Des Moines Tribune from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)

I 1 1 Moines Tribune Page 18 In Traffic Court The following have appeared before Names, Municipal ages, Judge addresses Harry and B. dispOsitions Grund. in all cases are those on court records, The following have appeared on speeding charges, for which they paid fines of $10 or more $1 for each mile over the speed limit unless otherwise indicated: Dale M. Albert, 38, of 3328 Sixty-second $11. Beulah L.

Barbour, 29, of 1201 S.W. McKinley $15. Stephen C. Barr, 18, of 5810 Ingersoli driving 38 m.p.h. in a 25-mile zone, $14.

Henry I. Bechtel, 29, of Ames. driving 40 m.p.h, in a 30-mile zone, $11. Ronald D. Berry, 27, of 670 Eighteenth $30.

James E. Billingsley, 41, of Prairie City, $14. Dixie L. Blacksmith, 20, of 1321 Rittenhouse $10. Carol J.

Briggs, 35, of 1810 E. Thirtysecond court, $10. Phyllis V. Burgett, 27, of 1217 E. Twenty-seventh $10.

Robert W. Byers, 32, of 3838 E. Ovid $14. Carolyn J. Cannon, 20, of 4150 E.

Maple $10. Robert J. L. Conrad, Cooper, 18, 27, of of Carlisle, 3603 Center $10. David W.

Current, 41, of 4531 N.E. Fortieth $30. Geraldine A. Dawson 61, of Carlisle, $15. James R.

Dawson, 34, of 230 Seventh West Des Moines, $20. Max A. DeVries, 19, of 101 Locust $12. Arlene J. Di Angelus, 22, of 1445 Sixth $14.

Gerald G. Dissinger, 46, of -442 S.E. Diehl $15. Lorenzo R. Donarico, 36, of 931 Twentyninth West Des Moines, $20.

Leonard R. Drabek, 22, of 4127 Hull $14. William C. Duff, 22, 1364 Fifteenth driving 39 m.p.h. in a 25- mile zone, $15.

Thelma 1. Dyer, of 2321 Saylor road, $10. Grace L. Eales, 57, of 3523 University ave. $17.

Julia I. Enos, 33, of 2509 S.E. Sixth $11. ieth Sheldon C. Erwood, 39, of 1905 Windsor Heights, $10.

teenth Vicki V. Everhart, 20, of 743 $14. Delene A. Finch, of 114 E. Army Post road, $15.

$15. Charles L. Flickinger, 18, of Lehigh, Dicta R. Frazier, 47, of 1818 Porter $14. Larry L.

Gibson, 17, of 2012 E. Twenty-ninth $25. Melvin E. Goering, 22, of Pleasantville, Richard L. Gregoire, 17, of 1522 E.

Thirty-second $24. R. Gutscher, 29, of 3503 S.W. Thirteenth $13. Letla H.

Hall, 41, of Carlisle, $10. Hamm, 37, of 5811 Woodland road, $16. Michae C. Henry, 18, of 2661 Hull $20. $10.

Herschel D. Hester, 23, of 205 Hull Bernice A. Hirt, 47, of 3017 Bel Aire road, $16. Calvin R. Hogg, 19, of 3125 Sixth $20.

$20. Beverly J. Holtmyer, 24, of Winterset, Don E. Hutchings, 54, of 2510 S.E. Fiftysecond $12.

Gary E. Jacobs, 23, of 4623 N.W. Sixtysecond Joseph L. Johns, 49, of 6390 Merle Hay road, driving 36 m.p.h. in a 25-mile zone, 12.

Robert W. Klootwyk, 18, of 5426 Cherry Ankeny, $10. Leona E. Krull, 34, of 681 Fortieth $16 Wayne C. Lower, 45, of 1100 Kirkwood $12.

Mary B. McKeen, 20, of 103 Lincoln place drive, $30. Larry J. McKinney, 20, of 3941 Thirtieth $12. Donald M.

Mingus, 27, of 4101 E. Garden $14. Alice A. Montgomery, 22, of 1331 Tiffin $11. Helyne L.

Moore, 45, of 906 Knob Hill drive, driving 42 m.p.h. in a 30-mile zone, $13. Gregory L. Oswald, of 3608 Fiftyseventh $11. Lewis E.

Palmer, 53, of 4312 E. Thirtyeighth $10. Virginia M. Perin, 49, of 4965 N.W. Lovington road, $13.

Eric P. Pfeiffer, 64, of 1239 Fortyeighth $18. Don L. Price, 34, of Route 1, Ankeny, $16. Martin A.

Reed, 28, of 2139 Capitol $10. Gary C. Rieman, 18, of 6501 Sunset terrace, $10. Robert P. Riggs, 25, of 4715 Douglas $11.

Norman P. Rogers, of 3914 Fifty-sixth $14. Paul H. Rosenberg, 16, of 6020 Waterbury circle, $10. Guy L.

Saunders, of 1539 E. Court $10. Michael L. Schultz, 16, of 2101 E. Twenty-first $22.

