memory of her beloved father Henry GottliebHarry Fleisher in memory of his beloved aunt Freda lotansky

Corinne Frank in memory of her beloved mother Sarah MendelsonGerald Frank in memory of his beloved father Avraham Frank

Muriel Garber in memory of her beloved parents Benjamin and lily RitzIsolott Gasman in memory of her beloved father Herman Porper

Rosalind Gliserman in memory of her parents Sarah Esther and Saul BirnbaumJack Gordon in memory of his beloved mother Harrie Rose GordonRichard Halpern in memory of his beloved father Jack HalpernSusan Hardy in memory of her beloved mother Freda Barton


Sam Greenberg in memory of his beloved mother Ethel GreenbergReva Grover in memory of her beloved husband Avrum Grover

Reva Grover in memory of her beloved in-laws Jennie and Max GroverReva Grover in memory of her beloved parents Minnie and Kasper Geffin

Halina Halpern in memory of her beloved mother Felicia HalpernKaren Halpern in memory of her beloved father Abraham Drabin

David Hart in memory of his beloved mother Annie Ruth HartHarry Hart in memory of his beloved brother Moe Hart

Brenda Held in memory of her beloved father William GascoMarge Heller in memory of her beloved husband Arthur Heller

Miriam Himes in memory of her beloved mother Bertha RabinovitchFrank Hofbauer in memory of his beloved mother Terez Hofbauer

Ruth Hubermann in memory of her beloved father Chanania RotemBernie Itovitch in memory of his beloved mother Sura Leah Itovitch

Joshua Kalnitsky in memory of his beloved father Max KalnitskyWilliam Kirman in memory of his beloved mother Kay KirmanWilliam Kirman in memory of his beloved father Chaim Kirman

Robert Koby in memory of his beloved grandfather Nathan DorfmanRobert Koby in memory of his beloved grandfather Israel Kobernick

Jason Kraft in memory of his beloved father Stanley KraftLawrence Klein in memory of his beloved parents Sarah Lillian and Joshua John Klein

Susan Krymalowski in memory of her beloved husband Morris KrymalowskiSusan Krymalowski in memory of her beloved father Sam Schachter

Mary Kucer in memory of her beloved mother Dora HerscoitchDavid Kucer in memory of his beloved father Harry Kucer

Leslie Kupferstein in memory of his beloved father Fred KupfersteinLibby Landsman in memory of her beloved husband Louis Landsman

Libby Landsman in memory of her beloved parents Sarah and Frank CobrinLibby Landsman in memory of her beloved brothers Ruby and Simon Cobrin

Dorothy Langburt in memory of her beloved father Louis BezumnyEsther Levin in memory of her beloved friend Abraham Levine

Esther Levin in memory of her father-in-law Simon LevinEsther Levin in memory of her beloved husband Moe Levin

Beatrice Levine in memory of her beloved husband Sydney LevineBeatrice Levine in memory of her beloved mother Gertie Rabinovitch

Beatrice Levine in memory of her beloved parents Gertie and Sam RabinovitchGreg Luger in memory of his beloved mother Judith Luger

Mary Majnemer in memory of her beloved husband Hersz MajnemerJennie Meland in memory of her beloved father Harry Reiter

Jennie Meland in memory of her beloved mother Esther ReiterMervyn Mendelsohn in memory of his beloved mother Rebecca Mendelsohn

Bernice Mendelsohn in memory of her beloved mother Sema Raymer OstregerRoslyn Merling in memory of her beloved parents Esther and Solly Briskin

Gary Mintz in memory of his beloved mother Estelle MintzBernie Mlynarski in memory of his beloved wife Sintra SinghLucy Nisker in memory of her beloved father David Zilbert

Lucy Nisker in memory of her beloved in-laws Leah and Myer NiskerMara Lee Nozetz in memory of her beloved parents Evelyn and Leo Aronoff

Mara Lee Nozetz in memory of her beloved grandfather Joseph RudnerAbe Nozetz in memory of his beloved father Joseph Nozetz

Pearl Paskell in memory of her beloved husband Jack PaskellDebrah Pekofsky in memory of her beloved grandfather Joseph Tentzer

Arthur Perlman in memory of his beloved father Issie PerlmanAnne and Arthur Perlman in memory of their beloved son Lorne Perlman

Arthur Perlman in memory of his beloved mother Bella PerlmanSali Porper in memory of her beloved sister Yudina Edelstein and brother Isak Edelstein

