Homemade Honey, Thieves & Lemon Essential Oil Drop Recipe (2024)

A hard lozenge with soothing, Therapeutic Young Living Essential Oils!

Homemade Honey, Thieves & Lemon Essential Oil Drop Recipe (1)Homemade Honey, Thieves & Lemon Essential Oil Drop Recipe (2)

There are so many uses for Thieves including making these essential oil drops. These are sugar free and have immune supporting therapeutic grade essential oils in them. They are easy to make with just honey and your essential oils! And best of all, you can make them as strong or as mild as you like! You can also use your favorite essential oils! Lemon, Lime, Orange or Citrus Fresh would all by yummy choices!

Here is the simple recipe for Homemade Honey, Thieves Honey & Lemon Essential Oil Drops:

Homemade Honey, Thieves & Lemon Essential Oil Drop Recipe (3)

Homemade Honey, Thieves & Lemon Essential Oil Drop Recipe (4)

1 cup honey, brought to 300* using a candy thermometer as instructed. It took about 20 minutes for mine to reach 300 degrees. Stir often and start on med low heat. Then turn to low to prevent boiling over. It will keep boiling (adjust temperature as needed). ***BE CAREFUL,the honey can burn easily!!! So, you do not want to boil it at too high of a temperature. Also, I added a teaspoon of butter to keep the foaming down.

****You may have to boil for a few minutes longer if you live in a high humidity climate so the drops aren’t too soft. But be careful not to burn them!

Allow to cool for aseveral minutes, until it starts to thicken. This can be tricky so you’ll need to move fast once you see they start to thicken and depending on your mold.

You can add just10 drops of Thieves. Or I wanted a Honey Lemon flavor, so here is what I did: I started with 7 drops of Thieves, 3 drops of Lemon and 2 drops of Eucalyptus Globulus (Young Livings Eucalyptus Globulus is labeled as a supplement and safe for internal use, but no other brand would I consume internally). After I mixed it all together and tasted it (be careful it will be hot! I placed a drop on a piece of parchment paper over some ice to cool it quickly, then tasted it). I added more. Add more or less oils to your taste, but here is what I finally ended up with: 11 drops of Thieves, 7 drops of Lemon and 3 drops of Eucalyptus Globulus. I really liked that combo, it wasn’t too strong, but I could taste all the flavors of the oils. After they sit for a few days/weeks I may decide they need more or less, but right now, I liked it! 🙂 Tweak the amounts and combos of oils to your taste and liking.

***I only ingest Young Living Essential Oils. Never ingest any other brand!!!

Homemade Honey, Thieves & Lemon Essential Oil Drop Recipe (5)

Drop onto a sheet of Parchment paper to the size that look like that of a lemon drop. Or, I found these silicone molds on Ebay that were the perfect shape for what I was wanting to do! They worked out well by filling the molds up and they just popped out with ease and are perfectly shaped!


***This recipe will be much easier if you have some sort of a small candy mold to work with. The cough drops may start setting up if you try to drop all the mixture onto parchment paper unless you work very quickly. I got my molds HERE . Or you can look HERE .

***Do not double!!! 😉

***To ensure that your drops set up hard and not soft will depend on a number of factors. One being the humidity in your kitchen will have some bearing on how hard these set up. Number 2 is, make certain your thermometer is working properly! Test it in boiling water and make sure it reads 212 when boiling. Number. 3 is, make certain you be patient and bring the mixture to the FULL 300 degrees! This is very important or your drops will not set up properly. Mine took about 20 minutes! Yours may take longer or shorter. This will burn easily, so do not have it on too high of heat. I start on Med-Low and after it is boiling turn it to Low. So, be patient! 🙂

Homemade Honey, Thieves & Lemon Essential Oil Drop Recipe (6)

Let cool until hard, pop out of the moldand than wrap up in parchement paper. DO NOT use wax paper or your cough drops will stick onto the wax paper! Homemade Honey, Thieves & Lemon Essential Oil Drop Recipe (7)

Keep them in a container in the medicine cabinet.

*I only recommend using Young Living Therapeutic Grade (YLTG) Essential Oils in this recipe, since they are pure enough to be ingested, and lower quality oils may be toxic.

Homemade Honey, Thieves & Lemon Essential Oil Drop Recipe (8)

Many Blessings & Happy Oiling!


Stock up on Thieves by ordering as a retail customer by clicking Here or save 24% by buying as a wholesale customer! Click Here for more information on saving 24% off of retail!

***By the way, I am not a doctor – just a mom who uses essential oils in her own family. Please know that any information provided on Mamas Essential Oil Cabinetis for educational purposes only. It is not intended to prescribe, diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. It is your responsibility to educate yourself and address any health or medical needs you may have with your physician. Please seek professional help when needed.

Homemade Honey, Thieves & Lemon Essential Oil Drop Recipe (2024)


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