John A. Smeihal, 35, of 6425 Center $10.... William T. Stockwell, 19, of 6416 Forest court, $10. Josephine 0.

Storrs, 4144 Fifth $13. Shirley A. Theis, 34, of 1502 Havens road, $10. Patricia L. Timson, 20, 1067 Twentysecond $18.

Opal F. Vignovich, of 4725 N.E. Twentyseventh court, $12. Rocco D. Viola, 47, of 1213 Porter driving 35 m.p.h.

in 25 mile, zone, $15. Ervin A. Wagner, 611 S.E. ave $15. Robert S.

Watten, 18, of 1107 Thirtysixth $10. Patrick J. Weber, 18, of Dunkerton, $15. Janet A. Wert, 18, of 908 Fortieth West Deis Moines, $12.

Mark A. Westrom, 18, of Ames, $12. Frank B. Wishavd, 62, of 1544 Fortyfifth $15. The following each paid a $10 fine for not making the required stop at a singal light: Sandra K.

Conway, 22, of 6506 S.W. Seventeenth st. Rose M. 39, of 212 E. Kenyon ave.

David DeCarlo, 25, of 7016 Aurora Urbandale. Robert J. Fausch, 42, of 7210 N.W. Gary W. Gereau, 25, of 3308 Ashwood Twenty-first Ankeny.

drive. Janice 1. Gowen, 28, of 4305 N.W. Eleventh court. Fkank L.

Grim, 20, of Dallas Center. A. Hall, 39, of 3905 Bowdoin st. Hershcel 'D. Hester, 23, of 205 Hull ave.

Calvin Beverly J. Hogg, Holm, 19, 16, of 915 S.E. ave. Diehi of 3125 Sixth ave. James W.

Holmes, 41, of 2675 E. Hull ave. Frank R. Hulbert, 19, of 516 TwentyCharles J. Kistler, 23, of 729 Seveneighth st.

teenth st. William J. Miler, 35, of 1004 Johnson st. 'Darlene L. Monk, 34, of 5580 N.W.

Fifth st. Stephen C. Mumford, 18, of 306 Fourth S.E., Altoona. Gregory L. Nelson, 18, of 7723 Dellwood drive, Urbandale.

Blanchard E. Orth, 63, of 2838 E. Walnut st. Charles Thomas D. J.

Robbins, Rowles, 20, 19, of 2814 Sixtyof Indianola. first st. David L. Samuelson, 17, of 668 Thirtythird Jerry L. Sheeks, 20, of 250 N.W.

Fiftyst. second st. Robert G. Sheldahl, 20, of 1913 First Gerald Ankeny, Stewart, 24, of 1129 Euclid ave. Melvin E.

Stewart 30, of 1329 Twelfth st. Richrd D. Swalin, 27, of Pomeroy. 5906 HickEdward W. Zingier, 65, of man road.

The following each paid a $10 fine for to observe a stop or yield sign: failure Charles L. Alberts, 42, of 2701 Fortyninth st. Linda E. Boone, 25, of 3318 School st. Ralph B.

Buckingham, 53, of Mitchellville. Luther T. Donley, 46, of 1252 E. Eighteenth st. Margaret M.

Dunn, 29, of 3818 Amherst st. Wilbur W. Green, 50, of 655 N.W. Aurora John C. Hermann, 18, of 1367 E.

Ninth Vernon J. Koontz, 63, of Webster st. Joanne H. LePera, 28, of 3108 Harding City. road.

Mary L. Mayer, 55, of 5432 S.W. Twentieth st. Kenneth R. Murphy, 22, of 2411 E.

Twenty -fourth st. Gordon R. Neumann, 17, of 3950 E. -fourth Gordon R. Neumann, 17, of 3650 John road.

Stephen A. Schill, 17, of 5505 Robertson Jerry L. Perkins, 26, of Madrid, drive. William D. Taque, 27, of 1900 Hickman road.

Martha M. Wagner, 25, of 4325 N.E, Twenty-ninth st. The following also appeared in court and were fined $10 or more each: Lawrence P. Long, 44, of 905E ight driving without operator's license, $10. Kenneth A.

Thompson, 26, of 3012 Dubuque failure to have vehicle under control, $15. Helen R. Codner, 61, of 1447 Thompson disregarding railroad signal, $10. Jesse E. Hobbs, 38, of 2604 S.E• Maury driving wrong way in one-way street, $10.

Murrel S. Owen, 43, of, 4117. Fifty -fourth driving wrong way one-way street, $10. Richard E. Groves, 61, of 1511 Arlington illegal turning, $10.

Terry L. Hughes, 20, of 6400 Hickman road, Windsor Heights, illegal turning, $10. James G. Jensma, 18, of 2012 Fiftysecond failure to signal, $10. Elmer D.