Hilda Adler in memroy of her beloved parents Harry and Evelyn MazerRuth Albert in memory of her beloved husband Daniel AlbertArlene Alter in memory of her beloved father Harry Starr

Bella Bernstein in memory of her beloved father Rev. Joseph KravitzBella Bernstein in memory of her beloved mother Sonya Kravitz

Hy Bloom in memory of his beloved mother Bessie BloomAnn Boroff in memory of her beloved son Dr. William Boroff

Harriet Brownstein in memory of her beloved father louis Allan KravitzMarion Brumer in memory of her beloved husband Ernest Brumer

Elaine Budning in memory of her beloved parents lily and Benjamin RitzElaine Budning in memory of her beloved husband Charles Budningleoni Caplan in memory of his beloved father Isidore BirnbaumMary Caplan in memory of her beloved mother Ray Singer

Helen Constantine in memory of her beloved parents Alice and Joseph ParnassHarriet Etcovitch in memory of her beloved mother Esther CohenFay Fischler in memory of her beloved father Henry GottliebHarry Fleisher in memory of his beloved aunt Freda lotansky

Corinne Frank in memory of her beloved mother Sarah MendelsonGerald Frank in memory of his beloved father Avraham Frank

Muriel Garber in memory of her beloved parents Benjamin and lily RitzIsolott Gasman in memory of her beloved father Herman Porper

Rosalind Gliserman in memory of her parents Sarah Esther and Saul BirnbaumJack Gordon in memory of his beloved mother Harrie Rose GordonRichard Halpern in memory of his beloved father Jack HalpernSusan Hardy in memory of her beloved mother Freda Barton


Cecile Posel in memory of her beloved husband Bernard PoselJack Posel in memory of his beloved parents Esther and Alter Posel

Jack Posel in memory of his beloved brother Bernard PoselRita Posel in memory of her beloved mother Zysa Shlachter

Eunice and Lenny Prosterman in memory of her beloved parents Kay and Hyman KirmanAaron Remer in memory of his beloved father Joseph Remer

Frances Rimoin in memory of her beloved husband Lionel RimoinEsther Rosenberg in memory of her beloved mother Ruby Shear Stern

Allan Rubin in memory of his beloved mother Henrietta RubinAllan Rubin in memory of his beloved brother Leon Rubin

Gilda Rubin in memory of her beloved mother Ray SmolkinDavid Rubin in memory of his beloved brother Jimmy Rubin

Beulah Feldstein Ruvman in memory of her beloved sister Eva Silverman BlondGloria Schachter in memory of her beloved brother Dr. Hyman FreedmanNat Schwartz in memory of his beloved parents Golda and Israel Schwartz

Nat Schwartz in memory of his beloved sisters Rebecca Gerchicoff and Ray CleimanNat Schwartz in memory of his beloved sisters Jennie Rubin and Leah Schwartz

Nat Schwartz in memory of his beloved brother Harry SchwartzNat Schwartz in memory of his beloved friend Joseph Frankel

Laura Schwartzbein in memory of her beloved husband Hyman Schwartzbein Mollie Segall in memory of her beloved father Simon Louis Segall

Mollie Segall in memory of her beloved sister Clare SegallMollie Segall in memory of her beloved sister Ruth Segall

Mollie Segall in memory of her beloved brother Harry SegallMollie Segall in memory of her beloved grandparents Sheina and Tzvi Zentner

Selma Shatz in memory of her beloved mother Ruby Shear SternGerald Shechtman in memory of his beloved parents Annie and Nathan ShechtmanJacob Shechtman in memory of his beloved parents Annie and Nathan Shechtman

Beatrice Shtull in memory of her beloved father Joseph Goroff Phil Siegel in memory of his beloved mother Ethel Siegel

Barbara Siegel in memory of her beloved father Henry ManellaDavid Silverstone in memory of his beloved father Issie Silverstone

Bruce Simon in memory of his beloved parents Charlotte and Herbert SimonMarjorie Simon in memory of her beloved husband Sidney Simon

Anita Singerman in memory of her beloved husband Morty SingermanAbraham Slawner in memory of his beloved mother Sura Slawner

Roslyn Slawner in memory of her beloved father Issie SmileyEthel Solomon in memory of her beloved parents Gertie and Mayer Garfinkle

Rebecca Sossanpour in memory of her beloved husband Isaac SossanpourRebecca Sossanpour in memory of her beloved mother Rosa Elhajama

Shirley Spector in memory of her beloved father Julius PlotnickShirley Spector in memory of her beloved husband Maurice SpectorEleanor Stober in memory of her beloved father Joseph Borenstein