Jordan, 56, of 955 S. E. Sixieth illegal passina, $10. Tass View MOSCOW, RUSSIA (AP) Tass predicted Friday the race for the Republican presidential nomination "will be intricate, and unexpected turns are possible." Tass commentator Oleg Anichkin predicted in a report from New York that "new names will appear" in the race before the August nominating convention. Rites Set For Victims Of Collision Services will be Saturday in Webster City for two Des Moines men killed early Thursday in a two-car collision near Fort Dodge.

Services for Dennis Joseph Berleen, 22, will be at 10 a.m. at the Foster Funeral Home; for Gary Dean Brownfield, 25, at 3 p.m. at the same funeral home. The two, who lived at 1043 Twenty-first were in one car. Mrs.

McCain Three Fort Dodge persons in the other car were killed the driver, George H. Garth, 65, and his wife, Hallie, 64, and Mrs. Mildred McCain, 49. Mrs. McCain's husband, Glenn 51, was injured.

He was reported in fair condition Friday at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital in Fort Dodge. Son in Vietnam Services -for Mrs. McCain have been set tentatively for Monday. Surviving besides her husband are two sons, Roger, in the U.S.

Army in Vietnam, and Jeffrey, at home; a daughter, Gail, at home; four brothers, Donald and Glenn Herrick of Des Moines, C. Herrick of Carlisle and Fred Herrick of Avoca, and two sisters, Mrs. Neil Dawson of Carlisle and Mrs. William Iverson of Westminster, Colo. Rites for the Garths will be at 2 p.m.

Saturday at the First Christian Church in Fort Dodge. Suffolk Paper Strike at End DEER PARK, N.Y. (AP) A walkout of printers at The Suffolk Sun, Long Island's newest daily newspaper, ended Thursday morning with an agreement to mediate the dispute. The printers, members of the A.F.L.-C.I.O. International Typographical Union, quit work Wednesday in a dispute over the dismissal of one printer.

The walkout caused the morning newspaper to miss today's editions. Gardner Cowles III, publisher of The Sun, announced that the management and the union had reached agreement on submitting the dispute to mediation by the Suffolk County labor commissioner. A spokesman said publication was expected to be resumed Friday. Nuclear Test WASHINGTON, D.C. (AP) The Atomic Energy Commission said it conducted Friday a lowintermediate yield underground nuclear test at its Nevada test site.

The blast, equalling 20,000 to 200.000 00.000 tons of TNT, was the seventh weapons-related test announced this year. Strictly Business PRESIDENT Dolel1 3-17 Publichere-Hall 2900 "Oh, oh! He just got the quarterly earnings figures!" Potts Elected To Review Post Walter T. Potts, an operator of realty and appraisal firms here, was elected by a 2 to 1 vote Thursday night to a six-year term on the Polk County Board of Review. Potts, who lives on Fuller road in West Des Moines, succeeds the late L. C.

Strandberg, a West Des Moines insurance man who died last fall shortly before the expiration of his term on the property assessment board. Potts was nominated by the West Des Moines City Council and received the votes of the Polk County Board of Education as one unit and mayors of municipalities outside Des Moines, voting as a second unit. The Polk County Board of Supervisors nominated and voted for Paul O. Grodt, partner in a West Des Moines realty and insurance business, who lives at 1035 -third West Des Moines. Rail Freight Traffic Eases WASHINGTON, D.C.

(AP) Freight traffic on the nation's railroads last week totaled 14.1 billion ton miles, down 0.1 per cent from the same week last year, the Association of American Railroads said Friday. Freight cars loaded last week totaled 526,359, down 1 per cent from the preceding week and down 2 per cent from 1 the corresponding 1967 week. There were 25,775 piggyback loadings during the week ended Mar. 9, up 3.9 per cent from the corresponding 1967 week. When Johnny Cars was 13.

he was building a Soap Box Derby Gold Price Up in Paris PARIS, FRANCE (AP) Gold sold for the equivalent of $38.95 an ounce Friday, up 54 cents in greater demand on the Paris free market. The dollar price had shot up to $44.36 a week ago. Monday it dipped, but started back upward Thursday. The U.S.-backed price is $35 an ounce. Eight tons of fine gold were traded Friday, compared with 7.5 tons Thursday.

Volume was $10,361,740, compared with $9, 594,880 Thursday. Dakota Youth Freed in Killing ARMOUR, S.D. (AP) A circuit court jury Friday a acquitted William Stands, 19, of murder. The former University of South Dakota student from Rosebud had been accused in slaying of a jeweler, James Yeado, at Vermillion last year. Stands was immediately rearrested on charges of burglary and larceny.

He maintained he was not in the Yeado home when another former university student, Thomas White Hawk of Rosebud, shot White Hawk was sentenced to die in the electric chair. Gets Viet Post SAIGON, SOUTH VIETNAM (REUTERS) President Nguyen Van Thieu Friday appointed Tran Van An, a former journalist t. who 1 was once jailed for criticizing the late President Ngo Dinh Diem, to the newlycreated post of information minlister. Attend the Soap Box Derby clinic in your town. Johnny When he a boy, he played it smart.