Joyce Takefman in memory of her beloved husband Steven TakefmanJennie Tait in memory of her beloved mother Bertha TaitJenny Tait in memory of her beloved brother Daniel TaitPhillip Tait in memory of his beloved mother Bertha Tait

Erica Travis in memory of her beloved mother Sheva BrandesSheila Trestan in memory of her beloved brother Dr. Hyman Freedman

Joel Waxman in memory of his beloved father Abraham WaxmanMarilyn Waxman in memory of her beloved husband Abraham WaxmanGustava Weiner in memory of her beloved parents Iser and Tauba Rosner

Gustava Weiner in memory of her beloved brothers Moishe and Menachem Mendel RosnerLynn Woloz in memory of her beloved parents Billie and Jack Solomon

Esther Woods in memory of her beloved mother-in-law Sara Rivka WoodsMatthew Ziniuk in memory of his beloved father Abraham Ziniuk

Jornal Comunidade - [PDF Document] (23)

Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel44 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 45

Dear Member and Friends,

Honour your loved ones in the new CHEVRA YIZKOR BOOK which will include History and Customs as well as all the Yizkor prayers recited on Yom Kippur, Shemini Atzeret, Pesach and Shavuot. Yizkor is a time to pledge tzedakeh as we recall cherished memories of those we hold dear and whose spirit glows forever in our hearts. This meaningful Yizkor book will be enriched by including your own personal choice of message of remembrance. Please choose and circle the size of your insertion shown below. The deadline is November 25, 2012.

YIZKOR – MEMORY – is one of our most cherished traditions.

Your personal wording and any number of names

Inside Front Cover…………………………..$400.00Outside Back Cover ………………………….400.00Inside Back Cover……………………………400.00Full Page…………………………………… 300.00Half page……………………………………...150.00Quarter page…………………………………...75.00

Separate list of names of your dearly departed - $18.00 per name

Thank you for your support

Elaine Budning Marsha Epstein Elaine Moscovitch Gloria Schachter

To place your order and for further information please contact the office 514-482-3366.

Please include the names of my loved one (s) in The Chevra Yizkor Book:(List the name (s) as they are to appear. PLEASE PRINT)

Remembered by: ___________________________________________________________________________________

In memory of:

Text if desired_______________________________________________________________________________________

Please check if you would like a copy of the Yizkor Book sent to your home _______

Name: ___________________________________________________________Phone:_____________________________


__Cheque Enclosed Credit Card number:________________________________Exp:___________________

__Visa or Master Card Signature:_________________________________________________________________

IN MEMORIAMAt the Shabbat morning Services we memorialize departed relatives

of our members whose Yahrzeit Anniversaries occur during the coming week."May Their Souls Be Bound Up in the Bond of Eternal Life"

SEPTEMBER 15-21Elul 28-Tishrei 5Eliezer BatistPeter BlackMargaret Rose FoxNorman LiebmanLawrence Popliger QCTzipa SingermanIssie SmileySaul KaplanBeila DobrofskyDavid AdlerMordechai Tzvi GroverSolomon YufeBella PerlmanEdit SebestyenLiba ZatzMiklos RosenbaumMyer SamuelsOlga FelberbaumHarry KleimanArna Solomon

SEPEMBER 22-28Tishrei 6-12Louis WeinsteinAlice CohenRebecca RubinIsrael TannenbaumGitle PlotnickCelia WeberJack FriedlanderSarah KruppAnnie MillerPal MarczaliEsther WeintraubDr. Hyman WoodsLori BlackFred LaxerRachel CohenJulius CohenIrene FrankIser RosnerTauba RosnerMoishe RosnerMillie LutterNathan RichterJoseph Dalfen

SEPT. 29-oCT.5Tishrei 13-19Mike MintzMendel TaitAbraham Smith

Moe ShuterEthel CohenShirley HerschornJoshua AronovitchLouis CohenNora LeckerFrances P. KalnitskyDina BernsteinRichard ShragieJoe FeldmanEsther RaicekGertrude BorensteinTibor SchiffShimon BornsteinSaul SternFreida Esther SegallJoe IsenbergShirley MarcoHoward CaplanEsther TerkMartin SimmermanLaszlo SzamosiRosette Ifergan

oCToBER 6-12Tishrei 20-26Alter Saul GroverJoseph SimonEdward BriskinEugina GoldsteinRose SilvertonRena BerallBernard AronovitchDavid MagidsonMoe LevinRachel CaplanBen B. CohenHarold FanaberiaRoza AbonyiJoseph HalpernJoseph KatzMair ChawkinWilliam SokoloffHarry Louis KnoppGoldie SchreterHellen MullerChana Zohar ElkabetzDavid SmuklerWolfe MietkiewitchTauba MietkiewitchDora ZilbertJozsef KatzEva SpirerSarah Friedman

Sally Luft UllmannSimcha ZikmanHarry AmdurskyMary BrownSarah GottliebLeonard AdlerVictor AbrahamsonSarah FayerRalph BernickSarah Lilian Coblentz

oCToBER 13-19Tishrei 27-Cheshvan 3Eli BerlinBenny ArbeitmanFrank CaplanRose Shirley PesnerAharon MillerIrving GarberJozsef HalpernEva SpirerFanny NozetzEugene BergerRosa KonigNathan RosenJoel Wolf EinhornSandor GotzlerPhyllis SternthalAbraham BeraznikSydney KruppGertrude KushnerEssie GossakAnne GreenMoishe Dobrofsky

oCToBER 20-26Cheshvan 4-10Meshulam TannenbaumHenry Charles TunisMarvin RudnerPauline SmithRebeca RichterHarry SteinbergMoshe Eliezer KruppSarah KlingerAaron KahanLaszlo GeroDavid MagidsonBeatrice LighterMichael TeicherMaxine Ellen LazarusLajorne BoglerRoza LipshycHarry Schwartz

Rose Shumer ErteschikArthur GreenEileen MlynarskiAda YanofksyChasia Mushe ChawkinMoshe MalkaMiklos BlumenthalNorbert RandRachel CohenFreda RosenSamuel LefkovitzPeter StarkeDavid TesslerChayim TesslerEvelyn WorsoffJoseph HierJacob Joshua FeingoldDavid Davydova

oCT. 27-NoV.2Cheshvan 11-17Chanah WeinshelNettie YoungNellie NirenbergKati LandesmanMichael HalbergFannie FiedererNathan GurmanJoseph RothsteinJennie CohenJacob KaufmanMollie KleinmanAgoston AdlerCornel LauferPaul EisenbergBernard BrandesIrwin GlisermanSydney SingermanKalman RussRegina PreshelDavid LevyMax FrederAbraham GordonHyman Costin Michael MillerMenachem SimbergNisan BiskinJack HirschCharles SiegelErno Agoston AdlerHenry MoscovitchDaniel Freedman

NoVEMBER 3-9Chesvan 18-24Becky SibalesMac DorfmanCornel LauferJack Nathan HellerFrida ShizgalPhillip RuvmanMoishe RichlerFreda BartonLeizer LottnerPearl BirnbergIda SchwartzSteven Elliott DrabinJeno RetiHenry RosenthalShimon HirshfeldMoe RubinHarry GreenspanEthel LefkovitzIstvan GaborBeatrice MikelbergRose SingermanJo Anne SimonNorman KathsteinDavid LindenRiva GluzAnita F. RochwergMichael David MorrisIda Allister

NoVEMBER 10-16Cheshvan 25-Kislev 2Shimon MestelGertrude YanofskyYudel BrownsteinAnna SharfHilda FisherLucy ChenoySerah Agoston AdlerPeter BorosGeorge KunstlerYitte Gittel RichlerEva HartMalka SperlingAbraham EisenbergMagda KassaiBella SchafferJoseph ZatzEddie WolozHelen ZimmermanRay SingerChasia BedzovskiEda Dunkelman

Jornal Comunidade - [PDF Document] (24)

Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel46 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 47

Bertha FarovitchHarry ElkinGerald ChernoffYossef Ginovker

NoVEMBER 17-23Kislev 3-9Bleme GoldsteinGyula GatiMinnie WolozIsidore BirnbaumFanny StrauberEva GarfinkleRose TaitHarold SchreterOsias CooperbergLouis JosephReuben CohenElaine StollerOscar HalpernRose WainbergHilda BierMendel GershonoviczMenashe SharagaMinnie GreenbergDezso GatiMania IzraeloviczMoses HellerJoseph ShapiroRose FreedmanIsadore SingermanHarriet WeigensbergMark SatzManuel Barskey

NoVEMBER 24-30Kislev 10-16Shmuel MerlingHarry RodierEdith Goldberg DavisDavid GluzDr. David GossackMiriam SteinbergYankel LustigChaya LustigJeremy C. LewisEsther KobyJoseph Y. NadlerLewis LutterBelle ZiniukArthur ReinhornElizabeth SchwartzBenzion BeckerRabbi A. Mittleman