He entered Carson. Comedian. Master of Ceremonies. Magician. One of television's best-known figures.

was young so he could have loads of time to build the Soap Box Derby early. Early racer. To get a better chance at winning that $500 Savings a Bond, his trip ships. to Take a Derbytown lead from and a Johnny share in Carson. big If college you're a scholar- now! boy, CHEVROLET A age 11 thru 15, enter the Soap Box Derby.

Do it See your sponsoring Chevrolet dealer. Please send me more information on the Soap Box Derby My name is. Address. City- State Zip Send to: Des Moines Jaycees 609 34th West Des Molnes, Iowa 50265 Mutual Funds Stock 20.16 21.92 NEW YORK (AP) Select 9.40 10.11 -The following quo- Var Pay. 7.91 8.68 tations, supplied by Fd 14.67 16:93 the National Associ-Johnstn 19.07 19.07 ation of Securities Keystone Funds: Dealers are Cus BI 21.09 the prices at which Cus B2 22.20 24.22 these securities Cus B4 9.64 10.52 could have been Cus K1 8.79 9.59 sold (bid) or bought CUS K2 6.04 6.50 (asked): Cus ST 20.71.

22.59 Bid Ask Cus 70.50 11.46 Aberdeen 2.84 3.10 Cus 9.93 Affil Fd 8.06 8.68 Cus 54 6.90 Am Bus 3.36 3.63 Int Fd 14.32 15.49 Divin 10.69 11.69 Lexingt 9.72 10.62 Am Grth 7.37 8.01 Lex Rsch 14.14 15.45 Am.Ins.Fd. 8.58 9.38 Life Inv 5,76 Am Inv 32.74 32.74 Life Stk 4.14 AmMut 9.27 10.13| Loomis Sales Fds: Asso Fd 1.51 1.65 Canad 31.83 31.83 Axe Houghton: Capit 11.1611.16 A 7.51 8.16 Mut 14.59 14.59 Fund 9.87 10.73-Manhtn Stock 7.04 7.69 Mass Gth 11.07 12.83 Sci El 19.67 21.38 Mass Tr 15.03 16.43 Blue Rid 12.38 13.53 MidAm Bost Fd 8.23 9.21 Mut. Fd. 6.77 7:40 Broad St 13.53 14.64 Morton Funds: Bullock 14.10 15.45 Grwth 11.83 12.96 Can Gen 7.81 8.54 Incom 4.20 4.60 Can Fd 15.80 47.10 Insur 6.18 6.77 Capit Inc 8.23 9.01 MIF Fd 17.53 18:95 Cent Shr 8.73 9.54 Mut Trust 2.54 2:59 Channing Funds: WSec 10.34 11.18 Balan 12.22 13.36 Nat Invest 7.14 7,72 Com Stk 1.84 2.01 Nat Sec Sera Grwth 15.68 17.14 Balan 10.88 11.89 Incom 7.82 8.55 Bond 5.88 6.43 Special 2.88 3.15 Divid 5.06 5.53 Chase Fd 10.98 12.00 Pf Stk 7.57 Chem Fd 16.71 18.27 Incom 5.85 6.39 Colonial: Stock 8.66 9.46 Equity 4.82 5.27 Grwth 11.21 12.25 Fund 12.64 13.81 Nat West Grwth 9.02 9.86 NEA Mut 10.91 31.13 ComSt Bd 4.71 5.12 Noreast 16.69.16:69 Commonwith Fds: 100 FC 13.14 14.46 Cap Fd 17.83 19.49 One WmS 15.30 15:30 Incom 9.76 10.67 Oppen Fd 6.99 1.64 Invest 9.56 10.56 Penn Sa 16.00 16:00 Concord 19.52 19.52 Phila Fd 13.59 14.89 Cons Inv 12.00 12.50 Pine St 11.20 11.20 Consm Inv 4.62 5.05 Pioneer 12.63 13.60 de Vegh 68.74 68.74 Price TR 21.88 21.88 Dela Fd 14.32 15.65 Puritan 10.72 11.59 Dif. Fd.