Joseph MittlemanHarry RosenbergMorris RauchmanTibor RauchmanEdward SegallAnnie ShakynLouis SilvermanLouis KravitzSzeren ZomboriSarah HirshfeldSaul BirnbaumAlexander NeimanEdmond LudwigMona KushnerRosalee HellerSimon MintzJoseph SlawnerSandor SchwarczSarah BenzumnyJoseph SlawnerBeryl BelinskyRose MosesMessody LevyAlex ShtullZevelin HendlerJack EllisEvelyn MazerBenjamin Bedzow

DECEMBER 1-7Kislev 17-23Arthur NadorSam PinchukMoses EtcovitchMoe GarfinkleShifra MigicovskySamuel WeinerSarah SokoloffLou ShermanEdmund LudwigJanos LukacsFrank DrukerSema GarberChonah RetikMax LauerJulie ShusterHelena DrabinDina LevySybil KlugSonya KravitzHarry CooperbergFanny CohenAvrom A. ShermanEdward Trestan

Moshe KracauerDr. William BoroffLolly Rose CobrinOden BorgidaJanos Lucacs

DECEMBER 8-14Kislev 24-Tevet 1Rashe Minka GeffinSarah StoberPeter MersonLottie S. AlperPearl GildenDovid FayerHershie ShtullMax ShafferAharon GoldenbergJoseph L. FensterCharles A. SegallSonja ZaritzkyTzipora SharagaDavid AinSarah E. BirnbaumSally SulloveyAron KahanYoseph A. RichlerRay KolodnyTheodore HochstadtDora SchwartzMor SchwartzJoseph GlazerShoshana MelnickUsher L. SchlachterAbe ShragieRezso FantusRose Hattie GordonSarah MendelsonPnina GoldenbergMini LefkovitzAnnie Perez

DECEMBER 15-21Tevet 2-8Gertrude GranikJerry Israel NoikDena Hinda MossRobert StrauberHarold CohenHarry AzeffAnn Levin FinnermanHyman HartMoe KrakowerLouis GordonRebecca Freedman

Geza VilanNorman CutlerSterra GeffinSolomon WeberLawrence TaigerMax SpectorIsidore ElkinEileen CohenDaniel AlbertMorris KrackovitchMax FensterAbe GordonMendle FayerDr. Morris Kokin

DECEMBER 22-28Tevet 9-15Frances AbramovitchPearl RaicekEsther RichlerEsther IsenbergMary RochmanBetty NusselmanPearl TobiasKatherine RauchmanArthur MosesBetty NusselmanLilly RoodmanGordon GreenspoonLilia Yaverbaum UlineErno DeutchMarton SchwartzNachum Dov GroverMarcel EinhornGeorge KerteszDavid NiskerMichael MikelbergLouis KravitzMavis GascoRae LazarusLillian DardickMartin SngerClifford GordonVera KellerAgnes SallaiFred Madoff

DEC 29-JAN 4Tevet 16-22Louis HimesEva TakemanGeorge SpitzFrances M. GeltmanHarry Mazer

Jean TakefmanEthel FuchsYehudith GossackFruma RicherSandra MigicovskyDavid HelfenbaumHyman RabinovitchAllan SatimHerman PorperImre AbonyiLeah FlorkevitzDezso LinderCelia BlumMax Neiman Minnie CoblentzBen HermanIsaac MendelsohnJacqueline BenshabbatMorris TaitBenjamin RitzWilliam BlankJack LiebmanCharles BudningAnne HandelsmanMendel RosnerIstvan PragerFrances WenerRaoul DayanJack WaxmanJoseph KravitzBella Silverstone

JANUARy 5-11Tevet 23-29Betty RosenthalMary LauerHenry GottliebShirley LevineJacob WeinsteinHyman HartLouis WarshawRachel HelfenbaumTillie MaklanRachel LuxenbergSidney DevineLouis KravitzErnest SchreiberJoseph SchreterRhona RothmanRuth CoblentzIsrael AdlerMazaltov GabbayRaoul DayanLily Ritz

IN MEMORIAMAt the Shabbat morning Services we memorialize departed relatives

of our members whose Yahrzeit Anniversaries occur during the coming week."May Their Souls Be Bound Up in the Bond of Eternal Life"

Nisan CohenSamuel WaxmanHarry AllisterMoishe DobrofskyNachum ShechtmanBenjamin SimonHyman HorowitzWilliam TravisMilton KleinLifsha BelinskyMyer TeicherLouis ShusterBenny SibalesDezso FeldmanBertha I. TannenbaumDr.Israel SegallLivia Blumenthal

JANUARy 12-18Shevat 1-7Anne ShuterAlice ParnassLewis M. CossmanSonia BurakFreda WexelmanCaroline KohnHelen KokinLily BesnerJack BirnbomJoseph AbrahamsonBessie Bloom Yermiel SiegelSamuel SternNorman CuttlerDories HierManya SzejmanMartin PreislerIrwin HockensteinStella DermerMordechai BenatarSamuel MeltzerAndor HofbauerAndrei SchreiberSylvia LesserBella RavehMary CherryEsther Malka Cohen

JANUARy 19-25Shevat 8-14Sophie DorfmanBea BrodiLouis Frank

Gerald AdlerMeir GinsbergIsaac YoditzZelda WolfeShaine Leah StarkeLouis RochmanRichard JosephHarry Segall Alec PowellJack FensterJoseph ZentnerShaindle Leah GroverSaul SklarJuliana SzaboJack HalpernLouis LevineAvrum StoberEdward KaplanJean WeigensbergJulius MatlinAbraham FrankCaroline SlabotskyJoseph AbrahamsonGoldie MerlingNathan CohenRebecca SatzMargaret RosenbergIda Baker CohenGertrude Schachter

JANUARy 26-FEB. 1Shevat 15-21Miriam MillerAnna BackIsadore LustgartenMaurice TesslerLouis LuxenbergManis KestenBernard GoldsteinBluma LevinMyer JosephDavid MonkAbe RozanskyJoseph ParnassHyman FriedmanSadie GreenbergAbraham ShizgalMorty SteinmanCharles Gadalia Fishman Molly PinchukPeter AndorHerman MlynarskiIsidore Poplige

IN MEMORIAMAt the Shabbat morning Services we memorialize departed relatives

of our members whose Yahrzeit Anniversaries occur during the coming week."May Their Souls Be Bound Up in the Bond of Eternal Life"

Rubin CobrinRachel SimbergIrene King SmuklerShaine Rochel ZentnerHarry AschBernard IsenbergRonald DalfenLajos WaltznerMuriel Garber

FEBRUARy 2-8Shevat 22-28Isaac FriedAlfred RosenbergerLouis LefkovitzYonah ShachterRebecca CaplanHilda MoscovitchDavid LindenJack ZittrerRose GreatzerIsadore LevittMorris BernsteinMiriam PopligerHarvey WeingensbergArnold FinderRubin MoscovitchJacob WeigensbergNathan RossdeutscherJoseph HerscovitchLouis MorrisDr. Samuel Hershon, Bernard SchnarchAbraham WoodsSzymon GrajcarLeon BlumArye BlumMay LitvackJennie ZlotnickKasper GeffinMoishe FriedmanBen-Zion GoldbergFanny Matlin-ErlichAvrum GroverMax GoldsteinSybil CynaAnnette LevyBen- Zion GoldbergKathy SpirerBetty Brown


We continue our custom of offering prayer for the sick every Shabbat morning. Please assist us by calling the synagogue office by Thursday of any week with the names of those you wish to include. Be sure to provide: full English name, Hebrew first and middle names, and the Hebrew name of the mother of the ill person. We also invite you to provide us with names at Torah reading on Shab-bat morning. May this be for speedy healing of all the ill of the community of Israel.


We wish to advise our members that we are accepting reservations for cemetery plots in the Kehal Israel Cemetery, Dollard-des-Ormeaux.

Should you wish further information please contact Kathy at the office :

514-482-3366 ext: 224 or [emailprotected]

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Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel48 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 49

Services, Candle lighting Times & Upcoming Events

Continued on next page...

Services, Candle lighting Times & Upcoming Events

Friday September 14 – Candle Lighting 6:49 p.m.Saturday September 15 – 28 ElulParasha Nitzavim – Mincha 6:40 p.m.Shabbat ends 7:36 p.m.Evening Services September 16-21 6:55 p.m.

EREV ROSH HASHANA –SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 16Shacharit Service 7:30 a.m.Annulment of Vows following servicesCandle Lighting 6:46 p.m.Mincha 6:50 p.m.