Putnam Funds: S.B.M. 5.15 5.60 Equit 10.72 11.59 Common 4.71 5.12 Georg 14.28 15.61 Div Gr Unavail Grth 11.33 12.38 Div Inv Unavail Incom 8.66 9.46 Divid Shr 3.57 3.91 Invest 7.13 7.79 DowTh In 7.37 7.97 Rep Tech 5.65 6.17 Dreyfus 13.24 14.45 Scudder Funds: Eatn Bal 10.79 11.72 Bal 15.62 15.62 Eatn Stk 14.65 15.91 Com St 10.65 10.65 Empl Gr 13.35 14.51 Intl Inv 13.94 14.19 Energy 15.20 15.20 Speci 35.91 35.91 Entprise 7.48 8.17 Sec Equit 15.12 16.52 Fairfd 12.49 13.65 Selec Am 10.60 11.47 Frm BMu 11.21 11.21 Shrhold 11.84 12.94 Fid Cap 12.61 13.71 Sup. Shrs. Fid Fund 16.81 18.17 (la.) 1.69 1.84 Eid Financial Trnd 26.93 29.27 Sw State Invest St 42.24 8.97 45.75 9.70 Progrm: Dynm 5.78 6.32 Stein Roe Funds: Fletcher 14.75 Bal 19.50 19.50 Fla Gth 4.44 6.81 4.85 7.44 Intl Stock 14.51 12.89 14.51 12.89 Founders 8.03 8.78 Sterl Inv 12.37 13.37 Foursa 12.87 14.07 Sup InGth 6.09 6.67 Franklin Stk Custdn: 6.67 7.31 Temp Technol Gt 16.47 8.77 18.08 9.56 Fund Am 9.78 10.69 Texas Fd 16.84 11.85 Fund Inv Unavail TwenC Gth 5.01. 5.48 Gen Invest 6.74 TwenC Inc 5.16 5.64 Gen Sec 11.18 11.18 United Funds: Group Sec: Accm 7.25 7.92 Aero Sc 9.49 10.38 Incom 13.12 14.34 Com St 12.95 14.16 Scien 8.37 6.03 9.15 6.59 Ful Ad 8.96 9.80 UnFd Can Gryphon 17.66 19.30 Value Val Lin Line 8.16 Funds: 8.94 GUardn 25.68 25.68 Ham hda 5.08 5.55 Incom.

6.07 7.77 6.65 8.52 Mann 14.52 15.13 Spi Sit Hubs Fd 10.75 9.46 10.28 10.75 Viking In 11.14 0.64 12.17 7.22 Imp Cap WallSt Imp Gth 7.34 7.98 Wash Mu 12.56 13.73 Ind Trend 13.66 14.93 Whitehll 13.72 14.83 Inc Fnd 12.47 13.63 wndsr Fd Inves Bos 12.34 13.49 Winfield 11.89 12.99 Ind Fund 6.72 7.34 Wiscon 7.07 7.12 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION (T-682) NOTICE OF PUBLIC BIDS HEARING AND INVITATION FOR NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND FORM OF CONTRACT FOR DEMOLITION THE RIVER AND HILLS URBAN RENEWAL AREA IN SITE CLEARANCE IN THE CITY OF DES BIDS MOINES, THERE- IOWA AND FOR TAKING OF FOR. Sealed proposals will be. received Des by Moines, the City Council of the City of Office of the City Clerk until 9:30 A.M., CST, on the 10th day of AND 1968, SITE for CLEARANCE as per specifications now the following DEMOLITION on file in the office of the Room Department 204, City of Urban Development, Hail, Des Moines, received Iowa, will be opened and tabulated Proposals at a public meeting presided over by the City Manager in the Council Chambers in the City Hall at 9:30 1968, A.M., after CST, on the 10th day of April, which bids together with a report and recommendation of the Chief Civil City Engineer Council for will the DEMOLITION AND SITE be presented 10 the The City Council will hold a public CLEARANCE described below. hearing on the matter of the final form adoption contract of for plans, the DEMOLITION AND specifications, and of SITE CLEARANCE, GROUP in the City of Des accordance Moines, Iowa, Chapter hereinafter 23, described in Code of lowa, at 9:00 1968, A.M., in the CST, on Council the 15th day of April, Chambers of the City Hall, Des Moines, Iowa. Inasmuch as the aforesaid DEMOLITION AND SITE CLEARANCE improvements are proposed to be made as a River Hills Urban Renewal Project expense which under the Urban Renewal Manual Requirements require certain reviewing of the bids and investigating the qualifications of the bidders prior to awarding of the contract and certain concurrences the Regional Office of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, said may be held by the City.

of Des Moines for a period of not to opening exceed of the 30 days from the date of the bids, following which review, investigation. and concurrence the City Council take action thereon. Description of work: Complete demolition of buildings and clearance down to bare land of two (2) together with designated areas of adiacent parcels, on the site and in the vicinity of the City vehicle, equipment, and materials storage facility near East Second and Maple Streets, including certain parts of buildings and other man-made installations existing below around and certain trees, with no exceptions other than those specifically mentioned in the Specifications or shown on the Drawings; and to furnish all items, articles and materials mentioned or scheduled in the Specifications, including all labor, material, equipment and incidentals necessary and required to complete the pertormance DEMOLITION AND SITE CLEARANCE, GROUP work in the River Hills Urban Renewal area in the City of Des Moines, Iowa, After his satisfactory execution of contract and filina of required bonds and evidence of insurance the successful bidder will be given, at different times, a separate Notice to Proceed for each of three Phases into which the work is divided, with a different starting date for each and possibility of an interim period between. Work is required to begin within seven (7) calendar days and to be completed within a specitied number of calendar days after effective date. of Notice to Proceed for each of the three Phases of the work as follows: Phase Forty five (43) days; Phase 11: Thirty (30) davs; Phase Ill: Seventy five (75) days.

LiqUidated Damages in the amount of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per calendar day will be assessed against the Contractor for each calendar day of delay in completion of any single Phase of the work, or of each and every Phase the work, as the case may be. Payment to the contractor for the above work will be made from cash on hand, said payments to be estimates based on the amount of the completed work in 8 thirty (30) day period. Contract Documents, includina Drawings and Technical Specifications, are on file at the office of the Department of Urban Development, Room 204, City Hall, Des Moines, Iowa. Copies of the Contract Documents and bidding forms may be obtained from the Department of Urban Development by depositing Ten Dollars ($10.00) in cash or by check payable to the Treasurer of the City of Des Moines. Each such deposit will be refunded if the Drawings and Contract Documents are returned in good condition within ten days after bid opening.

Each bid must be accompanied with a certified check, enclosed in a separate envelope, said check to be drawn on some known, responsible bank and made payable to the order of the City Treasurer of the City of Des Moines, lowa. in the sum of not less than of the total bid price. Such check must not contain any condition either in the body of the check or endorsem*nt thereon. All Bid documents including the Bid, the Bid Guaranty, and the Non-Collusion Affidavit shall be enclosed in the envelopes, outer and inner, both of which Shall be addressed to the City Clerk, sealed, and clearly labeled with the words, 'DEMOLITION AND SITE CLEARANCE BID DOCUMENTS, RIVER HILLS, GROUP together wtih name of Bidder and date and time of bid opening in order to guard against premature openina of the bid. Bid forms will be furnished for the purposes of submitting the Bid.

All items of the Proposal are tied together. Certified checks accompanying proposals will be returned to the unsuccessful bidder, and also the bidder to whom the contract is awarded, when he shall have entered into contract. in the form prescribed by the City Council, and given bond in the sum required which shall not be less than the full contract amount with a Corporate Surety to execute said work. In case the successful bidder shall fail to enter into contract or furnish bond as required by law, said check shall be forfeited to the City of Des Moines as agreed and liquidated damages. By virtue of statutory authority, preference will be given to products and provisions grown, and coal Produced within the State of lowa.

In acceptina this contract, the Contractor agrees not to commit any of the following unlawful employment practices, to include this non-discrimination clause in any sub-contract connected with the performance of this agreement: (1) To refuse to hire, employ, or to bar or to discharge from employment any indivi. dual because of his race, color, religion or national origin; (2) To discriminate against any. Individual In terms, Conditions or privileges or employment because of his race, color, religion or national, origin; (3) To use any form of application for employment or to make any inquiry in recruiting or advertising for employees which requests the race. religion or national origin of any individual: (4) To discharge, expel or otherwise discriminate against any individual because he has opposed any practices forbidden under this section of the contract. Ord.

No. 5775. Attention is called to the fact that not less than the minimum salaries and wages set forth in the Contract Documents must be paid on this project. and that the Contractor must ensure that emplovees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of their race, creed, color, or national origin. The City of Des Moines reserves the right to reject any.

or all bids. or to waive any informalities 'DES MOINES, bidding TOWA By Thomas N. Urban. Mayor Attest: Donald H. Gerdom, City Clerk Published 1968 and Des Moines Tribune March March 29, 1968.

INVESTING Group: COMPANIES Mut 18.82 11.76 Harlan's Hero Kevin Petersen of Harlan is carried around the floor in triumph after hitting the last-second field goal that beat Ottumwa in a Class AA game Thursday. TOP BOWLERS TOP BOWLERS and a Kiss after being carried around, Petersen gets hugs and kisses from cheerleaders. What They SayMIKE ROYKO, Chicago Daily News sports writer: "Look what happened to Bo Belinsky, a pitcher for the Houston team and one of the finest sporting world figures since Errol Flynn (Belinsky quit the team after being refused permission to stay out late). Apparently Bo and his girl, Playmate of the Year Jo Collins, wanted to watch the late-late movie or something. This doesn't seem like an unreasonable request.

Very often the best movies-Godzilla or Charlie Chan-don't come on until midnight." JOHN P. CARMICHAEL, Chicago "Where does the proposed the next stop, with maybe to Japan), Mexico City and What happens if Dallas-Fort ment and Buffalo keeps major league cities (based available money) set up: a ROGER MARIS, only member ball team who didn't get "I haven't had a raise in seven from hitting 61 home runs an encore." Daily News sports editor: baseball expansion end? Is 14 Tokyo, Hawaii (to break the jump maybe Puerto Rico being added? Worth gets left out of this alignyelling and a few other so-called strictly on population growth and howl for representation?" of the St. Louis Cardinals basea raise (he stayed at years. That's what happened in 1961. I can't come back with Bowler Rolls 845 Series -246, 299, 300 Games DETROIT, MICH.