ROSH HASHANA – MONDAY SEPTEMBER 17Shacharit Service 7:30 a.m.Torah Reading 9:30 a.m.Shofar and Sermon 10:30 a.m.Tashlich 6:00 p.m.Mincha 6:50 p.m.Candle Lighting from existing flame 7:46 p.m.

ROSH HASHANA – TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 18Shacharit Service 7:30 a.m.Torah Reading 9:30 a.m.Shofar and Sermon 10:30 a.m.Mincha 6:50 p.m.Rosh Hashana ends 7:49 p.m.

FAST OF GEDALIA – WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 19Fast begins 5:21 a.m. and ends 7:27 p.m.

Friday September 21 – Candle Lighting 6:36 p.m.Saturday September 22 – 6 TishreiParasha Vayelech – SHABBAT SHUVA Rabbi’s Drasha 5:45 p.m.Mincha 6:30 p.m.Shabbat ends 7:36 p.m.Evening Services September 23-28 6:40 p.m.

EREV YOM KIPPUR – TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 25Mincha 2:00 p.m.Candle Lighting at Shul before 6:28 p.m.KOL NIDRE & YOUTH PROGRAM 6:20 p.m.

YOM KIPPUR – WEDNEDAY SEPTEMBER 26Shacharit 8:30 a.m.Sermon & Yizkor 11:45 a.m.Mincha and Neilah 4:45 p.m.YOM KIPPUR ENDS & SHOFAR 7:28 p.m.

Friday September 28 – Candle Lighting 6:22 p.m.Saturday September 29- 13 TishreiParasha Haazinu – Mincha 6:15 p.m.

Shabbat ends 7:22 p.m.Evening Services September 30-Oct. 5 6:30 p.m.

EREV SUCCOT – SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 30Candle Lighting 6:19 p.m.Mincha 6:30 p.m.Yad Sukkah Seudah (see page 29) 7:00 p.m.

SUCCOT MONDAY & TUESDAY OCT. 1 & 2Shacharit 8:45 a.m.Mincha 6:30 p.m.Candle Lighting Mon. Oct 1from existing flame 7:19 p.m.Succot ends 7:22 p.m.

Friday October 5 – Candle Lighting 6:09 p.m.Saturday October 6 – 20 TishreiSuccot 5th day – Mincha 6:00 p.m.Shabbat ends 7:09 p.m.Evening Services October 7-12 6:15 p.m.

HOSHANA RABAH - SUNDAY OCT. 7Shacharit 8:30 a.m.

SHEMINI ATZERET – SUNDAY OCTOBER 7Candle Lighting 6:05 p.m.Mincha 6:15 p.m.

SHEMINI ATZERET – MONDAY OCTOBER 8Shacharit with Choir 8:45 a.m.Sermon & Yizkor 10:30 p.m.

SIMCHAT TORAH – MONDAY EVE. OCT. 8Mincha 6:15 p.m.Candle Lighting after from existing flame 7:05 p.m.SIMCHAT TORAH DINNER & PARTYMONDAY OCTOBER 8 (see pages 24 & 28)

SIMCHAT TORAH TUESDAY OCTOBER 9Shacharit, Hakafot, Simchat Torah Honours 8:45 a.m.Kiddush Following (see Page 29) Mincha 6:15 p.m.Simchat Torah ends 7:09 p.m.

Friday October 12 – Candle Lighting 5:56 p.m.Saturday October 13 – 27 TishreiParasha Beresh*t – Mincha 5:50 p.m.Shabbat ends 6:56 p.m.Evening Services October 14-19 6:05 p.m.PARASHA CLASS OCTOBER 17 1:00 p.m.


Friday October 19 – Candle Lighting 5:45 p.m.Saturday October 20 – 4 CheshvanParasha Noach – Mincha 5:35 p.m.Shabbat ends 6:44 p.m.Evening Services October 21-26 5:55 p.m.Vivian Kaplan Book Review October 23 (see page 30)PARASHA CLASS OCTOBER 24 1:00 p.m.The Spinoza Problem book review Oct. 25 (see page 26)

Friday October 26 – Candle Lighting 5:33 p.m.Saturday October 27 – 11 CheshvanParasha Lech-Lecha – Mincha 5:25 p.m.Shabbat ends 6:34 p.m.Evening Services October 28-November 2 5:45 p.m.PARASHA CLASS - OCTOBER 31 1:00 p.m.The Spinoza Problem book review Nov.1 (see page 26)

Friday November 2 – Candle Lighting 5:22 p.m.Saturday November 3 – 18 CheshvanParasha Vayera – Mincha 5:15 p.m.Shabbat ends 6:24 p.m.Evening Services November 4-9 5:35 p.m.PARASHA CLASS NOVEMBER 7 1:00 p.m.