(AP)-A suburban Livonia man fired 33 strikes in 36 frames Thursday night to roll an 845 series, including a 300 game. Getulio (Jet) Perrelli, 41, rolled games of 246, 299 and 300 for the third highest series recorded by the American Bowling Congress this year. The A.B.C. reported the highest series this year was 852, rolled by Vic Koss of Madison, Wis. Drake K-State Defends Underwater Film Title At 'Y' Tuesday Drake's track team will wind up its indoor season Saturday by trying to repeat as champion in the Kansas State Relays at Manhattan.

The Bulldogs, who tied with Colorado for the title last year, will have 27 competitors in 15 events in the meet. Drake trackmen and events will be: Distance medlev John Pollock, Warrer Whitted, Elliott Evan: Gordon Hoffert; shuttle hurdles-Brian Sul- Bob Ekbiom, Bob Wedemver, Tom Graves, Rick Wanamaker; twomile relay- -Jim Maguire, Hoffert. Dennis Hunt, Whitted: sprint medley relay- -Brent John Slav, Stiles. Rav Mike Dunn; mile Jackson. Dunn, Stay; 300-Steve Hodges; high hurdles Sullivan, Ekblom, Wede.

meyer, Graves: 75. dash Steve Moore: 600-Tim Eakins; freshman 1,000 Mike Jones: pole vault-Don Draper, Phil Cordina. Bob shot- Lyman: high lump Wanamaker: -Dud Calder: two-mile-Evans, Hunt: mile relay- -Dave Compton. Bob Johnson, Larry Sellers, Maguire, Matson Joins Striders Team HOUSTON, TEX, (AP) Randy Matson, world record holder in the shot put, has joined the Houston Striders and will compete with that Amateur Athletic Union track and field group through the first Olympic trials June 29. Matson, who wound up his collegiate eligibility at Texas A.

and M. at mid-semester, is expected to make his debut with the Striders at the Texas Relays Apr 5-6. AT GRAND Register and Tribune Men Mike Maxa 629. Lutheran Ladies Sandy McPherson 530. Post Office Will Hunt 246-606; Elmer Tolson 255; John Carr 240.

Massey 1 Ferguson Jerry Hein 231-608. AT VAN GINKEL Mixed Gwen Harden 204-541. D.M. Mixed Leo St. Peter 263-611.

Meredith Daryl Felt 236; Jim Williams 234; Sid Disbrow 226.0 AT PLAZA Straightaway Ann Rand 254 Mary Alice Polito 216-206-616; Betty Speas 200-213-596; Bev Rand 204- 216-594; Madge Peters 200-525; Mary Lou Knapp 506; Norma Steitz 511; Mary Ann Niblo 502; Gladys Lonachan 527; LonVon Denton 516; Norma Trickey 206-515; Mary Wilson 559; Elinor Rogers 201-543; Carol Mease 506; Thelma Jackson 200; Grace Trowbridge 200-542. Hawks Don Hill 600; Herb Montis, 245. Homebuilders Gary Tracy 629. Thursday Night Mixed Rex Tahoman 241; Merle Hush 232; Dee Parrott 206- 531. Firestone Ladies Joyce Palmer 215-522.

AT MERLE HAY Ten Pin Ramona Ward 520; Shirley Millet 503. All Trades Reggie Jurgenson 254--616; Dale Schreuis 605. AT BOWLAMAT Senior Citizens Curt Wold 617. Ladies Grandview Bernadine Lassitter 225-513; Lora Buchholz 526; Doris Fisher 521; Betty Davis 583. Pioneer Don Carpenter 626.

Farm Bureau Walt Downs 604; Fred Waugh 631; Vince Baldus 602; RUSS Naylor 231; Bud Bolden 235; Art Blue 226; Bob Doolittle 235; George Brown 603; Bob Unsted 608; Doug Almquist 630; Don Gercima 601; Gerry Glantz 214; Lil Dugan 224; Jan Carson 202-553; Maybelle Wisecup 217 560; Phyllis Hoyle AT THUNDERBIRD Night Hawks Chuck Mackey 235; Larry Carter 246 665; Don Siberling 243; Larry Heck 612. Classic John Critelli 234-243- 234-711: Bill Knight 245-619; Don Carson A.M. 230 Trio 632. Gurnea 234. Mixed Donna Brugioni 213-575; Marlene Woodard 536; Millie Webb 513; Ruby Cox 512; Nita Todd 506; Norma Grant 202; Crish Christensen 247; Gary Hensvel 235.

Ladies Artistic Trophy Maxine Bleakley 522. AT AIR LANES Local 164 Bob Claman 236- 257-696; Howard Sargeant 227-605; Duke Dunigan 243- 605; Gordon Longdon 226; Gary Aswegan 225. Alley Cat Vee Cochran 202-548; Jean Merica 544; Barbara Thomas 542; Delores Wilkes 533; Phyllis Dondinger 517; Othella Warrell 203--513; Areta Oliver 502; Eleanor Howard 201. Bowleretes Ann Venosky 553; Vera Noah 548; Virginia Trent 539. Matinee Dianne Delana 202-509; Pat Crawford 201-509; Helen Baker 523; Janice Moone 504; Phyllis Dondlinger 503; Anita Hein 501.

AT VAL Country Club Ladies- Betty Porter 553; Connie Elkin 524; Betty Reynolds 524; Kit Jeffries 526. W.D.M. Business Jon Ingraham 237-614; Dale Schreurs 608; Clayton Ridgeway 234; Leon Mease 232--618; Ken Rabern 229-649; Wayne Lovell 237-600; Clem Rich 227-616; Bill Doughton 248. AT BOWLERAMA Ladies Vivian Wilson 214; Barb Day 203; Arlene Dey 202-515. Tiger Bob Christensen 613; 238; keny Zimmerman 235.

Larry Nutrelle 265- -600; Phil Purdy Mixed Howard Trent 237; Loren Lona 233; Carrol Christensen 226. SPORTS RESULTS. Baseball MAJOR EXHIBITIONS NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. St.

Louis, 10 2 Chicago Cincinnati Atlanta Houston Los Angeles Pittsburgh New York San Francisco 7 Philadelphia 10 AMERICAN LEAGUE W. L. W. L. Oakland Washington 8 8 3 Detroit California 8 Chicago Baltimore Cleveland 6 Boston 00 New York 4 4 Minnesota 10 THURSDAY'S RESULTS St.

Louis 4, Pittsburgh 0 Atlanta 7, Philadelphia 0 Detroit 3. Cincinnati 0 Washinaton 2, New York (N) 1 Houston 11, Boston Minnesota Los Angeles 6 New York (A) 5, Mexico City Tigers 4 San Francisco 14, Cleveland 3 Chicago California 0 Oakland 5, Chicago (A) 4 Basketball N.I.T. SEMIFINALS Dayton 76, Notre Dame 74, overtime Kansas 58, St. Peter's N.J., 46 J.C. TOURNEY Winner's Bracket Quarterfinals San 106, Christian College.

94. Murray, 78, Miami-Dade, 59 LOSERS' BRACKET FIRST ROUND lowa Central 95, Broome Tech, N.Y. 78 Paducah. Ky. 93, Bismarck, N.D, 56 (Bismarck eliminated) SECOND ROUND Northeastern (Colo.) 97, Hutchinson (Kan.) Boise, 88 66, St.

Louis Baptist 64 A 37-minute film of the John Pennekamp Underwater State Park in the Florida Keys near Key Largo will be shown at the Central Y.M.C.A. Subaquanuts Skin and Scuba Club meeting next Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. The public is invited. Thirty-six Scuba divers from the Des Moines Club will leave for the Florida Keys area on Apr. 5 and will spend eight days diving on the reefs in the park area as well as other places in the Keys area.

Karate Classes The Des Moines Central Y.M.C.A. will begin the spring session of Karate next Monday. The class is open to boys of high school age and older. The class meets on Monday at 7 p.m. and Saturday at noon.

Sprains Wrist HONG KONG (AP) Peter Thomson of Australia, fivetime winner of the British Open Golf title, was forced out of the Hong Kong Open Friday with a sprained right wrist. A.B.A. EASTERN DIVISION Won Lost Pct. Behind Pittsburgh 54 24 .692 Minnesota 50 28 .641 4 Indiana 38 39 .494 New Jersey 36 42 .462 18 Kentucky 35 42 .455 WESTERN DIVISION New Orleans 47 30 .610 Dallas 46 31 .597 Denver 44 33 .571 Houston 29 48 .377 Anaheim 24 53 .312 Oakland 22 55 .286 division title. New Orleans 105, Anaheim 85 Dallas 128, Oakland 103 Pittsburgh 108, Kentucky 104 Montreal Boston New York Chicago Toronto Detroit West Philadelphia Los Angeles Minnesota St.

Louis Pittsburgh Oakland 8, Chicago Toronto 5, Detroit NATIONAL Hockey LEAGUE Division PIs. GF GA 40. 19 10 90 219 149 36 24 10 82 249 201 35 22 12 82 209 171 32 23 15 79 204 204 29 30 10 68 191 170 25 33 11 61 227 238 Division 30 28 11 71 168 165 29 31. 67 184, 212 25 30 14 64 211 24 29 15 63 162 175 23 33 12 58 175 203 15 41 15 45 144 207 2 INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Muskegon 6. Port Huron tie SPORTS FRIDAY GREATER DES MOINES-Boys' state tournament at Veterans Memorial Auditorium.

STATE-lowa Central of Fort Dodge National lunior college tournament at Hutchinson, Kan. Hockey GREATER DES MOINES -Oak Leafs at Toledo. Wrestling STATE- Drake, lowa and lowa State in National Collegiate meet at Penn State. Baseball STATE lowa State vs. Northwestern (2) at Jonesboro, Ark.

Gymnastics BIG EIGHT -Conference meet at homa..

Des Moines Tribune from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)


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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

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