Friday November 9 – Candle Lighting 4:13 p.m.Saturday November 10 – 25 CheshvanParasha Chaya Sarah – Mincha 4:10 p.m.Shabbat ends 5:16 p.m.Evening Services November 11-16 4:25 p.m.PARASHA CLASS - NOVEMBER 14 1:00 p.m.


Friday November 16 – Candle Lighting 4:20 p.m.Saturday November 17 – 3 KislevParasha Toldot – Mincha 4:05 p.m.Shabbat ends 5:10 p.m.Evening Services November 18-23 4:20 p.m.PARASHA CLASS – NOVEMBER 21 1:00 p.m.

Friday November 23 – Candle Lighting 4:00 p.m.Saturday November 24 – 10 KislevParasha Vayetze – Mincha 3:55 p.m.Shabbat ends 5:05 p.m.Evening Services November 25-30 4:15 p.m.PARASHA CLASS – NOVEMBER 28 1:00 p.m.

Friday November 30 – Candle Lighting 3:56 p.m.Saturday December 1 – 17 KislevParasha Vayishlah – Mincha 3:55 p.m.Shabbat ends 5:02 p.m.Evening Services December 2-7 4:10 p.m.PARASHA CLASS – DECEMBER 5 1:00 p.m.

Friday December 7 - Candle Lighting 3:54 p.m.Saturday December 8 – 24 KislevParasha Vayeshev – Mincha 3:55 p.m.Shabbat ends 5:01 p.m.FIRST CHANUKAH LIGHT 5:01 p.m.

CHANUKAH RAFFLE DEC. 11 (see page 27)


Friday December 14 – Candle Lighting 3:54 p.m.Saturday December 15 – 2 TevetParasha Miketz – Mincha 3:55 p.m.Shabbat ends 5:02 p.m.Evening Services December 16-21 4:10 p.m.PARASHA CLASS – DECEMBER 12 1:00 p.m.LAST CANDLE – SATURDAY DEC. 15

Friday December 21 – Candle Lighting 3:57 p.m.Saturday December 22 – 9 TevetParasha Vayigash – Mincha 4:10 p.m.Shabbat ends 5:15 p.m.Evening Services December 23-28 4:10 p.m.PARASHA CLASS – DECEMBER 19 1:00 p.m.

FAST OF TEVET SUNDAY DECEMBER 23Fast begins 6:08 a.m. and ends 4:49 p.m.

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Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel50 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 51�

A Simcha to

Rememberat The Chevra

Please call our Executive Director, Steve Goldstein at (514) 482-3366 ext. 221 for more information on arranging

your simcha!


Catered by Le Ballroom

A Simcha to

Rememberat The Chevra


514-736-9112 •

Specialists in Video CommunicationCorporateDocumentary


Compliments of a


Please call our Executive Director, Steve Goldstein at (514) 482-3366 ext. 221 for more information on arranging

your simcha!


Catered by Le Ballroom

Advertising Space Available Please See Page 38 Advertising Space Available Please See Page 38

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ToURNAMENT 2012We’ve done it again! What a fantastic time was had by 144 golfers who spent the day in the sun having fun at the Val Des Lacs Golf Club, enjoying 18 holes of unsurpassed great golf,

amazing food (catered by Adam’s ), plenty of shnapps and l’Chaims with the Rabbi, and prizes galore.

We graciously thank our sponsors, who helped make the Executive and Board smile because of their extreme generosity, our fantastic Golf Committee of Billy Steinman, Danny Rossner, Gary Trestan, Jack Starke,

David Farber, Sanford Smith, Hershey Fitleberg, Steve Goldstein and Iona Redler; our in house golf pro Joel Fitleberg, and our terrifi c volunteers, Kathy Gardos, Erica Kurti, Josette Freedman and Hannah

Lewkowicz, who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make this day fl ow smoothly.

Sold, sold, sold!!! Our auction and raffl e was fun and fast paced as Howard Staviss raised the gavel and shouted ‘SOLD’ to the highest bidder, as the Bell Centre Loge, T.V.’s, Foursomes, Signed Memorabilia, Colonoscopy, Electric Bikes and more were trotted out the door.

All the winners were thrilled with their purchases and prizes.

Don’t miss out on the fun for next year. Sign up now – as a player or a sponsor!

Jornal Comunidade - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

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Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.